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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1968, p. 7

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"minton Piano and Orgm Ce. al Bowmariville where h V ( ) f C f/ learned the art of piano tun- Y u g V ln f r R c g ,-N,-~,-,i ng. White tri Bowmanvllle he amember of the then famou P hoe 6 3-33 3 Dminion Organ Factory Band. Phone 623-303 Moving to Oshawa ln 1909. he I__________________________________________1 worked as a piano tuner wlth the Willams Piano Co. under Mra. Isabel Cargi ilndthe Museum, and aise attend- Charles Peacock and the lte John,4 Toronto. were S unda y cd the weddlng of their Harry Salmon and the late visitera wlth Mis. A. B. Carter. nephew. Mr. Larry Hicks, Newton Johns. Decoration Day ut Bowman- Oshawa. About 1913 ho left the Ill1e Cemetery will be ob- 1Mr. Alan H. Osborne. Mani- Williams Co. and jolned Brad- uerved this Sunday, June lth.1 ager of lberty Bowl. attended ley Bros. ln the real estate and Mrs. George James, King the B.P.A.O. bowling conven- piano sale*, business. This flirm East, vlult.ed her son John aetlion held at Holiday Inn, Pet- was nlso the flrst sales outlet.. Brewers Nursing Home, Mil- erborough, on Tuesday, Wed- for the Ford Motor Co. ln tord, on Monday. nesday and Thursday of lest. Oshawa. Mr. Cor worked as . . .. .* Mrs. W, W. Dickson of Otta- week. Mr. Harold Bennett a car salesman frcm 1926 to wa was a recent guest. wlth was ln attendance on Wednes- 1937. her sister and brotheir-ln-law, day evening and was present- Mr. and Mrs. Cox were both..........~ _NK ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr, cd wlth an award for outst.and- muia dwthher. Elgin Street. fgsîl~ wt oî our 0Jchildren formed tie Cox e. If ynu found thic heat ofrscfOta;oOrchestra whlch was wldely lest week unbearabl ej uit. Mr. John Pratt. accompanled known throughout the district . thlnk of the poor studentwoby Mr. and Mrs. Art Code Mr. Cox's abillty as a musician -~ are studylng for and wrlting attended the official opening aise resulted In his belng a examinations. o f the new addition te the member of the King Street Many town cltizens, formeri Legion Hall on Saturday, June United Chuc udaychl residents of Tynne and dis- 8th. Later, they were jolned Orchestra. trict, attended the 1IOth An- by Mrs. Pratt and bheir sonl at A member of Klngsvlew . niversary of ýon United the official openlng of the Uie hrM.Co wa«... Church last Sunday. town's Police, Pire and Court- forer ChcveMer ofthe Mr. ad Mrs. J. Newman, bouse building. WhIIe visit Oshaweative memClberanf ihe Silver Street, were weekend log ln town was a dinner guest oneC of the builderrs of the On Thursday afternoon, during the Womner ietofMr.. md Mis. T. K.1ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kedron Klwanis Camp. HeHsia Auxiliary meeting, Miss Cathryn Hooey W~ Stewart Church Street, ant the' Code, Parkway Crescent. was aiso a member of Fo-spta cottage near Fenelon Falls. Two members of the Bow- ence Nightingale Lodge No. 66, awarded ber "Volunteers Pin" for cqntinuing servi Mr. Wesley Daveyv. Detroit,! manville Business and Pro- Independent Order of Odd Fel-,over several years as a tuck shop assistant. Takil Mich., te vlsiting bis sisters, fessional Women's Club, Mrs. lows, Bowmanville. Mia. W. A. Edger and Mis. W. H. Jeffery as delegat.e and Miss Mr. Cor, was merrled Feb. Ce L 1n I J. Bagnel, and while here Is Velma Gay. attended the 22nd 1902. at Bowmanville, te thei C lebrates o85tn Dlrtnda guesi et the former's homne. annuel conference of Business former Ethel Blanche Pingle, Mr. Wayne Leach. son of and Professional Womnen's who predeceased hlm March Mi. anti Mrs. W. P. Leach,Clb cf nauohetlat016. He is surviveti by a Fleti Street, bas accepteti a mct nto oa d ard FloerMis. Fred H. Smith . postio wih Dminon tôrs otel. Fort William. Some 225 daulhee andi three sons, Napanee, and comnienceti hie delegites and observers froni Frank. Arthur and Clarence,~~ ~ .... duties on Mnnday.73 clubs recelveti reports antiad c saa We reinersttiînrecî -recommendatIons from ex- We reInerste l rcev-ecutive officers and commit- Aise survlvlng are three. ? ...:-:: lng for this column Informae- tee chairmen, anti debated and grantichildren, Ronald. Albert tien îegarding your visits, away vnted resolutions on matters and Peter Cox and five great .' '.. from town and aiso the naines affectîng women. grantichildren, Derek Ronald . <- of out-of-town guests ai youi' _____ Diana. Tracy, Melissa and Ro.....-- homnes. Dial 3-3303. beit Ccx. ....... Major' Dan Dudley, 30 Orchardvew, tedd~G raduates bedJune 7Pt theArmstrong Battalion Stormont, Dundas Feral ome sas Bwma.n-l andi Glengarry Highlanders at tretwsI omnll ICemetery. Rev. L. W. Mer- Erocvlle lai weken. ,beit, minister cf Klngsvlew Mi. anti Mrs. Davidi Maàden Unitedi Chuîch, contiucted the M anti daughter Julie. Peler- srie boîcugh. were Thuîsday inti_____ Fildayývlsltors with Mis. ?ýbd- den'ls parents, Mr. and ldrs. .i James Mari. Lowe Street ..>..... Mr. and Mis. A. J. ClW~ke,G ra u e La.mb's Lane. weîe Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mis. Al. Ellicit anti childien, WhtbY, . . .....-.**. anti enicute homne calledl on Mr. andi Mis. Tom Poters, Oshawa. Mrs. M. L. Roenlgk. King, Street West, is ln Stratfoil attendlng the opening eC<thîre nlghts of the Straiford Shakoý apearean Festival. and wblle ". ln Sti-atford Is guest cf Mis, .1 L. J.Long.Mis. Victor Bourgerle was Bracey, Mis. Theodore La] Mr. andi Mis. Jack Brown. honoreti with a paîty, May 1Oth I (Eva>, Mis. Victor Huliý Tyrone, were Suaday tea "- ' (Dotby n ac rc cats wth Mi.antiMî. Alf.hosteti by her childien, et theS e adJc Brc Brown, Queen Street. Mr. : n ome cf her daughteî. Mis. 19 lias 22granchiliren ai an r.Hesper Dpn, Orono,1 Victor Hullat, Lakefieli Street, Bourgerie was born ln Whi were Suntiay even* calleis at John Glenner Oshawa, on the occasion of ber chuîch, Hamipshirîe, Englan the Brown home. :* teBonhm.son cf Mr. anti Mis. Charles ....8t ltdy She liveti ln Oshawa mosi Mis. Etisail Olier, Conces-i Glenney. 40 Bond St., Linti- . Mis. Bourgerie ls the. widow her life anti took up resideni %ien St., spent e weekend say. formerly cf Newcastle, c hîe rcy onA-u etnil 0yasa IAn Hamilton wlt her daugh- recently gradua ted in an Hon- beits and Victor Bourgerie, She Is a Illfe member of t] ter Jne, wo reanti she bas eight children, Ladies' Auxiliaîy te the Cai to Jn, horntly gxadu- ors course ln Pbilosophy anti Mis. Norman McEvers (Franc- adian Legion, and the Salvý ated from the H iltion Civie English ai University cf Tor- e) r.'Aln Maoslo ry r.Bugr anti aItendei t e a afNsnti ohantiLs erJonwnte(Murlel). Mis. Roy Hunking received imany glfts anti flom adatne Te anJonadSusan Trick award; (Lily), Bon Bacey. Edward -ers from, fîiends andi relative Graduation Exer#ses belti dur- this year he graduateti second I ng the weeken . ln his class. In addition te his Christopher Robinson i Mis. Eva Mac onait, Toron- academnie work this year. John son cf Mr. anti Mis. Harold I to R en*stngfincrJdthe ~r~espniiles O Roinson R. Centennial ,T Y R uO N E and elatves Lon. Wile resdentof Rsidnce Oun-recevedbis .A. egee ebrhationsten Thee ExplorerTe Exl ares aenviith here Mis. Mac nalti was the cil. This summer he k5 Covoation cf Queen's Uni-O udy un ) 98 guest cf Mis. Percy Mutton his second student mission versiîy. Kingston. helti on yoeUidChr e- On Sunday June 9196,ten6atlehe .ne c antienjyeti aftrnco aifieldi at Fort Qu'Appelle. Sas-ý SatuîdaJe .TyoeUiei huc Cn-nSntay, June l6th. andaicnjwane__-_______________ tennial Anniveîsaiy service Mr. anti Mis. Gordon Yei katchwan.was heltieai 2:30 p.m. wiih Oshawa, weîe Suntiay evenir Rev. Arthur F. Gardiner, visitais with Mr. anti Mr RE BTH BITU RY radu te S.A. of Rockwood, Ont., as Paul. Vaneyk. guesti nmsier who baseti bis Littlo Dawn Vaneyk had he Christiajý Reformed i LETFRNI message on '"Forward or Back- tonsils remnoveti on Monda: ý ALBRT FANCI COXwarti." The Bowmanville Gel- Hope you will soon be bettei Cýurch Frmntia n o h en Legionnaires sang two an- Dawn, xeuog Street proma sn ensson of etherns, Mrs.GoIdyn Bren wRs Mis. W. F. Park, Bowman Ph*623-1218 Osaa ietFacs o nipsld.ville, Mis. Arnoldi Geisbergei p h ooO sh a a, A b er F ra cis o x nd p stl u eZ ion , w e îe S u n d ay v isito is t Miutr de Jn 4h,168 t h .. Approximatelv 350 guests"Mr anti Mis. Lloyd Skinner. Oshawa General Hospital. The ..enjoyed the service andi recep-1 Mr. anti Mis. Iîwin Seuih 1ev. 4 VandenBert, deceaseti, who was In his 91st tien followeti in the Commun-lwell, Oshawa. weîe Suntia B+A, B.D., M.Th. yoar. bati been ln falling health ity Hall with many e>hbt visitors with Mi. anti Mis. I i for five years. Ho formeîly c hts einilqiiSouibwell. bey anti Mis, W. Park, wish days with ber son Mr, and Marting close of Cburch School until Fal, te express their sincere appre- Mis. D. Miller. ciation te the cateîing cern- Mr. James Dugan, Rev. 4ttendance awaîds wliI ho pîesented. mittee anti social funciions Chris Dugan, Unionville. were committee cf the Uniteti Suntiay guests cf Mi. anti Mis Prmaryandkinergrte bos ad grlsChurch Women foi the deli- Arthur Hamidlton. Prna van i prs en foYsadgil clous lunch whlch was serveti Mis. A. Rahm, Salem. Mr. willpreent the Comxnuniy Hall. anti Mis. W. King, Oshawa, _____________________________________Guestsatatendeti from Burt visitoti Mr. anti Mis. S. Hall. River. Norwootid rbn, Mis. A. Spicer, Mis. Harold Walkerton, Bradfcrdi, Oshawa, Henning, Bownianville, Mis, Ajax, Toronto, Bowmanville M. Miller, Peterborough, Mr. CALYARY GOSPEL CHURCH ' - . Orono anti many ciber places. anti Mis. D. Miller, Debbie and Anyone womse getting Glenn anti Mi. anti Mis. E. R..1, Tyrone, Ont. .th...e ..'«Historical Sketch of A. Virtue weîe supper guests Tyrone" niay obtain sanie from cf Mr. anti Mis. F. L. Byam. (FNDMETA)the Centennial committee. There were nine tables of Mis. Ralpb Bowers will be Euchre playeti Friday nigbt. lietthostess te the U.C.W. meeting Mi. John Coombes. Mis. Fred June 26th at 8 p.m. Let's have Cameron, Mis. William Stev- a real blitz cf thcse olti nylons ens. Mrs. Walter Park, Mis. W. DA RI L HA Lelothing bale s nt as largo won prizes. The 50-50 da fions as ailier years. The bale goes was won by Otto Madilson. TORONO BILE COLEGEJune 15th sa let's pack il big. Mr. anti Mrs. Murray Ye, TOROTO IBLECOLEGEMis. John Runtile will be glati Mi. anti Mis. John Vaneyk, to recelve them. attendeti the graduation cf Mrs. J. W. Heroti, Mis. Miss Esther Rosevear frnm ýUN DAY,, JUNE I 6thi 1968 Misa Betty Lynn Darch Mabel Mands. Weston, Mrs. Oshawa General Hospital ut bt.hServcesreceivoti ber B.A. degree frcm George Bradley. Cailantier, School of Nursing lasi Fritiay et bth ervies the University of Western Mis. J. E. Griffin, Oshawa, nighi. 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M lOntario in London on Tues- weîe lasi week visiteis of Mr. Supper guests cf Mi. and day, May 28th. The convoca- anti Mis. Walter Rahm. Mis. Murray Yen were Mi. anti lion was attendeti by hem par- Mr. anti Mis. Robert Bur- Mis. J. A. Rosevear, Hampton, Ail Ar. Welcome entsMi. anti Mis John Darch gess anti tamily, Port Perry, Mr. anti Mis. Laîmy Rosevear cof Collingwood, formerly of were Sunday supper gueula cf anti chîltiren. Walkeiion, Mr. Bowmavill. Mr andMrs.James Woodley.ý anti Mis John Vaneyk and' riized by Hospital Auxiliary n's part in the ceremony were, from left to right, Volun- vas teers chairman Mis. W. M. Rudeli, Miss Hooey, ber ice mother Mis. A. L. Hooey and Auxiliary President ing Mis. Lloyd Ayre. family, Tyrone, Mr. anti Mis, ville, visiieti Mr. anti Mis. H. Douglas Delaney anti girls, Hall. Salem, Mi. Kenneih Rosevear, Ernest Haîmer meturneti Hampton, Miss Esther Rose- home on Saturtiay froni Trin- vear, Miss Evelyn Clark, Dr. iiy College Scbool, Port Hope. Graham Finch, Oshawa. Mi1niMs Gog am Mi. anti Mis. Teeti anti Gîeenbank, Mi. and Mis. C. Sharon, Mr. anti Mis. Harîy W. RaIni, Burnt River, Mr. Haiberly anti Karen, Mi. anti anti Mis. Cecil RaIni, Buike-ý Mis. Russell Mooey. Mr. anti ton, weîe guesis cf Mi. ant Mis. Frank Hatheîly. Toronto, Mis. W. Rabni. Mi. nti Mis. were guests cf Mis. Annie C .Ramrmineti or a Hatherly. visit. Mi. and Mis. H. Breni, Osh- Mi. anti Mis. Lloyd McCoy awa, Miss Mabel Jewell, Bow- andi Laine. Mis. Lamb, Toi- manville, visiteti Mr. anti Mis, onto, visiieti Mis. P. McCoy aný Lorne Phare. Saturtiay.! Mr. anti Mis. H. Tîuvett, Mis. W. RaIni, along with Toronto, spenitIth weekenti Mis. J. E. Griffan. Oshawa, with Mis. A. Wooti. Suntiay visiteti Mis. Mabel Hantis, visitors weîe Mi. anti Mis. Al-. Wesian. Mer sister, Mis. Bradi- beri Mavin, Bowmanville, Mis. ley, îetuînet borne to Ici Merion Mavin anti boys, Osh- bioihei's in Oshawa. awa. 1Mr. anti Mis. J. Giggs anti Mr. anti Mis. Eaîl Byam, boys, spent the weekend at Oshawa, visiieti Mi. anti Mis. Keene. W. Park. Mi. anti Mis. T. Janczyn Mi. anti Mis. Bilh Down, visiieti Saturday evening wiih Deug anti Debbie, Mis. R. J. hem parents, Mi. anti Mis. F. McElmey anti Jini, Tomanto, Gibbs, Cobourg. weîe guesis cf Mis. R. Vîiue. On Sunday. Mi. anti Mis. 'iMrs. W. Macdionaldi, Bow- Toni Janczyn anti daughters manville, v isiteti Mis. R. Scott. Maîgaret anti Fay visiteti Mr. Mi. anti Mis. K. Robinson anti Mis. Paul Moroz, Burling- and family, Mi. anti Mis. A. ton. Thiessen anti boys, Bowman- Mm. anti Mis. L. Harmeir, L ____________________________________________________ IThe Canadian Statesmnwa nvlfe, 3me 12. 196DU PONTYPOOL Wê were .glad to welcome Mr. John Barsketis home after John, Ernest, Beth and Miss Xathy Hoar. attended Boston Mils Memnorial Service on Sunday and later attended a famlly reunlon in BurUington. Mr. and Mirs. Len Thornett, Hlaliburton. mpent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs. Sunday visitors were Mir. and Mrs. R. Petit and children, Clarkson, Mr.. and Mirs. George Gibbs and f anily. Bey. and Mrm. Donald Lute, Bradford, Mrs. Leila Werry and children. Orono, were Sunday guesta of Mr. and Mirs. S. E. White. Mr. and Mrs. ]ROY McLaugh- lin and Debble, Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. David Kyte, Black- stock, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy. Bownianville, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Edlth In action as soon as exains are Murphy. over. a thres montha stay ln lies- pital. While unable to work at present he is galnlng Iin welght and hopes to soon be back to normal. Election actlvity bas been very quiet. Millbrook, Cavazi and Manvers P.C.'s are hold- ing a "Meet the Candidate*. night ln the Parlsh Hall, Beth. any, Wednesday. June 12th. We understand that the Llb.. erals are holding a meeting here the same night. Our senior bail teani am rolllng along. They defeated the Bailleboro teain, Sunday evenlng and now have three wlns and one defeat. They had lost a close one to Baillieboro earller and have defeated each team once. Our girls, tesm are also on a wlnning utreak. Our boys' Mldget t.eam wlU be Progresaive - Conservative Association will hold a Deception Tlîursday, June 13th 11:30 - 10:00 p.M. Memorial Park Clubhous. 1 for Mr. and Mrs. John Pratt Progressive - Conservative Candidate for Northumberland - Durham Riding - EVERYONE WELCOME - PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY JUNE 15 Special! ZIPPO Father's Day Unit Lig hter plus FREE LIGHTER FLUID and FLINTS 4.45 Value for 3.95 3.49 NYTOL Ta blets, 20's Helps induce Sleep Sugg Jist ____ 10191 COPPERTONE Sun Tan Lotion 4 oz. Sugg. list 1.79 1.49 Dont Forget Dad on June 16 YARDLEY Affer Shav. Lotion Original or Black Label, Sugg. liât 2.25 1,59 SQUIRE Gift Set Sugg. liât 4.95 Brush, Comb, Whisk, Shoe Dauber and brush 3,9s SCRIPTButane Gift Set SCRIP OS g.liât 7 Butane Lighter and Can of Fuel - 6,99 SCHICK Auto Band-Razor With 6 Shaving edges, ' Sugg. liât 1.98 -**-- - - 1 6 MensSUNRITE SUNGLASSES Mirror or Italian Side View, Sugg. list 1.98 -I.- -- 1 45 M ENNECitation Gift Set MENNSugg. liât 2.75 214 oz. Cologne and 21/ oz. Shave Lotion ------ 2»9 G illette Double Edge Blades, 5ts Super Stainless Steel, Sugg. liât 75c 5 9C THERMmOmWARE ELECTRIC CARVING KNIFE1.9 5 L SCORE "The Clear Mair Dressing' 4%/ oz., 1.19 value for We- 8 9c T lh ILIUSummer Condy 5pecmal OFF Insect Repelleni L 12 oz. 1.98 Ilt .1.59 OLD SPICE Lime Travel Set Gift Boxed 3.25 QuÎck Tanning Lotioh~ 2 eo& tube Sugg. lust RAID House and Garden Bug Killer, 11.2 oz. Sugg. lust 0 Flashcubes SPRESCRIPTIONS - I.DA REMEDIES *6 ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS. 5 KING St. . W PHONE 623-5792 Bowmonville

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