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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1968, p. 7

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ÉPersonal l Phone 623-3303 'Irs. Don Patterson of! Two teen-agers, J a m e s Woodbridge Io a guest this; Andrews, 16, of Oshawa and weck of her brother and sister- Patricia Goyne. 19. R.R. 6, 1n-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred'Bowmanville, were threatened K-rmp. with a gun and robbed of more Weekend visitors with Mr. than $4,000 ln the centre of adMrs. Lawrenice C. Mason, Oshawa lait Thursday after- gh Street, were their so noon. They were transferrlng Tomgr and Miss Nancy Newby. $3.500 ln cash and $600 in both of Tor.,nto. icheques from the Canadian t Tire to the Canadian Imperial E. E. Murphy of Murphy Bank of Commerce at King CO., King West, Is back on the and Slmcoe Streets when they job after a holiday In the were held Up. morthern part of the Prov- Ince of Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kramp, tKing St. East, were hosts last Mrs. J. R. Nichols and Mrs. week at their cottage, Caes- Ross Stevens visited the lat- area, for a surprise birthday ter's daughter, Mrs. Ted Hut- Party ln honor of Mr. Kramp's ton, at the Hutton cottage near mother, Mn. M. Kramp of Minden, last week. Brampton. Those who attend- We should record for future! ed the celebration included years that the thermometer 1 the guest of honor's sisters, dipped to a new low Monday Mrs. Della Long o! Palmnerston night, reglstering as low as 39 l and Mns. H. Yake and Mn. degrees at the airport ln Yake of Mount Forrest; her Toronto. brothers and wives, Mr. and ofMrs. John McEachern, Mount Master Duncan Robson O~Forrest; Mr. and Mns. Sandy Oakville who holidayed iast McEachern, Acton; Mr. and week with his grandp.arents, Mns. Archie McEachern of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bagneli, Detroit, Mich., and ber daugh- onSuo Sreta etnndhoeter and son-in-law, Mr. and 'on Snday.Mns. Don Pattenson o! Wood- Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mac- bridge. Dougal, Mn. and lins. L. A. MacDougal and Mn. Gary MacDougal enjoyed a week's holiday at Raiph Thompson's Lodge, Harlowe. Mns. Thomas A. Rodger o! Oshawa, fonmerly o! New- castle, leaves today (Wednes- day) for a thned-week visit with relatives at Aberdeen, Scotland, where she was born. This coming long holiday weekend rnany neadens willl have guests ln their homes or will be visitlng out-of-town.i We greatly appreciate such in- « formation for this column. Just dial 3-3303. Mn. and lins. Ernie Perfect have returned to town aften a delightful camping and motor trip to the East Coast. They visited Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia,1 New Brunswick and Quebec. Little eight-year-old Bren- cia Colville, town, won a prize for the most unusual pet, a tame white rat named Ginger, ln the Pet Parade ast Satur- day at the Oshawa Shopping Centre. Ginger bas been Brenda's pet for six monthi. Mr. and Mns. Glonholme FIughes on Tuesday attended the funeral ln Toronto of Mr. Hughes' uncle, John D. Fal- conbridge, who for many years was the Dean of Osgoode Hall. The author of sevenal legal text books, he was the only son of the late Sir Glenholme Fglconbridge, Chief Justice of the King's Bench In Ontario. Mrs. Nora Honnick, Church St., Is recuperating following an accident that occurred early this week. One of the best- known public sehool teachers this area. she was attending 'tummer school in Oshawa when the group visited a new school and Mns. Hornick tripped on the steps and sprain- ed her ankie. Hen many *rlends will hope for a speedy reoey Mr. and Mns. George W. Graham have returned home from a three-week vacation v islting friends and relatives 1h, France, England and Scot- 1Iand. Miss Geongann and Miss Squsanne Grahamn, who have Ijceen holidaying with thein r'-,ter, brother-in-law a n d f,'nily, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T urphy, Sandy and Jimmy of J' etroit, Mich., will return Io,-e this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cary, Miss Lila Hooey, ail of Toron- to. and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey, town, attended the christening of Mr. and Mrs. liooey's gnanddaughter, Jili .Anne, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hooey of Toronto, in Orono United Chunch last Sunday. Aftenwand, ail were luncheon guests o! JIil Anne's. mnaternai grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Best of Orono.i REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scutot Street Phone 623-7216 Minlter: 1ev. A. Vandenflerg, B.A, B.D, M.Th. Worsbip Services 10 &M 7:30 p.m. 11:15 a.m. Sunday School Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday 6:30 p.m. "Everyone Welcome"t BLACKSTOCK Thiere was a good atter ance at the joint Anglie and United servicei t United Cbuncb Sunday moi ing. lins. Harold Kyte sang solo "It is No Secret Wl God Can Do". Rev. Merr Ferguson o! Cosburn Churc Toronto, delivered a thougl provoking sermon on "Who] nesi o! Life Through Ghrisi Next Sunday joint servic are to be beld in St. Job' Chu.rch. The hast eucbre until fa sponsored by the Wome Institute, was held in t] Township Hall, Wednesd; night. Prize winners were high lady, Mrs. Carl Wrigt second highest, Miss Ha: Engiish; bigh gent, Mn. Wi Hopps; second, lins. Stan]i Malcolmi. Congratulations te Lar: Hoskin wiho received the woi Friday that he bas passed h second year exanis with hoi ours from the Canadian Ii stitute of Ohartered Accour ants In Hinlton. Over 300 pensons attendi the Durhami County Hoîste, Club trilight meeting at tl home of Mn. and lins. Ne Malcolm Friday. Judging ce: petitions wene keen and ei joyable. A large numben pnizes were awarded ar this followed by a social ei ening. Sincere sympathy ls e, tended Mr. and lins. Roy Tu nier on the sudden deathi bis brother Harold at Candi: ai on Friday. Gordon Malcolm Is spenc ing a couple of weeks in Bel thierville, Quebec, leann French hanguage and custom, Mn. and lins. Roy Tayl( and Mr. and lins. James Roi entson o! Unity, Sask., sper Wednes d a y and Thursda with Mn. and lins. Anss- Tay [or at thein country home c Lake Muskoka. Recent guests o!flin. an Vin. Roy Taylor- bier moti en Mns. J. Fonder, Port Per ry; Mn. and lins. James Rob ertson, Unity, Sask.; Mn. an '4rs. Gordon Eaton and Mn, Ed. Green, London, ont.; M and lins. Lewis Watson, Por Hoepe; Mr. and lins. Har VicLaughin, Nestleton. lin. and lins. Neil lialcoînr Miary Lou and Jamie, visitei Mfr. and Mns. J. W. Cunning ham, Toronto, Sunday. lir. and lins. Keith John ston, Pearl and Linda, sper Saturday nigbt and Sunda, with bis mothen, lins. J. A rohnston aften attending th- Ferguson famiy picnic Satur day. Mn. and lins. Ken Duns moon and Beth spent Sunda; .fternoon with the Be v )ealeys, Toronto. lin. and Mlis. Hugli Murpby Bowmanville, and lins. Editi. Nunpby Tyrone, were Sunda3 st. Paul's United Church Minhter : Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mr. R. Metcal!, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. 10:00 am Trinity and St. Paul's Congregations join in Public Worship. Nursery Service provided I ALVARY GOSPEL (HURCH E.R. 1, Tyrone, Ont. EFUNDAMENTALD SUNDAY, AUGUST 4tFh, 1968 ARCHIE CAMPBELL from CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Oshawa Ont. at both services - il a.nm. and 7 p.nt AIl Are Welcome can the mn- hat rill 5,100 Stuclents at Durham College by 91975 cSocial MODERN FACE EMERGING FOR DURHAM COLLEGE New Pre-engineered Steel Building Opens In September -h, by Robent Murphy Extension class enroment quirements and job opportun!- equipment were bought fromn ýht- cf i'he Oshawa Times Staff could reach 3,000 in 1975 and ties must be avallable te grad- vanlous suppliens throughout ýle Anexitig utue I i stre7,000 in 1985, with cus pro- uates," Dr. Willey added. the yean and each piece a 3t" for Durham College ..-. one o! granis developed to fit the job "Priorîty will be given to evaluated as te ti job useful- ce pyiclgrowth and aaei oppontunities o thiscomn courses that wil kecp oun ec- nesi, compatabîhity, neliability ýnadvancement. ity. onomy competîtive, oun coun- and economy. If the enthusiasm o! its FUTURE try ln the fonefront o! nations, The nesults o! the finit year al, president, Dr. Gordon Wllley Future plans cahi for the de- our people productive and, openation have been applieci to ýniii any indication, the dreami veiopment o! co-operative therefore, provided with the the filllng out o! the new pre- the incorporated into the concep- four-month block release prog- basic necessities of life which engineened building for the laY tion of the college wrn sean rami te use the college's faci- are the foundation for build- 1968-69 terni. - become reality lities the entîre year. inig a mature and cultuned An expected 500 students l; "This wili provide excellent society." . wlll be enrolled at the college zel instruction and practice by in- Dr- Willey's second prioty and an applied arts division - volvement with business and wiiil be the provision cf courses wil he openating in addition y duty"iyDrWiley. te enlarge thc horizons o! stu- to the technical and business cyCourses wili form a wide dnsadgi nesadn divisions established lait year. base in the finit year and will and breadth o! vision in the pemta)atcocrodpin community in which they hîve "The number of courses o!- i iii ,~~~.-.. ~for the student ini bis second se they might serve as skilcdeed wilbprccaydo- and third years. adscal aueidvd led and, o! course, the sucs- I-"It is similar te a tree trunk uals. u ii crsuet ilb rit- in the finit year spneadmng Into "Thene wil!l be a systematic entering their second year," branches and heaves in the provision for the fostening cf Dr. Willcy said. in eon n tidyer, Drcitical thinking, self directive- heWilley said. ns n raiiy1 ,il Two and one-yean courses FINANCIAL wil lob eeoe n will Dra Coliege alse wants o!f specific aneas for the more an economical cost, says Dr. id practical-mlnded students. Wilhey. Dr. Willey explained exten- "The taxpayer must receive !V_ sien courses will be varied and value for bis dollar, the stu- flexible te meet ail the voca- dent must receive an excellent Ir- tional and avocational desires education and the community o! the community. must profit froni the presence OfSkilled trades and appren- and operations o!fh ohee n-ticeship courses will be giv.-n "The cohiege wilbcm a "1within the economic and rat- pre-eminent social and econ- r- R. ORDN IILLY onal framework o! the cdu- omical force for the advance- cational facilities o! the area," mn fti omnt n ig. College President MAIL. COURSES must therefore, draw together Or In fact, a tour with Dr. Wil- Conrespondence course s will and involve many o! the peo- introduceie in the college activitiesi b- ley o! the new pre-engineened alsa be in .dcd Dr. Willey an s esou nit steel building on the campus, "These will asist shift ad is rsuces,"' Dr. Wi iey RY makes one aware o! dneams wonkers in obtaining tbe cdu- explaiued. Y- transforming te reality at that cation they desire." D~urham College wlll offeri n very instant. The celege proposes te ex- wide educational oppontunities, The building itscîf Ih a func- pand tbe new pne-enginecred te people o! ail ages wbo want d tional examptie o! an old adage steel building te twice its pres- te continue their education h-..."Keep It Simple." eut size for the influx o! stu- and who, for some neason onr_ r- The design is based on mak- dents in 1969. .Alse, by 1970, a other, cannot or do net want B b- ing the most eut of available large technology building wil t ete university. B U i r tR II d space, and ail equipment te be be ready for occupancy on the here hs a majonity o! these Individuals . . . people wbo s. included bas Its proper and college's eastenn campus. 9js arî ottnu r. necessary use. Dr. Wiley nemanked plans js aeygttruhi rt Dr. Willey said the build- aiso include the completion o! bigh school"' are a portiono ry Ing plan was drawu up withbau academie building on the the gnoup.H e dS this in mind. eastern campus by 1973. OPEN-DOOR POLICY n, Every classroom is built next The coUlege president said a Dr. Wilhey says "an open- ?d te another se walhs may be ne- continulng "dialogue" wil doon policy", wiâi be fonmulat- - moved if a langer noom Ih ueed- take place between the cdu- ed te make It possible for a L f II - The enonmous cafetenia can tien "se that Durham College people te obtain, and continue E It aise double as an auditorium shail become part o! tbis cern te obtain "ikilîs, knowledge, ty when necessany. rnunity and contnibute te Its understanding and self-fuM-flil. ,. Dr. Willey auticipates the well being and progness. ment as mature citizens." -_______________ ie college will enroll 2,100 day "The colege must stay abead The educational philosophy rstudents by 1975, 5,000 in an- of the commuuitY's vocational, at Durhami College is ticd te other 10 years. avocational and cultural ne- the belief that it is te popl Special 1 9- involved and thein qualities o! y gueits o! the Roy licLaugh- Algonquin P a r k, Bancroft mind, spirit and skilis, that lins. Heather and Pamela and Pictori. SPendiug a nigbt will see the educational job Read, Brampton, spent a wcek in each o! these places and well donc. 'wlth Debbie McLaughlin. ending up with a banquet at Every attempt wiltl be made h' sto n Beth, Donld udohn- tique cars cntercd this tour. pie who have vahuable expeni- dra spent lÏait week with ne- Mr. and Mns. Bill Mitchell, ence in their kniveadgewho can Deodorant latives at Pakenhani. Peterborough, wene Satundaymptthikowdgsis Fe-gueits and Mr. and lin. Bill and understauding te the stu- Rev. and Mns. Mcriii er Wannon, Orono, Suuday uests dents using the most advanced - gusen. Toronto, spent the o!flin. and lins. Miawood teaching ais and reseurces." weekend with lins. Cccii Hill. McKee. Expenience as well as aca- sp n e a s w t a l el O h w ; M s . W i e c i g m s e saDonald Trew in, Enniskillen, lin. and lins. Stephen SaY- considered iu the sehection o!'eI TnwnM.enwln.Ealdenc uliiaioswirbe p EP . asetndewdyswtM Ene elOhaa.ns . .ai eahnlmser t h - vstdVanCamp and Misses Mable, college. o E T u I Tnewin, Enrudskillen, ite Helen and Aileen VanCamp There wilh be an assumption Suuday with Uic Fred Tnew- enjoyed a trip lionday teofo leadership on tbe part o! al ins. Thursday. Tbey went te Ce- teachens in the task o! creative I lary's, is holidaying with the car and Wednesday teck train "In othen wonds, the teach- lis .E iuuad t haeva auksn ycriuu ulig S S sss9 1Glenn Lanmens. te Moosonce, James Bay. Hene ens will be cncounaged in map- Mr.andMrs ErestLan- tbey bad a moton boat trip ping out their own methode o! mrM. and Ms. ERnestLa acrosUic Bay te Moose Fac- instruction," Dr. Willey said. merrMn."andhamns. Ralph Lan- to a mer and family, Mn. and lins. ."ubn olg ilbGenLninad!ml t place where evenybcdy learni." iA n tended Uic Taylor !amily pic-a changiug technologies ln busi- ni tCartwright Park Sat- ness[, > i wIil be undter csantl A nîcay ahwn Stuve servcesindustry andrtcensocatlDc ri iMr. and lins. Fred liotton, eiwlu order that course 12's Kimi, David and Robent and d material will stay ahead o!, G y e in l 1Keith Moore ail of Wilioîv-Re inaatu ànd anticipate. the changing dale spent a few holiday. needs o! Canada's society and1 wîhh the Lloyd Beacocks. Bowmanville Town Council business enterpnises. bas apoeln pinciple that Part-tume and special hec- %D P A lI Maissnen Tori onmiton spnn a request be made te the De- tuners fnom the community L h wakerdwTrotoe for- patment o! Municipal A!- will be uscd te encourage the m'othe r, led is. tvy Han- fains for a Regional Goveru- flow o! necent advances into aud gmthrandpanenty am-in ment Study providing tbat the college. iltonan rnprnsM. the iancing Is shaned by ail "Arrangements for teachens and lins. Richard Wall. pantîcîpat iln g munîcipa.lities. te spend tume lu business and L E - Z lin. S Gof!, Cadmus, and Council would net agree à! the industrial world wilb bis brotben-in-law and neph- just Oshawa and Bowmanvilhe made te avold the obsolesceuce cw from England visited Mr. were le!t to ensure the entine of teachens." and lins. R. Wall during the financlal costs. Durhami College operated for week Th nex metingo! ownthe firît hune hast Septemben wek h etmeigo onwitb an initial enroument c!fP lin. and lins. Jack Rahm Council wlll be beld at eigbt 203 shudents and courses of- P spent Uic weekcnd at Stoney o'clock on Tuesday evenlng, !ered lu the techuology. tecb- Creek and attended Uic Littie August fth, instead o! Mon- ulcal and business divisions. tou -4-om-London tof Bnigbt Ic ian Boar by Ton Con-plnerig eanlupotale a & w A PRICES EFFECTIVE TO SATURDAY.. AUGUST 3 Headache Tablets 1.9OalCRANt.pi fi 00o's, Sugg. list 1.69 _________nisgti ShampooSugg. list 79c h o l e r s g . i1.29 -l e 3 - 6 1C7 ENTToothpaste 67 EN Sugg. list 73e 63C 1-!nie 5oz. GUARD 97C Sugg. Iist 1.39 Confidets ir2s Sugg. lst 55c box 2FR91C ~~M or ~ nthe Stomah12.09 Magnolax îM OL 8 z., Sug. Sugg. .I1.091.4 Instant Shampoo-- 09 u .lit14 *Sugg. Iist 2.25 - 199.0 SunDf Tan otion 1.09 UMIRU4 oz., Sugg. list 1.2510 1 Su ppositories ,eg.44c ICIA liair Spray o.7 RICIASugg.lust 99C - 10 0.7 TABLETS - For a good night's sleep Sugg. list 98C 83C RESCRIPTIONS Clearasil SkIn Ointment Sugg. Iist 7le L59C I.D.A REMEDIES ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e KING St. W. - PHONE 623-5792 Durham Pres. Predicts Exciting With Year Round Activities on, Involvi*ng Many Students from TeCanadian Statesman, EowmanvffleYuly 31. 156 FuturNESTLETON F t r'Wayne and RadyShmaScott Wilhlams la vstn tl Janetville and TimnyMcKee, Mn. and Mrs. Frailla. tt Fontypool, have been holiday- Mn. W. Compeau, Misn 8. ing with their grndparnts, Chadwick, Mr. D. Beaucroft Mr. and Mrs. LoneMee. o! 1To10ronto and Mr. andMM is C a M pu S Mr.and Mns. Jack Wilson, Andy Manlow, Oshawa, e D st rl mt Frew, Viewlake. W. Wilson, Mn. J. C. Gord=n Mn. and Mns. Jack Mcmil- and Robert, ail from Oshawa, ~ ,,, ten, Scarborough, have pur- visited during the week wt chased a home in Caesarea. At Mrs. R. W. Jackson. Sunday '~present tiieY are vacatlonlng viitr were Mr. and MMu aterottge earBobaygon lifordJackson and Miche!.. atacagnder alvinobcgonDon Milii, Mns. Harold Gor. have recently bought hie don, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yate, \ grandmothen's (n.JmsRce Heather and Gary. McKee) !arm. At Uxbnidge.e Sare renovating an ilb Mn. Eli Mafr Mn. and Mmra mOvig i th eary fll. Norman Mains, enjoyed Sun- \Mringan th. eorgnly - day dinner with Mr. and lirs. Mn.r and Gergenroy- m. Ash, Stouffvlle, and ens nd M. an Mnî Heny <lled on Mn. and lira. Stew. Trick returned Sunday from atDnaM.adMa four weeks' vacation withMar unc ash r.and M.m their cabin traller, to the west Mrs. Gamble. ceast. Friends are pleased that Mir. They visited wIth their 5son JlmFliswsabet nt Constablie Jerry Bowers and home onSuay alete r seur Mn. and lins. Dick Saville at ingefon ur week, !ollloing su Dryden; Mn. and Mns. Louis igfu ekfloigsr Kain i Winnipeg; Mn. andgeymteTootGeea Hospital. lins. Amos Trick at Portage M icee utn l La Prairie and called at Eld r KicerButn g rans, Manitoba, where Mn. curnently in Bowmnanville hos Bower was orn.pital undergoing medication. Camping at a lake near Mn. Manvin Nesbitt enjoyed "' ~ Calarytbe enjyedtwoMonday to Tbursday on vaca. days atthe tampde tion. Mn. Ted Lennard held v~. Cigary"the fort" and bis customerà, .~(Thene is no fee for camping for ganden produce, have kept Sthere>. Thene are many pleas- hlm veny busy. This bas been - 1ant memonies o! their trip toanecienyarorsa- SLake Louise and throughtebres lakcnnt am -. . ~--mountains to Vancouver. The "~ bghwa an weahen ereraspbernies and bis vegetables hgody aildth ea. Nopnb-it e asit neyer wene better - you naine lems with trailer travelling). 1Mn e and is eog H On their neturn tbey visited M. nMs. Rois, Paor the Cbapman's at North Bay 1P.Ms reRsPtixw and home via Lindsay. a ning. Scarborough and Cindy The new building bas eight Mr. and lins. RselFa HeaslIp, Pont Credit. enjoyeci cîasroms a ang lctue csBeaverton, wRe weeke- Saturday evening dinner with rooma coputerroom a guetlirsh MMn.ndand lins. Horace Heaslip, rooni, a cmutrron, uet wt Mst n * o Janetvîîîe. lins. Ros lu visit. lamechanical lab Grant Thonipson a thein o-igti ee ihhrsse student lounge, cafeteria, al î0_ tage at Viewlake. lionda-igtiyek ibbraie bray ad rsorcecenre ndvisitons wene Mn. Dan Smith, and bnotber-in-law. lMr. an4 administration offices. Miss Margaret Smith, Toronto; Wally Horln. MS.andoruM% and Mns. Annie Tyrie, Dun- al HongSrbruh A large computer will be in- dee, Scotland. On Tbursday, were Sunday dinner guestu stalled for academic purposes Mn. and linrs. Thompson visit- and Patti and Cindy returned and a television studio wiil be ed lins. W. H. Jobnston and borne witb thein. available to expenirnent wit lins. James Naylor. Peffenlaw, SMn. and lim. larewoc4 new eacingaidsandmetodStinson, Windsor, and Mm, ne tacin adian mthdi and lins. James Thompson tHre Davidson, Bethany? Additional staff bas aiso been Lakeview Manor, Be aet Hrvitey ensa iht hired to assist the teachlng Mn. Fred GaBean.vstdWdedywtyb staff In utiiizing the beit av- visited lait Gray. ethranyd Bruce Heaslip's and Mn. an-i ailable teaching aidi, nesour- Mns. ClarekWltbm. and Mrs. Wayne McKeown, Mono ces and techniques. guests wene Miss Gwen Gray, Road, were overnlght guef Dr. Wiley, in summing up lin. and Mns. Howard GIîti and GET CASH TOUA? ahl the plans for the cohlege, famlly, Toronto, and lin. and FOR OLD APPLIANCES said "thene Is an exciting fut- lins. Doug Falli and !amily, throutb une ahead and we are sure te Bowmanviile. Lawrence Failli STATESMAN see many new activities at is bolidaying with Mir. and CLASSIMID8 Durhami." 1Mlis. Arnold Williams and I Phone 623-3303 ýàf

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