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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1968, p. 11

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Banquet Speaker Oullines Changes in Scout Prograni At the Scout, CuIb FatlIPI'ranld SOu blIt-jet iti the Comnmunity 1lall on Satttrda ' the spectal speakcr-, shown above, was John Pctfifeî' of theuro evincial Fài'd Exectivi' lie gave cousidcrable inftormat ion oný the tieu-rnodernized prog-ans that are heitîg dex'elop-; cd for init ('ths and! Scouts. Cubs, Scouts Hear Details of New Modernized Pro grann At Father and Son Banquet r I Newc-astle- On Satt-das ,Ctîb and Sî'oîtt Mouicrs nf lte lue satin, 'aid ie is a goondone. evening. lst Newcastle Cuhbs Ladies' Auxilliav 0 otIe etn- ,huitt-'idai Ii. hi home anud- end Scouts field thei' annutîl Iy'uiîent of ail. ILtvou i i - o e hutiii gîuu il Father and Son Banqunetf il tounîced that Geordie WaIton patî iilîs r toduiced t-ut the' Community Hall. Oaa celebratiuîg bis t 2li brt.h- guieýt 'pe'0,:r; j. joltu, Pet tife. Ilni thet' -pstatrs a uditorui -u Iai ttilt \'el-i« !'ighlt aîl'Isipn-tt îtouî Scout Troops erecfed displa 'vs eevt'ieitwua;aslieu tO lointrtu iî maito i oui Johîti(.aile showing camp sifes, compiefe î'ntîg'a ltilg lîtut While fî'onu FîtglaiI lî tin 2,lias beeni with fireplace, canot' and ail singînîg happy birihcdax , a À,it l S-mas it)(e 19,16, st-tint- tht' gear and t'quipmeîîl canidte-lit, cake ouns set dooti s a icît-er iî l) 95Gaid fla ustialîx faken on suech camp iih-u fliî.bei îîa leader fl Euulanîd, Ger- outings. Dispiays also showed ('lairuiuaiu ofr lte scotutiatitutIntuut nu1 1rdii Ifîe fool many items swapped oit-lt roup ('ouuuîuîîtee, Butl('al. lts VWoontsrt;ia it 9ti.5 'utBlue other Canadiait or Amenican askenl tut live M 's. Johno Scotu i iii,,- za)u xxtu: uppoît tel Troops. u'rime ilo hui( ouil tundîleticlu t >siiiteu r io lii.; îsu mI)the' LionsaRoonît doni onî bclitlf-f reiî('ýnx ie pt-t-' tlt, ut-i1htit i I. Ut-rnlie o ule ut - stairs, Cub Pac'ks also iiad thtanisd lier andîiter tonutîtlf- n'î IoI lis ', Okuùt. i: ub Leail- erected displa-ys feaîtuing tLee hou'th le t-t'litior, t-hunier ci k uulowi i iild Inoxi' pue- Items, vhich quatified tînem for îxuih xi as apîe'uîdhi 11tnt I'et tti -Iox OLit 'badges or steps foward cai ni- uuose pieseîît Mn ý.Scott ai- Pitr on fitls ud-uts' scolther Ing ont' of tht' five star re- cphed lis k-uInd ivoîdsa ni tt-ehirte,. nIferur I o introduic quirements. Manv Items shoo' -sait-Ishe wotupuld a !outlic hea nu oiîg iii ait toli foi flic handicraffs dont' either aft inks 10 ail ttiose takiîîg a laili'ia ýuttd sota10suake ÀK meetings or camp. part. ticilr diiituc'rudox t ald n In the dintng area, ta he'Th e heurIbluhe 'itututro utle nof fwuîýt i rl' O gei 'were decorated with Sn'ou t nîiee.put-I rit 1(i.l uîoPthnptle u.snltr o place mats and atei-ctlett,"s. fer of 't-xli aiVcaKxeciîlCke-s-drs ,ý,YeIIow 'munis decnrated th'le, Ctnbl'h uTinila u patt'. 'i iteu lune refoi- tue ho T lîead table wifh Yeilow candies Blaken. su cavof t lue ýNew-Iv heiili lu nu luiiî. ,andrLtakp atong ail thet' ables. <astle Gri nîp(ituiiiiîten' ailpart flu irnratllier auud at-ru Rev. F. K. Malanie xxa'i cati- Chait-maui Of Distlit (nîu't iuue u i- t:re ed on ta sav Grace. fnilowed Cii b Gordont laterCu ia rIes rut-eh i ii tn Cu Otuienuit Ilu by a toast ta tht' Qteieenn A Megit. t onut nuttce T 'euaurentlue ît- o is. tunruitti ix it1 lavely dtnnen' was served hY Re\.. Roheî t; Itaxuue of St. îouldle -utu it f oin George. s Ailucarit Clircuîi. îsai ]ICIr 0nhIlie Assist atfwto VILLAGE 0F Cuîb 'orev CatI tlîe Hec T ioît1le tn Uuofnt NEWCASTLE Smithof' Newxca.atleLUnited '..I t-ur Oiiiiiaii i si~ Chutrili .C'îb Donuald 'llisoti. an' iiOt-ýisll i uiitnspitutl.anîdi Sam B'eî etonu ftle C'tub Leud- i otîr As.sist ant Com-nitistiiner R e Change enrs ielihhan iiid un. and the haa lutuad mau oper-ationu Rex. P. K, Malance of St. M\ t alklaIitighut is direct Ix Sc o lJosepha Cathoîi' Cli uttc h. to Itle fuuttnie Conne îîc\f Sch oNewcastle auîd Boxvmailile.Speîbn ther xîjll h (rossung Guard 1 Ca] wreals htrdce te ovs ogarg n e f Take notice that begin- Sc'uts andl Criibteaders. Scouth ot-d. uni-o ils fiuuesu aîd uoo' t nlng NMonday'. Avril 1, 1968, Mastcr M'inî (ollie and as- iIts n-lc,ý itodiîd-t lis starit the School Crossing Guard 'sistants Roi' Hopkinus atud Les xîas albou lh, unit thturolicil wIlI be on dîîty at the' cor-1 Burrnughs of - A" T roo p, fitu lîkhîîg ailid actiont 0f a f ner o! MILLI and ROBERT Scoutmas;ter Robent Siearen' g"eau nain. tor-I Bat-leu poi- I, _ - - andI assistanîts RonuL 'r anîd r'i 1hI lias ils t raditiotus butt , TRiEETS §ins-qtead of -Beaver Robet.t Nichota of "13"2'i'roop. we also 1icali.e ftue cliauugrs ili andXing. Cubnîiaater Mr*nsBrtuc it lasor nunlitui-i 'a id iaai C H 1 LDRF.N CROSSING and asqsiataît Mis'- (at'y te-sfavbutn' elît coulicted for. t KîWdGSÏREET SnOtllD Biaker ofi'"-A" Paîk. Cuhma.t- st-r et ifuui lxii curs a5zo t- DO 8-0 A H TAF er Mrs. Ed_ Nebitt anîd assiat- hue ci'pactIpog Vmie' as t LIGHTATKINGAND ant Mrs .Pete De.Jo!ig0Of ""iuw'rii-r.ati t18îuîîîîhîaago n ÀÏ_1ýÙ1 ND Pac-k .Mrli Cal i aiunontnt'ed t he riîeix'Veunltr er u'ogi'aonie Mi]LLSTRÏEi'S. fliat Robert Nichola ivas tiow xx s urtI e-.Tîtete hav-ei Glenholme Hughes, leavin,-, the Nec"atle Troop becitat-nie tînblIîî'u,. huitver Clerk. i tafa rh a t-loup flnKeoial. "We sur e t-beýýai nu t i ouur'd ouf.S _____________________________dont lutteti ose olur leaders." aul îilot uî.u 'e beeit Ils a i uhlun igeltLtire Sîntut piograni. il btut lticnie nf sOlat-li 1' Thle aitît la (0ho einbox- s ho in dexn'lno tt-ci r cluuauactdr, as ne- 'i soxit-t- uiland tneapotisubl ie nîct u of tili cnltom uîu uitx liv pto-i d- V fr1hug upoulutiitl--,tIgitiduuîîie t for t huit'mr i it'la tEl -otial uuîud ýtiu itiutul dex clotu- lu -7tuen iir In tIieulii- x hl i gWukbnstl'noîghouut the Il art-a a ru xx IiIlihe ettirug up ai W'nt-lahops liue rfi bu ig hta tri '"oui the i!tfnlrloihiou i ut-nd PAUD ON -tiiYnuuterialt hîtxhaxve gathh- hi c d "lîe 'o p i' l'it for ar îxî'a itIt f' tiIte ho' G UARANTEED 'Puilm ted W tuiliunitg tid ut a r tmet Va'k' utt tt îîu-o ii O r o -in u tfi' iitv ea s . e\u T.RUJSTCERTIFICATES toi-' u -h ttiorOtli un il ei Vîhnta boî tea nul * ssuted 3 trn %-Year teî'rn btrbtanin o ulu Por-lt ie tatil ilt e tILxesu p a r ti Î 'l in t re s t, p i a h i ? h a f-, 1l' s ue%,at c "l i' ari e tlîee . oni, ioti' yeai]\ hy cheque, ot-k t ot'alrI. r le Pnu Vaxagetur Ou' Paiifituder butl *aut-hoî'tzed investmenit for ail ha Pioueer couirt he Ioe tcadi- Canadiari Insurance CampantesIlig tile Pa'Iuflul , e îl a, andtrstfuns.%nr-k frioi xa% long ath ils tMý an tut uds evcî Badceue,ýa-eleaut li- Tu portiitt but i o 'I l tixe box aIo( whoiata ttn do 11til tlese Mi THEthlîîgu' easil-v i:cutiîett If thex b e thaIs fille, loi) Bu \X'iure rdoel the adit filt ini"111i ST:E LING T R US TJS 1Thne '-op Siohiet- - fl lite CORPORATION trn dînunbefoi-tPe a s 'n n it (udIon - t tic peiso't as ni n11e, ourtt u-tt mxx'4o patn'ols-i- :? T'he dur - thneboyvs' oui lîui eue-t air t-1. ai xide and 'goi .ut.ri f ' S i,1teî hz o knux'fa i ,il! oJ Ol I lcn .01ut1 tet-t-ilt ýnh?ýof îîa rticulér iteresf or th( Fo' cpýmnI. forliti a h" utc"'edin 'pliooz- P, tah',te Scooýter wouid fînd stii Meniber: Canada Deposit InVStmranc<e Corporatioln &S Dunlop S. Barrie .1 îe.n.aj . Ortillia Toronto soiieotie ln Ilia field and have hin i \ork wi th t his boy foi at1ie. If thta s i wohatlhe's ii ectdill kecp 1uni inter- Wherc (.ao it ljfitud au wer-s tln t ir ni a 1I.v q11eatîs I t h11a t. 0ol liaive? 1.t h is book, me tonigt, and 2. attend the PIlhrct IWorkshnpa in he set Ilp this apriîig a nd surni nier a t Wrast Duiiîil-. 1 teel tisis 1 i)iC gi ea test, t}îîuH t10 ilappeti ii)Scoîtliig. In (lie rPetrr-btoing-awat*- t ha dist rut il's a lready begu o anîd is wOr-ktiIlg uit as a gond PIoO1al I ni suire,. wet- L oriî Rudei Poxý(I ri te tin- iilt he, x i1d td irlors.r titis lido' pî'oiraiîi aîd lie asext- ed river ih as nimof utis aie, t hc spoeulri olO lbdd Bill ' Hltiaiîkrd Ille speak- er tor t aktîingthe titie ni attenîd Ille bauqiîî t ait(] to fi11 the! Scitr ls and tle scouts ini Oil sorne of the ieuet ails of the tiex progrli .I le t heu î-alled on C'ibs aind Scuit I ,eade-sý t'itt Ileu il t achott'tes lt t1wîr 'oiuiuiit'ailu. Pal, Btaii x a t hIieiiu atrd ou1 tn peu k' -iariii îieased ande îiî gi ateful t10seee oe inoill of ' oui ii) atteîîdaiceý toîîiglîtt 1kiiow 1:teak foi t he cittire C('unuttt, he, 1 r-adri : andrt te hu This baniquet ou'tin liai r berliî he!d liu Fetrit, xrirîig Brolther- loio \eru bult i aa ýjîst inpnssithetr i r( adate wtth se iiiuutuy o ther a'tttsgo- uigO Id hie b tri ak uno! te. aild ahoiit, Our leaider,- We lia i c gond Icadrrý. du ru goodý leaders, o re proud of t hem,ý they work liard at thliu meet- ing. anîd preparig interefiug! ieiings, anid aire dedicated. Lo Mi r box a 1 oisli te exteîîd to tIlî'i a lirart x xvote of fhauks.ý It C'uhs, >oir Poys iai',e prOh-ý aly heeti goiîg lCnrue talkin gý up Hie Derhyi' tili b get, uderwa i. It , goiug over big tlîjs i ar, anud ail tAhe boys In lie 'Ncst IDirlaiau area are takiiig pai t Se5£,,(t, behiori filie Ieadieri hi pilsîiiig'ouirý rattirVi b i l nî. ton. The' kit, as 1tiîultîdet aI iid ttilts a bockl of wond andrl cernes rom-1 plete ei xifi t tolis as hol xau. nea emuîlci I t i lh oMe miîr kits xvili bc hfre t dolit kilnw. Tiiei es a lot or kits ardereil. lut îlaae lp oir oui wleiilihe iontes honie wi(l ilis FoIioo ig thie reportliv Cntter Hou Lowr'yle anî- iou-iiued xx tli tegre tirle los- îlig of a fie Suotît11er, Robert 'tîlol.'-This niaihas dont' more titanî ani Wro mn cu d. The iajnrity t-f otir nutdoor actitv i la cediterl te hiîi. Vexe îaa a good mari and we îuue hale Io10 toc lîî Hlis lnîe tis uirlil. andI le's go- iiiý liactt lier 10te artuIp a, ScmtatFione!).ue do in ishlinal :rell. lut oe aise rcrniiîid hlm eès niehuone héo'k wtth tus Ole Sout, Faulier. Douiglasý * aItoni. xpmueed hia tlanks ,ote leader: foi' ail the lime id wark stîcit oili hr boys. t at-ck rsuu aiid also, arri aui r milîMAIfof ail the Re-i lla' i.c ie as tiiuo tallent Io e0nffert- liii ks for Itle riSi2 petit sa0 eîîovabîx ogethler. Local Hockey Activity Nexîca -tin Witlu pr-actees fil gunes ca lied off at the' etiorial Anti)a Monda v an-d Ltsdai ex'enîrug, ut began ta -k as thouugh tbe pianned irnir I lockeyd Nigtit iîoutdn't e otd tIti', cear afte,' aIl .1; Otite auiuî fil tbings got Iov iîtgfoi' tlin-beiter. the' ice 'tnt alitr iuga vu' enît along slopeil 1h wasiu'îthe' nighh' xpeched, tht' croxîd wasn't lar'ge as fi bas becrt iii hir 'a'.bLt-il twas a gond rowd anîd cerhauîîl v a liveIv li wî,-th the' eheer-sanid yelis îii nut tii enicoura!e thir cnt tearrn an t-o vtclarv. The' first tifam haking tai er ice wvere thp TTykes,, the' tice peopp it"h tht' btggest îpr-eciaîut o f M a hockr"' ck, an hour s tue lime, and, an opportunItr fo shmm DadThe Canadian Statesman. omnilMar. 27,11)8 M o a ia l others w atching. _ _ _ _ _ o m u 1li *to-morrow's great hockey __ stars."]lle n agaantst/e If you forget. you'l wish Yountr nBwavle manville, New astle Iost 3 o ) I e w c a stl ehadn t. : T e e w r a y s g 1. The one goal scored for- Our friends and iteiglibors'gestionls for future *roet* Newcastle \as scored bY (' ps n Memorial Hospital this and some discusio wu cl Danîîv Affin.* JJ Ç )J week are: Master MeriIn on haviîîg a Fllding Picnic ln Tht Necasle tnm fo- (1 (II 1Ii .TC SOIiU Blight. Mrs. Betty Brown. Mrs. the' ýummer. posslbly in Orono. lowed, against Orono. with !Mildred Fisher, Mrs. Mary Ai, executive meeting wtfl Newcastle winning 4-1. Foster Sr., Mrs. Barbara Gilks. be heldi at the home of Mrs4 In the' next game. New- Newcastle _-_ What wilth ni the Ujnited Chut-ch Women:Otto Karklis, Mî's. Mona Maj- E. Eat.on. Mlllbrook, and dis- castie's "A" team played the fast week hettug a holida "v as heid in the Sunday schoo et', Mrs. Theodora Micheils, cussion xvlll be held then on Newcastle "B" team. with the' from school, the nîtîmber of' t-om. Mat-ch I8th at 8 p.milMiss Sîtsaî Milter, Mrs. Marg- the' possibillty of a guesb "A" team mwnnnîng in a 4-2 figure skaters attenîding the The work of the United!aret Pearce, Miss Belinîda Ros- speaker for our - Aprll meeting, < victorx'. usuai Saturda.\ tessons was Chut-ch in Japan was thet-Ot', Mrs. Vera Rowe, Mis. Also to be dlscussed at thm* The' Bantarns played against down considerably. This week therne of the meeting. Mrs. ýJane Shaw, liants Verîdermeremeeting will be some of the Miilbrook. with Newcastle is the last week foi' figure Stan Powell and Mrs. Seldon, and Mrs. Regins Vanderwerf., programme kits supplled by' -ovinning tht' game 5-2. skating. and iR is tht' hope of Parker conducted the worshipi Scott RudelliIs stîll l Oshawalthe Federal office for group Tht' final game ortnte ex'en- the instructor and the' Recrea- service, taking as their toptc, General Hospital. discussioun. iug was betweerî the Old tion Committeet' Iat evt'ryoîîe "Ambassadors iu Christ." Mrs.' Mr. anîd Mrs. K. Iloriiex'. 1h,'vas stiggested by the sec. Timers and the Midgets aid- will attend. trwtn CoIwill gavesrepr îduv aehe 'stn retar-Y that we Inquire front ed bx' a few Bantam players. The Mat-ch general meetitgg huent facts concerning Japan 'with Mrs. Horner's sister ao d Donald MacDonald's offce Tht' Old Timiers flîffed their as il. is today with atmost 100 famtIv, Mr. aod Ms oehabout the posslbillty of vlsit. * way bt'tween the' youlig anlo;ended up 4 to 3 foi- Pickering. million Inhabitants. It is one' Shearer. ing Queen's Park for an even. alet layrswhodin'thaen tht' second gamne. Oroîîo of tht' most literate cotuntries1 Mrs. C. A. Cowan, Mis. Affer some discussion it wag it hold lu their front whet-, won over Beavertoln 3 ho 1. in the world, with educatlon!Howard Tomts teft on Mart-;dcddf rag o u * breezing past as rnany of tht' Affer a half hour 10 t-est up, atarting with three-year-ods,ýdcdd larne o u Old Timers did. They may' Beaveî'ton fook ho the ice foi' anîd contitnuitig to tniversity' I8t o acto tco'a otaepol It oot B C [or aul evening ln the week of look good on Sunday evenîng itheir second game. this limelevel. Tiiere are Ihll Chris-' Eleveni year old Ttmol' Mav 6th. playing on tht' Town League, against Newcastle. The game flan colleges there. Japanese lake aginavr\se but Wedtîesda e v en in g' was close here, too, %vhit wmnatems otpke ociie-ia îena\er1Jt Som-e Centennial cookbookq Il owmenaremos ouspoen orýia1privilege aIthfie close of had been sold and several were againsi those balf their age!score lu the fîrst pen'iod' -gtarF-dv eut gvioufrsl. the' most of theni admitted ending t-p at the end of thl, A film strip "Ont' Haif ofiorgan recifaltrti Chrtist Chut-cii Membesi ad eegv they were slovving down. Tht' third period tîed twn-all.'Otie Percent" was showti. This Belleville, Onitat-io, \&,nlie ce hershIo lp crd! ere lv few penalties given ouf were Going itîto overtime. New- desct'ihcd the work of the h alfwas pcrmihted ho plaY 'six'Cral Discuission was held on the hto tht' Old Timers. who agaitu castie hîad two men inti te of one percetît of tht' poptula- hvmns on the orgati. utîderth te ipraceo -angcpe admit îlot beiuîg fast enoughi penalty box \vhen the Wuui-,fioti who are Christians ndretoofm.JhWi1esftePovcalCsiuin to miss beiîîg seenu by the ref. tîing goal was scored fo'ttinuecetyexr th'oMr.oiiWhes0fh'PovcalC sttto Th'gmfneon crNwah yDu ikr. t-etiflueth populton thn organtfanîd choir director. anîd pî'ogram for every mem- ofà 2 liho orewetTe paesrc h Ihet ofbusiessporltion. During1 - ber of our group. o f 3 -2 w h i c ho f c o r e w n l h l y r a e o t c t e b s n s o t o f t h t ' A r e p o r t w a s r e c e iv e d f r o m n fto tht' outîger generatioti. goalie 10 pri'auae ataI uiiinutctuneetirig c'onducted by tht'ei:-eeetaieo teRd Those 1gething tht'ioîudesl substitute. Kelîli Milhiruch of pt-esident lMrs. Wm. Rudeli. N L)1" VV o ien n sciatieon tecutîv applauîse iveî'e tht' nefs, How- tht' Pee M'ee team who jlist reports weî'e given and an-! m ikt ee ie u o ar Qinne',Ro Lwty ndhapeedhobeut Ooto ononîncements of coming mt't"-d tleeti g ' meeting Iu the Orono Town Douglas Waiton, who took! watclî, witni tlîd Baiîtamtnigs. Tht' Easter Thankoffer. n Hall on Thursday, Aprîl 4th feef wotit ouf from under anîd had f0 lJeaî'e. _Keith didiah two p.n. and the Presby-, hnWatrPtan .., th'iewînthi-galie Ro Veblrehok lI ng tobe ondonAprt ]th ou h them aid they sat down t-a- au excellent job aîîd war-ýte-ial meeting af Or'ono on!At Co rtice flOnaioh E peaton. hier hard io the centre of the raîîted tht' pt-aise he ren'evediMav 2nd. Tht' eventng con-! Aun ffOntalo Elduain is rinîk. Everyone fook the Tins win gave flite Connýota-icliîned with the' making of The' New Deniocratin' \V- Elsie Raikes of Bowmianvllle laughs atîd applauîse and Iheý tioni Troph v ho Newcastlr,.Japaniese puppets and rt'fresh- mIell's OgnztoDtbtnwon a lovety piece of Blue .eering lu tht' good fun it waslTht' wîîniîîg eîp ivas PC mrserveb ni nt. Rtding, held ifs monithly nieet- Motintatu pottet-y. giveni, anîd a good eveniuîg] sented ho Oronîn wiît'u theY Mrs. Hunbert Vanderstarre 111g on TUesday, Mat-ch l9th at Tht' next meeting will be ivas enjoyed by aIl who ah- played and beat Pickering 7-1 rectt omieof Mî's. D. Heasnîan. held on Tuesday. April leth. tended. Alan on FridaY eveniný, the,î'eturned tô tht' village rce Cth e Tht e s travetted ho Port Midgets tt-avelled ho Union- l' fo reoort g'asmonth long visi 1lope ou1 Saturdav morning vll for a gaIne. T1e t-up to ber home in Holland. AitpttwsneecdI-n vilethe' conîitîceon the cîetire Wben vnu donate bl oodh xieethev lost .5 ho 0. was worthwhile for ocur box's Donit forget tht' Arfificial1 pa 'ty held fil Oronî n oiSntuin-,tht' Red èCross It takes only 3M Oit Frida 'v evening. Ilie as t-ex' won 6-3. tee Dat-te this Satut-day even-J daY, Mat-ch 16fh wheii tierei minutes ft-am start to finish. Baniîams entd'ed a tourna- Ont Stnda 'v eveîîiug inii Ili% ng. Tht'v look forward to a were 40 people presenît for anlincluding testing, registratiorp. ment at Oronto Playinng ini Towvn League plavoffs, lboar's large cr'owd and you will enjo 'yienjoyable eveniug of cai-ds. t-est and uefreshment. Th. the' firt gainie againsh Pieker- Garage beat Johnson's in a ,ouu'setf as everyone dot'sj Discusnsion was held ont t-le actînal giving of blood tal4 iiig. tht' game was close and final score of 7-3. when attending these dances.ldance f0 he held at tht'Lionts only four or five minutes. V le -rtd SAVE AN EXTRA 4o AT A.1P1 2'/2-LB JAR 85 < SAVE lit 2 PKGS 89< Re.Pruie t $1.01 - SAVE 12e 32-FL-OZ BTL 89< FEATURE PRICE! 3 48-FL-OZ TINS1,0 A&P Brand (Drp or Percolotor Grind) SAVE 1lOc C OFFEE COLOMBIAN 1PAC 89 Reti. pr-ei kg 9e - -SAVqE 4o PKG OF ROLLS85 FEATURE PRICE! 10 8-FL-OZ TINS 9 9< 8' 43/4-FL-OZ JARS 99< Reg. Pruce lonf 25.C - SAVE 10o 3 24O LOAVES 6 5< Stii n our 41st Anniversary Sale! THE G REATEST FOOD VALUE EVENT IN "LOOK WHAT 49< WILL BUY"" SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY - CANADA'S FINEST "RED BRAND" STEER BEEF PORTERHOUSE ROAST ' lb 3 WAY cul n,9 7c LB53 ý P 591" " " 4 89<Z MAPLE LEAF WAXED CHUB PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, WHITE TABLE STOCK, NO. 1 GRADE Potatoes ï. 1 ISHRIMP cd<taoI jeeve of3 4"-z jars 9 9c Ai prices in this ad uranted trough Saturday, March 0h18 4 Secifod Bys! Kraft (6c Off Deail) PEANUT BUTTER Duncan Hines (12 Varietnes) CAKE MIXES 100%ý Put-e Corn 011 MAZOLA Oit Atten's Vitamnîzed APPLE JUICE GuI- 'i 1,t TOILET TISSUE Ready-To-Serve (12 Varnetues> HEINZ SOUPS Hemnz Stn'amned (AIl Varieties Except Meuit) BABY FOODS Jane Par-ker- B READ 60% WHOLE HA MAPLE LE AF StIO PSY CORNED BEEF A&P Brand Froten Reg. Pre*c pkg 47c - SAVE 8c COD FILLETS 16'oz pkg 3 9C ALP Brand (Fried in latter) Fn'azen SAVE 4c PER(H FILLETS LAKE 12.oz pk49( STEKSWING STEAK or OS PORTERNOUSE STEAK or ROAST STEAKS BONELESS BOTTOM CUT ROUND STEAK ROAST AND RUMP ROAST BNLS PINT SIRLOIN ROASI OELS R OASISROUNDSTEAK PULL SLICE or- MINCED

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