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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1968, p. 9

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Durable, Determined Merchants Win One, lie Second in il Innings III Exciting Cames Against Oshawa the Canadien tatumina, BownmavMe. Yiv 31.10*5 Âdditional Winners'of'Awards ai MJI Hobbs Schoo-l Graduation by Jim Clarke. cd two more hîts and moved;ln their 3-2 vlctory Kennedy T'he durable and determlned into a 4-3 lead. and Jones had a pair of hits Bîo nvne Merchants came! Bowmanvllle tied the game with George Bail and Akey__ a wlth a wIn and a draw!lin the bottom of the seventh adn ige. eeHrio :f eflve hours of basebal on Sainsburys run-scoring hdto0 saa he action at Soper's Creek Park. double. With twn out, Bow- hidts. Laor Piperwas the on Saturday atternoon. They inanville almost pulled out a ts Lar Ple wsth captured a 3-2 win over Osha- 1wln. Piper drllled a single to only Merchant. player ta pick w Lelne eJuniors ln the lcft, but Fair fanned Akey for uP two safeties ln the 4-4 for an f the ia u.Jns okn draw. Ken Toffan and Guy firat gme ard fttal Pout. Jdones.bits ach fo 1 lnning 4-4 LeIntesec- th:eleghth and nlnth frames, POs-ha as th uirs otht for ~ . ondmach Bthe games Nvere allowed Oshawa just an lnfield domlinated by the rival hurl- hit. Akey tossed effective n owmnll 85oe teI ers as only 22 bits were re-1 bit ball for the locals afte. nnings. Bowmanvllle md corded lnerrors In the doubleheader. cre n18 gruelling lnnings. 1 relievlng Joncs in the tenth.wthamjrt o! he ' by somnlleaw George the visitors before belng r-îgta h oaswr iu Jonc dei te viitos astun plced by Gary Carroll.1 severai o! their players, their l .5 4 »lng three-hltter. Tne -Gen- Breezing along on a tbrce- s howing was remarkable on. eral's"l southpaw offerings bitter Fair lnjured his arm1 Saturday. With Ray Crom i clalmed elgbt strikeout vic- when he colllded wlth his hie, Jack Locke, Jlm Coyle.~ tims ln the seven Innlng gamne. catcher wlth two out In thc Jimn Moorcraft and Terry -. Hiai mates outhit the Leglon- tenth, attempting to field a Baker misslng, the club was *., *, aires 6-3, plnning the lOss ofl bunt by Joncs. Durlng 1 ' forccd into some %huffling InU' Dave Mitchell who wcnt the Innings Carroll tossed one-hit i he field. Grant Wright, aftcr route. A pair of errors ln the bail while fanning two. Bow- a shaky start at the unfamllar ~.'.4. top of the flrst gave Oshawa manville loaded the sacks ln!sottp poiin >tld ~ - ~ - *...-~ a 1-0 lead. A walk. sacrifice the llth on an error. Wrghts;down to turn In a good after bunt and error followed by single and an Intentional walk. noon's work. Gary Akey came u gg These two photos show additional award wirtners ta Ralph Kenncdy's single and Carrol fanned the final bt-up with some excellent plays W hw er o o e uin hon ul Aw r s N t l Grant Wrlght's sacrifice bunt ter however. to end the dra- b rlght field n addition to BU R MNUS sveaweeksonedduî the . nnual AwSenirs uiht w sh-v.dto mr lnield erors trgl. hs oi relief stint. Arnold Mrs. Joan Curzon is now Mr, and Mrs. Luigi Nardella coîtH ituealetsnJnt 2-1 the opmofrte siedeob Around the Bases ., Joncs. Etcher took a bad fouI tip on homne again f rom Memorial and Maria visltcd briefly with Scola ampton. Pcuea eti £JntMilison, aý Bowmeanovofl heleoow d shawawho workcd 9 2/3 trames dur- the head durlng his umpirlng Hospital. the Roll Miche family îast Grade 8 and Steve Renton, Grade 7, who Won the th Bwantile acore OhaaIng thc long doublebiîl. fanncd jduties ln the second game. r n r.H asaan'ensa fenopior to Academnic Improvement Awards. At right, from Ieft Jonc doble to cftIn he whlle allowing the Legion- The unfortunate Incident oc- jîldren have returned now their rcturn to Boston, Mass.ý seonsdsoring Gary Akln te. aires a mere two runs. Thei curred ln the fourth Inni te Dmoetiicg r and M'.Jh Ste- Mr. and Mrs. Art Farrow Sunday visitors with the ur, wlth what povted rto be h his powcrful pltchlng per- 'plate from the bases for the Mr. and Mrs. Don Mayhcw land and Ron Wannamakcr fogether with Mr. Gordon Art Farrow's were- Mr. and hai winngrno!te is gm.formance. pickcd up three oUrest of the game. A Toronto and boys arc at present holi- drovIe to Belleville last Tues- Langstaff and Mrs. Alta Lang- Mrs. Frank Bellsma and Mr. In, Akey had led off the trame Bowmanvllle*s il safeties.1 spectat.or and umpire, Tom daying in the Coe Hilli arca. day afternoon. Connie's aillng staff; ailso Mrs. Hannah Albin and Mrs. G. Langstaff and %vith a sender. one-Junled, Kennedy whitfed 10 during Singlet.on, gencrously filled ln They plan to travel on to Que- grandfather is in hospital vlsited Mr. Ariel Langstaff at children ail o! Kendal and Mr- an( wta lne.oernla,61A f rames. wvhiie Akey col- ,on the bases competcntly. Wc bec for the second stage 0fthere. Toronto's East General Hospi- and Mrs. John Gordon, Orono. chi ellowed only two infield hits lected two in two Innings, glv- thought the overali, 18 frames their trip. Mrs. Bessie Ruperi, and, Joe ptai last Wedncsday cvening. Mrs. Gay Mostert of Mos- o! over the last five Innings.p Oshawa's best, s c o ri1n gj lng Bowmanville flingers an, of umpiring, was bandled ex- Norman and Edith Suther-ýhave left for Bellevile ii Despite the bear, John, Con-1tert's Fruit Farm, was pleased Sai threat arose ln the slxth, when Impressive total of 22 whiff. .tremcly well and fortunatcly land werc ln Bancroft recent-Iwith relatives and then onto nie and Christine Suthcrland to report catching a ground- Me Bi Ranle of it awak.Oshawa pitching hung up 15 "Etch" was okayed at the hos- ly for the wcdding o! Edith'sltheir cottage in Bancroft forlare braving it out in Algon- hog ln a home-made nomse- der BilRa e f ihawl.strikeouts over the 18 framnes. pltal following his accident. brother, Mr. Wm. Bowers. ýa speil. quin Park this week. type trap. It seemns of late this J. A sacrifice bunt and the Mer- -___ chants' slxth erron put men on second and third wlth none out. Akey then pulled off the ~ big defensive play of the game. He made a great grab on Pete Harnison's lune shot to right field and his perfect. throw to the plate kcpt. a run from scoring. Jones fanncd the next two men, extlnguish- lng the visitons' threat. Bowmanvllle appcared hcad- cd for a sweep of the double- header, holding a 3-0 bulge going into the sevent.h inning of the second game. Oshawa É1 . g e m d eel spoilcd the script however. wben thcy pushcd across four runs, sending Kennedy ta the S o s o o s borse Jones again. The Mer- SAVE 85e - control offensive suxumertime chants managed a single run odors in houschold waste containers. Prevents f r M in the bottom of the scvcnth, niold and mildew too! 1-andy lO-oz. push bt tleing the score 4-4. Oshawa ton spray. ,lust ike getting one can free. had just two baserunner.3 while the locals stranded six Eg 6 ah r. over the next four lnnings. Pl t um pire R gW illattsG called the game after 1ilin- S e o i fUi l s i Znlngs were cornpleted. He was probably influenced by the e rumbling of numerous stom- achs, beralding dînnertime and 1.8 innings of thrilling but C &B&E C & j»nergy-sapping basebaîl. Bowmanville jumped aheadUTD UA TT SPC L -0 lin the first without resort- LIMITDQ A TT PCA ling to a single base knock. A free pass, George Sainsbury's There's always need for a big Garbage canfi sacifie unt anenor nd like this - at home or cottage!1 2311 high, another sacrifice bunt did the lThe Merchants addcd a M!" wlde, two-tone durable plastic. Snug Lo fitting snap-on ]id; side handies. Xelly's second walk and a wild throw by Oshawa's catch- er, Pat Waters. This endcd the scoring until the action- fillcd seventh. Oshawa Juniors threatened ln the second, ,ourth and slxth, but some ,great clutch pitchlng by Ken- » siedy choked off any scoring. If the visitors battens were being baffled. their pitcher John Fair was having a frustrating afternoon. For six * ***. innîngs he limited Bowman- ville ta a sixth-inning up the rniddle single by Larry Piper. 'Yet the scoresheet had the ,Merchants ln front 3-0. Osbawa, held ta a mene two___ bits by Kennedy, broke loose ln the top of the seventh. Guy k ,arks led off with a single ~ and Pair then belted a homen sacrifice bunt, a wild pitch end walk bnought In "Gencral" ' ~ Jones ln a relief role. Befone the Inning cnded Oshawa add- ..TR Mrs. Ralph Clark, Nia gara .* . . . xed Falls, is bolidaying with ber tight s Oshawa, 'siea ivrs. Mv. Bert- rirn and famil 'v. Mn. and Mns. Walter Bid-' g ett, Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Thompson. Bowmanville, visit- ed their mnother, Mrs. A. Tbompson. Mrs. Eanl Kennedy, Mn. and Mrs. John McHardy and fam- jjy. Osbawa. were Sunday callers o! Mrs. H. Crossman. .Miss Sheryl Ashton spent a few days at 'Pretoria Camp. Mrs. D. Malcolm ix visiting ber daughten and son-in-law, Mr. and Mns. Russell Bur- rows. Scarborough. Mrs. M. Bcntrim and Mis Birdie Bertrim, motored to Balsam Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rtoss Ashton and famlv attendcd the Mc- Gill picnic at Petenborough on Saturdav. Mr. and Mrs. M. Pollard and family vislted Mr. and Mns. Eari Yokom, Cavan, on Sun- day. Mrs. A. T'hompson attendcd the Thompson-Knoll wcdding at Bowmanville on Saturday. A miscellaneous showcr was hosted by Mrq. D. Cameron at her borne on Saturday evening assisted by Mrs. Topple for Miss Jean Piggott. bride-to- be. A Sunday school meeting Was held on Sunday, wben Plans were made ta hold ouri arl 1 à e ommunity plenie on thî cburch laun, the second Baturday in August. Vinyl, Plasi and Leather Cleaner Cleans around the home or car. Brush applica.tor. Compare at $1,98 99 Squ.ege. Wlndow Wmsher 6" cellulose sponge and rubber blade. Extra long ~ 24" handile; spgngeIcfal. o69 THREE TRAY Tackle Box COMPARE AT $ 10.77 14% x 7'h x 7"1 high mith 3.- cant.ilevered trays, plastie basp, .h idI' 7.7 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS 160 Churcli Street Phone 623-2518 L right Marilyn Knox, Runner up in Homne Eomm es, Jean Hockaday who won the Home Economicu award, Ted Wernick, winner of the Industrial Arts award, Christene Brent and Renate Hoyn, winners of Lhe Debating Award. nwelcome visitor and friends Bruce Wright. Toronto, have ave been regularly free-load- been spenigsm mewt ig from her vegetable Patch! te nd flnsome rne wl On Satuday, July 27th, Mrh. nedfml. hywr nd Mrs. Fred Sneed and¶ also guests at the McReelis hldren attended the wedding -Goheen wedding. EMrs. Sneed's brother, Mr. Congratulations to Mr P. am McReells in Canton. -r Powell whose horse camene IReelis was a former resi- second at the Woodbine race ent of this area. Mr. and Mrs. track in Toronto last Thurs- Cowan, Hamnilton, and Mr. Iday nlght. _______ NUSMISSIOI< GUM.RID Sealer Conditioner J5 ife, maintains à"'eS - Zpcarburetort~ eal. reduces noise Fresfe pump mcl gas ar. 20-oz. fine. 20-oz. can. L7 Reg. . 8 Reg. $1.5 08 8 98C SUPER HEAVY DUTY COOLUNG SYSTEM Brake FIuid Condîtioner E xc eed s S AE. specs. Lubricates pump, stops Withstands bi gh braktng leaks, reslsts ruit and ,temperature. .20-mz. scalde year 'round. "&oz 94f Reg. 094 $1.0 .64 79c N EWCASTL E FESTIVAL 0F THE ARTS BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN 1 - 5 P.M.- PHONE 987-4050 TICKETS $2.00 -FEI. and SAT. $2.25 k4~iiOUCHUP

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