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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1968, p. 2

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2 The Canadin Stateanian, Bowmanvtlle, May 22, 1968 o n ü Clarke Students Provide Entertainment . C onci ApROv EsE Thunn ç lm Grnnrc-lc PROMPG: Rotary Fîreworks Dîsplay s) The Bowmanviile Rotary Club's annuel Fireworks Dis- play ln the High Schooi Grounds on Monday evenlng provided a wonderful show for thousands o! mea, women and chldren from the munici- pallty and surrounding aea. Dr. G. Edwin Man, a past president, who la Chairman a! the Special Events Commlttee, and Co-Chairnian Hubert M. Hlooper, were ln charge o! ar- rangements for the entertein- Ing event. They were assisted Hampton Hi-C Marchers Raise Mission Money Approxixnatcly $370 was raiscd Monday when Uic Hi-C Group o! Hampton Ulnited Church sporisored a "March for Missions". The 50 marchera took Uiree bOurs to caver thc 10 miles over a route fnom Hampton to Zion and Saline. The mnoney raised will go to the Missionany and Main- tenance F undc, "Operation Beaver" of the United Church o! Canada, and as a gift to Maurice Bradley, a native of the Hampton ares, who with bis farnily is serving as a mis- sioaary in Zanihia. A feature o! thie "march" was that four genenations o! one faniily teck part. They werc: A. H. Clemeos; bis son, Laverne; hie grand- son, Ronald, aond hie great- gIrandson, Breat. The latter, four years c! age, walked al 'by Dinectar-Chainman Mcmriii Brown and the other members a! this commltfee: Mn. Cooke, Jlm Elick, Jack Lynn, N. Mce- Lean, Dr. W. M. Rudeil, Bob Stevens.,ac! Garnet Rlckard. The lest three mentloned are aiso peet presideats o! the club. AUl the 1lo c alRotanians worked banc! ta ensure Its succees. Eech bac! a speclal duty asslgoed. These iacludec!: Entertainment, Mn. Cooke. P.A., A. O. Dairymple; Elec- tician. D. Higgan; Handicap- ped Pensons, Parkingand Tick- ets. Dr. Mena; Fence anc! Re- staration, Co-Chirman Hoop- er and Mn. Rlckard; Barricad- es, Mr. Lyna, Goodyear Road, George Vice, a peet president, Mn. Mana. Groupe elso bac! the foliowing duties: Booth. Ticket Sellers anc! Gate Atten- dants: Barricades aoc! Fence Patrols. Presideot AI Witherspoon, who le elso Principal of Clarke Hi1gh School, must have been proud of the flac gymnastic exhibition by Clarke students. An impressive sertes o! athie- tic feats by a Boys Team, ad elso the act by a Girls Gnoup, performed with ballet lîke precision, werce wardcd greet applause.fleok tarted as soon as cnough darness feUl. The Rotalans hec! many surprises la tlbs bruitant show o! pyrotechnics making it even more manvel- oua than thc outstandingly successful ones arrenged by their club la prevlaus years. Gaspa o! estonished admira- tion fnom the huge crowd were plainiy audible wben perticu- laly spectecular star types, or cornet like exhîbits, arched across the sky, and! turned Into variaus gorgeoualy designed patterns o! colora. Thiene wene many amazing alghts. Some scemed dezzllngý- ly unique. There were also emong the numerous others the letest kiods for 1968 from leading menufectun e r a. O! course tried and truc oic! fav-. orites wene not neglected. la addition ta the gloniaus "high- bursting" flneworks this year'a gnound dispiay was magnifi-j cent. This was Uic best of its1 klnd seen la the anea ta date.1 The calmre show couic! rivalq othena pnesented ln metropoli- tan centres, even those costly1 one featured la national celc-i brations la other countnies. Rotenians devoted the en- tire holiday weekend ta pre- parations for this great an- nual event. Their rewerd was the obviaus deight of the huge crawd. and! the kaowledge1 that thnough their combiaed efforts exceptional picasure wvas afforded ta so a ny people by e show, which couIc! only have been presented thnougb thc dedication o! wonkers la one organîzation. Co Colorful Decorations b Teabr' Feature Forsythia ean Given by Trinity UCW q but a quarter of a mile of the Lovely flowers artisttcally route. arranged provided the setting for the annual Forsythia Tea held by Trinity United Church OBITUARYWomen ln the spaciaus Sun- OBITUARYday School Rooms recently. Mrs. Ken Sumersford, the pre- MRS. ALBERT E. WEST sîdent. Mrs. George K. Ward, The death occurred April the honorary president, and llth of Mrs. Albert E. West at Mrs. Michael Puk, the lst the Bowmanvifle Memorial vice-president, received. P ospital. The deceased was in The successful Sale of Home ner 6lst year. Baking was convened by Mrs.1 The former Edna Christina Keith Siemon and Mrs. Mor- bean was the daughter of the land Anderson. Two excellent late Rowena and Edward pianists, Mrs. Ross Halloweil ]Dean. and Mrs. Jack Dunn. provided She tg survived by her hus- music throughout the after- band. Albert E. West, five sons, floof Junior, Dean, Raye, Keith and Mrs. Jesse Van Nest, Mrs. ]Ronnie and a daughter, Donna Bruce Heavysege and Mrs. (Mirs. R. Forrester). ail of John M. James were respon- Orono. sible for the beautiful decora- Also surviving are two bro- tions, Mrs. Ralph Campbell t.hers, Harold and Hesper Dean, was the advertislngconvenor. Orono, and 18 grandchildren. Mrs. C. L. McFeeters, Mrs. The funeral service was held Allan B. Sylvester, Mrs. Le- et the Barlow Funeral Home, roy Short. Mrs. A. W. Harris Orono, at 1:30 p.m. on Satur- and Mrs. John Hately were ln day, April l3th. Interment was charge of the baby sitting ser- I the Orono Cemetery. The vice provided for mothers at- service was conducted by the tending the event. BRey. Basil Long of the Orono Mrs. D. R. Alldread was the United Church. Tea Roomn convenor. Mrs. AI- The pallbearers were: Mes- vin H. Davis and Miss Mar- srs. Dave Roughley, Ken Neal, garet Allan were ln charge of H. M. Mercer, Ross Dean, Dane tea tickets. The hostesses were Found, andCharlesArmstrong. Mrs. E. R. Thompson and Mrs. DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES PARTNERS: GORDON W. REHEL, C.A., R.I.A. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728 -7527 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA Douglas Wight. The senving table wes c!- fectively centned with daffo- dils aoc! floating lighta lnaa lange crystal brandy soif 1er fianked by two emeilen one each contalning a simiier an- rangement. Ail the tee tables bac! ceatrepleces o! daffodils and greeneny. Three huge letters, U.C.W. dominated the stage., The centre lelter was daffodil yel- iow on a white table with e wondenfully effective massed arrangement of dozeas o! Eaz- ter hules covering the base. On cther ide ech o! the large iight green lettens stoad on a email white wheelban- row whlch aiea heid an at- Inactive crescent fonmed o! spring flowcns. At both coda o! the stage white standards held magalficent bouquets o! tll sprays o! forsýthia and a profusion o! rose jeponica anc! yellow and white chrysanthe- muma. Several deighlful arrange- ments a! sprng flowers wene also placed la the corners o! the lange noam. At the en- trance lwo large bouquets of forsythia aoc! multi-coloned tulipe adorned the stalrway. Mrs. Charles Wight. Mns. Eari Osborne, Mrs. R. R. Nich- oison anc! Mrs. A. W. Harding presided aven the teacupe. Those who assisted la serving were Mrs. Norman Smith, ÉMrs. James Merlin, Mrs. Jack Bnough, Mns. Cecii Alldneed, Mrs. Lenay Short, Mre. Ever- cIl Wood, Mrs. Walter Rey- nolds, Mns. R. Kramp, Mrs. Douglas Rackham. Mrs. D. R. Alldred and Mrs. M. J. Hut- chinson. Assisllng ln the kitchen wene Mrs. R. Hutchinson, Mns. W. J. Malley, Mns. Calvin Cre- go, Mrs. Chare A. Johns, Mre. Rowland Coombes, Mrs. D. R. Alldread, Mrs. E. W. Bradley and Mra. Arnold Lobb. 'dei Ok est Look What Scotty's tt ering g. OSHAWA 0 King St. W. 723-5241 BOWMANVILLIE 219'King St. E. 623-2534 -I Car Derby Winners lElect Connie Wi seman President Kinettes Hear Details of .i ý High School Board Ado pts New Schedule of Salaries Effective in Dist. Schools Dur b a mn County District High Schooi Board et Its meet- ing la Millbnook High Scooal lest Wed. evealag., aciopted the 1968-69 Saiany Scbec!ule for Secondary School Teechers as recommended by the Teacher- Board Relations Commlttee. The following changes ta the, salary achedule wil ho effect- Ive on September îst. Cate- gary 1 minimum $6.400 (1967- $6,200), maximum $10,500, ('67 -$10,000); Category 2 mini- mum $6.700 ('67-$6,500). max- lmum $11.000 ('67-$10.500); Cetegory 3 minimum $7.500 ('67-$7,100). maximum $12.400 ('67 - $11,600); Catcgony 4 minimum $8,000 ('67-$7,500). maximum $13,300 (167-$12.- 500). Annual Increment-$400 for quatifled, $300 for unquallfied. The- aceeerated Increment for the 5th, M i ac! 7th years of tcaching la wlthdrewn. The previous Increment was $300 except ln the SIli, CM and '11h Principala: Category 4 nini- muni plus experlence, plus $.5,plum $150 »ch ifer the fIntlo1 teachers and $75 for remaider ta £1mAitof 40 teachers for the scbooi. No one year's Increment. s teach- principal la ta be hlred et becs er wlth expenience accumu- than the maximum o! Cate- lated to reach the ncw maxi- gary 4 plus twa Increments mum be brought ta ItL for Principals, $14,300. The board wtb pay 50 per Pnincipals. maximum Cale- cent o! the prembums for the gory 4 plus $200 plus $300 for PSI Blue Plan. New teachers cach o! the final 10 teachens employed for Septemnber lat, and! $100 each for the remein- who were eagaged in a sprng dem ta a limit o! 40 teechers terin training programn at the for the school, $19.500. Iadre- school where they would be ment $500 anouaiiy ta the einpioyed, wIl ho re-imbursed maximum. at the rate of $10 per day up Vice-Principals: Calegory 4 ta a maximum o! five days. minimum plus experlence. plus The Teacher - Board Rela- $1,325, plus $75 each for thc tions Commtittee la studying first 10 teachers and $25 eecb wordlngs regardlng the pro- for the remainder ta a UÏm.t posed changea for canlier ad- o! 46 teachers for the schooi. ceptance of categonies 3 and No Vice-Principal ta te be 4 and aiso the portabWlty o! hired et lesa than the maxi- teachers. A report wil be mum a! Categony 4. plus two made ta the board la Ibis Increments for Vice-Princi- coanection et a later date. pals, $14.300. Vice-Prncdpals:- "The committee la concera- maximum Category 4 plus cd wlth Uic quality o! teach- $200. plus $150 eca for Uic ing la Durham County, and final 10 teachers aond $50 each remInda the board o! Ils power for the remeinder to a limit a! ta wIthoid Increme o t s. It 40 for the school, $10,500. strongly recommends that the Increment $500. anmcally to board exercs this power toi maximum, previoualY this was ensure that satisfactory teach- $400. Ing be a pre-requlsite ta the The new schedule aise bas recelpt o! the annuel tacre- a provision that where Uic ment allowance.'M the report maximum Increasmore than concludcd. 1968 MUSTANG 2-Dr. Hardtop. Acapulco Blue, .~ *.~*...Floor-mounted shift. Lie. L2176. Sugt. List Price $3,122.50 $2p689-10 1968 FALCON S-Dr. Sedan. Wmbledon Wlte, Select shift, Crulac-O-Matlo transmission. Lie. 35691N. Sugg. Làt Pire $2.948-20 $2p5 88.80 1968 FORD ½/TON Styleslde F-100 Plckup, 131" wheel baue, IMP HolIy Green. 3-speed transmission, telescopic mfrror, heavy duty springs. Lic. 39392&. $1,29 5.00 VST OUR LOT TODAY OVER 150 VEHICLES IN STOCK MacDONALD FORD SALES -2 LOCATIONS - ike over the capital amount )f $11,597.55 for street Uight- ng, this to be repaid over 10 jars with interest charged at x per cent, was discussed. Clerk-Contralier Robert L. yron said that he recommend- .d the town take advantage )f this plan. "In past years oundll's practice was to, dec- de the location of street llght- ig. the cost being borne by he PUC and repaid by the own each year at current bar- ,wing rates, plus a charge for tministration. It would be in ie interest of the town ta take wer this matter because It 'ould then be on a pay as ru go basis," he explained. Reeve Oke, seconded by . . . . . .. . ouncilior Coombes, moved iat counil approve take over is proposed ta be effective in. lst, 1968. This was car- led. Councillor Fry, seconded by ýouncillor Keith Shackelton, .oved that Fire Chief Tom ,yle's report for 1967, which ïd just been rcceivcd by >uncii, be adopted. Councilior Dykstra stated hat he would like to have rre specific information than Wneso ecsl ieodDryrcnl as contained in the report. Wneso ecsl ieodDryrcnl 'I would like ta know how held at Newcastle Community Hall, fromn lst "A" nany meetings and practices Pack, left to right, back row, Wade Shields, Donald eere held by the firemea In Wilks, Danny Hopkins and Tim Blaker, front row 967.'" he told council. He a150 Danny Shields, Danny Quinney, Tommy Couch and equested that further details ýobtaiaed regarding each Jeff Lowry. Iremaa with a record of ab- nteeism. .UHoS Fair Ladies") from "The Mar- Councillor Fry, Chairman ot niage of Figaro" by Mozart, e Protection to Pensons and and "Tonight" from "West 1opçrty Committee said that ~ Side Story" by Bernstein. ewas not In a position ta an- Conlcert Another promîsing young wer these questions. "CouIc! musician, David Shartt, was !unctilon Dykstra make a (FROM PAGE ONE) the piano soloist with the iotion that thîs information selections. The first was "Or- BUHS. Concert Band for e obtained. 1 arn prepaned to lando Palandrino"' from "De "Canadian Rhapsody" from ring back a report," he said. Robentus" by Haydn. This the "Laur' in"b or Couemncilr Dytte motien was followed by "Trumpet Stone, and the theme from 3 amdment the motionefs 96 Holiday" composed by Harold "The Apartment", by Charles aot the Ineormhifns 196 Waiters, and Rick Deweil was Williams. ucsted by him on this subjectth trumpet soloist. The last Flautîst Patricia Duchesne's e obtained. This was canried. numbeT in this group was the interpretation of the "Adagio is was seconded by Deputy-. first pnize winner at the 1967 and Allegro" from. "Sonata ýeve E. J. Rundie. Canadian Armed Farces Tat- Three" by Handel, was ex- Deputy-Reeve Rundle askeèd too, "The Century of Pro- pressive. The B.H.S. Con- 1h FieCifol umts gress March". cent Band's playing of twa report once a year. "Such a The large audience found selections, 1. Osterling's "'To- eport is mandatory once a the solo by John McGuirk, a tem Pale Concert March", and ear but you can receive re- talented pianist, exceedingly 2. "The Chelsea Suite" by orts aftener if you wish," enjayable. He played Rach- Ronaci Thielxnann, was im- layor Hobbs said. maninoff's "Prelude In C pressive. The latter was play- Councillar Fry told couniici Sharp Minor." The playing Of ed la three parts, (a) "Intra- lat at the last meeting of the Paul Wh*ear's "Czech Suite", da", (b) "Canzone", and (c) otection ta Persans and by the B.H.S. Concert Band! "Allegro". - operty Committee a resolu- was aiso mtemorable. The B.H.S. Concert Banc!: on was passed that the Clerk- Patricia Duclhesne was the Flutes, Debbie Steverns, Donna ontnoiler, Mr. Fry, and the guest flute saloist for the King; Clarinets, Beverly An- re Chief meet for a discus- "Allegrto" b enai derson, Barbara Cr om b ie, bn on Fire Department policy Gr.tto" by Benjamm Sharn an elnAey .d Its ruies and negulations. Gdr.Sh ioreevd eneCaringe, HelnAviryh, "Some of these questions rnuch applause for ber play-WeyBrds, aiyFth ,i11 be answened when our re- ing of "Air a L'Italien" by Sue Mann, Hermine Kerekes, rt la bnought ta the next- Telemann. J o h n Cacaves' Joaune Therteil, Judy Hogg, ietIng of council. There willi "Rhapsodia Essay" was ex- Gail Mlison; Bason, Mary obably be some changes. I pressively played by the Ann Doyle; Alto Saxaphone, ran conci toagre tnigt BH.S Cocer Bad.Debbie Sol, Darrel Hunt; intcoucilta gne toigt BH.S Cocer Bad.Tenon Saxaphone, Maureen accept the resuits of the DYiane Hoar's lovely soprano Wood, French Horn, Bill Pet- leting to be heid by the voice was heard rin two solos, ers iRona Wilson; Trumpets, iree of us, which will be in "Vol Che Sapete" ("Tell Me Rlài Dewell, Carl Hayman, r report," Councilior Fry Bob Cuthbertson, Bruce Wal- ýted. ho hiddea money," he assert- ters; Baritones. Murray Twist, "iYou mean that you are ed. TdHvy rmoeRc sking council ta approve a~ Mayor Habbs told Mr. Has- TDdaperveyroes, Rick >pr ihu sen t nkm ta isriewas Dapr$Jry9ore,,e pc or itht meting on thths as $9,Rowe, Dave Draper; Tuba, rt bfor th metin onand passibiy Mr. Hoskia had Rachelie Hunt, Daniel Meihn; ,ich It Is ta be based is cven not taken into account his de- Pruso.Bry Virtue ld? Maor obb ased. ductions for PSI, Ontaia Rosemary Merkley, L a r r y "'Ail I arn saying is that this Hospital Insurance, and the Shortt. iformation will came out Ia Pension Plan. Junior Band: Flutes, Donna avensation at the meeting," Clerk-Controller Byron ask- Kin&> Cindy Craig, Rosemany ounesaid y ant coun cilt cd permission ta get the pay- Koy, Debbie Walkcr; Bas- cre sappro atnit of lte roll calculation papers from 'oo Barbara Williams; Clar- par t b sbmite a te his office, and this was agrecd încts. Mary Parker, Mariene une meeting of Council," the uptahse godide ta help clea Gibson, Cindy Aync, Sharon (yor polnted out. temsnctadg01 Sturrock, James Robinson, "lWell, the repart wlll have the part of Mr. Hoskia. Janice Elliott, Donna Mikoic, )be adopted by Council"' Mr. Byron then stated: "ID Kathleen Waolnîk; Alto Clani- ouncilior Coomrbes said. The 1967 Mr. Hoskin's salary was net, Sheila Goodmunphy; Bass rienc!ment was lost when a $4,420, a bi-weekly salany Of CIarinet, Susan Luca, Dennis te was taken, and the anig- $170. la 1968 his bi-wcekly Kanvai; Saxaphones, Larry ai motion was then passed. saiany 15 $181.13, or weekly Shortt, Steve Dunn, Gary Tenders for fuel ail were $90.56. The difference Of Carterm, Terny Russell, Cal- ened. Four wiere received. $11.13 betwecn 1967 and 1968 vin McCulloch; Trumpets, Reg ouacillon Prout, seconded by 1s in the bi-weekly calcula- Bail. Paul Martin, Jan Peter, ouncilior Shackelton, moved tion on his annuai salary. Randy Bough, Charles Ste- iat the lowest tender, that of "Mr. Hoskin receives eight yens, Don Sylvester, Paul Sle- tephen Fuels at 14.9 cents a $170 bi-weekly pays plus ne- mn, French Haras, Carol alion, be acceptec!. This was troactive pay of $89.014, and Wight, Wcndy McKiatosh, iried. four bi-weekiy pays of $181.- Linda Bedford; Trombones, There werc also four ten- 13, a total of $724.52, 29 week- Susan Whitehead, Susan Bur- ns for M.C. 2 asphglt. Reeve ly pays of $90.56, a total of gess, Mary Tighe; Banitones, ke, seconded by Councillor $2,626.24, the suh total 's John Dustan, Blake Purdy; rkstra, moved that the low- $4,799.80, and an adjustment Tuba, David Onmistan; Drunms, t, W. A. Ric!er's for 10,000 of 20 cents. Mr. Hoskin's an- Mike Wood, Ralph Bouwmee- li1ons at 26.5 cents per gal- nuai salary is now $4,800,"l sten and Brandon Lander. __ bU_ ccptd Ad+his h lr-otlrsaed.41,_-_-___-4-.3_p Proposed Festival of Arts Connie (Mrs. Alex) Wise- their candidates. Tbe banq»6 man was clected at the dinner hall bac! a gala appearance Form er meeting of the Bowmanville Kinette Club last Wednesday bcueo alos nn t (FROM PAGE ONE) evening heid la the Flying tractive favors, and signe urg- ail that wcekend. One man Dutchman Mator Hatel. Local ing Kinettes ta vote for carn- almost lbat a hub cap and went Kinsman Club President Roy didates. into Don Boe's service sta- Woodward anc! 2nd Vice-Pre- Pnior ta the election Misq tion. The haie was 18 Inches sidient Don Mastersan were In Joan Bennett, multi-talented deep and fuil of water. Thene charge during the elections of and! a prime moyen of plans wcre no wanning signs. offhcehs. The Pat President for the Great PIne Ridge Fes- ,fo th coingyean le Kinette tival of the Arts ta ho held "I undcnstand the town pays VîngInie Feirey. this summen ln Newcastle. a premnium cof $3,200 ta pro- Othens elected were: lat was the guest speaker. Io a tect people who are unfortu- VIce-Presideot Iris Murray, brie! adc!rcss she told the Kin- nate yet the corporation den- 2oc! Vice-Presideot Barbare ettes of the wonderful plans ies ail liabiiity. Whea a pon Chîpmnan, Sccretary Kar en thal. have been completed. and man's car la demeged I thirik Gec!des, Treasuren Rena Fisk. painted out that there will be this type of insunence shouid Registran Manion Slaght, and a serbes of plays betweea Aug- caver his damage. Directors Donna Whyte and ust 9th aond 3ist, and also "I neyer remember eny Jane Therteli. * three cxcitiog non-subscrip- dlaims being paid. This Insur- ForHnrr ebrtinM daNghCncts ance you are paying for neye eFr eHonte or168-mbesThn MonedaNget oets.o helps pensons unfontunete en- weer-ice fa 1986, TePnRdcFstvlo ough ta get into a hale. I just Kinette Helen Duno, the Char- the Arts will be a great tour- want ta bring this ta your ter Presideot, Kinettes Bar- ist attraction she declaned. Tt attntin,"Mn.Fic ascntd.bara Conneil and! Eleenor Lar- will also offer young people In- atntonr.anHobss talc! Mrmer, bath past presidents Of terested lnaecting, dinecting. Maicr tha he was incannectthe club, and Kinette Benyl aoc! back stage wonk, lectures whceo he a dhe w Inorrec-!Hughes. the opportuoity ta gain surance had not paid any During dinner and the early funther knawledgc from ac- dlaims. "A aumben of clims part of the meeting campaign tuai theatrical work, she ex- have been paid. I would nflt managers spoke on behaîf of plaiaed. quote the size o! these off- hand," he stated.i LAST CALL! "Liabiiity lasunance Is car- rîed by the towa for the pro- Bruce Coiweli bas issucd thc lest cali for entnies ta the tection o! the ratepayers. I ani Skateboard Races, ta be beld this Saturday utantiog liabillty le proved la the ad- "l justen's investigation a dlaim at two o'clock. Is paid by the insunance com- The letest time ta enter la bath the boys and girls paay," Mayor Hobbs, polnted out. divisionq le 1 p.m. - one hour prier ta race time on Satur- As the Mayor continued ta day. Regstration mey be made at Mn. Colwell'u home, 14 explain that it would be Meac!owview Bivd. wrong for counicil ta use the ratepayers' moaey ta pay The Kiwanis Club-sponsored competition wiil take place dlaIms on liq own when there1 in the area of MeadowvIew, Hiltop ad Sunnicreat. is no liability, Mr. Fice in-ý ternupteci by shoutlng: "Caun-I cil knows that nobody wili hire iawyers for a $28 dlaim" Councilion Roy Nichais asi- CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST cd Mn. Fîce If aften the acci- dent he bac! looked at the hole' GUARANTEED an the road. "The hale was__________ fixed on Friclay, March 8th. Il broe ot gai onSaurdyINVESTMENT CERTIFICATES aond i was flxed again when; we reported Il on Sunday, night," Mr. Fice declared. N W E R I "Mn. Fîce shouici get a ]et- N W E R I ter from the Works Supenin-' tendent about bis dlaim," Counciliar Nichols said. "Why should this be ocres- sary when a competent pro-1 fessional adjuster bas already'! completed a full Investigation?" 1 Mayor Hobhs asked. "If the' tawn bac! its cmployees dupli-ý cate the work of the adjusteni it wouid be wansc than use-!r less," Hie Worship paintedý out.i "Mn. Fice, you admit that> when you notificd the policei the hale was flxed at once," Mayor Hobbs said. Mn. Fice then asked when the insurance company is liable, aoc! thel Mayor toid hlmn "When liabIlity C(entral Ontario irust is provea." Councillor Leslie Coombes stated that the anus ta prove S iig damages is on the cleimant "Our Insunance would be nuli Corporation anc! void if the town wenc to: pay a dlaim whea there was 12 igW, omnil no negligence provea, aoc! a- 3Kn . omnli precedent would be set," hie,1 me S.NOhw said emphaticaily. 1 ima1S.N. shw Mayor Habbs asked If any-OpnFdzNgt anc cisc had anything further O SRVIEend FrdayNls ta say on the subject. Thene 0 CVC n audy waqn fîrther comment. 1

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