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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1968, p. 5

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$pecîi Ceremony Marks QoId Cord Presen talion Courtice Guide Presented With GoId Cord Sr. Courtice Pupils On Wednesday. March 2th.1 of thanks. Cindy presented "Bravo-, also "A Gold Cord 198.Bnne iho 0 st lier sister with a Gold Cord Guide is Hard t.o Beat. Bon- On the evening !Mrh7Shah' ls olwdwt Courtice Guide Company re- pin. Gail Walter on behaif j ie was then led off the stage the staff and studct !Suhlvl qaednig ceived her GoId Cord. of 1Ihe Company presented a* and escorted to a Trefoil Cake. Coute Pulicho pe'Tecls aMr.Vny T rgrm was well ar-,gold-plated Tenderfoot pin. A This cake. shaped as a Trefoil prnsadfins0ftecoa ok n prd y Lieuit. Hanewich and ý presentation was also made by showed ai!lBopaeentsd andngin Mr etGa!Wte.Getn Mrs. Don Thompson on behaif made of frosting and mounted, srChris TinEuaonCnetonwhhe actd ut oe guests at the door were of the 1 st Courtice Parent on the cake. adwt noe and Kim Hanewich. Vicky' The Company, led by Gal by the girls. Evening losed tha n ih a vrl w a dine 0 aeya ie Bt n h r Reynolds and Sandra Bishopi Walter, sang for Bonnie, with prayer and Taps. udrtedrcino h'fo r itsro rsne arid the flags preceding Prni a il c Bonnie who was escorted by te"ih"wt aaa dul rosnigtonm Lou-Ann Reynolds and Sus-'te"gh wi anne Welsh to a chair of hon- C r w i h o n i After a short welc eanexbrs L l u . H a n e w c h t"' a'e - ile n te r t a i nim e n t c i m e c d c m d t e g e t h ae n ~ Coun rl of the Township of law as rectified made by cas-res en.M o fted a n m e ! C or h h i r s ne o mt l e d o fth g e ps andg a ve an C a rtw rig h t m et o n T u esd ay , Ilio n a n d secon d ed b y W Ha m -, " w eet ig hti gale" E de; foullneo teprgam t March 5th with Reeve L. S. and unanimously carried. sotpasads follow.Malcolm In the chair and ail Third deputation present was joyable music. Betencas Six Brownîes displayed and members of Council present. Messrs. D. Fisher and H. es announcements bu colvrin f"h ao on" explained briefly the work The minutes were adopted as Buma with a smalî petîtion happenings were md yte Wt h adwr fppl Bonnie did to earn her Brownie revîsed on motion of Council- seeking two extra street lights students. adtahr n h nes Badges. Some Guides fromn lors Gettins and Asselstinej on Mason and Mary Street. MisL ae the Company displayed and and carnied. Motion by Hamilton and Get- peetdamld ftnsCutc iIpeetmr e x pl a e d d l t h e a r k t h atid e J h n T a y lo r w a s p r e s e n t t i n s t h a t t h e C l e r k c o n t a c t t h ea n v r y o o u f l p a s M r . u b i a c v t e s n t e f t r . Badgs wich ererequredseeking a further reduction in Ontario Hydro to see If they ____ Badreeie a Gold eqCord. taxes. Counil approved same woud Install two additional G o y a oln Sinrce Bne wa a elebrat-d on motion of Deputy Reeve street lights similar to present o Ing ber l5th birthday the Wright. Mr. Taylor also sought curescent bulbs. Those high-lyng Bes"Iusa e pon ehn th Company then sang Happy Council*s approval of selling Bis were presented for pa-really burnt up thealy hsladrteBis Birthday to her. Also, to re- his property and a Resolu- ment, In amount of$i8l 1 week by bowling h ih Sm vr75soe ee minc Bonnie of some of ber tion, No. il, moved by Coun- for General and $3,521.48 fo camping matriple and singln gamesrJ.oBond GettnR aedtsac- 777 (3527 and 1317) fort ce-adJ utn70 campng ays the joled n cllo Godon ettns nd ec-Roads. Motions by Gettinsul: t er vci s w e th t n ng singing "Brush Your Teeth". onded by Councillor Osmond and Hmilto to py accunts At this time Bonnie's Wright recommending that j By-Law No. 1157 establish- Fancls he orews-0:Bt 6 youngest sister Cindy gave ber consent be granted, was car-in 198 odsAppraon"uc" rwnsre fn-Ccer .- 5 i ig16 od prpito, An interesting ceremony was held at Cou rtice Evclvn Hawke, Captan Evelyn Bishop and her daugh- 'ally decided to give hi oc ilr'hs6 l i g h t e d c a n d e x h c h w a s t a r i e d . w s g v n f r t a d s c n h r h5 Cord. Walking along a golden Mr. Black of Lotus was reading on motion of Council-! FeraywthahnBnieBsose BniLeu.Iael Hnwc n Lv sorn e tiehepar te soedBnbr rug Bonnie was Co lighta present with Mr. Walter lors Gettins and Asseistine. lva pesented with a Gold Cord, the highest award Commissioner Mrs. Ivy Hamilton. Miss Bishop is the sorme o!thewir frtshdl ahn a arnewoltodcdhr hsB-awst psmo nGuiding. hs taking part in the presentation in- daughter of Mr. and Mes. Arthur Bishop, Courtice. Room 7 to 0. "Kin lne owrHue4 tume thesegirls realed im- to Councill. Mr. Black advIs- $17,000 for construction and ci uded. from lef t to right, District Comm issioner Topo really soe i Mi om-4 portant events in Bonnie*sedtaheadpcasdsm $38.800 for maintenance for a wya ebwe h ihFnBls -. 4 Guiding. She was then greet- wodd1oet rmGatttl f$580frcret__gwas served approximately 60ý triple and single fo1 h ih oddGos-.4 ed y Gil aler ho scot-Edgerton and was cutting it and normal expenditures on t e yGlWatrwoecr-off, and asked Council's per- roads. The By-Law was given---, people a!ter the above me- 87til n ed ber on stage ta District, mission ta take down a couple final reading on motion of! - I I b , b tetw N.4 ntso 1(ha feMney) Commissioner Hawke. Mrso edemonterawyH ilnad Wigt n, the local U.C.W. j makes, h ol Hawke spoke brie fly 1.0 bothio dadeastneherFdw. anlîon an Wigt ndM Bonnie and the guests explaîn- adaettabsp-pry passed on motion of Gettins: AIl the glamour of theiacors thte platidits of the inniversarv celebration, thiere ad1es303nCasawmaeg.lesarne hdanc motion by John R. Hamilton and Asselstine and carried.' QAeeVs Court and the delight'audience. xas cause for more rejoicinglo! Warkworth came up for' 0 igegne nT ýTT lng the honour of this even-inteaml!ra 'the Telephone meeting, Sat- The Molded God md&JUP . UL ln.Ms ude cheand seconded by Gordon Get- The roads program was dis-lof the dwarf's cottage were, Mrs. Ree-ve vas the nrganist.intefmyfoaso was;sueteCmi! then spoke ta Bonnie, remind-: tins. was approved that per- cussed ai this time and pro- seen under the floodlights in Nicki Groeneveld introduced boni to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aus- r uday, and spent the evening suren therCobiss tayde- Ing ber o! the days she spent mission be given subject to the jects isted and approved onithe Sundav School room here the pla.v, provided the sound tin in the early ho'jrs -f that1with Mr. and Mrs. C. M.hlnthregmeanhytd i Cu 1 ais ilme t jRoads Superintendient's ap- motion o! Gettins and Assels- on Wednesday cvening, March effects for the forest scenie and day in Port Hope iiospitaî, a' joles. tregmsadteOfc h aashm usa was one o! the leaders ta start proval. tine.» 1968 projeet locations 2th, when, the communitylwith Rae Tufford operated the grandson for Mr. and Mýrs. Cr so as thae sthing migty og o vnnArlgh the arganization In Caurtice. By-Law No. 11t56, to estab- are: Scugog Paint, Cedlardale ,pres-ented 'Snow White" 1a a curitains. Mrs. -loward Pa\,ne,llHarold Austin. ivisitor with Denise Tufford.wnaitredcsos.JaeTttnm Ms C. Lieut. Hanewici, spake an i ih rates of pay for the em- Road, Nestleton Road sauth packed house, vice pirésident o! the United Mr. and Mrs. Stanl Green- NThcasteCranketurday hehaîf o! the lst Courtice Ca.,. ployees o! the Township as and north, and repaie projectsi Before the main feattIre, Chureh Wonien. announced vxof Kingston. Mr. and Mes. A car-d paety and dance wa.s wI .Crckssan heMII-I Saehus, chmbr then presented the caveted well as Council remuneration near P. Wiliamson's and L. :Gwen. Ford welcomed the»te ofering taken would go-larold Barrowclough, Mr. ami' held in Community Hall, Sat- whtswntgv pyta eundhm udy a; Cord ta Capt. Evelyn Bishop was given its fiest two read- e&.guesîs on behaîf o! the Uitedtoward fhancing recent rep- Mrs. Wm. Barrowclougb o! urdyeeig ymmestheyMacne 5 o 2cnetoe n pn eea aswt Who so proudly placed ilUings on motion o! Hamilton The Roads Superin tende nt'ChuLirch Womcn who sponsor cd airs in()1h" Piao.Per.oouhM.WndMeltehe remlen'soCub. he aitr ndhpadtetefrnrsprns r n around lier daughters arm. ýand Asseistine. The wording Was Jnsteucted ta prepare the evening. Affer the singirîg Coifee, freshie and cookies Brian (reua'o! Oshawa . Wa ate Miir foiIRcamtrs nd eaned Mes. Be.tJJahnson Division Comm. Ms. Ham- r was corrected and an omis- tenders for deivery of gravel!f O Canada. she ntroduced 'Aw~Iereserved after singing of' ere at the O'Keefe Centre in w sitdRv .J ne- mJd Rbno hs M.adMs iIJbsr Iiton gave greetings on bebaîf:sian entered for third reading. and ollng and Resolution No.1the plavers o! a short skii,,the Q ee. orno nSauda adth roeatte una mrun FethrM. onsn Misse o! the Division. 'motion h'z Gettins and Assel- 10 on motion o! Counicillors 'Maniaging a hitsbanid.'. Mes. -iebre w as a veny lhajîip> partv o! 16 had dinner i sereTkenashrs opic psonandwek Miss ChdyRoin callte gv-e od. tn.Mtinpsigsadb- ting tender.onwigta tb h bueMs Hridsto ed'r. and Mes. Aenold Ats,-'the Greenway family's arrivaIi ng was the anthém by Mere- per spent a couple o asaIOhaawr udyvstr allng tendeT onilfo sid bis e C1e and Hobdient w ife, 1on Tbursdav Canada 10 years ago. Con-'dt,"alyo Peace." Laler, the Rapb eB.Jn. oiling program. Mes. Archie Ford the x' sitingilvlarch 2Ist, when -h rfaniiN nie Barrowciough spent the' evr d ere andM. MitA: th eek. son. A motion by Counicilon minister and Mrs. John Groen-lgave adne o hn udywt e adMs .R1rhddne ihM S AtAnumb te frm Yl'r idLsi oga Gettins, seconded by Council- eveild bis wtfe, who persuiaded'honOr of their 4flth viedding Brown ii, Port Hope. Boughen, where Me. and Mes.ateed he fnlpyo!trwrgNood, ee loe Asseistine that the town-'Mes. Bosser that rn'eeknessraniilversary. 'l'ie hnnored cou- Joan NichaIs with the resi Jim Bogean son, o! Port game Sunday mrin beSaudy spe getso ship ask O.W.R.C. ta reîest doesn'i always pay and ý'that pie were scaied ai the bepad o! ber farnilv, weee iin Taronto' Hope, were also guesîs. tween Pontypool anBebn Gay, Mr ad Wed Scugog Lake ta determîne de- a man needs to be straighten- table witi Arnoid's aunt. Mrs. on the Sund'av beginniog nieý Sunda3' visilors with Mr. hockey teams in Pr er ons geeeo! ontainaion nd d ot one i a w îl " thel Bougýhen o! Weicome, A bioliiv week- and spent alRaymond Bruce were Mr. and Arena. Congratulaion h ayadWnyCei method of halting same. .1 h l¼ os !teSna beautifîîi three Liered v,,edditng roupie a! days with ber sister Mes. Charlie Waters o! Tor- winning Pontypoollemadhdtirtnls ut hr- cak.e made and decoratied b,\ Gloria.ano Me. Wtr Se o!cnoecst eBtaydy b Me ral opta Meeting adjourned ta speclal scbool. prc-schooiers, trained th agîeMs oss Cor2 Mes. T. Wilson, Mes. H. Whitby, Mes. Herb Gibson team in their 6-4 gm.5v omnil meeting date, Marcb l9th or by their teachers, Mes. J.1nluadMsJ.Fre.Rev Ainnd lenWl- Me.and Mes. Abe Hofstede.eaYeeto bos rec- M.adM.RnRw, cal! of the Reeve. Fraser aod iVies.F. H oskin, iiu a'iMs. . eraer.RexeAlaonnd ilen formd a bvibn bad. ~ made the centre piece witb son. attended the Japanese tea[of Bowmanville. Pretdonbttam. B mavle weeSuda -ruhv coiorpd canidies on each'sponsoeed by Welcome CG "Tî Visitors at Me. F. Gilmer's Mean Mr.Ad Nsa, venggeso!IeKyc' angles, shaker, drurn, cymbals,' 'd. ub color was used fil last Wednesdav afternoon, and the past week, included Mes. Louis and Elizabeh wr e n Ms rc ae ThhQe A ITYU LIIIfYÀ aann bels e eelpa ewivre pladyheethr dcor-:b siteo! iltheCreend.sC. . LneMMrMa.IManceeendvistos a MaconaandPamlaToant. sen Triniy U V Sha wn Houston, Paul Hloskin,' lions as wieii huîstie and peeparationî for- thel Me. and Mrs. Geo. Kimbaîl Mes. Mary Page spetafwteweedwt n n name to Iook for ~~Launrie. Vicki and SianleY Tisý'- Pr,.,sent besides Mr. and Mrs, concert a quilt was finisied at'afl Joan o! Newcastle, Mr. days Ibis week wihhbrdu u... ae n r n nek, Rodnervan Km ick ad Vbn. rasr Ma-s.'Shomos-andng C.M. JStensan and and thoyir when buying -rs R oris n\sk'eievPavue, Shelley Ross Cornnlius (Muriel), andiMes Wilsoshm on Tue With Mes. C. Burley. Sun- faiibY. alep r ersols Mc.)andMes..G.nBaker. erson. le) v~~eee Me. and HMrs -aold' H-oward Payne who had t\Wo a alr eeM et President Mrs. K. Sumers- A piano solo was played by Austin and familv, except Mns. operations peromd-Tr ulyadtresn !C GtG R L ord preslded aI the Marcb Margo PaYile, tien the bouse Roy Austin. and inciuding Mr. onto Ibis week, came h'omeîbugM anMsErl c meeting o! Trbnity U.C.W. 'lights dimmed and the fiesl'allà Mrs. Daug Jarvis and from the Sholdice Coe Ewen o! Peterborough. The Secretary*s and Treasur- acf o! Snow White was play-!DwCb r:Tuni n- li isnsetpr ! Mr. Bud Jones left Su n ay _________________ er's reports weee read and ap- ed ln hie court yard o! the lin and Bannie: Mes. Mary bis, holiday week with Tan. orbs oe'04done proved. Mes. E. Osborne, Iheljcasîle, represenled bv a paint- Morion, Mn. and Mes. Doug ýGordon, Pont Hope. afe re ii ee tnhnyout get well cards ta th e scsae ai the back. A foresi. and Cornelius aînd Ronnie TIow- cornie on Sunday morning and' P IT D n cheer card ms cttagearlbGeorge Tufford wsl charge 'JYJLII and sympathy cards ta the!stagze sciiings for the two fol- Foliowinig the fLu clne!Sndysho ee1I rudadze evro H bereaed. owing scenes. iurkev dinnen. Me. arnd Mes. seemns impossible foritoseU W em e eîcved n Mes. C. Trewin. Literature Robert Dinner. respiendent Austin wene pnesented i. a witb many moruioR chores ta' ' as à._i a bus trip l W e dn s a Secretary', reminded us of the in wig. golden enoxvn, velveiýpole iamp and electric rangel to chuecb snd bc lm ith bi aneprsfo books Jo the library. ta be used cloak and satin gown. played'opener and from thein daiib-. fan Sunday scbool. Those who, Janelville and Mount Horeb. TR ISNSTNCWAECL, RNE LMN64 for programme maerlia or de cruel mperious aueen, nd tes, booch and ear'igeeaicLclsrvetbs The ladies spent an iterest- l just ta be read for pleasuire. laclied equslly a eldesdc~lnssdleci i e ekddglbc before ses- ing day calling aIlept th Roi! cal! showed 319 mem- :as the feeble oid woas wilb'with nubv calor. Besides the sion slarted. fo sdClligw eee i bers and five visitors lui at-'the poisoned apple. Jennifer, j are sorled, taled and assemb-ý _- t n ace. P y e w s S o bl n ' N A U ~ led for sending over ta other' On Sudy evening, March bher heavy noIe was weil done l * * conie werth neds 3ls, ev Bb cCue in!!lusang, acting and spokenE the greatest; lie Toronto-Da-1 WE'RE CEEBRATINGbe the guest speaker ai the 'word. Ladies in waitiîîg, Aileen Miss Hea I e' DfFar0W, R. FrimJ. Caswell.' minion Bldg., 54 floors high,' îicainlSa i ai C LB A IGPresbyterbal Rally ta be held Wilson, Susan Sculîhor-pe,i Elgin, speni lasi wee ihT. Hendersai and S. Brown the tailest building in lhi:adflýsin AcLP in St. Mark's UnitedChci Cindy and Tiîîa Diekerson aîd' Mes. Boyd Hareis and fmil .wee a iio g those altending British Empire; the Fred Vic-i'eodn tr -a per W iby. This should b aPaty Bee in their beutiful' Miss F .nid Veleke w s r te Bowmanvlle Kinetes tor Mission, w ere food and' d wt rt Ln ite cea! teeat as Dr. McClure is!bats and gowns danced, ssîîg'fromn Bellevilleote so lFab i Show, An Invitation shelter are peavlded for peo-' loa KeeCnr Ilu m~a commandlng speaker. snd spoke thei parts: Bodney bholidavs. and Mn. Bsr on Spe ug, i eld in St. ,Jo.s- pe down on Ibeir luck, (betj u n ~ jPlans are going sead forianad Steven Dinner irn- home frou I akefid d fo- he e ph' Adtorium, Wednes- hey thougt hal imes mustr oalYr IA ON M NT te prngTe fntake place proaidthe mro igsaine pro, ahveig e neally toughinM ves M U , , î n M a y . M a k e a n o t e t o a t t e n d a n s w e r s ln s n g a n d w o îd : M e s d a m e s F . 'l e n d e î . î, Ç . L a s t w e e k a I i e R o y a l w e n t e Y s a w t e m c o m i n g ' n p . a c n r i : 0 n m Ou tus frlendly affale. 'Pbblbo Ni<bois, Garfield Payne, York l4oteb anut ie n)u! Tbey loure Tmobvflnig Ra pna :0p jThe Devotional 'Service was Timm Nichais and David Seul- ToroO T e. .J.LnstnMa.inddEîî emra red li, and Laken by Unit Il wiîb Mes. 'ihorpe were hns eech J. LL1UL h an a eerg ande an- clMxdeir ay witi h a' O Cocktil dDnigrm8:0p. Now lis the time to choose DPachmMs.R Oms-oYwo Oidtapt hLqit !th nlnaReal iilt ho- O Cvr Sfc FodMinmu i I ~~~~~~~ aknd Ms. E. TOmsn 'qucens crue computonthe Wr SserKheYuuîan am Euipmeeningeanedsbas- pingenr. Theirad isaeh.~ t ht iftie iaon !takîndar. hrs:Nei udPo-î non- oe Ss.Bvele Bzne sd oipt ino! hic Siuîe gateful a rsh MrracS-a a e0 Credit Card Program" ýands c! students ln many NwBbes rnin hmjMn. Robent Brown is gettiîig Ai tuat flime, the purchase a!-V ?~ ' ' CuSyd ' \V aeso!Public Healtb asý 'housewarminz gifts' and mr mobile bac ing bad ibe fer or $1,330,000,00, made by (-,. SA V .,we s rno1oal 1peobems. ;local information,,whitee x ca st remnoved !rom is feactiin- the Bell Telephone Comnpay. U'«pN rben Ispoe cýae adboitg:omuit d o red leg. He still bas ho use Ille was discussed and final" probler ln soe casesand: fthe Yoiadcrutches but bopes ta tlînaw voted oui, resulling in the ai.- rTpofyu atroti C REDIT GARD Mrs. Peck asked for assistance i on pat-lmhurst. u '(hem awav soon. tnast uuanimnous decision ta In obtabning drivers ta take' w attiebus Our hockey lean -onî ils secept il. The auditors' re- hairdo. Get el for srn and su e wt certain chilîdren ta the Hos- i ' HI NEIGIIBOIUR "WEL- semni-final serbies with Betbany port shows the company un pital for Sick Childeen. for COME SERVICE, a Cana- on Sunday by defeaîiîîg themn good financial cniin u soft permanent. Ame.i<o o. , s - *Dnae Club 0 Coe I «ch* 016 oq"nyC"f~ treatment. dian Firm wltb Branches in 6 4. Tbey wiil inov' meet Port. ail shareeboders seemn pleasedi Mej N..Motel C.dd *ooj2reý..e uSoe C,adif Cmcis e Air 7pev*J She stressed tbat we rnusti every principal city and Perryintefnlsaligtth prospect o! their i- FOR APPOINTMENT PHN 63292 C.,ds 6Roil Trvoi Cods - Ovr »0 oc»otobl corde.ketowIntouast ta ocoSent.rneewns 'nt xn oSsndayeds net sm.di at Port. ineort edrwealth.lth WeW unden-- *0mOW TNagg ON APPftOVUDisvu Citizens who are 3100e nmucb' s lad3v, age 35 ta 55, with Perrv. stand the staff wil be ah.mwm A R T L N of the lime. Cal! on themn, do a car. and organizalional' Mr.laenv Hardy o! 'roroiito sorhed iv thie Bell Ca., as fair errands foc themn, give o! aur- abilltY, who wants a ycar- 'was a gluiest at ibehe 'o! as possilble. Our congratula- GE G S FA t / I l1 selves te others, lie rewaeds' round business o! ber own. j Mr. sud Mrs. Neil Finney b eý tiens ta, Manager C. M. JonesKNGS W O M VLE are great. atogtpoolg No investment. Commission 'past weekc"nd. o bsyar3! aaleKId PNGS.W J -( op r-ý f ew ll rt T wa athugt-povkigwlth excluçiv'e terrltory.' Mr John Whorr of Chivarre. ane, tbrougb the net so pros. ~TEDYG talk and one that sould stlmn- Compete training arranged. Nov,,a Scaîa, spent a week peeus limes to Iis evidentl V Coe 1H N 2354 ulate our Interest ln ail fields Write : witb friends bib tis ares. John, satisfaciory conclusion. How- PHOE 63-I47o! Public Health In our own; Advertiser 883, us a brolicu of Mes .Alvbu. bcbg commuity.c/o Canadian Statesman, 'Olan and while ere std asked how are he and is KIN S. E BWM NVILE IlThe meeting cosd wth P.O. Box 191), is brother Elmr wbo is sert- beîîr ai! going te put in; 29KIGST .theAVLL benedicton sng "Bless Us Bwmanvlle. ously il] in St. Joseph Hospi-! the time afer retirement. a Oh Our Father>'. _______________l, world cruise, perhaps? Lunchi' I IThe Canadian Statesman, lqowmanville, Mar. Tr, 1PAA 1

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