?nLsceflaneou ahw.r wfth The Canadian Sa nwavle ue1.16 Miss Wilma HiM as hosteau. Sa OnMa 1.th bie' m- Married in Enniskillen United .ChlurchTY R O N E ther was hostea. for a trous- seau tea at her home in honor 1 7 1of lier agtr oown I" f J fCthe rebearsal on<xidyen-TR V V~ v ~ I & ê.>îng ar y w 24eth, t he ed dingth The regular monthly meet- sented thern wit h ai u, n r. L si o l n p a rt y w a s e n t e rt a i n e d e t M ie i fg o f th e L o y a l O r a n g e n itu r e f i r d o al a e y n home of thie groom'. parents, Lodge was heid in the T>rone Thirty-fîx e studnsmh-SmRyga Mr. and Mrs. Guy Marshall, Hall June 12th, A gond at-e' adpeshoesfom M.adMs e.Cm Bowmanvilie. ~~~~~tendance was recorded and1 Bethesda school, a c np ne r n T r no p n h Acoemmunity presentation many points of interest dis by teacher MissAleArodwknd itbrpaesM. *was heid at Enniskillen Cern- cussed. Plan-, are underway, took a bus tripon oda,'ndM.R. ibadal muiyHall on Saturday, for te anflual ....uHunra- June 17, to mani onsoejydatpo audyt Junm e th, whentedbrie a nBovne. which will be held Glen Rae@flairs'. B1 avle r.Pec cohvn ri oor nJ InIterestin ling vii. perCaaatilae MARSINALL- AVERY 1 and the bridesmaids were loveiy swivel rocker by the'oor 1JuyteminieSaininO nriiMisses Laura Bowman, Wiima cOmmunits', and with a laceî yon and aa Hny os ssldbr oetoM. ai Bouquets cof tulips. drc- IHiland Maureen McNair. tabiecloth by the former C.G. îwih'ch e r ailpromus of. eLakevliewParuMsbliehstn shaigasaeti and white lilacs pretttly d -Thev were in formai len.gthl,.T. girls. ' firswîstaefp laing us u Thelagn Pbl iiatou fM- auds vnn.Ms otated Enniskillen United A-uine gowns of floral nyloni . frstagefo anning othwis uin-ia njAoova i v rr' n o smvn noteVru Church on Satunday atter- sheer in spring pastel shades! t,"~" de way or ves' morhie da t h Cn patet noon, Mas' 25th, 1968, at 3!underlined with buttercurp PONTYPOOL portort, hchi"Loa rue u- s hawa Aey goalmlr.adMs.Cif apr o'cock when Miss Shirley; yellow taffeta. They wore. port" fd Or age H"L" oy Tr wa rrhad by ah.ir e ga,1re S n Marie Avery, daughten of Mr.ý matching shoes- and wrist-' ewr or ola ht~ rhncide ha or and Mrs. Clarence A. Avery, ength white gloves. Thes' Mr. Robert Hallran was con i 5 îRcmodHil oj,-, vill ear r.H.Vndy ussofM.ad r.W R.R. 2, Burketon. and Mr. carried cascades of sellow fined to the Hospital Wng f miloff h E pbo< B w a vll e oil Fas u d s, J ne 9h n Murray Gilbert Marshall. son shasta daisies and salmon the Golden Ploug, Cobourg.. ers had a real god time ati ndMrs, H.VanDr , *M- of Mr. and Mrs. Gus' M. Mar- pink carnations and had el-, Visitors from Ontario and theand enwere' ea rave Mr and hall, Bowmanvile, w e re low shasta daisies arranged West Durham Counts' attend- Wth e ywienerr ouas b e aDr. amilMy Gey S aper og an a iy wee g et tinited in marriage. hroughout their hair. 1ed the Antnual Church Paradean The Rev. M iss M ary A.' M n. George M arshall, bro- here held Sunday niorning, m rh al w , a p e , f e h e O rc e r e o D)ougherty and Rev. Lorne B., ther of the groom, was best1 sponsored by L.O.B.A. 1314 a d cfe ee cnu e .M s :ý Grf Nethercott officiated. Th eman and the ushers were Mr.:1 and L.O.L. 82. The pastor Awards were given Out, with and Mns. David Praao iet Wvedding music was plas'ed bs' Lloyd Avers', cousin of the' Rev. Bro. Piercy delivered a Dawýn Vanesk, Debbje Mle Aaw.Ms r Mn. Carman Berett, and bride, M. Ronald Banks, cou-: fine message. At the conclu-i and Diane Lambert reMii*lr tbtaa. rs.Ga emîe n'oe utnetd wt Mn. Frank Stenger sang twO sm 0of the groom, and Mr. JOe sion of the service Wor. Sis- ..... ..... their "E" pins. Thank s'ou helping ataVacatonsBibl olos, "Bless.This House" and Rekker. The groom and hister Yvonne Faihs, Wor. Mis- gf* itavntoShrn a l. and t imrusve wh oncoll se oatn h "The W edding Prayer". i attendants w o r e identical tress of L.O.B.A. 1314, extend- The ift was gvendta S aron a. be m h im rv dm etn Mo ay Ju e 2, a The eveng a eondedwth 8n-attMn. ad DMcr.J Co ,m tMr.J ooly tather, the bride wore a for- white carnation boutonnieres.1 tors, and members of Tyrone fine.Dya h ettv h Ma eghsm-itd -ieGlen Williams C em s, t o1t r a l ng h s m - tt d A-i e The reception was held at lu e Band w ho done a fine There w ill e no church . Ge agetow n, and wi e d n e r m 1: 5 t : 5* y gown of white silk shantung, Hampton Communits' Centre, job in supplying music for sevc * .neJn 3dgesso r n Wvith a shaped back-hemline where the bride*s moher e- the occasion. Several from îw n a H sd n a nv ras od C o. alo vsid M . T ee i u d s ch o and accenied with a s'oke and ceived wearing a bighi s'el- here attended the East Dur- 1 evcs and Mrs. Ted MBid ofJn2rd three-quarter len gt b bell- low lace gown with maiclhing: hani Couiy Church Parade iMrs .Tont n ai' rmtn e shaped sleeves of scalloped- s'ellow bai, and white acces- on Sundas' evening in Mii- ier, saw. ce aiGog ilCa rapo edged lace. A detachable sories. She wore a corsage of brook. Il -was considered the wek g e s ai M. nd r. rtu ed h e wih he .A , uK q;î e cath dral tra n ot the ame bronze pom -pom 'm u ns and largest and m st colo ful par-!~~/R i b .M . C a l s B o n i s f lace was pleated onto the ýWoburn Abbes' sweetheart ade ever sponsoned by East! MisGe hUpellf HlnBrwP back yoke. A headpiece of! roses, a gift of the groom. Durhami. las L)uforMaoiLRche!4LiIee. ee g handmade silk flowers caughtý The grooms mother assistedý Several froni here ttended'ls ekfrMni ih-wr atwe us fMs hik ie her veil of tulle illusion. The: ta receive and chose a rpow- the M illbrook air on Satu .-. " o k f r i e su m n r. W a d n ld u Y IaiiiItI o po e t....a ed e f he vel haed inder blue crepe dess with full- day. Good crwds were pre-. - Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor andi Congratulations ta M.1n lage scallops was appliquedlength matching lace coat,lsent and saw a splendid show.A Dvd-is er alo nir.À.J oro with lace flowers which white bat and accessaies, andý Liberals and Progressive, _ *,M. Greg MacNeil, Toronto,! wedding annivesans uel4iexiitt niaiched the train. Handmnade a corsage of white 'munis and: Conservatives both held get- were guests of Mrs. P. 'cMn. Leon MooreadPal flowers also adorned the back-pink sweetbeart roses, pre- !togethers in aur township nc Mrs. R. Vîrtue vsie n - of the dress at the bottorniof sented ta ber lis her son.I Wednesdas' evenîng. Liberals 'Dont forget the U.C.W. Theo l3own, Lakeiec, n i atcascae hboque fcaidcolelitng theiî eding poolmeti U.C.W.all rin oty-meeting June 26th ai 8 p.m. Sunday. d ma aseeteatbosqeitfescar-tnoplta Peaods', Massachu.. Tpor iemtnth e P.. aeish Hll, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gilbert Marshall are shown in the above photo as they I at the home af Mrs. Ralph Mn. Murnas'MarLegnndpoa phaigotemjed nations, steplianotis, and seits, and othen New England Bethans' where local tawn-ý sign the registen following their mnarriage in Enniskillen United Church on Sat- ispeakr..Thn wllb ag esi nid. DitWoncdedifaedîse green ivy. siaies. For travelling the s.ip ladies supplied a lioun-1 urday aftennoan, May 25, 1968,. at 3 o'clock. Forrnerly Miss Shirley Marie Avery, NILMr. W. Vanes'k was Sundav averdngrat odeswie I aestrcesewai tnI Miss Diane Avers' sister af bride wore a walking suit ni teous buffet lunch witb local I the bride is the daughter of Mr~. and Mrs. Clarence A. Avery, R.R. 2, Burketon, Iguest ai Mr. and Mns. Pauli Mn. a ndMrs.D.Pse revgpaaculrdto. the bride, was maid of honor,I Padds' green wool with match-talent supplying music and and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.Gu M.Masl, Bowmanvi lie. Vanes'k and children forl and famils'. Casilpton ike okpae igbat, and wbite accessanies. song. -Guy MarPhtoshalls Dy. rvandslied B ______re____ Mn. and Mrsr. G. teamByam.prMont1 Mr.portant K.oBackfMs.-RoyMayta LO GS U T LmsLane, Bowman ville,, sive victonies aven ta sin the iiesi honand daughters wr' f tha.ngOpn oue o Apaniment 103. and Beihans' ai home on Tues-' i' secetheriy . ookani' Ivisitons ai larlowe and Fhin- Mrg. W. Miller, onbe9thO~Imo Mn,. Fletcher and Mn. JadI- The bride, who 15 at social, day and Wednesdas' lioosting Re enl M arried red letters fnom those un-ioOt thrlivsbrhdyJue2l Johinson. Oshawa, were Sun- worker ai the Nothumbei..I ibein standing ta five wins IMnanbMslRep awr 79p..Ah fintteened.w ustne B day visitos af M r. and M rs. land-Durham Child en's Aidiand one defea. Thes' receiv- AMra. iins lii'~ n. n an a ned . t-lhe Alfe d 7- pmr. a ld Mrs. Jn d enýWI Bert Johnson. Society, atended Bowman- ed their second defeat Sundas': the event cnrliid.ed bs' thp Picnic n Satudas' ai Lake- held a dinner parts o h'015.iniaego ton e Mn. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, ville and Countice High iin Bethans'. I aking of pictures and muchiwPakOaapikn on auda tne Mn,. Robent Smith and Lesa, Sohools, and neceived berI Dale Stinson who pitchedil chatting and reminiscing. v' ar, shw. lapple pc so Bowmanville, wee Sundas';BSc. fronn Trent University!fo ur lo a, s oro i i. Ace A lbott, Osha wa.1nigli. Guess attien e r mN w i - y en fe e j on fo u o as i o u fGuests were in attenidanWespent the June 9ib weekend ighland Creek, Wei il, et n mip ior frm a3s evening calIons of the Smili's. this year. The groom attend- hospital and taking therapy. f rom Oakvillr-, H am il1t on.!with Mr. and Mn,. Earl Pres- Columbus, Whitby, OhwPeaa etaalr Mn. and Mrs. John Baker, ed Diglis Regional Hg There is some doubi whetber Belvle-iceePr! ot n oa usc e joan and David, Aldersliot. Sehol, D iglis, Nova Scotia, ho will lie physicalîs' able ta Bopl e Kimpt neauo rt cý .ati IE r rectýM s-S.G b e n spent Sundas' wlth Mn and;and is a machinisi at Special- lie wiib the teani this season. HpaponTatnA- M.adM s al steti: r .Gal adBrc, n Mrs. . Bakr. I' Papr ProucisLtd.,Bow- We jui boad iht Mn.Jackcasier, St. Cathanines, Osh-; visîîed t h eh r se-n w bIs .Bkr yPprPout t. I- ejs er htM.Jc awa, Scarborough and Tan-I Mrs. Roy' Prescoit at, ibe Osh- Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Cor-; manvillo. Horner lias passed awas'. We ono-Geerl ositlwh o nish, Mars' and W endy, wereý Several parties honoed ielave no particulars, but we __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _1. jI1 rn. 1 Squnday afiennoon guesis of Mn.,ý bride piaor la hon marriage. extend ta those who mounn lacMOfIlflVc and Mn,. Alfred Grahami, New- Mrs. Hubet Sabean, aunt of aur sympaîlis' . w a ndnis'r inai Arl c a nd rslHuh ur htAe* groom, lield a miscella- Mns. Alvin Olan came home lran Mr. avdA- neous sbower ai ber home in' from Civie Hospital on Fni- pne M.ad r.Wbs, how's t]a ? Bowmanville. wre Satudas' Oshawa. A linn shwer ws day. We trust en healh will Alread and speni the week.j "Wei, I swore t eItetuh u vr ieIty evening guests ai theHrod held ai the home o! the rd' improve sies.dily. en'i ___________________Partyend at Mr. and Mrs. Waltrsm ay oJc ifriend Miss Mauneen M nNi.1M. and Mn,. Morris Gillis igesctae tSony IMrs. RobertiWileoscottageiaai Siones'ofawyeraabject.." TEHELPFUL COMPANY ithe bride, and Mrs. Jackî Mn. and Mrs. Raîpli Shape \'V, eII Attended Lae tables of eouchre wasl 4. O F F R S n d n d r d r o w , c u si o f ili b r d e , T o r n t o s p n t th e w e e k e n d I h e d i t h MORTGAGES were bostesse, for a miscel-1 ai the Sharpo summer home. Th,-,'le successful mnorntgo nds ih.Pie eeCOHSCR ÎT laneous sliower ai the for-, Business as usual was the . . - Coffee Parts' held by Unit 7 as foliows, Mn. Fred Wood, ICOHSCR 24-BOUR APPROVALS , mo's home in Oshawa. slogan when îee prunes a- "of Trnity Uni ted h uch Mrs. Marion MKen Mr.NW LOIE AR SMTME NCSAY Tu .,Telephone Mr. E. J. Wilgan Launa Bowman, friends ai thei bus, Car, motoncycle to Com- M ' a en,îsA. dH. y thie rlange Phr. R e.05 ra a ta 10 p.m. today. Prompt jbride, held a mixed partyis' mence aperations. Thes woe aums ra pejoed bo tend.loarygene moo; Inve.tmnent Corp. Ltd., 62 honr of the bride and groom, ompioyed li' îlred Rich-b Mr PdC Richmond St.. W., Toronto I ai whicb thes' wene prosenied ardson, and no doubi maris ed -'G og . adI M .a d Mr.G og ht 1, Ont. 266-9586 Evenlintu. wiili many rice gifis ion thoîn more wiil be annlvîng ai ailier wffted. rs. uorge K. andv, Mn. oan Mn,. G ere Wie MVNteEVEs wi3eai4913curchs mnisir, m.BThaeille eniotaied Vte s yo plase . BUTVOT 23 - 9 3at hTroomn t h ni e's indsa n tu a io s fM i sans. s, M r ey V anston e, M n. and M rs. A . J. H oar ! ai T e niU niv rsi s' h l d Con ratlati n, Mis - -'Leader of Unit 7, received. dinner Saturdas' evenirg at: Shaaron Willis on her recent Mrs. Sinike was the general ithe Bawmanville Golf ad jwoldding. We wilî îry to gel convenor. Countnry Club, for ihein 251hý YUfrhrnw Re.Tbe serving table was cen-i Wedding Annivonsans'. Wben B OMV LL rangement of narcissus, spi-! taken lis surprise liv iheir ELIZABETH VILLE -WSlhtdytlwbeCL A E S Church services wene ai taper, in silven candlesticks.'liuilding. vi0n1hefn1eww I 841 .adnHl hrho Su-Prosiding avec the coffeel On acing back ai Tnînits'.ys KIGS.W.6352 day. Rov. Raijit spoke on the cudps Cburch joind in a CLEANE cups were Ms. K. pîcnîc WeurSpecializeedIinaShirtiLaunderERng' - I fard. Presideni o! Tninils' lunc~~~~~~h prvided lis club memi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AD a y s e r v i c e s . B a p t i s m a l s e r - . . . r . A . ] r o k , i e s a m w l o e w s -~ padial sn fr au Faher's-r ..Weors. Ja.esG.ndBrs, bes. A wrm lae I wS,' vices wene alsa held Wien] iE. V. 1-ban. ichairman o! the cammittee, aland Mn,. F. Gardiner; Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. Anthny Peter Gbes hw The bostesses were Mist .wo a en betilnuh ai T nnis' Chui afor the manimai May 1968ol gehe i Agui tM nd- elomd thiiose present1Comas Mg . . W hM's u n h w a s g a d u a tin g c la s s af N o r th ! a n d e x p re s s e d a p p in e s s a l, 3 h T e f m . to v s a h i ic , l e p i .LI MsRWieseLunch j Hope Public School. O! ibe the îresponise ta ibis aur third tour1on The ierno soti ai June'approed lis' he R oads serpel 12, 2 atendd. n ejoybleClas Runin. parking lot of the GO Train Moved lis Councillons Bi-w HUEOn Suindas' Mr. and Mrs. V venn' 20 att e red. noallCaReno.hear Pickering, where all and Gibbis that the Tawnship'sý Peacack went tb meet John ee n asrpn .Mrs. MrMurter. ualled on were Interesled bo waich the tnsîînance covorage lie carlin-J Pe.acock, "on of Mn. and Mn,.1'Mn'. and Mrs. NI. Waiker. Mn,. Mary Syer who outlinedýarruval and drparture oi the lied for 1968 as in 1967. A. Peacock, Kinkland Lake, [Mn. and Mn,. D. Honner and ver.vbniefis' someofo!the woi'k commuter train. NexI came a Moved lis Depuis' Reeve P A N Twho 1, comlng ta spend hislaibons, aitended the 251h wed-Idone lis'the group down!drive througb the well-kept Down and Councillor Gibbls: holiday, with his grandpanenis.iding anniversans' o! Mn. and thnough 'the s'ears and espec-igrounds of the Ontario Hospi- ibtai Ibis Council appioves the (MORTNEPRDUTS)ha ta it Mr ad rs j1brok Sndy.M. and Mn. H. QuantiilliMrs. Harves' Chalce, MIII- iaîîs' o! heiirwork nw with:tal ai Whitb. The tour aso location of a new Post Office' ( M O O T O N P R O U C T ) b a te w it M n a n d M rs j.I r O O , S u d a s . i e S e rv ic e t a P a tie n ts C o n- 'in c lu d e d a s to p a t W itb y b u ild in g in H a m p to n , a s s t Quantrihl and Michelle, Osh-1 Mn. and Mn,. A. Stec and!mà;ttee o! the Canadian Car- Ladies' Coilege wlîere the oui in a leiter pnesented 10ý OIL BASEQT. GAL. awa, on Sundays' famils' are mavlng la Orono cet, Society. o!giuup wenî in la view and ibis meeting lis the Depant- Please eiu o v OI A EMn. and Mn,. Robent Wesi-this week and a famuls' in thei, *enos is pro'admiire thebeliautiful iîewiment af Public Wonks, Can- g . I White & Colors '~-$7.45 eusen speni the weekeri rono apaniment are expeci- :Ms.Secpnedaapel wiih uts stained-glass ada. ~i r rn wihMn. and Mn,. H. ThIck-led ta move bore ini wo weeks., afdl foe fib acrwindows. Moved lis Councillors Gibbs; AI L[Iefle m LATEX son. Mn. and Mn,. Dekoken.'Tbey are on holiday now. Societyonteseilgs, Pra mtejybeofndB wnhtRue3be $~~5O $795 Ohawa. spet the weekend Mr. and Mn. F. Doucele s. nihwpeia sst a l eisuremostou ofhe sni andeBrfor the uatiue 3oli White & Colors with M . and M ,. H. Staats,ihad their dog killed n Sun- M s . Sa ls o new Kingsview United C urcb Iis meeting. d nto iB O W M A N V I L L rantford. day, te third in less than ~ sisen af te late Miss SparinO shw.Hr h hl nmtosa ie ylw E T RO RM R 2. 5Several motored ta Gandei :year. Mrs. Joan Cox tharked the grou sw lcoredte bR ole On otiz ons fo B - E X T E R I O R P R I M E R ~ - ~ H 1llate see the B annis er and i M ost of the ig li sc ool stu- 1 r p o b b î a erg . pW as erert d lis' R e.'l u hnize ep o rksC o !Can ,D r eo y PORCH ANO $;Woods wedding parts' ai theýdents are on ibeir holiday,. 'thon. Mns. Madeline (Jones)IlmebesW. H erbent and ls'U.C W.mni Toeph oCans' on.s FLORHENAD EL. r- hJonUs ' rdy.iVisitons ai r.and '* s, L fleaOhi of Trta sok n showed thon ibtrough ihelgiven ius second and third FLO N M L.. 2 4 7 9 r. adMn,. Ross Russell,!'Muldrew's who came home ls beafo th ou--mv"aniaus paris o! tbe building,,ý readings, signed, sealed and on J L 6t Belleville, calied ai Mr. andjweek ta stas' were Mn. and ladies in thein desine ta h.el p1 the heautiful sanctuans', ciass-'numbered 2366. PUTTY BRUSES, OOLSETC.Mn,. E. Pawlen's on Sundas'.ýMns. Walderu, Port Hope; Mr, 'the Suashine Graup financial-:nooni, for religiaus edlucation.' Moved lis Councillorg Gibbsý Thes' had been ta Peterbar- O Mencer, Mn. and Mn,. R. îbthrwokfr aiassembly rooni. loîinges and and Brown that a Bs'-law te Look up your listin ntecretDrcoy uhtovisit Mrs. W. FawlerjWihite, Mn,. G. Morris and cor patients. kitchen. The bearui of theauthonize the issue o! debern- yuws ohv F Il I and iamily. Cnaig. Mn,. Rulis'(Withenîdge) iarchitectural designi. brighi turcs la the amaunt af $120,- BYu sinessOhave ha ngd aiyu eehn Mr. and Mn. S. MacLean' M. and Mrs. M. Walken .ackman of S. Catharines n;colonul inteiors and furnsh<ý000.00 ta finance the building BSnS fic t7340 ed i wit Mr.and Mn,. M. visiting with hi, brother 'Ran- lhanked those nesponsible !onltommcnt-s. The ladies o! Kngs- to the Public Sehool ai EnnrLs-ý Po n s & W lp p rSeverai attended Millbrook reai. s'ear and spake ai hou' t %was iresbments ta thc club before tbe next, Session ai Councîl.U 55 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Pair on Satuirda. Mrs. Wallon Grdon as anticipated each ean bv those leaving and xene tanked v Mored lis'Cuncillors Boiv n Miss Nancy' Walker held a been In Cobourg haspilal ion atlondirg. M ns. McMurter Rexv. A. W. Hardiung ion thoin and Gibbis that tbis meeting1 parti' Frid"y *veflÀf for the some ime with fflumonia. reminded eaç,b cma b be sure bospitality and for the privî- adjourn. * . s..