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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1968, p. 10

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.,SEED CORN SPECIAL To introduce our early corn program in Ontario. we wiII shipprepaidà to you - anywhere in Ontario - a mnmmodro 100 lbs. or more of Stewarts EarlY' Hybrid Seed Corn, for only $12.95 per 50 lb. bag. Next year. we hope to be able to offer you our 65 to 70 day, high yielding, short, very early Seed Corns. This year we offer you our first two varieties, and these wiIl be our latest mnaturing corns - Stewarts 4701 (only 82 day%) - and a real good silage corn, %vith a big ear and a strnng stalk, or Stew arts 4602 (only 80 days) - and a top yieiding, strong stalked picking corn (also ideal for silage). ortipr and< try one bag of each variety, parkerl in .50 l baCq at $M295 per bag, delivered to you. and bave your name put on mir list of customers for next year's BEAL FA.RLY Corns. iPlase 'Arite at once, wýhile Our supply Iastq. or ask yoîîr elosest Seed Dealer to order Stew~artç Corn for voit Alex M. Stewart & Son Ltd. The House of Pedigrced Seed AILSA CRAIG ONTARIO The Canadian Statesman, Bon-manville, Mar. 27, 1968! N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %o 1--% J~mi~ 1tscou I A ' ý new Cockshut T Ne,,J in nterest costs with Co&~ evening. ' 'er" Cash Discount Prograrr and ScoutA Father andn. waiver of interest plan the Conumuni;ý In the tipit Scout Troaps YOU DEAL. THE B1 showing9 cayGET FULL DETAILS FI with frp the fiepI5 T D EA LER. usually ta#u nuany iem7l" .other Canacli Troops. In the Lionâ stairs, Cub Pi ecected dispia. Items which quaii'" 7j 'badges or stepst Ing one of the ~quiremenLs Man~ hadeat LIMITED i SPE' Discoul on Texaco and Lui Start the new season with Now you can make big sa, top-quality Texaco procd mous brand names like' Marfak! Take advantage nity. Give us a cail toda, * Farm Trade Oniy. TEXACO (Cant.inued from page four)> ail caives and cattie. soid through nor. mal sales channels. The license fee is not ro exceed 15e an each animal weigh- ing 500 lbs. or over. <b) Producers flot wishing to participate are entitied ta a refund of the full license tee on written request. (c) The legisiation provides for the estab- lishment of a standard basis for rail grade settiement, a uniformed definition of a dressed carcass and the establi*h- ment of a systemn of market price reporting. (d) It is flot intended to regulate or contrai, the sale of beef animaisi Ontario, but Its objective is ta retain on the one handi the elements of free market choice1 whlle securing on the other hand theI benefits of orderly marketing. A meeting I had with representatives t of the Durham Farm Union make me awareb of concern feit by that arganization with respect ta the Legisiation. Farmn Union oppo-v sition to the Bill could be summarized ase folaws :i (1) The Legislation will tend ta defeat thep efforts of the Ontario Farmt Union ta ir cstablish a Beef Marketing Plan. f (2) It xiii encourage what is termed back t( doar marketing of cattie. This is direct u "Handmaidens toIndustry" _____-M u resudent Urges Farmers ~,'~ ~"~' To 'Raise Hel' w*th oennt f ed by John A. M!olgate & Seri for most of bis Ilile, retiring ln 195n. The deceased was a mnember of St. John's Angli- can Cburch, and his chief ln- terests were bis homne and selllng of cattie by the producer ta the packer. The Union strongly favours the open market system of selling. (3) It will provide a further incentix'e for the food campanies and the processars ta invade the production field ln campe- tition with the small producer. (4) It could resuit in the withdrawlng of packing bouse buyers from the open market, piacing the big producer in a preferred position. If this should hap- pen, the small producer would not be ln a position to buy cattie on the open market for finishing. A practice he has long enjoyed. The fact that Ontario farmners provide approximately only 21" of the tata] North American beef production, but receive the highest price for their product lni the worid, presents certain diffilculties in the farmula- tion of a bec! marketing plan, unless it can be on a national scale.* These tacts, together wlth problems in- volved ln the establishment of a Milk Mark- eting Pool, the introduction of dairy substi- tutes, the formulating of an egg marketing plan. and the loss of the sugar beet iindustry in Western Ontario present ln part the dif- fculties Ontario Agriculture Is e.xperienclng ;oday. It behooves ail of us to gain a better understanding ot the situta tion. rniltted to Instali black-out cur. tains in the school. A report of the Teachers' Committee was given by Mr. p Worden and a salary proposai I .M't.: Walter Miller, Ontario Farm-'and douht are at the root of "We cannot produce oursel- ers Union president ucged the farmers' problems," he vsoto rube"h ad ýOntacia farmers, March 15, ta sald. Agriculturai efficiency bas: MZ "r~as heil" ta get action from Mc, Miller said Raxernmen1t ircreased more than 24 per gverfiment departments ofcashaetldtacniccent since 1962. Industry hasý He told more than .300 mem-f eslag :arsad~ shown only a 6.4 per cent lmo- bers fcont Northumberland ci-eased production Is the an-: provement. aRn(d Drham countigs It wrsom ae re l n o Yhnpepetllu impassible ta solve the cur- Sm hvustdi adg t "Te peoe leici e, -e bigger aperations without be- mus eoemr fiin, cettfarm problems by pr-înabetcotolhemrt he sad senting briefs ta the g pvre aid.l o otrith ar ment. gxenwith the result they have gut-ý The meeting uvas held at the. ted the market and lowered'Mllbrook Leglon Hall. The governnuent. he said prices. Eamnr hbas been reduced ta the point, Eaie * "where they are handmaidens' L toindu stry". e As an exampie, Mr. MillerN jsi e îdattended the re-' Eldad U.C.W. will meet next Mr. and Mis. Art Young- cetstnr1o h sugar, Moday evening, April lst at, man and Betty. Tyrone, were: beet indListcyl in Chatham"' the home of Mrs. Francis Sunday supperDogests wit iV'lliam Stewart, minister o1Jhso us pae înM.adMs oga lt r ractors arclue a hceg be Miss Catherine Stewat n aly mat). George MNuhn1canvenor of Stewardshlp In1 Miss Pearl Leach vlsited he shutt's (deputv-minister> and Darcy: the Oshawa Presbyterlal. mother at Strathaven Nurs-ý :McKeough MP (PC-Kent and A very enjoyable card party,.1 ing Home, Bowmanvlhle, on rilnistec of municipal affairs) spansoced by the So011n.aSudy towere the pall-bearers," he'Library, was held on Friday[ Mr. and Mrs. George Knoxý n ta said. ex',ening. mn the Communlty and family, Mr. and Mr, TIhe speaker accused Mr. Hall. There was a very good Harry Knox and boys, Missi ýStewart of lying about statis- attendance and $28 xvas reahiz-i Nancy Knox, Messrs. Ken and lIGGER THE tfics in the sugar beet indus- cd ta assist the lbrary. The Brian Knox, ail 0f Solina.i 'ROM VOUR jtry' "because o! the power o! ibrarians, Mrs. Kellett andattended the 25th Weddingl 'the sugar refinery owners." Mrs. Burney Hooey will beiAnniversary of Mr. and Mrs.i' lndstîy s uin Caadan pu rchasing mare books in the.: Ross Knox In Broughamn Com- politicians as puppets. he de- near future. Lost Heir and munlty Hall on Frlday even- claced. Euchre wece playeci with priz- i i'g. t" The onlvý thing left ta do is es golng ta the bilgh lady and1 Mark Brown, Sauina, was al traîse hell , i a year; gentleman in each game. There, player en the Bowmanville 'ago. and we're ready ta do Itxvas a lucky draw for the Atom League Hockey team agaîn. chlldren with four winnlng that represented the Eastern "Farmers are starting ta prizes. 'Division In the Little N.H.L. 1 :think and get mad. In south- Tt was very gratlfying ta, hockey tournaments held last, 'western Ontario, they're mad," have so many young people1 week In Thoro]d, culminai- he said, referring ta, the beet in the choir at Eldad Church j ng In their wlnnlng tiej grawers. Ifs sugar beets ta- an Sunday. '"Grand Champlonship" o ri,j da v. Peaches a short time ago. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Alexand-' Saturday. Several fcom herel Whýat. will it be tamocrow ? ", er, Douglas and David were' attended these exclting games., 1Mr. Miller lashed out at Iii- Sunidax' vIsitors wlth Mr. and The boys are around 10 years: dustz.y's "conitraI" o! agricl- Mrs.ç. Larry Spires. of age. Mrs. Gordon Brown tur.Mc. and Mrs. Doug Flt tac vernlght In Thoroldi - ,"Xe are at wac with the x'tsited Mrs. J. Flett and Helen on Frlday and Mr. Brown, Mc. i industrial section of aur econ- in Oshawa reccntlv. Theyý and Mrs. Fred Wvatson andý aomy. If any of you think in- also visited ber aunt Mrs. Mary famlly and others rcturned forj dustrv has a heart. or a con- Leach, in the Oshawa General the big final game on Satur- i'pscierice, .Just ask the Chatham, Hospital., day. sugar beet groxers." ' Mr. and Mcs. Gordon Brown Sunday guests with Mr. and Sq1p armers are xictimus of the and family wcre Sunday sup- j Mcs. Lloyd Broome were MrI lnusrial machine. They (in- per gucsts of Mc. and Mrs. and Mrs. C. Johns and Mr" dustryv)uply the inputs far Jack Brown. Whîtby. and Mrs. Ron Broome of Bow- agricý-iýulptr d they contrai Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- manville. Ithe output,- he said. gaomery visited recently with Miss Karen Broome. Tyronie, H le pointed to George Wes M s. Elia Vernnlng, Blackstock. vislted hec aunt and uncle, jil ton's Purina Feeds and the Neil Taylor visitcd with. Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, ~I Nrris organîzation as exam- Ronald Vice one day hast weckhast weck. pies o! industriali interests, and Miss Marilyn Knox was a Mrs. F. Westlake Sr., Is, econtrolling the agricultural weekend visitor with Miss: staylng wlth her daughter, econom., Kathie Vice. Mrs. Nelson Fice, Zion. ' RAGE 'here is an attempt being .Mcs. C. R. Gibsan. Oshawa,' Miss Kelly Broame spcnt, AAGE mad tokeep farmers confus- was a weekend visitor wlth 'several days with ber cousin 1Ied and arging amang them- hec daughter and san-in-law, Kevin Westlake. ONTARIO selves.- Mr. and Mcs. Fred Watson, Robbie and Gar McMin-n, I He citvd tacm aIganizatians'and family. Oshawa. wcre weekend visi-' 'wlth x'aried interests dlviding Mc. and' Mrs. H-arold Pascoe tors wlth their grandpacents, the arm population. "Fear. visiLed with Mrs. Fred Tamb-, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryder-; lyn. Whîtby. on Sunday.!'man. Mcr. and Mcs. Harold* Yel-___ lowlees were Sunday evening suîpper guests with his parents. O ITT P Mc. and Mrs. Wesley Yellow: I BTU R -lees.MR ALHNIED GE ImNN Y r. aund Mrs. Frank Lycett NR.APOSN AGE IM E O N LY !and Bonnie, Oshawa, werc, The death occurred March, Sunday guests with Mr. and- 19, 1968, at the Oshawa Gen-, lMr,,. Ernest Hockaday and era] Hospital, following a family, celebcating Ernest's î ]engthy illness, o! Mcs. Al and Bonnie's birthdays.i phonsine Daigle who lix ed onU 1Mc. and Mrs. Bruce Mont-, Tbickson Rd., Oshawa. gomnecv were dinner guests A daughtec o! the late -with Mc. and Mrs. Bruce Tay- Louis and Edmyre Chauvette. lor. recentîx'. the deceased is survcvved bvy M!s Bevcrly Paseoe, Mast- !x'ie daughters, Mrs. B. Pin C IA L viparen t, Mr. andpaMns. j H. (There etrnt)fa rdsixC Peever, Oshawa, during the sons, Charles, John B. Paul. IT O F F E R Mr. Bruce Taylor and child-j Oshawa and Marcel, New Lis- u rnvisited Mc. and Mrs. Ed.ikeard, also 44 grandchildcen.! Thornton, Millbrook, on Sun-l The deceased was mnaredý a .Mc. Elgin Taylor re-. to Peter Daigle in 1918 and! tundhome with them. We , as livcd in this area for theý M o to O i s Tar sorryatolearn that ta s' past 24 yars. *We hope that she will soon be awa. Requiem Mass was sungi1 feeling much better and be up in St. Philip's Roman Catho- *lUUIU, . and araund again. 'lic Church, Macch 22nd, at in Mr. and Mrs. John ~Knox and n.wit:iRev R. Sansch: I savngstheTexco ay!Brougham, are on a bus tour to lion Cemetcry. vings on bulk purchases of Florida. They are ta, be away, ______ [uctsincludng word fa-.about two wceks. ~TTD luts ieldig ord a-1Mc. and Mcs. William f H avol ne M tor O andLycettî. Scarbo ough. (form e r' LI .LUA R YL Haof tisnusuloor tu. andSalna School teacher) visited'I a ofthi unuualoppotu-with Mcs. Wesley Werry on GEORGE L. IIEARL Thu"sday aft.ecnaan. The death of George Leon-" y. We'l save you mnoney. Miss Stisan Vice spent a day ard Hearl, aged 76 years, m wlth Miss Janice Yellowlees occurred at Memnrial uHos- BI You, Courtice, Plant and Showroom - Open Daily Tii 6 p.m. - Sat. Tii 728-1611 12 Noon O)shawa Shopping Centre - 728-1617 Open Daiiy Tii f6 p.m. - Fr1. Tii 9 Sat. Tii 6 p.m. UNEQUALED PLANNING AND ESTIMATING SERVICE i FOR HOUSES, COTTAGES, GARAGES, CARPORTS, ADDITIONS, TOOLSHEDS, BOAT HOUSES, ETC. Bring Your House Plans ln or Look Over Our PlanI Books.. . Pick Out' the House You Want and We Can IQuality in Material and i King St. (No. 2 Rgwy ___ Oshawa W, Righway Xo. 401 Oshawa COURTICE 728-1611 Vond Produets No. 73 Jnterchance LIMITED Report from Queen's Park by Alex Carruthers, M. p P. - salur1làligana ne penbtuhe Bdoa, f o rnttin ma y e jy b e ho r e dn T e Public Schol Board o!f Moved b%- Mr. W orde,îj"'i and;a~~ uiiiu~~ hi lwr and vegetable March Ilth with ail membersNMr. Pitt be authorjzcd ta take B A K T gardens. present, Mr. Oyier in the his class on an excursion ta atrgt ihgho Mr. Heari is survivedi by a chair. Troonto on March 14. 1968. Stitdents Entertain daughter Lucy, Bowmanvlhle,. Moved by Mr. Werry and Mox'ed by Mr. Craig and, on the ex'enings o! March He was the youingest of 11;seconded by Mr. Craig thýat the secondied by Mr. Worden that 14th and lSth, Cartwright children and Is also survived;accounsb ada itd th olwngrsgaisbeHhSco psne.tre b y a s I s t e r , M r s . F r e d J a c k - ,n s b a d a l t d h o l w n e i n t o s b i h S h o r s n e h e man (1.411e> o! Bwmanvlle, Moved by Mr. TInk and sec- accepted with regret: Mrs. J. one-act plays. Each of the the last survvng member of onded by Mr. Werry that light, Vaneyk. Miss J. Reyraft and:three plays was presented hy that family. He was prede- fixtures be instaled in Maple Mr. Wmi. Moffatt. ýa high school house and on ceased by bis wife, Edna, one Grve East School and Hamp- Maxed by Mr. Tink aidFriday evening the plas and year ago and by a daughter ton' Junor School. seconded by Mr. Werrv thatasctors were judged. Frances, In December, 1960. ', Moved bv Mr, Wrr>' and the Superintendent be author-' Th Alil Cats received the - 'seconded by Mr. Tink that Iwo ized to advertise in thle two prize for the est pla . 'The The funeral service wvas held jadditlanal teachers be hired local papers, the registratlonBest Actreýss xvas Lorraine from the Morris Funeràl Ch ap-!for the school ycar l968-1969, procedure o! Grade 1 pupils. Turner. Best Actor was .1in. eh, Bowmanvllle, on Frlday. 'anc for the M. J. Hobbs Move l.iNI. ode nd M rI.gll. Best Sup-trs March 15, and was conductediSchool and one as a Prirnarxyd y r.Wode idaemetLBs u pp. AtrestSu by Rev. K.* J. Frampton «f'Con.sultant Carried. - seconded by Mr. Tink that this porting Actor, John Larmer, ISt. John's Anglican Church. Moved bý' Mr. Werrv and Board approves of a BicycleadteBs hrce ot Interment was In Bowmanville seconded byv Mr. Craig that Rodeo. to be conducted bY aaiDonn es aracterPort. Cemetery. ' Constable John Chamers ofaxl.Dn1'Sa vNai the recommendation bvRos.*he .PP.Schwartz and GAi ai 1-c we PaKe ar were Messrs. Metcalf rcgarding the pianos ultosen as the Bet Play Dir- iKneth Lu xton, Cecil Samis, ýin the varlous schools bic ac- Moved b ' Mi-. Ccaig and ecfors. i Leland Milson, Bruce Berry, cepted and that Mr- Ptter seconded by Mr. Werry that Retcýeshrneiit.s weesrv' Douglas Barr and James tram Peterborough lie author- the Nlitcheli's Corners Homie and the eveniings werc eninoyed Melvin. ized 'Ia do the necessary work. and Se lool Association bc per- tiy ail. *Oshawa Wood Products Ltd., Darling ton Board I Ive inem UDiuepîiiiea rri oiuU. OUR NEW CATALOGUE IS ON IlS WAY! Give You I 1:' s. IL ProductsI Wood SHOPPING CENTRE M m m m8m1m1m *ALLONT-THE NAME TO DUILD ONM i Service N'mm Always!

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