"and famfly were saturday evening dinner guests o! Mr. ( 7f and Mrs. WlaeGifn socialMr. and Mrs. Garth McGill J-'rsoalwth his parents Mr. and Mrs. Phone 6 3-and3 arvyM l, annngonwere, Phon 6233303visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ralpis IMrs. Verna Forsyth, Tor- Mn. and Mns. Jim Hayman, qulng and embroidering. The onto. spent the weekend with Ontario Street, were Satur- 'expert piecing together of the henr brother, Mr. Russel Clay guests o! Mr. and Mrs. blocks and qulting was done1 Ormiston. Talbert Kellett, Milbrook. by Tyrone Club 49 ladies. The 4-H Club met at the 34r. and Mrs. Roy Lunney Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mac-!Ihome o! Heather Griffin, w e visitons with Mn. and Milan o! Oshawa and Miss Feb. 28th, with 12 girls pre- M .F. Tremeer, Claremont,lKaren Morrison, town, enter- sent. The namne o! the club on Wednesday o! last week. tained their parents, Mr. and was decided, it's the "Ennis- Messrs. Elmen and Fred Mrs. Stan. Monrison, to dinner kiflen Apple Dumplings." We Wood attended the funeral o! at the Georgian Moton Inn, learned the different grades, their brother Howard in Sut- Oshawa, last weekend pior to kinds, and handling o! fruits. ton West, Lake Simcoe, îast Mr. and Mrs. Monrison leav- A jelly salad was made and week. ing here ta maice their home enjoyed by evenyone. Mrs. We are intenested In neceiv- In Vancouver, B.C. Mr. Mon- Griffin and Heather served a nt ison, who has been the papu- lovely lunch. Next meeting Ing the names o! your guest lar manager o! the local Maher will be March 20th at 1:30 at and o! your out-of-town visits Shoe Store for over 30 years, the home o! Mrs. Bruce Reid. for items In this column. Dial bas been transferred by the Mr. and Mns. Allan Werry 3-3303. Company ta Vancouver. Mr. and !amily were Sunday din- Mr. and Mrs. A. Greig, Monison left on Sunday for ner guests with Mn. and Mrs. Third Street, returned on Vancou ver ta commence duties E. A. Werry. Sunday from a most enjayable as chief supervison o! Maher Mr. Grant Werry bas left five-week hollday in Acapulco, Western Division, a chain o! for the West to visit the Mexico. 22 stores all located In British livestock markets. Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundle, Columbia. Our deepest sympathy to Queen Street, have retunned Mr. James A. Werry and from a two-week holiday In family on the passing of his St. Petersburg and F or tD .. ,. 5J brother, the late Ed. Werry Lauderdale, Florida. IReceiWves iwi ai of o! a Mn. and Mrs. AI Elliott and Mn. and Mns. Ed. Weeks chlldren, Whitby, were din- and f a mni y, Scarborough, ner uess lst Wdnedaywere Sunday visitors at Mn. uvernguestsr.antdes AyJ.and Mrs. S. Lamb's. Clenngo!Mn. an rs. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Clanke, Lab's Lane.andi girls wene Su- Mn. Gordon Dodds, accom- Sano panieti by his sister, Mns. day supper guests at Mn. and Beatnice Code, both of Elgin, Mns. D. Bothwell's, Maple Manitoba, are visiting their ~Goe sistr ad brthe-in-awMr.Mn. anti Mrs. Daviti Stain- airand rroe-in-arw r.- ton and Deanna, Cobourg,, anCresn. AtCdPrwy were weekend guests o! L. Congratulations ta Mn. antid Stainton's and A. Nielsen's. Mrs Aian udly o thirMn. and Mrs. D. Millership, Mrs. llanDudly onthei Coumbus, were Sunday sup- 1th wedtiing anniversany, pegussaMnadMr.R Feb. 26th. Formenly fromn McNamee, N.B., they now ne- H' ' Mr.F.Tm wa Fity side at 15 Silver St., Bow- guto!M.aiMr.C inavile."~4' Pethick, ]Bowmanville, and Mn. anti Mrs. Ted Williams, she accompanieti Mns. G. Mc- Oakville, attendeti the necent "'~ Lean ta the Worlti Day o! 5th wedding anniversary Prayer at the Christian Re- celebration o! Mn. and Mrs. fre hrhBwavle Willam obers. rs. illMns. E. Tnewin was Sunday Dounoukos af Ren!new calleti dinnen guest with Mns. F. on Mn. and Mns. Roberts one Toms, anti Mn. and Mns. Lloyd day last week. Slemon and family, Haydon, Mns. Helen Stephens, Gar- were tea guests. rie, anti Mrs. Wayne Stevens Allan A. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb o! Willowdale, recent]y visit- and Lesley, Mns. Rachel ed thein aunt, Mns. N. Wood- Former School Inspecton Grawbangen, Mn. and Mrs. ley, Wellington Street. Mrs. Allan A. Martin o! Port Credit, Lonne Lamb were visitons Steven Saywell o! Oshawa well known ta many in this with Mns. Alex Thunston, was guest of Mns. Wootiley area, was amang those re&- Fenelon Falls. last Wednesday evening. ently hononeti with a Centen-t Mn. and Mrs. Murray Bate niai Medal. The citation states wvene dinner guests o! Mn.. andi "On the occasion o! the aneP t arr th r Mrs. Don Murray, Toronto o hundnetith anniversany o! theP t C ruh s Satunday, Manch 2nd, a Confedenation o! Canada, the pivate engagement panty helti Centennial Medal is confernedC o e u e at the Olti MillIin honon o! on Allan A. Martin Esquiin C o e iee Miss Sandra Murray, Toronto, recognition of valuable service and Mn. Ted Bate o! Colling- ta the nation, July 1, 1967."a ________At TOPS Clubt It's been a harti winter, b ut Te Bwavle Ble cherup SrngIsonya E NSKL E T.O.P.S. held their annual couple o! weeks away - by the Recognition Night, Tuesday,v calendar, that Is. Old Sol Is Mn. anti Mns. Robent Wil- Febnuany 27 at 8 p.m. in the s certainly getting strongen, even sn saa r n r.LosCnr ihteLae If the light, balmy breezes are sn saa n n r.LosCnr ihteLae :.xîsîng atithefiat ! heInvin Cook, Ajax, Misses Mrs. Joan MacDonald presit i .aybooanterepof then Valenie, Debbie anti Dale ing. Thene were 30 mernbers eaves blopmthr o the rth Aveny, Salem, wene Sunday present. A!ter roll cal and a t ..avs p hrug te arh.callers at C. Aveny's. short business meeting, theP Congratulations ta Mn. Elmer Mr and Mrs. Howard Brad- winners In their weight di- c -Vlood who recently netired ley, Maple Grave, and Mn. vision and the Queen for 1967 f, $eon the staff o! Pine Ritige anti Mrs. A. Sharp spent a wene announceti. ?School. Mn. Woodi commenced week with Mrs. H.W rg Thfomr eitRcrd i his duties at the school an .niMcal .Ge h omrWih eod Imos indMichelGlen Bunnie, er Miss Betty Carswell, and d June 14, 1944 anti aften alma Marylanti. the past Leader Mrs. Manie o 24 years o! service, netird net OMn. anti Mrs. M el1vill1e Brooks wene presenteti with aS January 31, 1968. On his ne- Guyatt anti Edwarti, Mn. and corsage and gift. Both ladies c 4ýIfement, the staff at the Mns. Don Lamb, Bailieboro, wene sincerely thanketi for a siehool presentet i hm with a wene saturtiay evening sup- job well done. h "365 Day" dlock. -ier guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Mns. Marlon Kilbunn was tl Mrs. Percy Haywarti haý L. Lamb. presenteti with a cap. nibbon, P returned home a!ter spentilng Mn. and Mrs. Stanlçy Tur- corsage and engraved spoon the wlnten with her daughter ner, Oshawa, Miss Elsie Oke, for nemaining a K.O.P.S. In n Grace, son-in-law Ray and Bowmanville, were Sunday 1967.S >rantitaughte C i n dy Ir visitons o! Mn. anti Mrs. F. The winners far the most ti T/iacedonia, Ohio. Mrs. Hay- Dolanti. weight loss In thein divisions t viard alsa visited fientis In Mr. anti Mrs. Harolti Ash- are as follows: Division No. 2. Euciid, Ohio; Clevelandi, Obio. ton anti Eva wene Sunday Mrs. Mary Benoît; Division tr zind Bediforti, Ohio. Mrs. Hay- visitons at Mn. and Mrs. K. No. 3, Mrs. Grace Archer- se %v'ard reports it was an enjoy- Poien's, Oshawa. Division No. 4, Mrs. Patnicia P: nble wlnter holiday. Mn. and Mrs. Ted McLaugh- (rihq lr'i,,.. n* . . ,. t 1 1lave you noticed the love] nind unusual quilt displayedc a bed ln Kramp's furnitui store window? The beautiful] embroidered quilt is the cer tennial praject of Mrs. i I-Iayman, Ontario Street. A the provinces are represente by their particular shield, eac block ln the quilt containir one appliqued and embrolÉ ered shield. Mrs. Hayman ol tained the block patterns ar stamped each block herse] Then followed the many houi of patient and tedious appli REHOBOTH Christian Reforrned Church Scugog Street Mlinter : Rev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D., M.Th. Worship Services 10 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 11:15 9.m. Sunday School Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday 9:15 p.m. I"Everyone Welcome" TRINITY UNI Minister - Rev. Geoi Organlst - Mr. Will A.C.C.O., SUNDAY, MA 11:0< "THE SEVEN WORE (4) Fa Rev. Georn 8:00 Painel Discussioi - Everyon CHURcE am.-Junior, 1 a..-Beginner a.m. - Primnary -N ýin, Fenelon Falls, were Sun- Mrs. Marion Hayes. These1 or -ay dinner guests of Mr. and ladies received a corsage and re Mrs. John Siemon. engraved spoon. l, Mr. F. W. Werry on Mon- The runner-up for Queen of ýn .i ay attended a luncheon at 1967 was Mrs. Lorrie Car- nIr fenosha Hotel at which the nochan. She received a rib- ý Honourable William Davis, bon, engraved spoon and cor- ed Minister o! Education, was sage. CI, guest speaker. The Queen for 1967 waF: 'l Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tink Mrs. Patricia Carruthers who d- and family, Ebenezer, were was presented with the tra- b. Sunday callers at A. L. ditional tiara, ribbon, cape, i Wearn's. flowers and trophy; loag! f Mr. Frank Dalton, Scarbor- of money. The new Queen ýrr ough, was a dinner guest at and Leader will represent the li. A. L. Wearn's, and Mr. and Bowmanville Belles at T.O.P.S. - Mrs. Don Wearn and family, convention ln April. I~Dundas, were Sunday supper The "Queen for the Month" guests. was Mrs. Verna Sarginson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me- who wears the tiara and holds GiUl, Miss Clara Page. Tor- the club trophy "Slenderella" onto, Miss Elsie Oke, Bow- for the month of March. tranville, Mr. and Mrs. Ross The evening closed ,with a Page and Valenie, Solina, fashion show and a delicious were visitors with Mrs. E. low-cal. lunch. page.1 Mr, and Mrs. Richard Howel and family were visitons at1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dixon's,M r . M fa Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Boy McGill who cele-W,..> $100 Draw Anniversary on Saturday, The Orono Amateur Athlet- when many frlends, neighbors le Association held their and relatives were callers. annual Booster Banquet on Mr. N. Pinch, Maple Grave, Satunday evening, Feb. 24th was a recent caller at R. ln the Orono United Church Griffin's. followed by a draw and dance We welcome Mr. and Mrs. ln the Orono Town Hall. Heard and their small dau- Close to 180 sat down to the ghter ta our village; they banquet catered ta by thej have moved to the Boyd ladies o! the Orono Figure home. Skating Club. The banquet Mr. and Mrs. 'E. Wright are was a turkey dinner wlth al vlsiting relatives nt Roches- the trimmings. Ster, N.Y. Following the dinner the Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Werryý elimination draw for $100 was __ __ -held ln the Town Hall. Mrs. Gladys Moffat a! Onono was (UIIDV'U the winnen of the $100. Many ITED H R other $5 winners wene an- nounced along with some win- rge K. Ward, B.A., B.D. nIng boxes of chocolates. liam M. indly, . AAt nine o'clock dancing 1A.T.CM. ' ilyB.. commenced with Jas. Lowery, .1 A..C.M.Karen Lowery. Mrs. R. Steph- IRCH 1Oth, 1968 enson, Rick Stephenson and Boy Forresten providing the 0 A.M. music. Later ln the evening >5 FROM THE CROSS: 13 mernbers of the Orono rsaken" band sound to the hall when .eK. Ward they presented a number o! gespecial arrangements. This P.M. band caught the fancy o! the crowd who gave them every n i Church Hall encouragement. The band rie Invited - also received trany sincene SCHOOLcompliments. Those playlng, f SCHOOLin the band were: Doug Per- utermdiatand Snior ini. piano; Rick Stephenson, Intemedite ad Seior drums; Don McLaren,' bass; rS Blaine Moffat. Gordon Werny,ý and Kindergarten Kathleen Middleton, Shelly .JHooey, NeJI Allin and Keith 1 Elect New Officers at Chamber of Commerce Dinner This year's executive of the Chamber of Com- merce was elected last Wednesday evening during the annual dinner at the Flying Dutchman Mator Inn. They are, from left ta right, Vice President Don Mac- Gregor, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Peggy Frank, Presi- Bob Lawton, New President Three Certif icates of Menit Presented at C of C Dinner Presitient Wiifned McMechan presideti at the annual dinner meeting o! the Bowmanville Chamber o! Commence beld at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hatel on Wednestiay evening. The guest speaker fan the eveut was F. H. Howarti, Tornto, President o! the On- tario Chamber o! Commence. Othens at the heati table were Mns. McMechan, His Warsbip the Mayor and Mrs. Ivan Habbs, Vice-Presideut anti Mns. R. G. Lawton, anti Ralph Mclntyre, a director. Grace was saiti by James A. Bell, also a director, anti the Toast ta the -en was proposeti by Vice-Presitient Lawton. The Naminatiug Cammittee was camposeti o! three past presitients, Chairman W. B. Syer, Glenn Lautien anti Mn. Bell. As it was impassible for Mn. Syer anti Mn. Lantien ta be at the meeting, Mn. Bell presenteti the Norninating Committee's report with the fallowîug siate o! officens fan the coming year: Past Presi- dent Wilfneti McMechan, Presi- dent R. G. Lawlon, Vice-Presi- dent Don MacGnegan, Direct- ors, Arthur Hooper, George Stephen, Kani Bickell, Mal- colm MacKenzie anti Don Gil- hiooly. H. B. McGee moveti that the siate o! officens as pro- poseti by the Nominating Com- nittee be atiopteti. This was secontieti by Fneti Kramp anti the election was by acclama- tion. Presitient McMechan in In- trotiucing the guest speaker said tbat Ontario C. a! C Presitient Howardi hati been bonn in Montreal anti neceiv- ti bis B.Sc. Degree In Me- chanical Engineering froni the University o! Toronto, and Luring Worlti War II serveti overseas as a Captain In c c o .Alun, trumpets; M a r i ly n 'ramblyn, Karen Loweny, Car- man Cornish anti Boyti Woodi, saxophones. This was the debut for Ibis banti ln Onono anti no doubt !rom, their enthusiasm, they will be hearti again. The entire evening was most successful.-Times. Celebrates 8lst Birthday With Family Editor's Note: The States- man is indebtedti t Miss Beatrice Reynoldis o! Wil- lowtiale for bringing in the falawing Item concerning ber sister's birtbday. AU o! the family were former resitients of Danlington Township. "Mrs. Florence Pingie, a resitient o! Oakview Christ- Ian Hospital, Glentiora, cele- brateti ber 8lst birthtiay, January 31st , but this yean it was more than a bintbtiay. Il manketi the finsl time lu 35 yeans that ber chîltiren were witb ber ta make the occasion one ta rememben. "A quiet dinner party honoring Mns. Pingle was hosted ti athe home a! one o! ber tiaugbtens, Mns. William Benner o! Ancadia. "Among those attentiing were Mns. Phil Parent anti Mrs. Walter Teno o! Wind- sor. Ontario, Canada; Bruce Pingle o! Oregon, Morley Pingle o! San Gabriel, Anth- un Pingle of Inglewood. "Mrs. Pingle's twin sister, Mrs. E. Foster, nesides lu Bowmanville, Ontario. Thene are four other sisters, Mmes. E. Rantial, E. Santienson, C. R. Smith anti Miss Bea Reynoldis, ail resiting ln Canada. "Mrs. Pingle bas eigbt grantichiltinen anti 24 great- grantichiltiren. She was very active lu the wonk of tbe Vermout Avenue Presby- tenian Chunch when she liv- ed ln Los Angeles." nRCEME. He salti that after ýthe wan Mr. Howardi had ebeen associated with the CPR duntil 1950, then movedti t rLontion, Ont., wbene be was engageti in manufacturing, anti esince 1963 bas been Chie! 1Engineer, Frigidaire Protiucts -o! Canada Limiteti. President Howard outlined ethe bistory o! Chambers of Commerce, anti saiti this can be traceti ta the ancient citles 1o! Mesopotamia anti Babylon 4,000 years ago. He aiso ne- ferredti t metiieval guiltis. "The term Chamber o! Com- tmerce was first useti by an iassociation of menchants ln Manseilles, France, ln 1599. In Haifax an Association for the Benefit o! Trade was formeti ln 1750, anti 18 years later the New York State Chamben o! Commence .was onganizeti". The influence anti scape o! activities of Chambers o! Commence are constantly In- creasing, the speaker declaneti. He saiti that the C. o!f.C. is calleti a tourlst promotion buneau, Intiustnial develop- ment gnoup, anti retail merch- ants association. "It is ail these things, but a great deal more besities. Bas- Ically. it Is an organization whicb cancens Itself witb any phase o! community ilfe which can be Improveti for the gen- enal econamic anti social wel- fane o! Its citizens". Presitient Howardi tolti the meeting that there are 30 dis- tricts lu the province, eacb o! wbich elects one persan ta ne- present them on the Boarti o! Directors o! the Ontario Cbam- ber o! Commence. "Communities witb a popu- lation o! more than 100,000 are entitiedti t appoint a dl- recton anti up t-o 20 more may be appainteti by the boanrd o! dinectors,"l he explaîneti. The general objectives of the Ontario C. o! C. are: 1. To pnotect tiemocnatic principles: 2. To presenve antiativance aur ecanamic system baseti on onivate initiative anti enter- inrise; 3. To maintain fair ne- latIons among labor, manage- ment, capital, anti the consum- er; 4. Ta promote co-opera- tian among all Chambers o! Commence In the province sa ta further these objectives. "The Ontario C. of C. bas two more Important aima. These are ta tievelap anti pre- sent an Informeti public opinion concerning these ob- jectives anti other mattera, anti thereby ta secune effect- Ive action by the Goverument o! Ontario". Presitient Howardi ungeti the Bowmanville C. o! C. ta senti delegates ta the 57th Annual Meeting o! the On- tario Chamber o! Commer-ce in Sarnia ln May. Presitient McMechan tbank- eti Mr. Howarti for bis Inter- esting atitress. He then an- nounceti that the Bowman- ville C. o! C. Citations o! Menit for 1967 bati been awartied ta Greig's Hamr- styling, the Flowen Shop Car- nation anti Cbristmas Decona- tions, Limiteti. He then asketi Mayor Hobbs ta, present the citation certificates ta the winners. Presitient MeMechan tolti the gathering that thene hati been four directors meetings. anti two general dinner meet- Lngs beld tiuning the past yean. The membersbip Inclutiet 68 memben firms anti 162 Imdi- vidual members, he saiti. "The directors meeting are open to ail, but only directors huave attendeti. We aboulti estab1ish a set time anti dates for tbese meetings." Presitient MefMechan auggested. Discussing the local C. o! C.'s achievements In 1967, Presl- dent McMecban spoke o! the 63 enquinles receiveti. Of Ibis total 17 were negarding Mas- port anti the nemainden asked for information on the anea, industries, service club ex- rnany local nequests for in- formation are matie by tele- phone, anti are hantileti by the Secretary-Treasuner, Mrs. R. Frank. "The warning systeru was, dent Robert G. Lawton, Past President Wilfred Mc- Mechan, Directar George Stephen; back row, Direc- tors, Kenneth N. Nicks, H. G. McGee, Kari Bickell and Arthur Hooper; absent when photo was taken, Malcolm MacKenzie and Don Gilhooly. Santa Claus Parade under the! chairmanship of G e o r g e Stephen. An added feature taken on by thls committee was to have Santa Claus on the Bank of Montreal parking lot the five Saturdays before Christmas from one o'clock to four p.m.". President McMechan thank- ed the ather officers and di- rectors for the support given hlm during his two terms as president of the organiza- tion. He also paid tribute to the fine work done by Secre- tary-Treasurer Frank. The annual Financial State- ment for the year ending De- cember 3lst, 1967, submitted by Mrs. Frank, was as follows: bank balance, January lst, 1967, $1,111.46. Receipts, mem- bership dues $1,274.85; gen- eral meetings and November meeting at the Castie Hotel, $115.37, giving total recelpts y l ion o! Ibis system ta make 1certain the three people they, Zare ta Infonm get the accurate )Information as quickly as spassible. 1 "We co-sponsoneti a town fmeeting pnior ta the election, Shaving the candidates present i anti giving each an opportun- "tY ta speak. We have been rwell neceiveti by Town Coun- cil, anti pnablems concenning Christmas tiecorative ligbtiug wene Ironeti out. "Our Chamber o! Commence sponsoret another successful ANTIPHLOGUSTINE RUB 2oz For Aching Muscles Sugg. Iist 1.29 1.09 Mouthwashen CEPACOLGargie 14 oz. sugg. list 1.40 10091 IJ CLOTH 12's 2 B3OXES FOR ALL PURPOSE TOWELS 1.09I FACELLE ROYALE< 65 Facial Tissues0 Sugg. Iist 2/69c F65 WAMPOLE TONI( 15oz For the Whole Farnily Sugg. list 1.70 15 JACK AND JILL Sugg. Iist 73c (OUGH SYRUP 66C SmalI ADORN 7 oz. Hair Spray Plus Self Styling Colossal Clips Sug.lit1.98167 Lemon Flavoured WILKINSONjN EOCITRAN Super Sword Edge Blades1 For Cold lo's Sugg. list 1.39 1.13 PRESCRIPTIONS 93C 41/2 oz. Sugg. list 1.09 5 KING St. W. 1TeCanadian statemman, Bewmarn'fle, Mar. 6, lm6 o! $1,300.22, which plus the bank balance amountedti t $2,501.68. Expenditunes in 1907 were: postage, $32.90; duplIcating, $12.32; telephone, $149.92; stationeny and pnint- lng $17.98; secnetary's salary, $440; association dues, $45; ativertising, $27.60; Christmas decorative lighting repains and replacement (for 1966 season) $403.45; Christmas ligbting (hydro fon 1966 anti previous seasons) $172.50; Citations e! Menit, $69.03; replacement bags, garbage receptacles, $30.46; t o t a 1 expenditure, $1,401.16. Bank balance Jan. lst, 1968, $1,100.52. Newly elected presi4ýnt Lawton thanked the Nom~in- ating Cammittee for propos- ing hlm for his new office, and also thanketi evenyone present for his election by acclamation. He said that he was happy regarding the di- nectars elected, anti predicteti t b a t Secnetary - Treasunen Frank will continue her gooti wonk. He agreed with the sug- gestion matie by Past Presi- dent McMechan on the ativisa- bllity o! having set dates anti times for the meetings, and pletiged that tiuring bis own tenm o! office as president he will do bis utmost ta support the Bowmanville Chamnber o! Commerce In every way. 7 LONG SAULT Debby Vandam, Burketon spntthe weekend wthRuh naeron. Mn. anti Mns. G. Bernard anti family visiteti with the Rev. anti Mns. Heimbeckr, Matiac, on Suntiay. Mn. anti Mns. Earl Penwar. tien anti !amily were Sunday dinnen guests of Mms. KeUýF. Onono. Mrs. W. Penwarden neturneti home with them. Mn. anti Mrs. Rye Gibson recently spent an evening with Mn. anti Mns. G. Puguiey, Cobourg, anti aise spent an evening with Mn. anti Mrs. J. R. Parkinson, Courtice. Mn. anti Mns. Davidi Hall, Hampton. were Thunstiay ev. ening guests of Mn. anti Mrs. G. Baker. Sorry ta repent Mrs. May Johns hasn't been too well for some time. Mn. anti Mrs. Barry Cie. mens, Hampton, were Suntiay suppen guests o! Mn. anti Mr. John Baker anti Ricky. Mr. anti Mns. H. Murphy, Mango anti Trevon wene Sun. day evening visitons o! the Kovacs'. Mn. anti Mrs. H. Murphy visiteti Mns. Fred Brooks in Oshawa Genenal Hospital and Mrs. Etiith Murphy in Mem. onial Hospital an Suntiay. CONFIDETSI Feminine Napkins1 48's 1 1.99 Value for 1.79 1*631 TTDELSEY Toilet Tissue Sugg. Fitir3 No Purchase Necessary Ifeadache Tablets 5013 Sugg. listc 88e 69 Pepto Bismol For Upset Stomachs 8-oz. Sugg. list 1 009 1.25 *eJ Westinghouse Console 25" COLOUR T.V. ,Name ................................................. iStreet................................................. ITown.................................Tei............ 'My I.D.A. *Drug Store is ............................ * Deposit entry form in the box in your I I.D.A. Drug Store. 0 1 have read the rules of the L.D.A. Free Conteit and j agree to abide by them. Conteit closes Saturday, March 9, 1968. - I.D. REMEDIES - - PHONE 623-5792^ ROTARY IRA VELOGUE "'WINDJAMMER TO AUSTRALIA"E A full colour story of adventure at sea plus a landrover trip of 14,000 miles into the area of the Aborigines. THURS>, MARCH 7 Corne fo the Town Hall at 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION - $1.25 SCORE 'WINI Hair Dressing 9:30 11:00 11:20 ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e 1 1