Enumerauti'on for Jun.25 ElectionSat a .Asntot 'Reward Brings Quick Action on Signs Ccmada's new Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau who admits ta some admiration for Machiavelli, a crafty Florentine statesman who lived f rom 1469 to 1527, has again upset Canada's staid political at- The Machiavellian bit entered the picture when to elude newsmen, he used a private and possibly sec- ret stairway known as the Sir John A. Macdonald staircase to leave the House of Commons for his trip ta hat, false moustache or beard, as a disguise but it would have been in character if he had. New Senator, Paul Martin, apparently a f ellow conspirator, had his car waiting ouf- mospnere ny calng an election the Governor-General's resideence. whisked away, probably sitting low during his first appearance in the There is no suggestion that he don- irn the seat so he wouldn't be spotfed. House of Commons as P.M. ned a black cape, and wide rimmed (TURN TOPAETO %aa zi VOLUME 114 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL .24, 1968 15* Per Coov NUMBER 1~ Town Council's offer of a $50 reward to anyone providing informa would lead to recovery of street signs stolen recently and conviction who took them, brought exceptionally quick action. The Statesman canr Wednesday with the advertisement and on Friday, two citizens provic rnation to Clerk-Controller Robert Byron about their whereabouts. Po' advised and found the signs where the informants had said the y wel understood that two l3-year-old youths have admitted taking them. Tc stable Ian Smith is shown with the recovered signs. Charges arepend Board Gives Go Ahead New $3.5 Milion Sch. With Community Aspec (obou rg Granted1 tion that (ail Off of those ne out ofl At Iast week's Tg ded infor- Bowmanville's Volunteei lice were ýre. It is an increase of $150 ay on Con-j their total to $625, pli ing. first hour for fightinç to Township and $2 per standby. During thie councils ly there have been sugge ) I exorbitant increase, butr take strong exception to ts comparative earnings of In Cobourg, the voli ifor several davs, but finr An application for a build-' A. S t r ike, Bowmanl ville,'ý community involved in the mer Ing proposai to construct a lsaid the community aspects, pool and auditorium was theý $3,500,000 secondary conipos- the swimming pool and the grants that would be made, n ite school at Bowmanville, %!1auditorium would be corn- available from the govern-ý ent to be made te the Department p]etely independent from the ment.175/ cf Education by the Durham rest of the school and could The municipality could de-*' County District High School be paid for by the town of benture part of the cost and. Bel< ]Board. Bowmanville. service clubs, if interested, iunile .At a meeting in Courtice It was an opportunity. he could also take a share. High School làst Wednesdav, said, to get the community The board also directed the! the board gave the go ahead involved in the project. "This! planning committee to meet to planning commîttee re-Itype of co-operation is hap- with the Bowmanville public,1 E E commendations for the new1 pening more and m o r e.: school board to discuss the' Jarr rchoo1 which is to be built on, Schools, particularlv large present high school. King Liberty Street North, Bow-1 schools, are becoming more Mr. Strike said the buildingý an at, mnanville. community oriented," hie said. had been up for sale but, its f, The sçchool would accommo- Mr. Strike told members there did not seem a remotei n ow5 .e 1,230 pupils, 425 aca- that several persons connect- chance that it would be dis- nic and 805 vocational. ed with the municipal ad-, posed of in the foreseeable RP motion was passed direct- ministration had shown in- future. AsRE 3ng the planning~cmitetrs in tlw. scheme. i Carlos Tomblyn said. somne-'-A tomet lh heBwmn-- Grant.i Avaiable t'hing definite should be plan- ing. ti vietoncorciDlintonj One aspect of getting the; (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Olf ~zile twn ounilarrgn1disputi coucil and local servicel cived ubtodscs teco-jTo I unit asho cts ofthe prps1wo Cars, Watch, Radio gaR ed schol.kptake p :ENSIONER BILKED S.tolen Here This Weel receiVE Areport comes froni Port Rink Feddema, 290 Liberty stolen Bowmanville Police re- Hope that another elderlY 1 Street North, reported to Bow- ceived a report froni Clinton pensioner had been swin- manville Police at 7:05 arn. on Ferguson, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, dled of $1,600 on April llth. Tuesday that his 1961 Ford Who lives next door to Mr. A smooth-talking man paneI truck had been stolen Feddema, that during the night used the old, but still ef- during the night. It was park- an east cellar window in his fective, bank manae-n dbsd his house. This truck house had been forced open spector routine to persuade was recovered by the Cobourgljand entry made. A 14 trans-j CLIN the elderly maný to with- ' Police but a xatch valued at'istor radio valued at $65 was Sociel draw the amount fron his 1$6, which had been in the!stolen. Exit was made by the Clini bank aecount to assist in truck, was stolen. back door. Bowmanville Pol- May trapplng a dishonest bank About 50 minutes after Mr ýice are continuing their ln- a, teller.Feddema reported his truckj vestigation. at thE Gordon Garolard, Mill St. South, Newcastle, reported to EL Celbraes 2n Birth ay heBowmanville Police at 5:15 ber] ..................p.m. on Saturday that bis 1966 fo Buick Wildcat car had been fr V ~, stolen from the IGA parking Thi lot here. He had lcft his car an there on Friday mrn in n S Bowmanville Policear ln vetgaig p ____________ _ ei - Accident ARound-Up A 19-yeax -old pedestrian, George Baranyai, 61 Queen i Street, Picton, was struck byý 'a car on 401 Highway about 100 yards west of Mill Street,ý Newcastle. at 8:45 p.m. Sat- urday. The driver of the carý >involved, a 1967 Fiat. was 1 Derrock Robert Parsons, agel 25, Ottawa. Young Baranyai was taken1 by tile Bowmanville Area Ambulance ta Memnonial Hos- pital where he received emergency treatment. He had sufferedi compound fractures ta bis legs and other injuries. He was then transferred by the same ambulance to the Toron- 'te General Hospital. Constable G. W. Bruton. OPP, was the Investigating - officer. Mn. Parsons' car a!ter' striking Baranyai went off the road Out Of control and sus-' tained approximately $400 damage. On Saturday afternoon ai; 3:50 o'clock a car driven by Frederick Kitchener Summers. age 51. 32 Older Grove Avenue,; Toronto, went out of contrai on County Raad 17, about a1 quarter of a mile south af' X.Ça esarea. and left the road- On Fida, Mr. Mrgaet Gski ofMoncton,! way. About $600 damage to On Fida, Mr. Mrgaet Gski ofthe v'ehicle nesulted. Constable nother of Mrs. George Alldread, Tyrone, celebrated Tom Yardy, OPP, Investigat- her 92nd birthday. She has spent the past f ew wintersi ed. At 5:50 p.m. on Saturda.v with her daughter in Tyrone and bas gained many Michael Gerald Heenan, age new friends, most of whomn dropped in ta extend con- 43, R.R. 3. Bowmanville, lost gratulations. Other members of ber family include contraI of his car when driv- ,Mrs. Walter Stewart of St. Lambert, Quebec, HaroWding on Trull's Road North ati Ronal Gas-the 4th Concession af Darling-1 Ci ý asicin of awson Settiement, N.B., and Rnl a-ton Township. The car lefti inl of Moncton. Mrs. Gaskin, in excellent health, left the road but anly about $75' N/n Monday to, visit ber daughter ii~ St. Lanmbert, while damage resulted. Constable 1 on te rtur tn to er ome Sh hops t reurnBruton OPP. investigated. on th r fr ntri it er, but.Sshe sys, 'Yoeurn There were no traffic acci-i te Tyronefo etwnebtassesy Yu dents In BcýwmanviUe during neyer know", lthe last week.i Firemen I ncrease Strike rown Council meeting, er firemen were granted year per man, to bring us $3 per hour for the ig fires in Darlington subsequent hour, plus session and subsequent- ;estions that this was an members of the brigade ,o this feeling, based on ,fother area volunteers. lunteers went on strike it with Council. They will now receive vary- amounts based on attendance. Those pres- for 75%,' of f ires receive $800, 65% to ý, receive $700, 60%, to 65% receive $600. lw that figure they will be asked to resign ýss there are good reasons for the absentee- <TURN TO PAGE TWO) EECTS NEW SIGN nieson's Tire Shop, SSt. West, is sporting tractive new sign over Front. advertising they selI Uniroyal tires. PORT NOT ARRIVED of Wednesday morn- the Concilliai report Daylight Saving 'Starts on Sunday' At 12.01 this Sunday m or nln g ail timepleces shiould be turned -ahead oe-s Johnny Bower Guest Speaker at Pee Wee Banquet The Christian Education Centre at Hampton 'nted Church was filled on Thursday evening when ýBowmanvile'ýs Pee Wee Ail Stars (Ontario Semi-Fin- lalists) held a banquet for the players and their fam- ilies. Guest of honor was Toronto Maple Leafs' veteran goalie Johnny Bower who was a great hit with his ladvice to young players and tips on how the game should be played. He said he was thrilled te be there and that it was the first time his entire family had been invited te attend such an occasion. Photo shows, from left to right, the Rev. Charles Catto, Mr. and Mrs. Bower, their two girls Cindy 10, Barbara 7 and John 12, Capt. Paul Forsey receiving an autograph, Manager Doug James and-Coach Terry Black. Citizen Wants 'Fire Hazard' Dump 670 Residents of Darliïngton Twp. ,e-Goodyear cantract ihour, to, comply with the ri Il oVVÇJtoi'0 te had not been re- start of Daylight Saving 1 eus rm Faec tj n u rl m l n c tn is aunderStood VIiat Tm o tt er.hu Nightingale Lodg:, No. 66,1 ouUnMU inMMp osition >l~ce has dayllght elos fo pemsintutlsvndaswlll remainIef hoîd their annual church pa-n10l n Sc o l A d to red. ~~~~~~niai Temple, Queen Street,' o Ens"l Sh lAd .0-«tP, at approximately 10):30 a.m.1 Darlington Township Coun- the principal spokesman for ft FP ~on Sunday, April 28th, to St., cil at the meeting held in the the ratepayers. He presented ALL GOLF COURsES OPEN< ~IE E ~ John's Anglican Church for1 TownshIp Hall on Thursday a petition to counicil signed by §srieand afterwards to the'afternoon faced problenis. A 670 residents, whch strongîy This Saturday, Bowmnan-ý B ITS iD P I ES ICenotapb for a short service! delegation of about 20 angry opposed the building of a four ville Country Club's golf ric - Bwmavile ad istictRedCros il at the meeting held last. approval to issue debentures len School and the probable season, making the third ini ÇIC - Bowclosing aod thetTironeedSCross.cthis area now in operation. ýt a die htteVo1unteer Blood Donor The Odd Fellows alIso asked' niskillen Public :School and Volcing the objections o!f rniNecsl c, customarily held the first Wednesday in counicil If they could bave the! opposed the possible closing this large number of ratepay- opened earlier. ,will take place one week later on May 8th, Bowmanville Police a ss i s t0f the Tyrone School. William ers, Mr. Hardy said that they Weather prospects indi ie Lions Centre. with this parade as they haveý Thlesburger, R.R. 1. Tyrone, are against the approval by cate that idealp conditiont done with past church par- also appeared before counicil counicil given ln a motion ta for golfers should prevail ades of the order.1 to ask that the township dump issue debentures of $120,000 for the weekend. ,ECTION - Durham and part of Northum- Councillor Maurice Prout,: near bis property be closed as for this project. and Its up- * * land will be included in one constituency seconded by Councillor pR.» he contended it is ln a deplor- holding of the decision of the the federal election on Tuesday, June 25th. bert Dykstra, moved thatthe1 able condition and is a fire school board to build these PENSIONS PAID AT 66 requests of Florence Nîghtin-hazard ta ail nearby land andlextra classrooms at Enniskil- Citizen. who will be 69 is is the first time for the expanded riding gale Lodge, No. 66, 1.0.0 .F..Ita his house. 'len when the people concern- by the end o! this calendar dwill mean that candidates will have much (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Isaac Hardy, Suina, wasl <TIRN TO PAGE TWO) year will becone- eligible ifitnnrp. n fnxpi arnii- .- - -1. for the universal Old -Ag* Security pension in Janu-, ary, 1969. They should b. making application now he order to establish eligibility.i Because o! an increase in~ the cost o! living, the.) monthly pension is nowr $76-50. Applications qr«,, available at the Port OIfic*..r Trophies sitt: aboi tive will for iHONORS - Carl Billings of Orono will receive an 1Award of Menit when the Durham Central Agricul- tural Society ho]ds its turkey banquet next Tuesday at Orono United Church. He is being honored for bis long service to agriculture in the area. Guest speaker will be F. A. Lashley, Secretary of Agricul- tural Societies in Ontario. Tickets are stili available from Society members. i- t t t CITIZENSHIP - Wben the Durham Club of Toronto meets Ibis Friday at the Women's Art Assn., 23 Prince Arthur Ave., the guest speaker will be Miss Nancy Walker of North Hope Public School. She won the Club's Sbield with an ad- dress on "Citizenship" during the recent public speaking competitions. Reeve IVeston Banister of Hope will be a special guest. SERVICE - The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council bas corne up with another valuable projeci that should impress many tourists. Wîndshield stickers are be'ing mailed throughout Canada and the USA. There's a phone number on the reverse side. When the tourist encounters an emergency, night or day, in this area, he or she phones the number and emergency help and tourist information will be taken care of. t t t tt CORN - This Thursday, Friday and Saturday there's an annual feature in the entertainment field taking place at the town hall that always is good for many deep down belly laughs. It's the Jack & Jill Club's presentation of Cornz a Poppin'. Better be there early if you want to get in. DRIVERS - Bowmanville Cancer Society is looking for some assistance from citizens wbo would like ta be useful, and are willing ta provide a wortbwhile service. They need cars and drivers ta take patients ta and from Toronto for treatment. If you can help, please call 623-2318 Leorcletails. IA spokesman for Goodyear said that the Companyha Imade every effort to persuadei the Union to moderate Its de-, imands ln an endeavour to: reach a reasonable settlement. "The best labour agreement in the worldcIs 5meanxngless"' he said, "If you have no job because you have priced your- selves out of the market". Competition Is particularly severe in the Bowmanvillle Factorv where many of the products are custom made. As an illustration, the Company recently bid on a large con- veyor belt installation. This! was lost ta a British firm at aJ price 23 per cent lower than Goodyear. In another case a Japanese company obtained an order for a substantial quantityJ o! helts which was 46 per cent lower than G9odyear. The present average incarne of emnployees in the Bownan- ville Factory Bargaining Unit,J including value o! fringe bene- fit., provided by the Company4 is in excess o! $8.000 per year 1 The original Union demandEs would have Increased this figure ta $16.000 per year. In' addition. the Union asked for a one year agreement. Labour agreements ln other major in-I dustries are for a term of three years.I While the Union's position was revised samewhat during negotiations. it is stîll corn- - pletely unreal.istlc accarding t o Bowmanville's LitteN++haposte tm the Company spokesman. "In- NL nmIfs S.iw I creases in wages and iringe quet at the Memorial, Park Cîubhouse on S*turdlm benefits during the term of cially honored by the town witlî individuil. trophiwu , the previous agreement have1 representing the mayor, is pictu.red presenting one ibeen approximately 2% timee sILamnlh Ci h bcgon Ias much as the increase ln the CaptainBilLa nw lenth bckruda eý consumer prIve Index," hosd1Sl.CU18du g Y A#. Atom Ail Stars Receive Council Approves kgr isL~iances toLI veIi ii IIIJULIUin pur- ses and meetings. The Liberals will undoubt- [y be represented by Russell C. Honey, the ing member, but there is some uncertainty ut the identity of the Progressive- Conserva - eand the NDP candidates. Ail political parties I now get their organizations into high gear the carnpaign that lies ahead. Goodyear Spokesman Says Union D emands'Unrealistic'e Closed- 15e Per Copy NUMBER 11