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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1968, p. 13

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CIassfi.dButton Club Members! Real Estate for Salei Peter Kowal, Jr. Mfeef at Wellington REALTOR RU&UNERAL INSURANCE st King st. W. Bowmanville 623-2453 Encorne Properr!! .3 Apartmcnt building In exceptionally good condition thromiout. Centrally locat- cd. Warate entrances. Prlced :t OnIy $2 1,900 wlth temmns. 14 Acres!! Located noth ai Bewman- ville. Access ta good stream. Asklng $7.500. Terms. Nineteen members of the well poiished assoniment oh Pioncer Butten Club met at bath. One work button was the summer home of Mms. Wm. lnscrlbid. J. J. Uglow, New- castle. Many of the readers Crawferd, Wellilngton, on Mon- wlll recaîl thc day. whcn J. J. day, duly 22, ln time for a Uglaw had a tailor shop on deliclous noon luncheon sev- King Street East, ycars ago, ed by theo bostcss. Members sa that button wauld b. very had corne from Toronto, KIngs- aid. Thie Insect buttons had ton, Uxbridge, Lacust Hili, .flics, becs, beetles, butter- Port Pemry, Newcastle, Bow- flics, spiders, dragon flics, etc., manville, Baltimore and dan- on lhem. At thie close oh the etvIlllc. The business part ai meeting Mm.. Crawford pro- thie meeting was conducted by sented trays ai metal buttonz Mrs. Betty Reese. ' ta the members wha chose any Final arrangements for the whIch were ai speclal Interest Twins Celebrale First Birthday The Canadian Stateaman. Bowmanvfll, JUl IF$, 1168 13 John Barnes Refurns as Manager Manpower Centre The Department of Man- Leamington office ln ApriI, an avocation 1, active ln the power and Immnigration today 1965. In August. 1965 be was field of hypnotherapy. fnuetihe appust, 198.aeJoh appointed manager of the Sar- During his prevlooe r&l< fecive1 ugut, 96, o Jhe nia Canada Manpower Centre. dence ln Oshawa Mr. Baras Barnes as Manager ofth where lie has served until his was welIl known for Ia acti- Oshawa Canada Manpower Centre, succeeding Mr. J. W. present appointment to Osh- vlty ini local soccer circes« A. Russell who is rettring. awa. where ho was R-eieree-In-Cblef Mr. Barnes comrnenced his Mr. Barn"s Is active in corn- for the Society of Retere« service with the Federal Gov- munity affalrs and îs a Ly an1lo ure n h o ernment in 1958 ln the Oshawa ede nth1nlia huých cl the Oshawa and Di*trcb t>*8%.*fljsst~~~jA.nç.. a der In .,flthe. Angl3 ic uu - - ý1Va u 3 . i3a - [.r- 1 w flem, mus i tJ inerInsuranee Cinenompisson Int62of the ntrnat inl Asca rme!dbÏcI asa 3iAcre and 5-Roo HBomne!! borough Fair were mnade and metal buttons supply. These he196r2te o rnh iof P erone in npa-~pbi drs none Located just east of Osha- It was planned to have some buttons had been the propertysuevorathPtrooghmnSerty ndhsenaKimeSalu. wu. In real good condition. representative there each day. of Mrs. W. Harris of Wellng- uevsrothPtrboghmnSeriya Recentiy rewired and modern Cards of work buttons and ton, a former member of the UIC office. He was appolnted retalned by this asoitnto M.Banbrn whhl furnace. Picturesque lot with Insects were of specialiInter-: club, whose death occurred $ . - . ~ .~ .. manager of the cornbined UIC conduct courses ofisrcontOhwaisweAm. n *treamn. $17,900. Terms. est for Julyand there was a iane year ago..~~~ .~~-Ntoa mlyetSr nPbi paigadi l onJ. 7 agtrCrl S-~~~~~ ~vice office ln Port Colborne in feoitive Supervision.H aas ne1. n otrduhe Necastl~ Hm! o' ogtU~etr ih 1963, and as manager of the a qualified hypnotsc n sDbl,1 oti One of the finest homes ln:-___ the village on .2 acrs f M . grounds; 2 firepiaces. à bcd-ID MfA 1 1 rooms. WaIk-out basement.P st Dra f r lu Must be seen to be appreclated., C g s rt PRPEEE~NLY Golfing PlaydownsHednBwmvil REQUIRED 1.; After 8 pa.: Due ta con flicting holidays arrive at the finalists for July 29 and 30, 1988 $200 and costs, oroemnhMntoe.Trno. rai He had two prev:osc<vcwsbme-obnpra D. A. MaeGregor- 987-4267 and hot weather, a smalleriChampionship Day, Sept. 7th. On Monday Magistrate 'R. tions for simîlar fesspm My 2,wsbud Peter Kowal 3r 623-2453 number thmn expected fought This would be a day for ail B. sistn Crwn A thnyK hAs-sa uomtcssGan ely ge 5 u mebr ndtoeiteed&Sitbnton AMe rnKey as.penion of lîcense.craedc i tpe John F. DeWith club championship match play ta remember as the finals for duycnelfrLglA; CotaeDStrt wtot ny bke ihu paydowns. mns ade'adjuniors' club é -~ C nTedyMgsrt .osedte accSe wstsom adhernit REAL ESTATE LIMITED Wt h lslgdt fand handicap championships....................R Bo d~j~esbudln ea ii.CntbeB i REATORJu ly 28th, the draw was made will take place then, ta be foi- ..o u. .Bainr tthCron Ator p and posted as in the à ney G.F. Bonnycastie, Tom of H-ighway 401 eas fNwsnO~, sintddmg 14 Frank St. - Bowmav aeyurth vs. Dr. John Rundle; clubhoue. à . emna uycusl castle. Eastbound drvrèeek elyscra 3>adt Poe623-3111 lBob Welsh vs. Bernie Holden, Do't org .i Adourncnt . onad O Phil TrudeIlivs. John Fowler; h etrnI-.,inkiand ther igts nwr-Pitrsa 20 BUILDING LOT: N e a r'Dn acegrv.AGee evening set up for this Sat., l, impaired driving, Aug- igadse-igt vi o- MPlitrswf n Townline. 1.12 acres. Asking Bri a Peter vs. DoI Green;l Aug. 3rd for members, bath ust 20; Joseph Boucher, con- lisions. ag dn the veiebrelgts eewokn $5,000. Terms. Caîl: Phyllis Ted Hoar vs. Bob Lawtan; active 'and sca n hi The charming youngsters in the above photo are Carolyn and Cathryn tduigt ueiedln the driver stepped utad hnteycckdhe b- McRobbie. Dai Kr v.BilLye Lwguests. Conneliv, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connefly, Parkway Crescent, quency and illegal posses- attempted to cross h od oelaigterctaea S T O N E H O U S E , 2 b a r n s D v i d K e r r v s. B ih L y le~s i n af liq u o r , A u g u s t 1 3 , T h e o ff ic e r s h u t e d f r h m N c > l o'io n e r K n a STN OS,2brson!Welsh vs. Chas. Warren. Sign up now and If the town, who celebrated their first birthday on Saturday, July 2th. Their grand- George Follett, dangerous to go back and tedie a.Tedie ditdta 38 acres wlth stream. Veryl The competition is "Match ýweatherman doesn't soon came parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cnli of Avonmore and Mrs. Dora Barkle driving, careless driving ad' anxlous ta sell. Caîl: Jan!Play" ut scratch handicap andIthrough with some moisture, IfLnalt(onal ne ht >r~ya~staggered back jgis i ehdt tparpl e Oudshoorn. Iwould hope that matches areco' prprd ta do a "rain, D -_Long - ____(Cornwall)._ Photo by Aster Studio failing ta produce proof aof .Afml asegrwscueo rah iedbtta il ARS it romdplayed by allotted dates ta dance.' We need it. insurance, September 10; Ger- qiedukadteewr i a a oin gi __________________________________________________ -ald LaDoueur, dangerous dxiv- two part bottiesad19ul hntrc byteoeb- brick hoe. Largebamn C~tIlilcikeing and careless driving, Sep- bttles af beer in tevhce id Garge.Askng 26.00.Ters '~iT 1V~(wff"i'Itember 10. Gary Petersen, 1R NORTH 0F NEWCASTLE:M o wI g Warren Richard Warner, 1atwe.a wo Tecag wsd.r!ed Lovely 3 bedroombrick bun- TL mu ftflft I mu Dem 28 Simcoe Street South, Osh- week in custody forosra 6 a ic 2 n ot.o galow with carport. 20 years i T e IIrVVo JNew sRawa, was convicted ai im- rin asti ede d n onBin etesn old. Asking $20,900. Terms. Mr. avmnI ha/an enInitd ,ur, wee,,i. paired driving July 5 and fin- out af custody toaaparA-inatMpot Cl.GereVny. left ast Saturday from the and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Mrs.1 John Charles DeJean, M:onuttt.Bow ORCHARD: 75 acres A-I Toronto International Airport J. D. Brawn, Mrs. Everton rsvndy Teews1a poperty, lovely new 5 raom- for England ta visit hem son White, Miss Marlon Brown, by Harvey Webster witih a double and was scored1 down ta defeat by the score af automatic suspension aif]ic»- observe a nine icokcr ut c mard diig ed bngaow.Modm. oldand daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. and Mms. Geo. Carson, Mr. This past Saturday a saftball on a sinlgle by Jim Coyle ta 3-0 wîth Reg White pickin few.Juy2,asfnd$5xd storage. Ail machinery. Cal: 1IMrs. Donald Chapman and and Mrs. Ivison J. Tamblyn. teamn composed mainly of gîve Bowmanville their first up the only hit. teCouthlefond m.t WdAr gumhentawnades e o-anat:a office. children. Mr. James Tamblyn and players irom the Intermediate run. Also during the top of Over the day Reg co]lected nhecrtdbi he w walkingrsel the asd e:a aqaelcne ner andbis nehew wakicg se in th casef FUTURE SUBDIVISION: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lewis are daughters Miss Jean Tamblyn League journeyed ta Uxbridge the fîrst Uxbridge received 10 strikeouts in eight innings along Concession Street about Longo and Mario CnnoCntbeT oc.OW 140 acre iarm. Highway loca- ion a motor trip ta the East and Miss Marilyn Tamblyn. and participated in an eight their onhy hit of the game, but and allowed only 7 hits. 9 p.m. and his car in the ditch charged with iliegal ossinwso arlo iha 0 tion. Excellent buildings. Cal-: Coast and will visit hem cou- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnatt teamn tournament. The teams Reg White's superb pitching With the very satisfactory ut Meamns Avenue. The ex- April 10 af 13 set f xwe91 beve h a Jan Oudshoomn. Isins Lieutenant and Mrs. Geo.enjoyed a tour of the Mari- entered were: Uxbridge, Bow- leit him an base. Bowman- showing made by this tea it planation given by the accus- 8 1/4" plywood alIege ehv akda h hudrwt ORONO: 2 year aid. 5 o 'oo Hendry at Greenwood, Nova' times and province ai Quebec. manville, Zephyr, Mount AI- ville's scaring was rounded seems very apparent thataut a hth a enbensoe rm MlRntedie ed brick bungalow. Oilhet Scotia. Mm. and Mrs. Roy Hamness bert, Ballantrae, Mississauga, Off in the third with a double aith 10an sme Ousot dinkig Inat Newcad, e telnsucin agsrtBx-sîp behbid tihe Terms. Calil: Jan Oudshoorn. icolm af Oshawa visited Mrs. been house guests af Mrs. The draw was made atIil. Bradley and Bruce Adams supply the people of Bewman- the Hroney Bridge before pick- August 20). CAVA: 11 acr îar onGea. Marton on Wednesday of Ivan Farrow, spent the week- o'clock which resuited in Ux- and a dlean-auf double by Jim ville with some fine saitball ing up bis nephew to go for %oy.AlIn, Bctha, peddPVcssadFmi or CAVA: 16 ace frm nllat wek.end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles bridge and Bowmanville meet- Coyle. who was scored on a and they wouldn't have te go a drive. I{ighway. 7 roomed home, î.a nd wee . Cha.Am o aio Newcastle. ing in the first game at 12 sacrifice bunt by Reg White. te Oshawa ta watch it. Our git fcrls with fumnace and bathroom. Mr. n r.Ca.Am m and Mrs. John Breen o'check. Both Coyle and Adams went town league couid stili be Joseph Claude Sachon, 508 Orona JUne 6, hiernIt 10' x 40' barn. Cal: Ross strong and chiidren have taken and *family have returned The uine-up for Bowman- two for two with Falls and, continued but the botter play- was iaise ntretcfimpr-oRdaged ar it m 10 obs MNUET Davldsan. up residence in Peterborough home from a trip ta the East ville was as follows: catcher. Bradley batting .500 enswoejytegame could aalocvitdfimirdmgeoi nd. where Mr. Armstrong is the Coast. Brcldmpthr eg Tescn aepters hget no th utaetw d driving July 21 and fined own. The fine was 4 n 200 ACRE: stock farm, 10 manager of the new I.GA. MB oet otnbs re i das~, Hoitera, Regd Theo senvd gainst Mut opet iton.a rn sle ureof same- -- casts, or eight days. AK roomed brick home, ail heat- store. tumned home from a week in Dave Snow de n. 3rd, Jim Albert Mets wbe have a hust- one could see fit ta, spnsorsde iamn to rd ul Afed alseTono, w. g.& s- d, 4-pc. ba th. Large ban. Mrs S. R. Caldwell ai Partithe Memarial Hospital, Baw- Coyle, s.s., Jerry Falls, field- ling young team with a fine such a team. and give Bow- duifg systems. ae 8 adf ~ra.15are okbe Hope spent the weekend with manville. rs, Brian Bradey, Don Bish- pitcher in the persan of 18 manville a hance te have one Mm. Pas said h. believes Mairec th TprwscareinUI'1 SAFR y OWanViLLE:ovehy 5Mr and att .ended te"A it Mrs. Mary E Kelly Nixon. op, Richard McLean, Mike year aid leit-hander Barry oi these tournaments. Let's fromn bis experience Iast sea- a tpin nHîh I BO.LD Ooo ed brik unglo , ith B wma " ed ing ln Enns-ver 80. widow ai the late. Danaghue, with Tcrry Baker Timbers. n the first round the go soitbaii fans! Are we going son iihat a slow integraton to e wa 40 wihou sinaîinb ~kooed ric bugalo wih Bwma" wedin inEnfi5James Nixon, farmeriy af R.R.' and Bob Calisle serving as Mets set dawn the fainaus Bob te talk about it, or wîll we do buk * ,gunis i aesdeedd-yMac 2 extra rooms in basemnent. Ikillen United Church on Sat- Orono, passed away at Bow- back-up pitchers and fielders, Dominick wha is ta pitch in a semething about it? able proposition. di~ Nicely landscaped. Patio. 011 urdav.Chteon manvilie on Sunday, Juhy -2th. and Harvey Webster as man- tournament in Hawaii later Incidentaliy a Bowmanville At last 3,000 people at- G I eated, 2 bathrooms. Asking Mrs. Marshalli htetn Funemal was on Tuesday ai- ager. scn ntihis summer with a 3-0 score. team is entered in anotherltnded the 5th field day toi et ash TodiSafrdDohr $19 . Cal: Phyllis M cR ob- M m. a d M s r il h t e -t r o n n e m n , O o o B t i g s c n n t e f rt W t a valiant effort by ail toumnam ent t N ottaw asaga1 be heid at tihe D ehi R e- bJý0 ton, Carol and David spent Cemetery. inning, BruceAdams led off the hometwn boy,, w en t Beach near Cllingwoad. search Station. .iWMANVILLE: 9 roomcd several days with Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Joncs - _For__ _____ ________________________ storey brick home, ail heat-j Keith Taylor, Bannie and wr nPr op atTus Under thmeatening skies,. ed ices ahom.Nancy ai Brampton at theirday aitemnoon ta pay their re- L. S. Vickery sald it neyer through Centrally located. A ski n g cottage at Lake Timagamni. pects ta the late Mrs. C arsi ec raincd on a field day heeLIMTITTEDS $1,50 Trm.Cal fic.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keule- Moore, the former Evelyne L.Ah..He L/L. ightS TuA T EcSrMA! BO MAVIL:, Jim, Kim and Larry of Bosneil, age 50, wbo was kili- mighty close CL A S 1F 1 S ED OME WITH EPA9RATE Tarzana, Califomnia, are bouse ed ln a car accident in the Phone S,6E.-3-31b APT.HOEl Ih ePate Moeguests ai Mr. and Mrs. Chas. U.S.A. 5 j, 4Poo6330 hn hty6835 APn.enil ee . s Mng$16500 Gray, Julie and Shelley. Mrs. John Corvelî and son j( r l f r l Caîl: Geore.Vasny 150. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Morris Randali wbo spent ail July ,P a P ro m o tio n P or m Cali:Geore Vanyk. wene guests at the Pearce- witb ber father, Mm. Harry Wd i 100 ACRES Park Land with 1 Waddell wedding an Saturday Rawe, have returned ta their i The l3th Annual Meeting of ership ta the LORDC that basite promoto tbe area's points9 8 acre lake, stocked with Imamning. July 27th at New- home in London. the Board ai Dîrectors ai the been the tradition set by its ai interest. Those "Summer ISN-IGE speckled trout. Ideai for icastie United Churcb. Mrs. Gea. Carson, Mrs. J. Lake Ontario Regional Devel- past presidents. Scene" pragmams are on Tele- GBSN-IGE . camping, etc. Cail: George' Mn. and Mrs. Lea Haddcr, D. Brown, Miss Marion Brown, apment Council, and the finst Itwsapoo ytevision Station CHEX, Peter- The mamiage of Miss Bar-' . VanDyk. 'Michelle and Michael of Scar- Mïrs M. J. Tamblyn, Miss meeting ai aur 1968-69 Board Itwsapoe ytahae borougb, oach Monday at 2:30 bara Carol Singer. daughter ~ orhr,8roe atyborough, visited ber parents, Sa*nTmln rs .L nDrcos a edo uytewDlyCoedroalrd w P 134 CREFAR: ShrenTamlynMrs E.L. e Diectns ws hld n ytew ly lCteomrcio alesp..throughout the summer. of Mn. and Mrs. Mike Singer, modemACR anveieco. ali: ,M. and Mrs. Jimi Middleten, Giîbank, Mms. Ivisn Tamblyn, 9th in BuligRcrpbis Paul Elgie appeared this week Elizabeth, N.J., and Mm. .ù m p C o /o t Goere ov inDy . 'a M: a r ad. Dula iailn Tamblyn, ttsnded The 'a iExecutive for 1968-69 a speciai tabloid suppiement and gave an informai talk On Douglas William Gibson, son M. and Ms m en ftoseutagvnMrs.rsDoJglacsed nd is s foliws: onthe inustria patenial aithe historicai Beehive Hause ai Mr. and Mms. William Har- *. hoe hmdm cneiMm. and Mrs. Lwr. en aroruss emauhtem Launby r, *! residents, ual communiof tieLRCaes wilThe Iiiter- G eneaMger, Dn innodced oiizon SwateayJ MAPLE GROVE: 3 bedroom, Toronto spent Satumday with 1W. Bawman ai Enfield in honor lport Hope; Vice Busden, a thomORDC aea. Th e inieid- GBobay agerDn inde on, aid on ewatle, wasJuly G6 5 hnce,. aodszernlot. Asigr. andmiy. Lwrncatufhr dadunher 2Oth. onGardon Caruthers, ' Reeve, viewed and asked ta gîve in- the LORDC anea on the finst 27, 1968, at Maplewood Maner, C $13e.00. usoon.' nratuv.latosteM. adan. an Mrs. Abn i-Ts.a aitn inecfraino hi nut pragmarn ai the series. Prog- Maplewood, N.J. Reverend $13,00. Cai: Jn Oudhoor.ý Cogratlatiosndr marketingertme--Irams mn preparatian include George Howard ai Paramus Aitr our Peae ClI Ms. onld roksCown celiBabar ad tevn,~IMiihigan. af Napanee; Socre-,promotionan mrktg e Don M ountjoy - 623-3614 tme f ome roiss Canizabeth Brar.nd i ,ae .an aerlal trip over the Quinte's Central Unitarian Chumcb, IDEAL FRHL1A A-- tosDvdsn-Btan h02(ettyorelisam - on ethspending ton days at thiiýrTesrr Dr. A. J. Haw-1seanch and planning pragnam sleaeteTetCnladPrms .. fiitd cottge a Wes,Reve, illae ofBath Ths edtioe s aber copîcectIse196e8,he randCna an PramsN.J offiiaed.____________________________________ 26th in O rono Uevni CUh,HOPO i Ms vobitngMHomofand rtMrs . eBadgeai Directns n vn- ihave a Daily Commercial In addition ta the local pro- father, the bride wore a form-SWFSEMIEj 'Wesley Anderson - 349-2669 mann iag n o tdayevnnghuly . obe vitnMr.lmaidPr.thMe.Bdgo e bas sei ri-o Sotebe st 168 mad t isittathe aRsa wCaes.Gvn omnig b e Dorothy Samis -372-2974 Mr. and Mns. Cowan will es-lCocul Jones and family. ous capacities for the past il News circulation ai over 24,000 mottion, he Rwiorkbeqonal-iength gown of white or- V i NK Phyllis McRobi - 623-7159, ide in the Duvali Apartmentsi1 Lisa day., daughtem ai Mn. yeans. Ho bas been Secrotany- copies. LORDC will have an Wtron e ok ee ganza in cage style trîmmed R on Main Street. !and Mrs. Reid Harncss and Troasuner, chaimed several additional 1,500 copies ta dis- visilenon tae Hrmn- BC Geoge anDk 63 7â7, Mr C.Toae o Ohawý tibue t it muicialiiestheT rst aragramns onwith Aenco ladice. iHmlmn- Geo ge anD k - 623743. M . C To ze i O haw i, l11tnbuenants mucpaites th ouis atr ctonoafis ilarea pecawth logJ n ud ho rn - 2329 4 Du aî, m. Du aands. Heb un. a gonmai Mnoadfam îtee, nd is o eainddstia pos etsemela d aoo f i htAni- trin in er CN 9 hil Mr. ayn Hoey wre ap-LODCsdeegaesta heWatem Pollution Campaign with Alencon lace, and ber JnOdoon 6-281ualMr ualand ch d-tized by Reverend Basil E. aria Regional Developmonti To further the industry f that is close ta the bearts Of bridai bouquet was of white5Ib.$ 8 and_ mai- sExciiatngilasris i- hvhe iosfthotuns rsFCadaKnndsere vngduig re omig o- oucl.PesdetBug wlloniminar reClDaaludedas.CLA WTReossnneabesdyah F11YurFeee md Excusive nd sonFrasen visItd nMr. nday. atian and excellence ai lead-itelevîsîon in-terviews dosigned ndustny. __ anaV. a arnc RS UKS Dun ingtomnt iAgSt __honon and the mald oai bonor__ IRESULTS COUNT! Sara. sehCarey, adtefntSna nS~l£was Miss Carolyn Hilsberg ai R EEN B A S u R f a eme c te Miss Lila Haoey, Mrs. GrahamCgeato wilwrhpn ro Westfield, N.J. The brides- A. L. Haaeey aio the ombrer theoon orhU nitde s on v is a gc e s GanyNe Haon Cou. ____ Campbell ai Toronto, m adNewcastle Unite-d Churcb mais wro mssFetonMc Loal Representatives: well af Port Hope vocolo- members ai the family wemel conventional operation which' with this equipment switchedl Ho believes bulk curing 1 mpSr ofthe grom aet- Lu HllBowanvlle623-5211 -Olnbet ted brated hor 9lst birthday. waslaway on vacation and wero'he estimated weuld requime aI havesting te a lO-hour daylonly the begi.nning ai the tended Bowmanville and given a paty at the home lual t ted capital investment oi $22.090. in whioh wcrkers would belnext ena and a totally inte- Clarke H-lgh Schoois and grad- L1 re Beurge.Bomanile Mm. and Mrs. Eventon White.' The annual openating cost ni paid an hourly rate af $2 anlgnated system ai harvestîng, uated from Camnell University Osaa ra fic:Among the iguests weme Mrs. The earliest ecorded firsi the canventional system wauldiboum. transpertlng, curing and bal- with a B.S. degree. He h a E .1 D. Brown, Miss Marion;adcusei aaa a edbeS 0.Ton workers would ho used ing tebacco. member oh thc Alpha Chi Rho 401Pak R. lovrlaf ron. m.andMr. inIby St. John Ambulance at' The bulk euring arrange-ýfor a daîhy cost of $200, but Ho said ho did net suggest Fraternity. (HOMEA S PakRdmlthlea Tamblyn ai Oono. o Quebec City In the yeam 1883. ment Mn. Pos described was two members ai thc crew that farmers should discard The groomn's parents were D y OE r!AIT Oshwa57.4 a Amng the gusts frorn In 1967 S. John Ambulance! a cntinuous flow mehd.i woud lad and unload the their cnventinal equipment hsts for a pre-nuptial party(M Maner - Frank Sih Oronn and district nt tho A-, trained more than 140,000' Prima ril'il would use a han- curing units and farm sont but as they requîred addi-, heîd at the Surburban Lounge O Oshaw 376-336.ery-Bowmrn7 wfd',4intc On Sat-Canadians lu lirsi. aid, home vesting aid which penmittod and baie the drap. Ho believ tional kiin space or need tain Brick -Church, N.J., oniÏ urday Juiy27th n En Iki-nursIng and child cars. bbulk racking ini the iield but;ed the two men could do thîsireplace nome, they nught con-lIJuiy 26th.

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