Tiie Canadian S tesinan, Eowmanvlle, May 22, 19681 f SPORTropiCç By Frank Mohun 623-7234 *TRAIGHT DOWN THE 'MIDDLE! SThe greatest ambition o! every golfer la te be able te hlay it every drive straight down tht middle. This bas1 !Blways been ont of this duffers major problems. se although fe bellevlng, we were quick to accept an off er to spray some * ook and sice preventitive on some o! our clubs. ftApparently a silicone developed ln the United States, ;4orked se well, that At was quickly barred from tournament: *Use. We understand that it Is stilI for sale south o! tht ý.order, but has not been made available ln Canada. IMe Lomne Gow o! Hollingshead secured some o! this silicone d d enxd It into a chemical formula, which he-asked usi andIxur usual golfing partner, Bob Leyden to try, By golly- - the thing worked. Now don't get the Idea iat It is like an invisible shield whlc«h wiil automatically ~un a wild slIce or hook back t0 the fairway. But we bath Zit shots that stayed st ralght, which almost certalnly would ,-!ave faded or hooked. -ý Now you might say that the preventative gave us added 'Eonfidence that resulted in straighter shots, but still thet act -"emains - It %vas barred by tht PGA - and our drives did go straight down tht fairway! While the verdict is stili not officia, Bob and I have asked Lorne te mix us a gallon of tht stuif. tt t t t INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL REVIVED It was a long time dead (and buried), with no hope of ever coming back - but flnally Intermediate baseball was revIved ln time to participate in this summer's sehedule. Fred "Buck" Cowle was the "chief surgeon", but new * blood Injected by a group of interested players made the task possible. Certainly the support of the Rotary Club, who are eonstructing the playing site and the sponsorship cf Bow- fiaànviile's sports-minded merchants were ocher major factors * in the effort to revive Intermediate 'bail. Recreati on Director Bud Fanning, and his departmnent are right in the battie to get the team ln action, along with former hard-working Intermediate executive, Murray Tighe.ý Hero of Bowmnanville's Ontario championship victory in Listo- weýl, some dozen years ago - Clint Ferguson, will be the playing manager. Some of the players, who have been signed are : catchers Larry Piper and Jack Locke; pitcherg Ralph Kennedy, a 44ghly regarded hurler frorn Kendall, Gary Akey, Jini Moor- Frait, Wray Rendeli and possly veteran left-hander, George 11Generai" Jones; along with infielders and outfieiders Ray Çryombie, Bob Marjerrison, Vince Vanstone, George Sains- bury, Grant Wright. Steve Burns, Larry Perris, Jim Coyle Jr., John Fowler, Alex Wiseman and Terry Baker. With the ability contalned in this aggregation, it is now 4lmost a certainty that the Intermediates wili make a corn- lfete return to their form of years gone by. Of course the *iaI decision rests with the fans. Now we have a bail club - ibut to survive. the players need spectator support. .~Although the schedule won't be released until a later '*Ète, probably ail home gaines will be piayed on either ,@turday or Sunday afternoons at Rotary Park. Bowmanville will be active in two leagues - the Lake- miiore Senior and Leaside Junior. The locals will be the lone jýptermediate "A" entry, and will advance Into that division eayoff s. SThree senior clubs will provide opposition from King. dipn, Bellevile and Peterborough, wîth Oshawa juniors com- 1; ting thefIve teain Lakeshore circuit. IPIt Is expected that each Leasîdp Junior team will inake oeÔ,r two ippearances at Rlotary Park. The locals will make their flrst 1968 appearance this *&nday nlght under the lights in Peterborough. DA RA SPEEDWAY M1 JRE-OPENING Freshly Oiled Clay Track ,,Open for stock car entries Up tb 320 eubie Inches. 'FW* guarantee 60% of take-in to drivers' pots. rGRAND OPENING ~MAY "4Parking Fe. OnIy 26-1l p.m. - $2.00 per car Keep your parking stubs for Iucky draw. IN CASH AND PRIZI liKen's Men's Wec ANNUAL SGOLF TOURNAMENT at î"ErinliQo -,." ir b IATuRDAY,,JUNE 8 19 1:30 P.M. -SHOTGUN START lot PRIZE - (Gross Score) $100.00 IN CASH and KenWs Mens Wear Trophy lzt PRIZE - (Net Score) $50.06 IN CASH and Ken's Men's Wear Trophy Se. Next Week for Llst of Prizes ENTRY FEE- $350 Tickets Available at Xen's Men'u Wear and Erinli Golf Club. Large Crowd on Hand for Annual Sports Day Parade at Bethany Pony -nders and helpers, fromn left te right, Derreli Robinson, Robert Palmer, Larry Orde, Edward Green, Catherine Beer and I)oug Palmer. Bownianville Legion Pipe Band Leads Parade Lori-Anne Mulligan and Stephen Barnes with pet lamb Onie Etcher, Murray Tighe, Harold Bennett, Betty Lobb, Dualne Paumer. Runner-up team: Capt. AI Osborne, Bob Leaman, Mary Wilcox, Dorc Mutton, Duaine Palmer, Maurice Richards. High Averages-- lst Sched- uIt: Ladies- Shirley Davis 206: Men- Dick Perfect 237. 2nd Schedule: Ladies-- Onie Etcher 237;,Me- Larry Pi- per 238. High Triples __is Schedule: Ladies-Fern Brad- ley 760; Men- AI Osborne 907. 2nd Schedule: Ladies -- Joan Brunt 839; Men Elton Brock 840. High Singles: lst Schedule: Ladies -- Connie Wiseman and Mary Wiicox 304; Men -- Joe Tohias 3,96. 2nd Schedule: Ladies- Aud- rey Osmond 368. Men- Ab Saman 337. HIgh Rail-off Team- Capt. Morley Etcher, Betty Lobb, élDot Thompson, Ruth Mitchell. , Roy Connors, George Piper. Tht election of officers for tht 1968-69 season was held 7-xd tht new executive is as foliows, President-Frank Os- mond. Vice-President,. Larry Piper. Secretary- Fern Brad- ley Treasurer - Mary Ann Richards; Director - Lau Tht remainder o! thte even- Ing was spent ln dancing and playing cards. The executive would like ta thank tht editor and staff for tht excellent e' coverage o! aur bowling newi. LAw,..oY COUNT THE FEATURES ON YOUR FINGERTIPS. beni Sllvn an 1 althe way to third on an e r-A." I Id Deni Sllva Fns17ror, but again Stata cameMixed .Lau ueBo ln tbrough gettIng the third ou t,ImBo ln via the strike-out route. Gea I1 The Mixed Bowling League prizes. Sainsbury and Tom Pearson held their Annual Banquet on' Trophies were presented by bytemkw to» K ens D ow n S te p h en s 7 4 Indthe oerea estate Saturday evening, May Ilth, Executve Members President an Wnub omrd*oto& , . arkers, Ken's errupted fr1e h bowlers a tiiu en Moore; Secretary Shirley D (I' i<r l pro~l E~ ~ l 5fv un nteffh arr t eefdîînner. aPresident Davis, and Director DBinr ,K .i p l n r n s 2Perris opened the big Inning Dlik Perfect thanked the la- rPalmer.i hn6358 Defending champion, Ken's van made an, auspIcious debut halls to Vern Grubin and aswt 'obe Aci"Co~ iso eaf0 h eau. TeGog lit rphyStE. - ~~~choice and Don Bagneli load- 1 Followlng dinner 1 u c k y. vas presented to the winning 20 King S.EBowrnanville Men's Wear and Kramp's Fur- in the league by tossing a one- pair of Real Estate errors,1 ed the bases on an error. 1 drawvs were imade for door ' team: Capt._Howard Bromel, i -niture opened up the 1968 hitter and fanning I 7-and hè their lone miscues of the game, Reg White, former ace pit-- __ _____ Town League Softball season lost' Dick Stata earned the accounted for Kramp's other I cher with Gale Lumber sing- i on a wlnning note as Ken's win on a three-hitter, while! tally in the seventh.leRyWstdbeditw downed Stephen Fuels 7-1ani fanning 11 batters. Bob Marjerrison tripled in'mor'e and Bill Nicholson's sin: A Kramp's edged Walter Frank. "IMoe" Richards collected the first with one out. but gle plated another pair off re- L l1 âI ~ ~ i~~ Real Estate 2-0, Tuesday night! the only safety off "Sully"- Stata bore down to retire the liever Colin Cooke. JE n unce* * a g at the Memnorial Park. a two-oit first innlng single1 next two batters. Frank's Ken's collected four of their' In the second attraction, ithat drove In Alex Wisemnan,! threatened once more in th iesfte nttffht i iinder th lights, Dennis Suli- wohdwikd_ aeonorhwhnRyPc ell ! ive defet osn BobeAbbtt. B pin ______________Aase-o_-___________Ra ______ -w Ni holson atteBred ft ilesnll T "If. lI KINSMEN Nglston tattrd e sin- 5U TTON* GO U LmaK.m. i M nor Basebail ;hte, loneplayein te<wN- Pe e tisBRING THIS ti.bl oclettosft I teeSris les, drove In the Men's Wear's SHELL SERVICE Ail Games te be Played at SPECIAL12 PRICE PASS first inning run with a single. Vincent Massey t/ Singles by Abbott and Lloyd SCUGOG STREET BOWMANVILLE Ma thTO THE Hamilton accounted for the Wed. My 8 Fuels' only tally. Other Ste- 6.30 p.m.-Royals vs - KingsE I"A A~~ phen hîtters were Terry Black,! Sat. May llth, vs AcesM Y 2 Guy Parks and Frank Mohun.i 9:00 a.m.-Clippers vsAceore___ Local Representatives for Mon. May l3th, 1968iar no 6:90 p.m.-Kinge vs Clippers: Sat. May l8th. HAYDON aua A ML UM RosJodnan o Sot ihOuhue la 1 9VU R.1tf.fltcfl vs o 1yais Sat. May 25th, 9:00 a.m.-Royals vs clippers, Mon. May 27th, 6:30 p.m.-Kings vs Aces i Sat. June lst, 9:00 a.m.-Aces vs Clippers Mon. June 3rd, 6:30 p.m.-Kings vs Rayals S5at. June 81h, 9:00 a.m.-Royals vs Aces Mon. June iotb, 6:30 p.m.-Clippers vs Kingsý Sat. June 15th,i 9:00 a.m.--Aces vs Kings Mon. June l7th. 6:30 p.m.-Clippers vs fiayaisil Play-offs will commence at i eonpletion of schedule. Ali four teama In play-offs, First i and Th.lrd and Second and' Fourth wil play in a suddtni death semi-final. 'ie win-1 nets will play a final striesi of best of Iiree. Leegue games will consist of five innings or a one hourij anid a bal! Urne limit. Tht11 play.o!fs and finals will con-, sist o! seven innings and a two hau t tme limlt. KINSMEN SUPER CAR -BINGO- PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $ 7,600 IN PRIZES Including Blrand New 1969 AMBASSADOR Sedan or' $2.000 lu Cash; $1,000 Mi-Lo Game; $900 Bit Snowball (52 nos.); $600 SmnalI Snowbaill<50 non.); $600 regular gantes; $450 special gaines; Plus 4 Early Bird Games (Share the Wealth> at 7:30 Dont forget to, buy tht economy pack for value and gave money. MANr FREE AND VALUABLE 000R PRIZES Mr. and Mrs. F'red Lanos, a.nd family, Oshawa, were1 Frîday evening caliers at Mr. land Mrs. Morris Pollard's. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Yokomi and family, C4van. and Mr.,ý and Mrs. Clif! Cooper, Orono,! visited Mr. and Mrs. Morris', Poilard on the holiday. Mrs. Brownridge, Toronto,I 1Mrs. M. J. Hobbs and Mrs. F. Toms, Enniskiilen, Mr. Gar-, don Boyd, Bowmanville, were, Monday evening callers atý Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon's.! Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pol-ý lard and family visited Mr.! and Mrs. Ailan Holmes andý familY, St. Catharines, on the weekend.i Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Susan. and Fred, were supper guests' O! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin,! InriskWlen, on Saturday. We welcome Mrm. Malcolin, back to Haydon. She has rent-; ed rOorns with Mr. and Mrs.! Arthur Trewin. Church service wlll b. hield; at 3 p.m. on Sunday. 1 ,IVNUA SALES and SERVICE for Bowmanville and Ar"c DROP IN AND SEE THE 1968 MODELSI1 THE NEW "HELLCAT SERIES"I 350's - 450's ) for people who want à big bike. You Meet the Nicest.People On a ONDA Ross Jordon and Roy Scott with Outhouse Float