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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1968, p. 6

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.................................................1 - .: a t t~ 'MTe Came"IanstateInnan, Eowmanvfle,mur. fi, lui; 0Four Leap Year Babies CeIeDrate Second Bhrlhday Ono fr te ome a Kec reation Keviews O=nfStraz usla ùWity isBatieMLa Tyke Hockey Goyne had anc assist each. R yas deeated the Corets ~~~ .. p n h a iiu g t es e k r TI the flrst game piayed on Pee Wee Hockey by a 3 ta 2 count. The Mt.~.*c4 ~I~ Werry, Kedrn hywr al vrRgaMs Pcb.2ls. te Bmber sht I th firt gme layd ~Rayais goals were scored by .'... ~ * *~ p a r t i c u la r l y i n e e e d n t h e r o l d a , C u m s , M , out the Steelers by a close i Frlday, Feb. 23rd the Leafs de- h Wihwthtogas rgeyaRybakTsaCronHrS.Sepe' taoi 0 core. The Bombers lone feated the Bruins by a 2 ta and anc assist, Fred Bray- the bull that a odt aa n Ms ila kcKd gaswere scored by Gerald bokac oladDa o-'.uls ea.rn Ms ogasLv a cutThc Leais goals w MorertankaohneredaOnt-adsolon"anr- AMgrecus" a Morson. asslsted by Brend scored by Ron Knox and Paul sey with three assists. The .. . . . . . . . . . . . .k aiCuty aryfresoMs.Ry oo acmpne B a d u r .H a r t w h M l c R i c h a r d H a l l h a d C r e s g a s w r c c e y * \ < .T u e s d a y t c u dth a ma i t e y n . The second gaine the Blades anc assîst. The Bruins goal Tomn Kinsman and Ken Rowe Clarence and ihWryRos Te owrHlaiK n defcated the Cardinals by a was scared by Rod Sellers, with anc goal and ane assist. ~~ . 5taoi score. The blades goals assisted by Andy Vangroote tv Sumersford pickcd upan rn were scorcd by Richard Stirl- and Dan Leddy. two assists. .."...cqlptnt dy Yun ing with two goals, while TDn lth t The third garne the Maraons feeding Qiseca cein eol Richard, Jerry Reid and Te The second game S tars byea2e the BantarnAil Stars uesse n e er rClmu teddtepry Abbott had one goal each.b a 2S tdîatdteAcs dfa0 score. The Marns ' et W i while Andy Jarvls, Don Prout azta1coant. The ytr g as w r crd b arywinteea s th e iud mntrm S uh iseT rn n and Ron Abbott had anc assist goals were scored by Ted Puk gaswr crdb ar each. and Bil Leaman, the Aces Devitt with two goals, and Jim ' *.o.,. .k .e. Inteiis arepayd<~goals were scored by John Noble and Marris MacDonald tur. al nird n cait Pcb.thend, the Americans de-on o.with anc assist. Fe.2nteAeiasd-Basketball I aMr. H.r owiarcl elie rfta vr$0 fcated thc Royals by a 2 ta o Ini the Pee We game play- Ith rsgaepydonitural Reprem ttv o n- Yucnhl vr er count. The Arnericans goals cd an Saturday morning the I h is an lyda raCut.h orfml yspotn were scored by Doug Hutton Rangera defeated the Bears Saturday, Fcb. 24th the Dipla- orld's Daty. e ryr yu aainHatF arnd Kevin Bowlcr while Mark by a 4 ta 1 score. The Rang- mats deieated the Celtica by ~4*TeWord's aiPaerHI 1nHar ud-Hl Mahoney, Wayne Whjtcrnan ers goals werescored by Nick a 33 ta 17 count. The Diplo: . Tahabe Wrcdi RgaUntyorert ane assiat each. Eldridge anc. The Bears goals Arthur with 16 points, Mike The second garne, the Horn- were scored by Brian Fergu- Gilhooly 6 points, Alan Mur- ets cieted he ndins b a an.doch 5 points whill Ralph ets efeted he ndins b a on.Charron, Bruce Sturrock and 3 ta 1 score. The Hornets In the first game playcd onSmo Vaebrg ac hd goals wcre scorcd by Don Far- Monday, Fcb. 26th, the Wings twmon pa dnegec raw, Randy Masterson and scared three goals ln less than led points. The Celtics were . Mark Strike, while Terry two minutes of the final ldb Jim Wright with 15 ~C n i e Kelly and Don Farrow each pericd ta upset the Atom Al insadGryErdg wlth two points. .had anc assist. The Indians Stars by a 4 ta 3 count. The liane goal was scored by Fred Wings gaals were scored by The second game the Pine .<1 'Wid. 13111 Preece with two, Sandy Ridge School defeated the Atom Hockey Kemp anc and Dale Cowle Warriors by a 35 ta 24 count. . . é In the first game played on anc goal and anc assist. Darel The P.R.S. tcam were led by 1Saturday, Feb. 24th. the Clip- MacGregor picked up anc Wettlavfer with 14 points, Just eight years ago on Feb. 29th, 1960, four Killeen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen, R.R. *-pers defcated the Kings by a assist. The Stars goals were Grey 8 points, Blackbird 5 babies were born in Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 4, Bowmanville, Jane Hilîs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ;- 5 ta 1 score. The Clippers scored by Mike Hbbs, Barry points and Duval and Mac- On hrdy they celebrated their second birthday. Wesley Hils, Enniskillen and Donnie Farrow, son of .Jarpcr with two, Robert while Ted Puk had anc assist. Warriors were led by George They are, from left to right, Kelly Joyner, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farrow, Liberty St. North. -Shackelton two, and Joe Ben- The second game the Bears Taylors i9 points ,DoMr and Fred. Mc-,LbetyS. . Rsrnr C annr onwith1 ont san Do ai M re-dMs .JyeLbryS.N. oe aySifSC8SOldt --ziett, whilc Daug Farrow and swarnped the Bruins by an Mahn 2 points. bt u ftepol ragdett ::.Jay Ternili had anc assist each. 8 ta 3 score. The Bears goals CutadWeerJmbeepsend ai BTehay, P ortPryin- ~ I ran w _ The Kings goal was scored by were scared by Bard lMc- onyadWsenJm repsdofBtnyPrter, -Gary Bruce. Mahan with threc, Bnian Fer- The Departmcnt af Recrea- Caesarea. Qshawa and Panty-LJ -WE.Eovrmnaswîascatn The second game the Bisons guson with twa goals and one tion Country n etr po.Orbyswl tr a-r-yas Zduplicated the score ai 5 ta 1 assist, Rick Leblanc twa goals, Jamboree has anather big iwo out af three playoff with TeUCW etn a aî r .Ilc n rwSna vnn.neia rbesfrtefml o -oven the Rams. The Bisons and Paul Sarginson anc goal show lined up for this coming Bethany. Our lads took a hli th e SuW mtny Schoo i sO drtonJ.werehand r.w, Bay eLanindsy laebeid ~Wals were scored by Briari and three assists. The Bruins Sunday evening, March lOth, lion's share af awards. Morris I nteSna colMs .Egro eeaog M.BryLnLnsy Hall Wednesday evening, Feb. those who attended the Cok- spent thc wekend at home ,..Staneburg, Glenn Martin anc goals were scored by Andy 8:00 p.m., Town Hall Audi- Mitchell and George Van Dam 28th. After the secretarys ng School at the United with his parents, Mn. andESAEP N I G --ogal and anc assist, Darreil VanGrootel with three while torium, Temperance Street, divided the best goals againstan rsue'rpotthk-C rhPtHpls wk.M .C.H.Li. Knx anc goal and anc assist, Rod Sellers picked up ane Bowmanville, Ontario. record for goalies. GaryVand treaarsunesrepot hn rhPrt Hoe, lst wek MsoC aeoto. te11 Ji agisnon ol n sss.Master of Ceremonies Jim Dam won the award for goal ynoucrd wctre ed. It a Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Dow- Srytaeptaite1- -oneone assist, J andutJim Huta HonkehatylRcv.haFredt ney, Brampton, wiandt Mrs.enesstyaiByMiss AnniebeNcsbittstnfessBrnpton, adnsel pans of csslAnpiuteyour --n assis Theg The iirt amethoFaer that Garry (Gizz) Watt and Pool players placing second Byiswudb u us Harold B oy ce, Tottenham, who is in the Memonial Hos-afisinodore.Avewtou The thirrd bg ae Bo .he Ginfdieat m the ios y 7 s is wifc Doneen will be the and third. speaker for the May 121h An- were dinner guests an Sunday pitl, Claermount, Florida. defetedthe ion by 7 a 4 lveniversany Service, and Rev. with Mn. and Mrs. Jack El- Mn. Don Vinkie had the -dcicated the Barons by a 5 ta count. The Flycrs goals wene gestknw ar. Gizz ati uheo FrdweMis T. Smith, Newcastle, will be lioit. misiorlune ta faîl in his haine srietdy -3 aut. heGintsgolsscored by Paul Martin with 0elkonaon nal. ccr nFia eeMs the speaker on April i2th ai r rn ad pn h and has cracked two nibs. wecscarcdhby Raph Cryder three, Nick Birketanc goal Durham and Northumber- Sandra Fallis, L. Cain, Donny 2:30, the Good Fniday service. MnGrtWaepnthe________ .mw ith thnree gals, CRobentad ac assî- land counlies ln the Country Brown and Jimmy Curtis. The Parsonage committee ne- weekend with his cousin, Mn. .-Dnohu ac oa ad ncWercszczynski anc, Doug Tenry and Western Field. Cnoainawnswn aparled a chesterfield suite had DulsWde tteWtr rmtCnieta evc asslt, Jhn on o n goal an c. oe Launie Gay anc goal and The Jamboree r e g u 1 a r S, Mns. Aubrey Cain and Merv- beenUnivechased for theHospar- Genald Brunt, anc assist. The anc assist, while Rolly Simp- featuning Gcrald Ellbatt and ln Bowins, while Miss Brenda loo Unive s abeaiohe rs easityCaemdwalHospita Barons goals wene sconcd by son had twa assists. The Lions His Hoedownens, Deep River Van Dam won the ch air pnize. pot luck suppen an March onto, bas been spend:inL a I CORPORepoOt Mark Chisholm anc goal and goals werc scorcd by Dean Boys ai Paddy Welsh, Dave The commiltee in charge were l7th at 5:30 p.m., with pic- few days wilh Mn. and s onc assist, Tam Nowlan anc Knox with two, Ken Ferris Wooten and Glen Virtue, Ivan Mns. H. Van Wleringen and turcs aflerwards. There was Geo. Staplelon. On Sunday Weekaicb26-Mr mc ~~~~goal, BanTn acgoanc goal and anc assist, Dan- Wannamaker, Dareen Black, Mns. George Van Dam, a reqveerfr uof nlonb. h26 -ledMatr. nnîen-nc8 ivhilc Jocy Chistl and Dan rcyl Sommenscales anc goal Inwin Miller, Joan Harper, Sorry ta report Ihat Mr. be sent ta Konca, also ion sany Services at St. Paul's Amsin and Dan Robinson anc assist. Richard Harper, Willy Wihll- John Bansketis is confined ta used postage stamps. The de- United Chunch, Ajax, and Births-2 maIe, 2 female 4 Bri rII Th eodgm h i-dal, Bothwell Brothers (Pete home awaiting admittance ta votianal service wvas taken wcre dînner guesîs ai Mn. and Discharges .-- - -____ 85 and Jae) and the ever popular Civic Hospital for observation. yM.J. Elliott,Ms.E Mrs .LSteoAa. Major aperations 7___ ats cfatdth Pnter y Ted Halîman are al neady for Reeve Wilson Heaslip, Coun- Walkey and Mrs. Don Vinkle. Mn. and Mrs. No r ma n Minor openations ~ 38 gals tane scordThbPirKen hs udy'Jabre cillor John Payne and Road Rev. Thos. Smith, Newcastle, Heard, Peterborough, wc mcgny treatmcnts - 72 Member.aa 1t lrne rpato Kgoal Bran Coe, BihScon Figure Skating Carnlval Supt. Maurice Bradley attend- showcd his pictunes that hie guests of Mn. and M rs.C lsitirgn o rc al and Bob McDonald anc goal The Bowmanvillc Figure cd the Good Roads Conven- had taken whlle in Japan. and anc assist, Glenn Rice ane Skating Club will hold Iheir lion ln Toono lasI week. A social haîf hour followed. goal and anc assist, and Robt. annual Figure Skating Carnn- Mn. Robent Brown vislted Mn. and Mns. Sid Slacey Wilson anc assist. The Panlh- Ival on Fniday and Saturday, Peterborough rccently ion X- and family were dinner guests crs goals werc scorcd by Mon- Apnil 5th and 6th at the Me- Rays on his broken leg. Wc Thursday evening with Mn. ris Meadowns, Jim Stephen- marial Arena slanling at 8:00 undersland that these showed and Mrs. Don Owles and Ison, Steven Parker and Mike p.m. satisfactory resulîs. Sandy. ,b u'a-a Kehoc wlth anc goal and two Mary Jane Oke and Victor n n rs i nw U UI U .. assîsts, whîîc Ed Wood had Irving, 1967 Junior Pairs M.adMs i rw anc assîst. Champions of Canada and Busiess Directory h15 Mr.*1and Mrs. Len Green, prtcin frThe third game ai the day fourth in the Senior Canadian -Weseida. or dine' o thc Huskies defealcd the P.R. Pains Competitions ln 1968 cc nia CTen a s yobe rsn 1you vactionTRIP S. b3P a 3 ta 1 score. The will be fcatured skatcns and"_______________________tlonine sC onul snil al UppIdb p rv cto TRP Huskies goals wcre scorcd by Kelth Lawrence af Toronto, RAY JinteDflmLING and uppledFRESH ONTARIOe$Aa ufn Max Johnson, Fred Ryan and 1968 Central Junior Men's CatndAconat Ms. Johyen Walfrke .andMn Befneyo g, elîo-csî Ron Piper ail wlth anc goal, Champion who was a big bit 9Ch r c Stet aMns.JKhn taletoan.dEach Beor oug, e lwcot while Donnie Smith, Butch in last year's Carnival, will be 23-3861 ___Street wn pns.en t wlh a beau- TaeAcietnsace Slephen and Neil Goff had pcnforming on bath nighls. wr rsne ihaba.FOE which wiIl provide an acci- anc assist. The PRSgoal This Ycar's Carnival theme WM. J. H OGN tiful china cabinet and some FO I.SHUDEOOAI BUTROS dental death benefit plus pro- was scorcd by Blackbidl whilc la the "Four Scasons", wiih the Chartcred Accountant money. The evcning was tecionaganatthemedcal Tulloch had anc assist. Junior and Senior gnoups ai 115 Liberty St. S., Bowznanvillc spent by dancing, social lime GREEN R WBUTE SUé tetinagistte eicl In the final Bantam game the Figure Skating Club par- Phone 623-3612 and lunch. GIANT (IIL EAu BRUER U expense of accidentai injuries the Pce Wcc Ail Stars defeat- ticipaling. WILAf.HL nostrlnhwsejy during your entire trip-for cd the Braves by a 6 ta 1 The admission ie Is $1.00 B.Comm. cd by the immediate family E 1 I as little as 3 days or as long margin. The Stars goals wenc ion adulîs and 50c for child. Chantered Accountant ai Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown aI RS.Vl m as 6 months. We can also scaed by Bb Luxton, -Dan ren. 361/ King St. E., Oshawa hein home Sauday vening. VEGETABLES -:49 BTTCH PSý 9 Cata enioLvigloe Telephone 725-6539 Euchre was played. Guesîs iif provide insurance fora u Paul Fonscy and Rab Simpson BURROWS, SELBY &CO. included Mn. and Mns. Jim Mi c PI IB IUTS UE P N Y O LCharlcred Accountanîs Gilmen, Mn. Herb Heard andFRS 2 89NIO SD BA N 69 uifects. Cali us for details, twa goals and anc asist, whilc 323 King Street West Mrs. Vilda Tippett, al irom MoCL.tNDIC ieet p.of tI" prie».Pa aIIIR»&LetEPAmot« Dan Calta, Boyd Knox, Den- Oshaw, Ontaia Pot HopeICA7 lIA DITV "M nis Livingstone, Paul Forscy, Windy, veny cold wcathcr Osa ,Onri FISH STICKS 39c OTO jPhil Romenil and Don Spicher and drifted roads did not stop 725-6451 - 728-7554 Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hender- »ÉusM. OTO aIl had anc assist. The Braves a good cnowd aofiends and William A. D. Selby, C.A. son and Canal had Sunday MACARONI CHEISE61 HEAD & SHOULDERS 9 OO N l 5 goal was sconcd by Grant supporters from atcnding the- G. Edmond Burrow s, C.A. dinnen with Mr. and Mns. Al- 12 SI 11 Martin, assislcd by Dave dance sponsored by the Ponty- -_________________________ polAtohnssocainonChnr.pra i With Mn. and Mrs. Arnold SCOPE MOUTHWASH 3 i- Jahnso~d HockeySaturday night. The draw was __________i___rad orSudapsppr a c cAI 7 Ric ard on. hopHtobe abeyMlia n ao Snd av B erce w r e TTLTO 9PITEAQ0A D R . ~ ~ ~ o u n a m e n t o n S a t u d a y . FRISH lof - p lo Suc S TOf lis A.C K I E D .STANLEY GE RT1éZ M . and Mrs. Reid Wood, ~ ~ ln u, /II 67 King St. E., B wmanvile M . dMr. ala e a - B IIT H A RROTS& 2/T R9E N Office Hours: a d M s W lae B u-P Ul rus&W . [,..WtiGH ,, II, ý11 ghen, and Mr. and Mrs. Brian 811tàkia uRAT~BS E O ECULCRN 9 am.ta pm. Caswell attendcd the Odd CAULIFLOWER 37cAI Monday thraugh Thursday Fellaws' Ladies' Night in IMi RTTITO - FRoeue? ICR0lAD E!AtF CHOICE Cottage Cheese 9 a.m. te 4 pm. Friday Bwavle Saturday even: NOPAS-/gc PA ART Closcd Saturday and Sunday îng. Mr adLB. ecl e1/ 2tio-LB-.qut ICE LERY MA 29 C&CAPRI ICI Wfflas _______________e DAVID'S BISCUITS 5 C4 %, ~~~~~~ ~~DONALD A. Ma GREGOR- evening. Henderson, FridayTH R D Y N HT S E AL 6 9 P M. O Y Lufe, Auto, Home eMnin. TArnoldNIGHWade, Mn.-9P.MOnd Ifisurance Mr AnodHanryr.and MPEL 525S. W3cBo Manvlfle yWade adMn. and MPELA Pon 623-5962 rs S. Lancaster attended Pnethe Liberal Banquet aI the b0 M 0 f ga g S High Schoel, Pont Hope, on PINEAPPLE FLAVORED Moiae Saturday evening. -L G31 SADIE HAMILTON -ORN Sonry ta repart that Master MAPLE LEAF Phn 8-15 Mickey McHolm had the mis- Phrt ore Fns9otueta3ilad5ut1ah15.~ . COTTAGE ~HEESEResidences - Fams feel and isi h emoriaî -1 Kal* * *~l Business Properties Hospital. Bowmanville. m k d P c is 4 ----Mlrs. Alice Austin is spend- r. i u <~ptom îry ng a few days wilh ber - e n u~ a u ae r L daughler, Mn. and Mns. Bert b. Gl n R a aiy. MA BLE T,.D orpkins. EOptômetrist The March meetinig ai the 143 King St. E. - Bownianville Warruen's Institute will be PHONE 623-5144 FOR HOME DELIVERY Office Haurs: By appoîntment held on the 201h at the home Dotva i ïl G Telephone 623-3252 ai Mrs. Wllfred Paeden. 9arn. taS5 p.m. chunch are in memony ai the 80 WMAN VILLE Wed. and Sat. - 9 - 12 late Miss Olive Jahnstàn. Thursday evenings - Mua. Mary Jonés, Mn. Leta

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