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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1968, p. 17

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The Canadian Stateaman, BowmanvMfe, Apr. 24, 1988 ILWI.&SWIF*7LI 'ZRT %Dads of Thanlcs Commng Events Auction Sales For Rent "ld like te thank nurses' Euchre Par-ty, Tyrone Hall, Donnybr-ook Auctien. Rum - APARTMENiT. T e 1 p h o n e 1 1. nd staff of Memor-lal Hos-levcr-y Friday niglit. Admis- mage and Coeklng Sale will 623-3573. 4-tf~ Aus pital. aise Drs. Sylvester andI.stan. lunch and pizes. 52-tf: be beld under- Legien auspices ONE bedromr apartment, $80 net H ulbard and thase who sent, Second Pack Browies n, i n thii hall, Millbroek, Satur- monîily. 725-9385. 17-1 deti me cards.' Guides will held a Bazaar,!day, April 27 at 7 p.m. Many i byed m apzien aA Marlon Hodge. 17-1 * May 4th, St. Andrew's Church. good articles will be for sale.ITWObdom pren InAr 2 to 4:30 p.m. 17-i R. J. Payne, Auctioneer. 17-1 Newcastle. 623-384.5. 17-1- My.,, sincere thanks toi Bak e Sale. Shaw's School 'TWO rocins wiîh furnîture'tiai fcbeds, neiglibors and r-cia- , and fridge. 623-7148. 162* cate ives for thii carda, gifla and!and Cemmunity Club. Cllff- EDANAC<OER FRUIT Growers -Bees for Lici mesqages that I have receivedj crest Cleamers, on May 4th. ince my accident and a specia 110 o'clock - 12 o'ciock. 17-2 Cail Doug Gower, Jin woed, pollenizatlon. PiPoet 728-6327. hav, ____ -- -Auctioneers and Liquidatars. ___ 17-.1 Liot thanks te Dr. MikIos and murî-' Courtice Sunday Scheol An- !We specialîze in îîeuscbold. i150-ACRESpasture. Aus 7:3n es fer Iheir kindness while 1 nlversary wlll be hcld on Sun-, aisan ahne-. Ci Tre- Nwate 8-41 was ln hospital. day. May 51h. Services 1l a.m.- 72-05-73076 ae n1-' David SI. Amand. 17-1 7 p.m. Rev. Kenneti Deer cf 710r-5que7t3-0976or s a t nICL17-nsl'berom fa.iy0fte at ohKedron._speaker. 14-1 dNhi aI u I e- hespita. oe 623 2914 i The fml ftelt on Bowmanvllle High School erhsta.Poe63211 Eddyvean ef Or-anc wish to! "Hoot Nite", Thur-sday. and _______17-1*' tbank relatives and friemds for-i Friday, May 2 and 3, 8 p.m. WEEKLY APARTMENT, semi-detached; mayacts of klndness in eur Adults 49c, chlldren 24e 'OCK S 623-33e6. _________Phon Urne of bereavement. for tht Evervone wticome. 16« IE T C SA S 2338.7- beautiful floral tributes andiSlm hri etnna a u-hi euI ales Ar-ena -TWO-r-oom a -partmen-t,turn-.* espcialy fersevra ge-'Service will lie held Sunday, Or-anc Every Thurs., 7:30 p-m. ished or unfurnished. Phone erundcntheancer Re-e April 28 at 1l arn. D.S.TË., Selling Herses. Cattie, Swlne, 623-7167 afler 4:30. 17-i1 'Har Fndan te anerRtRv. A. E. Cresswell, guest i Valves. Sheep, etc. J. A. RcldTWbeooawtlgt ucari Fud. 1.,speaker. Special music. 17.1* & Son, Sales Managera. 52-tf i i Ener-almmnt t Caîle -_____cooking. Apply 221 Liberty I wish ta thank alrny rela- Enetim t a C7te North. Phone 623-2746 any- tives. friends and ntighbours 1 otel, ln Bowmanville. Bob Stocker Sal-Selling on tinit. 17-_______ for- their flower-s. gifts and Aan n h leRvr ody pi 9h :0pn NEWLY renevated 2-bedroom- cards during my stay In Me1B. Strdy pi 783- sharp, at Dur-bam Counly Sale aparîment. $100 per menti , mnerial Hospital, Bowmanvillt. 111:30. ever-y Saturdny night. A'rena, Or-ana, appr-oximately Mill St., Orona. Caîl E. Samu - Special thanks ta Dr-s. Slem-1 1- __1500 head cf Durham, Hereford eI. 983-9171. 161tf on. Rundlc and McKenzte, aIse Hampton-Maple Grave Girl: and Angus cattie; sold in suit- FO'UR-bedroom cottage on ta tht nurses and staff et tic Guide Asseciation ls havlng a abe lots. Plan ta attend IbisPien aeaaabedrg Maternlty Floor. Rummage and Bake Sale andlIimportant auction where buy-PieuL aeandAgaion Te d Mrs. Don Blsbep. 17-lf Bazaar Table at St. John's er- and seller- int each yens.Buty,6347.71 Anglican Chur-ci, Frldny, AprnllJack and Charles Reid, Auc- Btey 6334.--- -- I would like to express my 26,__9:30 a.m._____ 16-2 tioneers; Lawr-ence Harris, APARTMENT, heated, mod- thanka ta relatives. friends and Plan naw ta attend RtdCek 71en d ____ TV neril p rig Apply, Branci 178 Royal Canadian Cross Volunteer Blood Donor -TVtaema fc,akingSt. W. Legion for their visits, gifts, Clinic, Wednesday. May 8tb, Furnituîre sale, selling one aemOfcKng 17St.f flowers and cards sent to nme 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 Wednesday evcning, May lst, - __ - - ____ wiile ln haspital. Speclal te 9:00 pin. Lions Centre. 6 o'clock, the antique furniture HEATED apartment, steve and thanks ta nurses on Medical. Bowmanville. 17-2 sale et the Viola Smith Estate fridge, King St., Bowmanville. Dr-s. Ewert and Anfossi for - -onslsting et cane bottoin Available immedtately, $90 their constant car-e and kind- IVIONS.'ýTER BINGO chairs. rockîng chairs, oak side- inoiithly. Plie 263-2522. BIîl Mats. me. THURSDAY NIGHT, g o'clock board, antique dishes, cut 17-11_______ Bil___s 1- Sponsored by the Junior, glass, aId coal ail lamps, two LOVELY, modern 2-bedroin taa --Chamber et Commerce parlor tables, wash stand and luxury apartinents. all services Ftd( 1 would Ilke le bhank jUBLEPVLO wasb set, wooden chest. din- 1 supplied, broadleorn, ltercam. estai friends and relatives and al O S HA W A 8-If in xeninsie i-Phone 623-5888, 63 Lanribs M. those that sent me gifts, carda ts e! oe n bv'ens. ttc. Terns cash. Charlit Lane. 15tfco and flowers while I wau tin Me- tsNw Coeadhvi Reid, Auctioneer. Or-ena. 17-1 15--o marial Hospital. A speclal breakfast before Churci atl APARTMENT, heated, avail- qua] thamk you ta Dr. Hulibard, Dr. Centennial Temple Hall, Qucen able new; modern, 4 ooams Sale Antossi and Dr. Sylvester, 8and St., Sunday, April 28 tram 8 Auction sale of stock and and bath. Apply Caretakes, plea ail the kind nurses an thet t 10, 75c per persan at tht implemnents, tht psoperty of Apt. 3. 16 Division St. S., Bow- real Surgical Floor-. Many thanks door. Auspices Odd Fcllows Ronald Strong. anc and a hait manville. - -- 14.4* ciali to ail. Building Fund. Everyone wcl- miles west et Bethany on 7A, GENTLEMAN-Wiole bouse pr-O Ms. arba-aThr-el. came. 17-1 will he sold by public auction fer rnmI t 88 Queen. Tiret cal 171* CaadanWodmn f hton Saturday. May 4th, at 1.30 private enîsances ta bath- --- WsdCana raa anWo m p of.h p.m., conslsting et 710 John roams, special for lhree tam-i Wrd ar havin CamplNg. Deere tractar, nearly ntw; full ilies. B. Annis. 105 King E.,i 1wish te acknowledge with 4. r avn Srn lime of hay equipinent and also sewing machine for sale.i incere thanks lie rnany Dance, Sturday, April 27, 8:30 other tarin machiner-y, cutter 17.1*ý cards. gifla, flowers and visits p.rn., Charnier- of Commerce and buggy, some houseiold -OW -NVLL-- Otld whlch I received during mv Comrnunity Hall, Pontypool tumnibre andantique. thrc recent stay as a patient at Village. Tickets at door-, $1 .00 saddîe herses, 2 colts, 3 sowsraem apartment, private en- Memorial Hospital, Bewman- per persan. Ever-yone wel- wlth litters. Farm sold. No trance, bath. steve. refrigenat- , ville. My sincere thanksalase corne. 1- ee-e em ah ot or, water, electsicity, heating E ta Drs. Spear. McKenzle and em cah ot pid SutbsnsculeD Rundît and ta tht nurses et SUNNYSIDE PARK Mentgomnery, Onernet, Auc- supld.Sibunescpe the urgcRIFlor wo atenl toner. 7_1* or- two girls; six blocks frein th SrgialFoo woated- MONSTER BINGO totr Hospital; $100 per menti - Cail Di ed me. 723-3093. 17-1 Ethel Lycett. 17-1 Thursday Night Auction sale of farin stock, -Ehvealimlted -muniuber a 7:45 ~implements, hay. str-aw, grain o nt vial namni expess RED m fBntuethNpopr y yrentai basin tram October We ta BARN arry Cawan, Lot 17. Con. 5,'tii June. Facilities include TI and Spears and nurses and O S H A W A Clar-ke Twp.. 3 ý, miles tastidor3dudarwmigTo staff on Surgical Floor of Me- 6-tf~ of Or-ena on Thursday, May 2. pedos, a uath. exrcism eo monial Hospital and also for C L E O R 22 head of Hereford catt. polsei. appna Faying Dutci- . yea the kindns and expr-essions cows lt cavs by side, man Mtas Inn, Bawmanville. Nor: el sympathy extended ta us, iacT u yearling steers, 2-yr-oid heif- Phone 623-3373. 6tGr Lilacth Toursan pssng ers, etc., 300 bus. Car-ier onts, --36thG- dofina th loe s eand aing 10McCormlck W4 tractor, Mc- -- Chei maie, oismetMone ocese N.Y. Cormlck combine, WaterlooN tcsCl James oer-e nd Faiiy. r Ma~~ 1 - 20 garden tractor-, Case hay and -A ssac 17-1 May 18- 20 grainelevater, full lime of ma - For A ssa c T For Information --Iln Ms. and Mrs. Alvin McGil tiank their fnmily, grandcild- ren and triends for the lovelv ,,eeption they put on fer us' h nQueen Street UnI-tedý Chur-ci, Lndsay, on aur Gold-1 en Wtdding Anniver-sar-y, andi to aIl aur relatives and tiends for lie lovely gifLa, flowers. cards and telegrams-; ta lbe relatives wlio peured tea and to ail wbo camne ta affer b t wishes. and Le evervane whoý Ccill 623-3265 COLMER TRAVEL SERVIC BOWMANVILLE Festival of Arts. Bowman- ville High School, Wednesday, May 15, Thursday, May 16. Wednesday, Fashion Show, dis- play of Art and Industrial Arts hold fur-niture. 1'arrn soir- Ter-is cash. Sale at 1,30 Reg. Johnson, auctioneer, tiîe *CANCER SOCIETY "E phone Sunderland 227. 16-2 hone Mrs. M. Syer - 623-3177 Mrs. J. Oetema - 623-2318 I have received lnstr'uctions' frein Ms. and Mss. Frank- Marris of R.R. North, Orono, Bowmanvillie IP on tie 8th Cenc. Clarke, 1 mile D r nonth of Kirby. aI Iheir resî- .Legistr dence just eff 115. at 1:30, on bhc fourti of May ta scîl iv .rP iI public auctien tht following I V;:... Public Seheois 'ation of ,s f or helped ln any way tan make projecLs, nhursday, ConcerLtils2drsechtan S 1 LUILi the day such a happy and Band, display of Art and In- atble: 2floo r, cI danbd, T i re gat wl t iTE memorable one for us. 1-1dustrial Arts projeets. Doors coabe. r a ndecod ay er. Thi aeitrtioe wk f Irs __________- ___open at 7:00 p.m. Silver placekithhe cairsofwasers, ri Memoriamn lection. 1'4to pull out bed. sewing May 6 to 10 L e bRENA----I--Ivin- Woodview CommuntV Centre machine, 1 wooden lawn' Car GoREEofaM-In lsbad avin - MONT E~~R BINGO .r'P chairs, .3 prs. drapes, kitchen A Birth Certificate showlng ates aohr 0fardearsn. d La w.hLW, cupboards, kitchen table, elec- chlld's date of blrth la requlred can pather. Carles Heny, wh.o Next Monday tric iran, coffee table. 6 scat- for each child ai that Urne, al pased wayAprl 2,te66 rugs, pots and pans, wheel- Blrth CertIicates for chlld- alti -Ever remembered by wife 7:45 P.M. barrow, garden tools. Ternis ren born ln Ontario may be Dut Mabel. Audrey, Jim, Elgin.j RED BARN cash. James F. Wood, Auc- obtained by ferwarding ln- bull Shirley and Carole. 17.1- tioneer. 17-2* formation (parents' place of adie SHRED-In laving memory of -6te- .blrth> and $2.00 te Retistrar luiT a cler moher. milyJan@General of Ontario, 70 Lomn- pari a dearamother.,mToronano.Tbloc Shred, who passed away April JO.IN' 27 APRIL 27, 1961. If parents do not now haveth We mention your rame and CANADIAN SAT. - 12:30 P.M. such proof of age, lit should be and espeak of you otten, T U12 AmN acquired without deiay. "K God bless 'ou mother, you are .F&A.ha'.LJ TOURL126 A. M.StreePSON T not forgotten. CTADO H W Supervlulng Principal. sury -Ever remembered by Daisv,, ENGLAND > CTADO H W 15-3 er1 Lorne and grandchildren. 17-1 WALES WVest of Oshawa Hospitail__-clué STEAR-- lvîn mmov'Persenaiiy conducted by Mr. The complet. household of Mr. BOWMAN VILLE Moc STEW RT--n lvingrnerorAlfred Allin of Bowmanville.1 E. Stubbins, conslstlng et 8-! ef a dear husband and father.' pce. round table dinlng room P BLCACH.L 1 Albert Stewart. who passed This Is one of the nicest and suite, console radio, TV lampa, Mrs away April 29th. 1966. most complet. tours ot Britain sldokwligtbe sottainDep -Remembered and sadly miss- and Includes fasclnating andid pictur gta le, ' s6'rug! RegistainW cd y lie nd amly 1-1unusual sîghtseeîng features 10 odd chairs. electrlc stove. of Berinners vilîr frid.g, ceai and wood stove, 2; TAB-In loving memory of highlighted by a visit toeth Captain's chairs, old dlock, r1hlre h rahthi Pn a dear husband and father famous "Royal Show". sealers, weight scales, ianterns Cifhirtn h drlng 168, eir n George Tabh. who passed awav ldrth edrhl tM. 10 pcs. 16 gauge 4' x 8' steel, wh r hlde fPblic er April 21, 1963. nethledrhpoMr- h ar hde fPu e We llttle knew whien we woke Allîn the group wvll leave gaden lacIs, iadders, 4 ehests School Supporters and who pro, of drawers, vanlty, trunks, edd live wîthîn the tewn limits,' that mnorn. Toronto on June 13th and re- :tables, chlnaware, silverware, are eligilýle foc Kindergarten ten( The sorrow the day would turn July i7th. icooking utensils, hundreds Of Classes opening ln September. resli bring, ies on eyodpee For the caîl was sudden and Anyone interestid lnafa it. e i ertoplodipieces Ail such parents who wish are2 shack severe "Different" Tour ef Britain nitre inath p ondition, tao have their children attend whi To part with ane we loved wlth specl emphasis on the Tencrma s. N uetonree re these classes are required ta bloc so dear. Du cwrAnctIonc1f111 out a registration form for plar You wtshed no anc à a at! rural rountryside and lts 728-1005. 171each chiid, and return Il to the late farewell activities tan secure full de- school, along with proof ei ta n Or had ;q chance Lo ayav ils frein: Auction sale of fari stock age of the cbild, during thebeet goodbye. and Implements, the praperty ekoMa6t 1 1ps You wpre gane befare we knew A. H. riho of Thomas Wilbur, Lot 34,r A certificate (blrth certiti- th lt Con. 7. Darlington Township, cate, passport. etc.) showlng pict And only God knows whv. iTRAVEL AGENCY 2 'l miles north of Zion off the child's date of blrth Island .-Sadly missed and ever re- r Taunton Road and 1,2 mile requlred of ail begînners.1 Fric< membered by' wife and family. P*~Bx19-Poe8954 et audy pi 7. Sale Make plans now ta acquire ane' 17-1 THORNHILL, ONTARIO Itimne 1:30 p.m. New Idea so that it will be available thel1 am - -17-11 manure spreader an rubber, day vou register. (Birth cer-, VARO-I1nnlaving mnemory of -- 32 ft. bale elevator. hay rack, tificates for children barn in' a dear grandson and nephew; \Vanteci to Buy M.H. baler with motor, in good Ontario may be obtained frein Scott Varo. who passed away ÙEi O< condition; M.H. No. 6 mower, the Registrar-General of On- April 26, 1967. 1wÉ6ýosanted; hlghest IMD. 13-run fertilizer drill, taio, 70 Lombard St., Toron-ý Trhe rnemory of his dear w2e prices paid; no paperbacks.Ipîeury double disc, stone-boat, to, cost $2.00). Phone 723-.2484. 16-4 r International 15-tooth culti- Children who reach their ways 1 -- - - _- - -r- Will linoger with us ail aur LIVE poultry. old featherirvator-, 5 section harrows, lhbrhdydrn 198 daya. Iticks. M. Flatt, R. R. 1, scaies, bag truck, M.H. 8-inch wAxh hda ne attned1968d Sweetest flower. Loo sweet toýBethany. Phone_7 r 13. 17-tfgrain grincer, M.H. No. 30eratnnBom viead stay. - nd tractar, rubber-tired wagon. who wish toi enter Grade1 God oakhimawa. CRS, rucs. racorsanInternational 2-furrow plow, classes ln Septernber, are a -Lovtngly remembered by'parm mac. hney2fr3-rc508. 3 ft. ladder. DeLaval milk- required ta register as out-, Grandina Humphrey. Aunt purose. Pon 26-258 ng machine, DeLaval electric lined above. Audrey and Uncle Don and z.-r----- crearn separator. 2.000 bales Reitaonfrshul ' by.1 ha , 300 bales straw. 500 bus. cei.ato orasaudb bes.171*ed to Rent oatsý, 3 yearling heifers, 3 yearl- bandfondrtne - - - Want - - i.M ng steers,4 veal calves, 8 cows ta h colwi teclad Personal ___ FARM, ln Orono-kenda lç o- and calves, 2 calves 3 weeks wili attend. Registration ~~I Suplco-Ruberport area. Phone 983-5105,1 ît sercles6m. o be completed by May 10 à od) mailed postpald ln Oroîne. 17.1*1 tein heifer. 2 yrs.; 5 aid guns. Please pas this notice along i '~i saled envelepe witb GOOD workable tarin with or 2-druin roller. Int. cultivator. ta any parent who requires ~ce tist Six %ample$ 25c without bouse and barn, ln ther Ternis cash. No reserve. Farm, this information. 24 %amPle' Si1.001 Mail Ordt" area of Hamnpton, Tyrone or sold. Clittord Pethick, Aue-'r A. M. THOMPSON. flept T-28 Nov.-Rubber Coa aurrounding district. Phone tioneer. Phone 623-2313, Bow-ý Supervising Principal. 13oz 91, Hamilton. Ont. 1-52i 728-7218. il -tf manville. 17-11 17-3.. )jects. Ruth and Normi Scott ex-ý id a cirdial welcome to ail idents of Bowînanville and .a to visit their garden ceh contains a profusion of )m of many varieties of its fromn early Spring until eFaîl. No special invitation necessary. The garden has cn established for the pur- se of personal enjoyment for )se who wish to visit It.AI ture of the garden and Mr.I dMrs. Scott appeared In [ay's Toron to Dally Star. PAC KS fr OIRERI À*P ..,m-1 623 -3303 !Donald Prouty xvas driving east on I-ighway 2 approach- ring Courtice about 1 a.m. At Varcoe's Road hie put on lis left signal and waited for west- bound traffic ta go by. In bis rear view mirrar he saw the headlights of a car approach- lng. His station wagon was struck tramn the rear and driv- en across the road and int the north dltch, clipping two west- bound cars on the way. Seco Eekma. driver of oe of them, said bis damage amounted tei $300. Driver of the second westbound vehicle was not present. Constable J. A. Legate. the Investigat .ig officer, estimated damage to the Hallowell car at $1.500, a write-off. Mr. HaUowell told the court be got up at 9 o'cleck and at 2 p.m. went ta Oshawa ta help a fellew truck driver. They made a dellvery te, Lake Sim- coe, came home and changed their clethes, then drove ta Cobourg ta meet a couple of girls In a restaurant. When they found the girls had tirsd et walting and Ieft. the two young men returned ta Bow- manville and later went te a dance In Oshawa. They were on their way horne and lis friend was asleep. He thought lie must hve dozed momen- trlly coming toi with a start to sec the station wagon In front et him. Magistrale Batten dismlssed the case of danger-ous drivlng and adjourned the onseto hi _____Magistrate's Court IJohn C. MacNeil, 439 HeId in Bowmanville stin Court, Oshawa, will tbe responsible for any bts contracted in my name April 22 and 23, 19698 careless driving until May 6 an hour. As the officer alow- anyone on or after this date when the evidence already c d, the accused's vehicle veer- r-il 17, 1968. 16-3 On Menday. Magistrats R. B. given will apply. , ed eut Inta the passing lane All Groups and Organiza- Batten presided wlth Assistant Har-old Pope, 18, R.R. 1, in front of a westbound trans- rs ha ar ite-esedinCrewn Attorney K. Stubing- Bloemfield, pleaded guilty Of port wbIch was attempting ta enig orth Bomavileton. Mervyn Kelly as duty being Intoxicated in a public pas-5. The driver blasted bis mns Club meetings please cou, nlfo re R.Ad,.o Tue- place. The police picked hlm barn and avoided a collision ve a representative at thedanMgitleRB.B- up walkîng along Highway 401 by tiches. Because ef Mr. ons Centre. Beech Ave.,at ter's absence on vacation. in the dark.I Wagar's condition the officier 30 p.m. on May 2, 1968. 16-2 Magistrate Crawford Guest t I i t h etcmn __________________ wih CownA'terny G F "A most dangerous pro- offick hmtae ontach Jmet Bonnycastle.AGeoreyPoG.itF. edure," commented Magis- ofc br esal ae dutv ceuseGrel. ll ta eBttn "1cadcaî,conducted sobrlety tests and duty counsel.oratheedaysn. "$1 n otrecorded breathalizer r-eadlngs or thee das." f 2.3 and 2.2 Indlcating con- n nou ncement' Leonard Boyer was cbarged Herman McKo', Oshawa, sumption of 10 pints; f ee on Mardi il with passing a cliarged with following a police or 15 ounces of liquor. truck on a curve at Enterprise cruiser se closeîy tIrat the Hill where there was a double beadlights and front et bis Wagar took the stand and solid centre lime. The result- truck were net visible ta the told the court h. had his tecth ing fine was $25 and costs, or officer, argued bis own case extracted several days before five days. and won. There was a direct and had been advlsed by bis James MacNeil, R.R. 1, conflict of evidence here and lady fr-tend te r-mss bis moulli Orono. pleaded not guilty of the magistrale gave the accus- every 15 minutes with rubbing careless driving January 12. cd tic benefit of the doubt. alcohol. He denied tint bis .~but guilty of failing tei have The same disposition was 1 car bad been r-uled unroad- two adequate braking systeins made in a sîmîlar case agaînst wor-thy. When asked If lie Sand no dr-iver's license for the Lawrence Lloyd on Highwav had any trouble drivlng tram '~curnent year. Thtflrst charge 115 at the junction with 351Oshawa ta Newcastle, lie r-e- was dismissed because witritss- February 29. plied, "No, only tbe battery jes were net present. DulsCucsak run down. the mater quit and Constable T. Holdaway, 6. ceard a charge ofcf R.R. sthe lights went out." OPP, Investigated a three-car dvigladFbury2ds- Seldom have I beard a wit- accident in Newcastle at thtse d r.Irsdle ess wbe se flagrantly d.tsre- ~ jncton f Hghwy 2andwas p.illîng eut onto Nash garded answering my ques- North Street. The MacNeil Road frein tbe parking lot at tions", observed Crown At- vehicle bad gene out cf con- CourLice High School when she torney Bonnycastle. trol and onta a gas station bit a patch of ice. Her car Conviction brouglit a fine of parking lot. The driver ad - slid eut about two feet amIe $200 and cests, or 14 days, and mitted that the brakes would the bîgîway and was struck loss of bis license. net liold and tint be bail been by Mr. Cruickshank wbe was Dellef Hinze, aged 20. 600 without a license since last unable to stop in time on the Eglinton Avenue. W.. Forest November. icy road. Witness fees were Hill, was convicted et careless Conviction brought a fine paid out af fines. dr-iving on Higbway 35 March of $15 and costs, or tiret days, 1 i Mr.GergeFedea fr ac ofene.Conviction for Illegal pas 17 and was fined $75 and $55 Mr.Geoge edd a o ald Efe Toep.n session of alcobal January 20 casts, or 10 days. Corporal G. Ur. Keith Peters is pleased 300 Montrave, Oshawa, whe br-ougbt a fine of $25 and costs Easws.netgtn f announce that Mr. George peddmtgit fipie or five days for Roy Rosstalî, ficer. Ldema has joined bis r-cal dr-ivlng February 22, was re- 299 Main Street, Pîcton. On MrHnz wa divn bs ,ate firin. presented by George Poillîtt, January 20 Constable T. Hold- Ir. Feddemna has successfully Constable J. A. Legate, OP1'. raway stopped the vehicl I TEPSTLTS COUNTI ,plcted ail examinations ta saw a cas going Up tht wrong h~ 5adwaigot esl ebrc b alify hlm as a Real Estate r-amp at Lie Inter-change of J the 'çouàder ad acros the lesman and he will be Higbway 401 and 35 about'tesole adars h ased to help you with your 10:30 pin. The driver, who centre line.I iestate transactions, spe- smelled stnangly of alcohol and fRober-t Wagar, 318 Alberti lizing In tarms and country swayed on bis feet. advised the Street.- Oshawa, unemployed, )perties. Please give hlm a otticer he was on bis way ta pleaded net guilty of impair- Iat 263-8410. Newcastle when be madge d driving on Highwam 0 wrang tunn. At the detach Fbruary 6. r MULTIPLE LISTINC SERVICE KEITH PETERS ment office Corporal J. Wood] Constable T. A. Yardy, Realty Linited, 7Z8-7328 conducted sobriety tests and rOPP, was wesîbound on a Osa a & District toek breathalîzer readîngs trla ..we eobev elE tt or 103 ing tret, Est, which indicated 1.5 parts of' dteWgrvhcep-ce Oshawa alcohol per Ihousand.j dteWgrvhcepoe-R alE aeB ad ______________ Mn. Thompson admitted -i -ng ahead of him. aI 10 miles havlng "twe beers" thal even- ing and saine at noon when âffodil our be came home tram work scrubbing floors In an apant- suiment building.p ýraws Bg Crow MagistraLe Batten, In dis- raws Big Cr0en isng the charge. obser-ved. "Th accused Insists lie had t Sct' G re only two beers In tht evening but lie knows bow muai he The Civîc Garden Centre Of had and I have a pretîy good -onte r-ecently csponsored a idea lt was more than that." Iden Daffodi Tour. This Ronald Edward York,. R.R. .r tht home of Mr. and Mss. 1, Or-anc. was fined $50 and )rian J. Scott at 75 For-est costs, or 10 days. for failing to lu yeur .ve Drive. Willowdale. was produce prootof etInsurance seams ? osen by the Civic Gar-den Februany 2 when stapped by YS ub. The grounds were open Constable K. Ruttan. OPP. the public both Saîurday ~ PRICEç d Sunday in the afternoon. Harry George, Graftn. was BAVER 'hase who vlsited the gard: fined $150 and costs. or 30 scould see the bloom frein days, and lost bis license as, proximately 20,000 bulbs. the result of conviction for................W :h bulb will produce two te Impaired drivlng April 2.A ,and a haîf bloom. This charge af illegal possession of EG< ray of bloomn demonstrated liquor was wltbdrawn by th iat can lie donc with a ra- Crown. ~. SAVE e lot. The area occupied Constable J. A. Legate, OPP',6 these bulbs consisîs of a camne upon a car In the ditch 60 y large r-ockery. occupyimg on Nash Road at Cour-lice High Lean Tender Loin _______ area of spproximately go School. Passed out behind tht Itby 190 feet. The stepped steening wheel was the accus- PR r side was a mnass of golden cd with the keys In tht Ig- low and drew flowcr lovers nition and a part battîtet Dfl )m variaus parts of Toronto. brandy In bis hands. Tht HP 5 e «D ent because this is tbe culty and took hlm la lb. de- t planting of the earîy tachment office wiere Cons- SAVE iety "Forerunner" that bas table L. R. James cemducted Freuh10 n established in Eastern sobriety tests and took I. IV E R ýs in British Columbia and Ms. George lnsisted that be l rbe rightly claimed as an was on bis way toi work in2 5 Canadian varitty because, Oshawa with other men. ont I E ,ough lt Is offer-ed by many of wiom lie said was driving tch tirms fromn Holland, tht wile be was In tht back seat. Ibs are obtained trom Can- When a rod wemt ln tht mnotor Swltt's Emiff [an growers in British Co- tht others went on and he nbia. Tht mner-ils of this could mot explain how lie came tiul44aret ae ht l 1a'.ebcin +ht wuheel t.wo fI Mir- -.àr- - . a gryPorsche south when h. eclded te make a U-turn. In daing ge he w-as struck frm the r-car by a car driven north by Jeseph Johnson, who se- ing the lef t signal ontho Porsche. thought the drivcr was turnlng inte a gas station on the cast side of the hlgh- way. This evidence was corrober- ated by Gerald Peacock. passenger In the Johnson car. and Warren Manley. a south- bound motorist whose car v;« almost struck by the forceh« the collision between the oth< two. Fredericlc Colvin. Pontypoo facing two charges ef caret less driving and two ef caY theft, was remanded until next week with bail set at $500 castà 1 or $2.000 property. 1 Gerald Minitie. 54 Kiig Street. W.. convicled of drunk driving on Highway 2, AprIl 17, went te mail for seven dayd Driving while bis license wal. under suspension brought aiti' aLlier 30 days plus a $200 finie.' plus costs, or 30 days more. Constable L. F. Dryden. OPP. had reason ta check the car which left the Elmhurst Hotel In Newcastle. He o1Lý served it swer-ve over the centre line sever-al times anit once onto the soulli shoudwk At Bennett sideroad in heavy traffic It speeded up to 7q miles en hour wben the ofticqr, attempted ta haIt 1IL Mr. Minfr tie's license was still undiQê suspension because of a coM_ viction in May 1966. FINEQUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS STAFFORD' LT». LTD Stafford Droihers1l' Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 flundas St. E. - Wh1tbi..ý Phone Whltby 668-3552 .i bill] 1 ,

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