9'The Canadian Statesman, Bownianville, May 22, 1968 E. O ITUA IESWinners of District Finals in Pinewc il- L (RAP) ROBBS held from the Morti Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tii. death cf James Everson Wednesday. April 24th. and (Hap) Hobbs eccurned at was conducted by Rev. G. K. Memorlal Hospital, Bowman- Ward of Trinity Uni ted Ville, On Sunday, April 21st, Church. Interment was In 1968, folewing an iUiness Of Bowmanville Cemetery. A live and a hall yeans. Legion service was held on A son cf the late Richard Tuesday evening. and Louisa (Darch) Hobbs, Pal1beanens all nephews, lie was born in Bowmanvill e e= 'Ewr i -*and received hîs education in Joene Mers. Enada ir, teWn schools. Ho was a l1e- JohnberRl Knapp, ob -.long nesident oft tlis town.ad robet DnapRy Hbb In 1929 at Truro. N.S.. ho n nes ony inarried the former Reita Many beautiful floral tri- Preerman who survives. At butes from relatives, friends -the time off is death, his and organizationa attested ta reaido.nce was at 109 King St. the estoem in whlic the de- ,.Bast. ceased was held. SFor several yoars Mr. Hobbs ,.Wusenxployed by Branch 178. CHARLES B. GRAHAM .-EOYal Canadian Legion, as - steward, and h. retired tive Following à engthy illnus, -and a half years age because the death of Charles H. Gra- cýf ill health. Theo doceased ham occurned at Memorial _was an adherent of Trinity Hospital, Bowmanvilo, on - United Church and was a Tuesday, May 7, 1968. He was - nembon of the Royal Cana- in his 85th year. dlian Legion. For over three Zyears during World War I he Son of the late Mr. and .semved ovorseas with the Mrs. Lewis Graham, he was -Canadian armed forces, dur- born in Cavan Township -Ilng which ho was woundedwheme ho neceived his educa- _resulting in the loas of his' tion On February 23, 1927 .rlght leg. he married the former Tn3'* phena (Hyland) White, who -Sunviving, besides his wife, survives. are two brothens and thmee............ -aisters, George, New Toronto, A esident of R.R. 3, Burke- ,,Elgina, Mns. E. E. Bum- ton, Cartwright Township for -2nell (Kdna), Mrs. E. Bird 41yas. he had aiso livod at '-'(Win) , both cf Bowmanviloe Blackstock. For almost al .and Mrs. N. M. Knapp (Hilda) his life hie was self-cmployed of Oshawa. Ho was prede- as.a fammen and thresher, me- .. ceased by two sistens and two tining nine years ago. He was -brothers, Mns. H. Downey a memlben of the United (Eva), Mrs. Frank Giil (Ma- Church. Last Wednesday at the Lions Centre, Thé Pinewood Derby Councillor lm b>el), Fnederick and Russell. Surviving, besides bis wife, District Finals were held with the winners a% follows: left to right, best designed The funeral service was are five daughters, Mae (Mr". Cub xinners in front of their mechanics; cars with the fastest speed, DeJong, mec Jack Stone), Lindsay, Irene (Mrs. Charles Severs), Osh- lst, Tim Blaker of Tht Newcastle "A", mechanic Pat Blaker; 2nd Leader EmM. awa. Eva (Mns. Bob Ivy), Bnian Hart of Hillcrest and mechanic Lionel Hart; 3rd, Donald Haass anic Leonard Detroit. Mich., Muriel (Mrs. of Hilhcerest Heights with mechanic Walter Haass; 4th, Gordon with Cub Le Gordon Tipp), Little Britain, Blaker of lst Newcastle "B" with Cub Leader Doreen Nesbitt, Velma (Mrs. Leslie Johnston), Cadmus; a son, Rupert (Slim) ~ IG Graham, Bowmanville; three INVESTMENT step-daughters, Vernna, (Mrs.BLA CK STO CK Lloyd Windover), Buckhorn, B KTC Annie (Mrs. Robert Fowler), Oshawa, Elva (Mrs. Gordon The United Church was Livirng Message. Aftemnoon of sandwiches, Gmoups 3 and Hopeson), Leaside; one step- rme udymrigfrts a evdbfr th4tw doncoksec. son, Jim White, R.R. 3, Burke- cmedeudy onngfrtin was sned before he 4 two d ye ooieBail- * ton; 34 grandchildren and 22 the Sunday School Anniver-metncosd wamodbyEinBil grea-grndchldrn. sry.The hoi of pprxi- The May meeting ef the ey, secondod by Connie Swain gret-gandhilne. sry.Thechir t aproi-O.NO. was held at the home that we hold Hobo Teas for Aise surviving are four mately 50 pupils, taned by of Aileen Van Camp witih 22 the coming month. The rol brothers and one sister, Les- Msds. David Kyte, Dalton members and three visitors cail was answered by your lie, Mi11brook. Marvin, Black- Derneli, Richard Van Camp present. The minutes of the favorite necipe made up and stoncOsarce .ofPore-ad avyGrhmwthMsast meeting were nead and brought ta the meeting. Joan ton Clrene o Prt err, ad Hrvy Gaha wih Mssadopted. The members were Paisley auctioned themn off. and Mrs. Edna Bradley of Nancy Doreil at the ongan, reminded of the Hospital Proceedi weme $20.40. The Ycurca rprse~t ~ 1,; ;. Bowmanville. Ho was pro- sang four numbers. Rev. Wil- Bake Sale. Ail food is ta be meeting was turned over te yom -reres t at in deceased by a brother, Henry, liam Patterson, B.A., B.D., ot heft at Francis Flshem's heuWe Aieen who had everyone vcstment . . . oneflC o and a sisten, Mns. Gertrude Garden View United Chumch, The Scool Graduation Dinner counit the diffenent articles in àu$a imtoyrotantWiY01y.Bt Whitby, kept ali the youngem June 19th is to ie convened their purse. A delicious lunch as mprtnt 7t aft A) The funenal service was folk listening keenly and stili by Cathy Cordon, Gmoup 3. was thon served. jiako sUre that y011 bave pro. hohd on Fniday, May lOth, in his message thene was good Joan Paisley reported a Holiday Visitors #8ectionforyourelfinthe event from the Morris Funeral food for thougiht for the older good tumnout at Pont Penny 0f5a damýgC e tisita15fgOut Of Chapel, Bowmanvulie, and ones. Ho spoke on "What it Bhood Donor Clinic and Pastor and Mrs. Alian Hemn 'tiauto accident. Wei bo was conducted by Re. ii means to bu chosen, and Jesus thanked the O.N.O. girls who and baby Juanita of Pont ~es bie ou cmieo Romenil Interment wa i has chosen us ail as His phoned. The Family Dance Pery, and Paston William *l d t r eot cplet lcsok Agian that tery friends." will bu held May 24th at 8-30 Spinks, MontreaI, with Mn. uan give 7011 realistic protec- Among the many lovely At 7:30 p.m. the church was rordfrey' orchestra ic. and Mrs. TomaArgeadsn tintthIoWestiOsiblecostb floral tokens, evidence of the again filed for Christian Fam- rcid ilb h ui.m n.IaAge y<na resteem in which the deceased ily Evening when ail dopant- Groups 1 and 2 bmlng one loaf Rev. and Mna. R. C. Rose was helci, were those from the Kinsinen Club of Bow- manville; Employees of Rai] & Road No. 2 Shift of Gen- eral Motors; Courtice United Church; K-Mart, Oshawa; Loyal True Blue Lodge No. 55, Oshawa; Cadmus U.C.W.; and K 40 Club of Bowman- ville. Pallbearers were Messrs. Rupert Byers, Russell Lar- mer, Osmond Wrighit. Robert Fowler, Willand Spencer and Jack Stone. LOOK' AT Il VANISHIe Nothing tastes better than milk, especially when he's really thirsty. Glen Ras milk has a Uavor ail its own . . . se rich and deliclous. Bie sure your child gets lots cf nourishing, grewing power wlth mflk! * CHOCOLATE MILK * COTTAGE CHEESE Lmonts of the Sunday School took part. The theme was 1"Panorama of the Bible." The Primary roem sang two num- bers. The Junior class pro- sented The Covenant with throe scenes, "Flight into Space", "God's Covenant witih Abraham" and "Jacob's Sons." The Hi-C tormed the choir. and sang several numbers during the pogramn. The In- termediates pnesented "The Law"; the Seniors "The Pro- phets"; and the Aduit ciasa "The New Covenant." Rev. P. Romeril mnade a few com- menta and led in prayen. Ail prooeeded te the C. E. noom where displays et Sundmy School publications, Japaneso articles, Dohl Festival and kites were on display. A dainty lunch and social time was enjoyod. Over 100 pensons attended the Rogation Servie on the lawn at the homo of Mn. and Mira. George Wolfe Sunday morning. The hynin and organ music were on tape. Little pigs, calf, chickens, lamb and pony, ahso implementa sym- bolic of seeding time were brought and were blessed by: Rev. R. C. Rose. Ho aise bles- sed the seeds. The lesson was read by Rev. Mansfield. Dur- ing the singing et one hynin, corn was given te the litthe ones who wiil plant it at home. The people, land, etc., of this area were aise blessed. Rev. Rose's sermon was on "Blessings of the Lord which we enjoy." Following the ser- vice ail motored to the Parish Hall, Blackstock, and enjoyed a delicious pet huck luncheon and social tume. People of ail ages froni six months te 93 years attended and enjoyed the different type of service. The A.C.W. met in Uic Parish Hall Thursday, May 16, in Uic aternoon, witii Min. T. Graham, presidesut, pnesiding. A hyrnn was sung and a De- votional period, led by Mmm. Graham, ivas participated in by ail present. An invitation frern the Biackstock U.C.W. te an open meeting, on thc evening of May 21, was glad- iy accepted. The Deanery meeting is ta bu held May 22, in Christ Mensoriai Church, Oshawa. Registratieon te bu- gin at 1:30 p.m. The treasur- or, Mis. Staniland, neported satisfactory neceipta fromibeth the CurIons' Banquet and the Mothem's Day suppen. Impres- sions of, and Items of intemeit were given by the dolcgates te the. Annual Meetings In Tomonte. Mina. Jno. Carter, Bowmanville. kindly danated a white quiht llnlng for our use. A "thank you" note was read frorn Mrs. Lloyd, Cae- sarea. It was announced tuat Rogatioui Day Service wilh be held at the Geo. Wolfe fanon for ' bollu Port Penny and Blackstock congregations on, Sunday, May lGt, with a pot luck lunch I the Parish Hall after the. service. Beginning Iu June the A.C.W. meetings wUl b. held hIthe. evening. Mns. Grahiam read an inter- «stng article entithed 'II Amn Tb* Beswetioi," from thoi Business Direclory Accon ian cy- RAY J. DILLING Chamtered Accountant 93 Church Street 623-3861 WM. J. H. COGGIINS Chantened Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., BowmanvIlie Phone 623-3612 WIELLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 36% KIng St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 BURROWS, SELBY & Co Chartened Accountants 323 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario '725-6451 - 728-7554 William A. D. Sehby, C.A. G._EdmondBurnows,_C.A. Chi ropra cfi c, G. EDWIN MANND.C-. Ofc:Chinopractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of Homsey St. Phone 623-5509 Office Hurs: By appointment D en fal DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King -St. E. Bowmanviile Office Houns : 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Reà. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CAmTAN, DDS 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Office Heurs : 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally Clesed Saturday and Sunday ____Phone 623-5459____ DR .W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office lni hlm home 100 Llberty St. N., Bowmnanville Phone 623-5604 Office Heurs : 1) a.m. te 6 p.m. dally Closed Wednesday « Saturday DR. STANLEY GEETZ 67 King St. E., Bowmanvllle Office Houri : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday 2 a.m. to 4 pazn. Fnlday Closed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-7062 Insurance DONALD A. MacGREGOB Lite, Auto, Home Inhursace U8 KInt st. W., BowmauVill Phone 423-5982 Mortgages SADI HAMILTON - OBONO Phone 983-5115 Firit Mortgige Funds Residences - Parmie BusinMssPropenties Opt ometry KEJYR A. BEiLLET, O.». Optometrist 143 King St, E. - Bowmn=vtfe Offtce Houri: By appointaient Teeoiie O283252 Mm -Tue. -Thurs. - FNL 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wed. and Sat. - 9- là î ý Iuday svmaogff a*cA *ffaJÀJg .L rT, rerryJ. wJi.LA the George Wolfes; Tom Met- calf, Bowmanviile, with Bnian Wolfe; Mira. A. J. Cook, Bmooklin, with 'the Neil Mal- calms. -Mina. Russell Davidson, Rag- Ian, Mina. Percy Collins. Jim and Lawrence, Oshawa, Mirs. Douglas Brain, San Francisco, U.S.A.. Misses Vera Fonder and Mary Bradburn, Toronto, Mr. and Mina. Ray Bradburn, Betty and Ronald, with Mr. and Mira. Will Fonder and Miss Joyce. Mm. and Mira. Norman Dy- sant, Peteorborough, Miss Betty McArthur, Toronto, Mm. and Mira. Ardis McArthur, Don Mills, with Mma. J. A. Mc- Arthur. Misa Ida Dempsey with fniends in Strattord for the weekend. Mma. McDougald, St. Mary's, with Mr. and Mmm. Glenn Laminer and boys. Mr. and Mira. Will D. Fer- guson, Oshawa. were Thurs- day visitons and Mira. Roy Avery and Carlyle, Tillbury, are spending a week with Mini. J. A. Johnaton. Mr. and Mina. Eber Snow- don, Courtice, with Mn. and Mra. Ralph Larmen and fam- iy. .Mr. Norman McNally, Col- borne, with Mn. and Mmi. Carl Wright. Miss Janice Byers and Mr. Leslie Bushfield, G u e h p b, with the Murray ByeTs. Mr. and Mirs. Peter Vander- rieul and Julie, Onillia, with the Cecil Gibsons and H. Van- derheuls. Mr. and Mirs. Russel Lar- mor and Grant, Burketon, with Mr. and Mira. Ted Mc- M4ahon and family. Misscs Lynda Kyte, Guelph, Doreexi Van Camp, Helen Swain, Mary Bradbunn, Tom- onto, and Mr. Larny Heakin, HIamilton, at their respective homes. Mii. Walter Ferguson, Bow- nanvifle, and Mn. and Mis. Reg. Sutton, Onono, wlth Mr. and Mis. Fred Dayes. Mr. and Mira. Ken Brown and Mr. and Mira. Noeh Mon- ton and boys, ail et Oshawa, vith the Bill ad Roy Fergu- on. Miss Dianne Wheeher, Don Milils, with the. Ernest Swalns. Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Bobcay- geon, spent Monday te Thurs- Lay with the Genald Kelly. Weo hoe.Mia. Gerald Kelly will soon bu lmproved. Sorny te report Miss Denise Edgerten hl in Port Penny Hospital. Ghad te say Mis. Wilbert Archer got home tram hospi- tai Satunday, aise Miss Judy 'elstead. Mir. and Mrs. Maurice Ed- ferton attended the wedding )f hen nepiiew, James Dur- ward and Miss Linda Rand e Picton United Chunch andi Sception at Lake ot the Wountain. Saturday, May il. Mn. Munray and daughter IM. Bowen, Toronto. visited Fnrday, and Mr. and M. %«inrwla untjoy. Hampton, M :>od Derby Competition M~aurice Prout who presented trophies; winners of the ?d cars, Ist, Tom Couch of lst Newcastle "A" with Sierd ehanic, 2nd, John Wood of 3rd Bowmanville with Cub ,a Bragg; 3rd, Laverne Delore of Hillcrest with mech- id Delore and 4th, from 3rd Bowrnanville Reed Meachin ,eader and mother Mrs. John Meachin. en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and Miss Marilyn, Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer on Sunday. Linda Chapman, Port Perry and Miss Joyce Mahaffy, Tor- onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy and boys over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Motton, Kenn, Bob and David and Keith M o o r e, Wiilowdale, with Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Bea- cock. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry an~d Roy visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wall, Sunday. LONG SAULT Mn. and Mmm. Sidney Corn- lsh were guests of the Willis- Spencer weddlng hehd ln St.! George's Anglican Church,' Scanborough, Saturday after- noon. Mr. and Mina. W. Vaneyk visited Mns. Edith Mrh Sunday evening at the hom of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Me- Laughlin, Blackstock. Glad ta know she will soon be weil enough te como home te ber ewn home in Tyrone. Mrs. George Ammour and Misa Bertha Ammour, I-amp- ton, were Sun d a y supper AROMONAROZNC eACHRES !RNEMs 2' :.85 TOMA F OTLE 9 no n EA HES mn rî i FITI I I AT 2 1.8 5C CINNMN BNS UIL1 eust et Mr. and Mun. S. IfehefleOsh&va, wons ijlf,* Crnish. ors at Mr. Wilfred Bewman'. Mr. and Mn.. Harold Angyle There was a sjecai service and Gall, Scarborough. were heme on Mother s Day when Sunday mornlng calri ef the Young Peeple's clans con- Mn. Robt. Slm. ducted the service. assisted b. Mmarynd Wendy Cornlîh the Rev. M. A. Deughertq gnt from fla gtte Jlm Oke and Stuart Samis sunde FordaY nlh t welcomed the worshippers at grandmother Mmi. Ueo. Ar.tedo ftesntay moun and Miss Bertha Ar: Gordon Gniffin and Albert mour, Hampton. - nus led in icriptures and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker prayers, Ivan GnIffin announ. spent the weekend witli thi ced the hynins and Roland p arents, Mr. and Mmi. G. Ba. Bowman and Eric Bowma ker. Pameha Is staylng wlth received the offering. Mirs. Dof hem grandparents for a litleLe. and Mn.. Keith Davey holiday.told steries and at the close holida y Too o. of the service, Miss Donna onte, Mm. and Mina. EÏni Pres a- *, assisted by Cindy Wls. cott, Tyrane. were Mionday ener and Marion Prescott gave evenng alles e theS aflowors te ail the, folk, llttle evhogm ie i t t i. th and big, In the congregation home.who had mothers and grand- mothers present. Our U.C.W. met In the base- ENFIELD ment et tho church tWo weeks ago but ne one seems te nom. Mm. amd Mmm. Elmer Le. ember what happoned. Know- weme recent visitons at Mr. El- Ing the members we are sure gin Cowrling's, Peterborough. it was a pleasant affalir. Mr. and Mis. Ken Reid and- GET CASH TODATr family, Mn. and Mima. Harvey FOR OLD APPLIANCES Reid and famlly, Bronte, visit- cd at Mr. Fred Griffin's. hot Mi. and Mira. Oie Rasmus- SIATESMAN sen and tamily, Maphe, Mm. CLASSIFIEDS and Mn.. Harold Beamlsh and Flou. 138-à3 WATC H FOR GRAND OPENING NEW BEAVER STORE OPPOSITE DOMINION STORE, KING ST. EAST IL usiness as usual during the move 9 ~E oea~ iflbiKFfr~ 1 I ' W C N DAGADI A ouA lyC I RO I I I I I D 10 Il N [E WHfE mDIm LRG I. c III19 U00MORING2 J'r RO* G[i A NI MR -e"O W O F E SAVOURY TROPICAL FLAVOUR GLDEN RIPE I 9 c tIL tilA ) LDS&. JBREAOED COD. p *FINAL SALE 0F 8-MEmmKIlmmES DinnerwaJre TOMATES,, 2 9c ORANGES 89c< umaa £ COMPEU YOUR SET WNILE STOCK LASTS c n Mla 'si M CTTAGE ROLLS ý ,49c SPECIAL MONEY SAVINO COUPOR LLI uni.2~3 bDME& IS AVAILAILE AT YOUR LOCAL IA STORI E TUE , 38 C BA 2 GILLETTE n8u FOAMY sa w MRU - UIIFTIm urttm 1SfcLCM SPRAY DEODORANT myIY me' - smAt VuE COLD CREAM wum 5 S MUtOTE - UUAm MM mli0 DENTAL CREAM iI7mys un O8C CAKE MIXES 4m89c BURY-DARK nR CARAPAILK - 259S CADBURY BARS 2m39c ILaU CIO, - c COWTUT Pr iff$T o 9Fo m rn WAEYS BIS CUITS 2n ,99C CORN STIcK s 2,« 5c SA*à""MN *W R A P T MII69. FAOTP E- IM o t R - C ULO IMQM I PARKA AIRE ASE SKINESS Ags SAUSACRES IFRIE SFRIE FREE CjFJS 14T4!I FOOD~ PHILCO COLOUR T.V. WINNERS %. VO$IL * IEWCASTIE* ONTARIO a. LAUtgtIScN- JORDAN.- ONTARIO ort.f.RIYNOL S 130161illxeDv.TOI. M . FEANCIS.Coktes, Ont. A.ANTONICK-62 UuIbad Ilsi.- . . Bowmanvillle IGA Foodl'inero< 10 WMAN VILLE y STUART IS. JAMES * ENERAL INSURANCE St King St. E. Bowmnanvllle .Office -623-5681 M Residence 62Z-5493ý * CE CREIAM *FICESH EGGS WHIPPING CREAM *SKIM M»T" Phono 623-M44 For Nomn* Delivery Glen Rae Dairy M e ' dmon -,die - 1 :ti_ vl- SAV'E ON TH 6c BEAUTY Ai HEAL DS 1 qFÀ J'ip,