0 Thé. Caiiadian Statesman, Bownianville, 3uiy 3. 1968 Veteran- Pontypool Tree Man Develops Al Weather Machine for Packaging Christmas Trees A sturdy, portable, 'ail. of netting on the machine. 2.000 lbs. pull: It runs on an! weather" machine for pack- Other Important factors eight horsepower engine us- *glng Christmas trees ln about the machine: ing regular gasoline. uVXar ~ plastic netting has A conveyor can be attach- Several safet.v devices. ln- been developed by veteran ed. Since the conveyor oper- cluding hydraiulli s a fe ty grOwer Samn Manetta of Ponty- ates fram the same shaft and; brakes. have been built Into PMIl. Ontario. motor as thie packaging unit, a the machine. Mr. Manetta, who has de- tree cani be packaged and load- -"Vexar"' on cardboard maga- signed several tree packaging ed on to a truck ln one opera-,znscneslyb addo devices since "Vexar" was in tion. the machine and every part of troduced ia tree growers five I t Ilncorpora tei a packaging; the unit can be locked to avoid years ago, says the new unit 1s method that prevents netting ihf~ extremnely easy to operate and1 fram sflpping off the trees, het niaita.n. tis mpraes ackaingef- Labor casts compare fav. "Three men. or wamnen. can; ficiency and reduces the, orablywthmcne usg operate It without any previous q cuantity of netting used . twine. erperience." he says, "and It The highly efficient pull- Canadian and U.S. patents wilî run an entire season - 1,through grabbing device has have been applied for. ramn or snow - with little or no maintenance. Packaging' upeed Is five ta six trees a' E D Winute - It also bales two treesK NA Ott a turne." (lntended for Iast week) also called ta sec Mrs. Luxon., Mr. Manetta will be dem-i Mr. and Mrs. Don Ansley, Miss Irene Mercer left Sat-' Onstrating the unit ta lndivid-'Michael and Janette of Osha-1 urday to spend the week at " ual growers and will appear wa were guests of Miss C. W.i Quin-Ma-Lac Camp. QV evra gawrs'filddas.Stewart, Wednesdlay. Kendal Anniversary serv- Two leatures that make for< A practîce game was pîay_ ices were held Sunday on imnplicity, Mr. Manetta says,I ed ln the Park Monday even- ilg with Mr. Young of0f s are a standard funnel which ing with Cobourg Bantams. wa being the guest speaker. He One of the ta]1 concret handles all tree sizes and star-ý They played pretty weîî. gave a talk on Samuel who bhn h otimn âge racks making it P 1ossiblePta'Ken dal won 7 to 4. The rain was called by God. TheSu- fro the co rmeat Onù cary a etir da'ssuplytrier! to dampen them a bit. day scholars sang and Mrs. Mrs. Hatcher Foster aand Fonk sang a solo. "How Great development is expected ti Mrs. M. E. Foster were to Thou Art" very pleasingly. to provide more than 2,00( Fa~UlOlTeeterville for a few days last Mrs. G. CathcartanMr e Farm nion week to visit with aid friends Falls gave out the certificates at the 40th celebration of the and pins. Miss Stewart gave N w Teeterville Wonien's Institute. Out the special attendancer y R IThey had both belon ged to R tpi'izes to: Ann Poster, Bannie TR Elackstock Local 73 of theibefore comlng ta this district Geach, Peggy Foster. Irene Pbi caITu Ontario Farmers Union heldiand saw many old friends up Mercer. Michael lrwin and pulc8IoITu a meeting in the Township there. iFern Zealand. The church On ,lune 20th, t968, Tyrone Hall in Blackstock on June Miss Joyce Elliott was hlomeiwas tiicely decorated with Public Schoal pupils toak a! 20th. There were several visi-1 for the weekend. She lives ln flowers. bus trip to Midland. Ontario.V tors in attendance, including Oshawa b ut works la the office As Sunday was Decoration 'Thev saw the Martyrs' Shrine Ken Sinclair, District Direc-liof the Whitby High School. Day at Orono Cemetery a whirh is a monuiment of the '>r, Mr. Lloyd Hasson, Or-1 Mrs. Alva Swarbrick spenit number of folks took the flow. Jesuit Missionaries. Inside' ganizer. and Andy Sutch. pre-l last. week with her daughter, ers up Saturday evening, Sun-jthe Shrine a priest toîr about 'irident of Pontypool Loal Mrs. Croniniller and her bus- day morning or later. for the the work of the missionaries The President Mr. Danielj bnd in Toronto. They service. lwith the Huron Indians, aIXGould brought the meeting tOý brought her home this week- The W. meeting was held* After a tour of the grounds ~Ç oderandconucte th bui- nd.Tuesday evening at the home It.hey -,isted the Huron Indian :,#IeSS& Mrs. Henry Wotten ac- Mr.Fe ai.Pt-o!r. G. Cathcart with Mrs. village at Little Lake Park. A 4-14epted ber nomination as borough. Is visiting with her Eddie Couroux presiding. The 'guide led them through a long '~ecear-resre.son. Mr. Len Falls and wife. convenens for Historical* Re- narrow entra nce int the jý, Andy Sutch presenter pleased that Mrs. search were MissCthrn village and explainer! about t ape recarding of a speech Mrhhs oef onibs- Stewart, and Mr Galn long bouses, steam baths. wittch 'Iýgiven by the Vice President it tals In Toronto where she Catbcart. The motta was --doctors' bouses, diryng raks the N.F.O. in thie United unerentdhe perton "A nation cannot rise above and look-ou j-t towe-r -s. ber secnd bip.the level of its homes. There-J. - KIaenSinli epre n Mn. Arthur Thompson ar-1 fore we must~ work and study i on ai. port Arthur last. week. ~ Kn incai rpored0Orived home last Tuesday from together ta raise aur homes ' ,the Fariner, Labour, Teacher. a trip to Vancouver to see bis to the bighest possible level. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster .Conference that was held in brother. Mr. Fred Tbompson ý,mPort Elgin recently. and an- an he n a seebssIster, The roll cal! was ta "Name1 visited aver the weekend witb xiunedthrewo.l e Ms.Eal ihandd ber nhus:1 a famaus Canadian and tell ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. $lýCountY Union meeting in the band ln California. 1bits or er accomlise nt'.Awd TeGaat rinfoen _ý-Odd Fellows Hall in Orono, Guests with Mrs. W. Merc- 1 Il w ct a v e an nereMs.T-ShlGras dt i for ena ýî,îJune 27th; guest speaker tal er, Sunday. were Mn. and Mrs. InG at.cat ogave .an neret-'colwsber nra vn jý-ePeter Myers. i MtnLoeaiPtroohigacutnMs.Aeaide: ing in their auditorium with next meting Loc ln Mr s. ofPTed oro g,r-Hunter Hoodless who was the Ms aro schimn >The nx etn fLcladMs e otaKr youngest in a famlly of 12.: Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and Mr. 4'-will be held August 7th. en, John. Carl and Kenny of She started the Women's Insti-anMr.M ednsctr ~,Metn ajure.Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Lowes tutes which have spread now caller! superintendents- n lthroughaut the world, Sheliwere present and spoke, giv- was alsn assisting in manying the graduating class rnuch nther warthwhile pr0jects --- goar! advice. Those gradtiat- as the Y.W.C.A.. the National in g fram GradLý 8 were: Peggy Caunicil of Womeo. gfetting Foster, Bannie Gearh, Jlames Home Ecanomlcs taught in Hale, Betty Ann Swerdfiger. the Macdonald College In lWanda Swerdfiger, Susa n Guelph, etc. Mrs. Cathcar tTh ompson, William Wilson. d m got her matenia] from "The Harold Clarke, Net! Brennan, REATORClear Spirit". a book from the Diane Barnett.. Sandra Able- REALTORPeterborough llbrary written white (who was not present), ArelesedtaAnnunc th Apoitmet o ~ by Mary Innis. The book wa.; il students ln ail. Roy Mac- Are leaed o Anouce te Apoitînnt f 9 on the lives of 20 prominent Donald gai. the award lfo be- Mr.Artur . HmilonCanadian wamnen. Miss Stew- ing neyer absent or late. Mr. rthr E Hailtn, art read us a letter from Mrs. Susan Tbompson gatI. lle Brimacomb. whom they bad! award for the highest marks 631 Dundee Avenue, ývisiteci in England last year.' b music; Peggy Foster and Oshwa Onarn.It describer! the W.l. in Eng- ýPhilip Caswell for the most land. She also rear! from cangenial pupils, top students rTelephone: 723-6121 j"Lîttle Tales from Old Port nthi gae were Neil lHope" wbich dealt with a 'Brennan, Leslie Casweill.Cathy As Our Bowmanville-Oshawa District1 free ride on the train framn Dennis and Jin Brennan. Net! Representative ýPont Hope to Peterborough Brennan also gave the Vale- wben the flrst train made fts dirtory address. Mrs. Cour- = Mr. Hlamilton has been a resident ni this ares first run over the line. aux gave out the pins mhich for ver25 ears isfamlia wit rel etat Mrs. Couroux was ta see if the W.I. and P.T.A. had gai. for ver25 yars is amiiar ithrealestte the WlI. couir! secure mare for the gnaduating class. Mr. values and is fully qualified ta handie your real 'sasontebu ag Lwt . Greenwood gave ont the ýNewtonville ta visit the St. certificates. There are 130 «ý estate transactions for you. ýLawrence Starch CC). ln Sep- pupîls in the scbool but only tember. Plans were alsa nmade Grades 5, 6. 7 and 8 i.oak part. If you are buying or selling a home, farm, busi- ta visit Mrs. Couroux's cottage1 The Schoal Choir and Gradles ness lo or cregecontct r. amilon or on Lake Kushog the sýecond!,g and 6 favorer! with musical neSS lotor areae, cntac Mr Hamltonfor week ln Ju ly. Mrs. Cathcart 1 eections. It was a fine even- reliable service. provided a tasty lunch. A votelirîg, of thanks was extender! ta hern Gibson Willoughby Limited, Realtor :for her hospitallty and lunch.- Town& Cuntr Diisio, 'The Mldgets traveller! ta Town& ContryDiviionBelleville Sunday afternoon' 46 Eglinton Ave. East, for a game but lost out ta Cali Tend r Trno12, Ontario. Byklleville. rPa i 4 Providing dependable real estate service ta IOnono at their gaine. Satur For P Ving Ontario residents for over 67 years. day afternoon. RyF-er lx Cruhr.MPP attended tbe Reeves' Conven- Durhamn, annauinced la-t veek that tenders for the fallowîng1 contracts have now been caîl- ied. .,1,, mil,. The grading. rainage, ga base and bat mix pavin EVERYONE WELCOME - on - LILY llth fromn 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. ta sec the MODERN 70 m-50W FARROWING AND FINISHING HOG BARN Locat.d on Lot 2, Con. 7, Whitby Eesit Township Manag.d by Lynn McKay WHITE & SONS HARDWARE JAMES WAY EQUIPMENT DEPT. 0F AGRICULTURE i The contract alsa Includes the Improvement o! the Inter- section ai. Ca ntv Roar! No. 10 and Highway 7A. Pigeons Race Here from Chic On Saturday. Junie Sth. memrbers a! the Bowmnanville Racing Pigeon Club fIew a race fain Mont. Pelien. Ohio, an air line distance of 344 ýmiles ta Bowman ville with bbe faollowing nesuits ln yards per minute: lst. Brown Bras.. 107.5.12. 2nd. I. Piper. 1066.85: 3rd, Brown Bras.. 1059.50; 4th, Len Richards, 1048.15; 51 h Bnrown Bras.. 1047.35; 6th, David Woolnen, 974.00! îth, John Turcotte, 965.77; 8th, Earl Luke. 922,72; 9th. Earl Luke, Q17.48, loth. Don Stain- ton, 909.18: 111h. Michael Carmnen. 829.74 l2th, Ron Luke, 662 53. On Saturday. June 1,5th the Club flew a repeat race fi-r Mont. Pelier, Ohio, whIch was a real test for the btrds. let, L. Richards. 937.07, 2nd, L. Richards, 936i.47: 3rd, Bon Luke, 896 18; 4th. Brawn Bras.. 835-14; 5th, L. Richards. 832.12: 6th. 1. Piper, 822.80; 7th, Ran. Lke. 816.94: 8th. Earl Lukp. i 787.80: 9th, Earl Luke. 787.64; Ioth, Jo Turrotte. 747,09; llth, SnSta.inton, 627.99. Hydro's Nuclear Power Project te reactor buildings with its damne shaped roaf is shown building i0 the Ieft faregraund in this picture taken aia Hydra's Pickering nuclear power praject. This .a deliver initial pawer early in 1971 and ultimately 0.,000 kilowatts of electnîcal energy. _______________ -Ontario Hydro Photo> O N E next stop was at the British 0 N ENavy Military Establishment \vhcre they were shown wbere Aftcr lunch they vtsiced the, the saldiers slept, and ate, and Huronia Museurm. Here, arti- also saw dlisplays ai guns and farts of the Huron Indiansiranminition. werp displayed as well as, The pupils neturned. home pionerr bols. furnitture. cloth-1tirer! but happy aiter an en- ing, money and dishes. The joyable trip.________ wok who's wonl set of wheels!@ KARL ZIMARA OSHAWA, ONTARIO RONNIE GREEN 215 BLOOR ST. W. OSHAWA, ONTARIO - GEORGE MILOSH 31.1 PARK RD. S., OSHAWA, ONTARIO MRS. DOROTHY PIERSON I *~ y)502 MILLER AVE,, OSHAWA, ONTARIO GARY OSMOND _ 500 ROSSLAND RD. W.,- OSHAWA, ONTARIO MRS. MARTHA RENELT ORONO Ali Win Brand New CCM BICYCLES You could ho one of next week's inany winners! Look for contest details in cartons of Coca-Cola. &M C ,m -iW ," o dCot,,id,!tyi yoh rIdo I -L14L. HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES LTD. BLOOR ST, WEST, OSHAWA, ONT, Aiwthonizeci botl.r f Cocci-.oIa udermnotroct with ComoCoo LkJ. Ontario Hospital Insurance announces NEW BENEFITS Effective Jiuly 1, 1968 lIn keepig with fts practice through the years of încreasing beneffits wherever pomsble, the Ontario Hospital Services Commission announces new benefits for hospital eut-patient services and essentiai ambulance services effective on July 1, 1968. These benefits are now available toalal residents covered by Ontario Hospital Insurance for wham sucli out-patient or ambulance services are medically necessary. New Out-Patient Benefits Ini addition taont-patient hospital services already covered (emergency care, follow-up treatment of fractur es; radio.- therapy; physiotherapy; occupational therapy and speech therapy) the plan now provides further benefits for the use of hospital facilities in out-patient treatment prescribed by a physician. This means that many hospital visits flot previously# insured, such as use of operating room for minor surgical procedures and the use of hospital facilitùes in the treatinent of mnedical conditions, will now bce covered by Ontario Hospital Insurance. X-ray examinations and laboratory tests listed as beneflîs under the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan (OMSIP), will ot be included in the new hospital insurance henefits. However, these diagnostic services will continunr ta be covered ini connection with emergency out-patient services within twenty-four hours of an accident or whcn part or hospital out-patient service to complete treatinent of a fracture. The new benetits will NOT cover any charges made by doctors or dentists for professional services rendered at the hospital; the &se of hospital facilities for regular injections of drugs, or dental care normally provided ini a dentist's office. Essential Ambulance Service Ontario Hospital Insurance wvill ncw caver, also, the maj or part of ambulance charges when an ambulance is neces-,-ary to take a patient ta or from a hospîtal. The use of an ambulance must be considered necessary h-y a licensed medical] doctor. a central ambulance dispatching service, a desîgnated hospîtal official or another person authorized by the Commission. In the case of a road accident, a police officer may authonizc the use of an ambulance. The ambulance must he supplied by a recognized ambulance service operator (municipal, hospital, and approved private and volunteer anmbulance services;). Cost to lnsured Resident. The amount payable by the patient for an auihorized ambulance trip of 25 mile.s wr le'..s will h-e limited to $5.00. For longer trips on land thene will be an additional charge of 15 cents for each mile over 25 miles, but no nmore than $25.00 will be payable by the patient l'or any land trip. W'here use of an air ambulance is specially authorized by the [irector of Emergency Healîh Service of the Ontario lospital Services Commission or a pcrson dcsignaced hy hum, the patient will not have te pay more than $100.00, including the cost or any connecting land ambulance scrvicc. Patient Pays Hospital. The patient will pay bis share of the ambulance cost to the hospital which recccîvcs him or transiery hiun to a place of residence-not to the ambulance openator. (An vninwured person wèll 1w hable for h.i l ambulance charges ol $2.5.00) r a ndtrip of 25 rmies or k'.çx, plus 60 cenlv foir ach additional mile. Air ambulance will 1we harged a~t the rrwal fuI7 raterx for titis type of service.) The Ontario Hospital1 Services Commissmo wilI NOT be responsible for operating or dispatching ambulance,, This will continue ta be the responsibility of the trmbulance operators which, in some cases, wili h-e public hospitals. The new out-patient benefits are designed ta close the gap in protection hetween insured bospital services and those services whicb arm benefits of OMSTP and other connprehensrve medic.al plans. The ambulance benefit wll fat Offlly case the financial problem for the patient bt will assist in the dkvelopment of a well-organized ambulance service throughout the prvince. Ontario Hospital Service Commision Tfosou& '4Onalw OPEN BOUSE SPONSORED BY: BEAVER LUMBER CO. MASTER FEE DS ONTARIO HYDRO