Full Cast of Drama Festival Prize Winning B.H.S. Play "Inherit the Wind" Bowmanville High School staff and students rec- for top actor and supporting actor. Members of the _.Murray Twist, Ron Shackleton, Henry Pokorski, Dar- ently found that they had justification for great pride full cast are included in the above picture, front row, ryl Hunt, Brian Pattrick, Dan Lemon, Carl Hayman, in their colleagues who participated in the produc- lef t ta, right, Jerry Porter, Barry Krawchuk, Karen John Froats, Ralph Bouwmeister, Director Mr. R. tion of "Inherit the Wind" at the South Kawartha Spencer, Randy Sallows, John McGuirk, Diane Hoar, Sheridan; Back row, David Draper, Marlene Gibson, PDrama Festival in Cobourg. Their presentation won Jerome Billett, Larry Anderson, Mary Jane Walters; Bill Peters, Hermine Kerekes, Mike Gilhooly, Jean the top award and they also won two of the awards John Froats, Ralph Bouwmeester, Director Mr. R.1 Bell, Charlie. McCulloch, Cindy Ayre, Bruce Walters. -ý-O.M.B. Reserves Decision On Orono Road Pro gram The Ontario M un i cip al1 this time. The Trustees alsa Board hehd a heaning ln the submitted ta the Board the Orano Town Hall on Monday fact that the Counties would Feb. 25 concerning the appli-. be doing the construction an cation by the Township aof the main street of Onono at no Ciarke on behaîf af the Orono cost ta Orono. This wark Police Trustees for the con- wouhd be dane onhy If the vil- struction of stanm sewers, lage pnoceeded with their par-, curbs, guttens and paving ini jtian of the project. the centre of Onono for an Mn. Woodyard pointed out -amnount af $108.700.00. that after consuting with an The Board Chairman in- engineering finm It had ap- :formed the hearing that no peaned more ecanamical ta decision would be passed down . proceed with a camplete plan at this tirne by the Board, as r ather than a piece-meal pro- It existed as onhy one mem- ject. He alsa stated that the ber.. The decision, ho said, pnoject, when and if complet- wouhd be submitted ln due ed, would cut down an main- course, folowing funther study tenance casts. He refenred ta the naads. Wm. Grady ln presenting bis complaint, said that it wasý stated by a member of the' OWRC at a water meeting ln Onono that sanitary sewers wouhd have ta follow the Installation of water within a few years. Ho objected ta the noad pragram pior ta sewage and also complained of the fact that no vote was taken on the matter. The Board Chair- man stated that a vote was nat required. Mn. Grady also stated that those ln other areas of the village wene not benefitting fram the work as did those adjacent ta ItL Congratulates New President by the Board. maintenance costs for the L. McGee stated that the Kay Lycett. representing roads in Orono in 1964 at paving of Duchess Street was the Orono Police Trustees, $2,600, 1965, $4,181; 1966, over an extravagance as there were called on E. R. Woodyard, who $9,000. anly three lots on the street outlined the scope af the pro- Mr. Woodyand also pointed with veny little traffic. The ject and reasons for its pro- out that approval of the. whole p roject. excepting Duch- posai. Mn. Woodyard men- scheme had been obtained1 ess Street, had no value to tioned drainage problems on from the Depantment of High-1the south end and those in Chunch Street North, also the ways, Water Resources, Town- this anea should not have ta complaint of waten aven side- ship of Clarke Counicil and the pay for it. walk. The Northumberland- Trustees. E. Dent alsa lodged an oh- Dlurham Health Unit had re- On being asked how the pro- jection. stating that In his lported only 15 residents had ject, would affect the mill rate opinion sanitary sewers held unsatlsfactory sewage systems in Orono, Mr. Woodyard stat- a priarity over storm sewers and that only four of these ed that although the cost was and road paving. He said that wene urgent. The report from 11.26 milîs for a total of five back-lot Installation for sew- the Health Unit was submitted years. it did nlot necessari]y ers was most impractical as ta the Board. The report did mean that this would be an was being found aut in hydro. *state that there was no great additional charge on the villagej Mr. Mowat also lodged a need fon sanitary sewers at pnapenty. If this project isicomplaint aven those In the nat approved. said Mr. Wood-1 south of Orono paying for an 1' yard. doing the work piece- Improvement In the centre of OBILUJI.LL meal could mean a highen taxion rate, Many objections were ruled G. W. GILBERT He also stated that the' aut as net petaining ta the Municipal Auditor had fane- issue for which the heaning The death of George We- cast a very slight Increase In was being held.% $e Gil~bert, aged 84 years, oc- mi lîl rate due ta the project.i Du ring a question peniad 4curedat Memoial Hospital, In nefening ta local de- the Cansulting Engineen stat-; Retiring Rotary President E. G. Wîtherspoon, right, offers congratulations bowmanville, on Sunday, bentunes Mn. Waodyard out-j ed that he did not expect the It h noigPeiln m hebugrwowl aeofc nJl.M March 3. 1968. He had been lined a water debenture of cast ta go aven the $108.700ý oteicmn rsdn m hebre h iltk fiei uy r In failing health for about a $159,6,56.62 which was stand- figure, even though this estîm- Thiesburger has been a member of Bowmanvilie Rotary Club for many years, year. ing on its own quite nîceîy, ate was given two years ago most active in his work with and for crippled children of the area. Son of the late William Gil- also a Hydro debenture which as they naw antîcipate a shah- bert and Janet McCullough, was self-liquldating., lower Installation. R. Sculthorpe and Miss M.. he was born In Darlington On question by the Board Mr. McGee had previously Stallard attended the World'sý Township and attended Bak.. Chairmari, Mn. Woodyard asked if it was not quite Pas- Day of Prayer service at Wel.j C.hairman ~ iII S e k H r er' Shol. n ctber20 sate tatthe village had not sible that the cantract price cameUnitd Chrch n Fn 1919, he marnied the former yet obtained the necessany would naw be up by some 20 day afternoon. Margaret Macleay, who sun- easements. per cent. vives. A nepresentative of the R. Fonresten asked where Chunch service was held in A farmer. the deceased had engineering firm stated the the cut-back was ta be made this chunch on Sunday mann-, resided at R.R. 1, Hampton need for stonm sewering in the In the budget In onden that ing with Mn. Munnoe's mes-1 fon 32 yeans, and at one time middle of the village due ta only a slight increase was ta sage emphasizing the Chnis-ý also lived In East Whitby. He considerable flooding. He said be noted In the miii rate. Aften tian's responsblity of hice retre 1 yarsag. n.Gil- this also shawed up In the some discussion, he said he fo9i.a flie agr bent was a member of the Township Road Needs Study didn't get an answen. The in- choir was present, and it is United Church and served which Is now being campleted. crease In assessment. as noted preparing at regulan weekly with the armed fonces during He also said it would be diffi- by the clerk, he said, would practice for the Easter can- Wanld War I. He was wound- cuit ta sepanate one section only collect a few dollars aven at ra nghie mers oredn ed at Vimy Ridge. fram another. $100.00 even with 20 milîs. for wthe o weviceby ntR. Surlvngbeide hs wfe Mrs. Goebelhe of the Town- In adjounning the meeting Lazier. Margaret, Is a daughter. Ethel ship Auditing Firm, outlined the chairman stated that the of Deep River. Also surviv- the debt structure of the town- decision would be handed Sunday schooî was ini Ing are two sisters, Misses ship which in 1965 was down In due course.-Times. charge of the supenintendenti Ethel and Lillie Gilbert, and $663,343 and had Increased ta j George Tufford and a temn twobrthrs Pecyan Rs-$972.900 (estimated> n16. penance pnognam was presenti seli, ail of Bowmanvihle. Jim Major lodged a com- WE L YVL E ed. Rosemany Tisnavsky in- The funeral service was plaint, noting that taxes wene j E L YVL E traduced the theme explain-' heid on Tuesday, March 5th, always increasing and stating! ing that there can be a need fromn the Morris Funeral Chap- that within the next few years j (Intended fon last week)1 for tempenance in manyý el, Bowmanvihle, and was con- a sewage system wouhd have The community was shock- things as well as drinking.; ducted by Rev. Charles Catto, ta go In and that the paved1 ed and saddened hast week at Nicki Goeneveld gave the' Hampton. Temporary Inter- roads and curbs would ho torn j the sudden death of Mn. ROY meaning of Alcoholism andý -ment was In Bethesda Ceme- up. He said you can stilh sec Lazien and many attended bis Rae Tufford tohd of the work tery Vault. the evidence of ripping up the funenalIin Port Hope on Sat- of A.A. Some of the steosý Palibearers were Messrs. noads for water In Onono. Mn. urday, Manch 2nd, and bis used by that arganization for Bruce Tink, Ronald Bryant, Lovekin, representing t h e interment in the Wesheyville recavery, with the Bible .Cifford Robinson, Ted Chant, township, asked if the back- cemetery. vre omn hi ai Laverne Cemens and Jack lot system couhd nat be used Mesdames H. Reeve, J. were nead by: Neil Groene-1 Cruickshank.___ta get awav f ram tearing up Groeneveld, E. Barnawclough, veld, Timm Nichois, Donaldi Nichais, Barry Best, Penny! Webster. Nancy, Julie and' Mango Payne, Wesley Best, Alain and Elaine Wilson, Cin- dy Dickenson, and Philipý Nichais neadîng for Rodney Payne who was ili. Jennifeni Payne used the stony of Daniel's abstinence as an il- lustration of the application aif tempenance and Marylin Jsp .Wimr Nichais played the accampani-l oehA Wîmr Ment for the sang "Dane tal Next Wednesday, March 2th, the Bowmanville be aDanel. Jenif Y P ,i~ Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society will meet at played the schaol's clasingi hym'n. Garfield Payne and! 8 P.M. in the Lions Centre, Beech Avenue. Guest Robyn Clarke have beenl misdb hi lsmts;speaker on that occasion will be the Campaigri Chair- hoth troubled by winter'si marn for Ontario Di«iision of the Canadian Cancer raIds.Society, Joseph A. Whitmore, Assistant to the Presi- Muskrats still dlaim atten dent of Coca-Cola Limited, Toronto. tion . One has moved in ta, the I Austin stable and makesi Mr. Whitmone is a native of Bnitish Columbia before you get bd~~~~ecI in traffic ~tseif at home, using the fill< n a aeottnig otiuin ateat before you get int-Mffic j ~~~~~~~ed cattle trougb for its pr, nd a aeou-jn onrbtos oteat vate swimmIng tank. in Canada. He was President of the Canadian Ballet MissClaa DrkehadtheFestival Assn., in~ Toronto and received the Queen 's th rnmisfortune t a lu and injure Coronation Modal in 1953 for services ta the arts. He aknee ane day last week andl was also a founder Director of the National Ballet et y ur frige s c~ tueis in Port Hope hospital for[ Comnpany, Vîce-President of the Royal Winnipeg Bal- le rf 'lg rs d reatmnent. lt Board Member of the Winnipeg,Cagr and Van- couver Symphonies as well as a member of the Board How would Yeu ike a tiny of Directors cf the Toronto Symphony and Chairman X V U I in tI r u g h t 'i tplica af your car licence of the Speakers Commîttee. No matter what rjc plate? On a key tag, So thatMrWhtoenvlehisfihedsitotly k in g t ro u g e al~~~~~~~~~~~l your keys could be easilyMr htoeivlshmefinh dsi oaly Identified, In case you hast accepting nothing less than complete success. p GSte.Soon you'll be receiv- Alctzn fti ra r nie oatn h Ing your War Amps Key Tagaallctn fti raaeivtdtatn h iYEL QWtAG E mail. Wh:n i cmes meetingan hear this dynamic speaker who a ..remember to mail 60 cents named Ontario Campaign Chairman in 1967 alter Y E L for aduplicate set, and 35 heading the most successful Toronto Unit campaign ,cents forarsin e tag Th ever waged in that city, which collected over half ia 140O Merton Street, Toronto 7: .milhon dofLar. T BROWN'S The Canadian Statemnian, Bownianvflle, Mar. 13, 1908 The entire Brown'@ com- munjty send special birthdayH r i u t a S c forery f thisc: HculuralSoc who on Tuesday celebrated he 9. brhdy M.an ears Address on Wentworth Lodge, Dundas, j o e A r ngn and are bath enjoying corn- paratively good health. F o e r a g n Mr. R. Wilson, Kendal, visited last week with his ' At the meeting of the Bow- Year Book, President 1'Ieta son, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson manville and District Horti- cher and Secretary-Treasurer and famlly. icultural Society held recently Merle Slute; Shows, John Mr.andMr. H Siclinth Public Library audi- Cruikshank, Civic Improve.. entr.aned Mt.H.fail ýon rium an informative ad- ments, William Axford; Trangl- Sndeayined heor faMr.an drwa an flower arranging portation, E. Snowden; Soc-' Sunay n hnou ofMr.andwasgiven by Mrs. Walter il, Mrs. A. Garson; Juvenile Mrs. Larry Sinclair, newly- Verhoeven. Brooklin. Activities, Mrs. James Ged. weds. Wedding congratula- tions are extended fromi The president, Mrs. K. Flet- des; and Plant Sales, Mrs. A Brown's Section, 'cher, who presided, introduc- Sul. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas e the guest speaker and her Arrangements were made for Rahme and Kevin were Sun- husband. who assisted in the a bus trip sponsored by the day guests with Mr. and Mrs. demonstration of flower ar- society for a visit ta "Spring R. Rahme, Bowmanville. ranging that followed the Fever", the Toranto Sprlng Congratulations ta Mr. and speech. President Fletcher Flower Show at the O'Keefe Mns. George Stephenson who told the well attended meet- Centre, on Saturday mornlng, on Sunday celebrated their ing that Mr. and Mrs. Ver- March 2nd. 4th Wedding Anniversary. hoeven until recently operat- There were a number of A few aId neighbors were en- ed a nurseny and florst shop guests at the meeting, and tertained to tea in the after- west of Oshawa. several new members joined naon and a ilew close friends Duning the demonstration the organization. in the evening at the home the Venhaevens showed how -of Mr. and Mns. Ross Boyd. either artificial or freshly cut The famlly, Betty, Bob, Pejg flowers could be arranged and Lyn. entertained their cleverly and antistically. Var- Pay$ 2 025.40 L.parents at Pegg's home to a jus shaped containers and 1sumptuous hot buffet dinner baskets were used, and suit-Fo W e 1 * n g Sudayevening, and guests able accessories added thatFo ef r included George's brothers enhanced the general effect. and their famiies, 27 in ah., Mrs. Clarence Tink moved - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simpson a vote of thanks ta both Mr. in February were able te bring Baby Gor- and Mrs. Verhoeven. The, don home from the hospital number of beautiful floral ar-j The total cost of welfare ln last week. We hope he will, rangements that they had February was $12,025.40, but continue ta improve. completed were sold te mem- as the expected recoveries bers at the close of the meet- from federal and provincial ing, subsidies ai4d chargebacks O BITUARY Committee Chairmen were amounts ta $10,329.40,th appointed as follows for the actual cost ta Bowmanville MRS GERGEHUTON coming years: Pnogram, Clar- will be $1,695.80. This was ence Tink; Membership. Mrs. shown in the report of Wel- In failing healf h for the pastI George Meeks; Publîcity and fare Administrator R. J. two years, the death of Mrs. Welsh, which was submitted Geore Huton ccured t teTown Councîl last week. Georgse Hton Tusac burred HAYDta There wene 221 welfane ne. ary 20, 1968. She was ln ber cipients during the month. 8th year.j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clarke, These included 32 heads ai Daughter of the late Mr. and Niagara Falls, Mn. and Mrs. families with 97 dependents, Mrs. John Ewant Reaney, the Don MacKenzie and Elizabeth 26 single persons, eight de- former Helen Jean Reaney and friend, Toronto, Mr. Ar- serted or separated cases was born at Market Hill, chie McNeîl, Orono, Mn. and with 18 dependents, 27 pa- County Armagh. I r ela n d, Mrs. Tom Smith and Eleanor, tients ln nursing homes, and where she neceived her educa- Stouffville, were Sunday vis]- 13 people who received tien. On April 27, 1912, she tors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts O.A.A. and O.A.S. Supple- marrled Mr. George H. Hutton and Mrs. Martin. mentary Aid. who survives. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lyons There were 103 new applica- For the past few years, the and Cheryl, Toronto, visited tosfrwlaefldi deceased had resided with her Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pollard tios ru wlfan 13re e. i son Chas. W. Hutton, R.R. N.. and family on Sunday. cepted. Employment was pro. Orono, and befare comlng ta Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomp- cured for two pensons, and this area lived in Stayner, son, Bowmanville, wene Wed- efr amnst w Ont. A hausewife, her Inter- nesday visitors at Mrs. A.caewere payment ta tw ests centred around her famlly Thompson's. .csswr icniud and home. She was a mem- Mr. and Mrs. D e n n i Expenditures during the ber of the Presbyterian Church Thompson. Leskard, Mr. and month were: direct welfar. and was also a member of the Mrs. Jerry Abbott and Steven, $8,464.02; nursing homes $31. L.O.B.A. in Stayner. Mrs. Burketon, were Saturday ev- 125.37; s pe c 1a i assistance Hutton came ta Canada from ening visitors at Mrs. A. $36.53; supplementary ai d Ireland ln 1908. Thompson's. $260; non-subsidized accounts Sunviving besides her bus- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dud- $139.37. band, are three sons and one ley, Burlington, were week- Building Inspecter R. Heth- daughter, George E. of Shiloh, end visitons of Mr. and Mrs. erington's report showed that Man.: Elleen (Mrs. Jack Ward- A. Rend. the total co.qt of construction en) of Stayner, Chanles W. of Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton in February amounted to Onono and John E. of Yar- spent the weekend with Mrs. $82,700l. Six building permits mouth, N.S. Also surviving Walter Murray, Toronto, and and two plumbing permiits are 14 grandchildnen and 17 visited Miss Emma Werry and were Issued. great-grandchildren. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Werry. Eight trench inspections and Among the numerous lovely and attended the Sportsmen's 1Il building inspections were floral tokens, evidence of the Show made during the month. esteem ln which the deceased Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cowling, There were 22 inquiries, and was held, were those from Salem, were Sunday visitorsi 15 investigations were cozn- Stayner Presbyterian Chunch, of Mns. G. Tabb and family. Ipleted. and the L.O.B.A. ln Staynen. - The funeral service was held on Saturday. February 24th a a m from the Barlow Funeral HmOnono, and was con- WILLIAM M , i.. .INDLAY Temporary entombment was Recently Appointed Music Director of ln the Lang Vault, Orono. rnt ntdChrh omnil Palîbeanens were Messrs. Trnt ntdCurh omnil James Hutton, Bowmanville; NOW ACCEPTING PRIVATE STUDENTS Bill Hutton, Toronto; David tal ev sinN r and Donald Warden, Stayner: talleesI James Ryan, Toronto, and PIANO, ORGAN and MUSICAL THEORY Danil Slter TorntoSTUDIO IN TRINITY UNITED) CHURCH Addness Enquiries to: The Red Cross holds more 257 Chine Drive, than 5,000 blood donor clinicsl Scarborough, Ontario. every yean ln order ta collect or Telephone Church Office 623-3912 the blood needed by patientsý afternoons only. in Canadian hospitals.__________________________ LADIES! We have installed s VOUR DRY .CLEANING DONE WHILE YOU ARE SHOPPING KING KOIN LAUNDERETTE 1Imm.diiat.Iy W.st of I.GÂ od ak