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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1968, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesmin ownvMe, Are Pro esiona19681 . Are Pofesnorograpners Gi~ve Exhibition of Abstract and Experimeal"r Venturers Return _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---- _ _ s ----- - - - -~- From Two-Week Camp" ,TWefty.Ol oys members; Jack Tong and Fred Weber eth th Bwaville Ven-i earned their Gold Badges for tAJlIrs. returned on l2th of iswlmmlng and 111e savtng. JuIy from a Most suce-ssfulFred Weber had the distinc- two-week camp experience on! tion of being the only boy at D'oe Island lni the Hallburton: the Reserve ever to gain ful EcOUt Reserve. quallfyhng marks for this Th@ boys. an] studentsata award. John Anderson earn- Pine Ridge 'School, spet ed his Silver Badge for swim- many lelsure hours ln prepara- ming and life savlng. tion for this experlence ti Brian John-son was awarded Scouting and left the School; a special prize for excellence On 29th of June accompanled lin canoe handllng and for hv by their leaders. Mr. R.oy! ing won a substantial film- SPry. Housemaster Rotary 1 ber of t.he canoe events durlng! Irouse, and who has attended the regatta. The "Camp; four prevlous camps. was iln King" award was won by eharge. Other staff members Jack Torig as best "Ail Rou1nd-, were Messrs. Phil Haymnan, 1er" at the camp. Archery Anthony Gardner and Oliveri badges were presented ta Alv- DOYle. In competition with !in Redsky and Douglas Burke. 1 22 other Scout Troops ln the The Venturers were feted at' Reser've at the time, the 6th l a speclal assembly ln the audi- Bowmanville Venturers a-î torium on Mondav, I5th July. credited themselves extremely 1 alu wrswr ie well. The boys were request- sented by the Superintendent, ed by the Camp Chief to blaze H. M. Hooper, who told the' a trail through bushland from assembly that the staff had I{urst Lake to North Lake. a rpre hsw wtot distnce fie mies.Tits; doubt the best. camp the schoal clfficult and challenging as- lhad had ln recent years. algnment was completed in 48i The 6th Bowmanville Ven- hours. turers wlll continue their Five boys, Dennis Jackson, 1 Scouting activities throughaut' Tomn Walker. Cralg Lamorie. thie summer and the fal months and a nlumber of speclal activities are planned.1 * I PONTYPOOL i ýI Well our Senior Bail Teàrm ýkeeps rolling along taking1 l,* bath glames from 'BethanNvyý during the week. This brings' their total ta 8 straight wins! and they are now leading the' More than 50 examples of various photographie Pickering area. He is a recent graduate in Fine Arts ALSO DIELIVERED 'league. Playofts are onlY Ratreatmets are 110w on exhibition at the Art Gallery f romn the University of British Columbia. Visitors AN AM~ IDlfw aewa:nohresf Oshawa, 7½ ,ýSimcoe St. South. TheY were creaied 1frorn this area wllh wlomtl h1T --naig feycn atiu t y el otoA..PS wolie i nnsile ad exmle fareNwonswokthtwilbeo Property is moviog again;operates bis studio in Toronto, and Roy Robe]. of the diply.__on__ PHONE 87~474PîaY innin bail ___________briskly. Mr. James McKee. eil attended a family din- ,,À'- ner gathering at the homneof -___ ____ _____ ýAn Invitation ta a H-ike twr Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Trim, ienCu B 307T;n onTr olwn rpis h bv flarvey (urrell 1ih No Trespassingtri a fire lookout. cte 24..;Brow rsKla rph o h s o P hithcusanot pi. b]of fore-îf ,everalaplcn cuareassand other M an., as een spending a 1211-44, 4th B r( w e i r r c ; h a . R c n Ten i oned fors 0f P forh e eto roe snow pa nts of înterest. few days with ber sister, Mrs.,E as eao 281;5hLnRcad ienUintoh o h llIyowedfoc c e teencouraged. At the bottom of ihe bigj Dobson. E d e s n 1148174; 6thlae Prgesotaeaefo 5m.î steep sandv hbis that divideý Bert Haas. a voung and enr mpaetrebxsfo' r.EatRbn 114;6hCa the drainage basins of Lake mpaetbe oe -o r YdMs wrtRbn fir ~ c sil 1922; 7th LenîRcad 34m. h uetoh o Onta o nd he awathaergetic University of Torontodh gcnfoumati ntkpph- sJohn agradson aSpotBiand 706.64; 8th L. Richars615;h 0 i.rc n h rn Onarioten at oean d ge w r aduaeha aon a herlt ivîninfr maytion on thi sc:Johand gnson s Scott illan-d 9tAEriLke65.5: 1hD0 Btrel eoraltapy o lae eten otHp n'jobs, mariages the 10,000-acre forest. on forest services avail- Michael attended the Bryson The Bowmanville _Racing Staintan 649.28. 'h 0 i ae lat Peterborough. Durham-Ganaraska forest, bas able to landowners from th inci rn.Pigeon Club finished the scas-' On Sat,urday', July1,16,Rs Wolct Meoi E~~~stsitu.~~~~~~ Gone are the days when built two hiking trails through Ontaria Goverriment, and on' Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, on for Old Bird racing on Julyfrom Decateur, Ill., 60mls rpyfrteoealae has u tl t a lie nto the forest. 'tions. famiiy enjoyed a holiday atverY successfui. serles of 10 with verv few retura T aualast h rw bs old bis property a ndwe One trai]lis four miles long.!Yumysatoio h uiRvr races ranging in distances, completed u rs nterfn hwn *ldIIIIUIhiOtI@SltidhIm alsz o ner sa tht thlKraIthve loteratri s iht esp igmile ral or h or'Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell fo 5mlst 0 ie. shdl frcsfr16 198 Euu mvmm itz popery ~ ~ ~j~'~ as eghî îlesm~le ne. s yo choose. Un- and family and Mr.Le On 'Saturday. June 29th, the 151 Brown Bras.8308ds Grain is ripening a bit too ini length, but Bert thinks its loss d hikermi.;2n B fast, lawns are hurniing up, dloser to nine. ls you're used to hîkng HalIoweiI were recent dniaewsfo eu n. dont try ihe longer one, par-'nrgesswthM.and dnMrs.USacestfanceruf md46 rin.; 2nd rown Br vegetable and flower gard- In any case, eight or nine thsqwhMr1 Mr.USAadsac f46 Air64h3 BrwnErl uk 887 lCahT1a an oacie fhkn nti Iljticu)arly on a hot day.Itbs Andy Gray, Orillia. miles. Resuits of this rare 't rw rs 6.5 t ens are bard bit adtbacoiesorikn bi ilSome vtery steep hbis that can, aea. los s Jh u-Len Richards 488.42 a aruraehaing In irri-larea is equal in about 12 orMr. adit JGanh%,T , reoh Trc famr ;e a 1 ilso lt eri nprov.e exhausting to a walker adMr.Grn, _ýcare, a22.03îîow s. per m"n.: 'pergart: R o FL gate, Drougi, wind and heatt cieso ia eri n not in good physical shape. vester, Julie and David, Sar- 2nd Brown Bras., 1077.57;IPrgeadR ue hog are ail contributing ta the ýterms of muscle power expend-1Te igt ie rat s , visited her parents, Mr.r.r a Sano 591,4o rw2ra.hdaeysc j problero. ed ~~marked with Nue arrows; the ii Ms iu tr.Len Richards 801.07; t*esu esn inn ie0 Local people w'rre sardepn-ý Son"e(cool snm nier or aut-ifour mile trail bas red ones.I Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Wal- Brown Bros. 725.12; 6th B3rawn the 10 races flawn., L UIID Ourffais ionlood anqikl ord smd d nssîke n o M. ra henk a yet wlkalng afes ieBert started out by marklng' ker and family spent the Bras. 716.55; 7th Earl Luke' Len Richards ya b qiidri asigofMr rak' uetwakaln ar heoth trails with colored wood-l weekpiid wîth 'Miss Norma 697.81, 8th Earl Luke 456.65. races and John TurcteadPoe6330 Thee s o blgaio t inesigtahi pomtHamilton of Victoria, B.C. De- taiI1uge t udivs n en arrows nailed on trees. o lwI. On July 6, 1968, from Dan- Jack Bridger wonoeeah j Ther isno bliatio to inestgatethi prmpýceaýscd. xýhn \vas a widowerr b Durham forei.IFs abotmanv were stolen that hbebhas confidntîakevicewih us.was ;visiting friencis in 1b60 miles from Metro Toa arowipante'on confidentîai servicearea whenshe in l ied s dvF ifteei hundred acres of thejwthd oarw pitdo wbenarrvin atWhitby t forest ik owned by Northum- h hrwod m onfr visit bis brother H-arvey. De- 1hbradadDîhmcute~tes cesd ws a veleran* of te other 8.500 acres is th e 3 sure In lake R supply of' Word arJan rsied~ ropcrty of the Ganaraska drinking water with youj J hefo M'r 1,gmng esl. Bthdctos rimnge sihsnsdr.sPd cutrlui ri vd the Druu ai-cafor ma v ivr Conservation Authority. There's none on thetris years gAingle îii h th AntrloThat's why it bas been return-1 short srvýice was b eld ai Department of Lanîds arnd For-ied tb forest. to prevent devel-' COqSRAT taken to B.C., by jet. wbere aithe oetdrv Warning: Beware of Poison' daughter and son reside. W To reacb h ors,çiieIvY. Don't take this tripW extend oui- most sincere synm-iast on Highway 401 tn jîîstly ,ure susceptible bo Poisoni N wTLOD L Y A K S TOROTO -372 ay Sreetpaty tathos ~v'o mo-n. west or Newcastle and take Ivy. There's a lot of it in hs BARRIE - 35 Dunlop Street W exncarhetwshes ,ýllighway 115 north towards aea. Wear boots and clothing~ ORIUA 73Mîsassga tret. astto Miss Linda Yntungmar. xvbn Peterborough. Follow No,. 115 that wihh protect your legs. On, for trainn- 7n a fwslion were HighwyEa5tl tae ing lottheboaptre f the M D.Li wIl be going into) Oshawa anorth past Orono bo a junce dslybad h ak Membar: Canpada Depos f nsrnce Corporation weeks ti me. 1115 Ia swing left b L1indsay. iPoison Ivy plant so you'Il rec -WW jMi-. and Mrs. Ralph Shirpe'Yoti continue upN.15~onz tadaodtuchin are holidaying at thei- sunu- ibe second sideroad on the it- mrhome bei-e. irighit past the intersection. Bert Hiaas would like your1 _________ ______. - -1 Turn right bore, go about, comments and suggestions onl hif a mite past a gravel pitlthe hiking trails. Please writelCL1 see a Durhamu For-est sigri andjHp's arixiaus to imprave thel a Nwhite house.I ist past the trais in response ta hikers' house o ijl see a bg sgr requests i Weco em~rkgth king trail:park- The address: BrtT WO DO OR A ND FOU R DO R C D N W l o einglo.zn forester Ontario Depart- pla' case wîth a big map of rn n COME IN TO DAY FOR A GOOD SL(TO to our te foi-es showingthe hiking_'eeia new Manpower Manager telephone To Retire JuIy 3lIst c Lstorrers J. \.Rijcli, manager of ment h strance Commssion, theO aw (anda VIn t Trenton, Ontario; from po\er 'enre Deartentofthere he became the managerý po-ri-CenreDeprtmnt fat Niagara Falls In 1962 andi Marpowcr and Immigration, manager at Oshawa In 1963. is to retire at the end of July. Sucreeding Mr. Russell as.j \rRussell joinied the Fed- manager, will be John Barnies,; eral Gov-ernrnent Service in, previously the manager, Cana-' 1947. His tii-st appointment da Manpawer Centre, at' was as manager, Unemploy- Sarnia. Woodward Family Holds Orono Picnic I Garden Hill The 8111 annual Waodwardi Horse Slboe Pîtrbîng: Chuck Nwatepicni c s held at Orono Park Woodward and Fred Wîlcox. - AR ESR NGN Newc.astle ~Sunday.T ily 14t1h 1968. Some President Ken Woodward ALSi 'wm I Newtonville 65i persn attendiedf There thanked the executive for the L O S EC~IAL PR ICES DURINUGui ~ Welcome ~~ere games for yo ng and oldfine lob thpx a on ii anda good tm was bad byever*yone fo oming t the BELL aIl. ýpirn.A new execlîtivp voted' U L S Z DCERL T BELCANADA wishes to welcome its new customrer in Newton. The f rst racP7, for 5 years in for 19609 k as follows: Ken' F L u I E HV ville, Garde» Hill, Newcastle and Welcome previously served by the 1 and i nde.r were: Donna Bou-' Woodward - President, Fred! Port Hope Telephone Comipany Ltd. dreai, Anlthony Woodward,;Smit.h - Vice President, Roy~ MîkF Woodward. . Todgham - Serretary Treas- Your free ealling area remains unchanged Races 6 - 9 vears: Gletn tirer, Sport~s Committep Wilox.Rany Wlbu, K iýCharles Taylor, Velma Tay-! Newcastle to Bowmanville, Newtonville and Orono W'lo.RnyWl ir, m liAlnTdga n ee NOW ON DISPLAY AT BOWMANVILLE -AND C RT Et Newtonville to Garden HiIl-Bewdley, Newcastle, Orono, Rodard. 7 "r: le-' Woodward. Port Hope and Welcome Wilodward ilox S. Garden HilI-Bewdley to Welconie, Port Hope and Cold Springs Sboe Seramble: Doris Wood- Welcome to Newtonville, Port Hope, Garde» Hill-Bewdley ward. ROTYK ILE UTI I I'UL> I IUàK Sbae Kick: Helen Wood-! On Saturday afternoen, Rev. To reach Information, Repair Service or your Bell Canada Businesward Snelgrove offlciated at a very BOWMAN VILLE a Office1 uit askthe Opeator toconneetyou. ' k Race: Roy Bodrea.i pretty wedding at Shiloh when 6325 .UTC ofic, ut skth peatrtocoueau.. 23256LI I E 7860 EggThrowngContest: Daug Miss Donna Souch becamne thej Wilbur, George Todgham. bride of Mr. Andrew Van Dre-' Ln~s Dsane a adnun. CONTACT ONE OF OUR COURTEOUS SALESMEN t

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