9Y1T ~1 -~ - -~ - - ~- * ~ ~ ~ ~'* .Trll tiw-~rrnuiIiu~ - ~~t' ~ - jj3 heCaadin Sttesan, Bowmanvflle, June 12, 19681 »iurham Club Enjoys Annual County Tour *ý,le Durhtam County Club Wilson, former Reeve of Hlope., Tbmonto was favoured with Aften dinnen the 'guestsi " e irst nice sun'mer day of gave short speeches and wonds' e ueason on June 1, 1968, cf welcome. About 8:10 .. jfhen they made their yearly we boai-ded the bus for thel %Mst'4Hane". jtrip back ta the city, Ail ex- "'We had a leisurely trip pressed their delight in the! L wn aenic higtway 2 ta tour and mnany memoriesi ~aI1igtrtPark, We visited were nevived. ~eDarizigton Pioneer Home àacentennial project. The izeresting part of this house NESTLETON *pas the tact, the furnishings jÉm fomhomes in Dun ham Mrlai nd MrsArthur Hy- 41After lunch In the park we his nephew. Mr. Donald Hy-j tto K.rby and travelled land and Miss Janet McNabbl L Ïthe 7th fine of Clarke In Warsaw United Church,! SGarden Hl. The views Saturdey, June 1. lom sorne f the his are Mn and Mrs. Frank Emen- econd to none in this part of son, MrPuaadM k ~C contry.Peterborough, vlsited Sundayý - Our trip coincided with the wlth his parents, Mn. and Mrs,' architectural Conservancy of Malcolm Emerson.1à Gatarlo House Tour, We visit- Mn. and Mrs. Ernne Byers,i iBatterwood House - the Sbigil.ad Ms . .peetUc ae icetWright, Durham, England, Massey. We were greeted by were Satunday luncheon guests (rs. Hart Massey. wlth Mn. and Mrs, Richard aTenext Estate was the Davison and aftennoon visi- Çuimberland House - hostess tons with Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Vrs.Inn Cumberland. The Wilson. On Sunday cvening bouse was built in 1857 and several' membens of Nestlet.on1 ffas been held by descendants;r Women's Institute -wcne en-1 . Uic original owner everl tertalned by Mn. and Mrs. WII-1 Lince. The next home was son ta rneet with Mn. and Mrs.i Viat of Mr, anid Mrs. R. L.tB3yers and Mrs. Wright. Mrs.1 eartwright. It was built in1Wright. mwha is a memben of r Pie 1830's. Somne aIte'rationsl Nestleton's sisten Institute in'l were made about 1900, but Dham gave some verv in- ILàs still retained thc original? teresting highiights of theiri autline. The next stop wasJ work. .!ninity College, which basij There are 200 membens in' peen ini Port Hope almost ai thein Institute whicb meets eentury. The new chapel was, once a month in the W.1. Hall, nui.it in 1951, Osier Hall was: 6:4,5 p.m. ta 9:30 p.ni. At each nebufltit he 1930's after a, meeting the president, the! 1r..The only building ne-I secretery and the hostess each'1 oainiuIg since 1895 is Thel gives ber repart. Thene is Lodg - Uc Hedmasersusuallv a dernonstration an a1 Ilome. i speaker et each meeting but If eThe Port Hope U n i t e d' theseaent avaliable a social rhýurch Women catered a de- eveng ngiesenjayed. Young ncou oast beef dinnený women. 15 or aven, are eligible which was much enjoyed by fer membershlp. Fouteen' ill. During dinner, Dr. O. B. Young people are given ne- Dickinson,- President cf the spanslbility on a committee. ? ub, introduced thc head There is also a vislting com- lble. Distinguished guests mlttee fon those In hospital or i r:Mayor M. Wledyka, for those who are 111 at home, usseil Honey M.P., Alex Car- These are remembered with iqiters M.P.P.. and Victor fruit and flawers. Lange dona- tions arm given ta the Cancer KE R NFunci. At prsn hyae their hall. SMrm Alice Sinclair's class Mns, Wright came ta Cana- Srom Kedron Public School, da on a Wamen's Institute and the Grade VIII class cf chartened flight. There wene Ors. Mary Beard of Maxwell two fights with 1.36 on each Neights iast Thursday travel- and the husbands of members »d by train to spend Uic day wene lncluded. Mrs. Wrlght's et Upper Canada Village. brother, Mn. Byers, wham she 'On Wednesday evening Mrs. had not seen for 33 years, was 6 -ve Jackson, Mrs. Murray scheduled ta meet ber. Thene .èckson and Miss Gloria were a few uneasy moments Woodward hosted a shawer for Mrs. Wright as ail the " r Miss Hillie Metselaar. ohen ladies had gone and she thosemarriage ta Mn. Jack was left alane, Flnally Mn, @roat will take place in Kçed- Byers was paged over the O Unted Chunch later this loud speaker and he and Mrs. monUm. Byers were located - Wh'at a tehappy neunian! Mrs. Wright iThe guest Meaker atth humonously reniarked, It wasj Iedron U.C.W. On- Wednesday the llttle straw bat that kept *'Vening was Mrs. Kenneth her faso recagnizlng ber Oeer, wlio showed pictures Of brother as It covered bis bald *trip to northern Manitoba. pate which Is traditional wt ~The Kedron Doubles' Club the seven brathers. held an end ofthUi season Mns, Wright Is a delightfull 1?$tY that took the form of a littie lady, wlth a keen sense1 Barbecue at thc home Of Mn, of humour -nI vrv P"n"- 4nd Mrs, Wilam Snwdnltusiastîic abouüt the Women's,, en Sunday evening. Institute - an excellent good- NOTICE Take Notice that the Business Known as MILNE'S BAKERY 53 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLEt WILL BE CLOSED Saturday, June 22nd 1968 W. wish te sincerely thank ail our loyal customers for their patronage we have d enjoyed serving you.a PRATI FOR PRO On June 25 - Support the Stc VOTE (ONSERVATIVE 1 IN NORTHUMBERLAND - DURHAM ELECT JOHN PRATT bas proven hims.If a mon of progresa -One Who Worki'For Mis Constituants FOR CANA ! Leg ion Branch Holds Opening 0f its Invited guests and Legion branch officiais hear President Golden Legionnaires und er D irector Ross Cotton ent local people werc Mn. and Mrs. New Wing on SaturdayMr.Do tpltnand Lis 14UMrs. H. Tnini, Mr$. R. Farrow, ""N J~~,~SiMrs. K, Clarke. Mns. R. Hall, and Chanlene, Mrs. D. Vinkie. ""Mrs. Rop Robinson and ln- fatdaughten Cheryl la visit- SIng hen mothen Mns. L. Peck Ms. Margaret Day of v.>Toronto was a weekend visitan wtth Mrs. C. Brown and with ....her attended the Meyers - Joy wcddlng, Satunday efternoon, et Klngdom Hall, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Hend- erson. Mr. and Mns. Fred .Henderson, Mn. and Mrs. Bill ~ iWade were also guestsaet the same weddlng. Messrs. Raymond Bruce, SReg. Falls and Walter Farrow wene on a fishing trip ta Wil- 4..J berfance aven Frlday night. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Kimbal and Vicki of Part Hope spent Satunday et Mn. Jack Kim-, ball's. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bonnett and family, Pont Credit, wereý Sundey visitons witb Mns. C.! Robb. Miss Danlene Bowen of Ceam- Ab Mvins adres of elcme.bnay was a visitan Sunday, Ah Mvins adres ofwelomewîth ber aunt, Mrs. C. Far- row. Mn. Gary McEwcn and frlend of Peterborough visited -bis gnandmothen, Mns. C. Bur- ley, Sunday. Gary bas re- celvcd the Top Student Awerd for the yean. at Kp.nnen Col- legiate, Peterborougrh. Mn. and Mrs. Launie Staple-j tan and Beverly of Ajax werc S~i; 'I~ Sundey visitons wlth Mn. andr Mrs. George Stapleton. Mn. and Mns. Carl Fanrow of Downsview visited Mrs. R. Farrow, Sundey afternoon Ten Yeans ago Mn. and Mif Fred Mark and sons came here tram Czechoslovakla, a n d scttled on the Wm. LaingI farm. During that time thev have made many friends In' this area, and h-ave grcatly lm- provcd their home, whlle cdu- cating thein sons, the olden twa of whom are unlvcnsity, students. On Satunday even- ertain with several selections. ing, they entertained a num-1 ber of close friends and neigh- bons at a little party, et whlch ~~~j I IMn. Mark thanked each onei present fan the belp given the Mf amily ta sta rt f arm ing. Then The branch's Pipe band provides music following the conclusion of the opening ceremonies. OLIJ-&54I1 wilambassador. f iscusses Vie klN m SituationFO FRT E Mrs. Wilson, asslsted by FOR F'RT"' Mrs. Davison, servedi cold bey- IFRrTO erages, tea. fruit bread and cookies. The Nestieton ladies slgnedLin lb S e k r S y Mrs. Wright's autograph book V n Clb S e k ray and entered a "Memorv Gem" Then It was time to say "Au' Revoir" 'after a pleasant and meoaleocsin We Musf Fight Communism Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs, Tootare now s pending the smmerin their Nestletan~ Ooe.1n Social, Economic Plane ' A Friends are pleased that Mr.1 Clarence Mountjoy is pro-! Commt nlsm in the emerg. inadequate measures " Mr. there must, be a more ardent gressing favourably In Osha- ln ain1sbsclassae.H xi rsns fCnda need wa H~ospital. gnton l a iall Lucassae. eepained es fCnda need social an~d econamîic problemr that the only practical wayt ence. EP Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trick, and muist be deait wlth on1 prevent the spread of Com- Lindsay, were Tuesday evening these planes, Brad Lucas saîd1 munlsm Is to attack the con- Canaa policies must beHTWAE dinner guests with Mr. and in bis address at a recent ditions- wbich provîde it with! clearly Canadian in the eyes Mrs. George Bowers. Mr. and Bawmanville Lions Club dlin- a foothold in these landis. of the undeveloped nations. If ON TAP AT TIMES Mrs. Bowers enjoyed Thurs- ner meeting in the Lions Com- Yet in Viet-Nam we see a;Canada cauld demonstrate ta day evening dinner witb Mr.imunity Centre. social and economie problem hewoldta unqe stcanably FHEV and Mrs. Robert Rhodes,! In introducing the guest r bein.c handled with an th o aknat u she i caable 0FSE"V Little Britain, and spent the spaele iirtl i rahta tesstemiiindependent stand, then the weekend witb the Chapman fellow Lions that y'oung Mr. tary aspect," the speaker de-, undeorittleed conries, new or family. North Bay.--- - Lu cas. a son of a local Lion:!1 plared. This fact added ta thej underravîlegie nes, cothusd Bowmanville H-igh S c h o o i majority of the Vietnamesemoeraiydntfwthu Principal Len Lucas, had tak-! people's lack of knowledge! and perhaps even consider aur en ver fom ' s curs ofandunderstanding of what way o fIllfe, and that of others G R E S S a at . en'bivcorst true democracy really means like us, an acceptable alterna- KingtonOnt. to ra v lIs not only conf using for the ' tveta Cammunism or Ameni- tensively. During bis trip cauntry's inhabitants, but also cns, n ua elrd SMr. Lucas spent considerable constitutes a neal danger. Carson Elliott moved a vote tlime in Asia, the greater par-1 "Canaa' efforts In dealingi of thanks ta Mr. Lucas for his on iieia ieam tion of this period in South with emerging. nations are1 knowledgeable and interesting East Asia, and then stayed In often hindened because Can- ' speech. President Bob Wil- V DO ATT Viet-Namn for tbree manths, r adia n actions are too often, liams also expressed bis pers- VOIE R T T Mr Miller told the club identified witb what the 'anal appreciation ta the guesi. Mr. Lucas' speech ('oncern- Amenicans are doing. If Cana- speaker. and congratulated Mr. ethe traditional western ap- !da Is ta achieve ber__goals'Lucas on bis excellent addness. praach ta Communism as it ls found in Viet Nain, and he 'pointed out that speclalL con-LD sideration should be given ta' N EWTO N VIL L theroe laed y andaas' Mr, and Mrs. Mac Irwinearned bY the st udents, UP GENEROUS a member of the anti-Com- were Monday evenîng callers:tbrougb tbein sale af Christ- UPYO m ii "T eworc ptoldm r. w lth M r. and M is. Frank G l- m as cards . O A E Tls oa ne 0f partmocymer. On Tbursday evening, at the Vietnamese istorv. This fact1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best and home of Mrs. M. Jones, a parly xplinssomne of b Heathen left an a motor trip'U.C.W. card party was beld. dIffirniltles faced by the Unit-e ta the Western provinces, last wîtb five tables in play and' ed Sae in Ifs attempi. ta set,'week. prizes gaing ta Mrs. Joyce, up democrac'y In Viet-Nam", r Mrs. Thomas Jones is a Stacey and Mrs.., Mary Bnown. . * tbe guest speaker pointed out.1 patient In Port Hope and Dist- Mrs. Bea Jones won the lucky, fle dI'llcusedl the early bis- 1 lct Hospital. number draw. taricai backgraund of tbe; Sympathy is expressed toi Mr. and Mrs. Clintan Far- peopie nt Viet-Nam, and their! Mr. and Mrs. Derek Wood-i row. Mr. and Mrs F. Hend later struggle for independ-lhead, of this cammunity, erson, Mr. Jim Adams, Mr. ence. The comparativelv re-1whose 5-year-old son, Phillp, and Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mr. and TH E NU I cen fiht o reether lnd i as it ndfatally Injured! Mrs. Arnold Wade wene some! then known ns French Indo- iFnlday mornlng, when he dant- of the local people attendlng China, from European doin- ed acnoss No. 2 Highway the supper, at Newcastle Unit- ation was recalled. Vctory about two miles west of here, ed Church hall on Wednesday IR1 Frnh tDlenbienphu. Inde-1 car, driven by a local nesident.: Mn, and Mrs. Murray Porter 1pendence followed wlth an! Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 pupils ýof Detroit are In this nelgh- aftermath that lnciuded valiant'of Newtonville Scbool enjoyed r bonhood, visiting friends and * , , struggles to establish the socialva bus trip ta Toronto ofl rrelatives.- *nd economic stability of the iThunsday last, accompanied; Mr. and Mrs. E. Mihan of nto.'by Principal Mrs. P. Hasluk Toron to were visitars with B o w m a i f"In South Eust Asie Com- and teacher Miss Linda Green- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adamos, Sat n mînlnr has appeared where It! wood Several of the pupils' urday afternoon. *n hmw rei,,,eved an open invita- mothers went, as well, namely,, Shelley and Julie Gnay of - mon. igiht lu exempli.led dlean- Mrs. R. Wood, Mrs K. Ent- Orono spent tbe weekend hene lUM MI Iyn Jet-Nam, Laos 'and wistle. Mrs, J. Kimbal.Mrs. wlth thein gnandipanents, M r UU* Ufi e i e ~ coeiend- H. Payne, Mrs. .E 1tan n r.C H. Lane. while Mrs. E. Websten, vlsltlng ';thein parents, Mn. and Mns. mmflr In South EastCntre Island, whene lunc hne ry eeatnig 19 KImNG ST. W. -Ns ë nurtured by I- was e.aten, befone returning to a wedding in Ottawa. r r~ntf ne- the rnalriland, to explore the Attending tePnySl #«Dotâpw, d new City Hiall. Tis trip wasi at Kendal, Saturd#W evenlng, the burning of Uic mortgage, ,% ' atten which a happy social G l~a spel I 'ow evening was enjoyed. Th ose present Indhided Mr. and M's Sets R c r Mn. and Mns. Kalp and Doris of Port Penny. Mn. and Mrs. Sillc and daughters Nada,fo Piuci MIrlam and Sonya of Ajax;!1o r du n i Mr. Ulrlch Rueggen, Mr. and A purebred Holstein caw in Mn.. Ccil Stapleton, Mn. and the hcrdd of R. B. GlaspeILi Mrs. George Stepieton, Mrs. O'Neill and Maurice, Mn. and Bowmanville, Ontario, has Mrs. Ray Stpleton and fam- rcently completd a fine ily, Mn. and Mns. Glen Staple- 'cord a! performance prode. ton and femily, alilo! New- tion test. As a sevcn-year-oid tonvill.i in 305 days on twice-a-day Mn. and Mns. Phil Gilmerimilking, Laidiewn Reflection and femily wene et Chemong Nana prde 259Is.ml ave n the w eekend and h ed M .r d c d 2 , 9 b . m i and Mrs. F.F Gilmen as supper containing 709 bs. fat, average guests on Sunday. , test 3.14 % buttefat. This e- Ms. M. Walkey was a sup**cord has a Breed Cass Ave- EFFECTIVE MAY l5th, 1968 the business known as Bill's Glass & Mirrors Ltd. 9 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE has been purchased by MR. RONALD MacKENZIE Mr. MacKenzie has many yeers expenience in the trade and is well qualified to serve youn needs in : * REPLACEMENT GLASS * SCREENS * STORE FRONTS * MIRRORS * SLIDING GLASS DOORS* TABLE TOPS * DESIGNED GLASS * SEALED UNITS * ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS and DOORS * TUB AND SHOWER DOORS way to h ave ail the HOT WATER you want when you want t **eeee*@ee..e. EW TWO-ELEMENT 'WATERHEATERý Commissionmdl iB BOWMANVILLE . il s t'- 41 4 i 4, s i Àr 4% 1% " ÀR ovd 1 inville Publïc BOWMANVILLE