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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1968, p. 14

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14INe Canadian Statesnun, EowmianvMle. .uly 31, 19D8 West' Beach Represents India 4 The West Beach Playground chose an Indian theme for their UN presenta- tion. Supervisor Pat Nowlan is at the rear. Others are, front row, Ieft to right,, Bill Dillitig and Chris Pittmnan; middle row, Lynda Conahan, Joanne Pittmnan, Jo-Anne Dilling, Sandra Pittmnan and Debbie Corson. Importance of Fellowship, Indîvidual Participation Stressed at Rotary Club The Importance of felloj ahip and each individual pa ticipation of each member: club projects was stressed1 Garnet B. Rickard in his ag dlress at the luncheon nitetir of the Bowmanville Rotai Club at the Flylng Dutchma Motor Inn on Thursday. Se, eral interesting films of Ro ary projects in the past wei a!iown by President Bill Thlîi burger. Mr. Rlckard. a pasf pres dent, was lntroduced by Vkc President Tom Cowan, wh spoke of 1Mr. Rickard's servi( as Warden of tht Unite Counties, and Reeve of Dai lington for several years. Recafllng the !ellowship er gineered by the lub's pa! projects, MnI. Rickard neminc NEWT( Mr. Raymond Bruce attend ed the McCoy-McGowan wed ding in the Pentecostal Taber flacle, followed by the recep tion at the Haveloclc Hotel Iast Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.,Frank Gilme ccompanied by Mrs. AI Gra:ham, Newcastle, visite( Mr. and Mrs. Raymond GIl mer and sons, at their cottagi at Twelve Mile Lake, als Miss Janet Graham, wbo l spending the vacation perioc nearby. On Wednesday the flna' meeting of tht Port Hopt Telephane Company's Direct. ors was held at the Dial Offie w1th representatives of the ]Bell, the auditer and lawyer Mr. R. Lavekin. Two units ci the local U.C.W. served a hci dinner In the Sunday Schooc hall, fa the group, which aisc Included Rev. T. Snelgrove This week the change-over 'wlll take place, on Thursday3 August lst, after which the Bell Telephone Company wil] have complete charge. And so, "the old order changeth" and a new ena begins! A demonstration, ln chargi cf Mrs. Gary Hull, was helè at tht home of Mrs. Bil Skeldlng on Tuesday evening Harry and Maria Vogels modE their bicycles up ta Auroro last week where they anE spending a week with friends They made thetrtip in about seven hours, whlch sounds like pnetty good time for that distance. Mr. and Mrs. George Ellioti and faml.y left Wednesday morning ta meet tht parade cf antique cars at Huntsvllle, after whIch they continued or a holiday trip, returnlng dur- Ing the weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Curry ai Bancroft wene Monday callers witb Mn. R. Bruce. On Thursday Mn. and Mrs. C. Brown accompanled by 1fr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer spent the day with 1fr. and Mrs. Jlm Gilmer and family at Dal- rymple Lake where the latter have been holldaying the past two weeks. Mrs. Clifton Robb spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Art Bonnett and family, Port Credit. George Skelding of Chip- pewa .Is a visitor wifh Mr. and mrs. Bill Skelding and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Don Staple- ton spent sevenal days last week wifh 1Mr. and Mrs. Len- nox Vasey at Port MeNichol. Mns. J. Keuleman and thnee children of Los Angeles visit- ed her aunt, Mrs. Jim Adams for a few days last week. On Friday evening Mrs. Keule- mnan and Mr. and Mrs. Adams were al guests at the Cowan- Belaniy weddlng ln Orono United Chunch. Several fram this district attended Oshawa Fair on Sat- urday whene Bill Wade nd ]ROs" Bnown had their hanses entered in the races. each wiinS3Sa coupe o pnizua )W- ed hic fellow Rotarians that to join the church. Hee had1 ar- President Thiesburger has sel- answered by saying: "Thinki ln ected as a slogan for 1968-69 what good you could do for by "Fellowship and Finances." the church," and this person d- "Fellowship is not gained then decided to become a1 ing through the promotion of self church member. ry but through getting to know "This is the feeling wel tan other members better and should have in Rotary. We v- working with themn for worth- must think of what we can t- while objectives. Our fourder do for Rotary, and net what re had a dream, and this dream Rotary can do for us. Rotary es- was realized. Through sharing gives us the opportunity of wlth others we find more cansrvn others better by par- -si- be accomplished collectlvely t=9pti l n our club s pro- e- ln our community. jects. rho Mr. Rickard illustrated bis "President Thiesburger bas [ce contention of service before a splendid record of the con- ýed self by telling the club of an trîbutions he has made through r- incident that occurred when his whole-hearted service to be was calllng on people for our Rotary Club's projects. -n- the church. One person had He bas given us a good ex- ast challenged hM by asking ample to follw, Mr. Rickard id- what gondçI t would do hlm stated. Motion pictures of the 199, * * E 1960, 1961 and 1962 annual > N viL LE Rnd r Car Washes were then t- Mr,. and Mrs. Rosa Brownan ger. There were vlews of adj d- family went an to Brucefleld the club members and several br,- after the Fair and spent the who were prominent as Rat- ýp. weekend with Mrs. Harvey arians in former years busily el, Taylor. engaged in cleansing and pol-1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- ishing many vehicles. There er son, Mrs. C. M. Jones and Mr. were veiws of Morley Van.- ,If and Mrs. Les. Peck attended a stone, George W. James and d farewell presentation for Miss L. îW. Dippell, three past l. Ona Gardiner at North Hope presîdents, Police Chief Ber- ge haSI on Saturday evening. nard Kitney, Bernard Holden, se Lois Stapleton ls spending Glenholme Hughes, Bill Ste- is this week with Mr. and Mrs. yen, Walter Reynolds, among d Bruce Donnelly and family, the workers. at their cottage at Bobcaygeon. Tht Jesse Van NestTaet al Rev. R. C. White was in Money Banquet, held at the e the village on Saturday, call- Lions Centre some years ago,ý t- Ing on friends. was the subject of another en- e M. Je Kulmanof astertaining film. The t aient le Angeles arrived here Satur- money project Was a summer r, day to join his family, vislting pilan ont year. Each member )f relatives and triends ln this was given $25 in the spring t vîcînlty. with the instruction that this DI Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Feagan, throng his own efforts and ;0 Robin and Wendy Of St. the enlarged amnount returned e. John's, Newfoundland, were to the club in the autumn. er Sunday evening callers wlth The motion picture of the Y. r. and Mrs. Fred Henderson fine banquet showed Mr. Van le and family. Nest as Chef-in-Chief Presi- Il With Mrs. C. Farrow recent dent Thlesburger. Rex Walt- Id vistiors included Mr. and Mrs. ers, a Past President, and Bill Clarence Farrow and Karen Morrison es waiters, and the, of Wîllowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Rotarians enjoying the well- ee Jim Farrow and faniily, Bow- planned repast. d manniville, and an Sunday, A motion picture on Bl1ue Il Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sparrow of Mountain Camp, CoIlingwood, g. Downsview. taken when R. P. Rickaby was 1f r. and Mrs. Glen Wanna- president o!f the club, had amaker of Port Perry were views of hlm with Walter De-1 Sunday visitars wlth Mfr. and Geer, a former District-Gover.i Mrs. Harry Wade. nor, David Higgon, Don Mor-ý SAbout 45 children and aduits ris, Dr. W. M. Rudel], Rex e attended the congregational Walters, Bob Stevens, Dr. G. It and Sunday School picnlc held Edwin Mann, ail past presi- at Waltona Park on Sunday dents, President Thiesburger, afternoon, a bit on the cool and other local Rotarians all side for swimming. engaged in a work party! ReI Theodore Snelgrove painting the children's cottages leaves this week by 'plane for there.i a month's vacation in New- Several films showed scenesJý «foundland. No more church taken during the pruning atl service until Sept. IIt.tbe Rotary Club'*s Christmas i f Mns. Gardon Blair of Vic- tree plantations. Immediate1 sfoaa B.C., and Mrs. Alice Past President AI Witherspoon. Rowe-Sleeman of Downsview, George Vice, a past president,i weesupper guests, Frlday, A. H. Strike, Jesse Van Nest,! wet r and Mrs. F.Glmr Marty Martin, Forbes Heyland.ý Messs. aymod 1and ertClare Garton. Mel Dale, a past' * Mesrs Rayondand ertpresident. and many other, Trim and party left on a fish- local Rotarians were picturedJ Ing trip to Narthern Quebec working away up and down: the latter part of the week. the long rows of trees. Scenesý Mr. and Mrs. Chanlie Caine were aiso shown of the Club' and famlly are holidaylng ln members, their Rotary Anns,l the Hastings district for a and familles ai the picnicsý couple of weeks. held ai the conclusion of thet Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Staple- pruning sessions. The final' ton and Carol are away on film was donated by James; i olidays for a couple of Stutt and pictured the rotI weeks. 'from Bowmanville ta Rotaryi Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Christmas Tree Plantation No.ý Hendersan, Doug and Ronnie 1. spent the weekend at Che- Mr. Rickard thanked Presi-' mong with Mn. and Mrs. Phil dent Thiesburger for showingý Gilmer and family. tht excellent films. Mr. Ric-1 Weekend visitors with Mr. kard remlnded the Rotarians, R. Bruce Included Mn. and Mrs. that through fellowship andý Dudley Jenkins of Bancroft, participation in club projects' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Waters if will follow that the finan-r of Taranto and on Sunday ces will look after themselves.. Mns. Vandenberg. He asked that any suggestionsi Wlth Mrs. C. Robb were be passed on te the Fellow Mr. and Mrs. Art Bannett, ship Committee. Margo, Chris and Derek of Guests present at the lunch-1 Part Credif. and Mr. Bruce tan meeting were Mike Bevan,j Gond, Toranto. Kleinburg, Ont., Clair Hilborni Mn. Jim Westcott of Udney and Paul Sexsmith. Peterbor was with Mn. Grant Wade. ough, Ted Shreves. Barrv.1 Mrs. Bill Fox spent a few Lewis, and Charles Elliott, al! days recently with Mrs. R. of Oshawa, and AI Reed, Port TrAM. Hope. Japanese Outfits Win Award for Lord Elgin Witness Minister Helingto Organize, SOttawa Conventior A local area minister, Alex operate the convention. Every Didu ha ben naed o a- worker is a volunteer donatn sist in organizing a Christianihis services, accordmng toMr convention of 13.000 persons Didur. .-... ...being arranged by Jehovah'si Mr. Didur, circuit sUpervisor Witnesses for t.he Ottawal0 h omnil Civic Centre (Lansdowne igaftonis owa i t ' 1Park) August 8 to 11. iassist in overail superv Mon ecot The gathering has been call- convention preparations and ed to provide advanced train-! operations as assistant conven. ing for Witnesses in using!tion manager. Biblical wisdom as a force fort "Athough we are attending - ~~~~~~~~good in the cornmunity. Em-!piaiyt itnad1ar . ... phasis in the program is itol- from the program," he said, mized by- the convention theme "we con sider the event sorne.I :.t~k '~ '"Good News for Ail Nations."iwhat as a large familY re- S Twenty convention depa rt- union to promnote considea ments have been given the.tion and unity amnong ourselva task of turning the Civic Cen- es. So about one in every fouir tre Into a huge âlassroom of delegates, or about one per instruction operating in three family, will work in a conven. languages English, Frenchjtion department before or dur. Lord Elgin Playground won first prize for their the group, f rom left to right, are Bobby Leaver, Mark 'and Italian- and of provid- ing the convention. That adds Japanese theme presentation during the United. Nat- James, Donald Childs, Wendy Mountjoy, Danny Wal_'ing housing, cafeteria and up to an army of over 3,OO0ý ions ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~le DyaBomnilplyru s.LnFii krBbyCidWyePrean Sana eae.oerservices for delegates. ýworkers. every one giving his ioheDa b ackg od, i espeayri sor aari e, ob hi ,Wyn trand members of r.A unique system of coopera- time and talents free of the ackroud, i thir uperiso an memersof tion is being employed toicharge". IVIIEi FIIîm I i DRU ) ,~ ) ) ) ) ) ) (~ s c. atù< CORPS b Parade from Central Public School to Memorial Park for B.AND DISPLAY -6:e30 P.M. wiI be special feature of m m AM- - - - - - - - - - BOWMAN VILLE LIBERTY ST. LIONS sMEMORIAL PARKDO WMAN VILLE MANY DIFFERENT AND NOVEL BOOTHS BINGO 4 REFRESHMENTS RIDES FOR THE Kl-DDIES leOUI (IN CASE 0F RAIN THE BIG DRAW e e . for 2-mADMIRAL lst Prize... 1968419" Àdmirai Portable Tickets - MONDAY, AUGUST r, 'l2th) (jSELLERS' PRIZES JIY lst - 1968 - 17" BLACK& WHITE SET 2nd - 1968 - 13"" BLACK& WHITE SET m m m 25c each 'il m 5 for $ 100 - ALL PROCEEDS FOR BOWMANVILLE LIONS COMMUNITY WORK

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