The Canadian statemna", Bowmanville, Ma?. 8, 1081 Births Articles for Sale Livestock For Salei Help Wanted Auction Sales Work Wanted i BROWES-Barry end Evelyn QUAÙÂNfTTYn hay and straw.'ONE Reglstered H o 1 s t e i n WOMAN to baby-sit ln m SECRETARIAL work, full or1 (ne. Hockaday) are happy toi'Phone 723-130l8.- 8- 4* springer, due two weeks. six own home for two pre-schoo For HIIGHLY TRAINED 'attm.sotadadtp announce the birth of a, W-A-TER for-sale -a-nd-dli-ve-re-d. years old. classlfied good..childreni. 623-2106. 10-I; and MODERN ing. 623-7679. 1- daughter, Lisa Kathryn. 5 lbs. Cal Cliff Pethick, 623-2.31.3., Phone Lindsay 324-3904. 10-2' LADY requiredlilve ln, llght U TI N ERN CUSTOM chain saw work. 15 ozs., at Oshawa General 38.. --- housekeeping duties, care ofRasabehrlrts.Ci Hospital, Saturday, March 2. FR-E 2 -; M85 CHOICE Hereford stockerelellay Phn OsaCLFr 1Rasn Bl rin 63-720. C2-tf FRAE grag 12 x20', steers and heifers rising year edr -ldSTEn saaCALFakBik,6370. 2t 1968. 10-1cheap. Leroy Short 623-2479.!oId. Private sale. Saturday,7359 ELPA SAWS dulI? Won't cut ln a 10-1 March 9. George A. MeGw ARRSEms be ex- ýstralght lîne? flrlng them ta HOLDEN-Bernip and Joy'ce, B A BY'S- car bed. good _ con-; an 778-2213 Havelock. We' perlenced; top wages. Grelg's Phone 263-2157 us. F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St.,, announce the arrivaI of their1 dition. Telephone Hamptoni deliver. 1___0î-1'* Hairstyllng. 33 King St. W.10t Bowmanville.__ 10-2* chse auhtrSuanJne-263-8437.10-1I'-Bowmanville, 623-2932. 1- ____REUPHOLSTERING - Satis-ý sister for BiIly. 10-1 I___--- _ -----.!NoticeCARESfrmni ____ CLOSED for Holldays, Feb. 15:1 ARIR frm 9nn paper Acinsl ab eda faction guaranteed at Whyte'q, routes downtown King Street. tret Auction aet eHall, 33 Upholstery. Phone 623-5252 PEACEJak ad ut ar 'a arh 1. Iî Hailon iDr. B'wert's office will be Church and vicilt Third andHî or 623-5251.1-f happy ta annouince the hlrth Raglan. 1-985-7160. 6-6 closed untiî Mardi 28th. H03Lbry hn olc ot all treet, Oshawa, Thurs- f03Lbrv hoedletP r grtr lcre stove rsmkn n rps ee March 3. 1968, at Memnorial 'and used parts. Graharl For Assistance i CRTAESFrencraovinelctiachestoerfi e hon oradedIfraptelio Hospital, Bowmanville. -l10-1eýGarage,__416-263-2233. 43-tf AEAESFec rvnilcetril hn o de non NE1eaepinIain' C N DA, Applications will be receiv- suite like new); china cab- and prices. Mrs. Alice Hop-ý Eng gem nt PrviniaI sae 300 Phneed by undersigned until Mon- et antique hall rack xith son 623-3491, 64 Elgin St. N. 1 623-5100, after Thursday. CANCER SOCIElTY:V , arch 25 or Caretaker bevelîed mirror, a n t iq ue _ 8-6 r Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mur- 10_1 Assistant, Clarke High School. clocks, lamps antique roker-, ray, Toronto. announce the -1- Phone Mrs. M. Syer 623-3177 Duties 1.0 commence as son niqe e, 'q chai,ll A. 3A AR S engagement of their i RECONDITIONED TV towers Mrs. J. Oegema- 623-2318 as possible, table, sectional chesterfield, Pu bn T Sandra Luella, ta Ediward AIl'and rotors (trade-Ins), 40, 50 lO()tf Apply in writing. stating tools, day bed. trunk, electric Pum îg & neating bert Bate, son of Mr. and Mrs.i and 60 foot structures; alI ln--- experience and qualifications appliances. dishes. manv rmore 95 lsnS. omn'il Murray Bate, Bowmanville. :excellent condition. Oshawa Any persons wishing ta ta: articles. Term' cash.' Mvles Nlo t omnil _______________ 10in_ TV Supply Limited, 723-8131. make dlaims against the house- M. A. MacLeod, Administrator King, Autoer 2-71o ________ -- ___ ___ _______50-tf hold furnishings of, Ed. Schev-; and Secretary-Treasuirer, 'Dur- 723-050>1. 10-1 B VM N IL Deaths !USE-D washer parts, motors,..lck. formerly of 27 Temperance. ham Cornt District High -O M N IL FENWCK, ily ary AtSimplicity, Thor andi Moffat 1 Street, Bowmanx'ille, are ask- School Board, 181 Church Auction sale. property o U O B D 22. 1968, LIly MaSry. F-.Appt ncs'ntaalyade-ed to do so before the 3îst Street, Bowmanvllle, Ont. B.Aofnr 12 hre Steesvlî. n husdv. tieci line of furniture. Paddy S:dyo ae.16;si os 10-1 Street, Whitby, Saturday. Mar. e~,rA 22 98 il .Srloving Market, Hampton, 263-2241. i hold furnishlngs now being 9ha l r.irokSre wlf ofRo Fewic. 9 Fr-42-tflhelti at 31 Temperance St. YOUNG MAN r Soulh-West on Base Line) 4-tf estvlew Rd.. Etohicoke, mother BoW m a nv iille bv Loni*', of Helen, Marion and Lamna; CLEARANCE SALE ln Wash- 1 Laskaris. otherwise sa-id hanse- suitelliam hndbark dining-room1 ACK-- beloveti sister of Ernest I. lngton Cabinet H a r d w a r e hold furnishings wiîî he sold \VANTED iWsill iam anti ct velvet AC ERMAN Spry. Leskard. Predeceased by (30 ", Off> and Masory Paint. for pa.vment of debts ot for general office duties andi chairs), tea wagon (candy canie' E C V TN brothers Walter. Louis and 'Beaver Lumber Co.. 96 King standing. 1()-) ta hie traineti in estimating and twist). coach lamps, tien desk Will anti sister Neta. Service1 St. E.. Bowmanville. Phone draftinz. An unusuai career (Oak), Chippendale high back LOADING - TRENCHING was held Saturday. Feh. 24 at: 6231-3388. 10-1 asfo opportunlty for a nimble chair, Victarian style stove, Sand, Gravel, Top Soul and the chapel of Skinner and - ar fr ae witted, determined young fel- bureau, hammered brass table, F111 Delivered Mlddîehrook. Port Credit. In-VISCOUNT deep freezer, ai- Ce owtaMpiuefr aelhn are odnlgswt '-or AE EVC leCmmost new, 6 feet higl2, 3 feet ,51 2-TON pick-up Ce1,lo vih(napiud Pfrcac ilan ariyo ofde ; olegwt .-Hour nAlE RatsVC terment BowmanvilleCrn-gooti. 263-21138. îoî ating andi draftsmanship antid li ohra er; oltRaoal ae ter. 1.1*wide --rts-ibae 95TODEoolre ..a nees.i osrcin set (Nanlcy), candy catie twist 623-5756 - OWMAVII1, fries and grills, with rod, n116 ODFoie .. RepI3' in <)wf handwriting ta bed, mug Io' x 2' bedroom l- chrome finish, almost new.' Phone 705-9,32-5,528. 10-1iuts altbe(6lgý'E N E F GILBERT-At Memnorial Hos- Phone Orono 983-5570. 9-a-nutel lthable a(6 es, ENt E F C pital, Bowmanville. on Sun- -----ONE 1960 Chev. '2-ton truck, iNATIONAL mantieplck, chipna cahe ýubinet - Het in- day. March 3rti, 1968, George SHELLED drieti feed corn at' must be seen ta be2appeciated.! cfrepcke equipmll lc, dishes, lum ig re Wesley Gilbert. R.R. 1, Hamp- competitive prices. Telephorl.e Phone 26.3-26.5,5. 1_ GRANITE LTD. 1 'ty~ al ok pao bol is 84th yeRr, beloveti Newcastle 987-4474 for pick- -- ----i stool. rnany more articles lti' Phone 623-3540 tosn, fIn rtGletu rdliey es ult j16 RCK odimetn ox29n erons ta mention. Terms! 78 ONTARIO STREET hushntiof argaet tlbrt, p O diivey. Bst u35t0.160 RUC, F ry-toBx29cash. Sale inside. Myles King,, OMNIL dear father <f Ethel. Deep Pride Seeti Corn of successful Mode7-220. Breyil. AcGray -23051. 10 River. Servit-e was held in'and new varieties from Geraiti'79722-,_ade Il. 10-1 Bowmanville Au38ner 23001_1-1'BWMNVIL the Morris Funeral Chapel,!iBrown, Browvlew Farms. i '1'OJnid ta drive, must seli 10_-2 Acinsl oiarLtc' E P O SE Bowmanvleo n Tuesday atl______ __ 3-11 family car. On the roati and --HEIP-WANTED Implements aof, istroka:d YU HESTERL 2 o'clock. Temparary Initer- runn $062-5664. 10-1:- mlmns asrwadý Y RCETRIL ment. Bethesda Vauît. 10 1 Auminu-m , ~- FEMALE grin the property off Gus OR CHAIRS - Free Estimat - i~ngIONE-ton pickup truck, gon Wilson, Lot 24, Con. 8, Clarke HASE -t enra HsýWndw -Dor Ri ing'ubber; two-wheel trailer with PART-T±~IME ., T\wp., 3 miles North oIf Orona 623-5252 pia NSEowNAt MlemornaTueis- Window Paiors 1- Ralb x.lhoenrs ' o k!on Highway 115, on Satrday, T 1 ~ 4 pitlBomaviîe.onTus-8nt6tis3280bo. oe Blacksock CON ULTANT March 16: Holstein cattle, 15 VYhytes UphDosterv day, March 5th. 1968, NeyaFree Estimates - Calil 96438 ater5 in. lo 1,- y Hansen, ln her 6nth year, be-:HARRIS ALUIMINUM SALESi'66 MERCURY 2-m 2-tane ml ow.nmer1 meh5 ingS. E - Bowmanviileý lovet i wfe of Ernest Hansen, RR. 1, Hamîpton ihardtop, new tires, powerý Medical R ccoTiswsa oo h of ca.Nte: 0t 39 Prospect Street, Bowman- Phone Oshawa 725-6064 ýsteering, brakes. radin, lowJher ratr 11 O ville; dear mother off Bernice 2t1mlae.CnatLrr -e-1 ilJohnan S e(ie ew), MF. No Bric & SOeV/r (Mrs. Brooks Pearce) anti - -2-60 1Seil lk e),M-.No'rc So eW r tarbara. Resting at the Morris SEWING Machine, like new, ein,62-67.10 ust be fully qualified '35 combine, 8 ft.. seîf-propell-1ir F'uneral Chapel, Bnwmnanville. ifuIllyautomnatic zlg-zag. This (.R..) hav ed les 10 Iir (RRL)andthveworked d(eut lssthan 10aces), J lae Service In the Chape] on Fi- i machine tioes fancv eroit- 1964 MEflTEOR inb an accrediteti hospital. Cae 0 ble.PTl(irs) CALL clay at 2 o'clock. Interment wery k, blinti hems, button- Jon Der pwl oe OXFORD BRICKLAYERS 1 ~owanv1leCemter. 1hales, sews an buttons and! or ea Apply B. HOLDEN ý(nearIy newî, I.H.C. 3-ftirrow NDSTNEMAON ____ oes everything a sewîng ma trip beam plow (new, plough- 11 OE RN 9350 chine cao do Sacrifice, $50.00 Attractive turquoise With' Atiministrator ed 6 acres). Minneapolis heavy, HN RNO9350 SLOOS-At Memoriai lins- cash or take over paymnso beige interior, has 152 V8, ME IRJLdîty wagon (gooti). full lîne or 983-5626 pia, on'nile a at -$600 per month. Write Ad- motor, duai range automnatie ffrtcls ahney e ___ ___ 43-tf1 da. arh nd 168 Aavertiser 877, c/o The Canadianramiincso puh I Lavai milking machine, woods DTTr B AM Bloos. ln her 63rd year, \vife Statesma Box, 190, button radio, power steering B'1iA ramcolr tc Fr sl. S± jJ& B of the late Johannes Sloos. Bowmanv~ille. Power brakes, power rear BO /AN JL No reserve. Terms cash. Sale' PLUMBING & HEATING -.-dear mother n! William anti -- . 10- window, white walls, .hel B W A VILt 1:30. Haroldi Maffat, Clerk; SALES & SERVICE Xurt, BowmRnville. Service For Better dss etbls rotat 0 e. Johnson, Auctioneer, 24-HOUR was helti in the Morris Funerali rear; wintishielti washers, anti U--Tniteti Counties of Phone Sundierlandi 227. 1- u B re Chapel, Bowmanville. on Mon- 1 TV Reception many other extras. This car Northumberland anti Durham 102____une Service day at 2 a'clork. interment J i hre hnsap-die ODOFC SEPTIC TANKS AND ]BwanileCmtey 1- glaTOE o ERA anti looks like a Mercury. OFFICE MANAGER- The untiersigned auctioneeri TILE BEUS - ~Installeti byBOKE ER(ae will seIl by public auction for PON THOPSO. Ela t e-mDT ~ 4. Lcece o. 635 Applications wiIl be receîv- Frank Pascoe on Lot 26, Con. HAMIPTON 263-28 THO A me- T.R..O. nLennae 'Our Sale Price19Z0 imorWilHospital, Bnwmanville 11$25 0e ni ac 5 g o ,Ialntn( lmlsws YOE23'6 cm Wednesdiay. Fehmuarv 281 6001> SERVICE ONLY $'5o d ni ach1,16, for H am-inton on(22mieswettYON 23-65 ithe position off Office Manager-,ofHmtnonTutnR. 1968, Ella McBrItie, Ketial, Ail OUR PROFESSION 15 H V Bookkeeper in the Roati Office on Saturday, March 9th, the V A N.- R O Ont, ged94yeas.wif o, Twes iYer uaranteeti of the Unitedi Counties off following: Two horses, 15 heatiPantr the late Charles Thmo n ~ FrIfrain-Cl 4-DOOR Northumberland anti Durham.1 of cattle, Bean orcharti spr-ay-,P itr merrother ot Arthur, Annie DutiesnformbataitakechCage er, tractor plough, corn scuff- (Mrs. Garland Catheart), bath Os wa7854 Station Wvagon of generaî office, keep job cost! 1er, mower, pump jack, har-. and Decorators of Kendal; Fred of Vancouver Osa a7854 Coral anti white with grelu ledgers,. handie payrtll, ac- hows, etc. Feed - quantity 27 Elgin St. - Bowmanvilil antiMabl (rs.Ear Sri)o terior, has Vg mator, automatic cotînts îreceivable, accouts, of hay', 1,500 baies; stra,, P oe 6337 of North Hollywoodi, Calif.ý Newcastle 987-4303 i transmission, radio anti rear payable, stock control, etc. 1,000 bales, anti grain. Manre. P on26-t307 Horne, Orono. Service wasý. ___- Evenlngs 4-12 speaker. This wagon rîus anti Applicants shoulti h a v eFrnue: O-ec dnng -____ drives very welI. A gooti Grade XII-Ontario (or equiva-, raorn suite, gooti; oval dining!I~ - U G S held fromn the Funeral -Home World's Largest Sellng family wagon, lent) anti have a minimum of!roomn table, Atidison TV , ches- JA KB R E S p on Saturtiay. March 211(. 1- three yeams relateti experlence., terfielti chair. 4 uphoîstemeti OIL BURNERS - FURNACES Sa terment Orono Cemretery. n SNOWMOBILIES Licence No. X19788 Handwrltten applications are chairs, occasional chair. maga- 1 CLEANED 1()I1ý1 07R AL PRCE 19500tu be acidi-esseti to the unr- zine rack, coffee table, squar-e PLUMBING REPAIRS C WERRY-At Ohawa S K I- D O o IONRL E - PRI-E- $195-00 signeti, statiiig education x!table, card table, pole lamp, 2' POEHMITNf GnrlAil modl now on dlsplay atlAGINBY perience, persanal informationforamsfotto.crer23 11 Hospital, on Mondai'. March' UNITED RENT-ALL1 andi salary requlmeti aîong witm step-table, fer-nery, kitchen ni 4th, 1968, S. Edigar Werry,i & MARINE A L TMSat least two references. cbnt unly o ot alAiies 'sultab1c for dairy cattIe. Glen 1 -'YY.'.,/I4ÂAJing___ MARIE BOMANVLLE OT 1Phone BERT SYER I ANVILLE.1-00. 1LOT Serv'ice Stations, DrivewaYs,ý Thurstiay, March 14 - 10l-1 Days - 623-5774 ~a Frm-63300.:I 5.55 Kinx St. E. at Wilson Silver Street Parking Lots. Etc. - Phone'steins - Machinery - Funitue.: Nights - 623-3177 VO aÎ speial treat - Bus'Teîîoîgîsd(as 6334 2-71 oscîs uto aeofvL ne :Fred'r, Apples a Fred's Fruit. ~ opeeH rw r *Market, Highway 35. SnIiýh offosenr,,,se-d a 10rona.7f Telephone 728-5565 chae e nde r t omo rhy7--5 grade. cemt. area. fmom unit and ELECTRIC ctf eieei ni r msi or -res: vaccinateci ant i peg-1 VGIBSON Falcon amplifier with,- - 47t-_deiver- . . Beat the A.D IOKN ac testeti. D.H.I.A. testet.i. isn&V w >ev. and tremola. AI con-i E H Spring rush - Ru' NOWV eod ooe 723ml -623t3o9.Bet afr Phn 1966 CHEV. BEL AIRTR N P T anti 650 fat (145-149 B.C.A.) Ou Bre ~63-89 1-1 BEST for ES 4DR EDAN Daily ta anti from Oshawa Herd average 13,489 milk, 484: Sales & Service YIVE har wod_5-panel -doo0rs", L S4-RS fat (124-121 BCA), 30 mllk, -painted. complete wlth hinge S - at - lwo-tone paint. 8 cyl., auto-, to any points lu Durham cows, 25 breti anti open heif- FURNACE INSTALLATION >ndlocs. ivedolarsPa,ýý UTH RFO D'S Matitr transmission, ane owner, County. P.C.V. "A" crs anti calves. These are big, 17 Liberty Street North ~nd ock . Fi e d llar ea R U T E R F R D S ust m ra io. Lic. L48 0. harp dairy cow s w ith go ati B O W M A N V IL L E .623-5664. l0-lUR Local anti Long Distance prduton.Camplete line of TL6379 YURaquariums, 15-anti 0 F RNIURE 1966 ('HEV. Sl PER SPORTS ;Moving. P.C.V.'I"" ifrm acionr AlsCal- rL.n )'Ou'R 156 SIMCOE ST. 8. ueetsat, onol uao-s ISactr:anis-hladerne62375r -Sai.. $7 each. Samnoyeti femnale, OshawaPhone (ieselcBnckslock 986-488 'spayed. all needies. Telephonel O ha a atir. customn radio. w~hite Phon 62-3821 :(del - 1100 lhrs. - excellent, 6830 0I OUR 28th YEAR SERVING wiall tirrq, s hpel discs. A anc 52-tf condition), Allis-Chalmers 3-,Baktc 98-86 -APPROXIMATELY -2000 bÈales SOÏTRH CENTRAI, ONTARIO omsner beaut,I.L.ic. L5969. -fLirmow trip bottom plow _____ ood l-ed clover andti tmothv Free Dells'ery - Fre-, toraze 196,1 PONTI~AC 4BDR. S1iEDANý uto Sales (new), McCormick No. 46 bal- PA fa, ;500 bales straw. Phonê A ctinPAINTING - c, McCormick secti drill -705-932-5528. 10-î' Iargreçt selection of Name 6 cyvl.. aritomatic transmission,ý WEEKLY (gond), I.H.C. 21 V7' mower, AND -K ---AIuiti idn, rn Rdin n saw csomrdo.Oe werc",LVE T CKS L S .ra erimonedsderk '~ 'a garde wnow:Sprinz-filleti Mattresses from Lic. L4533. i A E nei corikhy o- VALLPAPERING Idoms, awnings, railings. Lao $1,88 - Continental Reds 1964 CHEV. BEL AIR Duh onySlsAea titioner-, McCormick mnanume' Stsato urnet Scomplete front S38.00 - Smooth Orano - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. peerMComkmbe- FREE ESTIMATES Alln, 623-3871. 10-2 TpNatee fo 2.0- 4-DR. SEDAN - Slig oss CtiSwntretag, o ani ck, smtib'.' nde -- Mtrse rm$70 -SligHreCtlSintrdwgnadrcsol PUY1NG or selling furniture, Rolla%4ay cots (rom $19,88 - . 8 cyl., automatic transmission, 12alves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reidi blower, 3 pt. hltch: 3.000 ba1Wesde Hardware or appliances, rail Elmer, ! Bunk Betis complete from iwhite wall tires. Lic. 1,3080.& Son, Sales Managers. 52-tf o! hay, quantity off straw,& ELECTRIC ,Hampton: business 263-2294 - 6.0-sPace mvr rn 93 HVîî'î quantity of oats. Jiairy Equip-Poe62-74Bom vie -tresidence 263-2695. 33-tf 849.00- 2 PC. I)avenport Sets CON VERTIBLE usdy March 12 - Clear- ment: DeLaval bnlk tank, De- 47-tf PEDROOM suite, doubebd. from S99-50 - Bcd Chester- 'ing farm auction off Holstein Laval milking machine. 4- -___ pox sprlngs, cheqt of drawers, fildMs wth Spring-filIeti Mat- 6 cyl., automatie transmi 'sion, dairy herd including a number unit pump (gooti). Fumniture: i E SURE OF cidresser anti vanity with mir- tress from $14800 - 70 ~ 3 customt radio. Oniy 33,000 orig-, Off pigm,2tatrblr. inlyco tvFiiar *~ors, night table anti chair.' Roont Groupingas front $399.0o -InlmesLi.L40 power dirill, side rake, elevator,'electrie stove, Frigidaire re-r QUICK SA T ~inle cd Coplee lus2 P. heserfcii Site wth 963COVAI MOZA 2 tractor plows, power~ mowem,, frigerator, b e di s, dressers, j fingle bed -ewopR.T. wagon anti. rhcktertables.iwashingh machineAIanMONTHESESEMORNINGS 3tresser with mirror. Phaone FoantCushions front $109.00 -"Bg "wih -setitrns Rator ao n ak alewsigmcie n 23240.î-1 3 Pr. Bedrooni Suites front i "iih4see rn rco spreader, bulk cooler,'tiques, etc. Selling at the Rring Your Car Iu for %23-42n.$114.00 Reciner Chairs front mission, buckcts, custoni radio. Surge mllkers, hay grain. praperty off Blair Woodward,' CHECK-UP and TUJNE-UF t~0pee4-seater chester- 558.00 5 Pc. Dinette Suites Lie. L4535. straw, fui'niture, etc.. the prop- Lots 5 anti 6, Con. 9, Brock .tleld. $199.50: 2-piece daveno frêm 534.88 _ Swlvel Rockers 1962 PONTIAC 2-DR. SEA erty off Oliver T. Haring. at. Twp., 5 miles Northwest of: AUl work donc by licenseti ",Sutes $19.5 kithensuies.fomS280()_ CffeeandSte 2 DANLot î7-8, Con. 8, Whitchurch: Sunderlandi. Note: T1bls is an mechanici ^uItMM.$59.50 Skitce sies,, rTbls528 .88.ffcatiSe 8 yl., automatie transmission, Township on 11Highway 48, (2 exceptional famm sa1el Please, ~r$595 0: S-i: eal mtrseTalsIrm .8 utomt radio. Lic. L4496. miles north of Ringwood) or plan ta attend. Farm solti. ,tulte. chest. dresser. bcd anti RUTHERFORD'S 7 PHONE 623-2556 :(4 miles N.W. off Stoufffvilllc). Terms cash. Sale at 12:45,Q ?wocden tbe. c. Muevrhy FURNITURE o otc Farm olfl. No reserve. Terms p.m. James BaIl on Pmoduc- _wooen eds $5 ach Muphv, orconactcash. Sale I p.m. Atkinson tion Records. Folders on re-, 85 Klug St. W. BOwmanville Yurie. King37 ., oa- 16 moe St. South, Oshawa, H. MICHELSON - T. MILLER anti Wilson, Sale Mgrs. anti quesi. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Poe6333 ,iU.6378.1- 10-41I 10-11 Auctioneers. 10-1 'Manager and Auctioneet. Poo62-14 2-ti Real Estate for Sale!Real Estate for SalejReal Estate for Sale CONCESSION Street East- WOULD like tn purchase BUILDING lot, Scugog St et. Modern 3 bedroomn ranch small house in village of Hamp- Phone Peterborough 742-4 style bungalow. Finished rec- ton: cah.Phn Oshawa!, -3 reation room in basement, pav- 725-4909.o-î jed double drive with 2-car - Ptrfo a r garage. Beautiful 90 x 150 foot ORONO, close to Taunton Rd. 7 lot - nlcely shrtubbed. For and 115 Hlghway, new bunga- PtrK w l r appointment to see. call Mary lows and split level. Ochonski REALTOR Heath, 942-3310. Griffin Real Construction. Phone 983-5709. iEstate Ltd.. Realtor, or after, 51-tf and GENERAL INSURANC£ 6 pmn - 6231-2902. 10- Let Us Bult You a DREAM HOUSE Choose from aur selection o we wiil builti from your plan . . on fully serviceti, N.H.A aPProveti lots at beautiful Parkway Cresceni SUR-DIVISION Liberty St. S. - Bowmanvill, Low Down Payment.. Balance an conven lent N.H.A Ternis at only 7 l4% înt<-resl D. BEERS Phone 623-2263, Bowmanvill' 35-t ýProperty For Sale' LIST IVITH ,SCHOFIELD AKEF LTD. anio the OLI)EST anti MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE REAL ESTATE FIRMS IN THIS AREA Il Agents ta give your listini Prompt anti Efficient Action Caîl Mel Dale Our BOWIWANVILLE REPRESENTATIVE at 623-5638 or at our Osha%%sa Office 723-2265 IVe List Exclusive or M.L.S. List with Schofielti Aker Ltd Members of the Oshawa andi District Real Estate Board THERE'S A REASON G. E. FORCHUK Real Estate AÂND MORTGAGE BROKER 80 Acre Orchard 2 Modern houses and othier buildings. Fulli une of eqnipmnent, ocam Bowmnan- ville.1'"Ii vle-Mstb Bowmavil, solti at once. This rao n Tohacco Farm 114 Frank St. - Bwavle1stock amha soo o 32 cePhone 623-3111 Lag ampn.Ak inW M.26R 2cres. e103haces, j :onîy $40.000 - Terms. M.B.. 2Mode hoes, FORCED SALE: 198 Acre' greenhouses, 15 kilns, comn-i farm. HighwaY location. Gond- plete line of eqnîpment In- barn. 5 roomnet modemn bun- 15 Acres, Streami, Bush cîuding 3 tractors, planter, gaiow. Asking $30,000.00. j Just North of Bowmnanvîlle, Fast Trout Stream with parig etc., irrigation systcmn antid RICE LAKE AREA: 10 acres 1lîkegrutsConrppcI entilcss w a t c r suppîy. with lovely home. All mod- Asking $15.000 - $3,500 dowo. Castîcton amea. ýfull price. Caîl: Hamry Coutts.ý 86 Acres Induis-trual Landi SHOW FAR: 30 Ares Osh awa - fran ting on Lake JEAN PAPINEAU FAM 0Ars ntaria anti Service Roati. C. Stable cleaner, pipeline mllk- - N Main Line, $1.500 per acre Castieton 344-7776 er. silo unloader. etc. Mati-:;Icuiighneat ao ,0 ern 8 roometi home. Asking 1 Acre wlth flouse anti Ramr $80110. Trms.Oshawa - 6 roami home. 'W anted to Buy 10 ACRE FARM: Only 1î Horse ha ro 40' x 28' on ont. min. from Oshawa, 8 ro*omet i Skrts of city. $25.000 - Terms. PINE logs. Applv Woodley's brick. modemnizeti home, bamn, 0 ce Saw Mill. Phone 263-.2121. ýhen hanse. Asking $25,000. I S 8ne Acrue-saa R IC A R D Useti Car Lot: Excellent lo- cation wlth paveti parking antI Ltd., Realtor ample lighting. Garage for 3 cars plus 3 modemn offices. 623-2503 Priced ta sell wth gooti ternis. 1Cozy* Bungalow: Lovelv 2 $3,000 Down bedroom bungalow on Jane St. -las rec. room anti extra 4 Bedronom split with htult'bedroom bl basemnent. Mod- In garage. Large 4-pce. bath. ern oil furnace. Priceti ta Master bedmoom 13' x 20'. selI. St King St. W. Bownianville G.eorge anti Carlisle Madernized storey anti haîf hrick home with, garage.1 Spaclous 12' x 24' living roomn New nil fumnace. You would enjay« living in this home: ver.v convenient to uptown, schools, etc. 0111«lv $15.900 - Easy terms Restaurant' rigMre LFIIllv equippeti with i ce pigMre living quax-ters on premîses. After 8 P.m. Attractive, bnsy location. Ask- D. A. Mlac(iregor 987-4P67 ing $30,00!0 - Terms. iPeter Kowa iJr, -623-2453 Orchartiview Blvti. _ 10-1 Three bedroom x-ug brick --__- - bungalow with paveti drive.W FakRea Finishiet rec. room. Broati- Î. rnkR ci 1 t loom in living rnom. Includes ý stove, fuitige andTi V acrial. miMITI $1 8.0001 - Terms. I REALTOR $8.900 21 King St. W.. Bowmanville Attractive 2 bedmoom huni- 63 9 galow an Grave] Pit Road, Member Oshawa anti District close ta No. 2 Highway. Terms. Real +0+ý. tt Rir B usin ess B 1 o c k: ~,o down w11 hm' .1aparmnentz anti 2 stores on King St., Bo\,,-- manville. Stores have modi- ern front. flot, watem heating ,with oil. This (s a terrifie in- vestmen t. Properties U'rgentlY Rectuireti Veterans Ave. Th iee betiroom bungalow tri nîce ncighborhood close to Lord Elgin School. Recentlv painteti. $14.500 - Terms ar-, rangeti, Seugag St. Kential Hilis Just listeti, 112 armes wiîh terrifie view. Rolling landi. Corner farm wlth 1 mile front, age. 8 Raom house, large harn. Real value at $40,00t0. 'iw utuiuroo ihome 'witfl TPrees, Vlew, Streami separate two bedroom apart-,' KnilHls AeVr ment. Two bathrooms. $16,500. scene1acreils. Goot stra !After fours Please Caîl: rwlth pond sites. Excellent view Of lake. Gond horse Wilf Hawke - 983-5274 farm. 9 Room hanIse, Barns Dlek Metcaîf - 623-.5293 .32' x 100%, 32' x 40'. $32.000). Lloyd Atchison 786-2959i$200 on Mac McDonald-- 623-3911: 200 Acren - Sunderlandi _____________ 1__ ()-j Excellent Stock farm. 9 -nRom brick home. Large haro. I Pond. 41 Acres faîl mwheat. John T.. DeWith Gooti value at $45.000 - Tcrms. REAL ESTATE LIMITED 1.55 Acres - Tyrone HuIsl Century oId field stonq SUMMER PROPFRTY: 80, bouse. à Room homne wlth ac-es of lovely, rolling, partly fireplace. Large painteti harns. woodeti landti wth 20 acre silo. This ii a real showplace pond. Only $5.000 down. Caîl:, at the etige of Oshawa, front- G. VanDyk. 'bng an 2 roatis. Only $80.000- TOBACCO FARM: 100< acres Trs wlth ',36 acres M.B.R. growing- rights, 5 kilos, barn. Modern Sunderlandi Area home. Asking $49.000. Temms.ýý 100 Acres. 6 Room hanuse. Cail: G. VanDyk. Large haro, corner property. NEWTONVILLE: 1 n c o m e Large pond. Only $32.000 - home. Aîî renteti. Large lot.' Terms. Two bathrooms. A s k i n g 211 Acre%, Suinderlanti $8,500.()0. ý 170 Acres workah1e. Chnl,.a "ARS, trucks, tractors anti ramm machincry for wreckîng urposes. Robert Parr, En- iskillen. 9-5 For Rent ,PARTMENT. T ele ph o ne 23-3573. 4-tf' .PARTMENT, 3 rooms anti )ath. Phone 623-3197. 10-2-l IlX-moom house, central, Lib- ýty St. N.: Garage. 623-3281. :ossession March 18. 10-.i* ýPARTMENT ta ment in Bow- nanville. Immediate passes- on, newly decorateti; private ntrance. 623-5796. IO-1y EW 2-betiroomn apartmcnt,' itge, stave, anti hcaed; -liable atinîts, o small chilti- ,en. Phone 623-7320. 10-1 'WO newly renovateti 2 bcd- lon apamtments, $100 per nonth, Mill St., Oirono. Cal] rt Cola,, 983-917,1. 8-tf .HREE-ROOMED apartment, E:nnisillen heat elecricia Dilve sheti, et. Price $2,lot ani wate inclUtià; $5mnh Terms. 45 x 148. Many extras, Owîîer Phone Hampton 263-2126. NEWACASTLE: Lovely ncw transfemreti. Must be solti. 10)-l'r4 bcdroom, 2 storcy home[Asking $16,650o Terms. FURNISHED apamtment, threelIwith 2 bathrooms, electmically, Bowmanvllle- 7 Rooms rooms anti bath, fully self- heateti.Brchoe vry enal containeti, central; available BricLk homeoon 1250 -s., vo d cewral immtltl.Paeeeîg home iu-village. Priceti, $4.000.1 623-3591., 10il Termns. Newcastle APART MENT,- heaieti, avail- 2 CEFR:Fcn 0 Brick 6 roomn homne, very able now; modemn 4 rooms anti Highway. 4 bedroom mati entrla0 0 ag bath. Apply Caretaker, Apt. home. T+hree barns. Asking lot $11.000- $4.000 dowo. 3, 16 Division St. S_. Bow- $32,000, Terms. Estate Sale- Bowmanvill@ manvile. 10-4* BOWMANVILLE: Central .1, Roomn bungalow, alumîn- aLOVEy aamemn 2-cdioombedroom ail heateti brick rim sding. Nice cdean home luur aaimntb ne«w hm.4pc ah si wt garden. Must be soldti t bniling AIlsericessup $14,5(00. Low down payments. settle estate. Asking $13.000 plieti: broatiloom, inter-com Termns arrangeti. 63 Lambs Lane or 623-7587. BOWMANVILLE: Lovely 3 10-tf betiroom brick bungalow wlth 10 Acte Lots $50 REBATE -2 bedroornlux- mec. roomn. 011 heateti. Gar- Large selection at Oshawai umy apartment for part-tîme age. Asking $22,000. Cali: G. Bowmanvllle, Orono, Kendal, superbntentient. Write Ativer-,Vny.Ifo 50 p tiser 878, c/o The Canadianj 3 BEDROOM BRICK: Bun- Cai6339 Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- r galow with new nil fumnace, 4-1I Caîl 623-339 manville. - _-- ,10-tflIpce. bath. Large lot. Ask- IAtr9~m HOUSE, detacheti, 2 bedmooms ' ing $16,000. Cali: G. Van- Rous Gllbart - Orono 983-5533 kitchen, dining-roam anti liv- Dyk. Terry Mastera 623-3792 ing-room, heateti by gas>' te orsPes ai available April lst. Write Ad- fe orsPes al: KnH1l . . 6355 vertiser 879, c/o The Canadian Don Mountjoy - 6:23-3614! Pat Yeo - - 623-3077, Statesman, P.O. Box 19(), Phyllis MeRobbie - 623-715 Mande r Rafuse - 623-3605 Bowmanville_ 10-1* Rosa Daviduon - Bethany 30RZ Je Barnoski - - 723-5787 WE have a limniteti numberGereVny 63-47RyFsr- oo98-0 of nits avaîlable on a month- Gog aDk - 6373 .yDue rn 8-51 ly rentaI basis from October Wesley Anderson - 349-2669i WeBten Banioter - 'lil June. Facilities incîde!Harolti Coutts 72-649' adnMl 9-21 indoor -id outdoor swimmning Dorothy gamin 37Z-2974 H'oward Forder - n654 pools, sauna bath. exercîse1 roi room. Apply Flying Dutch- r We List Photo M.L.S. : George Beaton - man Motor Inn, Bowmanville. andi Exclusive 1.1 Port Perry 985-Z981 Phone 623-3373. 36-tf' 10-1 1- T) mi Ai TI DAIRY FARM: l100 acres,ý gooti buildings. Large barn. Modemn home. Gooti milk quota. Asking $3ï.000. Terms. Caîl G. VanDyk. ORONO: l10) acre farm, 7ý roometi home, gooti barn. AIl workable landi. Paved roai :Asking $42,000. Caîl G. Van-ý Dyk. 1t»> ACRE FARM: Large 10 roometi home, 90' x 40' haro. land wlth very good buildings. 8 Room, 2 Storeyv brick home. Large harn. 2 MIles road fron tage. Ideal for stih-divid- ing. $68.000 -Tcrms. Oshawa- 4 Redrooms Attractive 2 storey stone front home. La rge living room with Lanti- scapei lot 75' x 1,50'. Only $22.500 - Terms. Oshawa - Coîborne Strert 14 r I~ DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIEQ Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. --NT - SWAP -HIRE L Jack