Hon or Tee fJinner inJ Women teachers who have tuht, vanMous generatians of hUda-en ince 1918 were hon- oua-ad at e special dinner in Part Hope recently by the Durham 2 Association al 4 ol f 4a the Federetion ai amen Teachens AusociatIon of Ontario. More then 100 teachers, bath active and retla-ed, attended the dinner ini Cnonk Hall which was part ai the 50th annl. Versai-y celebrations ai the FWTAO. The. longest servlng teech- er present was Mim Helena Waddell ai Orono who atarted t.eaching ln 1907. Twelv. teachenu who were teachlng 5î) yeerw ega, were prese nted wlth a copy ai Doris nrencb's book "Hlgh Buttan Boot Straps" whlch wawrlt- ten ta cammemarate the muni- Versary. They were Ma-s. W. Mel- drum, Ma-s. E. Davidsan, Miss Stella Bennett, Mn.. V. Dum- on, Mrs. A. Montgomery, Mrs. IR. Harness, Mn'. E. Chute, Ma-s. R. Foster, Mrs. E. E. Wil- son al ai Part Hope; Miss Kate Foster and Miss Helena Wad- deil, Qi-ana; Miss Vivian Phiip, Campbellcroft. Five teachers wbo were teaching In 1968, but wha ware net pi-sent at the dinner. will aisa raceive a presentation. Tbey ai-e Mine Lena Ferguson and Miss Hattie Mason, New- casctls; Misa P. Smith, Mrs. A. L. Rock, Miss Eloie Thampsan, Port Hope. Presentations w ere ai sa made ta 10 aetired teachers ln. ciuding Reeve Ruth Clar-ke, Ma-s. A. Montizambert, Mrs. V. Cumamings, aIl af Port Hope; Mns. 1. Ferguson. Ma-s. B. Stewart, Ma-s. A. Kennedy ai Millibrook. M i1as sCatherine Stewart, Kendai; Mrs. E. Dab- son ai Newtonville; Ma-s. F. E.- game Surjday nt Cobourg but~I J, . ..Mhspn eea ali lait out 3-2 ln the lth inning.1VVIfl , ..nampionsnip lCarr.ti i h r t Kendal were defeat.ed by) W n udo C a po s week with Mr. and Mrs. Rosai ich rs at Oshawa, Thursday nlght. andr yly db 1ddi Mr ndMs EdeCouroux adRleclbrt hs and Garry Moore and friend orhbtda onSurayl P r H o e fi-rn Toronto attended Hank etrann ubra i Snow's Cauntry and Western emaU findanme o i! e Lycett ai Orona, Mri. M. Gard- So nOhwSna v ml red.I f Ier, Ellzabethville. ening. Mr. and Mns. Frank White! Retlred teachers not pregent! Church was held Sunday as vit adurMn. t h te andt at the dinner, who will recelve usual et 11:15 wlth Rev. Y r. adJ.. on hte d gresentations are Mrs. M. Snelgrove preachin an 1Pn ~ r xdMn.Jh lt i geow, Miss E. Launder, tacost Then and Now". Th London, and with Mr. andi Mis. M. Thurtle, Mrq. M. Cale- choir sang I'God Will Take Mi-,. Howard Hodgao n hiIl- man, Mins Vera Bradshaw, ai] ICare of You" with Ma-s. Allen derton. ai Part Hape; Mrs. V. Moffat Foster at the argan. We were Ti.AgcnCuhW- aio Qi-ana; Mn. G. st.apleton, 1pleased ta sets se many little * enheld tiir meeting at Newtanville. folks aut for Sunday School. men chm hemeto s aidgMat- The presentations w e re The tabacco graweru were 4 tenu. Fitteen membér as made by Misn M. Knlght and veny busy at their plantlng thNewrd h -u miwthtes1 Miss M. Huif, dlrectai-s af pat week and alsa for a iew wtve'r' i icaitheirfollc91rithmhe Reglan 4. more weeks. irs. B tellefavoiteh chiied Reeve Ruth Clar-ke, who as ýMr. and Mi-s. Garland Cath- Mr.Ble nt the guest speaker, was mnadeicai-t and Misa Mai-ion McKel- the meeting lni the absence aif an hnouary embr oftheveY eredinnr gegtsSun the pregident, and read, a su hnouarymembr a th veywer diner sai Su- ~paem. The secretary, Mm. association. She cut a spec'îaî dey evening wltb Miss C. W.~~~icd alte-o anniversary cake. Chairnian Stewart. Vislting ber an Wed. Matr ed etrc for t.he evenlng was Mrs. B. nesday were Mrs. George Lait- ,.h.anks from the Supply Depot MeClelland, president ai the hause and Mr.. Bryant Brown, in1 Toronto, for a bale of new district.-Times. Gai-ny and Michael. t and used clathing sent in Ap- Miss Catheine Stewart and -A ii l;isa thanks fi-rn Mi-. and Miss Marion McKelvey went j Ma-i. Fred Hackenburg foi- the' Saturday wlth Durham Club . ~ gi ett hi natsn IKENDAL itsett hiinato, on their Old Housa Tour lnAweom waetnddt and around Port Hope. It was jAtw o wmembaseMas.KE. Alter- havlng rain predlcted sponsoi-cd by the Architectui'- tAdaem emban Ms. K.E.nt for Saturday andi then foi-la] Consei-vancy ai Ontario. Ad~Sicair Fn pand M s ereé Sunday we finally had a couple'There was a very large crawd Si~.* naetirveinl lns e te af thunderstorms Sunday ai- ln attendance. It bas the pur- . . .fr saeoM.an M-. enonwtotmuch i-in.p ose of aestorlng old boss~"Emci-y Smith. Law lyng fields have beenThev were shown t.hrugeh ~RvK .Aai.ten pi-etty wet this yeas- but the'Batterwaod Hause, resideeAdaRmas.o the avjsPr gardens ln tevlaeare of the late Mr. Massey, and -R <~'~iipctresoste bisperar-e coming along fine. through Durham Hause, aiso ih xrse i lauea Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carruth- ion the same estate. There August Liauba (left) of Oshawa, holds the Canadian Light Heavyweight attending the meeting, stating ers spent the weekend at was aisa a banquet at the judo championship trophy which he won with five victories in Saskatoon he was happy ta be a resident Kemptville attending a i-e-. Prt Hope United Church recently. Also ineluded in the picture ai-e Lea Heunsberger (r.niddle) of Maple Of Bethany and hoped he union lat Kemptville Agricul-1 (Cronk's Hall)>. A number Of Leaf Judo Club, Maple Gi-ove, with the team trophy that Ontario wd would be acoepted, not on]y tural College. Jo-Anne andjother homes were aiso vlsited. Wf andlas a minister, but as a heiper Stve istd ih herTh ou asfian a . Chai-les Formosa of Whitby who was eliminated in theo featherweight division. 'in all community affairs. He grandparents, Mr. and Mr%., lst Kendal Scout NewsOhwaT esPoo trsdtenedfgod-- Hachr ote. l Isiig Rpr for the rnointh af, lationship between a Minister Sunday with the Fosters werelMay by David Brown, Troop recreational games, volleybali.11 edge than they went wlth. a'IT ~~ nd his congregatian and Ma-.andMa-. JrryByeis ad Screary soccea-, football and floor Also thanks ta thie Girl Guides DL ilAJNY hoped bis service would prove family. During the rnanth we held 3 meaningfui at ail levels. He Mrs. Vance Allen visited on' four regular meetings, two hockey. We had ane camp ta who treated us ta lunch ater- M n asDulsDy icse h motnea Monday evening with her meetings were on first aid, on attend on May 10, il, 12 which I1ivards. We misa had a paper Mr.,ano rtBes ugasdpywidLqh se the muiosrvice ois mot'her. Mrs. Wrn. Mce .imetnn nt, n et-_Ywas enj oyed by ail boys. drive, May 4th and a boUl hedtieso theJiîne Ma-s.~~~~~~~~~~ IaiyAln net na ae oaisbo n On May 2flth we attended drive May 25th. This was Mi. and Ms. Walter- Neals =!1Guild. Ma-. Adams advised of Suzanne visitad with ber Sun- i titled 'How ta be ha ppy no 1eburch parade in Newcastle in sureiy a good month af activi- Setus-day. itnaiepast uîs day aigtrnon. mtte waa th chaillenge".!I whlch ali who attended aeaUly ties. May I close by saying, Mr-. Clifiord Carr and Mi'.ýnews letter for the Parish, TheMlgets lmyd god!Also at our meetings we had'came away wlth mare know- positive thinkers step abead. Charles Deleir, Rose v iil le, whicjb is comprised of thref Now- Canadian Pacific's new CUSTOMER #6If%'CENTRE mneans round-the-clock service for you .24 hours a iday, 7days aweek!1 Frelght and express, air, rail, steamship and hotel reservations, or telecommunications - whatever Canadian Pacific service you require Is now available night-time and weekends via the new Customer Service Centre. With its computerized equlpment, the Customer Service Centre can handie ail or any' of the services you require - more quickly, more accurately, more comprehensively. Customer Service Representatives Personal discussion of your problems? Just telephone, and we'II send a qualified man to ses you. He can assist you ifl 50 many ways, in selecting types of freight cars, for instance, or completing bis of Iading, and hes backed by a full Customer Service Centre staff, experienced in ail fields of transportation and telecommunication. Daytlmne (Normnal Office Hours) Carioad Freight, Passenger and Hotel reservations, and Telecom mu nications ZlEnith 0-7337 ask your long-distance telephone operator for the number. lt's toli f ree. For ail other services, please continue to use the numbers isted in your telephone directory. Nightutime and weekends: Ask your long-distance telephone operator for ZEnith 0-7337 (toi! free), for ail services. Another new way to do business botter with YUIISOM 180« .IMAe/.U8'eAOuIiAl I 1I WHAT EVERY NEW SHOULD KNOW! >ni M der Moi h mahorne t.roh? Hue ..fe...a ieauU, ese, M Nb steak . $md.-rm.or Pare-rare? Imf avcur.. . gpe.appise S cherry Kn.,Wu teftthila is iportant. Kn-owd"g lae I hurtett toms A&P la a *toe .you oaM truot Bride, heo» b... dOWle %r fmious40 yeme W. 0"o&W Ithperbtntfor brdes, "ew or OKdte Bad a @tem Uey cMn trt, *A kon em *,.i .m *dln im w l **If uteaeed. Ti.ee A"PNU~ Ne altte, Who make . WP f A&P se"a ft, A" esrenteesK.t h 6-. oodmon fo aiepeegAdapa m*et imany. SUPER-RIONT BRAND, SMOKED COOKED, PICNIC STYLE, 4 TO 6 LB PORK SHOUL The Canadien Statesmnan. EowmaniUle, :une 8. 193 1 ichurches, Trnity at The! general k»owkdge Of Pamih ,Mansh; St. Mary', Lifiard; activities. and St. Paul's at Bethany; Lunch was uerved by the Ihoping lihis would bring about hoatenancd memberuof, - e dloser nelatianahip and mare Group One. L V jle-risd A&P rand (Orane IPekS NECTAR TEA BJ Pkg of 90 79< Chelem Quaity A&P ChokaeQuelityReg. Prio.2 tu,e 4AVa 40 WNOLE POMATES 2'M-R-a dmns3 7c A&M Cheoeo QuAlity Eeg. Pria. 2 tWns »c - SAVE (UT WAX BEAtS 2.3 5« Au "-P QwSdmly PeodmetSW NONA DESSERT PEARS 4 uv89' Reg. Pýr" * e -pkg 0. e BIG "G" CEREALS 2 wff 69e (Cheer- lot/2lO 4 Wheetles 12-or, Trix #-= ormeCa.. puf 8-44~. AGS SAVE Reg. PFr" 2 tom4k auVUn CRFAM SMi 4 »4« un89C 4 PIn6i, FAMOM s "Ermd No. 1 Grade4 Juambo 45'. Cantalou f~ 891 "e\- »MEPMIED HIGI4!R AT AAP DERS SLICED LB 43g 13 9 SUPER»RIGHT QUALITY CAN ADA"S FINEST "RED DRAND' STRER BREF EXCELLM FmOÀ DING Be T M STEAK FRESHLY MINCUO GROUND CHU' A GOUmE CUtf DELMONICO STEAKS ibs1.69 CKJ1 UV f FROZEN F145H BUYS A~P randFra. R. ..k 01 - V --- 1mS. 7 >K Of Fff 4 MYCOD FILLETS 6&o #~3 79 A&P Brand (Frl.d in Dafter) Fraie, LAVE m PRIME RIB ROASTi 891 PERCH FILLETS 12otpào 49c N b«PAWIKE BLUEBERRY PIE fun $-Inch 24-«z Pm 4ý9< bg. PuI Ch nt P.- lm INs S ALL PuICES IN THIS AD GUAMtNTEM> TH20UJGH SATUmDAY, JUNE 8th, 1%68 MmNe PAMR! ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE IUN 3- SAVE 17« Produce! > lb 461 79ýo lqumoul lqqvwý Monniffl m iiiim