,NDP Women Plan Bus Trip To Ontario Legîsiature The New Demnocratic Party the May meeting to be held . 4A number o!flms are a Wm 'sOrganization, Dur- at the home of Mrs. Wilmer able for meetings from Ut1 lhami Riding, held Its monthiy 1Hill, Hampton, at 8:00 p.m., les, the C.L.C., etc. on pi Meeting at the home of Mrs. I Tuesday, May 2lst. mentary procedure, hu DOpug Moffatt, Elizabethville, Mrs. Arlei'gh Eaton. Mill- right;, government In o, ,o býuedy April l6th. The' brook, lntroduced Gordon countries, etc., and these guest speaker for the evening Gals n dle htseb okdI lhd~u was Gordon Graylish, 1areayad aorked wistha hlm In groupIs".hdic Organizer for the N.D.P. Greenwood Riding, Toronto, He advised that an elec The bus trip to Queens for a number of years. Mr. school would be held ln C Park, Toronto, was dlscussed Graylish came to Canada from wa on Saturday, April 27t and It was decided to reserve England in 1957 and has the Steelworkers' Hall, to gaiiery seats for an evenlng worked in 13 elections, Includ- cussalal phases of an elec session of the Legisiature on lng by-elections. He worked campalgn and he urged Tuesday, May 7th. Buses wil in Toronto with Donald Mac- women to attend. He adv leave from Bowmanville ati Donald, Andrew Brewin and that ln the near future 6.'30. Members of the execu-imany other candidates. New Demnocratlc Party wi tive will be reservlng seats for Mr. Grayllsh said that corn- have a radio show ln Oshi mrembers of the party andl munication is the big thing in for 10 to 15 minutes a m their husbands or wives and 'organization. "We cannot ex- which would Involve any others interested. pect that ail people are Inter- Pllkey, M.P.P., Oshawa, A report was heard f rom ested in politîcs but more and whlch would brlng probi the treasurer on the dance more people are becomlng ln the area to light. Fart beld at the Lions Centre, aware that this government Is would have a chance to Eowmanvîlle, on Saturday, not working for themn and it is thein point of vlew across, April 6th. It le hoped that up Lo us to let themn know recommended that the ,dances will be held regularly what they can do. Getting men's group Contact the1 and it was suggested that the people out to dances, picnics vinclal Secretary of the J executive mneet ln the summer and card parties keeps Interest -P. regarding the monl ta set Up a schedule of events up. There are 1,300,000 New newspapen ln the hope thm 'or the year lncludîng dances, Democrats ln Canada and the farmers' column mlght bea card parties, Christmas party, party is really movIng for- ed ta the paper with contr: raffles, etc., and distribute ward". tions to be soliclted fi copies of this schedule to ail He spoke of the, importance farmers and others Interesi inembers. 0of women's organizations and Mn. Graylish spoke of Veronica Opsitnik, President said that several women have recent Liberal Conventioni zt th&~Ontanlo Farmers' Uio been organizers in the Toron- mentloned that there Is Women's Group will speak to area and ail over Ontario. rumor that Trudeau will h Robent Winters as his Dep ______________ Minister and, If 50, It wC appear that there Is noi 'kchange in the Liberal Pa Safter ail and that left w: LiberaIs and Intellectuals N sig tb te N.D.P. igwo WESLEY VILLE Spriug got off bo a g. stant thîs year with muci fa land seeded and grain alreE growlng. Some gardien pIe are up too but the ch nlghts sud white frost o! Si day mornng will hold lii back a while. Daff.odtls. blooming lu most gardiens a ln the woods, the trîlllui hurried on by tiie warm wi ther o! a few weeks ago,i bloomiug somne of them more than two or thnee ie high. There was a grave omissi lu this news last week wb Donald Nichols' naine wasr Included amoug those atter iug the banquet for hocli players. He was theenud m also a member o! the chanr ion teani. Mesdames T. Wilson, Scuithorpe, P. Snelil and Barroweiough were helpiug the cancer rooms in Port Ho hast Thursday afternoôn. Chara Danke returned hor fnom hospital last week a!t Sa long stay and although b lnjuned kuee is still sîif, î has recovened remankably wi aud wlll be staylug with IV, aud Mns. Hector Darke for -few days. AI Camipbel5l who bas bei stayiug wlth the H. Barro' chough's; while workiug Pont Hope for the practic part o! bis university coure has returned bo studies Waterloo sud jes replaced i Len McLeod from Guelph. Mr. E. Webster was In BoN inanvil., hospital for thl4 days last week receivi!nÈ trea ment for sudden illness. Chunch service was hene c Sunday mornlng when con inunion service was observe and several young people wei .confirmed in church memlýe shlp. James sud Phuip Niel ols and Garfield Payne froi Wesleyviiile, and Mts. Glorl Lax, Mark and Christine Hi David Kellogg sud Greg Mur roe, from Welcome. Two heai tif ui arrangements o! flowei in baskets, a lange bowl i daffodils from lie gardien Mrs. Clarence Nichais sud beautiful gloxinnia brougit b Mns.. Archie Ford added wealth o! beauty for this spE cial service. Rev. Ian Munrc was assisted with servlng con munlon by Messrs Ken Syn mous, Gordon Kellogg, Lloy Kellogg, Thos. Wilson, Carrol Nichols and Arnold Thon dyke. There were 42 at, Suuda: school wlth Mrs. A. Thorudyls supplylug for Mrs. J. Groene veld with the priniary clas for a few weeks. Two mnor little ginils were preser for thee BraI Urne, Connie aui Debbie Dwyen whose famil: recent3y nioved Into the coir munlty. Offelng was receiveg by Nlckl Groeneveld and Rai Tufford avd Tlmm Nicho] played th.e oncludiug liymn. Photos pf Bowmanvifle High School "Prom' valI- brar- RrIla- man Mher niay islon etlon Isha- h at 'dis- ction the vIsed the rould .awa ffeek and lems mers get Re wo- Pro- N.D. kthly jThe Canadian Statesynan, Bowmnanviile, May 1, 196e 3 'Grand Black Chapter Holds Annual Session The 92nd annual session o: Ithe Grand Black Chapter o: IEastern Ontario convened , im Ithe Chateau Laurier Hotel, IOttawa, on Wednesday and Thunsday, April 17 and 18. The Grand Master, R.W. Sir Rt. Harry A. Stinson, Smiths Falls, presided. A large number of dele. gates and visitors from ail Pireceptories were present. A highlight of the conven- tion was the exempification o! the Red Cross degree by the degree team of Westboro Royal Black Preceptory No. 1047. cussion on "Hfow Can Bêtter Secretaries Mean Better Busi-; ness" was organized by Mns. Joyce Chalnxers, ahairmnan o! Exeoutive Night Committee and her assistants, Mns. Dora- Turner and Mrs. Marilyn Bowers. Moderator, Mr. M. C. Bar-1 d M.W. Sir Kt. Clarence d Spooner, Peterborough, Grand a Master o! the Grand Black 1Chapter of B.A., brought 1 greetings and addressed the *Grand Chapter. Greetings were also receiv- c d from the City o! Ottawa by Controller Ernie Jones, *and from thse Local Council of Churches of Ottawa, by the Chairman, Rev. G. Foy. jThe officers elected for 1968 are: Grand Master, H. A. Stinson, Smiths Falls; Deputy Grand Master, Gordon Barr, Gooderham; Associate Deputy Grand Master, Melvyn Frost, Ottawa; Grand Chaplain, L. P. Shsaw, Cornwall; Grand Regis. tran, W. A., Chambers, Mano. tick; Deputy Grand Registrar, John Eaclie, Ottawa; Grand %rasr R, R E. Langley, Peterbrogh; Deputy Grand Treasuren, Herbert Wallace, South Mountain; Grand Lec. turers, D. H. Jamieson, Han- i $ your hydiro let yoPur fingers do the Swalking rgthhe. YELLQW PAGES ýeiorc you become upsei over 'I-er messy ýýlefrosïifiq iob, A anoýýher ýcP if-ay, or prý apart packs of 'ýro-7e-î1 tood, or becorne ïi usirated over the ýack- oî su)raqýaa spgce and endi--ss trips -ýu tý-,P store, see the new "Nu-FFOST" r P fr iq erator- freezers now on dispiay il your local appliance dealers. Týey're bigger, better, never frost-up and never require defrosting ... ever!!! aa - oliege, sPOke brseflv and "' w U.icLU .Ltrwi1115111 add- Nola y and Knaren Davis w'ere in charge of -the then lntroduced Mn. A. F. Osgoode; Grand Censors, Jack Ibu- punch bowl. Heywood of Durham College, Tippins, Ottawa, and W, rom - ---- representing Education, Mr. James BSeen, Kingston; Grand ted. Ross Neals and Mrs. Thomp- H. M. Sparkes, Pedlar Peopl Standard Bearers, Aliau Mc« the son. \/I Ltd., for Industry, and Mis Coy. Madoc, and Len Carne. andPlans were made for a pot- '%J1 rauua eJoyce Reid, member of the gie, Pembroke; Grn d Mar. Saluck dinner to be held in the Toronto Chapter N a t ion a] Grald Dunn, Ottawa; ave Panish Hall after Sunday , Secretanies Association, to re-Grn Pursuivants, Bertrand~ uty church service, as a farewell , pentSctaesEdho Hollinger, Foxboro, and J. A. euld for the Rev. Cuthbert Thomasi the panelistseas welsuiand Powens, Havelock; Grand Au- real ~~~Mns. Thomas and their &a--a hi ersnain n ditors, A. E. Swerd!eger. anty ghter Florence. Rev. Thomas mn rcia n ot-Morewood, and Ri ch ar d 'lgbsbe h upymnse while suggestion Proved that Wau.gh, Fraserville; Grand wllfrom Toronto for the last six "Better Secretanies Can Mean Committee, Victor Thomns, months Betten Business". The ques- Mountain; Elwood King, 01. A gift wil be ent t thetion and answer perio ic tawa; Win. Mankle, Napaneel infant daughter of Mn. and folowed resulted in a e Leacock, Smiths Falls; Principal L. Lucas and Board Chairman Z. Mrs. Fred Hackenbung, also educational and lively iscus- Fracis Jeffrey, Belleville; Crefghton, Port Hope, diseuss the situation. to Alex* Bucez, a patient in sion on divensified pblems.LegRedeaooTe- ýodOshawa General Hospital.>l This closed a successf1 and dore Searle, Domville. odA donation o! $500o will be , well attended 1968 Executive The 1969 meeting o! the mmdy given to the Bethany Ath- Night of the National Secre- Grand Black Chapter wiil be sdy s letic Association t o w a n d s taries Association, Shoreline held in the City of Peter. pnaze money for the annualbrog. ýun- Victoria Sports Day. [ngs Membews agneed to serve are * 1'- lnch at the forthcoming md ~~~~faim sale of Mn. and Mrs. E ea e s C 2 I k inEmeny Smith. 3r rea- Sîlver Wedding Anniversary> are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,... ~~~~~The Silven Wedding Anni- -We, o.owWr unmkshcolgtI yr? f0versary o! Mn. sud M'rs. Vin--Wisn o Èeiormrsneleg tsiea,* Liscent Jackson was celebrai ed J'nderwater."9 io ~by their relatives at the home :-eid o ma y nera.e'? hen ~~~~~~of their sisten and brother- Miss Linda Rowan Wadooumnby«dewtr0 n i.~. ~n-law, Mn. and Mrs. Carl dni' rofMrn.ud Mis. Alhlw"lvl! Smte n Saturday. duhe nd SmithArthur Rowani, Yelventon, will ..M-'."~. Twenty-five years ago on eaogtegautsa Apnil 24th, inu the Unite aogtegautsa fas edhrh VeRv.A.W a-Civie Hospital, Peterbonough, ~ Church,~~4t theRv.A . .r n-on My2t 8 pm R. y :~'\of Frances McKinnon, daug.ln at 9, price of $80,000.OCLT SCAEH TS t. er o! the late Mn. and plant0CLTESCU IT McZnn n i plus $ 12,500.00 to be payable at '~:: ~-X\~ eJa cKnono!thenhn tein-nisioners have A Well Dressed Person Is Ont whose gret r lat pcenteackby, sn.oJe ackso mohr n issser n pmoied ath lat !e newt GIE T pacsn.o tipapy oa-br tieond o! helnt wear and SAiVATO RYRD HEOAP s'on. ~~~el( ane servTce) Bell.hae-DRN OTf0 A a - Mn. asnd yM. Jacnhv two onsJolnsd Rnd tablised tetwenthie new y- bh otherat home. sThe aea-Iinsy eeboogO munity, both having seved mee sud Blackstock real bytnm ontheexeniveo!th Two-pany hues and nd sepr~ ethay thtiesspyocation, vidual unesRwDl be available Sio~.~ n. Jako sa ie nThe numb-fe o! ubscriers n by ~ .'.,..~ -r-- ~' M rhe antd Crs J cksand h a mul-ar ty rv e w ill aven- -__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___O F_ ___MA Y__ .t- andobswieJaehn.ue me- abl ied uer enelw .en :e:; o! hi cuandchor, ]dial xcnen. t se ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bý aThose.esent here .and Welildb-o!hepe ~ StdentCound Prsidet Jrry orte andMaryMm.RossCann Mn.an Lind.senayset ebeenughO= Jaeilarc edrcpin lim. Bs Heall, veMissLndthalloin- e aniug acsts wll Mrs. ive Ridthhavidsoailo!divdda gtergsee Wtb;Msn.e au Mss. ofrmae subscnbr th ie systdem. liNetaElmatle; Mn.ssudiMt.oTndual tales, thl e prsenaialC be NormacnWisnand tei n fTue nuepr ofn whbas had DRUGon the aUhte NoraAnuand nevmiu pen iene with te m Lndabiswan aretleboou;nema i in chrgie o heloca bers ofn the c sons cher. adia coners-on Stdn onclPeien er orePn ary M . s ad Mr. adPor- snt-. vhaebenpa onJn.Klptikhaedrcpin ln. teosl, MissSiley Porterl, aSereai es MSSl. ars Olv Rihrsna, 21 f i Hod Amn hnualt MR Whitb; Mr. and Mrs.mnsbrbe fthsye. ad BruealMln.aud MrG. Er. Tcuy tivletepeetDA StaprbaraMiss Eveyn;MissBl eeh-eCmaywl ri stnainless steftwerb atughl9eai8intheaioltSelotal al, aMtr. om a nd Bb iMrs. tr lad othe.Ana xc Willand t iePl ons TSryta n ÀL*D eeus ManersMicipalhelePoter cainl50peetdby6 8-4 7 ef Syste mheditheo nli n.Bcy LFac o 01 it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h ehayonThrsday, teutte ote"etr"o evcdAesIcu d B~~~~~~el MTelephoeMr. oand art ns.hrtbsns Decebe 3, 1969. Mre The voe regitered as 11 0 ~sta, 9is psition. Tereii aren10psusbens te with ol- bythe present system, id sta~~~~~~~irssstetelephonwe sytm 6, h aioa ertr lt Dr. J. J. ahitng lu 191 pt he yomeofMr.Eand l r192 The Manvtrs MunicipalETele- iy Wli I p hone yte w s ren Inn Mn.su Mr Rg Plmn Wlir N-as istree Conisines ap-HTB e. he poruted. The isyatehortwehas sud. Alan oMPeterboMonichavelretlrnedohomeafom subscuibr psud rentra, w-t671 Mrs. Ina Panilenin. ahe MrsnsRonadMSsrong FleetwoonLifford, Lot6s Mn.su Ms.Eres C- avesod her ar a h allyd, out yool, Crsay e tte h iano hav returnewfroin ive move tothaetville. hey sud unroundug a.res. lb ba [oY se hirwne oe i odnma uto alepoivie osevicehatMn.sudThes. Noman Neals, lements. th yeans. Howver, in the A L L WA T C H E lu intercessio CibyCF.onid.Co!-theirtfandstockhord busieesosabEeCcSTLEhrouMhTai ss. s ardn.gte iie ihM.sd Mrsfint thetime bad ornbefoeTeb tre ae O URiUsUA selom 9 TRADpposNtALLOWANCE froi CvieHosita. ete- l~t eek O Sudaythe eqarent0 a bsiug sith upl- Mn.su Ms.Tery tale Fnne, n.an Ms. onldsa ieestnd terarlneS LE D MY 3 s moved hre fromTorontoon aowcosud Mis5Margaet ongaization Mauvns Mnicial elepone nglian hurc Woae he syst e t oo ailt ou Systeni The Anlican hurchiW- verteorsicas ou ts own iSiug wt'Mn.and MSloi y s.Firohid Thosv forhe tadjacenthexefaoges sofitas Ross Hall their meting onThusdayLiay sudrJ. HamtnouhnJEELR915,T HO Mn. ud is.Howrd Sott niit. ~ , "~'aiivTheoffase foi Te Be 9KN S.W sud ns.BeaniceMuihea Thepr0r~mTeephnerCoMucpalprTiee otB THN 1ida eeSna~Pann"wsi hreo fonte Spurchas o tied O MNI anuest it h Mdrn. sdrslM. DgandMs. Jmet s rs. rtiso ! th400 elephone n.-ing t j