Retired Teacher Celebrates His l8th Birthday VOLUME 114 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1968 15e Per Con3v NTTM1ER 1 Staff and students of M. J. Hobbs ôenior Public School in Darlington honored a former teacher, now retired, on Thursday morning. It was bis l8th birthday although he had taught in the area for nearly 50 years. M. J. Hobbs was born on February 29th, a Leap Year baby. The party was organîzed by Mr. D. Dewell and his c]ass number 76. Mr. Hobbs was presented with a special card, a handmade trophy and a cake. Kinsmen Sponsor Those taking part in thei from left to right, Wanda1 Vivian who made the trop Mr. Hobbs and Mrs. M. Ha honored guest replied to tions of bis teaching days, to everyone connected witf Big Event Expect Snowmobiles to Hit Speeds 0f Over lOOmph on Straightaways, At Mosport Track on Saturday Mosport's internationally known sports car racing track will be put to winter use this Saturday, March 9th, when between 200 and 250 snaw- mobiles will battie for tro- ~phies, and prize mioney total- 'Open House' at Princess Margaret The local Cancer Society fbrancit advises titat there willI be an Open House at Princess Margaret Hospital and Lodge, 500 Siterbourne St., Toronto, on Sunday, lWarcit l7tit frorn 1:30 to 4 p.rn. Everyone is wel- rne. i f there t., sufficent de- l he busraa to30p.s t -lite return trip should cosi legs titan $1.50 per person. If Interested in going on titis bus, please phone Mrs. S ilIiams, 3-5149; Mr. C. 1e11173-5939 or Mns. G. K. Ward, 3-5721. Yling nearly $2,500. L Machines from many parts 3 f Canada and the United iStates, as well as a new neaas Young PCs. -model from Sweden will be -entered in the races thati .start at 10 a.m. There will be il classes,* plus a powder- puff event and a junior cam- petition. It is expected that the most powerful snowmo- biles will attain speeds of over 100 miles an haur on the track straightaways. As there will be no tria] runs, the grid positions wil] be determined by drawing numbers at driver meetings prior ta the races. Organizers of the event, Bawmanville Kinsmen Club, are receiving excellent co- operation from Mosport own-.......... ers who are arranging ta have parking lots cleared of M snow, refreshment booths and ail other facilities in opera- tion. A crowd of up ta 10,000 is expected. Spectators will be charged $3.00 each with children un- (TURN TO PAGE THIRTEEN) Preston Transport Receives Award for Business Increase R e c e n t 1 y, during the President Maurice Pres- AIled Van Lines 48th an- tan accepted the senoil on inual convention in Mon- behaif aofitis eampany. treal, a Bawrnanville finm, Tite awand was received Preston Transport Limited, for a major increase ai was awarded an Honourable 43.8% in AIlied booking Mention scroll in the sales duning 1961, ane ai "Sword of Hanoun" campe- the few trucking finnis ta, tition. show sueit an increase. Ed Kowal At Peterborough last week- end, a human dynamo in the persan of 27-year-old Ed Kow- al was elected President of the Ontario Young Conservative Association. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kawal Sr., Maple Grave, a graduate of Bawmanville High Sehool, Ontario Agricultural College and the University of Toronta Law Schoal. He was called ta the Ontaria Bar ln March 1967 and is now practising law with the Toronto firm of Singer, Keyfetz, Cass and Lissaman. Last week, Courtice Secandaî'y School's machine shap students found their "hippie' creation ane af the main props in the production af the play "The ]Reluctant Hippie". It is shown bere in the background with two of the players, Terry FlintofL and John Kapustin in appropriate attire. Arirt .oi-ce Lontract Leadership Candidate Speaks at Banquet 'Deplorab.le'îî Beach Areaý Discussed Town Council at the meeting held on Monday evening in the Council Chamber gave permission to the Bowmanville and District Branch of the Canadian Rfed Cross to hold a capvass on March 18th, and also to fly the Red Cross flag over the Town Hall during March, Red Cross month. lis Worship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, presided at the meeting moving ceremony included, and ail members of council were present. Efiott, Allan Andrews, Don Councillor Robert Dykstra, Chairman of the phy, Principal E. S. Taylor, NgtaigCmite eotdo h omte' all ho ade he ake.The recent meeting with the Bowmanville Police Asso- the tributes with recollec- ciation. "We tried to discuss non-monetary items, and expressed appreciation but the police would not do so unless we commit h the unique event. ourselves on the main one, their requeit for a 30 per cent increase in wages," Councillor Dykstra said. Batteries "We held a short Negotiat- flot to exceed $33,000. ing Commlttee caucus. After "The apportionment of cosi I gdellberating we returned and ta each of the fv uiial Srolen f ro M made an offer of $580, a 10 ties in the area is as follows: per cent increase to see if the Oshawa $20,923.72, Whitby $6,- police would corne down from 181.66, Darlington Township New Autos their 30 per cent request. We $2,802,17, Bowmanvllle $2, feel this was a substantial 238.70, and East lNhitby Town- On Tuesday marning, Don offer, but the meeting stili re- ship $853.75. Submission af Plain, manager of Trent- mained deadlocked and the your municipality's share Is Rambler and the Fina Station matter was referred to arbitra.) <TURN TO PAGE TWO) on Liberty Street South, re- tion," NegotiatIng Commlttee ported ta Bowmanville police Chairman Dykstra reported. STORIES HELD OVER that seven batteries, valued at A letter from the Central $175 had been stolen from Lake Ontario Joint Planning Sorry. but a shortage of new cars parked in the Fly- Board deait with a refuse dis- space has made it necessary to ing Dutchman Motor Inn lot, posai study of the area by hold over several news stories Constable Les Ricard Is In- James MacLaren, Limited, and pictures. They will appear vestigating. Cansulting Engineers, at a costInext week. Accident Round Up Two Peterborough Nurses Killed in Head-on Collision Two Peterborough nurses'Chevrolet station wagon driv- were killed on Saturday even- en by Peter Nicholas Mand- Ing at 9:15 o'clock in a cal- row, age 40, Clarkson, Ont. lision between their car and a Mrs. Inness and her passenger southbound one an Na. 35 Mrs. Jean Saunders, age 31, Highway, one mile north of 1028 Gledemount Crescent, Highway 401. A 1965 Cor- Peterborough, were bath kill- vair, driven by Mrs. Muriel ed. Jean Inness, age 49, 777 Lock Mr. Mandrow and his wife, SlreLt, Peterborough, going Estelle, were taken by the! north, collided with a 1966, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) BITS a PIECES MEDALS - This week it was learned that three_ more well-known area citizens have received Can- ada's Centenniai Medals. They are Magistrate R. B. Baxter, veteran clerk-treasurer of Hope Township Willard Lard and Alian A. Martin. former schaol inspector now retired. Congratulations toalal of them. t t t t GONE - No naines will be mentioned but tragedy hit one local family recently. Father was shaving in the bathroomn and set his false teeth on top of the toilet tank. Enter one child who picked up the teeth and dropped theni in the bowl, at the same turne flicking the flusher handle. So long teeth. Father bas been on a soup, bread and nilk diet while waiting for bis new ones to a rrive. 1 tt SPRING - Herb Knapp is sure Spring is on its way. On Tuesday he noticed a frog happing mer- rily araund bis garage floor on the Base Line. If anyone wants it, contact Mr. Knapp. Robert Bur- gess, R.R. 4, alsa reported this week that he had seen bis first groundhog of the year and ane of the teachers at Courtice Secondary School says tuiips are pushing their way through the ground at bis place. There's hope. tt t AMAZING- The machine shop students at Courtice Secondary came up with a tremendaus metal hippie for their big play night last Friday as may be seen in the photo on this page. Now, there's a probleni. What to do with this monster. It may find a place on one of the patios as a bit of psychedelic statue after it has been painted t. prevent rust. 1 t t t t WINNER - Bob Taft was the big $500 winner at the Lions-Rotary Millionaires Night last Thursday. He had instructed his proxy ta go ail the way and he did. Understand sameone slipped up and got the wrong permit, sa it was quite a parched party. t + t t t1 OPENING - This Saturday at 3 p.m. citizens will be welcomed ta the new OPP building at the south end of Newcastle, during the officiai opening. A picture of the structure appears on the sports page. It's fot quite as imposing as the former Gi residence where they have been operating for some years, but it certainly is closer to highway 401 where niost of tbe action is. t tt t f SCHOOLS - This being Education Week, town public schois have been holding Open House for parents and interested citizens. Tomorrow, Vincent Massey and Ontaria Street wiil be open ta the pub- lic. At Maple Grave, young artists have set up a display of their work in th e Maple Grave Graceteria. LABOR - The strike continues at Genenal Motors witb its depressing effect on empioyees and on business establishments. While there is no indication of an early settlement, it is bel. ieved the parties are coming dloser to agreement. 1 At Goodyear, a three-man conciliation board has been set up to, deal with the contract dis- 1 pute, but no dates of meetings have been r released. T ravelogue Tomorrow in The Rotary Travel and Ad- venture Series' presentation of "Windjammer ta Aus- tralia" at eight o'clock ta- marrow evening, Thursday, March, 7th, in the Town Hall auditorium will have Art Erickson, a renowned photo- 'grapher and traveller, present as commentator. d"Windjammer ta Australia" epicts a journey halfway round the world fromn the lîttle known islands of the Pacific ta the "out-back" areas of Australia. In his film Mr. Erickson will show the audience strange and isolated Galapagos Island, where ac equatial ýcliat,- March is Red Cross month tawn canvass will be held for ix months, an hna Isand, popuate byPdecein across Canada and the Bow- Monday, March l8th, during made manager in Bowman- Isan o te Mutiydocndth manville and District Branch the afternoon and evening. ville where he bas made his Bontyo the ociety Isondshe is again conducting its an- Area Captains Mrs. E. Run- home for more than 30 years. Cooks, Tokelaus, Solomons,' nual appeal for funds ta dle, Mrs. Bruce Cale, Mrs. C. Stan is marrled and has two and many athers. maintaîn vital Red Cross ser- Albin, Mrs. J. Buttonshaw 'duhes ae n yd A trip by landrover 14,000 Letters have been mailed Munday, Mrs. G. Forsey, Mrs (r.J .Mciln a miles ln the eastern coast ta ail hausehoîders in Baw- S. James. Mr. Harry bvy Oshawa). and into the barren interior, manville in an attempt ta Mrs. W. Cowan, Mrs. F. Grif-' Don Patterson, a veteran ai the home of many odd and better acquaint them with the fin, Mr. John Living, Mrs. L. many years of service wlth interesting forms of wild lfe work of the local Branch. Lucas and Mr. W.W. Bag- the Maher arganization will and of the strange, nomadic Mr. Don Harvey, Campaign nell are lining up their'teams be transferring from the Ajax people, the aborigines. Chairman, reports that the, (TURN Ta PAGE TWO> branch ta Bowmanville. 'Inherit the Wind' Wîns at Drama Festival p1 The main speaker on Saturday at the founding convention of the new North-' umberland-Durham Liberal constituency was the Minister of Justice the Honor- able Pierre Elliott Trudeau, shown here during the large banquet in Port Hope High Sehool. It was one of the largest political gatherings ever held in this area, with more than 600 in attendance. 600 Liberals Launch New Constituency at Port Hope Convention "Ecanomically we should the head table: Mrs. Honey, not try ta buy back the past, Mr. Trudeau, who was the but we should pay ta ensure special speaker, President and the future," said Hon. Pierre Mrs. James Clarke, Cobourg, Elliott Trudeau, Minister of Senator Arthur Roebuck, Tor- Justice and a leading contend- onto, Dr. Pauline Jewett, Ot- er in the Liberal Leadership tawa, Marcel Prud'homme, race. He was speaking at the M.P. for Montrea!l-St. Denis, Northumberland - Durham Hugh Faulkner, M.P. for Pet- Liberal Association's Found- erborough, Frank Rickard, lng Convention Dinner in Port who was M.P. for this riding Hope Highi School attended by from 1935 ta11945, Mrs. RIck- more than 600 people on Sat- ard, John M. James, also ai urday evening. former M.P. for Durham Russell C. Honey, M.P. for County, Harry Wade, Presi-1 Durham County, Introducedi (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Red Cross Pre pares For Canvass March 18 Mahe'r Promotes 'Stan' Morrison To Vancouver William "Stan" Morrsn manager of the local Maheér Shoe store branch since 1936 has been transferred to Van- couver, B.C., where ho will bs chlef supervisor of the Maher western division, a chain af 22 stores ail located in British Columbia. Stan was borix in Port Hope where he first joined the Maher organizatian, was as- Bowxnanvilie High School's excellent production of "Inherit the Wind" won the Trophy for best overal play in the South Kawartha Draina Festival in Cob- ourg on Saturday. Five plays were entered un the annual festival. John McGuirk was the winner of the award for the best actor in the festival for bis fine portrayal of the lawyer for the defense. The award for best sup- porting actress was won by Diane Hoar for ber sensi- tive characterization of the raie of a fundamentalist minister's daughter in love with the defendant. -"This wznning Bowmanvile production was ratier splendid and moving," Adjudicator Ron Hartman dec,- lared. He said that the clever direction of this play had solved problems of having a lot of 'people onî stage at the ýsame time. In one part of this play there were 28 characters on stage. Pictured above from ici t to right are Mrs. Eliza- beth Pease, a director, Randy Sallows, who received honorable mention for bis portrayal of a newspaper- man, John McGuirk, tbe best actor in the festi'val, Diane Hoar, the best supporting actress and Larry Anderson, honorable mention for his part as a silver ,tongued demagogue. -~ - t. ~.. ~g~ar*~nte.. &.~1 lA' ,. 0-. ,SS44 '... r" - - .~ t t '""" "" 1 'il -9, A -Z -mbi-Y il Lé Lv££JJL;djLb Aq 10 Series -.1 - ý L ýý --t - 1 / il l' IRotary