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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1968, p. 7

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Sale m Public School Holds Annual Graduation Exercises J Receives M.D.i Graduates r Canadlan Statosrmn, Eown=avMle, :u> IDU168' Recent Graduates Last Wednesday afternoon, Salem Public School, S.S. No. 9, held their annual Graduation Exercises during which several awards were presented for academic excellence, hockey and other sports. TIhe winners are shown above, front row, left to right, Clarence Partridge, hockey and Jr. Boys Athletic Champ; Mike Konapacki, hockey; Tony Ritter, hockey; Joel Reynolds, hockey and Beth J-armer, Jr. Academic Award; middle row, Lisa Craig, Jr. Girls Athletic Champ; Kirk Kemp, Sr. Boys Athletic Champ; Wayne Avery, Gr. 6 Academic Award; Nancy Peters, Sr. Girls Athletic 1Award; Sandy Kemp, Capt. of the winning hockey teamn and Ricky Sioen, hockey; back row, Principal Miss Vera Johnson, Brenny Darch, hockey; Terry Masters who presented the Walter Frank Real Estate trophy to the winning hockey team, and Dennis Barry, Sr. Teacher. Miss Johnson who next year will be Principal of Courtice Highway School presented an athletic trophy to be awarded annually to the four athletic champions. Mr. Barry will be teaching in Enniskillen this fali. daughter Suzanne, SouthwyM r S oca & *'. rrnrI Dr., spent a cul fLa u i ia !Robin last week.1 Soc« 1 ffiersonal '~Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ben-. iePan eia Phone 623-3303 ~nett, town, and granddaughter ( ve P a o R c fa Hurry, Ottawa, Mrs. Johný The Piano Recital by Mrs. ant, Cathy Tighe, Susan Vice IStainton, Maple Grave, and W. E. C. Warkman's pupils, Merry Bridges, Fenwlck Laird Mr. and Mrs. Win. Moynes,' given at the Lions Community Carol Vandemeent, Helen Av Holiday visitors with Mr. and a week reoently et Sandy Lake Ottawa, attended the wedding Centre on Thursday eveniag, ery, Karen McKnlght, Kath. Mrs. R. C. Rogers, Church St.,' camping with her granddaugh- ai their grandson, Mr. Randeyý June 20th, was cnjoyed by a Vice, Barbara McGuey, Rt] were Mr. and Mrs. E. Rogers!ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gonyea, Toronto, and Miss- large audience. Parents and Van Heuvelen, Jane Mclntyre cf ornt. R Hrr o Otaw. rs1Beverley Fitzgerald. friends present were lmpress- Hilda Ferbeek and Rita Vande. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mag- 1John Stainton, Maple Grave,,i Miss Hattie Johnson, daugh- cd by the progress made by meent. vjire, Drumheller, Alberta, are, spent a few days wlth them. ter ai Mr. and Mrs. Gera1dite students, and the expres- Fallawing the conclusion o visiting relatives in Oshawai Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wood- Johnson, graduated from the siveness af their playing. the pragramn a deliciaus luncl and district. lock ai Kapuskasing are visit- Registered Nursing Assistance~ The spaciaus roam was at- was served with Ice crean Mrs. Sidney llughsois, Tar - ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. class at Humber Memorial! tractively decorated wlth large cookies and chocalate miii onto, is visiting with Mr. andiTam Woodlock, Centre Street. Hospital, Toronto, on June bouquets af plnk and white and coffee for the aduits. Mrs Mvrs. Aihin Clemens, Conces- poug has enrolled at the Ont- 2lst. Those attending the grad-I peonies, orange blossonis, and Mark Marchant, Mrs. A. H sion St. East. tario College ai Education, Tor-! uation with Mr. and Mrs. John- purpie Iris. FrankMcuy Mrs. William Rose, Miss Alice Miss Gladys Thonipson, Taor- anto, for a seven-week summer son were Mr. J. Rees, Mrs. E. a member ai the =echn Chittick, Miss Ronna Wilson, onto, attended the funeral of course. Parry and Mr. and Mrs. R. staff ai the M. J. Hobbs Miss Elizabeth Spry and M&h hier uncle. Mr. Bert Thomp- Mrs. George Thrasher, King Johnson. Schoi, was the M.C. He caîl- Sheila Marchant assisted In son, la Westlake, Ohio, return- St. East, and Miss A-lice Har- Mr. Dennis Lemon recently cd on cach chlld tai play and serving. ingonSunay Jue 3rd jrison ai Trenton were Ia Moose~ graduated iromn Sir Sandiord annouaced the piano selectians ing n Snday Jue 23d. Jaw, Sask., last week attend- Fleming College. Lindsay, in an the well balanced prograni. Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch Bea- ing the funeral ai their cousin, Foresty, with an 82 percent Leslie Chittick an behal afi on or ton, Wendy and Jenniier, Miss Elsie Kerr', whose sudden average. Mrs. J. Overy, Osh- the pupils and their parents, Tampa, Florida, visited recent- death resulted from aca awa, formerîy ai Bowmanville. presented Mrs. Workman with y 1hRev. and Mrs. H. accident. is the proud grandmother ai a glît ai maney as an ex- Gradua te Turner and renewed acquain- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Calmer, Mr'. Lemon who is now on the pression ai appreciation and tances. icopne by grandson permanent staff ai the Depart- gratitude for' her excellent ln- Mrs. Wiired Bennett spent Michel Rber'ts and iriend, ment ai Lands and Forests, struction' teaching abllity, Bob McDonald, spent the Lake Nipigon. He is the son ai patience and kindliness. ~~ weekead travelling ta Coch- Mr'. and Mrs. Kenneth Lemon. Those who taok part ta the R EHOBOTH rane where they boardd the Mr. and Mrs. ire Vnstone ectl er anc Elliott, Christian Reformed once. Upon arrivai there, they Laurie leave today (Wednes- Sharon Kennedy, Vlrginia Chrctravelled by canoe ta Moose day) for their home Ia Van- Tripp, Leslie Mohun, Susan ChrhFactory Island. couver, B.C., aiter a holiday Spry, Dawn Taylor, Bill Mo- Seugt SteetMr. and Mrs. Ted Fairey with Mr. Vanstone's mather hua, Jeanne Tighe, Joanne Le- Meugg Steet and daughter Robin, Third St-, and sister, Mrs. Morley Van- Greslcy. Debbie Rowc, Mai'- Phone 623-7216 returned home or. Tuesday stone and Miss Barbara Van-,garet Wilson, Dennis Tripp, froni holidaying at Twelve stone, Beech Avenue. Miss: Cindy Vivian, John Wilson, Mnister Mile Lake In Haliburton. Mr. Barbara Vanstone wili acconi- Jayne Bradley, Ailan Frank, Rev. A. VandenBerg, and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton and pany theni ta Vancouver for a Lori Van Camp, Donna Mua- BA. B..,M.T. B WM NVILE Inadvertently sanie ai the Dec1na Osmond,' Maynarc BO MA VLL names ai twirhers were omit- Ferbeek, Donna Virtue, Milesl ï-1 Worship Services B PITC U C e froni the Recreational Citc, Sel acat 10 &.InBAPT St HReetCiass Revue stary iast week. Howard'IHilis, Leanne Parker, 7:0pr.Nelson Sre They were: Twirl in Tume, Donald Bradley, Margaret 7:30P.M.Pastor Grant Gordon Saturday Group 1, Donna Cook, SprY, Cathy Pattersan, Shir- 11:15 arn. Sunday School DAILY VACATION Lyna Coraux, Bobbi Ana ley Wood, Debbie Harris, Ron- BIBLE CHOOL Fairey, Daphne Lohb, Tracey aid Vice, Shelley Bail, Guy Badour, Monica Picard, Sharon, Guthrîe, Patti Le Grcsîey, Back To God Hour J!l - 12 9:00 - Noon Cooke. Lisa Frank, Cheryl Kathy Rose, David Brown, CKLBFORALLCHILDREN Fisk, Sheryl Greengrass. C ind inda Ritchie, Sara'h Legres- ENTERING KINDERGAR- Raaphorst, Janette Carison,, 'ley. Ronnie Haas, Donna Wood, Evcry Sunday 6: 30 p.nL. TEN TO GRADE EIGHT. Caroline Meachini and Corinne 'Sharon Fry, Virginia Vivian, CRAFTS . . . SONGS . * Des Rocher. !Bobby Strike, Dawn Stevens, Miss Dorothy Jean Baker GAMES. "v.eryone Welcome" For More information Cal! Recently we had the pleas- Jane Cattran, Rannie March- daughter ai Mr. and Mrs.1 62-721ure af reading a few ai the Thomas Baker, Solina, bias! _____________________"___________3-7621 __ poems in "Ripples on a Quiet O I Tn graduated with honors froni -Streami", a collection ai paems U.tIflIY Teachers' Callege, Peterbor- CH by Minnie E. McHolm. The ough. In the fali she will be1 poems are varied, sanie rever- JOHN JAMES HORNER tcaching at Central Publici TRINITY UNITED CHURLN lent, o__nstlie________o i owanil Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. !humorous and ail written ta Funeral service for John Sho aBw avie please those of ail ages. Mrs.1 James Horner ai Pontypool, Organist - Mr'. William M. Findlay, B.A., -McHolm, who is a spriteîy 90 who dted on Maaday, June 17 Graduae A.C.CO., A.T.C.M. years-and-more, was for many in Civic Hospital, Peter- years, The Statesman's faith- borough, foflowlng a pralang- United Services with St. Paul's Church fui correspondent at Morrish, cd tllness, was heid from the east ai Newtaaville, retiring as Comstock Funeral Home, Mill- during JuIy In Trinity Church at 10 m.m. correspondent just about two brook, on Wednesday, with the years ago. She bas a keen Rev. K. D. Adams oi Bethany SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1968 ýmmd and wit, plus a most oificiatixig. cheerful and happy persan- Thii'ty-clght years of age, F .0:00am: "MAKING LIGHT 0F GOD" ality. Truly, bier book ai poems Mi'. Harner was bora In Miii- Rev GK. ard"Rippies on a Quiet Streami", brook, June 23, 1929, a son oi Rev G K.Wa la most enjoyable reading. The Wihmat Horner and is wlfe Nursry drin mornngservce.collection of poems Is available the former Caroline Klnsman. Nursry drin The Statesman office ai $1.00 He attended Millbrook aand Sundaya eapy. Zion Line schoo]s and was a ' SudySchool will open in September. Miss Sheila Hooper, 98 Con-!member af Ti'lnty Anglican ___________________________________________cession St. East, leit for bier Church at The Marsh. He 4 -position as a caunsellor at was a bulldozer operator and Camp Maphe LeafI mc. on June had been employed with the . PIu.umr. . Camp Maple Leaf, on a Canadian Paciflc Raflway and < 14 acre Island in Pigeon Lake with The Davey Tree Cm R.R. 1, Tyrone, Ont. by the Canadian War Veterans Mi'. Horner Is survived by Associations and provides a bis parents, his wlfe, the form- (FUNDAMENTAL) two-weck perlad ai camping. ci' Ruth Elizabeth McDonald ,f during Juiy and August, for and 13 children: Alan, David. 300 underprivihegcd boys and Carol, Gertrude, Catherine, Bear girls between eight and 12 Tommy, John, Ronald, Danny, years ai age. Miss Hooper was Michael, Andrew, Laura and D A R L L H A L Lemployedy hast year at East Jean; also twa brothers, Lamne DA RRELL Beach the Bowmanvillc Oi Oshawa, Gardon af Peter- fhem R:creation Commission. She borough, four sisters, Mrs. Thomas Arthur Callan completed aiui'ther course of Stanley McCabe (Gertrude) ai son aif Mr. aad Mrs. Rosswell TORONTO BIBLE COLLEGE training under the direction ai Lotus; Mrs. Archie Rupert R (Jbn) Caihan, la a graduate Mi'. T. Fan ning, Recreation (Marilyn), Pontypai; Mrs. o Toronto Teachers' College.I q.nuAY JLY 7t 198Director, la April and May ai Jack Rupert (Eve3ln), Oha- Mr Callan Is a fmrmer B.H.S., SUN AYfJUL 7t.. 968this year. The training and wa; Mrs. Grant Lees Jd)st'e, and, bas accepted a at both Servie« xerece obtaIned wifl be i- Pontypool. position with the Oshawa vaualeta her in her efforts Burtal was In Failis Cerne- School Board, and wVAU b 11:0 A . ad 700 ,~ta be ai service ta the cnildren terY, Bethany. teaching at the Dr. C.F. Can- 1100Xt n 70 PXat the camp. Visitors are wel- Pallbearers were Stanley non Schaoila etme.A caned to the camp and trans- MeCabe, Archie Rupert. John:the present te i.Callan Ail Are Welcome p otain ta the Island may.Rupert, Archie McDonald,irhas taken a position witb Cab erarranged at the Veterans' Allan KInsman ad GrantS'50 for the aurnuer, (Cabi l'Mrn nthe mainland. J1Lees. ianyone ?). Gary Wm. Rouslander Larry Bruce Samis son af Rev. Wm. K. and Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Housiander, formerly of Bow- Samis, 45 Church St., Bow- manville, received an M.D. manville, received his Bachelor degree from the Faculty of of Science Degree at the Con- Medicine, Queen's University. vocation ai the University ai Dr. Housiander received his Waterloo on May 24th. Mr. earlier education at Bowman- Samis has accepted a position ville Hlgh School. He will on the High School staff at intern at the Hamilton CiviciGuelph and will begin duties ENFELDbefore they leave fortheir new Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis Following the buffet lunch- and Albert visited Mr. and con the Oke's were presented Mrs. Fergus Abernethy, Man- with a lovely table lamp. It Is fila. wîth great regret that we lose Mr. and Mrs. Rae Cowling, this popular family from aur Whitby, visited Mrs. R. Grifin. community. Jim Oke was nat Mrs. WllfrId Bowman, Miss present as he Is spending the Laura Bowman, Erie Bowman summer with the Howes fam- and Mr. Lloyd Avery attend- ilies near Goderich. ed the Tamblyn picnic at Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Tam- Littlebrook farm, Gormley. blyn and family, Stoney Creek, The family of Mr. Howard were weekend visitors at Mr. Cowling af WhItby gathered at Wilfrid Bowman's. the Lee home on the occasion Visitors at Mr. Lloyd Smlth's of his recent birthday. Neph- were Mrs. Berniece Found, mws, nieces and grandchIldren Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver jained ia the happy occasion. Keefer, Peterborough; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fox, Mrs. Jack Barry, Edmonton, Scarborough; Mr. Lloyd Coch- Alberta. rane, Whitby and Mr. and Mrs.1 Mrs. Keith Davey, Elaine George Lavender called on Mr. and Garth attended the Davey and Mrs. Leslie Cochrane. picnic at Waltona Park, New- Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Parsons, castle. Bownianville, were dinner1 M r. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bow- guests af Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey man attended a birthday dia- Bowman. Iner for Miss Marion Brown, Miss Virglnla Balson Miss Beverley Samis spentiOshawa, at Mr. Everton a recent graduate af Peterbor- the weekend wlth friends at White's Tyrone. ough Teachers' College, has Orillia. Mrs. Russell Cochrane Is la accepted a position with the The neighbors gathered at Memorial Hospital having un- Board af Education for North the spaclous Balint home Sat- idergone surgery for a sudden York. Virginia is the daughter urday evening ta spend anlillness. We ail hope ta sec her of Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. evening with the Oke familylout around soon. Balson, Hampton. ce, X- hy ik re, le. of eh M, nk 5 KING St. W. - PHONE 6235792 I. Misa Leigh MoMaun daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMann, Orchard- view Blvd., is a recent grad- uate af Peterborough Teachers' Coilege. Miss McMann wilI commence teaching duties at Mina Carol Gibbs daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gibbs ai Renfrew, formnerly of Bowmanville, graduated front the Toranto General Hospital School af Nursing an May 23rd. Mns. Judith Dolan wife ai Mr'. Rlck Dolan, andi daugbter ai Mi'. and Mi':. Marvin Allen is a graduate af Peterborough Teachers Col- lege. Mrs. Dolan has accepteti a position at South Courtice public schooh, tcachlng grade two. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY JULY 6th SCOPE Mouthwash and Gargie 12 oz. 1.19 Value 8 for 1.0989 6*12 INSECI REPELLENT Sugg. Iist 1.39 5 oz 99C *mmUM SECRET Spray Deodorant 5 oz. Sugg. list 1.39 DETTOL General Antiseptic 3¾o4L Z Sugg. list 75e 66c1 M i p p I Spray Deodorant, Il o0. BASugg. Iist 2.19 _____________ Sun Tan Lotion, 4 oz (oppertoneug. ist 1.79 -- 139 uaFlashlight Batteries F Everead7 No. 950, Sugg. Iist 35C2R 591 IlMicro White Shoe Liquid Large Size, Sugg. Eist 35c -26( N E E TChoie or Cream Depilatory, 2 oz. 11 OZO N O L For burus, scald:, sunbur 7 House and Garden Bug Killer RA D 11.2 oz., Sugg. Iist 1.69 1*29_____ Deodorant, 7 oz. 1.1 Rigt GarSugg. lit 1.59 - Snburn Lotion, 3 oz. SoIarcaine.:g. .2909 VP126 Pan Film 0 Verichrome g w 8c-21F< KOTEX Femmine Nmpkins, 12,g 2 89 KOT X sug. list 55c _-----_____ ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e A ýý i 1 623-5792 1009 PRESCRIPTIONS I.DA REMEDS 5 KING St. W. PHONE

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