14 ri e DSIFIEO ADO eir REIDITS - -r iersnai sîgle 2 nci3 vitthi BAF 5Pice " Site Irîpiex. Brick building- r PRICECash nt Cary - able ~.'mnîîe-----------$ 59.95eCARrAlKETGond I n 10 ACR FARM0aACRE FTRMON Fersona singl, 2 and3 widts, HALF5 Piec Dihome SExcellent-----n--stmen5.9510CrooAReeti home.rn90 ome. 9 VIRTUE-In loving memory KGNI-uplc..(hr LuPREshrond C2.88 - Tlearn13PeeSctoa ut -AISDCRSEIAIST at$27.000 - Teris. ivbarn. Drive shedi, etc.Pce 'ELE of our dear siseçr, Mary Selena, 3ots> maiet poîpati inOfC 0 akiti ofSuitte nt' 169.00j_____*20.000. Ternis. GRR Who passed away April 2oth, plain uealed envelope wîth iEnd Tables, Baif Prie.- 2-prCash - Trade3393 - TernisLnv 19W7. price lst. Six samples 25,Ceterfield Suites from $109 -1 Large 9 x 121 194-196 Chnrch Street 4 hedroom, 2 storey homn i t 4 rgeasured thoughta of one W24 samies $100. 100%OdViscose.RedCarpSutss - $ ý39.9S1 BOWMAINVILLE, ONT. !Afier 9 p.r.:2 bathrooms, ciectricallyha- .J.raBre onuht rttesnes long - oChairsen$3PieceCa4hSater Carry- ____Mander Rafuse . 623-3605. After fleurs Picase Cl:FNK HYRD Vas rh o utmmi Wcnted toBuy Od 33Chrome dablshrom 2Pe eaPatRcers------$ 3.5Poo 2-04 Je Rmoîk- . .723-5077d. Lreltot. Sed or higheet nIutleoru18U aad 4.8Cash d hete-iidSute- $50OCTerry Masters - 623-3792;i Phyllis MeRobble -0375 enCmelin -Lotngy emebeed yhr pics pld:nopaprbckuyCrry- 917Alminm Sn eadorCripldoJRoa Gîbri Orne9$3.533CReurryimon B19a873R2TheHoe 0 PdigecSuned owue«o niores and Ethel. hone 7W3-2484. 16-4 Cet%., RaU Prie., Cash andi MANY, MANY MORE SEN8ATIONAL SAVINGS FRoy Fester- Oreno 983-5801; George VanflYk-62737 CE SMR 1-ISEON eut hay __o r high rr. RF FR ET ELCTO Stock Weston Baiiter- Wesley Anderson-34-69' ret8 tterred Oeil 23-581. ~IIRUTHEROFORSBICKED p PROMTLY ' Garden Blil 797-2215, aot ots-7524 AM I quallty itie ut, aifalfa pe IKDU RMTYfaodCut Pe8tCARSeruendtacos Con S6.3-UWI7SNS FURNIURE & GLLERIESTelepthono Cellect 263-2721 'Howard Frder - 6383Dorothy Sais-37294 BWnvle M o1 adpu. !ebOIs- f. m trcks.ez tracwreckand e O ST.wa8 20 ChurchSt, OTRE& ALEIshawa Mrgwill6ur5Fam1623- vàmàWSWo pu O. VID. PWpOUe. Phy*r W"Mar363.3FurFar-George Beaton -Iie List Photo 1Ms.L.15 xet5-3 à 14lpmï,,e -4' 15Osaa .03 rc t.Ohaa Licence No. 151-C-68 Port Perr'7 985-987udnd Eij 12-tf I l'h. canadlan stateeMM z owamvfll, Apr. 1'?, 1lm DIADLINE FOR CLASSIFIE Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. BISOP - rrLoi Deaths Articles for Sale i Articles for Sale Articles for Sale1 Livestock For Sale IReal Estate for Sale IReal Estate o ae elEtaefrS BIRP-Lry oiadEDDYVEAN. John-At Me-i 17-FOOT house trailer. 83: BIRD cage and stand. Phone OATS for sale. Phone 263-2675,1100 DEKALB chickens. Tele-16AKS RELt A-OON.cseaTato d Gayle are happy te announce morfal Hospital, Bowmanvllle, Prospect Street. 1 -1 263-8476. O 16-11a ge h ne1657 2 a L&...AA~ AL.& ~o a rf H6ra E L k, $.5 0 l w n pl e e. O n k on rennDa n, A 8 ibm, 1968,ai., e ddve an 0f On o f oalo a il Cif ethick, 623-2313. Phone 263-2105. 16-1 in excellent condition. Phone saddle. Please cal Newcastle LIM ITE D e m 1 0 d w . 82 . 0 p r C n tu ti n h n 8 - 7 9 on ondy, prl 8h, 968 u beove hubad 0 Vila38-tfWETR sade knev 623-5959 after 5:30 p.m. 16-1 987-4796 after 5 p.m. 16-1 RAT Mo. Ken Matte. 8;___51f Memnorial Hospital. Bowman- Shortt, In bis 78th year. Rest-'11 Mohawk St., OshR, 7574>- -__ ville. Proud parents, Don and, cd nt tihe Barlow Funeral, 1-50 8 CEDAR posts. 4 te 6" Phone 623-5817. 1- PIANO and bench, compleey jREGIS TERED Hereford bull. '21 King St. w., Bowmanville Betty. Many thanks ta Drsu Home, Orono. Service was and braces. Phone 623-3447. -- rdn bos sz D reconditioned, oak finish, ex- 13 months old; 12 Hereford. 623-3393 Siemn ad Rndl. 1-ifhel onMonayAprl 1 at-- ~ _________- 16-1 62-64atrs 6-1 cellent value, $175. 623-3900. steers off registered stock.RA STT N 2 p.n. Interment Hampton:BOX trailer, 72 x 48, lightsTEOrt-iegodcn --- 16-1*!George Stapleton, Newton- 'Member Oshawa and District Jc NUAC CORNZ A Poppin' '68--The Cemetery. 16-1 new spare tire. Cail 623-5374. dîtion. -623-7439. 16--- l* FORD tractor, 8N: new Otaco!iville. Ont--1 Rel~ Estate Board . omnil 6LbryN Jack and Jil Club proudly -!1-1htandem discs, cultivator withl 100 -WESTERN and Briktario R I. C .11 Il A annouce te arivai f thir HNCOC, Lesie Etere STUEBAKE sericernwIONE Stopover ouse traîler, all attachments, Massey two- stockers, sold privately every I~ ce t6376 pieadjoy "1968 Cornza fito rest In the Open Gate .and used parts. Graham's 16.$0.9357. 6-fuowpug.rbetreThsdy (anytime by ap-' deoftw Ltd., e Potp 8:15n p.m., 2, 2ow 2,NvleTursdayomeAPieinglt, 196.1-arage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf!TWO boys' bicycles, 26"; one wagon. Phone 623-5571. 16-1 pointment). Ivan ono ith gond .9 room horne, al Thursdy, Apil Ilh, 198.1 grl's, 4e'. 23-547. 161oomiIbtwn fireplaenese Brngarage95 Town Hall. 16-2 Leslie R. B. Hancock. heloved IBUYING or selling furniture gir--s-24".__ --35427.- --- SEBAGO and Irish Cobbîer sot1 Mnahaf a ieboro x 60. Idealfo rs. husbad ofthe lte Kr appliances, caîl Elmer,i 14' GENERAL traiIer, seeps No. 1 small potatoes for seed,1939-6855, 15 miles north oiig 1860.3-25nb1 dw hubn ftelt ath e0' Port Hope on Highway 28, 2 Only $28,000 - Terms. EGGENS-Professor and Mrs. L. Beath, father of Robert,l!Hampton: business 263-2294- 5, fully equipped. 623-7227. $1.75 bag: also raspberrv 1M2 86Ars-Ohw Bowmanvilepyet J. . gges redeigbedwit TrotoMak nd rakresidence 263-2695. __ 33-tf - 16-1 canes, Latham, grown fronm iles east. il-_tf 6crs-OawIThebero brk,3y, JL.Egnar eghe ihTrnoMakadFakËP- -- virus free certified plants.: TA.N1 Industrial land frontage i Attractive olderhmewh the arrivai of a son, nt Guelphi Oshawa, In his 83rd year. Rest- TYPEWRITERS, no $ dn,$2 üHEE manure, well rotted., 62,-2,47. 16-2* ST NDN Lake Ontario and 401 Service ýaIuminum siding. Lrehd-od iihdrceto on General Hospital, April l6th, ed at the Armstrong Funeral; wkly, cashiers, adders. Trades, Pick up at farm. 623-5817. A Road. Goad brick house. Ban ed lot. Stone BrBQ içlt 1.0.Io oi 1968, a brother for Juanita:! Home. Oshawa. Funeral serv- terms, rentals, service. Bill 16-_11 SUMMER cottages, lots 90' xi TSTDC.N.R. Main Line. $1.500pe $15.000- Terms. second grandson for Maurice! ice was held In the chapel on Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160. GARDEN tractor, Chore Mast- 25'cmlt h3bdomIVIA -TOM acre, terms. Caîl Walter Newcastle BunaoITrne-3bdomnu- and Sis Conway. 1641* ronday, April 15th at 2 p.m. r 12-tf er. Caîl after 4:30, 623-7167. ;cottage. $5.495; $50 down and Frank. ___-Interment Oshawa U n i o n RE CONDITIONE D -T V _ towers _ ___ 16-1 $50 monthly: available on sev- P119-048 1 v ear old homeo 5 rikhue aaglrelt _ ___-M._n rs!eetr.6- eral lakes. Save $10 on Sealev Registered Quarter Horse 50 Acres - Private Lake 1200' lot. Dining aranttogdlcti,$900wt Lrc H rrs M r. n rso IC meer164!and rotors (trade-ins), 40, â0, PIANO, Nbdheimer. good nattresses. $49.95 value for, Ec (Palomino Color) 10 Acre Lake plus fast trout l kitchen. 15 mins. t M 200 d w . Blne $0 are proud to announce teHCS rne .A the and 60 foot structures, ail in!condition. Phone 263-2564. $3995 Conîtinîental b e ds, F - $35 Return Service ,streani. Secîuded hîdeawa.' Only $16,20o. mnhv birth 0f their fir.st grand- CIvic Memorial Hospital. Pet-'TV Supply Limited, 723-81 ,31 -1i KingMW.,p.Fmniure,$50Live Foal (aOnwer ehourv or$t.500- th'rrfsNew BungalwKn,.Cvry-2323 chlKei o. b.10 ozs. lo- WOODEN baby crib, good 4 igW.Bwavlc* sm we)Btav 5,0 ens born March 25th. 1968. ;1968erbooganeFridas, bApri 2. -condition. Calafter 5, New- Phone 623-3781. - l6-11 Fasfrmt hremy 50 Acres- Bow~maniIe wiho. cat.NerpbiPoetuFrSl? r 1968, FraceRoHycks.beloved r SED wýýash-er part-s,moto-rs, :castle 987-4994. 16-ebcseen at farm ho.Nectl.66x12r i 1 onofte 1* M.an -s Fast trolit streani. Scenic lot. Electric heat. Bwwn ITWT WhthosYuo. 61Ehi Hicks and dear brother of a ppîiances, nationally adv"r- UPR Mustang roto-tiller, IR - jMary (Mms. Wm. Armstrong) 'tselne o! furniture. Paddv'sîcar-top carrier, Ski] belt sand- IN LAN F DUE SOON ? ? First Farm South of : tage adjioins Golf Club. Ideal we are sure youwllwnti Engagement of Port Pemry. Sadie (Mrs. L. MaktHmto,23-21 er. Phone 263-2114. 16-1: E U AESA R V for trout pond. $32,000- a new home. $21.0017 Trm MrjdMr.Jme .Hamilton)1, Orono. and Ethel' akt aptnr6-21.1 TORRAI E G A ETerms. LD Mr.,Dotn announcJa e 0 Et.tni i 6t ea.- 42-tf' GOOD quaiity cob corn and! Ws ie 10 Acre Lo1n fte LETat Mthe enaet of their R ofesteto.th c6hapel fM-R N lntr o-----Fordshelled corn. Henry Eikens, r CAR(Wt ie 97 Acres - Kendal Hilis Area Hapn. Go maet OTKNWE EBL dahterneelizabeth er it aaae.port'equipped withfriiedul R ,Orono. 983-5279 658SIRMFD ~O ~Pr Perry 985-7058 rt frtlier dubý U Streamn, woods and pasture garden land. $1.500d(. RA SAEFRSI Mrdeugi nne izaesthf To-Perry, for service on Mondayidisc seed openers and rubberiBEDROOM suite. coffee table, CHE.CK 011R PREMIUMS OSHAWA !land. $22,000. $5.0600 dlown.THSAA t. Tewdin g tCtakle plaeon at 2 p.m. Interment Yelvem-; press-whcels. new condition,ý china cabinet, baby waikcr, 725-4773 - 728-8291 iia o t.Tewdngt aepaeton Cemetery. 16-1 i Used five seasons by Gerald' etc. Phone 723-6316 after 5.: CALL 7 Acre Lake Newcastle. 66' x13.$70'Agnstgieyuliin May llth. 1968 at 7:30 p.m. In; !__.Brown, Browview F ar nis.i1- GKA N. 6332 eo. B. Rutherford Ketidal Hills arca .Sand",don Dunaron nie huc16-1 HUTTON, George H.-At Me- Newcastle. 14-tf -DRIED sheledcinxelnt11 Stalîs andi Feed - $1 per day beach on private lake. Wood-5Arsr CaiM lDl - -~-- rmorfal Hospital, Bowmanvllle, SHELLED dried feed corn at1 qualityý. Phone Bob Carruth- T LEIGAA LBLEed propertv with ski-doo North east of Ohw ithRrBOMNIL Mr. and Mrs. W. Eyden, R.R. Ion April 3, 1968. George dfN1 cmpetitive prices. Telephone' crs, R.R. 1, Bowmanv1lle 16-6 Ae s. - Wood$4,S0ra0. Ter nis.ý gagement of their daughter1 the late Helen Hutton andi up or delivery. Best quality , 5,200 YARDS- Oshawa 7 miles. Just off 49 Acres!2-53 Iuan dt.t an dear father of George, Shiloh, Pride Seed Corn of successful ;BILDING for- sale. 15 x 12, ini Cars for S.ale Sioet.N aklewos Near Mosport.Spigwt rtorOhaa fic Megt, onof r.and Mrs. Manitoba-, Charles of OmonoI and new varieties fmom Gerald good shape, to be removed; als,-o Crushed S5 LMUH al6374 ith eSt.eam. Terîic hwoserabout 40 ycrsod+Jc Meglt son f Mr.old ntiqu MeLaghlinbugg. '51cm.M Severalal acres249.f red pine 23Trrif2265m Charles Megit, Newcastle. The North, Jack of Toronto, and Brown, Browview Farms. r atqeMLuhi ug.IN -about1* stes $1.000- Toms weddlng to take place June 1, Aileen (Mrs. Jack Warden) of, 1- hn 2-4..--sts 1,0 em.Pn n te 1968, at Wesleyville United Stayner, Ont. Rested at thelWINDOW 90" x-62", 9-panes PIC K UP _ box for trailer, $35; Stock Pile 1 960Ô AUÜSTIÏN,exceëlleëntcon- r 'Lut00wicreschofield Aker ,Liti. Church. 1- Barlow Funemal Home, Orono.17"x 8,$40;peur one '62 G.M. i,2 ton draw bar, Idition, Newcastle 987-4214ý Stream abounding with Mebe.scfuildingwaanL Forthcoming SArvice6 a 2 p.ion. atuang M p27ipx 18"dstream0;15-20stank$15; one trailer dawbar for C. S. KOVACS 1 after 6. 16-1 speckled trout flous near 8 2 - 75' x 300'atCokdDsrtReiEaeBar Frho ig Arl6a2 ..aLag1e!Leyland motor, U h.p., ail in! car, $10. Newtonvllle B.A., Trne '59 HILLMAN, good running Ideal for horses and cattle.TyoroioneBan.5x0.rek Ol $0echTERSAR SN Mariae roo emtey. 6-egodcodiioyredvto1n676-97. __ 6a* lode, iakoofeceesphnsralne.s'elt frcs sle AteMeoursleae aî: ___ -t _____________staîl te your well; $65.00 coni-,r21-TOOTH pull type George, 6- Asking only $35.000 - Terms.: Mr. and Mrs. Eelke Rypstra L plete. Caesarea 986-4870. r White cultivator; one row I1____ 6-1*,'56 PONTIAC, Big 6, auto-ý 165 Acres - Oshawa Ldick eeaf - 62-29 ero ivee wlsh te announce the forth- LUXTON-At bis residence, 15-1 Eureka potato planter;on - niatic. gond power and tires, : ly thsn -7625 coming marriage of their eld- Orono. on Monday, April 1Sh'PUBN Bt n le. potato cutter. H arn p t o n tTnDi;I 100) or best offer. Telephone Here is value pluis. Brick 8 Garnet Ricard -62-97RETR es agtrWla eM.16.OcrJ h usbagd 16-1 i ain n Ee 26-I5.CE RA C 623-2345, 16-1*. rooni home. Large barn MD1al es auberWlat M.198 scrJonLut trical Supplies, Batbrooms, Bot 265-steanMactin7 mle o - 63-91 Hierman Slot, son of Mr. and 73 years, beloveti Mac Phone- 623-5300i 7mils f Oha Mn.Ham io o Necatl. lie Vctri (erylWal- Water Tanks, Pipe, Fittings,' 100 CHOICE Hereford one and NEW HONDAS TATRtalr 0 ru wa. Choice land. Good stock;. Wilf Hawke - 93524.o Mr. ar. in o Nwcste.AlceVitoia(Mrc)o 1tRandem traler, 1956 Reo am__ 61rGro Trhe mamiage will take place ton, dear father of Wesley, Pumps. Repairs te ail makes. two year old stocker steers Model S90 Super Sports! ftactor, sinler, $705). od igonLae - D.V. on Saturday, May 18, BowmanvIlle: Ailie@(Mrs. Es uncsat and heifers. Private sale, Sat- 8.0 h.p. - Reg. $449.00 condition. 723-5387, Oshawa.Jon -OPnoire:onyea oakbic 1968 at Il m.m. In the Rehoboth Lawrence Hooey), Orono, and p BtWtr ak1may pi 0.Go .Mc-: Cearance - 349,00 16-1* CttgJLt1hn I85 IodF. DeW h vnerbgao on3ce Christian Reformeti Church, Helen (Mrs. J. H. Cain), i HARVEY PARTNER Gowan. 778-2213 Havelock.: area near Provincial Park.lt utbefoi...Ak ~owmnanvil1e. Rev. Vanden Toronto. Service was held In! 983-5206 We deliver. 16-1 'Model C201 Tourinir '63 CHEV. 80 Series cab and $5,200. REAL ESTATE LMTDi îesoo ~Ergocan.Ftre ad- the Morris Funeral Chapel,- 14-4,RE. Wlsh7.5 h.p. - Reg. $399.00 ýchassis, V8 niotor, full air ___ g> rg sfiR.R. No. 3,Neatle.BoRanvG.e anWedesdyPony nt Sttîd-Clearance---- - S315.00! brakes. 3051V 6 odIREALTOR rn: erombna Ontario. Igl at 2 celock. Interment OronoI Aluminum -1in Joey's Buckskin Roan. Sire,irgo ie KawarChe Chstation wagonSXD MONDAS2 X'ear old cottage, .1 bed- Cemetery. 16-1!IChv $ato13go,9007. r bS' ALCAN Cilrhedyn Lucien. Fee $159.1 Model C201, 7.5 b.p. '60 Vauxhaîl station wagon, roorns on popular Pigeon Ri\7- Phone 623-311'e.nelag o.Akn InnMemMemoriamWndosI-looandRaiPatiRgosoxe StX1Srvie.4.Mieag9253 525.0 1,204 'toCnv. 2 tn ccocosetotublcpdcblicaea'MAPE GOV: 3bedoom Bowianilî: 5mooi ode §ÀTTAMS In îovng mmnyMcRA-A MmFa Hs,~ree ati atos Phon 2632773-6-Model 100, 4.5 h.p. ,spotless, 30639B. '56 GMC 3-adspe sdsandy ec bungalow. Oil heate.-pefaehoenlrglt.Ti pital, Bowmanville, on Sundav'BRI LMNI AE Mileage 1645 ------ 175.00 ton, 15' platforrn with 5' sides, at Emnily Park. Landscaped bath. Large lot. Akn sa saesl n nopr of a dear niother and grand- April l4th. 1968, John McRae, Ackcmnîan Car and TAuck 'Ilt. stove and n etrsI 1 .al ereVny.tniyfrtehnya.A mother, Mary Battamns, who tAn bis 9th year, hiusband ofl R.R. 1, Hamipton Used Tractors ýY2299. '57 Plymouth, K 17209 ot.Go fsi.Rfiger-;$16,7(0 Cal:Gog pmssedaway April 19, 1963. rtclt dthWie er Phone Oshawa 725-6064 T. COWAN A innCran r cludtr se and f 1kmSHWanlbrySreteiixtrce$.50 Lookng back with memoriesl I h.,of Dorothy (Mrs. Wal I______2-tf I Ineraioal_3_ Sle, 2 -576 61.rc1r u w/bydraulic leader t1~TfTI1~mTTT sale. $58,900. ;roomed brick home.Ouha- MpeGoe7yar d5 Upon the path you trod, lae da),Hrs, ak. i e, -pe.bah As in mombnglo, it wlku We blesu taeehouri we hadRuh Ms rr itchllSaFokB.t;rInternational TD5 Crawler r Here Are Eight Lake Scugog e$20.000. th:C. :Dn aeet tace aae r W@blssthe ho'urs wew/bydFariictleaderPhone 623-5689 $20,00Id I îot: Andwmanvihelle, tandd Nommanio International B275D w/îoader, 1.4 King St, E., Bewmanville READY TO GO BEAUTIES 2Vaoctag.t1))XMonoylre elansad Adleathe es t Gti ornt.1eseda te1o50cpto Sandy beach. Good Toronto. armaîl "200"he/Mer- I6-1 AIl cheeked cover freni end t W mmn. untuencu- CTLON 20acmeloet holndhrc. --Sadly missed by son Douglasjs Funeral Chapel, Bowman-! get a TOWER er AERIAL Aamalk20"i rice $22.900.treInlu- ASLEON and famlly. 16-1 vle Service and Interment! linstaîleti by mounted etltivator rLT endi, by a qualifieti, licensedti cd at $9.900.j farm, 8 oomed homer 0'~.n N REYSTOCK10'br.2 tem FAROWm emrycfa'asktoon, Sask. 16-1 i Fanr.10Aous -Kend, Hotsagea. $45,000. Caîl: DorothySms oslregrgo '~ar ____ I emryfT.R.I.O. Antennae m w/1-urrw pîe U SR AEmeai.1 cen-PnCtae. an2sraa skn'Hmtny ~ try6ro dear father, William Arthur, 1964 METEOR SEDASERYSALE Acre prival Hlake wlth 10 ACRE FARM:Moe ltwtblag crk.Ti wiho passed awny April loth,' MOORE. Doris Irene--At Me- GOOD SERVICE Farmnail M. ORNAMENTALS AND j Lic. NEEOR54 DAN40Abeautifu act age S tov.m-roe rc on,2bthIp et a uuepsiii 1954. morfal Hospital, Bowmanville, 18 OUIR PROFESSION I Cockshutt "30" I1SLiEeREEo. SAE4$4 195.0 erni. ncottdeco.aeti. Jo villagenorthbrfckowoae Memnles are Ilke threads of on Tuesday, April 16, 1968, Al Towerg 1 Year Guaranteed' 1ORSL frigerator Includedia 1.0 om.Nwo unc i~is godtotsIrneMoreinhe 4th Fo Ifomaio -IalUsed Plows Foeii r .PRICE ONLY -$1950,Garage.eIvdcoatd Neve¶rnish or grow ood erts 1elo iof FrJnoratomeCsi I frrAlmev & Hopa, 6', $2.95 each!16 OD4DR O'TY Scenie 10 Acre Parces Large barn. Only 1 i.vle evc ttogrg Anid when eid times we oft Moore' RR. 3, P tpno Ind (shawa728-5143 international 3fro Red Mapie, 6-10', $3 ta $5.50 ca. SEDAN STATION WAGON Located In Kendal Hilîs fo saa n oyhpcmie.Ak Thatlhel e ia dewel md othn Jf iaesait rfs icI aunm ie o 179area with view and stream. 10 ACRES with lre3bdrcî ermte o lzbto athth(auru)'i.N.X98 rcdfon 450u.Tee'ro ac sye uglw n otae moastwhefweaiss hm e. estdJonamtesBalo Neate 87433 International 3-furrow Each Ot'R$4,00SALE attom anch doule grg. iey 3-oithic Golden Chain Trees, 9,. $4.95'1PRIC9ONLYparcels are an excellent in-ýatce obegr Mos o al hone RetI$ t1295Ba.00Ne catlPeler03 l KowalichEa Jr. AL -Ever romembered by bil' Funeral Home, Orono. Service Eveningu 4-12 International 3-furrow traiîl C NL vestnient and can be purchas-!ilocatled. famly.16-1 will be from the Funeral Homer on rubber Schwederli Maplo, 10' $4-95 1964 FORD SEDAN 1 d with onîv $1.500 down. WE 1-AVE a large ubr RAi0 on nidy, pri 19at ~.. Lwn owes Cse -furowtral, n seel 1 Little I.eaf Linden, 5-6', $2.95 i Lic. No. 29971N !Bowmanville - 10 Acre Parcelslof 10 acre lots for sae.rcd MILFRD-I îovng ~ Interment Orono Cemetery.i mary of oaur dear son. Rustv y6t TillersTT Purpie Leaf Plum, 5-10', $47 OUR SALE $19.6;oo $,0 n p wha passed away April 22. Sseu Cultivators CtLa PRICE ONLY -- Terrific lots for mar-ket gard-' TOBACCO FARM: 10ars~ IgS.W omnll i ' Lic. No. 84347 ~~~~~ening. Investigate these now,,wt 6arsgoigrgt,6325 1967.I SCOTTI. -Suddenly on AprIli 8. Outboard Motors Ceckshiitt 12-tooth trail Weeping Bircb, 8', $49 1963 MERCURY SEDAN onyafwIf. aytrs ilos,6 gresenhous, odm We often think of bygone days' 1968, Margaret D. Scott, of' wilh Lausen, Iron Barse w/poer lit Floweri7ng Ch ewletEay err, ' 5.5 IR AL -hoe.lIy eqhupet. s-Latfte7%Mrges WeweeraItoether, 1990 W. lst Ave, Vancouver, lwrn hry ' $-- U AEloe ul qip The family chain Is broken B.C.. widow of C. Melvin Briggs & Stratton Used Spreaders Silver Maple, 10-12, $4.95 PIC$OL1-0i50.0& omnil n 5.0.Tri.Cî:IBat e ero rc now, Scott. Surviveti by ber son,î engînes Itraina 0FNAY OEVRETE 93CRVI OC New N.H.A. appiroved bunga- George VanDyk. bnao ersopn.16 But memnorieshIve forever. IRobert G. Scott. two grand- I.ALL NOW IN STiOCK - lîse-egsn10b, Altesble nipteiLic. No. 1L6402 gaaneio ua-y ost- 3n00.APiEie ilkRs.At-Tppnrneicldd r To us, ho has not gone away. children, Sherry and Paul; one "We Service What We Seli" 2ase-beer, P.on10. lre aid epandtt PORCE gaatONLY -t cntu-lns Pplnemle Nor bas he travelled far, sister, Mrn. Mary Elizabeth OI'R SALE $59500dyte lan tien. matic stable cleaner.Siou-dtas. Just entemed Gad's etemnal: MacDonald. daughter of the'f.APL RE International No. 7 - 10 f.APETES-INewcastie loader. Paved barnyr.rCz tl on! home, ýlate Dr. and Mrs. R. Young, e*3.w fertilizer dîsîributor I Al oa arete 1962 VOLKS. Deluxe Coach Neu, NB A. Homes iModemn home, etc.Asng And left the gate ajar. : Bowmanville. Famuily servi.e ý plm*srces Lie. No. 633223 $80 000.0o. .2Bdon uglwwt -Sadly missed but always e-, was belti Wednesday. April 10," 85 King St. W. Bowmanviile Used Planters $1~.25 each - 3 for $3.50 OU0R SALEi Featu ring the National Home mc on n ini ae membered by Mom, Dad, sister at 1 p.m. In T. Edwards Me- $55Phono 623-3134 Is te'10 CRS it and brathers. 16-i1 morIal Chapel. Cremnation. In ' Phn 63314and Drills iWilliam VanHuizen: PRICE ONLY $55_O NShw MdeslpHoeSaso he 1br ckm.rE ,wt(oe et oe ufrae terment Bowmanville Cm-- 2t R.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE . 1962 KARMANN OIA Coach'lt design. Lots Ion x 150. area. Priced at 26,000.Tri.15700 SWI-nIvn reovo ey 1-*Itrainl20 rLie.N.K26 Total price $19.900 - $1,690 10I ACRE FARM: 8roe iteCutyHm! a dAr- gbe ad-161 R T ERO D Cr Pate -'O/SAE)on us orho!N ci 1 1