________________________________________________________________ Th Caadiv StaeemnThe canfll. ul IliSS Orono Qdd Fellows Hall Almost Filled for RatepayerPulcMeig MPDrue&T9li018Edit.. .M Pu-M Port Perry Man Wins $339 Youngsters Plan (arnival Newcastle: A neighborhood Crruval for the benefit of kA Firemen's 50- 50 Draw:msua ytrpyvcin __________________________________on__________2_,wet NewAcastle: The Newcastle Mill Street South, Newcastle. Firemen are moat grateful for Donald Huber, son of Mr. and - the support they received on Mrs. George Huber will serve 71lewcastle thCir rececril 50-50 Draw. Be- as Ringmaster, assisted by Charlotte Brereton, Sandra caue iobtis support, their Garrod, Sammy Glanville. ÇS'ciaI a d'£J'rso al share of the draw wil en-i The Carnival. which begins ale themn te purchase the et 1:00 p.m., will feature such Rescue Equipment which ms a en ith ol ing on the Green, Tin Target, Newcastle - Master Joe;players, they pdacedi a long, needed badly bv this brigade. etc. and ail proceeds will go .,, Bezubiàk tiew earlv Monday distance call back here for an-ý The lucky winner of the to aid the fight against dys- - inorning to visit with bigsicrsihwstohv ra a oadGePr trophy and reiated diseases et ter and her husband, Mr. anisoher p only ta learn thataticigmlon., Mns. John Hi ggins, Vanceu-,the driver hadl changed lier' Perry, with ticket number 238, The children get thbe idea ~-"i- - ver. Mr. and M rs, Joe Bezub- imind, seofnot oniy ane out drawn by Councillor Robert for staging their event while to~~~~ TootTnVntoa i-mcit h isponmn f inro 390.Toa wb oai pr etTging s pisre yshewsCpareoitzenCr o mitte an d ateprsedTe meet-ith dscsingan d vth e d htthqsocainuaeec e pe ort nentoalAr uht theeoy sawerethrend fwýnrof$3.0Carnivals on bis "ýRocketshipAssociation in the Odd Fellows Hall, Orono, on Sundav afternoon. over 100 objections to the zoniigb-a 82 Mrs. Afin Rowe Is new their coaches. It was a lasUTice aews$9,ls Seven" chu1drens show seenIt wasa__________________ ___________th___________kng par niembers of her family. iwith coaches learning of this Ls er oaeain~a Ottawa. The also .vent on t e ody u~2.a thetr ri Total shared $678. with Muscular Dystrophy As- ~- ~ Master Kim Stnrks lias rec- igame lest Thursday and hav- sciations of America, more S A LEM DTiusn IlndBatC uleIJrhlamf ..on o ane îkrdComn ently returned te the village ing te round up players asý Fire Chief Glanville sin-:ta' 690Crias wr avle uryYhole p following a holiday at Smitli's quickly as possible. It wasn't: tan ,I tos hn16he97by chlrn vacs te There will be no churcli tille, have been holdiaying Micsoun thlor altonuin-o-ac; ndtemetnihti Fals witli bis grandmnotlier, esy wihrevragaredtheel amdth trehcunrviad ve $75r. andcehee unngth mnti W. M. ndMr. . is RthSlacleon kA Il gSC ubmiuts f helatCeILn Mrs. Win. Butterili. away on holiday and ne ideabouglit tickets adtelieionrvad o AA' '582sre.iceAuus a er .DNrhy Anme rmthscr-adteriea of it being a playoff gamne, but: men who se diligently sold! srisdfor MDAs r . Mfc. ands Mrs.. Ken SAnube fomths or-hackle- Ii Mr. and Mrs. Afred Gray those wlio were liere, did! searcli and patient service 13 n olda.i munity attended the Junior'l Mr.Welookddaia so preile- and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h sonsohvearcernede am . ' tickets. programs. The U...aire parking Farmer Çhicken Barbeque etl ton and family spent SundayL II IlI addicsdtepoedr- a cottage at Cbemong Lake. they planned te go and didn't - their good used clothing et OronC> hast Tuesday riighlt and1 for and jdging WLakoe. i Mr. and Mrs. Eric Milhench show up, they certainly let t 1 the church on Thursday, Aug- rthe Hlstein Club twilight 'Mr. and Mrs. Craig lield 8: The second regulareingtepeiu etn' ol- and family bave réturned te down their term. and their !(l efJ r r ust I. Aise bring your old, meeting at Mr. Neil Mahcolm's'famiiy shower et their home i ofthe SuhDrim 4Hset n ugdadgv th ilaehvigejoe ~cace.An exhibition game ý ~ ' nylons. !ls ndy vnn.last Tuesday evening in hon-lCorn Silage Club wahedrsnsoaclset ee week et Wasaga Beauh. of five innings was then play-Ms .Mrhtowohs r n r.BbCaga-oro hi ic n Miss Linde Skeiding. grand- cd wtli twe players being f ee visiting with Mr. and tended the Shakespeare fefsti-lhusbRIld, Mr. and Mrs. Ron GenMlsnMra e. dauhtr f rs Btt Bow lone t Nwcste ro Cr-Mrs. Don Welsh for several vah at Strattord over the Babiche (nee Barbara Bnine) Cnr, omnvle adugher etf Mcs. Btt o w l op de Newci,% atle from Car- 4montlis left by plane on Sun- %weekend. Mr..sAddMrs. FNorwanl lewlceBlandbDanianLarmer Mc. ad Mcs NormnaAveyl Blckbur snd inanlervewrofapCarmtel.e oTme! Is ejoyig a olidy wih in favo et arme. Th Newcastle-- The ist Nemr- enough toc a big fish fryet day for bier home in Bermuda.: Mc. and Mcs. Gerald Sha(ck-lattended the A\r'ry - Bowman!Sunday visitenrs wtth M.adehbtcmitr o rn famîy nd nicds n Nw- oacieswer Ho Gede nd'casîeScouts and Venturersi both pickerel and mud cat. Mns. R. Davies. Mrs. Bob'leton and Ruth enjoyed a weddin-g nt Enniskilen suid!Mri. Walter Blackbur, onai. hemtngwshe castîr'. Linde is from Chip- Brise Rowe, the players. Hic-I heîd their camp at Antienel The first bit et nain feliDa\ies__and famiIly, Hagers.. motor trip t Nonth Bay andlthe reception et th LionslMills. ajundwt b Hpeg, paa.ke Sepeso kameyro-LaetAcomapehenseonenet ay Ltr hebese- Cro- _______d_________________________1____---___ Miss Tercy-Lynn Ganwood,i.thers. Glen Murphy, Fred; leaders, Win Collier and Roy rdid their laundry at the hake. Beaconsfield, Queber, ls vsit- Hobbs, Mark Tilîson. Ran.dyiHopkins they arrived et camnp'Scouiten Bob Shearer algo ar- ing with ber aunt aed ucle,lTeneant, Darreli Barrett with, in the early atternoon, Sat-iived te joie the boys for thel Mr. and Mrs. Stan Powell. Terry Maybew and Richard' unday, Juhy 2th. Upen arriv -icemaieieg days of camp. Thel The Pine Ridge FestivalfNyles of Carmel. ai tley were broken inte pat-:ex a h cot eto Arsreot ta ickl en res ar e Mrs. Charlotte Rickard ls In cols, the Falcon Patrol with. a hike whule the VenturersîJNEPRER-SICD-DALwAT=N PR! quikl bingreer efr Suenybrook Hospital, Toronto. Geordie Walton as Patrol built a flyîng fox. Laten. withl1 their pîsys. Opening niglit 1; Lae n onl iio seeroebc iswim RnACvn __ PD ~ C I August 8tb, se If you haven't Reeve and Mri. Douglas Lae n oal iio 'evrcebcpgan wm-- secured your ticketm yet. de o,Cunningham and John, Mr.'Scndr as Gat edyin ad moefihngad 'Sendr, ie ra T heaandcy g anwmre fsinenjy dtammi riow te avoid any disappoint.laed Mrs. Douglas Wright andC obeLwy h ea-cnen eejyd rVYMIA B RA U nint Jme.Mr adMn.1a er Patrol witli Hon Lowry as Havieg aneeuneed eànîler Brereton and Charlotte Mary. Patrol Leader and Reg Freethv n ul itb heprs-taC that the Civic Holiday wouldiMr and Mrs. Wallace Couch,'Rager Cobbledick. The Ven- The Falcons were the best' evnig f al gme ad eM. and M ns. erdmu D je- tuners wene the Owl Patrlpte bcmuton point24O be the usual big day aMn.ndMsEmudMjaSeoderCony1Cîl a trin tampacdsone i2n4-OZ6 rariva. W no hae ben ougattnde th wedieg et they were Tim Walton Nor- ahead et the rueners - up.; Wefrmed that there will be'Miss Mary Ellen Brereton te man Tilîson, Larry her)n The lsos, Grni tn, LAV NO PARADE. But the Ati- Mr. James Wm. Jones in PontGr Minan1ai and Ro'bbie Lowny each re-1 ficial Ice Conîitteepromle eo aura.M.ade.ceived a jack-knite for having; a big day et fun and activity.! Mm. AIt Garrod, holidaying at Wenking most et the attec-, the best patrel, with Gary Ma- DUY 3 LOAVES - SAVE 10 e.P4uô.o 0.-SV 0 Wr' hope te sec aIl et you Smith's Falls, aise attendedi noon settirng up camp, the"jrrcivn ale o e thene. ýthe wedding with Mns. Tom, boys enjoyed a swim atter-, ing the best camper, and ai ATETO MTES Brereton, Bev and Kathy et;i ward, more wock oontinuedj very hard worker. i NE PARKER Rg vmnh~- V 3 T'here âren't tee many days. n e n.Jc dm ii th ..wt av Mn. Cellier lett for home, ATfT ENTO Orth alcTHiERS andav rtune t vicsand strange noises that evening, and the boh's __ R I AEý'"3-~c.1O get under way. Amoeg themand Ihavredetheindtents te prepU IT CA KE-1 wilIbe he rowes.and thtle village, having enjoyed a heard long aftenwards. floerleave thetnet daAIe I year there ii an urgent call holiday at Beaverton. The eext merning, the beys the beys slept In the kitchen M for belp. Mcs. Cal libas re.sige- Mc. and Mca. Jack Pecrn. were assigned te wood and' area on the last niglit. The 4 ed as bas Mrs. Powell. le ecder Billy and Kim enjoyed a week duty patrols. Around floofý foîiowing mrneing everyoneý tcarry on. mothers or any etf camping in Q'uebec and heutr. Donald Tilîson had an'ýwas up briglit and caly withý e*c Interested pensons an'eliave visited Niagara Falî1s' accident with a saw, cutting, parking o be donc .Trans-1 aî1ed te step torward early to'while on holiday. 'lis finger and required first1 potation arrived areund noon; OTUAF T RITE (WH-ITE OR COLOtRED) M get meetings begun on time. Mn. and Mca. Alliert Hamil- 'aid by the leaders. LaVer in'on Saturday. Mn. Alex Hen.jV ER T vvu Y A RS O L T TSUp 4.49 Wr' regret Vo annouince that ton and family bave eturned Vihe day, Roc Lowry had a h0g dry, Mn. and Mrg. Ross Cob- Fâturday was the stant et thetO the village after a week's faîl on bis ankle bcuising it h ledick and Mn. Wm. Cali mr I E r rS U layofl's ameng the Bantam'holiday near Algonquin. ývery badly. It was decided toi Frayer was obscnved and the! EUA RDE PmBfl qfi il1 teams. Newcastle boys lett'Mn. and Mrs. Jack Pruner tk thacdncse t'camp was declared closedi GA&P IN VITE village early te phay a and family bave netucnedlthe docton, 28 miles away,, The flag was Iowered, and' E PEPSI-CO LA lo6 iON.zI49 '<ouble headen at Carmel. Ar- treni a week's vacation, tour- leaving the Ventur enrs in folded. Whle perbaps venyly~ [ OASRE 'V~R ~e2p 0 A~S riving there witb only seven ing the Seaway Valley. 'charge et the camp. Arriving, tîned, it was a happy troop et, 1OTE LAOR _______back at the camp, the leaders'boys who climbed into thej P ESI EN 4T89 N order, wîth their supper pre- activîties. TUA NGê I~ k paned and. ready. An excell- ___ _____ ite tILtheLU LUUENTPEKbIE alORANGE PEKO SA! PROCL AMA TIO job with co-operation by: ______________________________________ al. Everyone then turned ie early atter a liectic da3T. Fegsn amlH A&P TEA BAGS MILBE &g109 The following day, camp T MARVEL BRAND (ASSORTED FLAVOUR8 AY 0 1 hereby proclaim looked mucli better and more' ATH E OFF ER ST IL L tiewsejydfor those.Annua rlDPicn ICE CREAM ~-eacn9 ,imming, fishing and canoe- in h by en na OUR OWN BRAND - SUL.TANA OTTNIGVL! MONDAY,, AUG. 5thi, 1968 .h o~seto nH eId July 27th STANDS! eglit mile hike, wit.h the Ven- tuners erjoying a nîglit of C IV IC H O LID A Y ieein. nThe pe on n, oln tee n Sau nday, July2, We encourage you to write in with any complaÎnts P AU U T R3f'.9 owing the neture et the Ven-1 gathened for the thlrty-finsti 1 -!S AVE OÉN A&P UAITICFFE NEWCAS9 (ARNII AND DRI CIVIC HOLUE MONDAY, At 1:30 NEWCASTLE TYKES va. ORONO 3:00 NEWCASTLE BANTAMS va. CARMI 6:00 SCUGOG CLEANERS va. BOWMANý 7:30 CÂRNIVAL- BINGO - GAI DRAW Fun Fi WINCHESTER 30-30 ec Carbin. Model 94 Proce. _____ ____ ____ ____of. -A,prize-win.ning speech giv- eni by Heather Dorreli on lier R A Y T E V family heritage was enjoyéd by ail as interesting facts ____ rom the family's history were :mentioned. Mr. and Mrs. BillA M ['LE Ferguson ~~~~conduc t ed aduli OE OKD DA O AREUN K geHs 1asodet d, Mrs. jE OftiV i UN NUMr. and Mrs. Tennyson Sam-UD DT<LDI T OR HAM MaJono,79 years; old M 1I P RTONENTREKL STEÀK est gentleman, Mr. Harold AI-' lan, 83 years, largest family, Bruce Taylors; couple with wedding day closest to picnic date.,MV.a nd Mns. Millardý t w Fallis:, fron' the farthest dis-ý tance, Mrs. Joyce Gunter and lb with the most buttons to be )AY men. Mrs. Betty Gain@; gen-ý teman with oldest car, Earl Dorrel: lady estimting ber, own walstline, Aleen Byers; JG S5 th the Fa longes1beads, - NdTFROZE N WHOLE BREASTS WHOLE LEGS MAPLE LEAF OR BURNS Tate: 5 and undér, Girls Run-! U K8C T 69< 849< W IENERS vACPAc49< APA 9 ELning Race, Francie Taylor. 5' SX BRAND ASSORTE D SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SMOKED, COOKEO Slio.d lb. 53$ E/LL and.SAR K evî T yr wari ne,; ýn1IT U I Uf ~ ~ Pc, L879<Tylo. 5an uner, Pwdi VLEALSASBoys Dwarf Race, Kevmn Tay-j W *wuuu 79ý POR w.U LDERSwm.uw "- 4 1er. 6 te 8 Girls, Backward~ Race, Lisa Jolly. Boys One-1 Legged Race. Todd Hamilton.: 'Mixed, Three - Legged Rtace,; O,#orio Grrown, Fremh Pcked DaIly, Hydracooled, No. 1 Grade Bradford Marsh, New Crop, Swee& and Tender, No. 1 Grode Darcy and Melodie Dorreli7î ~ E -RIES Paper Bag Race, by àamý ME IE f severa]. 9 - Il Girls Shoel E..3411. ýor Evervone 'foyg Backward Crab Race,I CORN SWEET do 45< CARROTS 01 bq17ý Neil Tayl or. Wlieé1barrowý NONE PRICED HIGMER AT A&pI NOM£ PRIC!D RICHER AT AP asti. Artificial le Race. Brad Jôlly ajed Law-ý Assocationrence Taylor. Bottle and Bail AssocationRelay, team. 12-15 Girls Bail- eds for renov'ation oon Race, Leslie Wright. Boys AU. PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED TIIROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1%68 Arena Facilities Dwarf Race. Walter Taylor.ý Mixed. Sir Walter Raleigh,. iK.m Pate and CherYl Wr±ght.1 il