!hlgh shelves. ;It may sem nta mober that %or Ontario Pavilion family in the home, bas caver- ýedailbass.But the Couili aon Famihy Healtb points out:t. A t Jup n s Ex o 19 7 that this is but a partial list!.- Ontario Trade and Develap- Japan, and Expo 70, those Mathen. as the kcy figure inq Mnent Minister Stanhey J. Ran- seiected wihl be provided withl:the home, can neyer relax ber' daîl today annaunced that 25 specially de1ne 10-,'iihne hssand hostesses will be return transportation, accom->1 hired ta staff Ontario's Expa modatian, and a sahany that 7» pavillon at osaka, Japan. includes a living allowance. G ~Applicants must be between "Much of the outstanding G rad ate 20 and 25 years o! age, of neat success a! the Ontario Pavil- appearance and groorning, ion at Expo 67 can be attrib- witb an aut-going personality.,uted ta the bigh calibre o!, University on post secondary.young people recnuited as hastsi education Is desinable and those and hostesses," said Mn. Ran-J able te speak Japanese will dail. "We are determined ta' > be given preference. Empioy- repeat aur Montreal success in ment wiil run !nom Feb. 15, Osaka, and similar cane will 1970, te Sept. 13, 1970, with be taken In selecting aur Expoi a short but Intensive training 70 staff." pcniod in Toronto prier te~ Application !onms are avail-I departure for Japan. lable, by request, from Specialý in addition ta the tralninglPnojects Branch, Dcpartmentl course, whicb wihl give suc-!o! Trade and Development,1 cessful applicants background 950 Vonge Street, Taranto 5,1t' knowlcdgc about Ontario,1 Ontario. A Big Smile for the Whole World, M o!bers' Awareness. Key to Preventing Accidents in Homes ;.~- Little happenings like spit 757 deaths. rnîlk on a dropped egg can The Council on Family, Lloyd Douglas NichaIs............. serve as alarm signais ta Health In Canada, a non-profit l mothen, ta keep a sharp eye organization established as a During convocation cer- out for othen accident situa- public service by members o! manies at Mahawk College tions in the home that couid the drug industny ta encour- Hamiltan. on Friday, May be fan more seiaus. age family health and home ith, Lloyd Douglas Nichais Analysis by the Councilian safety measures, points out gnaduated with bonars in tex- Famnily Heaith in Canada a! that the most persistent type tile technolagy. He was also studies on accident prevention a! accident ta chlldren under one of five graduates ta be indicate that nine out o! ten five Is accidentai poisonîng. awanded a Mohawk Coliege accidents are preventabie. The It ~Inc~i h ns medal fan outstanding pen- Council found that accidents young chijdren will put lntofoane Th cnvatn don't just bappen. They are their mouths - kerosene, Mye . astndd b Llyd bis prens, caused by a chain of events. caustic matenials and medi- Duke St., Mr. and Mrs Robent Wben are accidents In the cines. Childnen who refuse to ayen.vil and Mns ly ihiss homemos lielyto appn ?eat tasty foods wiil reach Into Audrey Hayes o! Hamilton. Wben thene is !amily Iilness; cuphoards under the sink and Mn. Nichais left on Monday ~ when mother is pregnant try ta eat cleaning agents, fr te Dmno eti when cbid ishungy orpolishes and petroleumn distil- plant at Long Sault, nean r ~... tined; wben mother is hungry lates. They will reach for Cornwall. where he bas ac- on tired; when thene is tension medicine le!t an low tables or cepted a position. between the parents; when sînks and take a drink on the amii is djusing a aswaliow pilîs. Cleanîng agents, flew environrnent. kerosenean drugs hudb than 400,000 persons sustained soe nn budb d a e disabling injuries in the home, Ail medicine cabinets sbould that is, injuries lasting beyond be high enough ta be beyond The pretty littie girli the day o! the accident, dur- the reacb o!Ilittle children. -Ing 1966. O! these, 2,199 were Better stili, mother sbouid see is Laurie Beth Van Dyk,1 fatal. Falls alone accounted for that the cabinet bas a snap Dyk, Summerfield Court, - - ____- lock which little hands cannot ilAv.an MradY manîpulate. lseAeadM.adl The fintya !cide' grandparents are Mn. and lives is known ta pediatnicians____________ as "the age of accidents." the shopMothers should neyer leave the shapesmal chlldren alone wenR t f Of a hi:h table, in a batbtub Reporsf i (eVn intwo inches o! waten) oInthe samne roam with a lgtdcandle,fireplace an an things ~eectric heater or fan. oes th'iingsThe Coun cil on Fa:ily OI W.. Health In Canada urges rnoth- SLN .1 toens to anticipate tbe tempta- slsand unlocked doors -r W. 1. was held ini the Comn- dows shauid be lacked an bar- munity Hall witb the mem- o r e e.Doslaigt elrbesf the Girls 4-H Club as or sed. Doorsld eading t lc celar guests. We opened by A superb dîaamand, enhanced rstet udekeptdck.. . ..singing "0 Canada" and ne- and flattered by a magnificent It Is aften necessany for a hm Blksopetnte4-Ped.Te setting, is a true symbol af your mother ta keep small children Paul Ram lcsokpreatinthe 4-H Edge.Thcon 0Iifelong devotion. Wben designed with ber in the kitchen. Wiien received bis diploma last Wed: prcedente Mrs ins, ron. by ArtCanved, sucb a masterpiece this happena, she sbould pro- nesday afternoon at the St. Mrs. Flett nead sevenal items foreshadows a relationship of vide tbemn wlth tasks that Joseph's Hospital Scboaio! o! îfnterest f rom the Fedenat- warmth and endurance, even as simulate ber awn; a little Nursing graduation cermne ed News. Mrs. Hilis reported theArtarvd ermnen Vauedough ta rol; a spoon and beld in St. Peton's Hgh Schoal o n the n'ecent District Execu- thrte ACavddPerm-asnentVaue- bowl ta mix some cereal; a Auditorium, Peterborough. Mn. tive meeting wbich she had Gurate ads ~ '" mal pot ta bang. Uiiuccupiea Sanml absn fM rackdtock. attended. It was decided that stance ta its tasteful styling. Stop and unwatched childrbi mayiSane Rbe "Thtck uraswrote Bac rkoncer in soon and Iaee aur wide vaiety grab a knt!e by the bade, or "A successfui bus trip" wauid o! skilifully crafte.billiantiy pull a boiiing pot aff the stove. SJe"h lc re ine designed ArtCarved diamond en- The borne, whlch is meant ta Gra ciuates Village" and "Dundurn Cas- gagement rings. be a haven of sa!ety for the tic at Hamilton." Mns. George !arnily, can be ail of that if Knox gave a report on the mathen Is aient ta some o! the Officers' Confenence which .à,rt a v mare unsuspected causes a! she had attended at Guelph Si A M ON OR IN GS accidents. Is there an extra University, early in May. The long telephone or îarnp wîre roll caîl "My !irst tbought ta trip the unwary ? Is the when unexpected guests an- clothes line strung bigh en- rive," was responded ta with augh ta be at least six inches several humorous answens. above an adult's head ? Has Mrs. Russel Vice, as leader mother cautioned cbiidnen o! the village group, then neyer ta wnap anything tight « taak change of tbe prognamn. anound thein awn an other -j M ns. Everett Spires gave carn Achildren's necks ? And despite ments on the motta, "Dan't this caution, has she taken .......' waste time looking at a bill. caneta ut jrnpnope, bltsClimb it." Mns. Murray Vice and sashes out at reach af very reminisced with Irving Ber- yaung children ? ,. lin favorites on the piano, and What about cords dangllng 'i t brought back many mcm- fram appliances ? To childnen, .~ ories. The 4-H girls who are cord Is ta pull, sometirnes -clied "The Sauina Peppy drawing down a bot iran, Peaches" presented t h e i r toaster, coffee pot on othen amusing skit "Mammy Saves appliance. Cords sbould neyer be lc!t Miss Nancy Knox and Missî detahed nom pplincesandJoan Huggins presented their stili in the electric outlet. Im- . leaders, Mns. Howard Milis pulsive toddlens migbt touch and Mns. Jae Dnew. with gifts the end with wet bands. o prrainfrtercp Anticipate the attraction ta !apeitooo hincp chidren o! uniocked chests, able leadership. truns, ow uphard an Mrs. Bill Ashton presented A - ELECTRA, f rom $160. ta $1400. closets. Keep chests and trunksi Larvla. atly Mn. rucemnt om.ry.wsh B - DIMANCHE, from $200. ta $1400. locked - and the keys bld-,ý Last week at the Ryerson. it!a h .I sso matchini circlet $80. den. Ail catch iocks should be Polytechnical Institute's spring bas ieft aur Communîty ta .C- 1A RONDE, from $180. ta$1400. nernoved from cupboands and Convocation in Taranto. Larny live in Hampton. She aisa closets. bath Inside and out- W. Hately was among 1,000 presented Mrs. Gardon Brown , Ide. Tnapped in a cioset, the graduates who reccived dipla- with a gift as she is soon n~ fo p rS child may not know how, non mas. He graduated in Anchi- leaving us ta mave ta od have the finger strength, ta tectunal Teccnaiogy and bas ville. turn the latcb for release. And accepted a position with the Miss Ellen Cryderman an Je elr ail cupboards within neach Robent Simpson Ca. a! Ton-lbehalf of the C.G.I.T. invited ew llrythat contain cleaning agents onto. Mn. Hately is the soniail the W. 1. membens ta at- BOWMANVILLE fon the house sbould be kept of Mn. and Mrs. W. Jack tend a Japanese tea whicb ~e..Auho~A~&rvdJw.I..locked - If there is nowhcre Hatcly, 9 Southway Drive, the girls are giving in the in the above photo with the lovely eyes and big smile IO-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Van and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Voerr-nan, Car- \rs. M. Van Dyk, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Her great- 1Mrs. H. Voerman Sr. of The Netherlands. Photo by Astor Studio I nstitutes again as aur money-raisInr project. Three by-laws wei passed: 1. that the term o officers be for three year except the Secretary-Treasur er, Public Relations Office and Curator, and that thg Secretary-Treasurer and Pre sident be paid certain honor ariums. Members were reminded o the District Annual at Black stock on May 15 and arrange. ments made for transport& 1in t The program was in change 1o! Mrs. M. Flinta!!, convenor 1for Canadian Industries. The motta was taken by Mrs. H. Sumensford, "No man ever climbed the iadder o! success with bis hands in bis pac- kets." She closed witb a poem, "Determination." A sing-song was enjoyed by ail with Mns. E. Twist, sang leader and Mns. O. Bragg, pianist. The speaker, Mn. Ed Leslie o! the Bowmanvilhe Cleanens and Dyers, was întnoduced by Mrs. Flintaf!. He toid a! a number o! liquids used in cleaning and o! many o! the new fabnios now in use. He aiso mentioned variaus ad-, vantages o! dny-cleaning, one being maths wîhl nat attack dlean garments. Dry-cleaningl kilîs gcnms. Pamphlets were given to the members on dry- cleanîng. Mn. Leslie was tbanked by Mrs. Flinto!! and the president, Mrs. Wiseman. Rail caîl was answered, "An industny that aur grand- fathers did not know." Meet- ing closed with "God Save the Qucen." A social bal!- houn was enjoyed by ail, Mrs. E. Twist social convenor. g re of r- NE WTON VILLE Mn. and Mrs. Frank Wonrall retunned home on Tuesday !nom, Memorlal Hospital. We welcome aur new resi- dents, Mn. and Mrs. Hanny Gohlsch, and daughter. Jutta, fanmerly of Oshawa, and now living ln the bouse at the west end a! the village, pre- vlously owned by Mrs. Fred Saundens. d Y vnig Ma~IU~ y 17t. a Mr. and Mrs. John Slgs- I elght p-rn. worth of New Westminster,l Lunch was enjoyed in the B.C. and Mr. Jlm Nesbitt, Iower hall with 30 members Lakeland, Fioridia, arriv e d present and 13 visitors. here Tuesday ta stay at the family home w1th their sis-1 BOWMANVILLE W. L ter, Alice. Wednesday evening, Mrs. F. The regular meeting of the Henderson accompanled Ms.1 Bowmanviile W. I. was heid G. Mercer and Mrs. E. Cour- i in the Salvation Army Youth aux to a Chapter meeting at Hall on Thursday. May 9th, Scarboraugh, an Thursday. with the President Mrs. M. Mns. A. Wade accampaniedi Wisemnan In the chair. Meet- the same two ladies ta a simi- ing opened with 0 Canada, lar meeting at Islington. the Institute Ode and the Same thirty-two members Lard's Prayer. af the Newtonvilie-Starkvilie The members were wei- Bowling League held their an- comed by the Presîdent. Min- nual banquet at Spruce Villa,1 utes of the lait meeting were Whitby. on Thursday evening. read by the secretary-treas- when the yearly awards and urer who also gave the finan- traphies were presented. cial statement and read the Rev. T. Snelgrave accam- correspondence. panied Rev. and Mrs. Rex A letter was read concern- Narman a! Peterbarough. ta ing the child adopted by the Niagara Faits, the latter part Institute, also ane from the af the week ta, vis.lt Mrs. Jem- Red Cross saying they had ima Snelgnave. purchased a walken and faur Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane pair of aduit crutches with of Owen Sound, were supper the money donated to them, guests Friday with Mr. and by the W. I. It was decided Mns. C. H. Lane. to have a Kopper Karnival' Congratulations to Raymond ubeau, wbo necelved bits ploma ln Mechanicai Tech- laogy fnom Ryerson Institute t week. VIns. Keith Stevenson and rls, Chanksan, wene visitons itb Mns. Lena Ovens aven ýweekend. Congratulations ta Mrs. V. )ugenie celebrating ber 85tb tbday, Friday, with bier tgbters In Oshawa. vIns. Harvey Taylor, Mn. id Mnrs. Douglas Taylor, ahi Bnucèfieid, were weekend itons with Mn. and Mns. )ss Brown and famiiy. MIiss Diane Kimbaîl is home ýDu dip lasi girl wit the 9Bot ebini dau and evisi Ro5 r I tram Taronto for three week ' The Canadian Statesman, Bawxnanvilie, May 15, 1968 halidays.______________________________ Mr. and Mns. Jim Fieldia Toronta, were supper guists0 Wedesaywith Mr. and Mrs. Dollars n o dU s Jim dam. byWiliamJ. Martin There are a number oi things Mr. Victor Reid is having a This column is a regular yiau can do ta avoid this ten- lunch counter installed ln his wel feature prepared by dny but MIh deal only with east-edgrg.teFml iaca on three at this tîme. First, your The funeral o! the late Miss selling Service of the Avco budget should show that you Anne Nesbitt was held on Fri- Delta Corporation, P.O. Box have enough rnoney left over day afternoon at the Narth- 2~820, London. Ontario. Ail each month, after you have Scutt-Elliott Chape]. with In- questions submitted toth the pa nt for nitameet terment ln Lakeview Cerne- above address will be ans- tepyet o tm o tery here. Flowers at the ai- wered, in print or by re- have purchased on credit. U I tan Sunday morning, wenel turn nmail. Narnes wiîî not your budget does flot show placed thene ln ber memary. be ued n pint However clearly that you wil le able Mr. and Mrs. Trueman ail questions should be ac: ta meet your payments. avoid 4Henderson with Mr. and Mns. companied by a complete mkn n rdtprhs Fred Henderson attended the name and addness. - at that time. SNorth Shore Radio Club's An- Second. make no purchase nual Banquet and Party at Dea r Sir: It used ta be, an credit that yo would nat Annandale Country Club, Pic- when I was a girl, that a r- make if you had the money kering, Saturday nlght. son could buy only what heta buy it with cash. Here's an A nmbe frm hre erecoud pay for. Now, with example. Suppose you walked at te PnnySal atKenalcredit sa easy ta corne by, through a store and saw an Saturay evning.there is always the danger of itemn priced at $49.95. If you Mrs R.Farow as vîît-ovenspending. Can you tell would not be willing ta take or last week with Mn. and me how to avoid the pitfalls $49.95 fnom your packet and Mrs. Jim Farrow and family, eto using too much credit? pass it across the counter for Bowmanville. Mrs. R. M. that item, you should not buy M.and Mns. George Staple- The availability o! credit it-just because you can get Mowre Sunday visitons with ta the avenage consumer has it for no rnoney down. Also, M.and Mrs. Harry Stewart been the means of raising the don't be deceived by the in Kingston. where Mrs. Sta-, standard o! living in North wonds "easy payments." There pleton remained ta attend Bay Amenica. The danger, as you is no such thing as an easy o! Quinte Conference, Mon- point out, is flot in usîng paymcnt. Every payment is day, at whlch she Is a dele- credit but ln abusing credit. hard. gate, along with Rev. T. Snel-ý A third rule that will help grave.1 Dougie o! Cobourg; an Sun- you avoid the tendency ta Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle! day, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mc- oven-buy on credit Is this: were visitors with Mn. and Ewen, Peterborough; M r s.' Neyer make a major purchase Mrs. Clarence Glimer, Lind- Ron Burley, Newcastle; Mr. on credit withaut thînking it say, Saturday evening. where and Mrs. Keith Burley and over for 24 hours. Don't woîr- a binthday party ln honour of !amlly, Cobourg. ry. The item wiil stili b. thein daughter, Bannie, was The U.C.W. will meet Wed-thrthnetdyiyostl hed.nesday, May 22, at 8 p.m., in want it, but you'd be surpris. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Han- the Sunday Schoal hall. ed how often the deal wilI vey, Hagensville, wene supper Twenty members of New- look entirely 'different ta you iguests Saturday with Mn. and tonville Bowling Teamn held if you sleep on it. One rnore %Mrs. Roy Best and Heather. their annual banquet at Wel- nule (which is just as appra- Sunday visitons wlth Mr. came Court Inn an May 8. pniate ta cash buying as it is îand Mrs. S. Rowe wene Mr. Mns. Marie Vogels won the ta credit buying) which wiii Neil O'Connell, Cobourg, Mr. award for the highest stand- be help!ul ta you is this: and Mns. Ed. Rowe, Mr. and ing. Neyer make a major purchase Mrs. Fred Rowe and famlly, Mn. and Mrs. Ansiey Green without bath the husband and Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Mr. Elah Alfard af West- the wvîfe agreeing on the pur- Rowe and family, Newcastle. port. were Sunday visitons chase. This wili save yoti Witb Mr. and Mns. Lloyd with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Han- financial problerns and mari- Clysdale were Mr. and Mrs. ris and family. taI pnoblerns at the sarne time. Ray Tompklns and family, Mn. - _____________________ and Mrs. Phil Gilmen and fam ily .------------- --- Mn. and Mns. Jlm Adams wene Sunday guests of Mr. and Mns. Don Adams and fam- iiy, Toronto. Mr. Jack Hathenly neturned I àhome Sunday fnom Memonial i Hospital, whene he has been I the last few weeeks for ob- servation and treatment. Mn . and Mrs. Charles Gray addaughtens, Onono, wene supper guests Sunday withTh U L Y Mr. 4nd Mrs. C. H. Lane. . Th Q ALT With Mn. and Mrs. Clintan Bnown on Sunday wene: Mn.nme oI"' and Mns. T. Henderson and n m o o kfor family, Mn. and Mrs. F. Hen-- derson, Peter and Canal, Mn. when buying and Mrs. Jim Gilmer and family, Port Hope, Mn. and GN E L Mrs. Raymond Tnim, Mn. and G N E L Mns. Bill Wade and boys, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Brown. Marty and Shelley, Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Mn. and Mrs. Doug. Taylor, Bnucefleld. Mn. and Mns. Bill Lane and ln handy girls of Part Hope were Sun- cn o day supper guests with Mn. and Mns. M. Jones. Mn. and Mns. Carl Farrow o! Dawnsview wene cailers witb Mns. R. Farrow, Sunday TYWLOSTNCWTR OAOAG EO - evening. R ISN TNCWTRCOAORNE ENs- With Mrs, C. Burley, Satun- ---------- day evening visitons were, Mr. "Yes, We Are Open Every Evening Until 9 p.m. Open Monday, May 20, 8-9 p.m. (CLOSED ON SUNDAYS) BOX PETUNIAS IMPATIONS COLEUS MARIGOLDS ASTOR ZINNIA SNAPDRAGONS NOMOSIA SAL VIA BALSOM SWEET ALYSSUM PANSIES COCKS COMB TOMATOES PLANTS ONIONS PEPPERS CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER CELEICY GROUND PHLOX FORGET-ME-NOT SNOW ON THE MOUNTAIN BLEEDING HEARTS DELPHINIUMS and Many More ta Choose From Drop in and se aur large selection of colors, size, to make your outdoor living, more en- joyable. We can give you fast delivery on the patio stone. We carry one of the * largest selections in the Oshawa - Bowman ville Il Area. PHONE 623-5757 Phone 0 .Write Visit Us Van Belle Gardens - Between Bowmanvill. and Oshawa on Highway No. 2 Open every night until 9 - Ample Parking 1l -SIBERIAN 3 for$259 10 to 12 ft. trees "EXTREMELYý FAST GROWING". Formns a beautiful shaped tree that wiII grow 4 feet a year. Wili grow to about 30 feet. Very hardy and a good clean tree. Corne in and Brouse GA IL in Ou NewLOVELY RAINBOW GREENHOUSEVAITS SHOWROOM 1 o 9 POTTED PLANTS, GIFTS, ' 50for$3.75 TROPICAL PLANTS, 100 for $699 FOLIAGE PLANTS, Easy to plant. Drop in a PHILODENDRONS, FERNS, 4 inch hole, and let mother GERANIUMS, POT MUMS, nature do the rest, for a glam- ORANGE TREES orous showing of colour. I "The Friendly Gardon Centre " FREDERIÇK'S PPESCRIPTION llfiARMACY 1 5 1 1 u