-~ - - . - - - --~--- 9The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Mar. 6, 1968! ~~SPORToPuCsl By Frank Mohun 623-7234ý BRENT HUGHES - LA. KINGS Next weeka column wiIl cortain an interview Sports editar Frank Mohun had with Bowmnanville*s ]one N.H.L.ii player - Brent Hughes The talk took p lace foIIow'ing the'_______________ Los Angeles Kings - Toronto Maple Leafs game, Saturday' rxlght at the Gardens ln Toronto. t M e n's JUNIOR TOWN LEAGtTE Bis Billiards defeated Nichols' Motors 7-3 to even theý Major Lge@., bpect o thiree aniar Tongaege semi-nals7:1at ewi Memoral Aena.Howard Broniell "the South t t t t t Ward Kid" topped ail bowlers' 1VIT~SLEAD tlîis week with a big 870 triple. The South Ward kid also had Whyte's Upholstering. regular scheduile pace-sptters.: the high single score of 346. defeated runner-up Stephen Fuels 57-.15 in the openlng game BromelI's other two games of the Men's Town Basketball best of three, final series, last ,vere 271-253. Tuesay 1ght atthe ighSchol gmnasum.Three other howlers crash- Tuesay lghtat he HgliSehol gmnasum.ed the 800) mark. AI Osborne Whyte's. wîth Paul Goldstein and Lars Caris;on ]eadin1g had 840 (296-267-277), Brian the scoring, and Tomn Pearson and Doug Hutchison controli- !Ma rtyn 821 (244-247-330) and ing the back-hoards, turned in a solid teamn performance, to Minnesto Fats Fan Etcher 810 rate as favorites to lock up the champlonship. (267-258-285). Nine bowlers bettered the' However, Stephen's big guns just coildrit get untracked 700 plateau. Stan "The Mýan'- ln the openier and should scoring champ Bill Hay and runner- McMlurter 791 (303-298.), Russ Up Lyn Lowry, regain their tauch. the series could go to a "Wigger" Oke 789 (293,1, Lou third and deciding encouniter next Tuesday, March 12th. i MeFeeters î54 (312)., Kari Piper 752 (259). Bob Lawton'1 737 (293),. LarrY Piper 7433 SINGLE GAME SUNDAY MORNINCG (283), Ted "Pappv"* Bagnel 711 <287). Bob Williamxs 70)8 Brysans Snike Shop defeated Brooks Supertest 4-1 toi (24R) Dave Rey7noIds 705 take their hest of three Commercial League semi-final series! (Î001 two games ta one. In the other set, Walter Frank Real" Rou McLean hiad a big 3100 Estate tied Mutton & Gould Shell 3-3 in overtîme, îeaving s inale gm.Bh"ae et lake 290, Eltan Brock 290), Jack their series ail even nt one wln apiece, with the tie. 1 Bond 291, Murray Tighe 294, Mutton & Gould will meet Frank's in a sudden death Bruce Milne 289, Walt Hately clash Sunday morning, ten oaclock at the Arena. 278, George Stephien 27î4, Bob t t t t Glanv~ille 268, Norrm Henining WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE LEAFS? T"h-fie Nels Osborne Insui It seems qulte safe ta assume that Montreal Cariadienisitambi 138vnlt.e gma have found themrselves, and once more occupy their familiar 33 rpe first place herth. Atter a bad start, due to Injuries. Stail The Whvte Bi-os., "Buwi Mikita is right up there with the top scorers. and so the ville*s greateýýt tearnf' sl a little this week and are Chicago Black Hawks are right tip in gecoýnd, But what only 2 points uip on the happened ta the Toronto Maple Leafs, the team we picked, boys. for third ? la the a%erages AI Osi Can the Boston Bruins, without Babby Orr, mnake the moved up ta 23*5 and E MVartx-n hit 253 while p1ayoffs, or will the Leafs stage one of their rallies to take, Sout.h Ward Kid 1lia ever fourth spot. And what about the Rangers? 'Bronieli jumped into Speaking of the Bruins, certainly the fact that Orr made'place at 241 for 27 games the second team in bis Calder Clip winning rookie F;eason onglratlationnett area and this year was the half-way Norris wirner, along withiterrific iob his vnuth hoa runaway choice as the first team's top defenceman - should; did in the Zone I PlaN rnake leveryone realize how great Ille is. The members or the It's surprising at the number of sparts-mindedi peuple, Leaguie are hoping Bel tvho didn't sep Bobby play, durtng the years he toiled with ames uapwith nther the Oshawa Generals. "Is lie really that good ?" they would adin hampio- ndShed ask, while others would couniter with - "There's been a Averages lot af star players In Jr. "A" who neyer made it tb the 7,,amn e Garnes NHL AI Osbornxe 24 Quite true - but Orr was Sas outstanding la Jr. "A", BHanwartynoel -- 27 that aur answer was - "If Bobby doesn't make IL. 2-îahdy Russ Oke . 27 wlll." Say, whatever happenied to Andre Lacroix, the Ilick Eraie Perfect . 27 Don Oke 27 Peterboroughi centre who was pieked as the MVP over 0cr? 'Iack Bond. 27 Undoubtedly Bobby proved the honor should have been his. Da\ p Re.\nalds 27 when Oshawa was forced to do without hls services in the Bob Lawton 27 - Memnorlal Cup riayoffs. The status of bath players now, speaks s Hallman 27 for itself. BHWetae 2 M0aurîce Annaert 2 But It wasn't Bobhy Orr we- started ta write about -R~ Hately -2 It s the Toronto Maple Leafs. Remember the Stanley Cutpijlairr'y Piper 27 playoffs last spring? Now nobody. reallv expected Toronita1Ted Bagnell - -12 ta win, over Montreal and Chicago. But Sawchuk and Bower i on Bageil 27 were unbeatable, and Stemnkowski, Pappin and Coniacher Bd Leslle 2 arrived as blg-leaguers. Buid Henning -27 Then ibis faîl, we read where several astute and %ve Walt Hately - 21 mîight add veteran Toronto hockey-writers, decided that Jap Palmer 2 Leafs had established a new hockey dynasty. They were the Kari Piper .'27 greatest - and no one xvas galng to beat them. No langer L-au Wisenan '27- was "Punch" Imiaeh rapped for gaing alang with his aider Milke Murphy 2 players, and everything was tremendotîs. ElBonbrocamk2 Now suddenly it is pointed oui that limlach shuuld- have Don Jeîîseil '24 knowa better than to ]lave tried ta go with those aid guys HaroldI Michlcson *27 on defence. YeL didn't 'Tim' Horion finaîly get recognized RalY Coomibes 27 Ah) Saman 27 es a firsi team ail-star. We thouight that Marcel Pronovost xvas John Carter'7 playing his best hockey silice jaining the Leafs. flupp, wvhule!Douig Carter l24 flot spectacular, Is a fine defensive defencemnan and afier Bon McLean21 bis contraci aquabliles, Hiliman has played well. bu iecEThomsn--.---27 Adnîittedly, AI Stanley is too slow, but what about Jira Georg1 Nl'eStehen - .27 McKenny ? WP ean't beli, pointing oui that in Jr ."A-. Stan McMurtcr 27 Gardeng pîiblicity mari, AI Stewart, devated a pragrammej Art Rawe 2 telling whl' MrKenny w'as better thîan Oi-r. 'Nuif said.j Dr. H. B. Runidle 27 Brucoe Milne 2 7 Il igt e erxîe Puch isalt One, ta Praise bis1George PGlanville 27 players for playing well, that Toronto usuail ' winds up rmly!.Jar-k Laixîder --- 27 third or fourtb. Then wvith the rnoney on the uine. they camne BllàBarter "4 cbarging on ta qîîite often win the Stanlev Clip. Siura Tighe '27 Sirrewin '27 The key ta Torantos,ç suicens is hard-hitting, anîd the, Friîik Mahunii fnrwards Ixsi havent heen daoing that. Three of the titars Gjeor'ge Behee 27 In last, seasons playoffs, particularlv leadirîg scorer Jim Bah Kert 21 Pappin, are no langer with the cltlb. If Leafs are tn rnake Frank Paker 27 the playoffs -- they'd better start tossing a fewchc-ecks. Bah Glanx'ille 27 Perhps "xiah ismtsillg a bel b3' not signing SýtaIln Clareiice Oke 2 Obodiac of the Gardeais puihlicitv, staff. Stan, while oI.laing nwllMubo -1 Cornpiner 2' Ia World Cup campetition in the p .o's xith 'ellhbridge, Bill Orme 151 set a sroring mark, that %vas onîl' recentlY tied h1 Firsov K<ar] Rick-ell2. lof Russia. Luke Atînacri Byv the wa\-, altholughi we picked Der<'k Sandersux11S Nax-ni Ilexniiîg 7 aur chaire for the rookip award, and lie \as #evenîn1aîl',- Bih lu ttnn 27 setected by quite a mnargin, in aur opinion il shotild hav~e Team IN' il Pins been dloser. How abouit Jacques Lemaire or RogaileniWhite Vachon 2Bros, __21 fi 3 15413 Mike Walton la the second besi centrelaI-te N.H L 2 G. . 19 1 3s)3 TIheri howcum hp spends so mnuch timne on the beach The; Wear 16 Il 29585 vote should have gone ta Phil Esposito. N. Osborne Ins. 15 12 30549 i epsýi Cla 15 12 29482 MEMORIAL Vr &141 AR NAdwe. 12 15 3(0C0.3 t ould 12 15 2969() Bea ver BOWM NVILE itunnher 121z 8là 29726 FooA~iLEdk9tr 112'1812 2 929 7 S. Grant ~**~ * Ha 9 19 28727 Legion Ladie A ve rages FBtina-e N Slîeehaa - 7 M.Blake -. 24 A. Baie - --- - 24 NI. W'esto'er -- 26 HigO Triple - - F. l3run-e Higli Sinîgle - - F. Buruce Over 200 Ganiei - Y. Bi 272, 255. 252: M. Gray M. Blake 226. 202: R. Ven 222: N. Sheehau i?-10. Team Standings No). 3 Rate, 17 No. i Brice 16 No. 2 Blake .. 13 No. 4 Sheehan ____ 8 Special Ceremony Will Open OPP Building on Saturday 'T-is Sat LppPC< be an officia 110", Provinicial IP IGA hreCommerc 3x ian t he D waArd third Dry IMinor Hockey Standings BOWNMXN VILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENîý MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE T STANDINGS AS 0F MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Teanis G P Won Lost Tied Pts. GF GA TYKE LEAGUE îBiades 1 -ý 9 12 1 19 42 12 Amcricans- 12 8 1 3 19 22 19 Boaas -- 12 6 4 2 14 29 Cardirtails - 1-' 5 5 2 12 214 13omlirs 12 35 6 1 10 15 29 j IJurneîtý 12> 4 7 1 9 17 23 stuelcus 1I 3 8 I 7 10 20 Indians 12- 2 9 1 5 7 30 AT()M Bisons Cipî~pers> Barons Rantis LEAG L' --- ----- AtomAil tarsIl PEE WEE (13) tI Al tîsI M efs - ------ 0 Piacs 10 Bravens ------- 1 Lions - - I) Panthors 10> 1oîtsi 10 1 ( 20 6 3 16 camiick.s - -- 12 6 5 I1 13 49 41 i\la'xuxx -------- u10 352 12 31 25 -Mt. Rayails --Il1 4 2 12 111 37 hexierals - --- il 1 3 63 2 8 29 41 T3aitiim's .- - :3 4 1 7' 14 20 0 t'plî i s -9 - o -- ----0 18 56- Auïdav, -Max-eh 9th, ai 3 p.m., there will 'aid-Cachier Freewav at Newcastle. The puîblic al olpeiîiiug ceremnuiy ai the iie\ Ontariaoi vited, to attend and inspect the premnises. Staff olicc building just southliof the Macdon- ýbers will be on hand to act as guides. c ia Lege lyo :îaI eagu PlaottsMixed League ;ons Down Brooks 4 -1 Bowling 15 inl- ii e'm - oder g ê Canule Wiscrmaii rolled a hig - l- - w w q aw -MM - r wUm - - 4 the Î IS34-4 gai-e i l lMixed l eagî 5Lli S on Frida.v, March Ist. ta tares a o n o k Men' ol Benetttook hîgli sigle nne t: forh e vthhs39gý Cane Cale Etcher xacked up a 7)() Ca M & G Battie Franks to Tie foi-plîo e i tiple_9finalsOpen Thursday, lethe ladies anîd Mince Prol... i P o S ke Sop d- aman ad tcain w ere tied ris adduag a sigle, foi, the loouk ligli triple for, the mein Ave. xanced Io the Coniaiercual 2-2 leading ijuta the third.: Realtors. wxitlî lus 739 total for br-e -îaî xx 'îixmtcldcd Mçl t he tl'ird. settilng the stage 2I53 dacy aguaitfixn, ril ]Gueruisel-sent Multon &î. Gals by Geor-ge Saiiasbury ý*Onie Bicher continues t e ]adl ý- >' s sports :3-21and CryS- fori- hv Gils winner ai the 25:ýGould iirn fraa, theaiM5:20, b it.each of the first two peniads the ladies witlî an averagc of tai 1Daix rdfciclLo-ke TV. ciglît minute mark. after lie 2?41 Paik. bh*y defeatitxg Brooks' (OIdi rn t52,bt gave Bryson's a 2-Il lead, he- 243 and Larry Piper leaci: t'12 7-22at îh le1înioi-ial Arel1a. xas put in tbe clear on a 2:37 Slipx'rtest, -I 1 totake the wîth defeai stariîîg them la fore "Mort' Richards pult.men w'itlîan average of 236, T 'f-îîmiýv î\ xîit. xto tke the: fie play hy Black. 2fi semni-filial s e r i c' s in txva the( facer, Lloyd Hamilton net-i Brooks on the srare-shîeet al! !)(,SIaiies 1xol iilîe scillx-f nalsIsnii c N t11 N's ple goalie 231 straitc1it gan1e:. BLI11V tht-xxhr tex-Ithe equializer ai 16:05.1 13:01 af the third. 0nIlyss th5'xi.300Wi ioxke La< Slp'Raw fr sithaU 2,31 serni-finai xx'as c\teudcd toaa Fix eminutes of overtime seconids later, Bob Helianu'CoUîtiic Wisemauî 314', T Piai - -wefo asxt at 2:3 fourla (nixiotesi xlîcî alîrtfailecl to break <lhe deadlock.: made il 1-1, and when Broaksi aid Benniett 30(9. gu)Si' b( tnififvx' finai tacker. but couliîî't get the s illix - got txiiixllq-xviz tI 23, 1Frank -Reali Fate lied Mut- "Arýchie" Crossev and Bobpulîed their goal-keeper ila,:a700Triples jïîxî-.ia artiri-at xigit 15 equ aL.1 ecnd 2;33 ton 8.,Gauld Sheli 3-3. Marjrisn îihd the other- desperation move ta tie it up. oei Etht Î90xV.[Irgoals la 51 seconds E'ld(d U '1331 Frank's 1('d 1-10 aftcr the. Sheli goals, witb Hamilton jBîiaa Bradley scored mb thec79Cul t rer723, . 1'A. -îxr1i'lle rohot',fls er iP!\u Murav Brownî, ]ate in t 32Ioprînixig -periad oftue firstj .'carjng twice and Lary er-Imnpty net. br7 16,El C Bock 72..'\.cii l olphen<gîîx' eedl ingperiod, broke ail t _ - oue 76, auîîx Wix'~axxx xi('rvT\-aI îo'cond, ax-ly a tic--anîd Crystai wcnt on tIc *71)6, 1l. Bexnett 7013. xxx' itoffIlte (ce<. ita ke conmiand lathe alght- l220'l îoîcxicmandNîxtl's.caxp. BillCrosrey had ie k I ~ k ~a~ ate aIOvr tIi ii ur lmiig he se"asoti Cr'l'v'stal thie lcad at 7:26, with W hytes obIe SteIens 5 7 3 5 F. 22<1, 242-233, B. Glan I a trerriîcous baille 1,'arry Pearce tying <t att 1ville 20 .1. Bxuxît 236, M.hxîxîcoý'hcx xxil iou.,andicl 1 Etriier 227, B. Lobbli 2 13, rro' glu have puxîled off tle : 9:0-4 mark. I27 n O p ni g as et al1F na George Piper 2(62-22ý3, Mair tiahtih-'ufrMi- <e Bloxîoce i E. D -exis 2 :1, G alle lt x19 -32. u "xxx ,i -k eeper K enu V oltxl 's ui15 g oal af th ec sec ond, m id- 2331C9E îcil2-9-78261.\ d ,ig plav Il xas a: way in tic(,peu-lad tamake it 1218 23,0 thrAIltopnolclu flirillrral] hee wa\', 4-1 - as'Crombie counted at Wh' us L~~~piîol..x~~~x. ing drew ~~~~. Osborîîe 243-262. 1M. Wilcox ' ahttus cmcdlisli'71 i hetidwt h jýii8 s blond i Ille openixigirxd iladxgtcb eec IIMrîo. 266, Jim Bedfoxrd 271. Anx Si 'xoxaveffoxrt.s 1h nughout. :wýinniers shart-handed, and lix si ~ 1 Fuels ta unl' twlo baskets, as' Pacul Goidstein paced 1 hmn 2.C.WsxîaîC4.' ga nit- of Ihie eŽof t lirce thev builit up a big 25-Il1: xinn crs w-th 21 points. wi 1 *(, ilhx i Black and, BriaxiBalyade nie t Mens Cax-Isoxi aotebin1g ) Stainxtouî29,1 -B'xx;I3<1iamîlmoi gave Bah-'itmee rn-ixute's later ta guxe tcTcxo BaszketIhal faaThue OcUîholsteriag cu'exv Iars puonnocked 4.A. Blanch-ard 277, A. O'oioît1 i i tii->' fs ii'xeriorî cad, liui Crystal a 6-1 bulge, bfr 2j; lIl lgisholgma n1 on adlvaniage afteu'- ight, aIl iii the second hîf 23 r.Bxiit 23 I1x-,1'0 Blxa rtTxcda-îîgît-cuîixicdt dmiaetkigDogHucisn25, .Dihns22.GWix' < iut -iro iammw'c fiorarxPrmsutchefr u 216r siiiiit. delal ixxg Sephenx Fuels:tOmýer, au-d oxx-scariuug Ste- \\ ile Wayne Burgess also hard 26D erl- :8 Lxhgp t :5r ix idelses xuteltr u 231,D.Pefet2:8.A.L e,'aî i (froui, a goaa-mauth r-hy B'on completcrd the 21 fi 57 -35. pheîî's 19-15 in thue bigh scor-, cight, and Tom Pearson added 244-278. L. Pilier 26l. ?l-'--s-mxgx't u hidt l 15: 'îxix î'ux xi , inme iuug fixial quarter, six. Welh 241, S. Daxvis 271, E* .'xcraxxiblcthid tl] ,Il-x.. 'en a l-x ii ?t d Ilau '3:15' late la the game. 215lxxi uf( mi cxuitrol ixîg lie With the issue lîracicail-' Fuir the Fuels. Hlay lîad 11.'Bx'ock'1 71-247. CuIl ih'rx'l, Isttle'd, Fuiels possible -sl m: Ly nuLawryv Ici-tTed Dadsoxi -2 bl ed. n hxîîlîcrmItixu hapes x'exrc dasucd, whleniand Jae Brxgess six a.iec0. 'Iani Stanîdingsî '21:' Tlie %i i 1Cl[.' .1, i. - egî scnring leader Bull and Frank Mahun, a pick-up: Teain IN' L P'ins Pts. 212 'ruî xix taI-yw-as baisihed fiai-nthe' (rom loopex s Jexcellery, ai'8 912316 l ré J fvitecl 13- an c-,ux lx hut cru"- nsgamx'ie luthie faurth quarterl single basket.,Bxîî > 31 had ni tw' pt9-7 _________________________________________Osborine 1612 10"i , 2-4>9 21. a ice ex en hf 1Ili.tq a- JWilcox 16 Il 2 87 --) 6 :3(iW a h 2l~xcx l 1tsPerfect 15 12 7715 P) f Yo1t IBowling Lb 3Ii 3 ]B1crGl:STBantarn Girls Bruni 7. Par-ker 0; Prestnn 5, Bedford 1113 1i2x 7 62 () 31 ,rqis h lauea 'u op ~~ SP~RTSMEN'S 5r, Piper Il: Fredrieks 3, Wright. Team Standing ril 1 Vu 2792 tu d y Ma h 9h CIIem ta'ig 33Ti Bre . l20ck2< x ien \xe -wiii praudly pi-esent t iiîsi -. 3 rc- .-H-a rrisonîî 212 fi266 I '.' P--------------- 23 Parker~ Broc-k 9 18 25 1 206 E E !Piper --------211 EBruuxi -----24 Teagshe Dick Valleau une ýo'6EVER Alond 1 Brnt 6 Avrage lýILA,~ruIN(x 1;01311111, - VOCALIST Frechricks .'î High Single Wriiht ----g17 G. Cer - , dBruitfor a gala even ing of diumcr dancing Tuligh Boc Sigl J Crtrx from 7; 30 1p.111. xit hdiniier fruîm 5:00 p.nm. i1911-1 B- -.----- -or if youi prefer MA CH 8 7 .Da gh Double High Triple V . Pl-ou Cocktails and Dancing f romn 8:00 p.m. ?~ -~-r~~r ~ 1)i. Dadmnxn 346 G. MacDonald A519afi BANTAM NIBOYS A.BrîîtOsborne 2 "2 Roberts 3, Piper 2: Welshi 3, SENIOR MIXED LEAGL'F H. Doixoghîcie --- Captaiin's Dining Lounge ' c -> Cxenxdeîî 2; VanDriel 3, hors- Hatel\ 5, Sellers 2; Gaod ., M. Fichu, 2 i f)...j. 5~iw 211\ -' Ah SaxiuaxuMt> j U i no >1<> chardge a500foo 19 tll . Eche 2;Coîxilie 4, Goodxx'îuî Tearn Standing 3: Selleck 5, Caia 2. E. Broc 'k 21' iniiimîurnu xx %iii he ili effect and appetizing canapes 2RobeatsStanding-.94I'ighe - xiii he servied hy attractive hostesses. - Rbens-------------24Godwlî - . 41 M. Richar'ds - - 2:11( l 5Piper -- 2 3 Goad ------ -----Mati Hiarrison -2! I *1 VanDriel -- . 2 1 Selleck 41F Ra-dley v .,. 21 9-0Cala vil> leh ~ rcij o.' Count ry and lVestcrt :GKrsext20unl llt- e tripe---------k n erdownstairs 1.1~' Ge utx mi!Mc V's ' igh Single Hately B ipler In- 21> 13 t lxla'Sec ilirds N.Roberts -1227 Bicher - -------îî-------11Anh3 13 .xt'.1 Welshx --176 Sellers 1-1.-Palnier ai lie, - Dining Lounge J - leDcg Shoxv. i!M. Chltck 176 Lewis . . 2 >Prc' 1 featîuring 12 !Retriexerý Triaxls. Giiaîîa's Hizh Double Botl\&meester - O<CX -'xax> la:3est autcoobile shoxv. MX. Roberts . -, 92 g ige -.1liBdf-<ord ? ar G z" W t 12 -Fashions' Ail the îatestM. Chl<ick 319 R. Etchuer- 5-2xM.wiliox 't iliz " at JBrooks .-------317 R. Bauxx'meester 2-1-21 _91 Slrep. 1 p and 10vue'îst li sports and 'B. Richars:)15G.Frjt 3 -221-61,B. icamati - i ~ ~ ~ ~ JNO GIfi.o'lcjx aiy' ex15Bu R-t2BdLe B. Wereszcz.viiski 29F ukrs21 and His HitchuHikers 812 fii.Y1,1lv t eui .ButL:Baly5 M. Buadlev -248-297 P1C1ise ' lîxhuane Shuixle' Bnvscîa n2; BExamell .5, Biggs 2. B. Holrayd 6-î)Cl avis 6*23-2-445. fori, ple- Bar Faituiîts -Dancing 9 -12 83 GET ON THE TRAIL. Team Standing J1. Tuxeker 9 - 64 ment howlesAdiio - $12PrPersan Br ---- -î-- -- ------ 53 M. Hately ----1------ 2lst ANNUAL Br'n -- - -34 R. Goad . --290-28" S CANADIAN NATIONAL BrcUrt30PPebs24S. Joseph's Mixed 2 5 H. Moare 262-2841 9SPORTSMEN'S SHOW'! ig5 - ------- 4N. Goodxvin --- ---- 27 2 Leagu Broniell------2 D. Brock 5 _2)2('IBwing Lag 11High Single L. Woods---------- 221-258-229 O -7 18D. Iexx uis __------- 347 R. Selleck--- 254-305-214 .lr- m ID. Bradley 3215-236-2152 J. Patfield - --- 1266 ac3r 17 J, rx'son 3 -.--)28 High Triple The Stealers - - 2 272il 1,Brcîut.i 26 Fl tcet- 8 Teé Sinruers - ----- 3 M eei23i R. Stceecl'lie Angels 3,- :!. Self Service Buiffeter*,a rau-eoý 21ho.lGoo Bol , r 310 1aily 7 a.m. - 12 rnidnight _,30; E D'-,R AY 12.1FIL \1 L17 D . Mariva . 222G. F'orget - -S718 ' os ix19 jNoon -il p.m. XXcekdi, s D. Bramei] 208 H. Moore 72 >8 Rat Pac-k1:1Bt iesdU erLC .. 10 arn. - Il p.m. Satcirdays High Triple L. Wood i 708 L.adies' htigh Single- Betty ah icne Udr ..BO 1 p.n. - 9 p.m. Sadays 1). Bradley ..- 81.1 M. Hlatcly .- 696,'Trudeau 2154: L-di . IrlhHWY. 101 - INTERCHANGE 75 pi -t, ni r;(ý1 nado D.exwis 742 R. BouxvNmeester - (68i!)l'riple RelIs S"iîdexx1j ii22. AT BOWNIANVILLE aIs~J : Eur-px. -Eiiado j nox623 . .Br'adley 8 ei i2uSuge- a. fDPIOE6337 VIS.rv Lo JIIOR BOIYS .D. Brock -!q'66 Trrleau 27:623xi337i3 p'siBrock 4. Edmondson 3; 1 A. Chittick -_____653iTrhple-Roy" Tîudeau 681. ..'~- I - - .J.~ ~ ~S.. MINIS .. PUDLIL SKATING FRIDAY, MARCH 8th 8 TO 10 P.11%. - A ND- SUNDAY, MARCH 'Ith 2 T04 P.M. TOTS SKATING- WED., MARCH l3th 3 to 5:20 pm 25c per person LEAGUE . 1 c 1 r% 1 r r