e--.-.-.. ~ - t- v -. -. ~. - t--,.-.-- ~ -. - -. - TheEladu 0g L 1 N A 1 Three Darlington The idaU.CW. goupmetsider a career ln Christian' On Monday evening. April lst vocat4cn. Miss Stewart was nt the home of Mrs. Francis' given a hearty vote of thanks Jeàton, with the President! for bringing us up ta date on msp urray Vice in charge. the work of her department. .--. It was announced that the The next U.C.W. meeting~ 8nflual school for Unitediwill be at Eldad Church on' Church Women would be held; April 29 with the C.G.I.T. girls In Albert College, Belleville, on and Explorers as our guests. June 21, 22, 23. The theme is Th metn lsd wh to be 'Women in Today's Th metg clsd wt Wâd".Alte ocrîg the Mizpah Benediction. A thefatteycamp nat Q inMo lovely lunch was served by Lac this summer was passed tHe nox.andslsted lbydMs around. It was decided to buy "arYKnxadMsLly an Easter Illy for Easter Sun-Broe day. The roll cal] was 4-H Meeting "Thoughts on Vislting" and Solina "Peppy Peachegt" was well answered. Mrs. opened their fourth meeting -- Bruce Tlnk gave the devo- 'wlth the 4-H Pledge. Presi- tional on the Easter Story. dent Karen Yellowlees called Mrs. John Knox introduced'on Jackle Brown to read the' the guest speaker. Miss Cath-iminutes of the third meeting. erine Stewart, convenor of1 The 23 members present then Stewardshîp and Vocations for: answered the roll cal] which the Oshawa Distriçt. She said was "Fruits we freeze, can or a steward Is one who looks -dry at home. State if any of after something for others. these are grown ln your own To be good steward., of the orchard or garden". church, we should give of our We discussed further our Urne, talent, energy and sklt for achievement day wvealth. It Is possibly a lack which Is "Making the Most of stewardshîp that many of of Fresh Fruit". Our smal]er churches are belng Mrs. Drew and Mrs. Milison closed. The Oshawa District' dlscussed wlth the group 1U.C.W. sent a message to ail how we could lmprove- our Grade 13 pupils in High books. Sr'-c.~king them to con-i To close our business perlod we sang Happy Blrthday to Louanne Ayre, as it was her birthday. Nominated Anne His as $150Oo -Press Reporter. In the kitchen we made' fruit cup. It is a combination! of two or more fresh fruits or - ~canned fruits cut up and .. sllghtly sweetened. The Indi- vidual servings were toppçd iwlth a red or green cherry. They were dellous! Sweet and julcy as well as colorful. A speedy recovery Is wlsh- $2 ed for several Solina folks. Glenn Milîson had an appen- dectomy operation Saturday evenlng In the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Mrs. Everett Cryderman had a small but painful accident and Phillp Broome had the mlsfortune ta - again break his collar-bone. AIl are recoverlng favourably. Recent visitors wlth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langmald were Mrs. Ross Prout, Kathie and friend, Etobicoke. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker were entertalned by their sons and daughters to a din- ner ln the Rib Roomn at the Genosha Hotel on Saturday evenlng. on the occasion of $200.00their 25th Wedding Anni- versary. On returnlng home & they were surprlsed to flnd their brothers and sisters walt- lng ta greet them. Attendlng were Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cowling and John, Mrs. C. Johnston and Mr. Larry Welsh of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O rmiston and Mr. and Mrs. g - . l-Howard OrmIston of Bowman- i ville; Miss Helen Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M Baker, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. \Kelth Ormiston. Ebenezer; 'Miss Mary Lou Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ormiston and Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales of Oshawa. Best wlshes to Tom and Elaine from the Solina Com- Mr. and Mrs. John Knox - visited thelr daughter, Mr. and m Mrs. Grant Down, Sunderland, ~O t sand ng on Monday afternoon. O' \\Xvlslted Mrs. E. Spires on Mon-,4 alueMr.3 and Mrs. Bruce Mont- olii gomery and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thornton, Millbrook, on Sunday after- cnie obdbut Is gradu- noon. mprs.in nhealth. viioswlth Mr. and Mrs. LodBroome and famlly. Mr adMrs. E.Cook, Bowmnvilewere Sunday Pvatched sets for your visitors wlth Mr. and Mrs. engagement and wed- Frank Westlake Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson ding plans. Each set is and famlly were Sunday din- distinctive and beauti- ner guests wlth Mrs. Watson'- fui l offering ny aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. VES iSchool Choirs Win Top Honors in Kiwanis Music Festival IThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. In, 1968 5 M. and Mrs. Wili Porter, umphant Entry Into Jerusa. Stoufiville, vlsited Monday[lem, Palm Sunday and the with Mr. Ell Mairs. On Fr1- Crosýs." Holy Communion wau day. April 5th Mr. Mairs at-I adminlstered. :tended the 63rd wedding anni- In the United Church Rev. versary of Mr. and Mrs. IPhlip Romeril spoke about Thomas Farrow, Uxbrldge. ithe late Dr. Martin Luther Mr. and Mrs. Ivan MairsjKlng and His Cross - Your Cooksville, were Sunday visit-1 participation and mine ln the ors wlth his father. Cross. The choir sang the an- Mrs. Arthur Hyland, ar-1!them "The Palms" by Faure companied by her parents,*with Miss Bonnie Malcolm Mvr. a nd Mrs. M'm. McCabe'îtaking the solo part. Holy attended the 5th wedding 'Communion wvas received. anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Women's Institute Alvin MeGilI, Lindsay, andý The annual meeting of Nes- spent the evening with Mrs. tleton Womnis Institute wax Arld Hlckson. Mr. and Mrs.jheld Wednesday, April 3rd in McGill were neighbors of Mr. the United Church basement. and Mrs. MeCabe when they The president, Mrs. Cecil ~ farmd at otus nd thlrl son, chaired the meeting, -sons Orland and Harold at-1 extended a welcome to ail and tended the same school as thanked the members for their Mrs. Hyland. On Saturday co-operation. "It has been a ,evening Mrs. Hyland and Mrs.veypesn ea" h ad SHattie Cole enjoyed Porti h olcI a amn t aenrSatnd lu rortalOf fees and an article for the itexlen and aredota Sprlng Fair of the Hospital ,exnceean, vri prog Auxiliary in Port Perry. Joh Fryson o! Mr. andý Nestleton chose "Neyer a Mrs. Joseph Frey underwent Dull Mea]" from the Food a tonsilectomy in Port Perry Forum, "Women's Institute Hospital on' Tuesday. Good Procedure" for the Short luck! Course and "Hats for the Sen- Mrs. Erle Ross and Mrs. Regilor Ladies Training gehool." Ruskin, Scarborough, were Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, Dis- Saturdav dinner guests with trict Director, reported the ! Mr. and Mrs. George Heas.lip Directors meeting and an- and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kellett, nounced the District Annual. Oshawa, were Sunday evenîng will be ln Blackstock May 15. dinner guests. The voting delegates are M.rs. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Neal Cecil Wilson, Mrs. Malcolm and Mr. Wm. Neal, Oshawa, Emerson, Mrs. Richard Davi- and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne son, Mrs. George Bowers and Weston and family, Hamnpton, alternate Mrs. AUan Beacock. Mrs. Howard Lee and Clifford. the Auditors Report and comn- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuckey, mended Mrs. Davison for her Frankford, spent Thursday excellent work. and Friday wlth her sister and Splendid reports were pre- brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. pared by aIl the conveners and George Johns. Sunday aftcr-ipresented for approval. noon visitors were Sharon andi The report of the nominat- Kevin Nesbitt. Dinner guests ing committee was presented were Mr. and Mrs. Pcrcv by Mrs. Allan Beacock. !Preston, Lindsay and Mr. andi Mrs. Richard Davison wax Mrs. Wm. Johns and family, appolnted secretary for the Markham. clection of officers and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Dickey. Malcolm Emerson prsided fr PotPcrry. wcre eveningi the election which resulted as visitors.' follows: Past President, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- Arthur Hyland: President, Mrs. cers enjoyed Sunday evening Cecii Wilson; lst Vice Presi- dinner with his sister ad dent, Mrs. Allan Beacock; brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Ri- ,Rbert Rhodes, Little Britaini1chard Davison; District Dlrec- Mid-wek visitors with Mr.Itor, Mrs. Malcolm Emerson; and Mrs. Ceci] Wilson were!Alternate District Director, i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Devitt, Mrs. Milton Fisher, Branch Bobcaygeon: Mr. and Mrs. Directors, iss Ruth Proutt, 'Norman Lyons and Lori, Ux-IMrs. Harry McLaughlin, Mrs. bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Her- George Bowcre; Conveners - man Rodmnan, Wilson and Historical Researcb and Cur- Karen, Little Britain, were rent Events, Mrs. Ralph Sad- Sunday supper guests ln honoriler; Agriculture and Canadian of Mrs. Lyons' birthday. Con- Industries, Mrs. Fred Dayes; gratulations! Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, M. A. Beacock; Home Econo- Oshaw~a, vislted Saturday mics and Halth, Mrs. Will with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ashton; Resolutions. Mrs. Geo. Thompson. lHeasllp; Public Relations, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan,lBru]ce Hcasiip: Sunshlne Com. -Carolyn and Douglas, Lind- rnittee. Mrs. George Bowers. say, were Sunday callers wth Mrs. George Johns, Mrs. WiII her aunt, Miss Ruth Proutt Ashton; Planist, Mrs. Law. and were supper guests of rence Malcolm. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. W. Jackson was ln Ivan Proutt, charge o! the very Impressive Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mal- installation procedure. colm, Oshawa, called recenty The May meeting will be ai on Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heas- the home of Mrs. George hlp. Saturday and Sunday Hcaslip. Please remember in visitors were Mr. and Mrs. bring plants and bulbs for the Alvin Bruce, Port Perry and annual auction. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kelly, Mrs. George Johns, hostesg, Little Britain. and Mrs. David Johns as co- Sunday Services hostess, servd a delicius Tn the Preshyterlan Church 'lunch and a social time was Sunday morning, Rev. Fred enijoyed. Mrs. T. C. Grahanm Swann spoke about "The Tri-lexterded the appreciation. SMI LES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES' $1 .00 f0 $3.30 $lOc to $2.25 95c fo $2.25 A new roll of film FREE with every Black and White or Kodacolor Film lef t for developing and printing. - I.RIK' PECTIONRSD A Y EASTER EGGS! and NOVELTIES wa. Nvas a Sunday visitor i..- Mrs. N. Wottcn and farnilv. Mr. Ken Knox, Woodstouk, spent the weekend w'%ith bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kno x. Mr. and Mrs. Elg'in Bromiel], Bowmanville, wcre Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder. 1Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston,' Gary, Bob, Colleen and Janet, Bowmanville. were Sundav' guests with Mr. and MI-S., Charles Langmaid and famnilv. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Knox and family visited Mr- and Mrs. Walter Tink. Ebenezc'r. 1on Sunday to celehrate the birthday of Mrs. Hilton Tink. Mr. and Mrs. Chat-les Smith, Oshawa, vigited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe. on Sunday afternoon. Miss Wcndy McGhee. Court- Ice, wvas an over-night guest with Miss Saliy Langmald oný the weekend. Mrs. Fred Watson and Mrs Rae Pascoe attendcd a bidai shower for Miss Fern Peever of Peterborough. that was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Yeo, - Switzer Drive, Oshawa. Miss Pearl Leach and Mrs - Lorne Kcllctt wcre among . those who enjoyed the Flower Show of spring lowers li Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. WesieY Yello%\ý Last week at the Kiwranis Music Festival in Peter- lees attendcd a misceclaneous borough, Darlington school choirs continued their showcr for Dr. and MIrs. Robert Alien given h tîheir tradition of winning fîrst place in their various classes. 'relatives. The shower \vas The v were under direction of Music Supervisor Ross held at the home of Mr. and Mctcalf and his assistant John Butler and they were Mrs. John Marks. Scarborough. assiste d by teachers in the schools. Top photo shows n Satudsrday eveing Th the Senior choir from M. J. Hobbs school at Hampton noely gifds.r evd ýand includes accompanist Douglas Dewell and Princi- 67 King St. 9. pal E. Taylor as well as Mr. IMetcalf'; middle picture shows the West Courtice choir with Mvr. Metcalf, Prin- cipal Eric Barr and Miss Janice Beech; third picture jShows the MitcheiF's Corners school choir with Mr. Butler. Mrs. Margaret' Snowden and Mr. Meteaif. Dar-: lington students won several other prizes including aý first for the M. .1. Hobbs Recorder Ensemble, bottom, jpictur*, uinder direction of .Frank McQuay. 623-2546 NO GARBAGE PICKUP Good Friday iAREA USUALLY SERVICED ON FRIDAY, WILL HAVE GARBAGE PICKUP ON THURSDAY, APRIL 11th T. STEWART, Supt6 JENNY LIND CHOCOLATES 100 TASTE SAMPLES 0F Smiles 'n Chuckles Chocolates Bgowmanville elOI. TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE