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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1968, p. 15

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no News &Mr. and Mns. Malcalm El- aw. spent river the weekenr fard of Port Perry, visited Mr. with Orono friends and rela -anud Mrs. Reg. Sutt.on on Sat-. tives. *urday afternoon. Congratulations ta Mr. an( Mrs. Orville ChRllice and Mrs. James L. Johnson, Hill *daughter Denise, spent Sun-,crest Lane, who celebral4 day to Wednesdav with her their 50th Weddiiig Annivers *parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Harvey'ary on May 24th. ,*ikens at Mllbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hard3 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jack and spent Saturday with Mr. ant children of Markham, Mr., Mrs. Bruce McArthur. JoAnn and Mrs. Geo. Jack Jr., and Barry and Brent, at Oshawa. daughter Sherri of Scarbor- Mrs. Keith Taylor, Nanc) ough, spent MothersDay wtth and Bonnie of Brampton Mrs. Catherine Seal. spent Mother's Day with Mrs Congratulntioni; to Mr. and Marshall Chatterton. Mrs. Ross Morris. the former Mr. Tom Tabb ls a patieri Miss Patricia Katherine Wad- in the Memorial Hospital del of Newcastle, on their Bowmanvilie. marriage Saturday afternoon,' Mrs. Ruby Emma Thorntor May llth, ln Orono United' Samerville, age 82. of Oshawa Church. Rex'. Basil E. Lon-- formerly of Orono, widow ci efficiatepd. Mr. and Mrs. ',%or-,the late A. A. Somnerville, pas. ris will réside ln the Lycett ýsedi away on Saturday, Maý Apartment.. I11th, at the Oshawa Général Mr. Elaier Hogg of Fraser-i Hospital. Funeral from the viile, visited Mr. and Mrs. Morris Funeral Chapel on Win. Robinson on Sunday. Tuesday afternoon. Interment Mr. and Mrs. Way ne Hooey ln Orono Cemetery. and daughter JilI of Toronto,: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. Coop- visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace er xvere recent supper guestý Best and Ron on Sunday. of her sister, Mrs. W. Bryanq Mr. anid Mrs. Reg Sutton at Burketon. vis1ted Mr. and Mrs. George At the regular service at Greer, Oshawa, on Tuesday of Orono United Church. Sunday last woek. morning, four children were Mr. and MRs.oy Tennant baptized, Victor Allan, son of and famlly are resld]lng In the Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hall, Ste- Harris hauçe, Eighth Line. phen George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rosseau has been Mrs. Tony Mitchell, Rand, a patient ln the Mernoriai Hos- Thomas. son of Mr. and Mrs. pital, Bowmanville. Gordon Cowling and Rodney Mms. Cecil Robinson spent a HarieY. son of Mr. and Mrs. few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sutciiffe. The iast twv F'rancis Hall at Agincourt. chiidren are cousins. Rev. Basil Mr. O. _S. Cowan of Osh- E. Long officiated. Darlington Area Public School Board The Publie School Board Of: May 31; Shaw',s Grades 4-6 PDarlington Area met on May Toronto, June 5: Enniskiller 6th with aIl members present Simcoe County Museum, June and Chairman H. Oyler pre-! 7; Tyrone, Midland, June 20. siding. Moved by Mr. Craig and Moved hy Mr. Craig and seconded by Mr. Tink thai seconded by Mr. Werry that Miss J. Beech be paid $1 thia arcounts be paid as listed., and Mr. F. McQuay $5 foi Moved by Mr. Tink andlmileage to the various sehools seconded by Mr. Craig that:to test pupils. S. Wr>rdpn be authorized toi attend thé, Ontario Schoolý Moved by Mr. Werry and Trustées & Municipal Coun-1 seconded by Mr. Craig that cillors' Association SeminariteSprnedn eat in Toronto an May 23, 24 and orized to allocate and spcnd 1. 8. $50,000 for ail sch'ool sup- Moved by Mr. Werry and'plies and equipment for the $eernded hv Mr. Tink thatý school year 1968-69, this Board nccept a cash set:l Moved by Mr. Tink and tiennent from the Insu rance: secon de d by Mr. Werry that Uo. in lieu ai rcpairing Cour- Al!. Randlc be hired to cut tice Highway portable school. the grass nt the M. J. Hobbs Moved hy Mr. Werry and School for tihe year 1968. Mr. Secontded by Mr. Wordcn that; Randie la to be paid $22.00 the résignation of Mr. G. Lisk:ý per cutting of the lawn and be accepted with regret. $5.00 per cutting of the ditch. MVoved by Mr. Womden and! A report on the Interin seconded by Mr. Craig that School Organization Commit- the following class excursionsitee was given verbally to the be granted: Mitcheii*s Cor-i Board by Mr. Worden. tiers, Grade 6, to Niagara! A Planning Committee ne- Falls, June 14; Hampton Jun- port was also given verbally lamr, ,Graides 4 and 5, Toronto.lbyMr. Craig.___ ___ New Bookiet Details Ontario 's CIaîm as "Canada' s Works ho p TORONTO - Ontario is and one-quarter of agnicultumal termed "thp workshop af and pulp and paper products, Canada" In a ncw multi-color as weîî as being responsible for boollet aimed at incrcasing jnvestment in the province and 40 per cent of the national attracting skilled immigrants. income. Praduced by the Department The booklet outlines the of Trade and Development'sigrowth and sIgnificance of the Information services banch, province's major industries, the 36-page publication bases the potential of its resources, its claimi to the title, Ontarioi and variaus aspects of life jn Workshop of Canada, on the the province. Containing 12 fart that Ontario produces'fact-filied chapters, and withi monre thon haîf the natian's many of its charts projectingi nnanuifactured gonds, 80 per;into the fuLure, the new pub. -cent cf the steel production,. lication1 will be distributed by! Ontari1:o'S trade and immigra-! tion Offices in other countries. It will also be used for specia]l -M aternai promotions. The bookiet Is designed for' Death Rate ppriod.c nevision of its statis-1 8 tics, at minimum cost. Amongl Dro s o .8 facts recorde inth DO noa r i a n s 1i v1 i n le t n ~ rtehasdmppe t anai-, Onv 1er cv-ie ent oflao l ly ever gince. Otrog pplto The number of live births Otros pplto i1966 was abort 10,000 Icas grows ai. the rate of 20 ncw! than th~e previotus yeam. arrivaIs an haur - by' birthi total ot 72 cases wcre investi_;and Immigration. By 1996 the! gaied bhy the committee popuflation is expected ta which la upported i douJble ta more than 14,000.000.1 mwirk by the Ontario gavPra-n- Tourism 1:s a $1.600,000,-1 .àtment. 0ofl indu.ýtr tin Ontaria, based iSales and Earnîng 'For 3 81 Domînloi ,4 Results af Dominion Stores per cent compares with 1,73 Ltd. for the 5.1 wecks ended pr cent. Dividends paid ai ~March 23, 1968 weme success-172 cents per share were the l, Thomas G. McCormack, same as at year. presideat, Mtates la the pre-1 Ordcmly pogram of ex-: jilmin an' repart. Sales 1n- pansion and modernizatian of' 1Wreased 7.49 per cent to retail facililties was continued. >%384,192.464 (rom $543.47î1.7Q7 Mr. McCormack reports. Dur- .and net earn)nga Il 49 per cent' ing the vear. 13 stores wPre -ta $0,507.604 ($1.30n per sharci opened. five closed and tram $9.424AC02 (SI 16) for 51 tri Vancouv~er were so'dH. 2At weeks ended Marcb IR. lq67 March 2.1. there werf 3RI s1eresý Ratio of proit to sues of 1.80 in orrration. The new 600,000' Poodies in C.H.S. Fashion Show Thé Canadiain Stateuman, BowmanvIlle, May 13, 1968 ,ý l rm ýl ieààE rAix »OMIIONbà,go Sholidaywekn!C t.u t............ Sc 9iogr peifng i u ffl "hodê y or ý pé au oe*sian. e uagt.. qsUlm a*kWNM 10 pet S -oefdooeS sldy sPit n o*ÔOgLSl-Up Srit» bôg bc5dwy Useicaufiwyth à gaod supy of Pm dm if Uyen bSemVna.tad lue Um entdom iaueh nfebe.. . Wum mt moaum d tniEWmi&in~g lu Prfet ufoefaetwUu ~ aiad.Bmwhto ... hy Fut CETrs<w.F GRANDPRix Dominion'1s Own Bakery Rlchmello Raisin or - 24-ox. APPLE PIES a Rlehmella - 24-oz. Loa CRUSTY BREAD Richmello DONETTES Richmello - Pkg. of 1's SCONE ROLLS Rlehniello HamhurX and -8s WIENER BUNS Richmello - 24-na. SULTANA CAKE Features SAVE 13el, 2 2for 83c SAVE 3c -25c SAVE De a2for69c m 29c m-- 29c - -59C eiPresswood or Fearman'g Brand% Short Shank ~COOKED HA& a OnIy At Dominion - Deluxe Golden Bird 'r Grade "A" Eviscerated 5 to 10 lb. ,_Ion a conservative estirnate ai 'l'H tttn< TU R K EY S4. Wannuai spending by holiday- D '" ~ Jominion's Own Brand makers and visitors. Each .x.....t. le year the province entertains1-b C neariy three times as nManly -WI N E RS 5 3 faneign tourists as it has resi- c. ay ie radMXD3A N etihighest ln any jurlsdiction i .'1-s - Thinty-two per cent o!f ' ,,..., Bittner's Famnous European Style Meats lo Ontaniansaran 14 years or ti.' ..t5.t > d under and 41 per cent are 'ý P lih ou cge (C il 1..9 I.lbetween 15 and 44 years. By .. a s g C u b 9 <1972 almoat 60 per cent willi Lvr.o s g Fine 8-oz..chub3 9c -be under 30. es G oo~sd evcs po ~~Li*ver Sausage Coarses-o.chuh3 9c duced aOntaria, valued ai S e k u s 8o.hb9 -more than $24,900,000,000 in Spe.5wu st Soz.ttu y':1967, shouid neach $130.000,-. ...'t*'.. ..E 000,00 y 200................. ..~. ~Maple Leaf Brand Pork& Beef Breakfast ioraeo Onaro' edu ca-SAUSAGE 459C tional facilitiez ln necent years. Union Kosher Chicago "SB" has seen l1 new sehoola or ~ Ideal for Bari-B-Qc major achiool additions, opcned' -b eveny day. Educatian expendi- Pkg. iturc exceeda $1,000,000,000 WIENERSPk annualiy and accountls for . .$t., Mapie Leaf Brand Sliced Table Ready about hait the province's entr A EA o - There are more than MAC.& CHEESE LOAF 10,000 dramaR groupa, cora M E£~~ AJ OLIVE LOAF602 orhsrabnvo,îvrtcls4C lan gllris n Otaio adCHICKEN LOAF Pkg. rths ietyIvlecoetoii DUTCH LOAF -BOLOGNA h»s .pan gaîcres n Otana, nd1~ -PICKLE& PIMENTO LOAF JAnd theilorfaithc namel W Ontario? In native Indian. it' eis generally acccpted as "Ont- ;are" meaning lake, and "la:, \ Produce Adveri ;,beautiful ' Holiday Favourite- Luscious - Jtiicy - c ~~ Sweet Eating - FLOItIDA NewCo-opMfD[ WATERMELON89c BengOpne' Fresh From Arizona Tender §PMild and Tasty ( In Lindsay0 0 Thc officiai opeaing of the'~re no s~ 9 , new mill constmuctcd by Unit- s 1cd Co-operatives o! Ontario fat their Lindsay branch Hetw&îlly Ai eaue takeplae Jue 7h to8th Stripe or Fluoride - 4c Off Reg. Size Tube SAVE 6e D "A variety o! activities arel- Z EPSODE~C N T To th ust 2 c being planned for the event,": ,.&7 says UCO Lindsay branch D I U u i & emum we ~Seope Oral Hygienie - 12-oz. Bottie SAVE 24C A chairnian, Harvey Malcolm, r.OSO. HoUIpes IYIdicLUe _r &Ae Mothfah & al. 95cF -o! R.R. 2, Janetvilie. tO E WO IItg The new mill, located ati Wu I >t~ 2.4 oz. Jar - 3.4 oz. Lotion - 2.7 oz. Tube SAVE 25c K west ide o! the Lumber VW ill be Revi ocL J C. d ISo Store at the junction of High-. us n ssH-eadoanoulders Shampoo . 0015'ii w35 and 7A will handîe' Can St n Busnes l romn 30 ta 40 tons of ieed la an 8h.or sift.It ncldes' M ca liý1 i '40 b\ 80-ft. warehouse. Thisý PSI is hopeful that federalipractice. He said payment ofý t an 8-or hfr.I nc des r eiltonmilb &ý enabied the entire bac mdcr egsain i especialilt fees ta specialiats o c elrat i o ns at Quea Streûet ilamieuded so that it canu av for v ork tlhit 'souid hav e f COO KBOO K Liuidsav to move out ta the, la business If and xvueu On-been done or referred by gen -' Lumber store.. west of Lind-~ tario participates la the federal eral practitioners would be COLL CTiO say. I cheme. "unduly coatly and highly ln-P Some of the fecatures o! thel Dr. Owen B. Millar of Scar- 1fiationay" Also, he sailli this ~ ALL PRIOR nfew millIinclude a high-speed borough, president, told the system would discourage doc- -mixer, 12 overhead 4-ton Ca- 2th annual meeting o! Phys-1tors from enteriag general ý VOLUMES Ipacity work bina ta permit icians' Services lac. in Toron-1practice and the eventual 5flTj S non-stop production, a main ta recentlyv that the alterna- absence of general practltlon-O elevtorlcgthat wiil handle~ tive - total sacialization of ers wud msl a ccxO up to 3000 bushels an hour, medical came payment - would' patient diagnosiag himself and' 'DISPLAY ~ and 12 onverhead bulk feed be inflationary. Inefficient àad going diectiy ta a apecialiat, bina. ranging up to 8 tons la more costly ta administer than1 possibiy the wrong one" A~ 'capacity, to be used ior ail PSI. The Extendcd Health Benerl~ '~ eceiving and dclivering. 1 "We will atternpt to con- fits plans o! PSI have been ex- "We thiak people in Lind- tiretioprto s h ettne ainclude "talIon-,NO 'We in'itc ceryoaeta co nue vi rt n athemest tpescmed bypsiassuhRMN say area wiiI enjoy using this mechanism o! payment afp made" benefits to suit the'c 'one-stop shopping' service1 medical cane for group enmo,needs of subscmIbing groups. for their home and farm ment', Dr. Millar said. "We 1 Enrolment la these plans which COOKBOOK HOLDER ne,"Mr. Malcolm says. hope that wise caunsel.s wilIprovide coverage for services, PLUS IND)EX-RECIPE And participate la aur open jvc clauses o! Bill 227 (Medical as drugs. special nui-sing A house activities on June 7th Services Insurance Act») ta ambulance services, appliancea ,Ai and 8th." allow efficient organizations ndpmeferred haspital accam-, Value. Effective Until auch as PSI te continue". imodation, rose 42% during Dr. Millar said PSI adnis- 1967, from 173,083 toi 245,868 T2All Merchandise tration costa have been mnp Thc 2Oth annual report a WE RESERVE ris I- ig h er the loweat ai prepaid medical Isoedta or lé came plans la the world -oe-hali billion dollars hasOp n hu s 4.4.1%i 1965, 4.54% la 1966 been paid out for medical O en Th r ~trsand 4.69% ia 1967. "No costs services since PSI started iM 1whcrc: these arc the total ad-;a total of $74,298,696 was paid square foot distribution centreljministrative coats," hic aaId. for medical services on behaif in Toronto, now under con- "We believe that no gavera- o! 1,740,8.10 participants. Sub- stutowill be brought Ilaie ment medicare scheme can - cription revenue amaunted ta opemation la the nexti match this record." ýonly $72,556.2.90. The deficit stage~~~~~~~ iane ditiuinhaPS hud ugetos:asanticIpated, Dr. Millar ex- fiscal vear. This la the tirai laIn rsponse tta;pîaîacd. because comple.and.x-., inorporae, fes fo aIlspecalia serice.1 thaie 1964 evae. DOMINIO STOR ISHOP MRTHCONFIDENCEI. AIam mmutimproet ei*%k~ GRADE A MediumEGGS39± Skinless, Defatted, Smoked MS(Whole or Haif) 5 b FuIIy Cooked t 1 Topsy or Shantz Brand Grade "A" Eviscerated 5 to 10 lb. AvZ Young TURKEYS38Il Mary Miles Brand Rlndless Breakçfast Bacon Pie6 9 Mary Miles Brand MAC. & CHEESE LOAF 1 u CHICKEN LOAF g. 9 Essex Brand Cooked Ham ;:"g53C Cottage RoIIs% vaoJ7 lb Niaple Leat Brand Pure Pork .SausageMeatpk: 3 9 c IBA CK RI1B.S 9lb Fresh Ground49 MINCED BEEF 49lb Fregh 69 Oround Chuck 69b deal for Bar-B-QsTKs 9 BLADE STAKb4 tised Features Cihock Full 0' Juice - Florida's Finest VALENCIA ORANGES 5-lb. Bag 79C New Jersey Grown Curly Crisp and Fresh F SPINACH PZ 2R 39c Grocery Features Domino - 6-oz. Jar SAVE se INSTANT COFFEE 69c Allen's - 48-oz. Tin 8AVIE le FRUIT DRINKS 3for$1.0O Kraft Miracle Whip - 32-oz. Jlar SALAD DRESSING 55c Dominlon's Own Brand - 1-lb. SAVE >c DAINTY MARGARINE 29C Domino - 8-oz. Jar AVE 20e CHEESE SPREAD 3for$1.OO, Frozen Food Features Pink or WVhite Dominion - 6(/%-oz. Tin SAVE 3 LEMONADE lOfor$1.OO 9hopsy Bail In Rat - Main SAVE 170 DISH MEATS 3for$1.0O Green Giant Baby Lima Beans or 10-oz. Pkg. SAVE 17e Mixed Vegetables 3 for$1.OO Women"s Bakery Feature Chop Suey Loaf39 kMPLE FREE PARKING A Closing, Saturday, May 18, '68, in Bowni.nviIIs >Is Guaranteed To Give 100% S&tisfaction THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. *and Fri. Nights 'til 9 p.m. kThe Oroi ýdl TPM e

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