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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1968, p. 6

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SThe Canadian Statesynan, Brcwranville, Apr. 17, 1998 Speculafion Centres on Possible Cabinet Post For Durham's Russ Hone, 87 Jim Cuttn 1ment of Bell Canada into the-which became part of Peterborough Examiner !telecommunications business, tchanges in the crîminalc Now Pierre Elliott Trudeaui In 1966 he defended the A year ago last Februar3 la Libecal leader. political'town's interests when Cana- 3150 participated in the st conversation along the main dian National Telecommuni-, ing commitee on justice treet in Port Hope is con-'cations was planning to re-,legal affairs investigating centrating on whether Dur-'move their office from Port safety tauoobl ham MP Russell C. Honey is Hope. With the resultlng facturing. headed towards a cabinet! public uproar the move was, Whether tihe agricult eat In the new Trudeau cabi- stopped. post becomes the land net ad whch spt intheHoney remains to beà neta.n wiic spt n teMr. Honey worked close tW At the present time zew lineup. Mr. Trudeau in the two corn- Greene has given neoi Mr. Honey, as chairman of mittees studying divorce law [tion cf his desire to va the Ontario-for-Trudeau cern- a.nd breathalyzer t le s t i n g! the position. mlAttee In the leadership cami-,-___ _ paign, weuld appear te b destlned for a new post. Riverhurst, Saskatchewan, who practised law beforh %vas first elected to the 1Hous o d i a e t n of Commons in 1962, has hadl wide experience both insi Bowmanville Men's Cana-;the musicians on behall and out cf Parliament. dian Club held their last the members and guests. During the past year as meeting of the wintec season: Bert Mutton introduced eharma oftheLiberal eau-!in Memorial Park Clubhouse, euhairn tthe a had telast Wednesday evening. àuest speaker, the Rev. E delicate job of trying te keepiwas Ladies Ntght with Presi- ublBA, .Do ali Liberals happy within tiieldent Dave Gray in charge. lEvangelical Church for part stuctre.Thedinnr ws povied y 1deaf, Toronto. H1e spok part strctur. Th diner a povldd.b; the problems of helping et Last summer Mr. Honey the ladies of the Memociali ren retarded due te deafr participated with sle v le r a l'Park Association with Mrs. C-,, also some of the inconsis other members et Parliament!Clarke as 'convenor. She re- ý ulings of the Children's' te impreve his understanding' sponded to the thanks Of theSociety. The speaker adv of French in a total immer-!club proposed b C. Pethick. Ithat his church operatei ien course. This would bf a Wilfrid Carruthers led in a, summer camp near P; prime requisite of any new singsong with Les Collacutt!Sun adafrm er cabinet minister of Mr. Tru-'as ', or thenda trnlnet c deaus i hismov towcds Sîd. J. Lancaster proposed! ren who corne under hisc bllingualism. the toast to the ladies and, Unfortunately, the farni One spot which might suit Mrs. Bave Gray responded net paid for. Mr. Honey's capabilities well!]very ably.1 could be the position et min-1 W. H. Brown, chairman of! The speaker was thar Ister of agriculture. The Dur-, the entertaiment committev,iiby Carson Elliott. ham MI' served as chairman!introduced R. Virtue, P. Both-: At the close et the mee of the agriculture committee weîî and J. Mantle who favor-, a collection was taken uf In bis earlier years In Pachia- ed the group with four num- help Mr. Rurnball in his m~ mrent. :bers. John Rickardthanked1 0f rehabilitating children, Last November Mr.Hne- --_ _ was a member et the Cana- dian delegatien te the oold i a.nd Agriculture Organizatieni B LA C KS TO C K In Rame where he gave a: miajor address on the preb- Palm Sunday services in teachers, M r s. Wonnai lems et international trade iný both churches wece well at- Mrs. Corden, Mrs. Mc tOn April l2th they entere agriculture. tended. In the United, te1 Village School Chorus, Gri One et his pet projects wýas1 cengregation stood and nb-i3ad4an sng Sh the introduction of free milkF srve3teamnuts ile, arcd satng tea rInte school programs. Whilesevd to mntsslt Mrh.Aitng ea the riding et Durham bas be- prayers as a tribute te the' were Mrs. Wonnacott,1 corne more urban and less1 late Martin Luther King. Re'.]1 Turner, Mrs. Venning. In agricultural in backgroundI Romeril aise made several they were awarded first p the new beundaries of Duc-ý references te Mc. King in his and asked te sing it the barn and Northumberland rid-1 sermon trom the Easter end time. Results, ticst pl Ings make this option seem!theme, "Were You 'Fhere"Imarks 85, and perform, more realistic for the Parti The 'choir sang "Hosanna, perfect. HRope lawyer. Blessed is He." 'The Sacra-1 There was a great att( Based on bis legal back- ment ef the Lord's Supperi ance at the Anglican Fast ground other eptions for Mr. was pactaken ef. Show in the RecreationC Honey might be the position In St. John's the Blessing tre Fciday evening, April of solicitor-general. Lawrence et the Palms was observed and ail appeared ta thoroî Pennell is expected te be aP and the Rector presented each ly enjoy seeing about 6o0 pefnted ta the Ontario Sup-î person present with a palm. sons from 15 months ta Terne Court as a .îudge or Mr. Mansfield of Port Percy Yeacs of age model theiri minister et externai fais delivered the sermon on "The Easter outtîts. Mrs. Lawrc le bas attended several ses-ý Trial ef Jesus." The Sacra- McLaughlin welcomed al siens ef the ltr iimn, en fHl Cmuinacted as general avers tary cnerencel.ntePaîaen ethe ervHiycomunonMrs. Donald Green and1 During 1967 Mr. H-oney clsdtesrieBrian Hamilton were le *f eered Bill 104 through Par-1 The March meeting of the ie ntaes.Temedeliing' liament pecmittîng thie move--iU.C.W. was held in the Sun- interspersed with music day school room on the atter- Terî*y Grandel on the gu 1 noon et the 26th, with a good land harmonica, and 1 Rttendance. The president, Bonnie Malcelm a pianos Mrs. Glenn Larmer opened The hall was beautifully( the meeting wîth a peem o1n orated and a dainty lu Easter and conductedi the, brnught a pleasant evenini Note te Foenoes business durlng which reports a close. were given trom ail depart- rsDnPrg Even if you are well insured ments. A- discussion ce a Mcan Ms.on ar familv night was held. Sinceiand family, Port Percy, m~ against fre, hai and ahost ithen the date lias been set forlandaMrs M. raham.q o of othrpeffl5, you canfl tIil May l9th evening, and ail de- adMs M rhm be aushed financialy by partments are preparing parts! Mr. and Mcs. Leltb 83 for the service. The Stindayý and Mc. and Mcs. Mur school anniversary service' Byers visited Mcs. je Reserve the date foc these ing. fine services. Mrs. Ross l)uff Mr. and Mrs. Macwod LIA gave the devotionAl ceading Kee were Thursday ever and prayer and Mrs. John! dinner guests of Mc. and Il a ie Carnaghan gave a paper onAlvin Bruce, Port Pecry. Japan. A JRpanese sang was! Weekend guests with !~o attr ho may ilearned. A playlet on Japan-iand Mrs. Wm. Mahaftyv eM inds cf insurance you ýed by &everal of the ladies.! Mc. and Mrs. Bob Mahî iave, or how much,.you're d ucrig which interviewq werel and David- St. Macy's, SPECAL IOBITUARY APRIL sPCA MILTON FRANKLIN AVE: Atter a iengthy sickn, QUALITY PLUS . SERVICE the death nccurred cf Mil, Franklin Avery in Califor on March 3rd. TABLE CREA He was the son of the 1 Mr.andpton, Richard Av, 1/2 INTc an Osawaas one nf the o DELIEREDTO YUR 2OR tanding hockey players An E %I ter a tO pOR Oduct2 hat. tinie.Bfao.N, Hf, xvas associated xw honigenied ~ Curtis-Wright. Aviation Co hring our the dairy sweet flavor. later transferred te Colutmb Ohio, wilth North Ameni ,Aviation. Ideal for coffee, breakfast foods, Mr. Avery wax predeceai fruits and desserts bY hbis tint wife, the forr jJean M. Doncaster ti1 Let terncurn the.r Ions one daughter, Mrs. Rob Hill (Donne Key), anid ti graidchilidren, Jeffrey Li len Ras Daiy .the former Ruth Martyn. PHONE 6235444, rrn tectok place V an d bunlal waa iwld Columabus, 0hio. Driver Injured When Car Smashes into Tree 'Travellers Return Ruer Exciing illour Mc. and Mrs S. Everton'Statesman"' whieh wAR avail. S White, Mr. and Mrs. Carl able at variaus stop-over Down and Mr. and Mrs. AI points on their journey. S fred Allun, aIl of Bowman- - -____ ville, returned on Tuesda, tensive tour et California, thel ý4 Arizona and the Hawaiian 15-' C. RICHARD MOLENAAR code lads f MuiKauai, Oahu The death et Carn-ehius ,y h andthe largest et the group, Richard Moienaar, aged i4 ,n-'.Ianddo awi.vears, eccurred suddenhv at and1. ,,..Tbey wece members of a R.R. 4. Bowmanville, on Sat- C the'party ot 22 Canadians whe uirday, April 6th, 1968. His anu ~ ~lett Toronto by American death was caused by suffoca- SAirlines on March l4th, under tien atter tailing loto a grain turah1 the leadership et Mc. and bin. etf ir.Alin who had the op- Son et Johannes and Krijn- seen.ý prtuni ty et visiting these ije Molenaar. be was, born in Joe areas hast year with their sons Bowmanville and with bts die- Jini and Kenneth. parents had resided in Hamp- acateiThe group had the pleasuce ton for five years. Refoe o f meeting Mr. Lawrence meiving te Hampton. the tam- f Welk, wben they vîsîted the ihxy lived in Bewmanville for S Palladium while in Les An- oint. yea rs. H1e was a member ef The Re.hobotb Christian There were otîmereus îm- Retocmed Church, and ceceiv- way; the beauty of the vege- Knox Christian Scbooi. At tatien and beacheq on the the time et bis deatb, he wis îHawaiian Lslands. the gran- a student at Courtice Secen. deur ef the scenery. especial-'dacv SeShool. ly in Yosemite National Park Surviving, besides bis par- 1 heIn Calitornia, the Canyon ef ents, are a brother and tive R. L.the Pacific on the Island ef sisters, Mary, Peter, Wilma, the Kaui and the Grand and Oak Janet. Kathleen and Joanne. the Canyons in Arizona. The deceased rested ai the e of Everywhere, the grcup re- Mercis Funecal Chapel, Bow- bild- ceived the speciai welcome manville, witb tuneral service j' 's, which seems te be esPecially at The Reboboth Christian tenti Leonard Melvin Ehlis, 180 King Street East, Jost' taken te Memociai Hospital. Constable L. J. Mahone reserved foc Canadians tra- Reformed Cbucch on Tues- Aid frd velling abcoad. This dividend day, April 9th. The service vsdcontrol cf the car he was dciving on No. 2 Highway OFF, was the investigating officer. Mr. Ehhis sfe aainctznhpmkswscnutdb h e.A sa near Bennett Road on Saturday, April 6th. The vehicle lacerations te his lips and scalp lacecatiens. He recei V-Ione very preud et bis count- VandenBerg. Interment wa.9 larry lef t the coadway and struck a tree. Pictuced above is ed treatment overnight at the hospitai, and was itrv. In Hampton Union Cemetery. Mil- the a ge car gis the tree and OFF offioecs released to cetucn te his home on Sna for recup-' The whole greup greatly Palîbearers were Messrs. P. dama-hepi ged w agle ain mulnctmnSunday aio.enjayed being kept up-to-date Kapteyn. H. Piersma. S. Mui- car- e1ngBomnieAcaA blnemnrmv atn. on happenings at h o mi e zelaar, E. Wiestra, R. Bouw- l i Mr. Ehhs te the waiting ambulance in which he was i_____threugh the celunins et "The meester and A. Sneek. nked ment. The Bud Wehsh family îked presented enjayable selectIonsi ýB rb rs op er P retmo western and country music JACK and JILL CLUB ting witb Mr. Welsb and bis wile' wacký as te drummer.A kle1 -. 1.~I1 Y~I HardeinmsthewaudinetLa i s O N A by bis sheight et hand and magic tricks, which Includedý Branch 178 et the Royal a white picket fence extended!on behaît et Bcanch 178. thiperneaddsper Canadian Legion held lis an- around the walis. Thece were Speciai Events Chairmnan ance ot rabbits. Icott, nuai Ladies' Nigbt Dinner and gracetul s wi n gs suspended Hilditcb was In charge cf theP OP N'6 ,Gi. Dance In the Legion Hall on from the celling by white ropes. draw for the door prizes. The The final presentatibo on,'OP N 6 ea Saturday evening, April 6th. adorned with climbîng roses iucky winnecs were: Mrs. the entertainment prograni 'ades1 The gala event was enjoyed by and matching rose seats. They Maurice Conway, Mrs. R. J. was by The 16 Legs Barber- dow a large ccowd, and thece was were caught back against the Welsh, Mrs. Lerne McQuarrie, sbop Octet. Oshawa, who sang; BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL bers an excellent pregrani et en- wall by more roses. Mrs. Bob Mitchell, Mrs. Bill many popular selections. This, Mrs., tertaInment. The stage was framed with Gray and Mrs. Bob Williams. group donate aIl the money1 f ll , ' " this Tbe spacieus hall was effect- !climbing pink roses that cev- Atradlcesdne they earn by singlng toe I A I - place ively decocated in the theme ered the presceniumi arch and wbich had been prepared and Mute Children's Fund. fIL d - sec- of "An English Garden" Edith the sides. A large replica Ot' secved by the Catholic Wo- DucIng the balance cf theéRC 10 lace, Hildltch, wite of Special Events an Englisb tbatched cottage men's League with lst Vice- evening dancing was enjeyed 8:15 p.m. RC $10 ance Chairman Bob Hilditch, and extended acress the entire President Jessie Heenan and to the Tia Juana style music1 Ede Cele were cesponsible for south end cf the hall. It had Treasurer Irene Payne as the etf the Cavaliers OrchestraSuet ikt Tusa ih 0 ýend-. the attractive decorations. a sloping rot and Imitation catering cenvenors there waslOshawa. There wece severail Stetsicts hrdynit - 50 bien The entîre cellîn g was cev- stone walls. The dianiond a fine prograinicf entertain- spot dance prize wlnners. _____________________________ Cen- ered witb a soft sky blue rna paned windows wece edged, 5tb, teciai and pink climbing roses witb pink. and there wece ugb- and ivy adorned an arched window boxes filled with a' per- trehhis which sucrounddth rfusion af spring fhowers and, i15 daorway froni the anteroem. iy new Immediately Inside this donc The head table had a lovely ,ence was a white swing gate. and centrepiece of pink roses and and-- - greenery and it was ligbted seer. BUSiness DireClory by short tbick tapers In pn cMrs - eacb place card at the head1 uy Ac c u n a nc y china cups eacb teatucing aI1 uitac, - Ah _ and-painted Thames River' »ple YT«OHAAWfLÉý Mf MisY J. DILLING scene, wbich were tllled w1th supy dope fw prgrosîive Mdp."s.te uucunDT Iso isA il IL Of < LYISIiu i. Miss. Chartered Accountant tea roses and gypçophilia. AU .ll ..MNIOSBSUT inch- 623-38 61 wnt pink cup containers hohd- 2-75 g tea roses and gypsophilia. I Chactered Accountant Each lady at the partyreev rtr115 Liberty St. S., Bewmanville ed a corsage ef 'munisIn pas- FOE alc Phone 623-3612 tel shades and a jewelled bag FO SHAT EUYAD vre. WILLIAM C. HALL ef lack and gld net. et unlIs sM PUY B.Coini.President Ab Mavin presid' Chartered Autt éd. Others at the head table FIASERVALE. ýyers 3 ~ cona wece the president's wife, E D RA T 10 rra 3YzKing St. E.. Oshawa Mbl fçWrhp ayr S R BERRZIES3 1 AKRSSLI[ rav Tehephone7563 Mabel: ce WorsTptMaoe ne s - Ivan Hoeb bs, Bowmanviile U ven-' BURROWS. SELBY & CO Liens; President Bob Williams, iIuI~nCTVO-5 HAIR SPRAY '~1.33 M- Cbacteced Acceuntants bis %wife, Ruth; Bowmanville MS 7RE9BASC 9 323 King Street West Kinsmen President Roy Wood- n Oshawa, Ontario wacd. hii wite, Ruby; Bow 5nYAC RM IS ig,725-6451 - 728-75954 avleRtr Presiden i na &ctI 'OtAT VsWilliam A. B. Selby. C.A. maIle rsotary iwile, rPhiyluu ~'i~,ULTRA BRITE'r53c %Sî3c Wltberspaen, bisouPhyhtsof G.-Edniond Burws, C.A. IB3owmanvlhle Kiwanls Presi-14I RI TM PL!U 55M M1 Ident Gordon Beecb, bis wife, i SLEL ETS 59 Î4 aNer C hiro p r a c tiC Alice. Branch 178 Immediate FILES 5c HAINIBADS1S9 atYGEDWIN MANN, D.Ci. way, hii wile, Mildred; Presi-I CALIFORNIA omet ES MM VhsChirepractor dent Rena Bathgate ef thel1 hi5 'AtWIk% m i. O IUMinSI îf y" Office: Bewmanville Ladies' Auxiliary 1 înt BoxeREs 5 15 Elgin St., cor. of Hocsey St. ta the Royal Canadian Legion 1i&R m and OfiePhone 623-550q land ber husband, Comail S R W E R E OKY AMN ~ 9 vaný OfieHeurs: By appeîntment P eter Bathgate; the Rev.J.S T A B R I OCE AL N r 9 Mr- e n__ _ _aGilchrist. Branch 178 Padre . DINNER.2s2n ni1utP1 VD .AdSpca-E4. hira MLI 1JUîcIC- ASY 70PÉEaIjk« NIJj ni nng o. L, ztflS vY i iie .L Office Hours :1 9 arn. te 6 p.m.- MT!~ Monday tbreugh Thursday 9 a.m. te 4 p.m. Friday ItnClcsed Satuirday and Sunday 'n iai Phone 623-766¶2 rey DONALD A. MacGREGOR cile Life, Auto, Home :)Ute Insurance of5 iut- WBwmnil Phone 623-5962 idb1 Mvorïgages and' _ _ Ius SADIE HAMILTON -ORN icani Phone 983-5115 First Mortgage Funds iscd Residences - Farms mr Business Properties t Ke EITR A. BILLETT, O.D.( Ju- Optometrist1 9180 143 King St. B. - Bowmanville1 ife, Office Houng: By appointment1 Telephone 623-3252 t in Mon.- Tues. - Thurs. - TrI. en- & .M. to 5 p.m. in~ Wed. anld Bat. - 9 - 12 1 Tburaday evenings meeingef~h~ ttrneocn Uünit' of Zion U.C.W. Mrs. ]Ray Carnnunitý leader, told hnw the Radi Cross onîginated in Switzer-i land. Mr». Carl Bradley continuedý the gtudy et "The Church, Grews in Canada." She dealt i with the celigieus grcups in: récent times giving full jus-, tîce te the. centri butions afi the Roman Catholic Church'! ln Canada. Protestants are divided in- to many sects and smallerý denominations. The work ei several et these was discussed more fully no that es churchý womeu we might have at heat an ellementary know- ledge as a step towards better, understanding.i Mrs. Tom Sobil conducted., the pre-Easter worshlp ser- vice. She teld the story et a'I cross, bigh on a mounitain-top! ln Puerto Rico. The 23 rd l Psaim was read in unison,. tellowed by a lenten xnedlta-1 ton. An Eaier lunch was serv-1 Pd by Mn.. Carl Bradlbey. Mra.1 Hmnrold Gitterd. Mrs. Tom, Sobil and Um. Robent Killen. j e'» REEN MA TAPES FU FREE CIFIS P*014 THE NL5W Iii INPAIS FPUL505.01 alIP CATrALDOUR. FREE EATON CI ICfiATESS- CMI e 1>81INSM ATY O t Oi CI. CAA5OCULSALES OI, 0 11 .FREE F00OD CEITIPICATI - TA MAY 99UtiS AM SAN IN AMY 14A STOIL Lyr' 1N Y 0IF THISE ITEM PHILCO CULOUR TV CONIESTi A[ M£té "0 P SAND IOEPUTRS io551 OM IT FUM rYO VUI TEU m5 PMWi uS 50141510# 01nu5 Stou DÉ M MILUIEL 5 SALADA TEA Oum I iE 80SAS M 115 tom FREE TAPE& HUIT ON[ COUPON IPTION PER CUSTOMER I omUS TAPE - sONUS TAPEI loNus TAPI DO NUS TAPE 01 Mt>à I__w sffy g ir1 l AHL15 ILfI $2 OO sZlius TAPE t~A 55 s mes 'o POTATOIS 1015W l W" .00 -f tOuS TP COLE $LAW Pfrm sifuS,, N ~uu sud S... km sas. sas, sua Ni UIL h k..w U. ~ M thi ksuudk.. vuL11 ntu: ROLLS SWEET PICKLED MILD CURED WOEor HALF LI. 4 9 PORK SAUSAGE 2unus 1 SUIN M - 1NIOLESS aro SIDE BACON tu.55c WPTM!MUNftUU5D M - M - M - M ~M 0 Bowmanvielle IGA Foodliner SOWMANVILLE M

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