4. Steel Buttons A9n Display at, April Meeting The April meeting of the1 Pioneer Button Club was held at Mrs. 0. K. Osbornc's, Bow- manville, with 18 members present fromn Codrington, Balt- lmort Port Hope, Uxbridge, JanleU Oshawa, Porti Perry, Newcastle and Picker- Ing. The club has been asked to take a Button Display Vo Pet- erborough Fair in August.' A'fter much discussion, it waq left until next meeting to! mnake a definite decision. A talk on the Classification ôf Buttons with a cross on themn was given by Mrs. M. Gartshore. This topic wasi suitable for this time of year with the Easter Season justi past, and a card of buttonis Wth different types of Cross- es was shown. The display for April was steel buttons or steel cup but- tons. These were varied in size, shape, and design n were bright and shining with; a silver appearance. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawlor and family, Frenchman's Bay, vis- ited at Mr. Ron Oke's. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pres-j cott, Susan and Cindy, st.' Catharines, vlsited at the Prescott home. Mr. Ron Baliski was a wcek- end guest of Mr. and Mrs. T.; Beckln and Larry at their! cottage at Echo Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor' and famlly,, Janetville. visitcd,ý .Mrs. T. Taylor and Mr. Donald Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and cblidren, Newtonville, were visitors at Mr. Ken Cochrane's. Mrs. Keith Davey, Elaine1 and Garth were overnlg«ht guests at Mr. Carl Sargent'.s, Ida. A number of young friends cDf Albert Samis were guests at a surprise party at his home Saturday nlght, on the occasion of his 18th blrthday. There wvas a short dedica- tion service conducted by the Rev. M. A. Dougherty t'vo weeks ago, when Mr. Alla n Griffin, on behalf of the form- er Hi-C Group, presented the church wlth two new collec- tion plates. Elir F. Samis end W. Bowman acccpted the l glft. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey l3ow-i man were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. Gwyn Ro berts,! Taunton Road. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 'Coch- rane and Mr. Ralph Cochrane had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cochrane, recently. Our sympathy goes out to the Stinson and Stark familles in the death of Mrs. Norman Stinson who had been an in- UI~old for many years. Thosei 't)h knew and admired H1elen before she was stricken realize what R tragedy that illness was. ONLY 3 DAIS LEFT!f 04,OqL-ER' o e 0 SATURDAY, MAY 4th, IS THE LAST DAY TO CASH IN ON THESE EXTRAORDINARY SAVINGS, ONLY 3 MORE DAYS TO SAVE AS MUCH AS 20% TO 50%y ON MOST ITEMS! CLEAN-UP SAVINGS FROM THE LINEN DEPT, TWO-PIEC'E BATH MAT SET Reg. 11.98 Set. 9*7'7 set SEVENTEEN-PIECE LINEN SET Reg. 22.98 Set. 1I3,e88 set SEVEN-PIECE DAMASK SET Reg. 5.98 Set. 4*437 set COTTON HALF APRONS LUXURY QUALITY BATH TOWELS Sire 22" x 32". Reg. 49c [adi. April 28, 1967 I)ear Mr. James: Ini past months we have seen destructive evidence of racial tensions experienced dlomestically in the US. Tensions culrninating ont April 4 with the assination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and its tragic aftermath of violence. With instant global com- mnunication, we are being made graphically and pain- fully aware lof what life is like for the depressed mna- jorities of this world. Events in Germany these past days Jndicate an om- inous, and growing trend o- ward political extremism both left and right. This is echoed ln rnany parts of the world. Growlng up in the com- placent '50s 1 got the im- pression that the World Wars had been fought and won to keep the free world free. The only thing we had to worry about was com- ynunism and as long as our generals were kept well supplied, we would be neith- er red nor dead. However, the niuth mal- Igned mass media has be- gun to educate us about some of the great disparities that exlst among men. Few of us can plead ignorance: we've seen the smashed bodies in Viet Nam; we've seen the endless queues and dlstended bellies of Asia and Africa; we've seen the slums of Naples, Rio de Janiero,j and Harlemn, and we've seen people, homeless. in their own country in Viet Nam, ln Gaza, on our Indian res- servations Do you thlnk they've scen us and our wvax of lifc? Since we can no longer plead ignorance, It seems Vo me we have two alterna- tives: 1) We can sit back as pas- sive, albeit partisan, spec- tators, listen to the vocal extremists and watch events develop. 2) We can acquire a sense of personal responsibility by maklng sure our gov- ernments, municipal, pro. vincial, federal. and Inter- national act in the best In- terests of aIl the people of the world. And If wve be- lieve ln democracy, we, you and I, are responsibie for the government we elect and the legislatlon 1V enacts, It is not a lack of well L.eaning people but a lack "eenough constructive pro- ,trams for social Improve- Inent. PVe xmust attack the virul. nht social cancers of man- kind before -w~e are ail con- suined. I only pray that thn'e is on our side. Yeurs slfcerely, Evelyn Purdy. 2/87§1 LUXURY QUALITY BATH TOWLES Values Up Toi 4.98 Each. 1,997- «Csh ""CALDWELL HAND TOWLES Reg. 59c Ecch. 3/770 WABASSO HIGHLANDER SHEETS AND PILLOWCASES 72" x 10011. Reg. 3.49 Eoch. 8 1 "x 100'». Reg. 3.59 loch. PILLOW CASES Reg. 1.69 Pair. 3.1l7 3,o27 1.47 toch «aCh pair SHEETS ALSO AVAILABLE IN FITTED SIZES AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS. BLEND BLANKETS' If First Quality L1 Values to 8.98 loch. 4*17 each FOAM RUBBlR P1LLOWS Reg. 4.98 Each. 3*97 «.ch PILLOW PROTECTORS Reg. 59c loch.2/ 7 SATIN BEDSPREADS DOUBLE ONLY Reg. 24.98 loch. 19.97 «oCh I I SPECIAL PURCHASE FIRST QUALITY NYLONS-REGULAR O R NUDE HEEL. ALL SIZES. 4pairs for 1.00 TEXTURED STOCKINGS Tiens' end Ladies' SesOf Reg. 1.69 Pair 89C Pair ",BEAUTY MIST" NYLON PANTY HOSE Reg. 2.50 Pair 1,*99 pair TERRY SLIPPERS Sisis 5. M. L. 1«79 Pair ITALIAN CROCHET KANDBAGS Reg. 9.93 ta 12.95 loch. 4,97 lch MEN'S WEAR MEN'S JERSEYS OR BRIEFS Situs S. M. L. 2/1.o67 BOXER SHORTS Sixs S, Mi, L, XL. 2 Ref. 3/3.59 32.87 MEN'S COTTON PYJAMAS Reg. 6.00 end AA 7.00 Pair 4e47~ Pair FORTREL AND WOOL SLACKS Reg. 16.00 Pair Pi Sizes 32-42.1 .9 ., PERMANENT PRESS DRESS SHIRTS siresA 14 '2-16. 4o27 Eoch KNITTED POLO SHIRTS Reg. 5.00297 lc Sixes S, Mi, L, XL. 2e 7E BOYS" WEAR ACRILAN POLO SHIRTS izi. 8.18- Reg. 3.00 loch 197 -c COTTON SHORTS Reg. 2.00 Pair I £ izes 8-14. 1*67 I Pair PINCORD SLACKS Ziza. 4.6X.137 ai Roi. 1.75 Pair1. 7Pi FAMOUS-MAKE STRETCH SOCKS Re$. 1.00 pair 2/1.37 INFANTS' DEPT. LONGEE SETS Sizes 12-24 Months. Values ta 7.98 3o4.7 Set TERRY STRETCH SLEEPERS Re.2.98 Pair 1.97 pair TODDLERS' CORDUROY SETS Reg. 5.98 Sot. 397 Sixe 3-6X. Six. 7-14. Sixte 3-6)L, Sizes 10-20. Reg. 20.00. Sizi$ S. M. L. Reg. 5.00 lacis 1.77 '1,97 1.17 15e97 347 Rock loch lochi loCh w i SORRY - NO PHONE ORDERS ON SALE MERCHANDISE- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 AND 5 KING ST. E. BOW'MANVILLE 623-5451 ( GIRLS' DEPTU GIRLS' NYLON SQUALL JACKETS GIRLS' MINI SHIFT AND SHORT SET OR MINI SKIRT AND SHORT SET Ito. .39;$et 2.77 GIRLS ASSORTED SLIMS LADIES' ALL.WEATHER COUTS FASHION FABRICS BROADCLOTH ond COTTON PRINTS Viilues t. 79e Yard. 4 cYo ACETATE LINING Reg. 89t, Yard. 77c Tori "'SUMMER" COTTON DUCK Itou. 1.59 Yard '1.27 yea "HAPPY" LINEN Rag. 1.'98 Yard. 1.57 vérd "'OPEN AIR:" HOPSACK Reg. 1.49 Yard. 97c Yrdi SCREEN PRINTED CREPE Rn i 4 Yr. 2.67 vr 1<OOLETTE f#PR! NTS Reg. 2.49 Yard. 1.87 Yard CH!CKED GINGIIAM Reg. 794g Yard. .57c Yaerd PLAIN TERRYCLOTH Reg. 1.49 Yard. 97c Yard SE SURE NOT TO MISS THESE SAVINGS PLUS MANY, MANY MORE!1 LINGERIE DEPT. DUSTER DELIGHTS Zizis S, M, L, XL. 97lh Reg. 5.00 Ec. 3 9 loch NYLON HALF SLIPS Reg. 4.00 end 5.00. 97Loch Sises S, Mi, L19 PETTISLIP 'r 'BIKINI Reg. 4.00. S i, . 2.77 se SMOOTH-AS-SATIN FULL SLIP Siam 32-42. 317iloMY SPORTSWEAR DEPT. JAMAICA SHORTS izis 10-18. Re.4.00 Pair 2o97 Pair MAN-TAILORED SHIRTS Six.,1018 Re.3.00 loch 1#971 ac SQUALL JACK-ETS Sizis M end L. Reg. 6.00 loch 4.7 FOUNDATION DEPT. "ROSE MARX" BRA Reg. 5.00 loch 13*77 loch "'ROSE MARX" PERMA-PRESS IRA Rng. 2.50 loch 1.~77 loch "LOVAI LE" LYCRA PANTY GIRDLE m 1 e