Ontario fleld representative 'hCaaliiSti for the Industrial Productsi N E S T L ETrO N C1da ttsaBwmn ,Mr ,16 -Division. Following this he' r.Nra ri was on spectal staff assign-1 lssElsie Barker has re-iville whlle Mr. Fallig Was n!s. cnoran rviea ndwr addwnt-atF al ae ment in roil covering sales in turned from holidlays in Clear- Nestieton sitin his broth- Ircend Mlrs. ar h oesrie htCrwih the Industriai Products Divis- water, Foia r iwmisr. rnoldMran Mr.JmsHrsfkhvete potuîyo Mr. .nd Mcs.TDonsonwE:Itqi' MmiBotn. ii0onEd2to ed as field representative of1st a couple of days at Delh1' Friends are pleased that Mr.F und, te lldTh Bbi Phn 97423 the south-eastern Ontario ter- last week.. LrIenHyanhes roressing I ritory. Lre yadisporsi)l[udy mnng which was served ta them by donation showîng the thanks, In his new position, Couttie Mre. HAtkn Tr on tksnadfvbyi ort Pery HOS i un a nngos e'e-dOIt h e ros ead Brownie Mothers, Mrs. Jean of the Hockey Mothers. wl e pnibleforxna- M s Awtion MTro no, vst .FrdSvnche LfsCmedCideteH ptaU- Georges WA.witanh ilPethoeprd s c nlypreaching at Graceitunion with her parents, Mr:'asUfthVe eervi ntePe-nopruiyt ieI AnnaVisereadbasedVckyat ent aote earin B United Church. !and Mrs. Jas. Redman, Lind- Sudaytervi eChurch wI o traitcwybttepr Gudkat Ms)Ma-saldntofor the uTona olin bHaines, Toronto, tisay ho r fCypr. Mauriye r n hui hrch Re.prngisofhsefb 4 a n d , ~ P e s o , i î Gui e Ca t in M r5 m -e ir m l ai onor t e us fCo 1 1in gw ood ase plant. aM r. an d M r A w a n s C r o a M aurice R edtan wo i m ence nt 11:15 a.m . o a o c s a d d w e a ie r rt n of 2 d C t i as f rna th o raec o p ne r, a d M sý1 In t e U ie S ocial and .10A elrwcastwaemNashvilletaTtnneotsee,,andmotion wwifedeand hiteiNashvilleTennesseeokedabout s Jufa andiSiting raght homesshospîtaas thankIng them for the help the two dozen hockey sticks pur- Neended the Grand Ole bey.juR reann I.hmýrYa iJss Companies had received In the chased for Tyke, Atom, Pee Mreandcas.tlre rig tilMach9.M y c rne ihth 0pecs0.g hi rolm.nnvstn Newcaste-We take this the weekend, also calllng In ta1 past from the Mothers, and Wee, Bantam and Midget Mi Ptr.bod rough, enjyed Sun-wright Young people wiîî re- than for th the lvo h optaso ethms Wise ortuit a qic ecvery 10ee, r.anevill. Alert e raincniuehs iNwcsepaesBowdingeeterbooeghentary ann-' hi ser Tha oot ntdy r rigcert hs Oporuntytoexen bsI se r.an Ms.Kenehasking that this help and co- Iteams. These would be for win yenngdnew Ith mrtende Maurice as he at-Ih CucloRoetW to h ohr r.H R.Pacoeaincniu.Ithe ueo ecsl lyr and Mrs. George Bowers. people are also morcncr-wo reane rwh av Concllr oer Wlln h mthrMr.H.R.Perc, Seated at the head table iduring out-of-town or home sho ee e«Was taken ta Memorial Hos- who bas been staying with.her were: Lieutenant (Mrs.) Sus- Itown games In the event their1 Ladies - 200 and Over Mr. and Mrs. ]Rae Malcolm, Mcolr, .e it oc and ils pooeran close relatives or loan( lita or., Saturday. We know daughter in Chesley since an Floyd, District Commission- aown stick breaks during the1 Frances Wright 328 Janetville, and Mrs. Mary Mrin r.Nra yn1than they are insevc rns.Mnnedpitulad LeI ee this message as he Is Christmas, returned ta New- il suppePalineand Lorie.FoUxbridthegeeia nresaLesstaf and60inlcdo wng Sgood upteaan Lor, Iandidet adgiveJeuthadsithei r Vic~~~~~~~iand Mrs. Herman Rodman,itheir fellow men.Bblmuib uieanu- a long time reader of the castie also an the weekend. Sno Guide (r. Dorellalwould b e ie back ta the Mr Foster- 212 get with Mr. and Mrs. Ve ae n isn iteBi- Statesman. Perhaps by know- During the weekend, Cons-I Chard. Charlotte Mary Brere- icoach and the lad would be Evelyn Meadows ------201 bar Malcolm. KrnadWloLtl rtIdrto.Tesekrugd Ing bis friends wish hlm well table and Mrs. John Chalmerstn Cap tain Brereton, Aimeeýable ta purchase another stick Friday Mixed - 200 and Over Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ma-anerSudyupevsiIWmf'WodDy fPaerRcd orBbl. bis wn bforehis exîRuthCouc ______st28colin and family, Don Milîs ors wîth their parents, Mr. andý An impressive ani olm itwi epsotnbssay at and their family took up resi- Brereton, Lieutenant (Mrs.) of hsonbandhsnetRt Cuh26 time net ton quickly, se thatîSubdivisien. Constable Chalm- rCampbell, and Badge Secre I chased i n the feul. Albert Pearce -___ 275 Mrs. Malcolm (Aunt Mamie) Mrs. Stan McNeillhe. Taronto, resbyerian lichn nj 1.prea hA cen be enjoying the bestl ers is stationed at the Bow- tary Mrs. Janet McCracken. There belng ne further busi- Ran Good _____ 247 reburned with them for a were Saburday caîlers. 'day, March Ist forth of health fully when he does manville O.P.P. Detachmenb Following introductions, re- ness, members wvere asked te Dave Crackle 247 .week's visît. Mr. Eli Mairs returned home Dya ryrwe i hsintilvwa rl ra return home. and Is making himself weilports af Guide Progress were îak over wîîb other members Ben Haogkamp 246' Mn. and Mrs. Oram Moore on Friday afler a week's visit cuchsIn Cartwnih on sr c ie ol edri wouldd ellswell atth thatn mog te cIolcndDairying oufayw thes auhte adhon-me pweBerprsr Necle Loseemb t a. he k nn amsg he vsc heo 1 made. At present. in the 2nd and bring back ideas for the Larry Pearce 245an Dad wee T rsywihbsautradso--hpwr epsncd Newaste LonsClu di an chldrn, s h viitstheCompany, some of the newnext meeting ta take on a pro- Tracy Embley 230) evening dinner guesîs with bis law, Mr. and Mrs. Georgei rs John Carnagi ,rp n nte' udn. other great job In servîng an ischools lecturing on road Guides are studying local ject. One suggestion was a Stan Allun ___ 224, grandmother, Mrs. Sedman, Windsor and family, Balan-iresenting the' Wome'ne- TeWai a iPae endless lune-up of hungry pan: safety. He replaces Constable knowledge, wilh some ef the lm ok n lwste Merril Henry 222 Wbibby. On Saturday eveningtlae0O Satunday, Mr. Mairs!cburch Council of Cndr-Hm,"h a huGw cake eaters last Tuesday e-PtConi.older Guides working on their jlearned that ethers have begun Judy Powell 221 i Mr. and Mrs. MohPorevstd accopae bi s soM.nd raneithmenatunndm esfor tt Bnditoncn nd offer20 epl t- Ticiopeing SaudyIsthe ew Citipnyhavg.e j e i wo sigudsfrk- W Janl ace --ou--h-2006fOsaw tended this annual affair an ofcaloengo th e Cmpyhvejidinwr School Board Meeting 2(( fOsaa Norman Mairs ta Celingwoedâ Mrq. Howard Lee a h ie ne one was known te have'Ontario- Provincial P o 1 i c e ing for Iheir Campfire Cen-! The School Board also held Newtonville Ladies M.adMs etrSa-weeh ilrmi o edrad ohr sitn gone away hungry. Somne 60 Office, located just over the! tificate. This requires know- their regular meeting on Mon-I15adOe kr ootwr udywe ihhsduhe nýeeMs on peunds of sausages being serv- 401 bridge. Interested resi- îng a native folk sang, a dyening and in attend- Liz Williams - . --- ----- 205 visitors with Mr. and Mrs.json-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Geo-1Ralph Larmer, Mr.Mto ed aleng with 900 pancakes dents thnoughout the area wilI foreign folk sang, taps, a two- ance at ihis meeting xvas the Maria Vogels - -------1 0 ()George Heaslip. Their grand- Irge Sellers and family. IFisher. Mrs. Johin Hml shhulo cnvy om ieaetbewecom tsatednheopn-pateong.oftîd ndanscoa ispt r.Maceo AnaooerattnKeinNedittehee n.anpMs.GrntThmp ýpat sng a oud ad a!shoo ispetor M. McLod nn ooer 85sonKe&n andttenMrs. Normanrs.Grnt hMairnd rs Moma how busy these men were Inl ing and tour the inside of theïaction sang. lfothim praised the board Thursday Mixed - 200 and Over Saturday nigbt and Sun lay son visiledi his Lakve w'Pr.lhru elomiead'telde th ktheno a etini uldn. Frt opayhaig ofo heiprovements made ta Russell Powell ---------- 215iwith bis grandiparents. M.James Tbompson, 23-330Prut elore the cleaning of the never-end-ý Our friends and neigbbors new recruits, their work basth scol Tw evrea Doug Mcllwain 227 and Mrs. Maurice Nesbîtt en-!Manor, Beaverton, on Wed-adMsKnnt ihkad .lng drty dshes.in Memonial Hospital, Bowv- been centred around advancedpretrshvbenpca- Marilyn Coucb ___ 211 tertained ber parents, Mn. and1nesdayr and were oven-night Mrs. Ceci! Wilson recie h On onayevein ntics mnvlle ae astr erintest and badge work. With ed, library books, a spare Bernice Partner 206IMrs. Heaslip for Sunday even-;guests witb bis sister and hus-jofering. were handed eut te Cubs and IBlights, Mrs. Dorothy Bridger, 1 some of the senior girls work- duplicator and some physicali Florine McLean . .205 iing dinner. ihand Mr. and Mrs. RusseWl Mrs. lienrv VIssrsn Scouts te be taken home and 1Mrs. Berthe Clark, Keith îg o hi stooe' dcaineupetLaebe î e 2 n vrMr. and Mrs. Howard Lee'Fnancis. On Thunsday tbeyl "You Must Be]ice" trs- placed In the bands et their'Demooy, Otto Kanklis, Mrs-!Badge, there Is one girl finish-added Burton ------- -- 294land Clifford enjoyed Sundayývisited Mrs. James Naylor,!Richand Daxison at hain parents. Ti wsan Ivt-El i dr r.Jneigjde.ýine ihM.The' World thene Ba This ta ated hscinvta El a Sei der on.n i ing ber Gold Cord requIre- Fred Stommell attended this Ron Good 259dnenwt M. and Mrs.!Pefferlaw. tien ta tted te Scut baw Maler ordn Smp-ments. Two others have be- meeting, esking why it was Lloyd Taylor -___ 243 Walter McGill, Janetville. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs.,Ont' Another's Ftîdes va Group Commitîee, it was aise! son. Mns. Mae Tomns and1 gun la work towards this goal thal no Parent Teachers meet- Gond Simpson 2361 Mrs. Clarke Williîams spent Bruce Heaslip called on Mn. ably presenled by M~W a mnalter af great importance, Councillor Robent Walton. and still another bas nearlyngevr ed.Sol George Glanville - 234, a couple of days last weekand -Mrs. Cneighton Devitt,iHoe'ey who was t]eseae fo tes oy wo r atie Ltte acySharrba n-compîeîed ail the requirements Principal Ronald Munro an- George Kimbali ---- -- 2301witb bier daughter, Mrs. DeuglBowmanvilie and were even- ai the' day. In eitber et these lwo groups,iturned home atter bavlng ber for ber Ahl Round Cerd. I wrdti ain hti aîJack Chard . 226 Fallis and boys in Bowrnan- ing dinner guests with Mr. endi Mrs. Hooey, in annfma ta have a well attended meet- tonsils removed. Scott RudelI'1 The Guides and Iheir Lead- If oredanius rasns, ne at in a ------ Ing. The interest on behaîf underwent anothen operation jens were mest appreciative affri au reasons er ews ain h aith mthrswhn aledon o Fidy.Heisdongweltbe assistance and Instruction building gaing on at the' MILO & MELLOW for food or catering Is one 0f and remains In Oshawa Gen- given ta them by Mrs. Wilda sho.H xlie hti the est an faher anwen erl Hspial.Jobnson, who has apened ber tbe past an atbempt had been Ing a cail far belp In driving Durham Chapter, O.E.S., 'homne te tbemn and encouraged made ta formi a Parent-Teacb- these boys ta some destina- Bowmanville, whene a great Ibem i wîîb Ieir Home Nurs- csOgnzten îhsvrl8 ' LO (OFFEE W e're tion Is also greeted with great many Newcastle people anre ering Badge.wih evra ca-aperation. But neither of members, wlll hold their an- Receîvîng badges on thîs very interested parents hope- 1-LB BAG 3-LB BÂG c lb aig/ the two,Motbers af the Motb- nual Opportunity Sale In evening were Mary Grace Pal- fui of getting il started, but -ee r tn ér's Auxiliary. or Fathers et Mercb. If you bave clotblng, erson, Arlene May Munro, wbo wben the samne people were *,... the Gnoup Committee. are met dishes. or any householdreevd berCksBge called on ta formn an execu- IIY with mucb interest and Most1 article Ibat Is new doing ne Cbild Cane Badges went teaiv the Inlerest seemed te .n.n .008 9 you jie.ne ont' other than the1 more In yeur attie or base-I Mary Grace Paterson, Anlene drap. A siate ai officess .executive and leaders boîhers1 ment than laking up space May Munre, Angela Chard and couldn't be drawn up, and se -ta sow u at te Grup Coi- S lyMit was that il was dropped. s v ,tasho upat he rou Con- and gatbening dust, Ibis Ils an Sirley cLean; Heather Mac- o r .Auxillary folded after a des-1 relieved i them. 'ÉTie money pin; Charlotte Mary Brereton, will appreach Council at theirSA U S VE24 ..perate plea ta keep the meet-J raised In these Oppotunity Canol Lovekin, Jenny Payne. next meeting te discuss fur- S V cS V 4 ings golng, and should this! Sales is used for E.S.T.A.R.L., Ruth Yates, Cindy Garrod, ther arrangements as te the SV 8 le the same outceme follow- i Eastern Star Training Awards, Lily Woo, Jennifer Munro, crosslng over Mill Street teaYOOS£WNYCFE AE6 4.ng the Committet' Meeting, it I for Religieus Leadership. Many 'Patty Parker, Debbie Dub:eau the scbool or fram scbool. At D I VD>0I I S -will then mean tbat deors a Young man in our area bas and Ruth Patterson their sec- presenl, there is still only the' 1-LBBAG C'U( 3-LB BAG 'Will be closed te Cubs and been given yearly support, ond year pin; Gladys Allun, one' crassing guerd and he is B OA 7 m 2 0 9 1s .Scouts. They canneI functian whicb helps hlm tbrough bis Angela Chard, Anlene May On the Beaver - King Street -withaut one or the ether, or minlstry training. You can Munra, Mary Grace Paterson corner. 'even both, If cther parent or help in a big way by having and Shirley MacLean thein Fram the prlncipal's report, loth, If possible. can make It O.E.S. members galber uP third year pin. and a fourlh lb was noted that while dur- M U LT 4o the' meeting Ibis Saturday your articles, ai wbich YOU yean pin was presented ta ing the' last month meny aiofIE QU LT ,t 1:30 p.m. In tbe Liens Room, naw have ne need. For pick- Cathy Lovekin. the staff had been 111 and were a aa~ ~A NN IV ESR :lease do se. If yeu cannot: up. please telephone Mrs. Cecil, Trying for ber Geld Cord, required ta be absent tram a m . u m u .~ *ttend Ibis meeting, but do Ferguson, Cenvenor, or Mrs. ont' of the' requirements bc. school, the entire staff was A & TM AO E 'ýVM the intenest ta ce-openateI Bruce Tilîson. Botb numn- îng able te give a talk, Cathy now back teaching. Students jnerest and Ideas will be more i castIe pages. For futher de- Switzenland and aise sbowed isbed their exams wîth oiliers SL «th an l l cont. aur lles are s ted aten fth New- lovekin hchs e ta sp ek en- nar in g t eany of th cle s fln- of i 'cither af the leaders who will sale. pleese see tht' Comlng! joymenî. Following tbis, a dents wàIi have a week's hall- *e glad ta report for yeu . Events. :film an the' aclivities et the day and school will be closed oz dun We're 41 >fem seki this minh 1Aise. on Monday evening. Also In the Coming Events 1966 Camp was shown, wbicb tram March 16th te the 23rd. Sa, w. feel rike oelebratinginabgwy -Ciibs afilst Newcastle A and appears an advertisement fer pnoved most enjoyable as the Tbere have been 50 childrent59 SPacks were dellgbted la tht' Artiticlal Ice Association1laugbter was shared by bath register for Kindergarten. fearn thet the Recreation Dance. This Is te be held an tht' girls and their mothers. This number will probably be uRe.* Prit' 2 tins 46o - SAVE 14o Andi you hnow wfbat it mens 4Commillet' bas donated ta March 3th, witb a good orch- This year's banquet. like changed with either more coin-A in o... 'their Packs, tbnee basebails estra. A lot ef fun will be en- thase In the past, was only lng into an leaving the village Choit'. Quatity Hnives Reg. Prioe tin 3%. - BAVI 17r. mntio >nd six bats. Lest spning tht' joyed by all ettending. Make made the success it was by by September. A teacher bas 10 BIG, BIG SAVINGS for YOU .Cubs answered the Recrea- plans now ta spend your tht' interest of the' Guides and now been bired 'te teecb thernp 1mf f ,tion Cornmtlee's cal! for help evening where the good times the attendance ûf tbeir Motb- wben scheol begins in the A &P P A C H S 3 9-0azinsWat botter "a could we 1e ouko ta gel the Community Bell are. ens. Il was hoped that every- fall. PFayQultRePrsin4o-SV2o Paerk cleened up and pnepared Guides Hoid Banquet !ane hed shared the' evenlng In Hortieulturai Society A& ac u.îyRgPre i 3.-BV muchi we appreciate yourptoae for the' summer activilies. By Newcastle Girl Guides ai tht' enjoyrnent that il wes Members ai the Newcastle A* ~ I I ~ ' llWhc, botter way ta sM, '"TakYu way et thanks, the beys were, lst and 2nd Cempanies held meant te be. Special thanks Herîlcultunal Society enjoyed TO M A TO J, ~ UIC E 48-' o i1. 00 reimbursed fan their efforts 1 their Mober and Daughter were given Mrs. Maureen Pow- thein annual bus trip ta Taor- Whot bettrw wy ta prove, Wear..AbuYo? this way. Now they ewail Banquet In the Lions Raam ai eîî, Mrs. Berthe Powell, Mrs. ente ta view the flowen show Ail Purpose saime better weatben ba gel the Communily Hall on TueslPat Kidd, Mrs. Gent Gray, et the' O'Keefe Centre. Fer- these bats Int actian. ,day evening. Febnuary 201h. 'Mss Doreix NeshitI and Mrs. sarne, tbeir first trip, they REDLI RO SE CO FIE -lb tiermo bag 8 5 If yo4J wonrt MORE for your ny hsmnI Mn. and Mns. Albert Peance 1 With evenyane present join- Tina Vanderstoep whose bard wvere quite delîghted with the' Powd.red (Whte or Blue,) Reg. Prie box 69c - SAVE 10o MORE low prices on MORE fin od.-* 'visited witb Mn. and Mrs. Ing In tht' singing ai Grace, work bad helped make the show. Fer athers, having et- look ta A&P's 41sf Armiversare . Orville Stinson, Chesiey. aver, each enjoyed a levely dinner, delightful evening possible. tended several limes before, gin Il 21 0-zbo 9 aHockey Mothers îbey ton were in complete SA . L IFtWrgent glaTit SZS 2-on ouot tox J Y j i Tht Hockey Moîbers held agreement thet every display pcaBin Reg. Pric. pkg 69le-BSAVE 10or gigal u amaeh. H oc ey j.1 thein regular meeting in the' was beautitul and a work of H ockev AUPUUi Uities'Liens Room on Monday even- art.11 A .1% wEA a A â TeGctsFodVle" Parents andi fans are tirged te againsl Bowm"anxýille, winning, la send Mn. Brt'retan a leîter ed young couiple wes BrendaI cerne out and cheer tht' teem witb e score of 6-2. ai appreciation encosing a Cobbledick and Joanne Cellier,1 EH with Mns. Rose Osborne an& LENTEN FIH EA U S M d s tht' ru rbes aId c -i A&P Brand Frozan R ; rc k 7 A E 8, Ask for this booki et. ond asthe Ie ws l enjoye sya OE FLLT-Iozk4t Ask fr ths boo let.urne. At nine e'clock, dancIng, i h' oeurewbres eeA&P Brand Br.aded(Fzn)R.Prepk 9-BAE1. ttells how uou 1îheho trky urer wre a neal treal, especia1ly aller a' O o may obtain few heurs of skati-ng or ski-'~CD P R IN an 1DB lbandan. Io help start, 'Roy D. Couttie _ modernize or !.Appoi nted Jan* Parker Reg. Prie@ amh 59e - SAVE 10. Me.>cong Valencia, Swet, Juicy, Full of 1lvu expand your ~~ ~~MarketigMgr.i CHERRY PIE FL -NH4 <N.iGae5L EL A business. apire aktn aae oo Roy D. Couttie bas been Jan* Parker Spanish Rg. Pritcecit 390 - BAVE 28.6A NE - hose products for Goodyear-: D CAKES yt E IINDUSTRIAL Canada, D. C. Werd, salesi B R CAKE 389ý OAG manager, industriel Produets' Jan* Parker Reg. Prît'. loaf 29c - BAVE 19. ~~I~~O~~P~1EHT IANK ve~~~~~~~roultie stared with Goad R ii ra -S3 <Al audy ac t,16 CAN.ADIAN ~~~~~~~New Toronto and Winnipegpresnth agurted g TORONTO. ONT.., M Urivmdly Ae« - Tei@Wom 3WI143 B ranch in Ainfeam and pies-i J tic film sales until 1961, wben ho was appointed Norîherna s: