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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1968, p. 1

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U. S. Students Entertained at Prom -VOLUMfl 114 benîbu ttrtîan 18 Pages BOW11UNVILLE, ONTARIO,, wEDSDAYV MAY 1.19*6 ---7-. L-,-.-V .wv a VA i..uopy .N<UM.Bli± Y tAODYEAI Unless there is a spectacular change of heart by either the com- pany or the union, it would appear that the Goodyear plant here will be closed down by a strike in the near future. It could happen almost any tinie although no strike date has been set. Orono Man Receives tSTRIKE The- conciliation report was re c- eived last Thursday,,recommending an increase-of $1*'03 an-ho-uroôver a three year period. Legally, the union ccm strike seven days aîter the re- port has been reaeived. In an interview with Union President Kenneth Hooper-,thismorn-. IMMINENT ing The Statesmcm was told that no recent moves have been made by the company to arvoid a strike., "They, not. us, ctsked for a board of conciliation to make a settiement but now the -report has been receiVà ed, they. have made no attempt ta <TURM TÇ PAG~ TWQ> Society At the dinner meeting Tuesday night in the United Church, of flowers. The interestmng ceremony is shown'above,.with those Orono, Durhiam Central Agricultural Society paid tribute to one of part1bipating, from left to right, President and Mrs. William Slater, Its long-standing supporters Carl W. Billings of Orono by presenting Mrs. and Mr. Billings, Past President Donald Staples and guest Ihim with # coveted Certificate of Menit and is wife with a bouquet speaker F. A. Lashley Secretary of Agricultural Societies ini Ontario. -0MB Approves Vîolunteers Urgently Needed- Kinsmen Join 4dRAJJ4diio Fund Drive for EnfitOi1 For Blood Donor CIinic, a.t ytcFboi 1: Word W" received thiS A volunteer Blood Donor anyone who bas passed their collection a n d processing, As theIr contribution to week thit the Ontario Clinie sponsored by the Bow- l7th birthday to be a blood heavier demands are placed the fund campalgn for Cys- XJunicipal Board bad approv- manville and District Branch donor providing the>' have on the depot cities, Toronto, tic Fibrosis researchi, Bow- 1d plans for the contro- Canadian Red Cross Society their parent's permission inHnltn odo taaadnanville Knmn hv ~vesil 4rom adiiontowill be held Wednesday. May writing. [ setmtdta ot a This in turn plac- distrlbuted Iabeiled tins thepulicscoolatEnns-8thattheLins enreBo- student donations accounted es a greater responsîbîity on throughout the stores Iu thé The contract bas been let o'clock In the afternoon and lected in Ontario In 1967. greater success In order to to niake a contribution wii to Benson Leasing who will 6:30 to 9:00 o'clock In the ev- Great strides in operating (TURN TO PAGE TWO) be able to do so. construction. and from the clinic Is provid- blo oaoint hrp e Darlington T o w n ship's ed for those donors needing od c omponaesfnt thrap n e-ou School Area Board has Anyone In good health be- flow of new donors. Due to P E E changed their next meeting tween the ages of 18 and 65 the growth of specialized re- B T I C S date from May' l3th tb may donate blood. Medical quirements most of which1 May 6th.approva has been given for have a tirne elernent between, Returms for Centennial Service jOn Sunday, Salem United Church held its Centennial celebration when a- frer minister the Rev. A. E. Cresswell, Th.D., of Claremont returned as guest "~acher. The church was packed for the joyous occasion. This picture was taken JFoilowing the servioe and shows, froni left to right, Robert Craig, Rev. D. Nor- they, B.A., B.D ., minister of the charge, Rev. Cresswell and Mrs. Leslie Welsh. Mr. Craig and Mrs. Welsh were active in making arrangements for the cele- bration. UNUSUAL - This Sunday evening, almost a record- breaking event will occur at Blackstock United Church, 7 p.m. Six Girl Guides will be presented with their Gold Cords, the highest Guiding award and one that takes a great deal of time-consuming work and effort. We believe this is the first time that six girls in this area have received their cords at the same ceremony. Congratulations. t 1 REUNION- Former Midland Regiment per- sonnel will be holding the first Reunion in several years ut Campbeilford on May 25th. Arrangements are being made to hire a bus to take the Whitby, Oshawa and Bowmanville area vets if enough are interested in travelling in this manner. Phone Sgt. Bill Clarke at 723-3912, if you plan to go by bus. ti . t t DEDICATION - This Saturday evening, the Flor- ence Nightingale Odd Fellows-Rebekahs Centennial Hall on Queen St. will hold an officiai Dedication service. This beautiful building bas provided much- needed accommodation for groups since its erection. Many high-ranking officers will be present for the banquet that starts at 6 p.m. t t t t t. BROWNIES - Among the busiest groups in town this week are the 2nd Pack Brownies and Guides combining ini an ali-out effort to raise money for their suinmer camp. Their activities wilhit a peak on Saturday, from 2 to 4:30 when they hold their Bazaar ut St. Andrew's. t. t. ti. t WELCOME - Newcomers to town Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beaucage bave purchased the former Ontario Provincial Police building east of Bowmanville and plan to open a nursing home as soon as possible. We extend a welcome to them both and wish them well. BUSINESS - A new furniture and upholstering business opens tomorirow in the building formnerly occupied by Ceixtenial Cleaners. It will be oper- ated by Mr. and Mrs. Chester McQuinn and family. t t i. i. t RECEPTION - Trinity United Cburch's new or gan- ist and choir director William M. Findlay, and his wife will be the bonored guests at a Congregational Reception this Sunday at 7:30 p.m. A cordial Invita- tion is extended to everyone to attend. This, appar- ently, is one occasion when the honored guest has to work. Mr. Findlay has arranged to present a varied organ recital for the congregation and his son Wmn. A. Findlay, principal cellist of the National Ballet orchestra, wil also perform. t t t t tJT TROUT - Only one proud fisherman,' Stu G Candler, has mentioned his luck since trout sea- t son opened last week. Are these fellows becom- C ing modest or haven't they been catching any ? ti Stu caught a good-sized rainhow. Cu i.n dustry Closing in JPo rt Hope Port Hope's. econ- omy and about 160 employees of Crane Canada Limited plant received a crippling setback on Friday with the announcement that the company would close out-its local oper- ations the end of July. The firm, referred to as Port Hope Sani- tary, has been produe- ing enamelled cast iron ,sanitary ware and was started in 1903. The company 110W aims that demand for its products has fallen off to the extent that the foundry is uneconom- ical to operate. Two years ago the plant came to a stand- still when members of Local 4115 of the Unit- CTURN TO PAGE TWO> Softh Wl i1 Oshai 1A sol coaches,ýre U Centennis tion Cem torlum, day and and 5th, Pi.. The In Max Sche bbe top u Re Io fir of bbc 0., years of once. Andy1 S.A. iunp Chairman. This cl b>' the N' sociationi ln co-ope Oshawa E ment. Ail Inte invited to receive fii b>' contaci Recreation 725-1111. ail (Iinic be Held in, wa May4.5 aeU fiDUC ItO Each year the successful and Rena Pisk appeared in a as a leader. Mlar'g Munday managers anid WR. presentation of the Jackc and peppy singing and dancingý played the pianù accompal. I talke phm ~s t -tho U_111Club"e poptilar variety "Mod" number wearing psy- ment. ai Pool& der.s show, Corn-A-Poppin', has chedelic p a tter n ed mini- Lyn Lowery and Ana ntre CIO Adi'become as much a part of dresses. This presentation was Strike were the authors of Oshawa, on Satur- Spring here as the early directedl by Pat Stocker. '-The Woman for Ail Sea- Sunday, Ma>' 4th robins. The 1968 edition of Ken Hockin was theý able sons," and they also directed froni 1:30 .10 4:00 Cornz-A-Poppin' played to M.C. The openi*ng chorus aslselaiul ntrann capacity audiences on Thurs- dfrected by Merrill ixBron; pinylet. Jean Bmlett Was Vheg ustructors. will be day, Friday, and Saturday Who is exceptionally talented <TURN tO PAN TWO> eff, rated as one of evenings ini the Towin Hall ampires lu Canada, auditorium, and again scored rst Vice President a hit. ý.AS.Aead hs 3mGe odsn n he ffih0Exciting Su mmer Davidson, an O.A. rane, Monty Emmerson, Rickti/ drLou DewetheCharlie Cch- WIl Be in Store#-%for iir, u he liieDewell, Doug Rackham, andVV Jerome Billett provided ex- Unie . i organized cellent music. qeighbouood As- A brisk pace was maintainS t de t f h a r eraion wit th seera diertng kit as The Great Pine Ridge Fest- o theatre. It has been ex«~ Recratin Dpar- fller Beoretheproramival of tbe Arts, recently in.. pressi>' designed to give furth. stareâ wo lown, Fed iskcorporated under charter as a er encouragement and develop. Sest d p rso s a e a d AI Str ke, "w a m ed up "no n7profit cultural organiza- m ent to theatrical talent, attend.. They ma the audience with comican tion, bas been directly inspir- especially among young people, irther information tics. ed by some of the extraord- that exists ln the area. ting the Oshawa The Jillettes, Pat Stocker, inary thlngs that have been Tefstvlwlbeheni Department at Dorothy Kelly, Jean Harness, accomplished in the area re- h etvl.l eteol IBetty Lobb, Donna Black, cent>', particularly in the field one of Its kind that Io exclus. ively youth - orlented. mhe main purpose of the festival la Two uid s E rolld a Ca etsto afford students an oppor- Two uid s E rolld a Ca etstunit>' to learn, under pro. fessional direction and tuition, ..~ .~-.-~~~e as much as possible about the various elements of stage- craft and learn ln the at- mosphere of a profession MIE repertory-type company. Participants will be respons. Ible for their own transporta. tion, and some students lving at a distance may choose to board in Newcastle for part - of the time. Since mazy stu- dents like to take summht jobs. rehearsals will be held ln the S evenings. We cast and go Into in. mediate production ln early May, stop during exanîination - period, then resume, probably s in the fourth week of June 3*> -/ - -and continue right through the - ~ -summer. Nothing leas than - , complete artistic excellence ~ ii>~'.will be acceptable, so here îs ~ amagnificent challenge to spend the most exciting and rewarding summer ever! .. ~M The six exehange students from Franklin, Penn. high- schoël were enter- tained royally here last week, while six BUS students were receiving a similar reception in the United States as guests of Rotary clubs here and there. This picture shows the American students with their student hostsat*the BHS Promn iFriday night at Bowrnanville Country Clu b's luxurious audïtorium They are, front row, left to right, hostess Louise Mann, Lynn Gulnac, Linda, Culbertson- and B. J. Irwin; middle row, Ruth Irwin, hostess Marg Werry, hostess Barbara Crombie, host Brian Saunders; back row, Daniel K. Moore, host Tomr Puk, Son, Witherup and host Bob Ellis. Many Humorous Skts 'Hall FiIled for ThreeNighits As Jack & JDl"'s (ornz A Poppin Extend Hours For Visiting 'f Nuclear Centre The Information Contre at thie Pickering Nuclear >ttlon wilI be open sev*i days a week 9:00 a.rn.-5:3» p.m. as of May 6, 1968. Returniýg. for'their second year and joining regular staff inembera will b. three uni. versity studerits: Richard Doble, Pic&1týring, Charles Dobson, AI nut, and Brian Vfiooen. '% Mils. They will intelllng visltoru about the station and the exciting story of atomia OMW ergluCnaa Bowmanvile's first two Cadets were enrolled recently at a special ceremony. rhey are Brenda Henning, left, and Beverley Heari who, have been active in Guide and Brownie work for several years. The, Cadet classification advances them into leadership categories. Miss Henning wlll now assist with the lst Guide tlompany and Miss Hearl with the lst Brownie Pack. To fully qualify as Cadets, he girls must complete a two-year correspondence course. After they have stu- lifor six montha 1he~y .nr U as Cadets. Certificate of Menit frorn Agriculturai' 1 Priât P,,1,. WTTTltx«olvl7b in a ý -J

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