3 T e da S O L I N A T e canadl a tt S!,I w a vl , An . 4,1 09 Th ddSundav Sclool family. In the pasng of Gor-, W ESY V I L 4P.m. on Sundav. August Il th Fogsn lait week. (Week of Juy2)kiltdrpngcthsea 8 .arwright PMrk. Wewaerw Mr. andorrth Burney HinkybNews wand wh. ~pessed to have our newlaccarnpanied Mr. and Mrs .1wekofhe2dfuy>tota thexn eu on ii M iitr and lis wife. Rev. and Bruce Montgomery, HamptonI the loe'garm c i.pot0go1d ite al e Mrsq. Cresswell spend a short teCochrane Iast week and en- tkeep a tie with us. ta meet mmanyijoyed the ride on the Ontariosrd of O ur Sunday School memn- Northland train to Moosonee. vieber.won SdY not aprm.~ s. n.~ bers. There were a bout 75 Mr. and Mrs. Russ~ell Vice vbeut nd fgoSubnieti.bti present at the ptcnic. i entertained Mr. and Mrs. WaI-bu offtcers Ce. and Aitar lunching by the cool ter Tink and familyM.H- the Sunday gchoolmta WS lem hw t pu and windy lakeside. the famni- tan Tink, M. Mr.. Ken c.juthf drpmw toe, fmm lia emrbled for the sports. lnk and family, Ehenezer; __m requirementa frfi e P;fram. The wlnners art as Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shackel- gn~gc i.nw ~ Witng.nr ee~ 1 lIows: ýtan and famlly. Bowmanville: son. Nestleton. were recentletdtiahr.'1 er September, arrangr o . rsst nLd ie vs. Kindengarten Runnîng Race Mr. and Mrs Harry Knox and vtsitors with Miss Pearil each. ltors Tthe well ladee Mic- a -Gayla I'aylor. francine Tay- famlly, Salins, ta dinner on GRecent calforCurigreson cansrads. N. F.osbu ~~oPenklg of Sunday colo al a e eet h Reetcleso r.N .turiied in a aolid defe UiveAu gust 45.i afte.r Jl al pedn rnhsc h lor,' Walter Vice, Dole Broame, Friday evening. Wotten and famlly have been effort avereIl. Bail contiaiued av.* Plans were deor f.ai behtrswid flavId Johnstan, Kevin Taylor. Miss Catherine Baker holu- Mn. and Mrs. Will Toikin arnd fiss tedY work ant sco Sainj tu r aAguty i w dy Ail receJved prîzes. dayed with her cousin Marie!Mrs. Pete Bryant, Oshawa; bs.LKU ameratgra i tw fnfh AtweeayAg t by.We Primary Girls' Ruinning Race Smales. Oshawa. Master Mark Vetoh, Detroit, as9-e I* K tellycae U thon Aweïgt4 -Annette Taylor, Collette' Recent dinner guests with:Michigan; Mn.. L. C. Snowden sd d ngsspent the weekend with MŽrand Taylor. !Mrs. Katie Langmaid and her and Mn. Bob Snowden, Maple aend.ecp o i a- ~ tw y d Mw aod Bno. Prlmarv Boysm' Rabbit Hopister. Mrs. Madeline Scholl Grave. Kened'h, etasa e d ahmsPe mpint. t .wood. o Rae-Buc Sade, adyweeMrcWe. ofa. roo M. n Ms.EeritCyd Rasm. ethWhî dngIor farfl pMre.hd ndtW..ic o 1e Prew. Mn. L. A. Squair, Salem, a'andnd (plart Cy- utea Sai eg. hWittl aqound theitthnB ndSda dierwhMr Junior Girls' Crab WaIk Miss Kate Fosi.er, Oshawa., erman enjoyed the Clmer Bus (plates) hadld Re.Uie mîlng aud eir'. teandti.hmaadConefPerbou. Race-Robin Lynde, Janice Recent callers on Mrs, Lang- TorteNaar aisa Sn Yellowlees. maid have been Mn. and Mrs.; day.s mosquitoea. Theyha nye Mr i Mr. .Scele .lunlor Boys' Samnersoult and? Walter Parninder, Salinas; Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and read the story a0 1h 3-ste?, Race -- Neil Taylor, and Mn.. Lee Honey. Welland, twCo Ys have moved ln l n ayseimvdm i Darnyl Knox. Mn.. J. H. Hardy. Port Perry. their new home. north of the f.folowing their exepe u. 2h Intermediate Girls' Duck Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- village. On behalf of the Sa- iYoung rigeonsi Arctie Ford retundta Waik--Jane Lynde, Brenda lowlees. Janice, Brenda, Dennis iJna commun uity we extend a Port Hope hospitalo'ri-- Th aigdys atne X'ellowlees. and Wayne accompanied Mr. hearty welcome. Fi R c day, July 25, feeigqierpIUgc ri.s obn Intermediate Boys' Minute and Mn.. Don Thompson and .Mr, Ken Spires recently en- MnFrt Ra e wl AganIdAm et o.a aetâgclr Walk- Dean Knox, Walter Beverley of Cou rtice, ta Sit>- joyed a motor trip with three ~~-v h is aefryug n.~Tegn an iti Taylor. bald Point Park, a Provincialo! his frlends, t.hrough the Thbe.frmthrae forwYang Me j P r HoliopA atF~ ek rse h Ladies Cslng Uusbands tA Park on Lake Simcae, an a United States, visiting Texas, d n Supper Contet-Mrs. Muray camping vacation, last week. Tennesee, and going aq far as Rcing Pigeon Club waS, fionda ih b et Vire, Mns. Hanry Knox. Miss. Shanon Larmer, nurse- New Orleans. Comilng home 'upo.aufv2.on~Y gtfrtssadcek îwsai aegre ee anStucR. .July 2.1968, alsanwlaea ie Men'q Longest Step Race-. ln-trainin g at the Oshawa: theY visited Wheeling, West .~~'--. . witlh these nesults ln Yards per Mr. and Mrs. Ni(hlsG hrhsevc a iWl Mn. Stan Millson. General Hospital, spent sev-, Virginia. Last weekend he '~ iue i nw Bros. neve irsollnd r mîtn oeonAga lt n Men's and Boys' Sack Race-: eral days with Miss Karen; enjoyed a trip W Ottawa and .. 1159,75, 2nd Ron Luke 1157.7.9, with tersnJh dhi Dean Knox. Yeliowlees necent.Iy. called on Mr. and Mrs. N. ' 3Td L. Richards 1156.58, 4th family liane. wvusSda at ese. Ladies' and Girls' Shoe Weekend guests with Mn. returningtoeds DonaP.ornne &Soi115128ummernep Rirk---.n. Don Taylor. and Mr%. Charles Langmnaid Wotten returned home with 5th Eanl Luke 1138.43, 6th L. mer Emeno homeaenUicore iEvst, 1.ad Mens 3-legged Race-Dean were Mr. and Mrs. George S. hlm aifter spendlng holiday. Pier 1103, 8th DR o oner gve arealste ccout and Boyd Knox. jSchah. Pittsford. N.Y., and ýwlth ber cousin Miss Margaret tr10.5 thD olei(August 4h)sno oca cndtos n Ladies' 3-legged Race.--Jane Mn.. Madeline Schoil returned Spires. 1056.67. 9th J. Turcotte MrlnNco Lynde, Shirley Westlake. ! home with them. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Baker 1023.10, llth D. Starmnto oehs usa rmhnaebr acmnhn ih Couples' Balloon Race-Mr. Recent cailers wit.h Mr. anldlenjoyed a vacation ln Coliing- 1977-5, 121h C. Sant homla in uebeihhr u xea-ecn irthit and Mrs. F'l'ancis Johnston. i Mns..Charles Langmaid have' waod and other Places af ln- 9775A, se hCon Penigoe 80.5.02., Froh a n iderbiyipo-Te .oddaea ftect A peanut and candy srambe1 been Mr. and Mrs. George Gil-i terest around Geogian Bay. rAmscn race was flown ed tam tAfi eriecontiue t ie rca followed for anyone whoinoy and family, Oshawa; Mn.ý Debbie and Denise Pascos, ..44. Brantford, Ont., on Sat-1 Word was recivd eetrues wanted tri isk IL. A few of and Mns. Foster Snowden, Brougham, and Boyd Knox, urday, Aug. 3rd, 1968. This jiast week oi the. suddndse JmPrei obsbe the braver seuls ventured a Bnaoklin; Miss Nara Smith, Solina, have been visiting with betten ate aewlh!f r re ye sw!m In the lake and the rest Brooklin; Mn. and Mrs. Garnêt Ron. Marilyn and Kathnyn bte returns than the finsi rLct atelkov 8hivered on the shore, or visIt- Goyne, Don and Audrey, Kn~ox. rae no Ban.od.Reulcenthecmmnt mm hdwntsKavhnshsveie ed tagethen, aven coifee, ln the 1Courtice. Miss Carol Knox visited In yards Per minute: tPil tgve p h. pmitn tar suni. Mn. Stan Milison made Mr. and Mri. Loi-ne Kellett, with ber cousin Miss Donna Woolnen & Son 1379.59, 2nd taught sehool here I h aemtrtecmltno r. $orne announcements snd then1 Miss Pearl Leach, Salins. and Knox, Brougham. L. Richards 1373.20, 3rd Brown 1920s.sn.om'itet whj i aIl left for home a fier an en- Mns. David Kelleit and Kevin, Mr. and Mns. Doug Lynde Bras. 1356.33, 4th 1. Piperi Alt.hough there em ruhaiSptbr. isnca- Joyable get-togethen. Oshawa, vlsited Mr. and Mrs.ý and dauighte r spent two weeks 1344.26, 5th Roy Fort-ester evidenaeof admrmedityr n ok i ih sho Svmaby al te Slia emofowrdPeeeigSanliaveHhowdasad Pnewele 14346. 6i J. Tueotectiii, rmers i unhenmaes l.d.ficit 4 ivesuj. mnunity Is expressed ta Mr. and on Sunday. and aiso a visit ta the city of chang6es7h Ean Luhe137.66 Mns. Gordon Ferguson and Mr. and Mn.. Mlion Steven- jOttawa. 8tb D. Woolner 1294.83, gth '1g Mlle cancerori toeioe ag akb nte _1Several boys fnom Salins D. Stainton 1284.96. lOth Ron Iwho would Il.ke t e hs erw1 a a ise aeejoyîng holidays ai Camp Luke 262.9n, il]th J. Bridgerjarsminqetcuryd. HendW neSe Ca e a n a fQuin-M o-Lac on M oira Lake. 1232.6, 3ih C . Carmg e n8651. A. kA rsti n P r n CaelCa Ad HitThey are Lamne Millson, Ron- 1220-06pe liospital. aise Mrs. G..,iaHectoies as aarg. ...nie Vice, William Taylor, .Hope.. o ait- WheeIS - .Lawrence Taylor, Howard !Rcko PrtN Mn. Elgin Taylor 1. vIiiing .. IEL resident af Port Bitn.eenaparneithad Huis. ENFIELD ~Mr. and Mrs. Jame otra e od ihis daughten, Rev. and Mrs. R r. , .. "iRc (Dlaedby irke) wihf Mr.ecn Dne eu !.Sherwin attheir cottage at Dnad bn.. ape h1espita lW.st Moira Lake ~ <~-.'~ .M.. and Mrs. Roy Hania, t ima on Sunday. Te a Mn. and Mn.. Bruce Tlnk w :.4 ." .\Etrpi e w e eàeekndibnought the nine yearadsnTedya-di elo h ....,.".-:......"..visited Mn. and Mn., Orval .g .'f'-st ...,ai Mr. Allen Taylor's. a ven ta attend hocke] i~wyt engbruulcir Jackson. Oshawa. on Sunday.» .~ct ii aiyatne h incwshl nSitdy M.adM. aodAa Mn. Herb Tink L% spending cosîit ii îî H iy ted tenonle at Mad rlepk.inadVer eflsI e- halidays with his sisier Mn. Smithm amy picnc In igh 1atenintMr and Mrs. Daug Ferguson ai 1.t. Park. The water in thepodheendayfrWInpO wer their cottage on Sturgeon 'ým>4%M\i*t Recent visitor. ai ihe Pascoe was fine for swimng ndM.Asi wilatdth hLk omne were: Mn. and Mrs the aquatic minded i a<~SvrinGetPiiycn Lor-i Cryderman, daughter Garvin Smith, South Porcu- th e Suinday achoolspntos of M .a d M s eth C ------Pinle; M . and M s. John Muir, of c af oo thr. hee eaei AutiSw o i tehn erman, has been \'isiting with Cutie ad cotSargentiwas a liivelyg a i hall ber gnandiparents, Mr. and Mn.. Ida. god tug ai war, end b vr Sbsnhn iruhu h SEvenett Cryderman for the Mn. Stuart Samis spent the popular adtro lest two weeks. On Monday, Bowmanville Country Club's golfers were gaing strong while a weekend with the Oke famillf breandy ihow.A giedsrc prcae eymc Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- large crane was unloading equipmnent of particular interesit t curiers. It will ai Belgrave. Phàlip NichaIs butthrwalihrt eierMedy' AEmani and family wene weekend bb Mn andeMn.. Frede Samispr1ng11thelimecoorreslertbi.e dowvland tai seta Mrhosndregular-ly ne-s D fi il beîing'replaced with this big outfit that Larry Heffering is apparenrîly trying 1 Mn,. R. Gnîffîn aîîended thetb pae WodIsland in the 1000 Islands unsuccessfully te shove through the door. In 'addition, another new piece of iuneral af Mrs. Clifiord Peter, To Your Driveway And tinued along the St Lawrence water, recirculator. Everything should be in readîness for crig ogbef ore interment ln Pins Hls Cere- BIN Sway n lo lie Otta- the golfing season concludes9 tery. Storage Needs Nowl!!Mis ear Lachwa à -The ladiesofta i rncmtinit.y CaI-Mie, Eoo gathered In the church base- DIGAFIN Remnember Last Wlnter ? a.Mls Ooo ~L ment and presented Miss LeuraO H Beaver For A Garage' ton, Is spending holidays wtb h ~!JIIsiower.MranMn.BueTkadAG 1 Mr nd rs.Brue Tnk ndWe extendn syrnpathy in the For a happ.y endlng ta your femilly. jfl Stinson îarnîîy in the loss af driveway, select the. garage Mrs. Effie Balson, Hampton;IV Cf VTL 5I their mother. Mqthough Mrs. 96 ta suit mour home, budget. Mn'. and Mrs. E. Lpnmer, F o r M o p o t S u n ., AJi, 2 5 Stinson suiifered tram baos of and your ineeds fnom thc Blackstock. accompenlecd Mr., me yadwas vr mfail,, mare than 20 Beaver pre- ýElgin Taylor ta visit Mnr. and i On Sundays thev u Suallyljrias iln the Sports3 Car Club rnd racing circuit. hen visiter, always appreciat- pîanned gariages. Three dit- Mn.. Pency Gilbank, ai theIr grow Christmnas trecs ai Mo-of Amneica's new seven race: Like the 20 Houns o Le cd lber bright. srile and warrn KINSME SPR A ferent stylîngs in 1 car, Z cottage on Balsam Laké. sport but aften a special ses.Gad rx Chmlosie.tadtoahyfo prt a splMnt..etbavyndEae car and car and a half Sundav guesis with Mr. and sian ai Clarke Township Coun- rdtoal o prscr r.KlhDvyadEan models. ns. John Knox were Mr. and cil the excîtemeni ai cars rac- serles. Using big stock block only but ibis year there's a and Mr. Eric Bowman vislted nrs. Robent Kerr, Acten: Mr Ing wilI b. seen an Sunday, a etic V8 eehe cars change. With the ncrsn lt iMn. Carl S[ent', Ida. ~~B N G KenKoWoodstock; ugst25hrFrmla populart fsdassc sGartb reiurned faS 5h.hli EU Mrs. Mil and.Clarke Township Reeve Roy thhslctdie Mustang, Camano, Javelin days there and Elaine rernain- i W ns. William Knox, Brough- jFaster ennaunced that a by- Grnd Prix racers and the and Firebird, the race bas been ed ion a week. Z EEBRU I4M M RA a$2 .%)a- bas.bek- 1-a-- e- by1Cun rfnast Indinaponlis yp, , -t he-tps ior 1vstd n. Lle Sms met Thiirsciay wL MEdgariMarchanlts' Ralpih Kennedyl for thîrd, with Kennedy ai had scored tour muns on five N ontig rrdow and6mmnt hortn ilro.and Oillia Majors' Gord Dy- j lb.plate. Witb wa oui and its. Gary Akey releved Ken- Nothlng d and 6mophMn. Thomnas Pett, oltxm- ent wenc locked ln a he*d Piper on third, Kennedy drew ndy, withhne oui and a Ig d ]eferedpano y pan ha bis.rono .. M. Kinnesanup to bead (et-m ta arm" )striig.'a walk. Tihe lot-ais' hop". fon ruinnen on ihird. A walk, Ui~i~ Gond matir garage ready Ibis fali per- guests witb Mr. and Mrq. gp fr a in ihe scaroles sig, atcr Mciilawhn i ,qstr~ ieer's cho ie iooerrad, Value tan INte poetin . o g Pe . antaiv he visitars rappd oui fve strike to second, nailing Ke.n- but the visitor. aied ta add NOTHNG of'Nt-rhein eight hits ta capture nedy. Bowmanville's onlylta thein total. Bewmanvlle's OE Monthly Budget Termit a 4-fi victory. other base bit over the. first Salnsbury ripped a single ta BUILD KTenUedyLF D rlington the ten frames was Sainsbury's left, operang the bottom of ithey zeroed in on the bard-1ai the gamne though. l wss a cd and visions ai a raliy tank4 FO SIPEPLANS throwing rigbtbandcn in tbei real famine for bath clubs atI shape. They provad ta be Preplanned and designed for llc r e s 1th. The gond crowd onithe plate. ýonly s mirage hiowever, asFO \./ý simple, aound construction tnomn band saw Orillia's Dyrnent Oriliia's Ken Hippei lad off Saiinsbury was naîled Mi eayte foliow blueprint. handm- This Saturday, August l7th, lui-n in a magnificent thres the visitera' foutb with a third and Dyrnent fanned thse manAS Tolasy tavbuaraes. ae Starln's Sr. lav ane -hit1ana p inut set down17tmenl s ce trpMecht antiul- e . ttGbtes n gt mmm plana. B eaver gragesare Dntnta 's St-pla aeri-bit , 17 s p ini eot displ17ymeAto wiorebouhee trle b u lail.xtobaeredgthFr d y A u u tIh , 16 BULD F E D LI E y Lgarne aganst Toronto Rang-lin a t-ow. Il via strikeouts. ed off a strange double play Around the Bus: BUILD! F EE DELI ER ers, first ivisionteamn. Theý The visitons, a Senior "A"in the top ai the fiutu. After1 The garna was anc oi the F id y u u ___________________________1____ gamne wili starta 6:30 on thei calibre squad, gai a runner McMillan opeined wit&s a sin- finest piayad ai Saper Creek - Countice Park field, with the as fan es third in the top ai gle ta centre, tii. Majors' tbis season, with bath teama ALLA U ECEAISAET Rpnaceeds going for League th ii. ti, but iailcd to score, hurler srneshcd anc back at givi.ng the good turnout quite ALLA U ER benefits. ýTii. Merchants had themr best Kennedy. T'Me bail boun-ced a show. Tii. Onillia club bave CONFIRM RESERVAT19SFR ESN Thnce gaines were played Ibhreal ai th. game rubbed high tla hhe homesters' aIent played about 40 games Ibis EVRlni the senior sehedule on Setcond basernan, George Bail. year antd shawed picnty af ýqToftE BuutdayNZisong h only coun- Salemn ook s 4 in 1 beating d.p. Werd, but effective! they fielded well and aIdle PHONE 63 56 Monday - Thuradayv: 8:00 arn. - S:30 p.ni. 1er ar-d Jo. Hrcock keeping ai Maple Grave. Ray Preston Kennedy mawed ciown the six hases. At lhe plate. Me-- Open Friday Till 9:00 p.m. Open Saturiday Till 4 p.mv. the ball oui ni lbe Zion net. sent-ad 1, Bria Bradley 2 and next len men he teeed ibe- Donald and Hippelilbi two King MS. F. Phone 623-3389 Rowmanville Solina diefeated Tyrn. 2 tn WalIy Seto 1 for the. winners fone an infielti single broke!hits- apicce. For Bewmanville. LOBRE aae 1 urih Dn W î and non nond Dave Puk counted the thes- ' in the ninth. Sainsbury had twa nifIein Baker counti.ng one apaeve. only Salems goal. __ The viiora' mule batî- be-i tiiree bits, w ,o Pper col- ____________________________