ELL INES by John W. Lowry 0your telephone manager I often think that it must seem astrange to ritizena o! those countnies which. are stili struggling to obtatin free voting in a generai election, that Cenadians mnust be urged to use the vote that they have enjoyed for so meny years. For more than half a century - mince 1917 wben women wene gnanted the vote in federal elections - aIl aduit Canadiens have enjoyed thia freedom to vote. The secret ballot was intnoduced la Canada in New Brunswick Ia 1855 and voting by secret ballot was adopted la federal elections in 1874. Before this quaiified voters (men oven 21) called out their choice et the poils. First votes far women In Canada wert- allowed in 1884. In thet year widows and spinsters in Ontario wene given the bellot In municipal elections. The privilege o! voting bas a long history in Canada. Perhaps that is why the duty that goes with this pivilege i. somnetimes ovenlooked. Thousands, Indeed most o! us wilI be voting in our fedenai ciection next week, know nothlng o! the struggie to obtain the vote - a stnug- gie which la still going on in many countries. June 25 we have the chance to vote for the government we feel wiil best lead Canada. Freedom to vote. It's bath a pivilege and a duty. * * Whet help eu on tet that: WilIIwonk over- tiase wlthout extra pey ? Wili take cane cf a thousand erranda and neyer coniplain ? h always ready to be cf service ? WIII neyer speek unies.s peken to ? Cen upeed acroms town or acres. the continent lni seconds ? Tour telephone, of course. It's always there, always ready te helP You accompllsh more. For business and foin pleasure It la always your wlllingr servent. Bowmanville's new telephone dinectory will b. going to press shortly, so please check youn listing. Is yaun name spelled correctly ? And what about Your address and phone numben ? Have you thought about additional listings? Other membens o! your family and relatives, roomers or boardens would benefit fnom having their narnes lîsted ln the tele- phone book. If you're e businessmen, you cen use extra listings Vo show other finm names for your business - toaessociate your name and nesidence telephone number with youn firm neme - on ta, show a!ter-hour numbens for you and your key empioyees. Rememben, extra listings, at littie cost, make it casier for people to find you For ny changes in your listing, on any additions, cl ur Business Ofice thou delay. The Orono NewsI Dr. mnd Mis. Paul Ruther- Mn. Thornton Wilson and Kirby, on their marriage, Bat- ford, Pamnela, Alexander, Mar- other relatives. urday, June Mt. ln St. th& and Mary A.nne o Mr. Perey Werry and Joseph'* Church, Bowman- UAstowei spent the weekend chlrn were guests of Mr. ville. wtth hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. S. E. White on Ty- Mr. and Mns. Orville Chai- S. B . Rutherford of Kirby. irone Centenniai Anniversary, lice. Mrs. Everett Couvier and Mrs. Vera Milison of Toron- SundaY. Mrs. T. Fairbrother as dele- to spent the weekend with Mr.î Mrs. F. 0. Cooper le gts r ttnigtePo andMrs H.E.Milson~ atient ln the Oshawa General vinclal Horticultural Conven- and Cathy, and celebrated her IHiOsPital. to tWidojhl ek birthday on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. John- to tWnsrti ek Congratulations, ison and children of Peter. Mrs. John Armstrong of Cong'ratulations to Mr. and ,borough; miss Audrey Elien. J mmnins has returned home Mrs. Wm. Sears (the form- AtkInson and Mr. Robert' after spendlng two weeks with. er LInda Jean Harris) on their1 Huitema of Whithy were ne- Mrs. Thornton Wilson and marriage Saturday atternoon,1 cent visitors of Mr. and Mns. other relatives and friends. ure1tl rb ntàJames L. Johnson. i Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brad- JhueIhIn KBslEy Lnge Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Sutton ley and son Tim cof Hampton Chuci. e. Bsl . lgand their house guest. Mrs. S. wth hen parents, Mr. and Mrs. AParty of 14 gathered t Smithers of Engiand, David Albert Mitchell and, family et the utchOvenfor in at onGray and John Duvail recent- their cottage, West Lake, ovr theDuth Oen or innr Ol y visited Pioneer Village, the weekend. Monday evening ln honor of~ near Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Mor- the birthday of Mrn. Wesley Mrs. Geo. Monton ententain- ton and Marîlyne attended a Cawker, Bownianville. Pres- ed the bridai party et her showerr on Saturday eventng ent besides the guest o! honor home after the reheansal for nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. was Mr. and Mrs. Charles the Sears - Harris wedding Robt. Sheffield, Oshawa, for Cawker, Foxhoro; Mn. and lest Friday evening. her niece, Miss Carolyn Mart- Mn.. Geo. Cawker, Garden Congratulations to Mns. ln o! rlNiornhill, bride-elect. Hill; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamb- James Wannan on. her 9th Mr. andd Mrs. Orville Chai- lyn, Onono, and Mrs. John birthday, June 15th. lcDlDnaadDn Leihma, Ohaa. ollw- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fuiford Ise. Mr, David Ferrier o! Bol- ing dinner a pleasan t evening ýand son Kevin of Whitehorse, ton were Father's Day guests was spent at the home o! Mr. Yukon. ieft for their home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. 1tamblyn. lfrom the Toronto Internation- Aiken and Tom, Mllbrook, on Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Sand- ai Airport on Sunday after Sunday. erson o! Columbus visited Mr. Iseveral weeks visiting rela- Mise Karen Fagan of Mark- and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. itives and friends and attend- ham le stayin g with ber grand- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson ed the Sears - Harris wedding father, Mr. F.O0. Cooper. and their house guest, Miss A. on Saturday at Klrby United' Mrs. Chas. Frost recenti Ferguson o! Rochester, N.Y.,î Church. returned home fnom Engiand. spent from Thursday to Sun-j Mr. and Mrs. John Baiiey o! Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Luxton day with Mr. and Mrs. Archie.o! Oshawa visited her par- are residlng ln the Chatter- Watson, Betty Ann and Laryents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ton apartment. at Watendown. Bowins on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Miss Josephine Armstrong Mrs. Cecil Robinson is a Sutherland attended the mer- of West Dennis, Mass.. U.S.A., i patient ln the Memorial Hos- niage of their grandtdaughten l haq left for her home by mnotor 1!pital, Bowmanviile. Sylvia. June 8th, ln St. after several weeks visit with i Congratulations to Mr. and i Joseph's Chunch. Bowmian- Mrs. Ben Whyte on their 63rdi ville. Wedding Annivensary, and ta; The Genenai Meeting of the M.and Mrs. E. J. Hamm on Orano United Church Women Better their 62nd Wedding Anni- will be held on Thunsday, H e rv ersary. June 20th at 8 p.m. ln the! H ear r mLarry Watson of Water- Main Hall. withU down le spending this week PLEASE NOTE - Sunday,j __with his9 grandparents, Mr. June 23rd le Decoration Day and Mrs. Alex Watson. et, Orono Cemetery. Servie OuI (uN Congratulations to Mr. and ln the Chapel at 2 p.m. Other Mns. Wayne Truli, the form- years sanie has been on the TourHeanng Dser e Miss Sylvia Sutherland of last Sunday ln June. For FREE Hearlng Test I ~ C f I u and Demonstration B L inÎw irea Orono Electrii Orono, Ontario and make an appoint ment to have your hear Ing tested by Mn. Gabriel your centified heaning ai( audiologist. Mn. Gabriel hes been ser ving the herd o! heerni fon the past 18 yeans Rest assured he is abli ta fit your hearing josi with the proper hearni &Ii,. Batteries and RePeins for Ail Mak of RearnngAid. MEMBER ONTARitl HEARING AID ASSOCIATION ~es M SUE AND HEAR RO0BE RI NATIONAL PROGRESSIVE.CONSERVATIVE LEADER wiII arrive by Jet Helicopter at Port Hope High School MON.,JUNE 24 2:45 P.M. VOTE John Pratt TUESDAY, JUNE 25th jC A good number gatheed ln Fiday fom a. pleasant six ifIé ' ~ -- ( h Township Hall Tuesday weeks' holiday in Scotland EU I UN a ~i i evnin tomeet Mr. Russell and England. qUL M 1c Hney and Mrs. Honey. Prior Mirs. Albert Abbott, Ottawa, ff Frozen (Wbole Cut Up) Tray Pack t- ta the meeting a few cars and visited Mr-. anMrs.has. rffl c I > f e,1Blackstock, Caesarea, North Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- 2 9 * 'd and South Nestieton. After joy visited frierids in Tornonto z MM - W returning ta the hall, Mr. Neil on Wednesday. gff Malcolm introduced Mr. Hon- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fergu- 'â;2Swift's Premniumn or Lazy Maple r- ey who gave a short address, son, Alan and Kevin attended Rindless g then answered questions ask- a famiiy gathering nearc S. ed by the audience. Misses Brantfod, Sunday. jeCnd acomad ah Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Don- Breakfast Bacon Pk: 75 SB Bistw acompnie byMrs. reli and Mn. Earl Dorireli ig Dorothy Bristow entertained visited relatives in Midland, Essex Brand with dance numbers. Sunday. _ a. u Pnize winners at the euchre Gordon Malcolm spent theI Wednesday night wene: high weekend at Quin-Mo-Lac at- W . E iN E RK S -98a mi lady, Mrs. Oscar Graham; tending a Counoillons Train-2-b c "'- second, Mns. Charles Smith; ing Camp. high gent, Mr. Walter Law- Mr. a.nd Mrs. Wilbei-t An- Vac Pack rence; second, Mr. Carl cher spent Wednesday with Wright." Next party and last Mr. and Mrs. Don Flemnig, Essex Brand Faniily Pack 16-oz. Pg for the season, Wednesday, Oshawa. Pg ;June 26th. Miss Pries't apent Satundayc Cartwright Squirt Basebali night and Mr. G. V. A. Scott team played Ideal Dairy team (bath of Belleville), ls spend- o k d Ma s 6 Central School grounds, Tues- Johnston. _________________________ day evening; resuit 13-10 in Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dy- favor o! Port Penny. Thunsday sant, Peterborough, Mr. and FRE evendng they played Scugog Mins. Ardis McArthur, Wii - ______________ team eat Scugog Island, result- lowdale, and Miss Betty Mc- - No!Nwcovfine 'o ol Oregon No. 1 Gr& ing in 15-7 in favor o! Cant- Arthur, Toronto, visited tiheir \ /j wright. another, Mrs. J. A. McArthur N. The Brownles held a Pack duni.ng the weekend. "ý ý 1/ R N Hoiaet Mr. Ernest Swain's Miss Edith Whetung, Osh- ". . ./. PRIX weekend under the direction guest of Rev. and Mrs. Rom- II/ ln conveniant Clfri' ie of BownOwlShirley Tur- eril and took Miss Booth to ,odpst. ner and Tawny Owl Connie Serpent Mound Camp. no0 de~t... ofl Santa Ro. Swain. Mrs. Clarence Fenguson Sunday morning the Ex- Don Milis, la visiting Mrs ergaN. r plorers attended service in the Cecil 1Hili. Among Sumday ~5 i United Chuxch in a body and callers were Roy Ferguson ikplad eogaN.iG jmade a donation ta the ohurch Mrs. R. Wilson, Mns. A.%f 6c BOTTLE IM. and M. Treasunen, Mn. Quade, and Mr. and Mrs. CARTON E Johni Canaghan, whîh was Stuart James, Bowmanvil-e.CnNoiGrd Ramneril spoke mainly to the and sons, Oshawa, were Sun-59 Explorers !rom the theme day supper guesta o! Mr-. Roy . . ~E îLo tMy Hands". Msds. PergusoS. Green~~* Harnold Kyte and Harold Mc- Robt. Van Camp, Port Per- %4 C Laughlin sang a lovely duet, ry, spent the weekend with "Just a Closer Walk with his gnandparents, Mr. and Thee". Mr. Harry Van Camp, and A*£ mn In St. John's Church, Rev. ail attended Milbrook Pairn d o iins O n aey Faue Rose spoke on the need o! on Satunday. ihel -Pk o12sSV c Love i a Christian Life. Congratulations to the faihllo-Pg.c 2- AE6 NexV Sunday will be anniver- lowing, ail piano pupils o!fIN sary in St. John's. Mrs. Rutth Wilson: Grade 1- W IENER BUNS or Next Sunday is Deoonation Honouns, Sherry and Douglas A DI IP ' UIiC Day service in the Union Johnston (equal). Grade II- HMBUR BLKEUlN 3 Cemeteny wlth Rev. Merrill Honouns, Cindy Grieves, Ca- erson^ Toronto, the guest thy Bristow. G n a d e III-- 4o.SV 13 seker. Honours, Elaine Wright, Alice RcmloApeo 4c.SV 3 Sunday even'ing about 70 Carnaghan; Pess, Denice Ed- fo aduits and childnen o! the genton, Wiima Woltens. Grade Rci fs i n P ie s 2 fo j5c Port Penny Baptist Church IV-Hanouns, W e n d y Lee;-24SAE9 Tri M. Group gethered by the Pass, Chenyl Wright. Grade Richmello -2~ AE9 pond on the Lloyd and John V-Honours, Debra Swain, E o 7 Beacock farm and spent a Marie Van Camp (equai). D T very pleasant time with sing- Grade VII-Honouns, Heather DN T E fr 9 son gs and musical numbers Dornell. Grade VIII-Pass, __________________________ eround a bonfire, and had Leanne Dorneil. lunch and social time-a spe- On Friday evening, June 14, HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS ciai Fathen's Day event. the students o! Cartwright AI1l groups o! Bnownies, High Sdiool attended their Pepsodent - Family Size Tube SAVE 24c Guides, Cadets, Cubs, Scouts, closing dance. Musac was siip- * _ Venturens met ln the Agri- piied by the "Maji Restora- T O O T H PIjFA S IY9 5c, culturel Park Sunday even- tion" and all had an enjoy-E ing. A prognam was planned able evening. A special thanki & Subdue Dandruff - 4-ci. Bottie SAVE 19e by Cadets o! Guide Company Vo M.r. and Mn,. Richard Van a in which each group contni- Camp and a thasak you ta alj~ buted a numben. An enrol- previou- chaperones who have S H A r O, m 79c ment ceenmony. was held for helped us this year. V S-1-r pa obSV 9 sevea Guides. Venturers were Mr. and Ma-a. Norton Van VS-1-i pa obSV 9 in charge o! the huge bonfire Camp, Listowel, spent theR .- $ to mark the hast meeting o! weekend with the Van Camp HAI C SPRAY $139 ail groups until Fali. families. _______________________ Thursday noon guests o! Mn. and Mirs. Kennefh Ma-s, Lloyd Beacock wene Mn. Samells visited et the ftaneral and Mirs. Arthur Parkin and parlors la Oniemee Suniday Vle fetv Ma-s. Lila Miloy, Cameron, where thie late Mr. VictorVausEfcieU and Mrs. John Beacock.- Williams, a former Cent- Ail Morchandi MFniday evening Mn. and wnight reaident, was restinig. Mrs. Llyd Beacock attended W EEV the progressive supper in i Port Penny sponsored by theOp n T u TiM.« <op f the Baptist Appoint Ne,,j*p O e Tu ohurch. Gardon Beacock was Sun- da ges o Pstr ndM.F or Port Hope Perry-aedopted son for Fath- Alex Cenruthens, M.P.P., er's D-. iurham. announces the ap- M.and ivrs. Don Beacocî< pointment by the Attorney iwere Sunday a!ternoon eall- jGeneral of Mr. Owen Lent as en of the Lloyd Beaoeeks. 1 Justice o! the Peace for the1 Mn. and Mn,. Ken Duns.J United Counties o! Northum- DOMINON STOI jmoor and Beiki attended al beniand and Durham. 1emiliy gathering et Dur-hamo The appoîntment cf Mr. 1o unday.,J Lent, Mn. Carruthers stated, K n St an i p A e Mr. and Mrs. F. Stanilandlwîll now provIde ,fr wo i-g--d--m----Av and Nancy are holidaying et1 Justices o! the Peae inthe their cottage. twof Port Hope, the ohr* -iq Mr & ord .znaved home being Mr. William r6Y. ItS I Choice Imported Three Meal Variety (Roast - Chops- Stew) *LAMB in ciB4 4Meaty - Ideal For Barbecue A2Ri Lamb Chops 49" Ideal For Barbecue - Frozen Dominion F roz en Young Lamb &SKET 23lb Thick and Juicy SLoin Lamb (hops 59'ýb 1Swift's Premium 1-lblb Swift's Premium Sweet Pickled Cryovac %'s Cotae ols59c Cot es Grol A"iscertb reh r ""ElScea 5 to 10 lb, c Essex Brand - By The Piece 3c BOLOGNA lb £S BAVE se -65C SAVE 2se L 47c BAVE 8. r 39C1 'forl.OO for 99C SAVE 8c kWoman's Bakery Features pkg of 6's m CONFIENCEI -r w hecw n ESH PRODUCE FEATURI ide - New èrop - Sweet Eating RRIESd st No. 1 Grade - Sweet and Juiey sa PLUMS Q. rae-Tasty, Flavourful CHES Q,. Ont. Grown - First of the Season GROCERY FEATURI cDominion'. Own Brando ]Domino - 1-lb. Pkrg. COFFEE BEANS ]Domino (Jhoice - 23-oz. Tin FRUIT COCKTAI Drack's - 12-ex. Tn LUNCHEON MEAI Rfot Dot - Hemburt - Sweet Green or Green DIII - 12-oz. Jaer McLaren's Relishes 4 Dominion'. Own Brand Mayfield iD Penchment - 1-lb. Pkg. MARGARINE 5 Libby's - 14-oz. Tin AMPLE FREE PARKING i» ls Guaranteed TO Give l100% S&tlsfaction 'E THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. rs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. nu. (Highway No. 2, bat) w'j 3 M j INSERTED BY NORTHUMBERLAND - DURHAM PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION M-Puffl" mi 1 1 m _q