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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1968, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, July 3, 1968 Honor Port Perry Couple On Fiftîefh Annîversary, -Lynn Coke. Ruth Mand er- 'Gibbs. couani agreed te close so, hrWalernnale n i that part of the Base Line Tano;tirdGenaCe- 1 1 ..' IéU mtu Road west Of Prestonvie ment, JSer D sore aln e * *. U ~~ U ~Road provided that the awtn-e Goul, Shrry ohnson.ers of abutting lands agree to Boys: First-Richard Camp-i Accounts a M o u n t i n g te letter be sent ta the United the closing and also agree ta bell, Steven Tomchishin, John $223,942.42 were passed for Counties Council asking that: pay the costs of closing. 1 Notenboom, Brian Felstead; payment at the meeting of a speed limit be considered A letter and application from, 0 second - William Sbortnidge, Darlington Township Councili through Tyrone. This was, E. G. McNeely regarding the Paul Mountjoy. David Adams, heid in the Township Hall. carried. Kamstra property was refer- I Donald Johnston; third-Tom Hampton, on June 20. This ponmtsoCmu-ret hePaigBadfr Tennyson, W a y na e Harton, was moved by Cauncillor R ' AppoiCntentsarta ommun-1 are tate Planingoardo Henry Wygerde, Robert Bens. B. Brown, seconded by Deputy ity entrmae as flo:Drli1968 a reycammndaion onbbsa mo- intermediate Pole Vault Reeve Carl Down. toere mad hantlw GoDrdn-tone by Cuncillor GBbsown.c lst George Keuning, 2nd to1 e hnGro nddb onilrBon Douglas Mappin, 3rd Robent' The accounts i na c 1 u d e d:; Beech, Wes Yellowlees. Orme In reference ta a letter from! Beacock. salaries $3,927.14, w e 1 f a r e !Robertson. Reeve H. C. Muir! the Central Lake Ontario Con- $4,684.11, generai $156,787.86,and Deputy Reeve Down., servatian Authority d a t e d Senior Relay Race roads $53,003 70, and roads pay'ý Solina-D. Flett, Wes Hilîs, 1 June 20th which dealt with Girls: First-June Taylor, lst $5,539.61. ýKeitb Cryderman, Fred Wat-csteîmesathEnsk- Nancy Anne Argue, Donna1 otetmesfthEnIklE Suttan, Cathy Wilson; secondm Counciflor Richard Gibbs ison, Councillor Brown andlen pond pnoject, Deputy J -Sharon William"son, Karen moved that the township's , Councillor Gibbs. Tyrone- Reeve Down, seconded by Edwards, Tersa Wbite, Bar- solicitor be Instructed to pre- Ralpb Bowens. Elva Byam, Cauncillor Brown, moved that el baaEvn.pare conveyances ta acquine Murray Yeo, John Van Eyk, thbe Conservation A'uthority be 1Vý Boys: Fiist--Larry Taun- school properties at Haydon, Jh VuteRev MiradInformed that the township tan, Ricky Mappin, Robent the Base Line and Salina for Councillon Dow. Zion-Henb has an appropriation of $4,500 Shaw, Murray Cannaghn; sec- Community Centre purposes Scott, Stan Rout, Guy Cham- in the 1968 estimates for this el ond- aye SottRiky This was seconded by Coun- ,bei-min, A. Hopson, Cauncillor ýpro.ject, and does not feel that Campbell, Rager Gould, Keijo cillor Brown and carried. GbsadCuclo o. a nraei h nan a Kinnunen; third-James Mc- Deputy Reeve Down, second- Councillor Gibbs, secanded be justified, also that the couna- Ir Leod, Neil McLaughlin, Kerry ed by Councillar Gibbs, mav- by Cauncillon Brown, moveti cil cannat commit a future E MacDonaldBrilan Shaw. ed that the Township Clerk that Reeve Muir and Township cauncil to an expenditure of Senior Pole Vault W. E. Rundle be instructed to Clerk Walter Rundle be autb- this kind. The motion was lst Ricky Mappin, 2nd James cansult the Department af onized ta execute a certificate caried. D McLeod, 3rd Kerry MacDon- Transport neganding a possible of penmanency regarding the Tbree i-eadings were given V~ ald. speed limit on Nash Road, and emplayment of Charles L. ta a By-law to authonize the The Champion Girl was this motion was cannied. Warren as Building Inspectai-. issuance af debentures for H Sharon Williamson with 31 It was decided on a motion This was caî-ried. ubi school purposes, and it points; the Champion Boy was by Councillor Gibbs, seconded On a motion by Councillon was signed, sealed and num- Tam Tennyson with 26 points. by the Deputy Reeve, that a Brown, secanded by Councillor bered 2389. N The follwlng Is a list of suc- cessful candidates ln examin- ations held recently by the Royal Conservatory orf Music of Toronto in Bowanvlle. Ont. The names are arranged ln order of menlt. Grade X Piano Pass--Douglas E. Dewel. Grade IX Piano Pass-Martha A. Farrow. Grade VII Piano First Class Honours -Jl Nichols. Honours -, Lisa Samuel, Katherine D. Vice (equal); rane E. Mclntyre. Pass--Debbie Adams, Kar- en L. Coverly (equal): Janice M. Elliott, John Duvall. Grade VII Piano Pli-st Clasa Honours-Kar- en Loweny. HonourS-Joanne Payer. Pass--Catheine E. Mack- rtosh, Marilyn J. Knox, Paul E. Nimigon. Grade VI Piano Honaurs-Lorie M. Darling, Donald G. Hall, Susan F. Vice (equal). Pass-ennfer E. Munnoe,ý Feathe- Barrie. Grade V Piano Pass-Timothy W. Blaker, Vancy J. Knox. Grade IV Pfaao Pass-Timothy W. Blaker5 Nancy J, Knox. Grade IV Piano Honours-Jule A. Payne. Pass-Ann J. Arnott. Grade M Piano Honours--Robert Shackle. tan. Grade Il Piano First Clas Honours-S . on E. Kennedy, Kath*ee4 Samuel. Pass-Kim J. Perrin, Gary E. Johnson, Lisa M. Craig, Fr-ancis S. Dryden (equal); Elaine R. Hollen. Grade 1 Piano Flrst Class Honouns - E. Marie R. Andr-ews, Mary Z. Aluin, Mai-y A. Clark (equal), Patiia D. Lunn, Carol A. Cross. Honours-Dale A. Powell, Kathryn L. Samelîs (equal), Grade IV Violin Honours-Rosemary Y. Ken- nedy. Pass-Edwand J. Puk. Grade VI Slnging First Class Honours-Cyn- thia L. Ayre. Honours-Carol L. WIght. Mr-. and Mrs. Gai-net Wright On Saturday, June th. 1968. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright of Port Perry celebr-ated thei- Golden Wedding Annlversary, When many relatives, friends and neighbors called ta con- gatulate them. many coming frmetroit and othei- U.S.A. centres. On the àth af June, 1918, Gladyu May Farder, daughten of tîhe late John Farder and Mary frwin and Garnet Els- znere Wright, son of the late John F. Wright and Sanah Oke. were unlted ln marriage at the fai-m home of the bride's parents in the Egyptý School Section af the Town- ship of Cartwright, with theý R~ev. J. J. Rabbins, rector af St. John's Anglican Parish of Blackstack perfanming the ceremany. Gai-net was bai-n ln Darling- ton Township and Gladys in the 3rd Concession af Cart- wriglht. Bath came ta the1 Egypt section at an earîy agei1 Where they grew up on adjain-1 lng lai-ms and attended the1 Egypt school. Eachb worked1 at home untili their mariage 1 when they took oven the Wright lai-m and Gannet's parents moved ta Part Penny ta the bouse on Lilla Street whene Gladys and Gai-net now reside. Mr. and Mrs. Wright have thi-ce sons: Walter on the home lanm, Lloyd on the lai-m across the noad and Keitb in Oshawa and one daughter Hazel wha lives in Oshawa. They also have 10 grand- childi-en. On Saturday evening June 1 st, Hazel entertained the famnily ta an anniversary din- net' at the Flylng Dutchman Restaurant at Bowmanville. when the family presented their parents with gold wnist watches and on Saturday, June 8th the bride and groom of 50 years received their many guests ln the tastefully1 deconated living roam in thei- son Walten's home (the old bomestead). Fiowers were there ln profusion and the tea table was centred by a three- tiered wedding cake. Tea was poured ln the after- naon by Mi-s. Eber Wright oa. TYRON I(Intended for last week)1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Tyrone, Salem and Haydon1 Toronto, were Monday visi- Sunday Sahool and Commu-1 tors of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. nity picnic will be held Julyl Dodcl. 5th at Thistie Valley Park at, Mr. and Mrs. Don Aliman, 5 p.m. Mr. Bert Jewell, Oshawa, Mr. Miss Wendy Wilkes, Van. and Mrs. Eber Snowden,l couver, who bas just returned Courtice, Miss Mabel JewelI, Imom Europe, spent Tuesday' Mrs. M ar i on Marjerrison, with her cousin, Mrs. Nei1l Bowmanville, Mr. La nc e Newton, Mr. Newton and' Phare were guests on Sunday eidren. of Mr. and Mrs. Loi-ne Phare. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gareau, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer Mr. and Mrs. David Forna-~ and oys, Blackstock, were taro, Ottawa, Mr. Leo Graf Sunday evening callers. and childi-en, Waterloo, were Mr. Morley Hooper, Mr. weekend visitors of Mr. and, and Mrs. Keith Fessant, Edge- Mrs. H. Van Dorp and child- 1lY, Sask., spent several days ren. Mrs. Gr-af returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Luther after spendmng a week with Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- her mother and sister. Mrs. thur Richards. P. Oprica and daughter of Mr. Will Young. Toronto, Georgetown are spending this was also a guest of Mr. and week at the Van Dorp's and Mrs. Luther Hooper. visiting her mother Mrs. C. A. Miss Melodie *Bigelow, Tor- Fornataro in the hospital. onto, spent the weekend at Mrs. R. Paterson and fam- the homne of Mr. and Mrs. E. lly, Oshawa, visited on Sun- A. Virtue. day with her fatiher Mr.C. Sorry to report Mrs. Anmie W. Woadley and Mr-. and Mrs. Rivers is a patient in Mem- J. Woodey. onal Hospital, Bowmanville. J. oodey Mrs. E.A. Virtuie visitedil Mr. a.nd Mns. Jack Hather- Mrs. W. Crossey, Bowvman- ly, Newtonville. Mr. and Mns.I vill. 1Harry Hatherly and Karen, MsPrc MCo ha a Toronito, Mr. and Mrs. Reg.1Ms ee eo a Adams, Wendy and Bryan, very. successful sale Saturdayv Peter-borough, were Sunday Ie Hrnltn rohes al supper guests of Mrs. Anniellast week was a real success. Ratherly. Mns. Ray Paterson and fam-p Mrs. W. S. Staples, Bow- ily, Oshawa, were SundayE mnanville, visited Mrs. R. Vir- visitons of the Woodleys. tue on Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. Verdun Thi-7 Congratulations to Mrs. W. baulit and family. Mr. and1 Miller on her 9th birthday, Mrs. Wiliard Clark and fam- June 26th. ily. Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. Sympathy is extended to Kenneth Black and daughtensA the relatives and friends nn gathered at the home of Mr.E the passlng of Mrs. Catherine and Mrs. Carl Cark on Sun- Cowling, Haydon. last week. day te honor their father Mr.N Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent, Fred Clark for his 80th birth- 10 David and Christine, Mrs. day whîch is June 3th. Con- 9 Don Badour and children. gratulations, Mr. Clark. Miss Janet Matthews of Wel- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mooney. land attended the Annîs Pic- Oshawa, were Sunday supperC flic on Saturday at Fantasy guests of Mr. and Mrs. j. P Land Park. Cavens. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Clark A number of aduits and J ftccompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ir- children fromn Tyrene attend- *in Miller ta their cottage at ed Haydon Anniversary ser- Lake Metiune. vices on Sunday.L S Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dodd On Friday evening there E 1visited at the home af Mr. were 12 tables of Euchre. AI- .nd Mrs. W. Davis and Mr. though late in the season for B Alex Guest, Toronto. to at- card parties, there are stilî a cc tend the Graduation Tea of good number Who like an their daughter Jean, also evening out for entertain- vlsîted Mr. and Mrs. Ed ment and really enjoy them- 31 ]Brown, Scarborough. selves along with a cup of tea M~ "Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb and Sandwiches. Prizes were pak-vlle, were weekend guests, as foilows, Mns. Percy Goff, R >fMr. and Mrs. George Ail- Mrs. Fred Cameron, Mr. Viv- nt drqd. ian Carl, Mrs. Arvilla Bar- Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dodd -ett, Mrs. Eileen Rosnak, Mr-. x ent Sunday with frends in N. Gimibctt. 5P-50 draw was r; ry. on by Mr. Carl Gimblett. Bi Detroit and Miss Vera Farder af Toronto, and ln the even- Ing by Mrs. Will Forder af Blackstock and Mrs. Gladys Wright (nee Oke) of Toronto. Sandwiches and small cakes and wedding cake were served by their granddaughters and the guest book was in the cane af small grandsans. Cangratulatory m e s s a g es wene xeceived from Govennor General Michener, Prime Min- ister Pierre Trudeau and Mn. Russell Honey, M.P. andhi wife. Capsule Lost When Midland Cairn Wrecked A frultless searcb bas been underway for some time ln Edmonton, Alberta, that will be of cansiderable interest bei-e, especilly loi- former members af the Mid- land Regiment. During tbe second World War, the Mdlands were sta- tioned ln Edmonton for a time and builti a calrn near the Armourles ta commem- orate their stay. Inside, they enclosed a nominal ral of the unit and other papers. After the wan, the several cairns that bad been con- structed by variaus units wene wnecked ta make way for a new Legion building ...and the capsules were Connespondence bas been carried on for some montbs between Lt. - Col. J. C. Gamey af Onono and former friends ln Edmonton ln an unsuccessful attempt ta la- cate the capsule. The Legion ln Edmonton Is now building a wall near their building that will in- clude tbe badges, ln bronze, about 10 times original size, and mounted on black wal- nut af ail units stationed there during the war. BLACKSTOCK Cartwright Central Public School Field Day - 1968 The students of C.C.P.S. have practised siîice eai-ly June for this Field Day on June 21. The resuîts were very satisfactary. The Tykes Girls--Anne Ki-Istensen, 16 points, Susan Swain 8, Tammy Demerchant 8. Bays--Darcy Dorreil 16, Tom Bartley 1l. Terny Black 1. Ages 8 - 9 Girls - Cindy McCoiI 24,! Anne Marlow 15, Annette Feunlng 10. Boys-- Stuart Francis 13,' l4ike Crawford 10, Peter Eiuvesteyn 9, David Felstead Ates 10- il Girls - Gall Failis 16, Cheryl Wright 12, Christine PanIschukwas 8. Boys-Keith Kelly 18, paul Judsan 11, Rod Campbell 9. Ages 12 - 13 Girls-Kathy Keuning 21, .yn Cooke 10, Glenna Clement 10, Sherni Walker 8. Boys-Tom Tennyson 26,1 Brian Felstead 8, Robent Bea- j cock 7. Ates 14 and Up Girls - Sharon Williamnson 31, Donna Sutton 12, J une.' Taylor 10. Boys-James McLeod 18, Uickey Mappin 15. Keijo Kin- nunen 9. Intermediate Reiay Race 1 Girls : Pist-Betty Keul, )arlene Malcolm, Darlencý Brien, Barbai-a Robrer; second Music Exam. Resuits

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