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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1968, p. 11

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Large Crowd Present for Opening of Police Building Çwas diseussed te find Just how'ihls thanks to the m~en whoe many parents or other inter- had off ered to help, adding.1 ested citizens might attend "ýYou're here to assure that; Scouting doesn't fold uip in! this meeting and help keep the Newcastle. Weil, it won't. 1 IA10 Commttee golng. Pat Blaker'won't let It drap. I may geti LJ1i VVer s expressed his feelings that mad enaugh to do so me yl-1 there was just too much goIng ing and get others mad at me, on in the village for both boys but I don't care. It doesn't and girls and this meant extra bother me. If getting themn madK y t f evenings for parents. Me also at me gets them ta corne outý said however that many haehr hts htIwn. neyer attended any part of ai BIdl Cali expressed bis wishl meeting held wIthin the past to be reliîeved from lis posi- number of years and did feel ton of Chirman but offered imB s that others were needed ta to stay on until at least 'the Necsl: i Bshp carry on the work that has Father and Son Banquet. Pat Newclarspts-. Jim Bshf until now bepo leit ta two Blaker remains on the Com- CKLB and CKQS and pro- men. "They aren't going ta get mnittee as secretary, with Char- prietar of Bishop's Sporting away with it. I don't intend les Megit as treasurer, Wm. Goods, was guest speaker at ta let them. We have been Wilks as Transportation Con- the dinner portion af the baby sitters for too long now venor, Malcolm Kidd with regular meeting of Durham They're willing ta send their Camping, and Ross Aflin as badge, A.F.&.A.M. on Tues- kids for us ta look after but Badge Work Convenor. day evening af last week. In they're all too busy when iti Lt was decided that as the banor of the 122nd birthday camnes time ta attend onelladies would be willing ta ai the Lodge each member meeting a month for an hour cater ta a banquet even with- invited a friend to hear this or sa themselves," he said. "If out an executive there would outstanding address. they aren't interested, whybe a Father and Son Dinner Mr. Bishop gave the group shoujld we be ?" ýon Saturday evening, March Begglng ta differ In this,,23rd. the leaders seem ta feel that Two boys will be attending Newcastle while it might be true that the lst Ontario Scout Jam- some parents couldn't care less, boree In August. They are a ,m this was flot true af ail wbo Peter Weilandt and John Rud-Bo ln were not ai this or any other el].Bow uv meeting. The leaders feit thatl Scout Camp will be d1scus-~ Ladies - 200 and over - they were nat there for the sed at the next meeting when Joan Ard 214. Bernice Part- parents, but they were thereit was feit that cansideration ner 214, Colleen Pickering for the boys, ta help one boy must be given ta planning ta 204, Betty Major 204, Minnie who might otherwise neyer bring aver three American Taylor 203. Carol Baiiey 203. know what Scouting is worth- Scouts. Newcastle Scouts have Men - 225 and over - Lloyd while carrying on, ta have a attended camp in the U.S. the Taylor 241, George Kimbali boy pass some ai bis test work last two summers. 229, Ran Good 229, Jack or receive a badge that he has Camp for Cubs is arranged Chard 228. warked bard and long for is for the Labor Day weekend, Newtanville Ladies - 175 reward enough for any leader with Cubland already booked and over - Liz Willems 215, putting In a few hours a week. and paid for. The problemn Maria Vogels 236, Ann Cooper As ta the parents not in at- arase ai having too many boys 194, Connie Sutherland 191, tendance or taking any active for the number allowed Inthe Murtie Harris 184. part, it was feit that'a few in- cabin. As many ai the Cubs Tbursday Mixed - 200 and terested persans were mnuch will by then have passed 11P over - Doug Mcllwain 266, better than a roamn filled wîth ino Scouts, but will be In- George McNair 243, Bemnice those only there because they vited back ta attend Cub Partner 222, Marge Ibbotson had an obligation. Camp. tbey will camp under 217. .Tbere were three latherslcanvas, with parents' per-1 Friday Mixed - 200 and who bad came out ta afferimission. over - Ed Nesbitt 305, Ted their help in carrying on with This closed the meeting Hoar 276, Albert Pearce 245,1 the Group Committee s a ta until the second Saturday in Gord Gray 231, Tracy Embley Scoutlng In Newcastle wauid April, wben tbey again hope 227, June Kramer 212, Ron continue. Pat Blaker offeredfor a larger meeting. Good 211.1 The Canadlan Statemmar, Eownmvile, Mar. 13, 196881 Return to Hockey. g NHL Transaction iop Telis Masons bis opinions of the famous new professional league being trade between Punch Imlach fornied this summer and dis- and Sid Abel labelling Car cussed the coming impact of ar this game on the Canadian IBrewer as the big question sports scene. emark, indicating that he feit During the earlier part of nthat if Carl returned to the the evenjng the members and N.H.L. perhaps Detroit had guests were entertained by rmade the better deal. He then W. Bro. LeGresley's sides of ydelighted the audience re- Expo. rminiscing about personal con- Ail those present 'agreed Itact with his favorite Cana- that they had been treated to dian athietes, Nancy Greene a most înteresting cvening and Bobby Orr. The main and certainly Mr. Bishop gen- part of his address concerned erated considerable local in. lacrosse. Mr. Bishop explain- terest in hockey's summer ed bis connection wth thel replacement show. Minor Hoçkey Night Planned 9Newcastle - Minor Hockey eNigbt will be held at the New- castle Memorial A-ena an Wednesday evening, Marcb 20, starting with the Tykes at 6:00 p.m. As it Is getting near the time ta wrap up the hoc- key equipment for anather season and haul the basebahl sweaters out ai math halls, this could be the last oppar- tunIty for you ta see these Newcastle teams ln action. There Is no school the follow- Ing day whicb makes It easier ta bring the younger cblldren along. Lt takes quite a large crowd ta fi11 that arena, but they won't mind filling It Came eariy and get a choice seat. Last week the "B" team aof the Pee Wees played Port Hope on Tuesday evening. losing to them 5 ta 3. On Thursday evening Newcastle were cred- Ited witb a shutout as they beat Bowmanviile 1-0. On Sunday they went ta Oshmaa wbere they wvere beaten 7 ta 2. Our Bantams played Orono there last Wcdnesday evcning and beat thcm 4-2. Meeting them again Monday nigit an Newcastle ice. they %Aere again able ta beat ttiem by a score af 6-3. This is the first report in tbree weeks af Town League Hockey. Lt vas the first game ai the final series with New-. castle Garage and Johnson's Drug Store tied 5-ail. Scor- Ing for Newcastle Garage were, Earl Foster with 2, Gord Trinkwan, Sherm Sheilds and Wayne Pearce each with one. Johnson's Drug Store players who scored goals were Ken, Gray with 2, Mike MacGregQr. John Cunningham and Howard Quinney eacb with one. 'I On Saturday afternoon, a large gathering of ningharn bringing greetings from the village, with ai :officiais and interestcd citizens attended the opening portion of the crowd in the backgrou:ýid. Lower picture of the new OPP Detachment building at Newcastle. is of Durham's MPP Alex Carruthers who also photo shows the interior of the main office where brought greetings and congratulated ail those who' refreshments were served, following the ceremony. had participated in the construction. Photo shows Newcastle's Reeve Douglas Cun- I TÎlewcastî'e cSocal andi -f/:ersonaI Newcastle -- A surprise rapes and games ni marbies' ,y birthday party was very much were soon going strong. Hav- enjoyed by Mrs. J. J. McCand- jing been deprived from theseW less ai Strathroy, when mem- games ail winter they were, bers af her family caiied to'quite anxiaus ta pick up wbere1 sà: wish ber a happy 89th birth- things were diopped after the:~ day an Sunday aftcrnoon. The first snow fai]]. Children bave' ' !"" party was held at the home for years made the road their, of ber son and daughter-in- playgraund no matter what i law, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon other facilities were madel k«" McCandiess, Strathroy. Heriavailable ta tbem. They knawi daughter, Mrs. Shirley En- ibetter, but tbey are chiidrenl *wright, Newcastle, was aisoland do farget. As adults, it's; presenit, aceompanied by Chris;aur job ta assure them ofai B archard. Three granddaugh- 1sale haliday. l'or those af you1 ters, Mrs. Enwright*s daugh-1planning ta be away, don'tI ! ' ters, Mrs. Betty Hiockins ofiforget ta eaul and give us your Part Perry, Mrs. Connie Lit- social news. tir oi Oshawa and Mrs. Mari- With the recent Scout Group lyn Walton, Newcastle, aI-:CommIttee meeting receivingf i tended. Anothcr gadduh-tiremare offers ai help, the1 . ter, Lela S.mith with her bus- Father and Son Banquet will band Lloyd and their two sOns,lbe beid aiter ail. ALIl mothers a9 grandson John McCandless a boys in the Cubs and and his wife Joyce, and Mr.lScout.ý are asked ta attend the and Mrs. Eari Robinson. alil1speciai meeting In the Lion's aif Strathroy wcre also pres- iRoomn on Thursday evening at ent for this occasion. We addi!8:00 p.m. ta heip arrange the7 aur best wishes ta this iovelyl banquet. There's sometbingi lady and trust she wiii have for everyone ta do and every: many more happy hirthdayslmother is cailed on. surrunde by cmbes a There wil be Cubs an Mon-.' herfaiiv *day even though there are The sympathv.ý of the village school hoiidays. The boys areý is extended ta Gardon Danceyianxj0us ta finish projects forý and his family In the recentithe banquet. loss ai his grandiather, Harold Assistant Scoutmaster Roy I Dancey. Toronto. ýHopkIns spent the weekend In ~ Scbooi chiidren wili have a'KIngston attending a Training wcek af hoidavs s.tarting at Course on the new Scout SYs- the close of the school hourltem. this Friday evening. Nicer Friends and neighbars iri weather was enjayed aver tbeiBawmanviile hospitai thisi.c u s0C b ilH l weekend and but kes ppinglweek are, Mrs W. Bowers, Banquet on March I3rdi B ACK DOOR SALE Newcastle -- On Saturday munitY Hall. with two of ie afternoon, the Scout Group;fixe mnCmmt1 t Committee met in the -Cen- tendatice. Tht-v xere Chair-i 5 0 ,ý,o O F F ~~~~~tenniiia,] Roouan--af the Com-ma BilCl'ndSetry Mrs. Betty Brown, Mrs. Ber-,Pat Blaker. 'wo Scout Lead-, THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY tha Clark. Ma.îer Larry F'or- ,crs, Win Collier r(,priesenrtingi MAC 4- 5 1 et. Mrs. Mr Foster Senior, 'A Troop and Ron Lowry, MARCH14 -15 -16 Mr. MidredFisrs, Mrs e. representing BE Troap also. 5-P5ce. CORNER SET, for boy's bedroom LIza Langley, Reg Langiey, attended as well as two Cubý (NoBed Wanut$10 Whte inih $25. Mrs. Jane Shaw, Mrs, Regieileaders, Mrs. Bruce Tillson, (No ed)Walnt $00 W iteFinih $25. Van der Werf and CouncIllarIrepresenting "A" Pack and. 5-Pc. DNIN RO M S ITE.......... _$100 Bob Wallon. Scott Rudeil is Mrs. Ed. Nesbitt representng! 5-Pe.DIIN ROMSUTEstîilIn Oshawa hospitai. "B" Pack. Five parents were, 7-Pc. ST WTH H TCH _. .......... _ 175a iso at this meeting, Mr. and' 7-P.. ET ITHHUTH $75 The caver af the Sundaymrs Robert Nichais, and Mes-, srice ai the United Churchisrs. Rass Allun, Wm. Wîlks and! DIVIDERS, bookcase style .............$ 35 i±i as uda a smi'Mîam id other models .......... $ 15 ýstated. Because We Believe,' We Heip, with a small red Mr. Nichais, who tintil veryl GOSSIP BENCHES ....... ... $ 12 cross drawn beside it. Inside-.recently, was assistant Scatl i asked the question, -Why Master ai "B" Scout Troopii LARG SIE ST DENT"S ESKBe A Blood Donor?" The an- bas n0w Icît ta start up aný 4 lAR E S Z T DE TS D S1swer - because thrugh vol- active Scouc Trop In the: 48 x 24"' $ 35 iuntary donors, Red Cross sup-,Kendal ariea. However. bis in-i 'plies bioad, free ai charge. toýterest stili lies with Newcastle RECORD CABINETS, CHAIRS and other iany patient in any hospitali m'as he bas a son in Newcastil household articles too numerous to mention. !Canada. Ail blond is the giftlCubs. Bon Lowry' announcedi aif volunteer donors. Bloodthat they had last this veryý Customers please use back door . . . buy !cannat be nianufactured. It fine leader and gave him a- must came from people. Moregreat deal ai credit for muchi directîy f rom the manufacturer, !than 900,000 units wiil be re- aif the outdoor activities the slightîvscachd quired for patients in Cana-:boys had taken part in. While,' *,scathe.dian hospitaîs during the he and others did flot like ta.ý year. March is Red Cross jose Mr. Nichais, they expres-' W OODL ND PR DUCTS Manth. As ChPýtians we shauld.sed their vcry gond wishes ta, W OO LAND PROD CIS support the work ai the Red'him a1n with offer af assist-i NEWCASTL'Cross bath with aur blood, ance any time lie might re-ý NEW ASTE 1when it is possible, and with bie ti starting up thisi Remember to return your Easter Seal auf ae.Ltu egnru new Troop. Pink Envelope when the canivasser calîs ta; With the meeting underway.' __________________________________________ olicit aur financial support, i the purpose cof the meetingi 4 . wrcr aus A&P Fancy Qtrality Reg. Price 2 tins 36o - SAVE lle TO0MATO JUICE 49-Oz ins59c Green or Wax Reg. Prie. 2 tins 37o - SAVE 7. IO)NA BEANS (UT 3 19--z is 49C Martin's Vitaminized FEATLJRE PRICEI APPLE JUICE 3 48-R-tnzs 89C KETCHUP ANN PAGE Post Cereal Maaon Y O B -opg 9 KRAFT DINNER 471/2-z pkgs53C Ocean King Fancy Quality Red SOCKEYE SALMON -,/-oztn49c CALIFORNIA, LARGE SNOW WHITE HEADS, NO. 1 GRADE CAULIFLOWER head 39< NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&PI Reg. Price. bt 29e - SAVE 4o 15-fi-oz bt 5 c Reg, Prie pkg 33e - SAVE 7o Jane Parker Jane Parker Large Reg. Price.*aeh 59e - SAVE 2>. Jans Parker Slieed <Oaily Dat.d) ANGEL CAKE 17-OZ GKE 39< WHITE BREAD It's our 4lst anniversury 'tshcats1 why ... IS THE MONTH FOR MORE MONEY SAVERS AT A&PI Net just à few .. . but many money-saving 'value, If you don't balie',' us, just checkc the low, iow prifes le flhis ad befors you make out another shopping list. Ses how much yoau can saya. And rememb.r, tin. ian't a one t, o wekmate. lt's a menth-Iong avingesaprè.. 8c4 th.- wil be more next we.k & end the w..Lc after. W. aimt te make otw Amnn.verry Soi. FOOD VALUE EVENT IM TOWN!, Reg. Price each 49c - SAVE 47C FOR 0oo BAVE 2Me 524-OZ LOAVES 9 9Jt FULL 8-INCH [ M Anivesar Sal-M-ct h s, FRESH WHOLE TURKEY FRESH WHOLE TURKEY DONELESS SOLID MUÂT PORK LOINS END CUTS CENTRE CUTS 'b73< 'b83< à'5IL 7-INCH 01fr - FIRST 4 RISS ONL. PRIME RIB ROAST i"79<i FRES4L.Y GROUND MINCED CHUCK69'e LEAN AU. PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTHED THROUGI4 SATURDAY, MARCH 16th, 1968 PPLE BREASTS LEGS PIE LEGS

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