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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1968, p. 11

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Newcaste Boasis Oulsian, This group of young Atomn players has been the pride and joy - ôf Newcastle this season for their fine playing and the hustie and never-give-up spirit they showed in the taurnaments. They are ~shown here with the trophy they won during a taurnament in Keene. Tram members include, fromn left ta right, front raw, Robbie -Né,n;#uv*I (plastie Easter bunnT.U nT'ro<Tt The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. Apr. , 8, 1968 Mr. and Mrs. -Cecil Maxine JUZLE GROVYE _______________________ linh hrù of Marhm ee Su Theay pl Grave u .C.W.1 nterested in their children, Ron Rogers and dauglitems GereSmith. met in the church hall on teir education and welfare. Mrs. Allan Snowden was Sun. Mid-week visitors of Mrs. Tursday evening, March 2lst.i With the oo-opieratiori of more day supper guest with lier Rena Bragg were Mr. and The meeting was opened by parents in this district, Maple daughter and husband, Mr. Mrs. E. Wood of Bowman- President Win Brown. It was Grave Home and School will and Mrn. Bob Goodmnurphy, yville. decided to purchase a rug for be able to continue operating. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lafrd. Newcastle and Brooklin the nursery room. A letter Please plan to attend this Komoko. visited on Wedne3. United Church chairs are pre- from Camp Quin-Mo-Lac stat- meeting. day wit.h kits. Jake Laird, senting a cantata "Fromn 011- ing the time of summer camps Mrs. Kay Burgess. Toronto, Bob and Alex, and also &t. vet to Calvary" at Brooklin for boys, girls, and families spent Saturday evening with tended bis grandrnother'a fu=. Church on Palm Sunday, was Ieft with Win Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. eral, kirs. Alfred Laird. April 7th, at 7:3(1 p.m., and ati anyone should contact her for Don't forget the choir's Mrs. Roy Van Camp. Base Newcastle United on Gond more information. The theme Fireside Evening servIce on Line. is spendlng a few days Friday at 7:30 p.m. Easter of the worsbip service was Sunday, April 7tb, nt 7 p.m. with her niece, Mrs. Wea, '~Thank-offering N e wc astlIe "I will build my church." in the C. E, Hall. There will Werry, Solina. ~iU.C.W. will be held Wednes- Mrs. Ted White and kirs. be solos and piano music, also Mrs. Allan Snowden acconm. Sday, April lOth, at 2:30 p.m. Florence Cryderman led the pictures. ýpanied vy ber sister and hum. service. The program was Miss Judy Carr sppnt ]ast hn r and Mrs. Reg. Tay. based on a chapter -from the week visiting relatives at loir, Oshawa, "were Monday BU K T Nstudy book about Japan. Mrs. Cochrane. "isitors with thefr mother. esting accounit of "Komoko," self and family were Sunday Hope. Mr. Alan Swain, Toronto, a Christian Japanese lady dinner guests with their aunt Mrs. Allan Snowden was S spen t the weekend with bis wbo served ber country and, and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- Wednesday last supper guest Sfarnily. people faithfuliy for manyy McKinnon, Cambra- and Iwifh her daughter and hus- Mrs. Johnson, Blackstock, years. Meeting closed wihj supper guests% with their cou-I band. Mr. and Mrs. Len S visited with kirs. W. Bryant. social visit and lunch served sins, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Par-I Goodmnurphy and daugbters9. Rev. M. A. Dougherty bas by Mrs T. Foley and Mrs. L. kmn, Cameron. ý Congratulations to Mr. aftd resumed ber pastoral duties, Wbite.i Mr. and Mrs. . S. Mortaon Mrs. Calvin Winters (née baving spent several weeks Rev. J. P. Romerîl's sermon i were Sunday dinner gliesfs fJellie Carr) on their recerit in hospital and convalescing tapie next Sunday will be, wîth her sister and husband, marriagp. at home. "Committment - to what." Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ailii,j Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Win- Mr. and Mrs. L. Beech rnstitutt meeting on M on- Providence. j er, Apsley, were wieekend made a business trip to Belle- day evening, April Rth, at Ri Mr. Frank Ofliffe, Stouff-'visitors with Mr. and Mr~ ville iast week. p.m. in the C. E. Hall: Mrs.1 ville, %vas a Monday visitorl George Carr and attended Sorry. to report Mr. Charles C. Greenbam convenor; an-j with Mr. and Mrs. Fred R.! their son's wedding on Satur- Y...I. Grahamnentered Memori:] nual meontiar.'Stevens. day in Maple Grove Church. .kY. .da BomavileMo- htgils4-H club liefdi We welcomne Mr. and Mrs. Mis. B. Trimhle, Mrs. Allan .......... hear Mr. Orma J. Hyland 2lst in the C. E. Hall. TheF aur comnlunitv. having max'- Bowrnanvillc, were Sunday D metee ort m om - meting opened at 6:30 p.m. ed into flhe hoiiqe owned hv .supper gursts with the for- CoolhanDany Hokin, Grg Wde, ob oydDonMartn ' ty Memorial Hospital Friday, with ail repeating the girls Mr. Fredi Stevensq, just off O*f!;mer's fnite Mr. and Mrs. Ted Legette, Aif Adair and Danny Shields; back row, Coach Ross Boyd, March 29th. pledge. Katby McGuirk caîl-1 Highway 2 to the south. I Foley and sister Mrs. Pearl Brad Freethy, Brian Hoogkamp, Gary Johnson, Brian Mikios, Gor- Mr. Humphrey Hte w i t t ed tht cames or roll rail. Sorry fo' ]ose Mr. and Mrs.1 Hnrkin. don Blaker, Paul Quinney, Ricky Lovekin and Coach Alex Martin. spent the weekend at the Jane Noble read the minutes Norman Woods and little soni Mr. and Mrs. Carlas Ci-y- McRbbe Potgrahyhome of Mr, and kirs. John of the last meeting. The girls from our community. They1 derman and daughter Susan. MeobePoorpyArchber. decided ta use bristol board have moved to Hampton. 1Guîelph, 'ert Saturday visitors shr nboo fth ft- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ashton, for the envers of their record Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallowý with lbis parents, Mr. and shoe i hnorof hebirh.Bolton, were recent supper books. Tbey then made an were Suinday visitars withl Mrs. H. 'Crvderînan and fam- day cf Mrs. Aima Bowen, af- guests with Mr. and kirs. oven-steamed fruit pudding. their friecds Mr. and Mrs. C.~ ily. Sympathy cf thé com- ter which carda were enjoyed Leslie Taylor and family. kirs. N. Lea handed out some Cook. and cousins Mr. and nmunity ks extended the Cry- -Jby the ladies. kirs. Florence M.adMsDave Gatchell, notes on different types of M r s, Ahert Lackie, ba,ýth of, derman family tupon the death -Oshawa. were Sunday even- apples. The girls then enjoy- Wilfowdale. "of their uncle, Lewis Cryder- Ferguson- won bath tht prize ing tea guests af Mr. and ed the pudding they had Miss Patti Snowden. OshH nian cof Hampton. for the higb score as well as Mrs. A. C. Stephenson and made. The meeting closed ati awa, spent Saturday with her Mr. and Mrs. Ted White Phone 987-4218 tht prize for the loe hand. family. 8:30, cousins, Misses Nancy, Tam- attenderf the farewell gather- Mrs. Mananti Clemecce re- Messrs. Douglas and Stan- The Maple Grave Home and my and Laurie Rogers. Mr. ing for Mr. and Mrs. Morris ceived a consolation prize for ley Taylor were Wednesday Scbool meeting will be held and Mrs. Bill Davidson and Bradley and family last Fri- having the lowest score. A evenin.g supper guests at the at the East Schoal, April 1Oth. sons. Westoc, wer Sunday day evening held at Hampton. to N wca tle irtdaygîft was presented home of their aunt, Mrs. Fred at 8 p.m. This meeting is cf dînner guests with her sister They are leaving shortly for ta Mrs. Bawec, a candy filled oms, Ennisqkillen. 1vital importance to everyace and husbacd, Mr. and Mrs.lZambia, Africa. Bowling _ _ _ _ a u~V % F &eifif qf F ; 1y &5 WdEE ilLadies - 200 and aven - i Jean Allun 275, Minnie Tay- lor 232, Eleanor Perrin 223, Joan Ard 221, Alta Langstaff I4Worried Parents Com plain 220, Dorothy Mercer 216. Ber- nice Partner 216, Cathy Arm- N'iwcastie--Changes b In e-! stead. courteous drivers will make a Mec - 225 acd over- routing and re-educating pub-! Whiie I tan a ppreclate the' right-hand turc on a red light George Kimbali 265, J m~ lic school children ta and fromi fact that more adequate cross-' ocn eetin akot rtn233 school began on M~'onday niarn-! icg facilities are requiredfrcgpesrasbck ct uon2. Ing. when childrec who have' thene toa, sîcce it seems we the pavement, or causing them neonvf-eMaadioes -1751 heen cnasslng at the Beaver aniy have oct persan aveul- ta run aven the road ta avoid ccld av e 7 Mariefs1!, pnd King Street. corner lost able, willing ta be a Crasslng the ancoming car? Smith 176.i .theîr Crassing Guard. They Guard. then he shouid be plac- How about it, Councillor<>. Thursdcy Mixed - 20) ccd' now bave ta walk acother ed where the traffic situation Aeyugigt eosdroe usPwl 5,I- bfock back ta the stap-fights* Is the mast dangerous, and Ayou going hat econsierovemr - uss P24, owel 25, I- to.crss.Th Crssng uaâ suel Itcanotbedenedbydo we bave ta wait uctil a Iiwain 214, Mary McGregor Is an duty at the Mill ccd any fair-minded persan thal chlld Is maimed or killed be- 213, Marilyn Cauch 204, Mc-1 Robert Street corner. Olderitht corners of Beaver and fore you give selous consld- bel Lewis 200. children cansider themselves., King Streets are more baz- eration ta making aIl three' Friday Mixed - 200 and fo ad ta need a crossing eardous for children ta cross. corners mectioced as near over - Larry P e a r c e 306, guard anyway acd would naw 'Tht 1966 Council abviously ()00% safe as humnaniy pas- Tracy Embley 231, Albent mnuch prefer ta take their thought so sicce they placedsil!Pac 21,BnHokm chances crassing in the middle the guard there, ccd cathicg Jsib Jaek A. Adams. P2 ce25, of tht roed rather than walk-Èhs happened since ta change J(ac)08 ga block aut cf their way. tht situation. WJs Is infot a good exemple.1 Despite Councillar Hoar's' no rthe younger children. As denials, there are frequently'ý 10'r tht. littIe cnes who haveIllarge trucks and transports~ been taught ta cross safelv perked directly in front cf his ?'n e4vccst1'e under tht wicg of a crossing place of business (a 'Na Park- guard tbey now find them- icg' area) which campletely f âlves ln a strange jungle-like blocks off any view ofOnccam- ~rld cf rememberlcg which Ing traffic from the tast, and cross. with, as cars- are stili l driven a round that cornerj A U Ip n pe iCrI~Iý-u],u uinsWiU ests t fatt.9 S. ec ---Bitdy ihs pcordb1ttNwc-l on a red light and bath leit et 12 noan there Is a mass are extended ta Mrs. Alma Garage. Scoring for theni and nlght-hand' turcs on a exadus fnom the fcctory OP' Bowen and kirs. John Garrod wene, Bian Rowe with three. green light.. In tume Ibis could pasite, plus the normal every- wha bath celebrated their Roc Goode ont and Stan Cob- ge stralghtened out, but In thet day flow of trafftc which I- birthdays last week. Mrs. bledick ont. Thase on the rnecntime however, tht par-1 cludes many large vehicles Bowen, 84, loves a gond cerd losing end cf tht game were ents are up in anms worryicg wblch are unable te stop In a game and attended the Lion- players spocsored by John- that their child will cal re- short distance shauld some ettes card pcnty Thursday soc's Drug Store. Scoring for member which light Is the 'small Kindengarten or Grade i evening and wes delighted ta them were Mike MacGregor safe one. child be so canfused by traffic have hed someone recaîl hen with two, John Cunningham Amacg the letters received, comicg In aIl unexpected di- birtbday. On announcing this, ccd Bah Portsmith eech with ail from worried parents with rections that It should step everyoce jained in wishîng ont. It's tough ta be sa close kindengarten a g e children out suddecly. ber best wisbes. Mrs. Garrod ccd yet sa far away, but about to start schoal In faîl, It Is grassly unfair cf was 87 on Sundey, and wes thet's how itlqi with ail games and mast of them i wth chîld- Counicil (some of whom were delighted ta have bcd se ccnd eveny teani takes the. rnc xho have been under the alsa on Council In 1966 when macy friends and members of same chance. We affer con- wing of a crossicg guard these tht Crosslcg Guard wes onlg- the family cali on ber, meak- gratulations to bath teanis for past few years, tht followicg. jicalîy plcced at the corners of gaybitdycmpee- gn ae Is the oclv ont signed, acd!i Beaver acd King Sts.) ta e: gaybitdycmpeee go ae tberefare. tht only oct wbich verse their decision at a clased Tht Liocettes' card panty Fnîecds and ceighbours in ccc be printed at this lime' 'meeting wben we, the Interest- was one wbere ail, as aîways, Bowmanville Memenial Hos- If the writers of tht other Ied parents, would be uceble tnjoyed themselves v e ry pital are: Talbot Alldread, ]etters wish ta have their letter ta bave acy say In thet metten. miuch, acd tht gond response Roy Bail, Mrs. Betty Brown, printed_ please remember ta I hope this Is nat a fareleste pieased tht Lionettes mem- Mrs. Lamna Crockett, kirs. sien your came. If you do; of what we are ta expecl from bers very mucb. R. B. Rick- Mary Poster Sr., Mrs. Mocal flot wlsh YOuir came printtd il' Couccil In their îwo-year ard won tht iucky door pnize. Mejer, Mrs. Lorca Mehning, wilI be deleted. but ail letters' terni. Other fucky wiccers wtre Mrs. Theodora Michels, kirs.1 thet came ta the Editar farn Wblle an tht subject of Mrs. Marjorie Pascot, Mrs. Margaret Pearce, Mrs. Vera publication must be signed. isafety for aur childrn here Audrey Wallon, Mrs. DaOretby Rowe, Mrs. Jane Shaw, Hans Letter ta Editor in tht Village. I tbick Couccil Collins, Mrs. Pal Wicd ccd Vandermere, kirs. Regina Van.ý It bas came ta my attention should consider tht Idea of Mns. Pet Willierns, with Mr. der Werf, Sjouke Visser and! that at a Special Meeting 0fpassing a By-Law forbiddicgi Frck Pescat wincing the Miss Wendyr Wilson.i Newcastle Village Counicil a, rigbl-hacd turcs against a red trýavelling lace hecd dnew. Thanks ta Pire Chief Fred' decision was made ta removei light eit thtcarncers of KincgPnizes were doneled by R. B Gienville cnd members cf tht the Crossicg Guard froni tht ccd Millf Streets. Children Rickcrd, irs. Pauline StorksNecsl Vouee Fire carners of King and Beaver are laught that e green ligbt the Newcastle Reporter, the Dept. an eveclcg of informa- Streets and have him take up, means 'go' acd 'scfety', u Newcastle Hydro, and I-oney live films were shown ta bis duties at the corners of; haw safe Is It for theni taos Hollaw. Brownies, Cubs and Scouts Robert and Mill Streels In- i re_1g we i- TtNwcsl riiil nMondey evening. Sevenal films were seen, cmocg theni Ice Association spocsored an-1wcys of preventing fires or ther successful dance 0onhow ta handît ont should il Satrda evnin, tat rewgel under way. Il was sires- Whitby acd Part Hope as weli Other films wene on artificial as Ihose usually in attend- respiration in whîch several Seil Chocolate t0 anc from Newcastle and rnethads were shewn. Tht to be stpa long tebki.n tht Centeccial Rooi, hseen nthe hall ta acconioat ever with so macy children' R ise un s n ai eeryoce. This wcs ta have other than the groupa mec- ibeen the last dance for the ine isî(t)st hs Newcasýtle The regular the presidient arder these dur-, seeson but witb everyoce faione were mgovsed froni montbfv meeting of the Hockey, ing the sumrmer askicg for the date cf tht the' Cenlennial Rooni ta tht Motbers was held In tht Lions itdc ,1nngmns ptisauioimt co- Boom on Monday evening. Il was decided that should iwn ad abveapestoatevryccdiorum. Acfie dilî A welcome 'vas, given bv the, Artifictal Ie Association1 one mont dance. Il wiil be aIl was practised froni thetcdown-, tht President, Mrs. Charlie, sponsor another CvcHoli- tht sanie lime, sanie place,! stairs roorn in which every- Aqulin. ff fw 11b, the day Carcival, acd should they same orchestra, on Saturdav ot cnducted theniselves minutes cf tht fast. reguiar cal on tht Hockey Mothers ta Apnif 271b. Better 9tart nowl ve eI meeting. read by tht secreîary,j again take charge of tht bot 1to meke youn plans and get1 Cubs i 'A' and 'B' Packsj Mrs. Kelth Ragerson. . dog stand that tht members1there early. . rectived their Pinewod Der-' A motion w'as mare n'would agreetetado se. This i The Newcastle Memaialîby Kits. They have four wrie te Nwcstl Rerea- usiness was discusstd now t Arena closed ils doors las weeks acly in which to com- wrie ht ewcstt ecra.avoîd clllng acother meeting. week and ail public skating, pîtte theni. Boys who have tion Cammittet. asking them A motion bcd tarlier beenlhockey ccd figure skaticgl cal neceived their kits rney ta return thie teani sw.eaters.made ta mnake Mondey night'sllessons are et an end for an-dsobclfnathtoms acd saerks or e ding. flow meeting the lst one until other season. This bas been of tht leaders or by attend-, lng heircleaing.September ucless sometingia very big yecr, ccd almost ing tht cexl meeting. 'B',! This yea's project is teo f Importance cornes up. 'every waking hour bas bcd Pack wiIl race thein cars onj bave cages made ta hald uni- farrs nscd equipment. For a' The treasurer's report, glv- sameane on the ice. The fig- Apnil 29th, with 'A' Pack nec- project for the next eay en by Mrs. Bec Hoogkemp. ure skaers were dellghted on ing theirs on May gth, was uggste the hae ashowfed that money was stilSaturday afternoon. W hil P George Gray, eldest son cf' rase made for a trop h dis-bengtund In for hockey;rtbey couldn't have a lesson Councillor acd Mrs. Alfred play. AIl being In fa %or tIbi clendars witb stili a few ouI-t.b ey each received an Easter~ Gray, was chosen fron i S. willf be decl with at t ht be. standing. Members bavlng Egg frcm tht Newcaste Rt- Gearge'e Anglican Churcb ta gI.nnIng cf ccxl vecr's hockey!ithese calendars or tht maney!creetien Committet. With no, represent their Youlh Graup are urgentfy asked Lo please' ice in .,ur own anena, players at tht Vouth Synod held ne- term. hand them ni n ow. 'of the Town League played cently in Tarant o. G eorge I>,Ways cf making monev xere' ________ their lest game on ice et Port was bilieted with Rev. Jini Jb>ussed Ont suggestion wes j PerrY. This was tht final Tiller, Wiilowdele, oven tht bihave chocoletes sold by the Donated blond bas à Ille af game and wlth only 16 sec- weekend he was away. He'il inflihers. Chocolates made up 21 days. If It Is net Used ods te go before tht ecd af give a tal.k et the church onl In tht shape cf a hockey play- wlthin that time. the Plasma!j the third perfod bath tems Ssinday, April Zîst, repcnting er. wrapped In colared papen. Is drawn off and made Int iwere tied 4 al ccd thtetems, on tht Synod. appeared bo be qite cttract.- vital blocd products such as'ccd fans were tense. Sud- Oc Wedcesday affernoon. aý Iv'e a tla. ?rnt, acd gamma globulin, serurn albu., denly tht filth and wincicg dessert luncheon was held aI' a motion was râe te have' min cndflbrinoien. zfoa1 was s.cred by the teanithe hrome 01 Mns, Marie Gart-i OUR MANAGERS HAVE OVER! This k aà spedialweek. W. cafl it Managers Week. Tbey'v. taken 0v-or tbe store. Tb.y've plann.d a terrific thrift event. Storewide velues tbat you>l recognize as ,"Frst-aid" for your ailmgq budget. Why this special week? First, to express special appreciation to you. Second, to honour our managers Thwrd, to give us a chance to prove "W.e Care!' If you're a regular A&P customer, this week is for you. If you've neyer shoppe AUP, this is the week te test.shoP AMe. CA NADA'S Df D AJ BID NO. 1 GRADE FINESI REDI BRANMIW ELFU HOICE 4 CHOICE QUALIT A&P TOMATOES 11~28-f-fl d4oz tins y '7 Reg. Price 2 tins 59c - SAVE 19c (151 Off Dent SAVE AN EXTRA Ille AT "PtM CHEER DETERGENTiansze o79jè-,ý (13 Varieties) P,-emium Reg. Price 2 tint Vé - àAVE «M CLARK SOUPS 3o-ozfis 49/ e Deep Browmed in Toseato Saucm witt' Pork FEATIJRE PRICE. LIBBY'S BEANS 44-o021tins89'd Kraft 3 Fruft ao- Orange Reg. Price aret5% - SAVE 10e MARMALADE 2Woz ar493e Betty Crocker White or Devit'a Food SAVE 470 CA&KE MIXES 39oz pk00, CHOUCE QUALITY AP CREAM C R 14-fl- f .5oztins 9y FEATURE PRICEI BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE REMOVED WIENERS. PINK SALMON %i -u.Ince SX Brand Vae Pa» WhoIeor MONa~ Poly Bag 1 Frul*t- ii' egecbe l SHORT RIB ROAST ts45i PORK TENDERLOIN LB4956 PORK HOCKS LB69< COD PORTIONS 'p Texas New Spring Crop, Sweet end Tender, No. 1 Grade CARROTS 3-lb Nonte Priced celoubg WHigher 29 At A&PI AU. PRICES UN 'flf 15AD @UARANTEED T14ROUGM SAT1JRDAY, APRII. 6th, 1981. Jan* ParkerReg PriSeach 5%o - &AV£ 1%. BLUEBERRY PIE 8inck 24oz pie49e Jane Paricer Reg. Prîc i" h M- $AVE2 SPANISH BAR CAKE 3?0ýocakes 8 9c Jan* Parker Daily Dated Reg. Pr;ce loaf M9.- SAVE Me WHITE BREAD SLICED 52"ZIMff99C BLADE STEAKS FOR BRAISING BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST GROUND CHUCK FRESH MINCED lb69ý i59< PORK SAUSAGE Ln~' s9 Meaty 16OZ I5. 9 AS-P Brand Brended 1. Value-Priced! j Soi id BRAISING RIBS La Fraer% Sida SPARE RIBS Porit LB99ý Ls25ý

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