92 Years Young March l7th VOLUME 114 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1968 N ew Provincial Police ---------- S- Building Op, t nteresting Newcastle: Saturday af- ternoon, the Officiai Opening adDedication Ceremony of the Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police Office was heid. Cars lined most of Mili Street on theý >4 >west side, both sîdes of Tor- onto Street and some were parked along Church Street in behind the new office. Goveroment Officiais and O.P.P. Staff of District Num- tO ber Eight were in attendance Ji aog itageanu erfNewcastle residents and fr1- ends of the surrounding area.C Police officers and staff Pl who will soon operate from ta Oliver Beckett, 6 Silver St., Bqwmanviile, xiii the Newcastle Detachment are LI celebrate his 92nd birthday on Monday, March l7th.ithose who have been servîng 1-leenjys airi god halth isabl to aiton im-this area from the O.P.P. 0f- ' Re ejoy farlygoodheathis ble o wit n hm- f ice on No. 2 highway east of th self and go for walks. He was married to the former Bowmanville. T h eir new t Edith Webber who predeceased him in 1956. Mr. quarters find them nearer the er Beckett has six sons, six daughters, 27 grandchiidren, busy 401 Highway in a most to 24 geatgradchldrn ad thee roterslivng, up-to-date modern police of- 24 geat ranchilrenand hre broher livng' fice. In this new estahlish- he His twin sister passed away February l7th, 1968.'i TURN TO PAGE TWO) su Cunadian Club Members Heur of Developments ut St. Mary's Cernent Plant iened With Ceremony Legion Branch Wins Trophy for Speaking Contesi Another honor was brought to Bowmanville when Branch 78 of the Royal Canadian Legion was awarded the Zone >fficers Challenge Trophy for Public Speaking. The presen- tation was made to the local Legion Public Speaking Chair- mian Thomas McGuirk during the Zone Public Speaking Con- test held ln Port Perry rec- ently. This trophy is awarded to the Legion Branch which has contributed most to the success of public speaking in the Zone. It] The winners Jn the Zone Contest were: Junior Elemen- tary - 1. Maureen Welsh, Ajax; 2. June Reynolds, Bowman- ville; 3. Christine Jones, Frenchman's Bay. Senior Ele- mentary - 1. Joanne Gaines, West Rouge; 2. Cathy Shannon, Ajax; 3. Brenda McCormick, Ajax. Junior High School - Heather Dorreil, Cartwright] High School; 2. Sandra Clarke, One of the highlights building at Newcastle onS The March meeting of Bow-, S. J. Lancaster introduced C.N. tracks and 60 acres lnn1nbentont; 3. John Drew -a mnanville Men's Canadian Club,: the guest speaker, Kenneth Bownanville. They wilî lem- Courtice Secondary School.' e enLoeMaGlvr was held last Wednesday ev- Mackenzie, project manager ploy 65 hourly wage earners ening in the Salvation Arniy of St. Marys Cernent Com- and 25 salaried employees. Hall, D. Gray, president. ini pany, who spoke on the de-, The speaker ,aid they don't charge. Ladies of the Home velopment nf cernent and how expect quarrying will affect League provided the meal and bis firm located raw material~ h ae al nacuto lad Ms C eîmnrepn- h ssemta i se o H nseedqetin foBITS tsD ~PIECES were thanked by Frank Dor- South of Bowmanville, also the nature te had-aco n. of Ing. quarry the rock, which is'bis listeners and was thanked, SAMARITANS - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber, Ont- Sing-song was led by Wes. ground into a powder, mixed'by Carson Elliott. arîo St., were driving along the highway recentiy Downs and Les. Collaciîtt at with other materials and Meeting closed with the we hywr ae onb he tag the piano. W. H. Brown ln- water. then passed through a singing of O Canada. wyouth whaeen follown thfresetimne. troduced Mrs. Lloyd Ayrewh heated rotary kilo to dry the __________________ig hen orsonetine favored the group with tw finished product. Apparently, a rear tire had developed quite a bubble Irish numbers. Mrs. K. Billett'ý He also stated his company M .b htpoal ol aersle nabo u 'was her accompanist. 1 has 760 acres, south of the 4J H bbtatpbbl wodhverstdinabwou ---- - - Hobhadthe Webbers continued driving. The three samn- * anitans then proceeded to change their tire and put Ja k G aA R n InsRec iv sail the tools away in their proper place . . . and *fen"sOpenratul atisaeali I1 en's OpenB -nspieICoatansareal !Here LasStrday A BoWmanville Golf & CurI- Vice Harry 'Duttch" Osborne,ý '1 iî Club rink won the top 2nd Howard Ormiston andý 8. honors ln the Woodland Prod- Lead Bob Craig. ucts sponsored men's bonspiel Second place went to an, here on Saturday, coming from Avonîce foursome skipped bv' behind to take the top prizes. Charlie Petri. third to an Osh-i Members of the winning rink awa Golf rink, skipped by' skipped by Jack Gay were (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Snowmobiles lni order- for M. J. Hobbé; of Enniskillen who on Satur- day ineceived Canada's Cen- tennial Medal in recognition of his many years of dedi- cated service to this country. Last, week, his picture ap- peared in this newspaper following a Leap Year birth- day Party given for him by the students of M. J1. Hobbs Sr. Public School. Bring Out the Girls Mospocrt's sports car track lived Up to its reputation for attracting beautiful girls on Saturdav during the f irst Kinsmen sponsored international snowmobiie races. These two young ladies are Beveriy Jones and Judy Thomas of Toronto, ,ýwho appear quite interested in the way the machines perform. Although the 'ather was net at its best for the event, a fair crowd showed up and entries the races almost overwhelrned the sponsors. Chairman of the event George Mutton and other Kinsmen were pleased with the resuits and are already plan- ning a bigger and better event for Ilext winter, probahlY ai an carlier date te make certain of good track conditions. McRobbie Photography would accept nothing for theéir'trou;ble. Who says there is no chiv alry or kindness left in the world ? BUILDING - Quite a bit of building is under- way in this district at the moment. The St. Mary's Cernent Company continues to make progress at their new plant south'of 401, with changes visible almost every time one drives past. Beaver Lumber is also building a new plant and office at the east end of Bownianville and we understand a Sheli service centre is under construction at the corner of Base Line and Waverly Road. While all this is going on, the highway department surveyors and con- struction people are concentrating their efforts on the new road heading east out of town. OPTIMISM - There appears to be a ray of hope and optimnism in the air if reports emanating froma the General Motors dispute with the U.A.W. are accurate. Now over a month oid, the strike is as- suming tragîc proportions for many employees who have to meet mortgage payments and other corn- mitments and are finding the going quite rough, to say the least. Even if there is an early settiemerît, it wiil now take quite a whiie for them to recoup their wage losses. No word from Goodyear yet. WEATHER - Evidently the weatberman woke up with a real grouch Tuesday morning and decided he should let us ail know that the bit of almost Spring weather we've had wasn't going to continue. So, he dumped a foot of snow on us during the day and it kept falling du ring the evening hours. You just can't tell about March any more. t -i. t BUDGET - That Robarts government certainly played rough on Tuesday, especially for us smokers and car drivers, when they added four cents tax on a package of cigarettes, two on a gallon of gasoline, upped the cost of OMSIP and so on. Suppose things wiii ever level out again so a person can plan a littie ahead without being in a constant battie trying to catch up ? It's getting crazier and crazier every year. t t t 1 ' t HOL1DAYS - Next week, altbougb it's about three weeks to Easter, scbools throughout the area will be closed for what useci to be known as the Easter vacation. This is a new systemn that each year set holidays at the same time. Frankly, it would appear to be a bit early, especially for mothers who will be kept busy hauling youngsters out of the mud and washing their clothes. But who are we to argue with the powers that be ? We would suppose that a couple of extra holidays will be snuck in later for Good Friday and Easter Monday. tt f t 1t t ACTION - As we sit here Tuesday night, prepar- ing to meet tomorrow's deadline, there is something going on across the street at Dykstra's Food Mar- ket. Counters are covered wîth tarpaulins and chappies are waving brushes around. Don't be sur- prised if the place has received a face-lifting coat of paint next ti me you shop t here. *. t t T t DIES - Some of us comparative old timers around the towW' wilI remember Stewart Hl- lingshead, one of the family who had a great deal witb setting up and operating the R. M. Hollingshead plant here quite a few years ago. Recently, he has been Chairman of the Board of Hollingshead USA. Word was received at the local plant that he died last -weekend at the age of 64. sof the Officiai Opening of the new OPP Detachment Saturday was the handing over of the keys by builder 4 t, to the Comrnanding Officer of District 8, Superin- ay. The NDP Northumberland- Durham Association's Found- ing Convention held in Cob- ourg on Sunday elected J. Gabovic, last NDP provincial candidate in Northumberland, president of the new organi- zation. Others elected to the execu- tive were James McGimpsey, Cobourg, vice president, and Thomas Seaborne, secretary. The executives of both the NDP county associations were also elected to the executive and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews, Cobourg, were also added to the executive com- mittee. Gordoni Graylîsh, Oshawa, the NDP area organizer, pre- sided. The guest speaker was Terry Grier, executive secre-1 tary to Donald MacDonald, th~e NDP Provincial Party Leader in Ontario. Mr. Grier urged the New Democrats to strengthen their organization in the United Counties. He predlcted that a federal election wiil be held at the latest in the atitumn. "The chances for the NDP are conslderably better now than they were In the last election. People are becomîngi persuaded that neither the Liberals nor the Progressive Conservatives are talking about their problems. "The New Democratic Party even if it means breaking new ground or being a little radi- cal," Mr. Grier stated. Detachment Sgt. John E. Closs was in charge of the brief but impressive opening ceremony at the opening of the new OPP building on Saturday. Speaks at Newcastle Meeting Young P.(.C. President. Says Greed-Rfidden Hands of Power Cause of Government Defeat It was the greed-rldden sociation at Newcastle, Mon- hands of power which resuit- day nlght. ed in the recent defeat of the "There Is something trag- Liberal Government, Edward Ically wrong". he said. "In the Kowal, Toronto lawyer and house tonlght another tax bill president of the Ontario had to be sent back to be me- Young Progressive Conserva- drafted because it was too tive Association, told Progres- similar to the one which was sive Conservatives at the meet- defeated. This is the type of Ing of the Federal Ridîng As- (TIJRN TO PAGE TWO) Kiwanians Hear Address On Education President Gordon Beecli presided at the meeting of the Introduce "Timmy" for '68 Bowmanville Kiwanls Club held at the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn last week. 'The guest speaker, Robert Moor- OpenEas erSeulCam aig croft. Supervising Principal ot OpenEastrSe lCam aig the Darlington Township Pub- At R tar Clu Lu cheo ý"Mr. Jewell told the club i that Mr. Moorcroft was born Don Murray, Chairman of Our 1968 Easter Seals Cam- Vice-President Bill Thies- in Madoc Township and gradu- the Easter Seals Campalgn, paign opens next Thursday, burger reported on the social ated f r o m Peterborough I itrouce th 198 "imm Mach 4th Th obectve hisaspects of the Rotary District Teach ers College, afterwardo Brian Verbeek, six years old, year is $7,50,1," Mr. Murray 707 Conference held in theobain aBA.erefrn Newcastle, at the luncheon said (9TURN TO PAGE TWO) 'TURN TO PAGE TWO) ýmeeting of the Bowmanville Rotary Club on Thursday. :"This is the kick-off to our. annual Easter Seals Carpaign; Present "Timmy" With New VVatch club's work of helping crippled children," Mr. Murray' an- nounced. He spoke of the im- portance of the assistance ~ ~ given to handicapped youngs- ters, and pointed out that con- tributions of any size are wel- comed. "We hope the public will respond generously to this appeal for crippled children. 1 ; A nnounces Approval of Three Grants Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. for Durham, bas announced the awarding by the Honorable J. R. Simonett, Minister of En- ergy and Resources Manage- ment, of a contract for $8,000 to Cecil Goodberry Weli Drill- ing Llmited of Kingston. The contract calîs for the Installation of observation wells ln the Bowmanville, Soper and Wilmot Creeks drainage basin. Mr. Simonett bas approved a Provincial grant of $4,000 to the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority. The grant iis designated for Improvements bI the Enniskiilen Conserv'a- tion Area of Dariington Town- Aloapproved by Mr. Sim- netwas a Provincial grant omnilRoayCu anhdtsnulEserS l of $ 1,000 to the Central Lake Bom vieRoayCu lanhdtsnnaEserSa Campaign for Ontario Conservation Author- Crippled Children on Thursday when their special guest was Brian Verbeek, ity. The grant is designated this year's "Timmy". He was presented with a new watch which he is proudly for capital improvements ifln h i the Long Sault Conservationi displaying in th above picture. His motner, Mvrs. G. Verbeek, was with nim at JArea of Darlington TownshipJ the h.ead table. At right is the. Commaitl;e. Chairman Don Murray. NUMBERII 150 Per Copy t t î 1 0 c fi a a t] e ail