1-ý7-ELL- F=N - S AP-ýjR--LLjT-':,E-LL- ENT EE3E casio nsoWsn In Memoriam 1 Coming Ent Cards of Thanks A.LLEN-in loving memory of Rummage Sale, Salvation,1 I wish te thank my neigh- a dear wifc and mother, Ethel1 Army, Friday, March 8, 9 - 12 1 hors and friends for flowers Allen, who passed away March: noon. 10-1* and cards I received during, 6th, 1966. ----rrt -ro -ll my recent sad bereaèvemen t In The depths o! sorrow we:every Friday night. Admis- the loss of my father. cannot tell, soiuc_ 2t Edith Dunn. 10-1* the loss o! one we loved- _arîe__ sne5 weîî,' Dance ln Solina Hall, Satur- The family of the late Mns. Adwhile she sleeps a peaceful: day, March 9. 1968. Earli dSlowudlketex sleep .'Brown's Orchestra. Everyone: AdssappSloos oldliefor c - Her memory we shall always' weîcome. 1-prkidess ppecaon for mcare keep. St. Patrick's Dance wl eduring her stay ln Sunset I -Always remembered by her, held at the Legion Hall, March 1 Lodge. 10-1 husband Jesse, and daughten ]6th. Admission $250 per: Igabel. Kind thought.s aise couple. Bar privileges. 9 - 12.' We wish to thank our from the Duetta family. 10-1 Royal Amnbassadors B a nd.'finsfrterepesoso Prizes. 10-20 sympathy during theberae COOKSON-In loving menr ment o! our belove m rother, o! a dear wife and mothe r, MONS ER BING rs. Ad a Sloos. Florrie, who passed away!THURSDAY NJGHT, 8 o'cioek William and Kurt March 8, 1963. Sponaored by the Junior and familles. 10-1 Mother, you are not forgotten, Chamber of Commere____ Thor earhyu;r o JUBILEE PAVILION ' Mr. and Mrs. Ken Staple- more ~ O S HA WA 8-tfi ton, Mr. and Mns. John~ StilI ln memory you are wt-- Pa o ttn u- 1 Walkey wish to thiank all their As you always were before. Ailled evening, when the New-1IfrIendsadrltves for te -Ever remembered by theWcastle Artificial Ice Associa-Igft an prstton re family. 10-1 tien sponsor their dance on sented to us last Saturday Saturday, March 3th ln the night. 10-l* DAVIDSON-In Ioving me- Community Hall. Dance to! mor ofa darhusand fah-Norm Williams Orchestra. The family o! the late Mrs.i mor o!a earhusan, fth10-3 L. C. Pascoe wish to thank er and grandfather, Percy W. - all those who remembered Davidson, who passed away on Double presentation for Mr. them ln any way during their March 4, 1967. and Mns. Don Bright (nee bereavement. The expressions He left us quietly, his thoughts Donna Kimble) and Mr. and IOf sympathy were greatly unknown, Mrs. Bruce Donnelhy (nee 10- But left us a memory Barbara Stapleton), Newton- appreciated. 1- We are proud ta own. ville Hall, Saturday, March 16. Se treasure him, Lord, Leave donations at cither The family o! the late Mrs. In your garden of rest, store. 10-î'* Ada Sloos express their ap-1 For hen n ert--nst- preciation to Memorial Hos- He was one 'of the best. Bue omanv rvl ill mn' pital for care and kindness to .-Sadly missed by wite tteKpprKanva l e our mothen. A special thanks« andfamly.heid on March 14 at Lions to Dr. Anfossi for his care and and fmily.Communlty Centre. Gi!ts, ln- help during her Illness. 10-]l ______- cluding quilts, homebaking,,____ KIMBL-In loving memory candy; tea-room, 35c. Tickets' o! our dear mother who pass- available from any member. I wsh to thank ail those who cd away March 10. 196 7. Draw at 8 p.m. 10-2* nemembered me with cards, She left us quietlv - letters. flowers and visits dur-t Her houhts nknwn, The Multiple Sclerosis Dur- 1.ing my stay ln hospital, wîth BuHef thougs memo ham Chapter meeting will be'Ispecial thanks to Dr. Mc We ae poudto wn. held ln the cafeteria o! the Kenzie and the nurses on t[he So trasre er. ordn Port Hope Hospital, March Medical Floor, and speciali In yur ardn o ret, th at 8 p.m. Won't you please thanks also to those who pro- For when on earth pla nonteninrgDrl a for vided transportation for my She was one o! the best. theace ntenmnag dwil tak wife to get to Bowmanville te~ -Sadly missed by Zetta plae. ne nntt ad 9- 1visît me. liarry and family. 10-11, Jfheshments. 9-20J1 _____ ~Bowmanville K i n e t t e hnsdva. 1- KIMBALL-In îovîng memory Fashion Show, "An Invitation 1 wisli to express my sincere ef a dear mother and grand- to Spring", St. Joseph's Audi- thanks to neighbors, friends rnother, Ada Kimbaîl, who torium, Wednesday, March 20, and relatives for the many assed away March 10, 1967. 8:15 p.m. Admission $1.25 per visits and cards. also those1 ghe hbas gone across the river person. Fashions, courtesy of who helped out at home, dur- To he hor o!cve grenMary C Shoppe. Tickets from Ing my recent stay ln hos- TAndheeslogetofsever grear Kinettes or at door. Draw for pital. Special thakto rs face $100 wardrobe. 1 0-2 Wright, Howes and Ballentine,ý But the river flows between. SUNNYSIDE PARK aise nurses and staff on the! Fomne day, some tIme, wc shall 4th floor at Civie Hospital. Te e MONSTER BINGOi Robert Brown, Pontypool._ Teface we love so well: T usa ih Some day we'll clasp her T usa ih lovng band 7:45 I would like te give special' And neyer say farewell. r R P thanks te Dr. Keith Slemon and -Sadly mIssed by ber daught- RED BARN~ nurses on Medical, aise Mrs. l Dr Bea. son-in-law Paddy and O S HA WA M. Gray from Physiotherpy grandchildren Jim and Rick. 6-t! for kindness and help given 10-1 Public Invited - Children's me duning my recent stay ln. Aid- Society o! Northumnber- Memorial Hospital, Bowman-' SNOWDEN-In loving me-i land and Durham - Annuai ville, and for cards and wel inory o! a dear husband and Meeting. To be held at Co- wishes from relatives an father, Alan Snowden, who bourg District Collegiate East, friends. passed away suddenly, March on Wednesday, April l7th, 1968! Mrs. Audrey Holroyd. t~6. at 8:00 p.m. Speaker: Mr. H.î l0-c! 5Vl ittle knew when we woke' H. Dymond, Executive Direc-; th at morn, itor o! Ontario Association of,'I1xish to express my sincere: The sorrow the day would iChihdren's AidSocieties. 10-1 thanks te Dr. AI- Sylvester, bning, Come, dine and -dance to the nurses o! the medical floor For the caîl was sudden, theliGarry (Gi*zz) Watt and bis and the staff o! Memorial Hos- shock severe, Hitchhikers ln the down- pital for their cane while I ~Topar wih oe w loed stirsAncor oom o! hewas In hospital. I want te ýTn artwit on we ove 1 tais AnhorRoo ofthethank everyone who se kindly so dear. Flying Dutchman Motor Inn,setcrsndofrdpan You wished no one a ast' Country and Western Star o!fro yoncnrgto farewell, TV and Radio; Saturday, Mar. and Christin cfnies inu Or had a chance te gay! 9 and 16, 8 p.m. - midnight. goodbye, weBar privileges. Admission area. Ctin Herb. Fraser. You were gone be!ore wI$ 1.25 per person. Everybody knew It, *welcome.-_.9-3 10 And only God ~~~knows why. ýDurham, Chapter, 0. E. S.,; 1 wouîc iket hn h -Sadly missed by wifel wîîî agaîn hold an Opportunity nurses and staff o! Surgical Dorothy and family. 10-1 Sale on Friday, March 29th. Floor o! Memorial Hospital, Better used clothing, house- Bowmanville, and Dr. Anfossi r SPENCER-In hoving memony 1 hold articles, a home bake and Dr. Sproull and ail whot of my parents the late Mr. 1 table and tea table will be set sent flowers, cards and gifts, and Mrs. Albert F. Spencer iuo) offering you the best buys and visited me while in hos- wvho passed away January 15,! at give-away prices. Proceeds pital and at home. and specialý 1959 and March 4th, 1966. Ito E.S.T.A.R.L. Watch this thank you to Barbara Court-t They were Mother and Dad ispace for the exact time and ney and Harold King for ai so rare, iplace o! sale. 10-1 the kind deeds that they ai Contented ln their home frm1 adm duhe. i and always there; ýWoodview Comimunity Centrel Mrs. Fern Alloway. 10-1ý They guided my path and!MONBING helped me aîong, MONSTER BIN O I would like to thank ahI my If I follow their footsteps NeiM nau ned. egbusadra I wih eer g rong. 1 ad jtives for their thoughtfulness -For ieer rememberd and1 7:45P.M. jo! cards, ifts and visits whihe sthlmise b dugte 0Mll-B D AR1 was ln Oshawa Hospital and, RED ARNSt. Micbaeh's Hospital, Toron- WERR -I îoîngrnemrv' ~ SH AW Ato. Aise thanksý t10 Hollings-! o!R--I a ea vhsbn ad fte, 6IV! OS AW heaqr . E Vmployees, frlend.e B ick's of Canada Ltd. OVERs70 000 to 147 CUCUMBER GROWERS ln This Area Last Year! If you have the land, and the labour, and would like to put it to profitable usse .. . phone or write : RON BROOKS, R.R. 6, Bowmanvile, Ont. Telephone 623-5125 WE WILL CONTRACT FOR t2-ACRE OR MORE -NO OBLIGATION - FREE PICKUP IN THIS AREA MACHINERY FRANCHISE AVAILABLE MINNEAPOLIS - MOLINE Tractors and Equipment FOX ýForage Harvesters For Complete Information Contact THE WATERLOOr MFG. CO. LTD. 263 PHILIP STREET Waterloo, Ontario Phone 519-745-47071 Wanted to Rent BAC HfEOR or one-bedroorn apartment ln on near Bow-ij manville. Phone 623-3421. 10-1 XAARTMNTwýanId, central,' I or 2 bedrooms, one adult; by tMay 1. Write ta Advertiser 880. c/o The Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman-i1 j ville. 01 The Canadlai¶ Statemnan, Eowmanville. Ma?. 0,88 13 Magistrate's Court. Notices -Tenders Wcxnted HeId in BowmanvilleI P. 5259-68 DEPARTMENT OF TH O T RI UNCPA OA DPUBLIC WORKS Marc.h 5, 19698 ùîg thathle had not received;thefi, of à arrand sentenced IN THE MATTER 0F Section 2(l) 0F CANADA Magistrate R. B. Baxter.to bind the bargain. last year here conviction for of Te Muicipl CoporaionsTORONTO DISTRICT presided with Crown Attorney, rSokae ditd. theft of car tires brought a TENDERS G.FIonyatelTmJr the court that there was n suspended sentence -for one.. 1960,etin 51)Order c RS SEALED TENDERS AD' n atnga ut ouslBank of Commerce branch in year. In February this yeart' 190,c 21 adDRESSED TO The Manager, for Legal Aid. Norwood and that his account he was again before the court. Sections 6(l) and 11 of The Administrative Services, 2411 Ted Watkins, 2027 Blue- ;in that banik in Peterborough "You certainly don't seeni' Territorial Division Act Jarvis Street, Room 605,fined $0dri, ritsor, sn did flot contain $500 at the' to have learned much." com.; (R.S.O. 1960, c 395) Toronto 2, Ontario, and en- days, for illegal possession of thme.H loamteth end Mgirt Bxr- an oSADARDREN E PFST R liquor December 9. h cheque had been poist- "If you were given the money STANARD EVENE POT 1dated, a fact that Mr. Nesbitt to go back to Newfoundland IN THE MATTER 0F AN APPLICATION OFFICE, PONTYPOOL, ON-'ý When Corporal G. D. Lee,: had flot notîced. I doubt very much that you by The Corporation of the Township TARIO", OP,1 tppdth ehcelat i e dded that it had been would turni up there. Society oMnvrfoaqiengodrwill be received until 3:00bound on Highway, the 20-1 a ob rtce rmsre P.M.an(E.S.Tor ahursday 2lsr'eyear-old football player, who a particularly difficult year hst epoece rmsm to establish the legal existence, March, 1968.j was a passenger in the car,, fro him detorscor let money niidalso." ethe bek corporate status and its proper got out with two part pints'frohis adebhtors fod r g d a n e ah o!te three break 1Plans. specifications and of beer in his hands. The tenadta ehdhda sh a ie 2mnh area and boundaries form of tender can be seen, ýofficer found four full in~serieq of ilinesses, culminat- definite and three months Ii and -intevhc. or can be obtained fromt the 1i î - vhile i ng in his going to hospital determinate in reformatoryi -Office of the Manager, Admin- ' for a cardiagram. He told to run concurrent, and on the- IN THE MATTER 0F By-law 1453 Istrative Services, Departmentl Following the Players' 200!(, the magistrate that hie had liquor charge one month, toi of the applicant corporation of Public Works of Canada, at Mosport, Wayne Titian, 297 gone to Mr. Nesbitt's homelrun concurrent. 241 Jarvis Street, Room 605,jEast 27th Street, Hamilton,Ionl a Stinday with '$300 but On February, 20 evidenc& NOTICE 0F APPLICATION AND iToronto 2, Ontario. and a maie companion picked'ý no one was home. He also ad- was heard in the case of as- Tobe considered each tend-!u acn ir n welmitted that 'ne did flot havelsault involving Ronald Welsh, A P IT E TF RH A IGer must be made on the print- lf ertept n u tsfiin money in either R.R. 2, Donald Allîson, R.R. 3, APP IN ME T ORHE RIG d forms supplied by the Dein- ei trunk. They droveý Bank of Commerce, Peterbor-l Alan Sparrow, R.R. 6, Donald TAKE NOTICE that The Corporation of the Township: partment and i accordane oe oHamilton. Aprn-ough, nor the Royal Bank,! Sheehan, Durhanm Street, and of Manvers has applied to The Ontario Municipal Board forlIwlth the conditions set forth .oen bsre hsan owob oe h 500 ýWayne Eymann, R.R. 3, Osh., a quieting order under the said Acts for, the purpose or'the rein. reported the license num'ber'chequc. awa, and the matter was ad- because an officer arrived Ma estalisinglisare an bondaiesIn ccodane wth he owet o an tedernext morniing and charged Mgistrate Baxter f o un djourned until this week. They cestalsh"n" it are ndud arie inaccodane w t Te loes or any ede" g g nMr. Stockdale guilty as charg-i were furthcr remanded for- Scheule"A" ttahed ereo. nt ncessrîl accpte Titan.ed and adjourned the matter; one week. J. R. SMITH, Manager Evidence was heard on No-' util March 26 for pre-sen-1 The afternoon was devoted AND TAKE NOTICE that The Ontario Municipal Board! Administrative Services.'vember 2] last year, the ac-' ec eot t aiiCut n egh has appointed Wednesday, the l3th day of March, 1968, etiA-6(e.1/7 cused being represented by Dnl Jemih Mlyeang nvvng odo the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Council DPATMNT0 Peter Connors, Ha mil t on. age 18, for. nerly of Corner- Elder Leasing C o mi p an y Chamersin te Vllae ofPor Pery fr te harin o!aOF Magistrate Baxter found the brook,' Newfoundland, was charged in a Department of pharsons inteeVinlagsufPport of orinfoppote ionof ali PUBLIC WORKS accused guilty and remanded convicted on three charges ofi1 Transport matter with irregu'- application. 0F 'CANADA hi nbi o r-etne break and enter - Mercer's~ larities in trucking goods TappNTcDISTRIC report. This week the report, Garage, Orono, February 14,, rom Montreal into Ontario. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a plan and des-wa fvorbe ndh ws Lockhart's School, February The case will continue next critin o te bunaris n qesioninthesad aplcatonTENDERS given suspended sentence for1 7adCak -ihShomnh crptonofth oudaie i qetin n hesadapliaton1SEALED TENDERS AD- one year without bond. I February 19 -- and illegal~ may be inspected at the office o! the Clerk o! the Township ý DRESSED TO The Manager,' Clarence Stockdale. R.R. 3,' possession o! liquor Decem-, FINE QUALITY o! Manvers at any time during regular business hotîrs prior Administrative Services, 241' Norwood. pleaded not guiltyiber 26. He had been in cus-' MONUMENTS AND to hedae apontd fr hesai harng Jarvis Street, Room 605, o! obtaining a combine toi tody until today waiting for' Toronto 2, Ontario, and en- the value of $500 by false pre-sentence report. MAREERS DAEDatToono hi 2d ayo!Ferury 1968 dorsed "T EN D ER F OR, pretenses August 19 last year. In November 1966 in New-4 abMU (signed) R. SCOTT, Secretary STANDARD REVENUE POST He was represented by J. , if* idln î ie as4onv'te of ,m. dt OFFICE, BLACKSTOCK, ON-I Muldaver, Peterborough, and RgL~ TOWNSHIP 0F MANVERS TARIO", elected trial by magistrate.O STAFOR WILSON HEASLIP, Reeve ROSS DAVIDSON, Cierk.ý will bc received untIl 3:00 John Nesbîtt, R.R. 2, Janet-! RESULTS COUNTI BRS LTD. _____________ ______ _____9-21P.M. (E.ST.) Thursday 2lsti ville, who works in Oshawaî March, 1968. 'bt.vso am adta Consuit a Member of the Plans, specifications and in order to finance some re-1wk* form o! tender can be seen, pairs to his property hie ad-I O UMN or can be obtaned from the vertised his combine for sale1 Office of the Manager, Admin- in the Peterborough Exam-~ LE tfodBohr Istrative Services, Department iner. Two prospective cus-StfodB thr o! Public Works o! Canada, tomers came but did not de- Iou ei 241 Jarvis Street, Roomn 605, cide to buy imimediately. Theý MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE'ý THE CORPORATION 0F THE Toronto 2, Ontario. ith-irdj, Mr. Stockdale, w as LIMITED 0O N F BOXVMANVILLE er- must be made on the print- found the price acceptable dshawonoDistrtt' B61355 NOTCE S EREY GVE tht te orpraton forms supplied by the De- He gave Mr. Nesbîtt a cheqiue Real Estate Board 18 Dundas St. E. - Whitby: NOTIE I HEEBYGIVN tat he orpraton;partment and in accordance for $20 to bind the bargain' hn hty6835 of the Town of Bowmanviile will apply to the Legislative' with the conditions set forth and received a receipt statingî Assembiy of the Province o! Ontario ati ts next session for, therein. this was part payment, thel seillgsainasfos The lowest or any tender balance of $500 to be paid n ~peia lgîiaio fllwsnot necessarily accepted. j cash wlien he came forth 1. Deciarlngr by-iaw number 1943 passed on the 4th day', J. R. SMITH, Manager 4 obn.We h is w of October 1965 authorizing construction o! watermalns Administrative Services.,buyrs turnetlid atey wee-1'l on Queen Street front Liberty Street to St. Georg9e A5 (e. 067old.ta i a arac ien Street to be legai and binding without the approval - EATET-- -- Two weeks later, on August, 1* of The Ontario Municipal Board, pursuant to Section, DPBRTMENT0F 19, Mr. Stockdale came andâý 8 of the Local Improvement Act. PBI OK took the machine giving Mr.' 0F CANADA Nesbitt a cheque on a Bank 2. Authorizing the Councii to pass a by-iaw to authorizel TORONTO DISTRICT o! Commerce formwith Nor-, If- th cnsrutin fwatermains and sanitary sewerswo rte in. 'This wasi on Simpson Avenue from the Base Line to 200 feetWEDR ic yfle u n r SEALED TENDERS AD-!ISteckdale signed it in Mr.ý north o! Higlxway 401, without obtaining the approvaliDRESSED 'ro The Manager, Nesbitt's presence. The f1-, of The Ontario Municipal Board, pursuant to Section I Administrative Services, 241loigwe MrNsbtd- 379 (1) paragraph 52 of The Municipal Act. Jarvis Street, Room 605, posited the cheque and forgot Toronto 2, Ontario, and en- about it until he received n 3. Authorizing the Council ta pass a by-law without1 dorsed "T E ND E R FOR letter from the bank sayingi obtaining the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board STANDARD REVENUE POST il had bounced. He sent his ta provide for the issue o! debentures in the principal O F F I C E, NEWTONVILLE, son te sec if there had been sumno cccdig 2330.0 t py hecot ! heONTARIO", some mistake. To his sorrow sumnotexcedig $3,30.0 topaythecos ofthewill be received utl3:00)o he found there was no errer. said works as foliows : - P.M. (E.ST.) Tuesday, March Next morning hie went te sec! Watcrmains on Qucen Street $ 5,304.90 26, 1968. Mr. Stockdale and found he, Watermain and Sanitary Sewer on Plans, specifications and: was away in Peterborough. Simpson Avenue. $17,944.64 form of tender can be seen, "I loloked around and saw; or can be obtained from. the' more machinery than I wasi The objeet for which the new Issue of debentures' Office o! the Manager. Admin- lever able to, afford," con-i ls required lu ta pay for the above mentioned warks and istrative Services, Department tinued Mr. Nesbitt. "'Whený redce he utsandng emprar caita lons win byo! Public Works o! Canada, bbc owner returned bie was in1 redue te oustadingtemorar caitalban owig '241 Jarvis Street, Room. 605,1 a jovial mood and explaincd! thc Corporation. Toronto 2, Ontario. that lie would bring me the' The existing debenture debt o! The Corporation: To be considercd eachi tend- money the fohlowing Wednes- er must be made on the plit day. I waited Up until mid- of the Town of Bowmanvilie lu $2,201,601.00 and no part o! cd forms supplicd by the De-j nigbt but hie neyer sbowedî the principal or interest Is In arrears. The cost of works partment and In accord ance u P."1 approved but not debentured is $430,000,00. The rateable with the conditions set forth Next day Mr. Ncsbitt wentý property o! the Town o! Bowmanville accordingtat the hast, therein. again te the Stockdale farmI. revised assessment raoll is $9,680,464.00. The lowest or any tenderiand was told by Mrs. Stock-i net necessarily accepted. l dale that lier son was out DATED at Bowmanville, Ontario, ihis 29th day J. R. SMITH, Manager 1cuisto m-eombining and herý of January, A.D. 1968.I Administrative Services.! hushand plowing for faîl The orpratin o th AT-6 (ev. 0/6) 1 wheat. Mr. Stockdalc explain- The orpratin o th AT-6 (ev.10/6) 1-1 d that hee bad net come the Town o! Bowmanville.- nigbt before because lie had, By Srike& Srike Pet I een unable te coilect fremi By : trike& Strke, P tsI1bis debtors but that lie wouldi 38 King St. W., SML redppis.Cep)iave it the following Satur-' Bowmanville, Ontario. I1623-5817. 10-I1'day,. Wbcn again hie did net, issolicitors. I___________ come Mr. Neshitt laid theýi 5-6 __ charge and concluded hy say-! _____ _ __ ____\XJrnted 7*/o N.H.A. MORTGAGE NEW BU NGALOWS ONLY 1 LEFT Truîy Fine Homes on Frank St., Bowmanvilîe Featuring: Clay Brick, Storms and Screens, Economical Oil Heating, Cerarnic Tiled 4 -Piece Baths, Loads of Closets, Spacious Kitchens, Mahogany Kitchen Cuphoards and Trim, Tappan Range, Bright Divided Basernent, Excellent Floor Plan. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! PETER KOWAL JR. REALTOR 52 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-2453 __________________-Inn, Stephen Fuels, Speriahtyl SPRING Cleaning - Ahl those Paper Products Ltd., Lloydý odds and ends are needed atI Elhis Shoe Store, Libertyý the Bowmnanville Auction Bewl Limited. Roy Nicholsi Barn. We will pick them up. Meons, L i rn i t e d, Jef frey's Pîcase caîl 728-1005 - 723-0976. Superette, Curran & Bnîggs DouGoerAutioneer. 8-31 Ready Mix, Alex McGregorý Dead or r ippule--d rugsCanadian Tire, F. A..ý Dead r Crpple Krap Furniture Ltd., Mc-' Farm tock Donald Ford Sales, McGregor PICKED liP PROMPTLY lShop, Dykstra's Food Manket,ý Telephone Colleet 263-2721 jMlsT. etr ie Breck Brothers B.P. Station, :Margwill Fur Farm, Childs' LïAies Wear, Liberty, Licence No. 151-C-68 Phiarmacy, Abennethy Paintý 5-tf & Decorator, Brown's Equip- - . ____________ -ment, Rickaby* 's Ltd., Bow- D~.,~.1-,-<1manville Cleaners, M a rr' s .L~J~Jf~.LA ___Jewelhery, Landerr Hardware,: HYGENIC SupiplieÎ-(Rubber Firth Bros. Meat Manket,ý goods) maîled postpaid in Sulley's Barber Sbop, Cartcr'si plain seahed envelope with Bake Shop,' John & Judyl pnice list. Six samples 25c, Shop, Frank's Smoke Shop,. 24 samples $1,00. Mail Order Herb Knapp's Garage, Osh-' Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.. awa Wood Products, Paddy's! Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 Texaco Station, Dutch Oven Restaurant, Don Boe's Shehl * Station, Diana "Motel, Walteri Frank Real Estate, Corona-: K ins m e n tien Restaurant, Glen Rae. (FROM PAGE ONE) Nursing Home der 12 adinitted free o!f -_______--- charge. ;ACCOMMODATION for Chairman George Mutton; Senior Citizens at Lyntonhurst: has announced that a victory Manor, Orono. Reasonabie; dance will be held at the1 rates. Telephone O r o n o' Legion Hall, Qucen St., Bow- 983-5639. 5 1o0' manville, starting at 8 p.nm., ' ý i--- _____ with the awards being pre- Found i sented during the evening., In addition to trophies, there; BLACK kitten. Telephone' will be many prizes that have~ 623-3675. ____10-1 been denated by Bowman-- - -- ville and district merchants Ls and business establishments. Los Prizes donated by L. & L'GE TRÏANSISTOR radio atI jTools, Beaver Lumber Limnit. I ospital by 11111e girl; senti- ed, Barnes & Byam Plumb-j mental to ber, Reward. Cal ing, Flying Dutchman Motor 623-5526. 10-1 AN - FRESHc Ground Chuck 691b New Cr-op WIexican - Valencia Oranges sdi LETTUCE 2 0R35C CUTLVERHOUSE DESSERT - SAVE PEARS 2Tin. -49( le AMBASSAD04 MET3C [-î AV LUNCHEON MA3 RED ROSE 7C SAVE COFFEE 791 b 16c MUONARCH SAVEp PIE CRUST MIX 6 33G Ileinz Sweet Mixed or Woodbury Kasher Style Dil S H AM P OO PICKLES 16-oz. Large LJarx 5 c 79C Bottle SAVE Z1c SAVE 20o SALADA RISE 'N SHINE pf SAVE. Orange Crystals 3c G Pork & Beans2 is3 C1, SUMMIT DINETTE ICE CREAM MARGARINE .79 C ,1,Cai1. 41bs1.00. WHITE LICE4 24 . 8 2 i -..i ý