Mrs. Bruce Tilison, EditorPNU 974 Mrs. John Morris adduh ter. Recreation Comm îttee Temn red fMs Olive Leetooz are glad to Plans Extensive Pro gram kriow she optladire fo 9 Russell Gimblett's. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brownell and family. Mrs. Roy Van weekend at their cottages on Newcastle - At the most.'now decided to have the swim- has been thoroughly cieaned up, Mink Lake. recent meeting heiti by merning lessons continued as inlt.o make ready for a busy sea-1 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Siater, bers of the Newcastle Recrea-Jother years. Each chilti wilÉson. Many thanks are extenti-:Wiliowdaic, were Monday ai- tion Committee, the folowIglattend two mornings a week'ed to the Newcastle Boy Scoutý ternoon callers on Mrs. L. C. rnembers were elected to of-1for a seven week perioti. MissiTroops and Leaders for their Snowden. Mrs. John Hubanti. lice. Lynda Eilbeck andi Chanles work and co-operation. Os9hawa aiso came down and Chairman Earl l'aster, Vice! Ewtert will Instruct the classes,,i'davst Chairman Gordon Garrod Jr., this year. The Bicycle Rodeo will be!ht'avst Treasurer Evelyn Northrup,j The piayground activitîes'hCin June lst2:00 om 9:00 Mughrs. Do stMcHil, and Secretary Kathy Ruttan. Otheri are also pianneti. Miss Carol arn ni-20 on h duhe.Ws iwr rnemerspreentwer JakJHbbsandMis Jon Cl, ilschool will be given furtherJ visitors with their grand- memer prset creJak obb atiMis JanCal wliinformation on this. mother, Mns. R . R. Stevens at Pruner andi Reeve Douglashbe supervising this, beginningi Marnwood Nursing Homine, Cunningham. 'ini Juiy. The girls attended ai Miss Harvey's dancing andiBwmnic The swirnming programn was'Piaygrounti Leaders Training: baton classes will present ai discusseti with some changesCourse in Bownianville. concert at the end of their Miss Tammy Rogers, Mrs. to ealier plans. Thcy have, The Commiunity Bail Pankiessons. iome time in June. Len Goodmurphy anti taugh- ___ - ters, Mapie Grove, Mr. anti i Allan Snowden to attend the' r.BbGodupy n !funerai o! their cousin, Mr.î Sam Snowden anti boys. Osh. Reg. Revel. awa, spent thec weckend with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ie c st/eMr and Mrs. James Rich» Howa'rd Hagedorn and fml, ard- andsonRonald,]lSe.Patvl. grae, issVera St. ler, (-). I t ' > I Scarborough, were w 1ked Mr. andi Mrs. H. J. Bro>oks,! ,-~,',,,J 1 A n j>,1,~-,1.,f visitons with their parents, accompanieti by Mr. andi Mrs.1 ~~ujL'1( and M e'L Mn atiMr. lbrtSt) Ted Bagneli, Bowmanvillei Pierre.; visiteti their sister and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Rayl Newcastle - Basebail sca- This year, as atideti enjoy- i Mn. andi Mrs. C. P. Swallow Snodn Iiigo'onter son has begun, wIth the New- ment, the Newcastle Ladies: were Sunday supper guests Of' 40th wctiting anniversary. castle Tykes playing their Bail [1Teamn came out for a' Mr. anti Mrs. Russel Ormis-! first gaine at home an Thurs- game against the Lions Club,! ton, Enniskiilen. 1Mn. and Mns. W. H. Brown i anti Master Davidi Brown day evening against Orono Some hamming up was tione1 On Tuesday evening last, spent thc wfekend with their Tykes. The coaches are Doug by a few of the Lions mem - Mr. andi Mrs. Reg Coombs; agtnadhsad n 1Rowe anti Alex Martin. Thev bers who cameotdesen! dduher Ms. Don ui, nd r.arny ees, Kapus-. Invite ail the parents anti cut off jeans with winter boots, Oshawa, were calions on Mr. adsin. BryBekKp other Interesteti basebail fans or bow ties as widc across ~a iMrsiJ.A. t0 come out and ctiecr on the, teir snouldens, At tne end Line. Sunday, Mn. andi Mrs Mr. Manford Gootimurphy home team. o! the game no one was any Howard Davis, Whitby, were anti Mr. Len Gaodmurphy Cp]. anti Mrs. Ron Hockin ithe wiser as to the score butaer.Ms ac Brnsptth wekdvstig anCahsted wieth Anadeeroe hterpae Miss Rose Marie Metcalf, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Caty vsitd wthMns. Hock- fan. en.joyed the game from! Oshawa, spent the weekend Albert Goodmurphy, at Thes- ins oheMr.RoeOs- stantot finish. Foilowing this,'sln borne* anti other members o! the fine truck entereti the park inrNw YokCt.sln the famiiy anti frientis tuning to be on duty in case of any Mr an d Mrs. Ron Brooksý Mr. Tom Van Camp. Guelph the long wcekend. Thcy have 'accident with the fireworks. anti famiiy were Suntiay ai- O.A.'C. spen thei weekend naw returneti to Ottawa. The men on tiuty iooked extra ternoon visitors with her par- with his parents, Mr. anti Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whitney hantisome in their navy biue. ents, Mr. anti Mrs. Gordion Mr_ Sam Van Camp and sis- anti îamîly enjoyeti a weckenti uniformns anti white caps'. They Rodiran, Little Bitain. ifers, Mary, Susan. Lori anti camping trip In thc Peterbor- reponteti oniy one minor acci- r M. anti Mrs. Don Brooks ýisa Van Camp, Base Line. ough district, dent W hen a youngsteý got anti !amily spent the weekenti Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Wight Mr. anti Mrs. William Mc- burnt fromn a fine cnacker cx- i with her parents. Mr. anti anti !amily and Misa Ruth Lean visiteti with relatives in ploding In his hanti. O.P.P. Mrs. Alex Tanner, Stirling,! Flintoff sPent Sunday with Welland during the holiday. officers werc aiso on duty as- anti also hati Sunday supper' Mrs. Wrlght's sister, Mn. anti Birthday greetings are cx-isistir.g with the traffic lcav- with hen sister, Mr. anti Mrs. Mrs. Keitfh Bickle anti family, tendedti t Mrs. Daviti Gray, ling the park. It was an even-1a hi otg tLsad Mrs. Bey Jaynes, Mr. Pcrcy Jing of sky filleti colors which r Elwoati Batemnan, Stirling. t theiMr.ctteatdcs Artur Tamblyn, Miss Manjonie Ciem-1 hati 3oungsters anti adults in' Cubs will bc holding Ath- Martin, Martin R., King St. ence, Mn. Harvey Bitton anti awe. l etic Day on May 25th et W., Bowmanville. Mr. idny Frgusn. achBudai Park. On the wcekenti Mn. idn y Frgusn. acho! May 3lst they wiil be at Mr. anti M n.. Cedrie Rus- clebrated hi. or her blrthday AD 'I '~T mmePoica ak d anti family spent the last wek. LL E UflVLa wcckenti at Beaver Park, FirencAlFarguson atndeti he aStCongratulations ta Mn. anti Omemce. Floene Frgsonatendd heU.C.W. meeting a Mrs. Garth Davis, nee Betty~ * the District Annual Conven- helti last Thfursday evcnnmg in Mutton, Base Line, on theiri tion o! the Womcn's Institute cC.EHalPeienWn marriage last Saturday. I at Biackstock on Wetinestiay.unMn..and Mrsl. Howarti Cry- î s ayBwe !Mn-Brown opencd fthe meeting' rfndis Hwr Cy A YDON MisMrhoiien ofwMth-hr 'th a poem "Just Builti a derman attentiet the Davis- 'TlTther. Mrs. Alma Bowcn. Better You." The rug for the Mtn iding U stdSaturda MHug.eanti s. ndGrdona, Mn. Richard Saunders spent nursery roam has been In- Bow Trnviy Uitet Chc nrHughs, LMs. anti rdonil the wcckenti with hi. parents stalleti anti atits to the coin-Bwanie.ronMlsM.atiMs. i- at Belleville. fort of the roomn. Mrs. Joan Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar- ton Tamblyn, Orono, Mrs. J. Miss Irene Rich. Mn.. Lloyd Russell anti Mrs. Marion Flin- tin wcre at Burleigh Flls, Aikeniheati, Scarborough, and Alîtireati. Mrs. Florence Fergu- ta!! arc in charge o! getting Peterboroughi, last Sunday. Bt stnwr ekn son, Mrs. Marie Gartshorc, one or two delegates to attend Mr.W. Wit, isget oMnati n.Lly Mn. anti Mr. Alex Hcndny the conference in Belleville. Dcbby anti Master Bnian Ashton, Ronald anti Ray. enti Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Crago A report on Missionary and Wright, Lontion, wcne Wcd.. Mn. D. K. Thompsan, Mn. enjoyeti a motor trip to Ot- Maintenance ticaling with Ja- ncsday lest wcck visitons with anti Mrs. E. R. Thompsori andi tawa. Somne visiteti with fu- pan was given by Mn.. H. R. he brother and wife, Mn. anti Cynthia, Bowmàanville, caljeti turc fam.tly members whiie Foley. It was decided to plant... on their mother, Mn.. A. vthers enjoyeti the tuiips anti flowers in front o! thc chunoh, hmsn points of Interest. with Mrs. H. J. Brooks look-! Kutn erford's Topo. L~ stn Miss Olive Thonne has re- ing afier this. The worship' PetcrboTough, calleti on Mr. tund home !oflowing a service theme was "Prayer E. Brd anti Mn.. Arthur Rendi on xnonth's vacation with heriAredigocu"naes rBride___ _____ Tuesday. niece In Fionida. wasgiyn blMr.1CMns. J. Aikenheati, Scar- onxfthbe n oCt meeting Greenham. by rtre. rssiSpectacu la r 1borough, spnt the wekend ents o! Cubs arc asked to pay atiMrs. Wm. Lainrd whichî Sevenal from H'aydon at- particulan attention ta the fol- e parsoprevan, 3 New 3-Room Groups tendeti Tyrone Centennial lowing bit af ncws. The Ath- wn ryr !preennc Individual Room Groupi Suntiay Schocl Annivensary ]ctic Day. bcing helti on the humiiity anti com'mitmnent.j groundis of the Maple Grave The prognam wes led by Mn,. May Be Purchased Service. Several framn Hay- Saccen Fielti, takes place on R. McColl who presented two! Separately. don also attended the Ennis- Saturday, May 25th et one film stnips on Japan. The PENTHOUSE - Stunning killen Suntiay School Anni- p.m. Cubs from lst Newcastle meeting closeti with the Miz-ý New 3-BRoom Ensemble versary service, and supper 'A" anti "B" Packs attentiing pali Benediction. Lunch anti eonsistlng of 4 Scater Ches- 011 MOnday. rnust be et the Community a social vîsit were enjoyeti. terfieldi and Chair wlth Mrs. Thompson attenieti the Hal by1130 .m inful ui- Amog he eltivs ! Rv.Mouided Backs, Walnut j funrl o! a relative in Ton- Hal by11:0 am. n fll ni- Amag te rlatvesof ev.TrIm In youn cholce of 8 onto on Wednesd.ay. form anti a jacket If the wea- Etiwanti White. B.A., B.D., who colors, 60" Coffee Table In~ Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham then lis cool, If the weather atteintiec the ordination sen-Saistle athn alleti nn. Mr r. Les turns wa;rm, stweanterqrscn begaithýfv castie Packs. Tim Biaker o!! Scarborough, Mn. anti ew stme. l 1~t~ Alten a short ilimess,h, lst "A" beat out ail other cars i Ccdric Russell, gotipanents. BRack Chairs. 19 Plece ':dcath o! John R. Rowe, ageti ln speeti, taking irst place. 1tiheir family, Miss Gail Mc-! Quaîîty Group Coînplete 178. occurreti on Saturday, his brother Gordie of l.t "B"IDonald. Maple Grove.$590MyIlt,16,tteOsaa camne ln fourth, Tom Couch ofMr H.G.Frayma 11 -thon udet68,Gne al Hhe Oihaw. 1.t "A" turneti arounti n M ..Femati j at Byo uttGee optl beat out ail othen cars ln d-CGnflfence nt Kingston last j A son o! the late John anti sign, bringing home the !tnst1 week. Mn,. F'eemnan and rs. LARIDGE - Here's WhatMayRwh sbon&i place trophy, adding to thisIL. C. Snowtien visîtedtithe lat-I You Get ! 19 PiÎee Bud-get liveti in Danington Town- pnie nt gor fr ewasieter', daughter, Mis. Otis Prit- Goi.2PecDvnpr ship ail bis life anti tarmeti Je!! Lowry came sixth ln chanti anti husband anti twol anti Chair ln your choice ao fl h iiiya ehs speeti anti Kenny De Jong sons, Peter anti Paul, Mano- j fabries anti colors, CotYe at ae.Frteps a fitth In design which enablesitîck. Mn. John Pritchanti Table. 2 Step Tables, 2 ycars he had resideti in Osh. theni to enter against Oshawa. spent Uic long weekend with1 Table Lamps, Modern Wal- ýawa during the w In te r Trenton and Whitby along his parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Otisi mut Double Dresser, Che&t, 1 mon~ths. with West Durham on Sun- Pritchardi anti brother. Peterl Bookmae Bcd, Smooth Top j He leavez tb mourn hi. lona day, May 26th in Oshawa. Ail anti Paul, Manotick.; Sprlng Mattress, Rlbbon jtwo sistens, Agatha anti Greta entries are ta be .1 gned ln Sypthyo tiscm Steel Sprlng, 2 Dresser ,Rcwe of saa at w betwen te hori o t o P..îm nityisi Lamps. Smart New S. j neces, Mn.. Norman Black of anti four p.m. Gooti iuck t o mntyi xtentied ta Mn., Metal Dînette - Cholce of !Bowmanville anti Mrs. Doug- each o! you. Thanks to Paul- and Mn.. Art.hur Gibson. Base! r'eoeo hoe lsYugo saa Ine'. Spedtalty Shoppe for tis.- Line, Mn. anti Mns..W. H.! fleonzetoe 1or Chromde, ls Youn o! Oserawea. playing trophies. Brown in the loss o! thir! onlte1 c Bde he funra erie a Once again residents of cousin, Mn. Austin White..Gra 54.0 elti rom ael, orranis Fu n Newcastle enjoyeti enother of Newcastle. They attend tie!c - Bud on Budget i Tuesday, May l4th. The Rev. the annual Fireworks displays tuneral on Tuestiay, Also Mn! DLD orhy fTroecici ýîýonore ý y ý Ljýnslub.anti fMiin. tow edlosye ota Charge Accounts Unitedi Chuncti conducteti the anecent n heloonf Immediate Delivery or service. Interrnent was in Ree to cousin, Mn.. Ruby Sumer-1 Lay Away - Opien a nurs. ' family plot, Bethesda Dr. and Mns. L. S. Mikios ville. Oshawa, andi aiso, Mn.j adFidyTl .m eee wSllb. at home ta fs-tends on Ai Ian Snowden in thc lass. ofj maFridaaTIII 9p.m, Roetent Satrtay My 5,trm 3-5 ber brothcn-in-law, Mn. Reg.j RUTHERFORD Collacatt, John Benschop anti anti 7-9 p.rn, on the accu- Reveil. Sydenham.1 FURNIT URE LTD., Donald Richards of Salem, &Ion of thein Twenty-Fith' Mr, anti Mrs. Reg. Taylor, 156 Simea. St. South, William Dareh o! Enniskilien,I Wvedding Anniversary. Best JMr. and Mn.. Ron Taylor, j OSHAWA I William McFeeters anti Dougj-~ wIa n oa3iý 80-Z O8h&wa, *kcconPaDied Mm 1 ______________Ilu Yug t j wa Then and Now Coa I 'Discovery in Bowmanvie by W. FORD LINDSAY, Oshawa Times Staff The construction by St. Mary's Cernent Company of a plant at Bow- manville to process a deposit of lime- stone into cernent is flot the first time underground wealth haà enthused resi- dents of that area. In the spring of 1858 the discovery of coal within the limits of the town was reported. Excitement prevailed for three months before the bubble burst. The Oshawa Vindicator's Bowman- ville correspondent reported in May of 1858 that a coal seam had been discov- ered. The story said that the previous year a farmer had employed an emi- grant from the British Isies who had worked in the coal mines of England The man was not long an the job before, it was rcponted, he spotted a distinctive taste in the well water. He called the attention of the land owner and told him he had no doubt the pec- uliar taste came from coal as the came situation had been noted by himn in his homelanti. He maintained that if a proper seanch were made, coal would be found. While at first the land owner paid no attention, as geologists had reported there were no coal deposits in Canada, he finally yielded anti despîte the sncers, ,jeens anti wisecracks of neigh- bons the twa men began to dig an exca- vation. When the hole reacheti a depth of 60 feet there was an explosion, at the bottom of the shaft, which was accom- panied by a rumnbling noise like distant thunder immediately afterwand an im- mnense volumne of smoke and gas. asccnd- ed the shaft. When the gas was lighted with a candie it bw'st into flame and blazed te a height of 10 to 15 feet above the ground. The two men were then reported te have encountered a ledge of rock. To get through it te the coal seamn they secured boring equipment and proceed- ed to a depth of more than 100 feet. Samples of coal were -distributed to friends and neighbors who reported the ash resulting from its burning was similar to the best quality imported coal available. A public meeting was held in the Bowmranvillp Town Hall which drew an enthusiastjc gathering of more than 700 people. At this meeting it was dec- ided to send a delegation to sec the governor-general and the executive council in an effort to secure money to At about this time great excitenment broke out when it becamne evident the mine was a hoax. The situation was exaggerated by the confession by the owncr of the land that he hati been a party to the deception. It was learneti that after the first alleged discovery a brother of the landi owner had entereti into partnership with him; but it was only after proper testing equipment was made anti taken to the site that the deception was un- covereti. The emigrant far-n hand was re- ported ta have ]eft the dîgging area and could not be induceti to neturn. H4e confesseti, however, he had secureti pieces of coal from a coal yard andi Thus was the Bowmanville coal mine explodeti.... 4EATURE PR UC El FEATURE PRICE pkg of 2 rols 29< Prie* jar 73o - SAVE 4o 28-oz jar 6 9c BAVE 1&. 10- i f .1 9c< -1 Detergent - - Daterent eu. Prie. bti 9»0 -SAVE 10. SAIL LIQUID Il64-A-ex plastic bdI 89C Ski., Wilic lPewdered ROC. Prie* box $1.19 - BAVE »*. 1 The Canadian Stateam, Eowmnanvllle, May 22, 1968 1 J, jOBITUÀRY SCOrr A. STAINTON Scott Andrew Stainton, P. of R.R. 1. Hampton, died May 10th, 1968, at the Hospital for Sick Chidren, Toronto. Scott, who was lom iin Oshawa General Hospital, was the son of Keil2h and Muriel lowed by interment at Z1o~ Stainton. He is survived by United Church Cemetery. a twin sister, Susan, and bréa7 ther Clarke, and his grnf parents, Mrs. Amy Moore 9L Oshawa, and Mr. and Mria ]Russell Stainton of Zion. The funeral service was a the McIntosh - Anderson Futi - eral Home, Oshawa, on Mon: day, May 13. at 2 p.m., fL. To inreathe uoep of your buuneg, you inay need :Bnacing. Many buainesses do. This la where 1DB cames in. Perhaps an IDB boan can help yau expand or modennize your faciities. Let's discuss it. Ask for a cpy of aur bookiet, "A Source of Financins J lor Canadian Business". IWINDUS TRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 11ERM FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES Aeu eehoe 6-15' 4 1 ale-ried - (à Verietion) 'Reg. Price 2 tins Sie - SAVE 130 ANN PAGE BEANS 419*f- ins 8 9c A&P INST ANT MILK 3rbba12. A'&P FANCY QUALITYCRN A&P I YVEGETABLES ilo AêP PEAS & CARROTS ozi REATURE PRRE Mix OR BACS f MATCH J POLY y 7 SALE* 9 rWHAT THINK OFA SUPERM MARKETS' OWN BRANDS? 'Y" know t*" coo.t eesbut Y«. doet f th r ood m th noena fl o uagbrande? W.N we «W epek for un see" ai heaude but w.e 0» tiSy.. Elm e anae. te thm m oe e éeoeitanl M bout bramwe 'Y.., *mg% '604 ....UoA> oad P-o eit, yff. av Ml 'fght A&>Pv.,.,, ecetables. ThWyre peepoeed eoIy from Poneyv Grade Vetable%, the. bet *... you aeu NOSbeftt,. Quelity Ma t h.. I. typ" of d veey produof that boa"re i.Ad> seL You ses, A&P Brandi P,'duot have evtything the. nationatly femege brands avae exoept the highe,- pela.. Bina. the. Ad> Brandes a,,b. bought only at Ad>, houidn't Ad> b. your ekoree Sof-Rit. (Wht. or Coloured) TOILET TISSUE Kraft Reg.F PEANUT BUTTER A&P Brand (Proprio"d) INSTANT COFFEE PORK TENDERLOIi WHOLE LEGS OR WHOLE BREASTS' CH ICKEN PORK SPARE RIBS 'b59ý OMIRS, VAC PAC, SWEET PICKLED MARE LE», TRAY PAK, PR' COTTAGE ROLLSFi5 9 PORK SAUSAGE 'b5 9i lb JANE PARKER PEACH PIE R.g. Pria. **eh 49o FULL24o SAVE 10* JaeParker ..P,...i3e- AV 2. Spni!h Bar Cke *rW z c ak Cp Catifornia, Fresh, Gween, Large Original Bunch BROCCOLI NO. 1 Grade Bundi L Y1 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, MAY 25Mh, 1968 FROZEN CUIS FR ESH MMMRM-Mmmmý Ciloi« Qual;ty A&P TOMATOES FEATURE PRICEI 1 lb490