Hampton Hi-C's Organize Waikatbon tc, prarable Of L1ife"was read bY AND LAID Jean Ferguson- Jesus declar.. PHONE 987-4754 Thee the only true God." Thursday. May 16, a F..... '. .......... FrtInstalment of_ T A X E SOn Monday morning, the. group of Marchers in the top picture started froni S Hampton United Church on a walkathon that was pianned to take them to Zion, across to Eidad and back to their home church. Most of the marchers were D u e J u n e l t rmile for each mile the walkers marched. Most of them, were fro.n the Hi-C group that sponsored the project, but the lower photo shows four generations 1968 h participated for part of the trip. They are, from lef t to night, Ron Ciemens _________and bis two sons Brad 3 and Brent 5, Laverne Ciemens and bis father Aibin Ciemens. Ail four generations have attended Hampton United Church. No word Penalty of 1% per month charged on all unpald has been received on how far they walked. nis nsamn txs usic night at Cartwrightj .LA rIrrfr, firt nstlmnt axs.Central School. The auditor-UL i d uje N v g to lum was crammed with In- ~V yf DI SNOTE: 3% Discount on Znd instalment if paid terested parents and friends and ail report a pleasant ev-A i s o a e S u o on or before June lst, 1968. emingArnong trhe o idson Lak Sc go sung at the music festival In Trent Canal crews are aR cheque or money order, pay- ATTENTION: Alil current taxes must b. Peterborough, the grade 1 presently changlng the Aids able to the Receiver Generai Rhythm Band; ;selections, and e aidstin o Lake Scugog. of Canada, In the amount of -paid at The Bank of Montreai, Bowmanvil. Glenn Clement g a ve herTh iso this lake have or shwabrachs.speech on Sir John A. McDon- flot been updated since the Two Dollars ($2.00), to the fol- or Ohawabranhes.aid. Glenna won the shield in days when commercial ves- lowing: Superintending Eng- the speaking contest also tro- sels carried goods and pass- Ineer, Trent Canal System, P. phies In Bowmanville and engers between Lindsay and O. Box 567, Peterborough, LLOYD PETERSON, Port. Perry when she was In- Port Perry.OnoHy vited to give her speech at Ahl the Aids will be remov- n. o yrographic* Chart Treasurer. special events In these places. ed or re-located by May 24, Distribution Office, Depart- »I ~Mrs. WTonnacott,. music super- 1968, when the Hydrographic ment of Energy, Mines and 196 DO TX i flt aic, i nw oerde. visor, was the sponsor of thiss Service of the Department Of Resources, Room 228, Survey 196 DG AX if otpadis owovrde. evening's programme. Energy, Mines and Resources and Mapping Building, 615 __________________________________________ On May 16 and 17, the stu- will issue a new navigation dents and teachers of Cart- chart, No. 2026, of the Scu- Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario. gog Lake and river. This W chart ls the first hydrographic There' s aneven bette r srpca recenty Issued b; OyN the Severn River and Lake Eldad U.C.W. extend an in- .~Simcoe sections of the Trent vitation to parents and young ........ ......... . Canal. The chart indicates people to their meeting on the depth of water throughout Morday evening, June 3rd, at w ay to save~1~!j~* r ROOn Sgt.Powel 0f te Osh the ake rea.8:15 p.m. in the Sunday School tionwiththe hane inAidsawaPolice force will present willcontitte maor avi a ilmand talk on narcotics, gationimproementfor tenluding L.S.D., marijuana, Lak..cgo.....n.,co- etc., and their harmful effects. mon eyogaeaan, o sequentîy, ail boaters may The C.G.I.T. girls of Eldad tainlng the chart may do sa Ing. They greeted their guests after May 24th by forwardng dressed In Japanese costumes and served a very delicious wrlght Hlgh Schooh enjoyed a lunch wlth the guests seated mm trip to Niagara Falls. Two on the floar In true Japanese 0 moubusloads of studFnts left the style. A Toronto-Dominion Assured Savings Plan givesycu money in the bank and life insurance <with a double lndemriity Meature.) Alyou do ls choos. a five year savings goal, from'$MOto$5,oO.That's yauramount of life Insurance from the minute you make your flrst deposit. Then just watch yaur money grow. AsIc your local branch manager about the Assur"d Savlngs Plan. TORONTO DOMINION The bank where people make the difference. RG. LAWTON, ManaeM 39 Temp.rau. zcnci a nun uciaLUy diU arrlved at aur lovely hotel at about 3 p m. After checking lu. we crossed unto the United States ta vîsit an aquarium. We watcbed an eutertaln.tng J performance by three dolph- lus and a seal and saw several beautiful aquarium- exhibîts. Iu the evenlng we vislted Louis Tussaud's Wax Museum where we saw likelike repro- ductions of famaus people and i events.1 Frlday was devoted toa a gulded bus tour ai the Niag- t ara area. We donned huge black raincoats and entered the scenic tunnels under the I fails, (and incldentaily gotC our morning shower). From r the top of the Skylon Tower. Iý we gat a very different view v of the fails and also af the ti city and surroundlng country- Il s1de. Iu the atternoon, we s toured Fort George, a remlnd- a er af the War of 1812, and e: Navy Hall, home of John fi Graves Simcoe. We passed Smir Isaac Brock's mnonumnent and ti viuited the 8fr Adamn Beck % rhydro.eioeu* power plant. ai largeat generat±ng station In U Ithe world. Then with pleasant w~ memonies and tired feet we B rred hor, c Wp are very sorry ta hear Ihat Mrs. N. Watten la ta go Inta Taranto Western Hospital tamorrow (Tuesday). We hope her stay will not be long and that we'll soon hean good news of ber, and that she'lll have a speedy recaveny. On Thursday evening, Sol. 'na Cammunity held a fane- aud Mns. Gardon Brown, Neil, Mark, Jackle and LUrie, as they wlll soan be moving to their new homne lu Woodville. Anjf evenlng of cards was en- joyed and then Mr. Charles Langmaid acted as Master of Cenemonles and expressed the regret ai the community an thelr leaving and that they wrill be greatly missed lu ail the gnou ps and community life. Mr. Ernest Hockaday pie- Sented them. with a pale lamp and then Mr. Campbell Ham- er presented a decoraive bowl llled wlth artificial fruit. Miss N'ancy Hamen pnesented the two girls, Jackie and Lorie, with heart-shaped neck1acs and bracelets. Boyd Knox then presented Neil andl Mark with tie-tacks. Mrs. Camipbell lamer then presenteal a git na behaU of the Mom uana The~i Cànadian Stateman, Bowmmnvfle, May 22, 10881f CUSTOMER 9CENTRE means round-the-clock service fo o... 24 hours a day, 7days aweek!1 Freight and express, air, rail, steamship and hotel reservations, or telecommunications - whatever Canadian Pacific service you require Is now available night-time and weekends via the new Customer Service Centre. With its computerized equipment, the Customer Service Centre can handie ail or any of the services you require - more quickly, more accurately, more comprehensiveîy. Customer Service Representatives Personal discussion of your problems? Just telephone, and we'II send a qualified man to see you. He can assist you in so many ways, in selecting types of freight cars, for instance, or completing bis of lading, and he's backed by a full Customer Service Centre staff, experienced in ail fields of transportation and telecommunication. Daytimne (Normal Office Hours) Carload Freight, Passenger and Hotel reservations, and Telecom munications ZEnith 0-7337 ask your long-distance telephone operator for the number. lt's toli free. For ail other services, please continue to use the numbers listed in your telephone directory. Night-time and weekends: Ask your long-distance telephone operator for ZEnith 0-7337 (toîl free), for ail services. Another new way to do business better with WORLDS MOST COMPLEMT RASPORTATION &YOME Safe Driving Habits eIp Save Children ?&. and M&o. Arthur Hel,- Raise Money ': KenMcMinfl Mont real Cartoonists SSunday vIsitors with Mr. and g Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scrlv- Sk the i n TO er, Bowmanvllle, were Sunday S visitors wlth Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and family. Trent University i ~~ Mr. anda~~ Mr.Wesley Hills or the Chrchol Annlversary A* collection of nearly 200 His talents as à cartocnis ifortheChurh'sCentennial original sketches by a noted were widely reCognized and il year n Suday.Canadian cartoonist, the late work appeared ln magazine . . .. . .. y e a o n S n d a y .A . G . R a c e y o f T h e M o n tr e a l o f h u m o r i nu m a n y p a r ts o Mr. and Mrs. George Ruth- Star, bas been presented to the English.speaking warld erfard were Sunday supper Trent University, It was an- îinciuding Punch lni Englanc guests wlth Mr. .and Mrs. nouniced today by Professor T. Lue and Judge lni the Unite( Campbell Hamer and famlly. H.B. Symons, president and States. hMiss Elleen Hockaday, who vice-chancellor.Oîiasa i ato as been spendlng 3 weeks' Th guwsmaet the have been hung, mnote . ... .. edt e nursing duties aI university library by John R. notable places, ini the White Hosita fo S" hildrn Dickinson, a grandson of Mr. House in Washington. During ,cc.s . HpT lforon.C ren Racey and now a resident af the 1930's he was Invited by Mr.andMr. Dug Peterborough. McGill University to submîta and ind, vsltd wth~ J. D. P. Martin, Trent's Lib- number of his originals to be and Mrs. Charie Westlake, rarian, said that the gift rep- hung ln the university's lib. ,~~c..,.,Peterborough, on Sunday. resented a valuable conîribu- rary beside sketches by Du. Mr. nd rs.Geoge lare, ion to the ibrary, "reflecîlng Maurier, Ruskin and others by cCavan, weeSna visîtors as It does some four decades dîstinguished contrîbutors to c'tl Mr n r.LreKl of Canachlan history and opin- Punch. Selections of bis car- ~. clet Ion".« Mr. Racey was cartoon- boons Wene assembled Into S Mr. and Mrs. George Knox ist for The Star from 1899 aI- two books: "The Englshmar 'c cv.sited Mr. and Mrs. S. Svetec most until is death in late in Canada" and "Cndi on their wedding anniversary 1941. Men of Affaîrs iunCartoon"'. hast week. "These sece are a Mnr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- ceptive commentary on the M. Racey was an artist af mald and iamlly attended En- affaîrs of Canada and the some note ln ail and water School Club. The best wshes niskillen Annversary Services world for neary half a cen- medIa ang in a k nmbe o ofa the community go wîh on Sunday and were supper tury," Professor Symons said, ei agi ubro Ithem and we hope they wiih guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mr. Racey was born in Que- pnvae collections lu Canada. aften be able ta return for a McGiIl. bec in 1870, the son of a doc- Ivîsît. Callers at Mr. and Mrs. tor, and during bis colege andMrs Ia SmthFrank Westlake's ou the week- days at McGi]h University, dev- Mr. nd M s. an S ith end were M r. and Mrs. C. eloped a fondness and a flair adMr. Jim Phillps, Tononto, Westhake and Mr. and Mrs. for cartooning. His first work were Sunday vîsîtars with Mr. Ralph Nixon, Oshawa; Mrs. as a cartoonist was with the anld Mrs. Stanley Milîson. G. Muttan, Gloria and Debra, now defunct Montreah Witness, 1 Recent vîsitars wlth Mrs. N. Mrs. B. Coombes, Mr. and Mrs. whose staff he leit to joîn The 623 -3303 H. Wotten and famihy have Rau Broomne and Kelly af Star in 1899. been Miss Ida .Arnot, Mrs. Jes- Bowmanvlle, Mr-. and Mrs. J. Mr. Racey's fertile imagina-fe ste Chester, Mr. Wesley Pow- Ovenden, Tyrone, and Mr. and tion was often applied ta ell and Miss Mabel Powell, Mrs. R. Blackburn, Oshawa. politIcal cartoons, and posters W Mr. and Mrs. Wi1l Tonkin Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- hie drew were credîted with Oshawa. lake, Gardon. Shirley and Ke- considerable assistance to the U Congratulations ta MIss Jean vin vîsited wlth Mrs. Westlake Conservative party in varlous. Baker, a recent honour gradu- Sr., at Mn. and Mrs. Percy campaigns, most notably that ate at Peterborough Teacber's Westlake's. of the 1930 federal ehectîonj College. Mrs. Edgar Thornton, Mill- During the First World War, I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice brook, Is stîi lu Peterborough hie undertook a lecture touri 'vere entertained on Sunday Hospital having therapy treat- which raised $50,000 for the at the home of her brother,lment. 'Canadian Red Cross.I ed s er te kg >y SOD 10c yard il, M Canadiman Pacinfinc's new