12 Thé Caadian %ttonait, Uwmanvilll., Aug. 14, 1988 1 A - = REA --'SWAP - HR i e e c elli s oir DESUIlS CRYD rthaN~et In Memoriam 1 Comning Events Articles for Sale1 Articles for Sale Cars for Sale ILivestock For Sale 1WokWneWrk W td CYEMN-KlhadALLDREAD -- I Inlvlng m-1I _ The Decoration Srvlces-wïil1ALD' hy or al. C1lSTRAW for sale. Cl N. J PNTCsdn hn NE chestnut horse, 13 bns WILL look aitrpesho Llnda (nee Stainton) are1 mory of Shirley who dIed be held In Pontypool Cerne- 1623-2271. 3~*IMtaf 2-09 623-396.i 33-1iý very gentle. 263-2267. .3.-1 ýchiid in rny own oerh happy to announice the birth iAui 5 1958. terv, Sunday, Auguqt I8th,IBÀLIED wheat straw. Phone IX r.s very clen al.'1962 PONTIAC Strate-Chief. GOOD Hlstein heifers, fresh- 1 623-7683. - ! her hjrddeughter Lisea God took ber home, It was His t 2:3b p.m.331 263-2060. ars yeuale automatir. gond condition, one, ening Foon. B 1lace k s t oc k' A~A Marie, 8 lbs.. 1oz., born Thurs- 1 will. Sae t CATRES11dcrAdrian R 61843.oner 23-374.L33-1986-737 day, August 1, 1968 at Oshawa! But In our hearts se snteSl o lkngirla, ATRSSan ridrssgust i 3.1-123354 34 8-43. 54 -A iaceSrvc General Hospital, a gister for- stIli. 'crest 11laners Proeeds for Phone 987-4970. 33-i* 1 trilri'o5sae9 PONTIAC two-door hard- 'REGISTERED Hereford bull, *-Uxffg:IlalgRfieain-f<l olr j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jon n oi 31Lvni enmee yMpeNWptteayqaTîy ENT tinkien r aeniretop, standard, gond condition, serviceabie a g le. 623-2'741:35 Nelson St.Bwavie Phn ETS oanadLr. 3- -vthe y r fmemby. 33-iapleGrove United Church.! NJ oe Boes qa. 623-847. 1-tf en 623-5295. andequip- $150. Phone Orono 983-572 1. >after 8 p.m. 33-11tf D 635? IteYugfml. 3-* 3lJeBun,6324. 3 rmn. 6359,33-1,3- -Ngt 2-1 MACKE-Larry and Mary viBNO 'hn 3 rbqt n o pin,'1CE.6 tnad odWESTERN Hereford stockersBW AN LE are proud to announce the HAWLEY- In ioving mernory M NI EBIGO LfErICone62324. 3j *MATTRESS adbxC-E.6 tnad dto :ei1 prix'atelv any Urne by O M arrival of their son, Eugene lof a dear hitîsand Mebourne 1T1 12-44 54"', $50; chrome high chir,! condition, $650. Five super appointmeni. George A. Mc- Thomnas, weighlng 8 lbs. 3 ozs, Hawlev who entered Into rest TUS IHS WAERfo slean d1de AUTLadrOadwr on ugut th,196; bay Augst 4,196. ISpnsoedby the Junior CalilCliff Pethick, 623-2313. ,"iphn 2-29.3Istock eîs 10.26-8.h1 eyston e wa. 78-21-3~ UO BOYmdKET brt o r Vincent Sp196;eaai It is s14d 964.hamber of Commerce lg-tf 11967 - 160 1hONDA Scrambier, sine310.2 3-846. *edeivr.-3 4 t. wikth radI - -. -- excellent condition. Newton- 331 12' x 25' WOODEN81 silso Phon thanks t Dr. R. F. Beckett OA A -t ile 86e.2 aeraniTwo-vear-old cheqtnut filv, _ Osand Geera Hlosptaf.et nstead of side hy stide. 08 Y - -8-frange, 1k. new. Telephone vle7622 fe . Sv ra elad..1to--ig___ _ (noeflCfllfla OhçaGieaHoptl Bu oal there cornes a BmavleDistrict Hoti- 987-4205. 33-1 33-ih Cet a Grea t Daii t400ourel de norpapeêîTAN But1 momInte caltrral Decieay An$400 orow-i- traeonor bee" 1 ETTIC ECTN ______ 3-1 momnt.cuiuralSocetyAnnul Fow-23' CABIN cruiser, Inboard-1 ONE sidewaik bicycleon 24 rAT' attle. 723-3017. 3-1 NTAAIO When the ways of life divide 1 er and Vegetabie Show' In outtbogrd, fully equipped. Calil and 26", good condition. R REGISTERED Polled Her, U PN ..6 OMNIL MOORCROFT-Mr. and Mrs. You gave me years of happi- ,LIbrarY Auditorium, Wednes- 623-3501. .1, - :Simnpson, 92 Duke St., Bow-! U; PM H-.Morrf,90Ocdmavie331 CAR MARKET lords. Young bulis, bred and NOiIDA AL n1sdy.- gut 2lt'49p.. -C 0C M IE odcn ni .331oe efr.D ra am, Court, Oshawa, wiSh to an-,ý Theni carne sorrnw andtar.ffca opening, 7 p.m. Public A-C6 OBIE]od o-lhere prices have never heen oe eies DraBFis'ERT TOMKNC6370 -nourice the birth oe)a sOfl.,But yoti lefi, me heautiful lilvited. 33IdtoQat and barley straw. ONE china cabinet In gond i ower and quality' neyer higher1 Concession 8, Clarke. Second Phone Newt.onvie7652 Mark Robert, on August 12.1 1enre.JodiwCnmnt ete263-2656. 33-1* condition. Mrs. J. C. Hiolmes. E X A M P L E: farrn west of Highway 11,5.Caiolet--__________ 1968, at Oshawa General Ho,,-!'1 i treîî through the ITENT heater, 3.0001 B.Tý.U.,.s, Phone Newcastle 987-4518'10 WSTRNlni35*Cit. pitai. 33-4* years.I MONSTER BINGO ýii sed twice. reasonabie. Tele- after 6 Pin. 33-1192Odm l ! 0J.SER n Ontarlo . - Loigrrernembered hy Np M dhone 623-319.1.3- iALS-hîresPl] type 2.-DR. HARDTOP. Spotiesm, stockers. sold privately every 'LAWN MOWERS ADN Tr wrtsofc llb MUDCJ Egneand i wf Ll.33-1 lnPRTALEeiectric ch o r d combine No. 901, aiso Alli- white u1th red interior, pow-' Thtirsdav. (anytime by ap- TFLLERS. CHAE SW -Eleanor are pieased to an-, :5PM erfîîl 1.auto<rnat.c trans~mis-poinini-cn) L jt losd untilTuedaySepern nounice the arrivai of their HALYoivngr~~PM gan. in gond condition. Tlele- Chalmers forage harvester, 10 .. Ian o n, <TORUMTR be3r.3- dagherArdra yn. is.ofaWLear fn er ihurne, r RED BARN I' s2373.3-i sdon esn Tlpoeion, radin, power steering and ,Soiith Monaghann. ailieboro RNI MI! OrR r utnsofc ofarerfte ebunihaes, white walls and rnany! 939-6855. 15 miles north of Sales & Sevcwilb 14 ozs., on August th. 1968,. ~ho paszesd atwaY Augii.st IL' O S H A W A NEW 15' tandem axie hay ,i 725-5085. other extras. Lie. No. K<86567.' Port Ihope on Highv ay 28, 2 Solina Road, firsipaenrhoe vr hrdydrn the Oshawa Generai Hospital. 11464. 6-tf wagoni, aiso fishing boat and'USED TIRES : Cars- 7.50xli4: Why Pay S1,193.00 ? First cornei miles east.iltf o ano oduvadAgitfo - n A sste fo Srt.t Man We tried so liard to save voit,1 Chartered hi" to CNE., 1trailei'. 728-9778. 33-i 16.70xl.9, 6..50x15, 5.5t)xl5, 5.90)x first. serveti price H M T N 2384 - .n thanks to Dr. Becket.t and 1usss;av3.frTruch tprrerm--8old)5x20or,7co0pite with695A.t&oHAM6TON Forh lo saf 3~*Our pravers were ail in Toronto, Auig. 16 tri Sept. 3r-d. TWO rnahogany doors, one Aucrc-ti-e-i252.7.onNL'kO~JU Sales ________ saf.v3-*: \,a in. 1B ssàv fo-ngtpr rm fld g do, m le ' i 20. 7.00xl7. 6.50x16, 6.70xl5., This price expires 5 p.rn. Our home woiuld speem like ance,( every night. Earl'\ i, bs-!hardware. 62.1-5173. .1,-1 Hanipton 263-2233. 33-i Auglîst 16. 1968 Auction every Wed nUe -STAPLETON - --Glenn and' heav-en es liack at 7p.m. on Axîg. 20, SUEAE evcnwOEJh er rco ut Cash and Trade-ins accepteti startý 7:30 p.m.. ow JAi i~CK BURGS U M RDCO Shre aehpp aanone fw hdvuibc aan21 2 2.2 ad3. o u EAE Srie eiNi.Jh eetacocui-and no dowNn payrnents neces- Auction Brm. Cali 728-100o5, OIL BI RNERS NA thieybr happy thir dauhteoI efthat o! bkenin.formation24. nd 3-2527. and used parts. Graharns !vator.i t.hree ftiri-nw Massey sary to those that qualify. 723-0976. Doiig Gowe«r, .i IlAE R ONRN Nadine Marie, on Mondav. heart.s Rowe Travel Agericy, Port L4-f ari 1a9r4iw.iIne - 196By Appoinîment July 29, 168, In Memrial Thacomped iti e sprices..Bmowview iof sieighis, 1 coller. fence rails, BOWMANVILI.E - 623-5064 Yot still have titre (o list H NE Hospital, BowrnanvIiîe A weP:That npyer have and never SUi NY111IDE PARK Farmse. ivelephones.BNwewtl also some horse-dîawn impie.- - - aricesfo- heComu2î ister for Bonny and Marvin. wlFrs eehn ecsl oteCml 6 331Forget. yç, FaCher prlf;t MONSTER BINGO 987-4474. 32-4* i rnnî, 1ol-ain link fence wit.h HlpWnd Auio1fMdmanA- >I.idr;-BwanleNussRsde e 1_______J._C.______ ,telephone tiues the Orage all Engagementr emet e r\cdhbvnîe. so-m'Turdy iht YING or seliing furniturej .Newcas tie 987-4518 after -CfiIN ldyiprture.sntmoo, turanAgeuHal, 3Ptf-0.ee mBoLxmer 43 Enaeet tr ul n or i o-n or appliances, cail Elmer, ]7ta] fe,. 2-711 ~iih. 6 p-ni. R. J. Pavie. aoc MMRA.HSIA Arhr- lwKen and grandchildren. 7:45 "Hampton: business 263-2294 -, tioneer.2Ph3B1b. Tudo Mr. and Mrs. AthrShee- 33- RD BtNresidence 263-2695. .33-tf toee.Pone Beahn.N 1OR2]. TdrFuitrBomnl han, Bowmanvllle, are pleasedi1__---- IElepwne o eiih to annou.nce the engagement of 0- OS H A W A 'TYPEWRITERS, no $ do., $2 FEEfamS~iv hoelve Innedfr 1 WEKLY refsigLd o ponmn their only daugbter Carol Ann. LEE_ lu loving merlor fnI 6t!.WmkiY. cashiers, adders. Trades,l IN.SURANCE DUE SOON ? ? 'gond wages. Cali 623-7305. 'LIVESTOCK SALES] EXPERT REAR to Donald Wayne Hamilton rny mother, Selena Lee, who - termis. rentais-, service. Bill! GET OUR RATE! .,1 - 2 ~Dra oît ae rn FINE REFINSNGP ne6304 ofWhty,--nof Mrs, Lavina iPaSseêd toi-est Au b tif i61 1The 'Nikwemikong Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160.! CADurhmOOKS tySale Ar- (TCSTOM CABINE AIG ewe -Charles Hamiilton of R. . mmryLow\OWia1Crs ANT'S Garden -_Cut INSURANCE DUE SOON' 987-4s.11 work.eur nestur Slellinahorsec. Cille, SieNewcastle 9744 ..-fOf Picton, Ont. 3,3.1 j Her deatb is a stient grief, From M4anitotilin Island flowers - Giadioli, sweet peas J CHECK (WR PREMIUims ! ! 4211oygu Rsar-Cle,-heet.Cari She sleeps b God~s beauctifulact. Newcastle. 3.1-2 Reid, Atictioneer and Pro- ~o lsi!-ensa Forthomînggardn dsbaul:Tw.o and one-haif Hours of!'and others. Container ar- i rdy-o Ofc or In uohie ifpre.pae Excitinz and Colourful rangements. Phone 623-3527. '.. L AYSTE o etme reo.2-f M 0 U NT 1< 'OFC TTT~ ISanymisd nd eret ave e- IDINDACS iders akeni. -29-tf 1BIRINKiMAN INS., 6 13 -.16 21 :tocare for 2-Year-old boy,- SL-RPLE 33-.ilMonda\ to Fridav- 8 to 4.30.' udy uut2.43)B Mariags emhrenbydauhru'dlie.yn radtioalCosumrSEF-POPLLE.cmbiIn T- -Cai ate 5 .rn, 23-39spumetheunalsine wll di khe5Srvce ,'sda -23-7397. Frda Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. i3 ProraneAilis. motor rebuilt, mostiy at public auction the champion Tecs Cook, Courtice. wish to an- - One Pefrac new belts; machine ready to UC SA 3- chocolate laverck !p rnhs-Dan ..-7-~pm QUICK SALE er cake ofthe Finain - nounce the forthcoming mar- w hnk ork, $1.000. Hasiuk Farros. ~ MARRTED ladies only, for Blackstock Fair. Don't, mi"sFudtos-Spi ak niage o! their daughter Ro- J in.fly Ooo 8-75 3l t IIf~II1à Cards o Tans 1Orn, 83575. 331white shirt ironing contest t athe preiminarv parade, a IVANx MOUINil O berta Joan. to Mr. Alan Ross! jjim and Susan Swain wish, uut1 OUEtb ononlo"" ~Blackstock Faim, Saturday,ldandy beavy a*digthrePot lcktc 8-776333 ' Nesbtt, son of Mr. and MrF.! o thank the commîînities o! Mond.ay, uold19 10sheFpr fhuecol 2 0 aae August 24. PussbS .show, Cartwright trot and' Ci a at gh -C. H,-Nesbitt o! Hampton. The! Eniniskilien. and Blackstock for 9: 15 P.lm. be moved as a small cottage as awl.LthrGosApyfstm\ eetiiren: weddlng will take place Sep- their presentations on the Aduits $1.50 - (lhildren 75e!is. Old rails for fencing for icuigMis. Kelly, B lac kst oc kTed Spenceley, Auctoneer anud- - Stember 7th, 1968, at, 4 o'ciork occasion o! their marlage.si. hne2325133196-27.3- '.. 32FOnzN TC Sp.rn. In Courtice Unfited' ~- Tickets at the door or sae' hn 6322.3- R' x 7' GARAGE DOOR 9645...- -.3- O 3_______ o 98-450 IUSED ahrprtm os Church,31 -- teehn974.asrptmts, MALE or female-- Starting1 Thle uîndersigned auc..ionee,- Brick & Sftoe VrkR wj~hftorbanl< aI the . s Simrplicity, Thor and Moffat WAîLK.lN DOOR Labour Dav, Fiying Dutch t-wili selI bh' public atiction the '- 1 wish fin Ch~atikliteipan s, ninally adver-, W WID S man Motor*Inni will have sev-S ueod fecs orM.Ei Mr. and Mrs. Robert;Mltch- relatives, fi-ends and neigh-: Great r me Ridge 1csdline otfurniture. Paddy's IrTWO WII)OWS bîîgehoforffect for Mu. E. ±replae efllMth, wiMothernweaelorlo SresokidntimeFesivlf heArseMrktHaptn,26-221. WdIN ea.opeins orkichniad .East n as Whtb Tp.CAI\Thee e eron mci Shappy to announce the forth- hi i opa.SeiaFsivcafteoif htheGoodW'adsjust north of the Seventh Da v;OFOI R whi nhsia.Seil142-tf WOOD. FLOOR uniforms and meals suppIIed. .Adventisqt Church on Satui-~AOi RCLYR httehsr aue ,c coming mnarriage of tiheir eid- thanks ta Dr. Hubbard and SEODTND TV towers ERTE For'interviews caîl 62W.7242. day afternoon. August 24th et ADSOEMSN eie btutn h est daughter, Mary Douglas, nuirses on the First Floor.I NEWCASTLE i- RECONDITNDTSTEN SR.IST, S.C.N.. R.C.T.. ta Mr.; .Frank Moore. 33-1 33-1 , and rotors (trade-Ins), 40, .50 2 to 6 pi-.3W 1:30 o'clock. List of articles in iPHFONE ORONO93ý0 liyo!mtrasetrn $Robert Bruce, only son of, --ad6 fn-tutre:aliS- TA nxtwe aer rpry SMr. and Mrs. Thomas Barclay, 1- excelland 0fo tucture. sh alwaSE TTREAL ESTATE (lAREER 1etwe' ae.Poety3t tet nescîn to-B LA C K S T O C Kixeln odto.Ohw soid. L. Harris, Clerk; Cliiff: Bomavile Te ariaelMrs. G. W. Jones, Newtn TV Supply Llmlted, 723-8131. IZ Wanted - A full tirne real Pethick, Auctîoneeu'. 33-1 BARNES &B.AN 9will take place on Saturday, ville, Ont., wishes to thank 5-fBAE estate agent for BowmanvilieJ -t ugust 3lst et Eastminster1 ber friends and neigbbors who F A I R 40-FOOT E V I Area. Experîenced manager 10Mcio ae tSiieauts LES&SRVC roieIta o eie od 40-FOOTvtower ihstaaltioael PLUMBINGt& HEaleIet ByLaw No.,1370 Snited Church. Belleville, sent cards or caîled et ber h,'ic n ht VatnaLM E elp you, plus extra advertis- Miction Hall, 33 Hall St S 2-HUALES O sre sa bmr u - SaturdaandAugte 24antenneing to expand commissions. Oshawa, on Thursday. August Bunree e n + 90Pth birthd ay, Auguist ith, 1 OPENING PARADE 12:30 Service, 4.9; nl 1968 Spcia thnks o te wth he Sarltte, Crtwrght'blck nd witeTV ntena, 246 KING ST. EAS'T Boards. Contact Lloyd G. Lee.iconditioner (3 1,000 B.T.U.), SPI AK N 1968.hSp-ial thasocial hecommit Fhe anrlettesd arwi't nsti edw lead-in, $15. BOWIMANVILLE F. R. Lice-.sdn, H. 'large garden tractor. washing SETILEBD 1TtA1?i~r~ ro b cre IÎTREY-At Memortils e o otdlcosluc.ýCaelCtzn ad Ligbt-32831 Keith Ltd.. Realtor. 181 Eg- mn-achinie,14 runabout boat pital, Bowmauiville. on Thurs- te oramstdlcitslUhnd heavy Horse Show, 4-HlSCRATCHED In shipment, 487-33,13. (windshield), Boston rocker, AP~~?S cuat !poe~e 4,r urey a ed 72.ers - 1Clubs' anti Live.tock Exhiits. 1 automatic portable zig zag U sed T ractors4 7 3 3,- 2 7 Limoges dishes, wash stand, TYRONE 26325 hr eie d . ltpr i j a y ,o u l d k e <o fp i a nol l( B e l l ) , b u f f e t , a n t i q ueIi n g ý s-wI n-ma c h i n e , ag .f$9 9 .9 5 ,p i a n o!(B e l ) ,obu f f e t e! the late Chailes Hurley, ths. woset.ars.f-i Demonstration and i now $38.88. Plaza Sewing Inentoa .0Deeîalceto.daes ad ~.Hrly ae 7 eas wf , wîldlket s aekantaie'Exbt -CkeIin ewn mcinre. $9fruittoal30 ise EM LEtblchs o raes.wrd PHLSE tafl rerquete e o ilear mother of Chucl, Day-andfiowers. Spectal thanks ; Bîîtton Dispîay ! Centre, Market Plaza, Peter- IntrainlTDS Crawler robe, Wedgewood and Iro n-1 R tona, Fia.; Bill. Whitb3, Aud-I i borough. Phone 745-6661.j and L.oader FACTORY HELP stone dishes, ruas. chairs, tools YOIIR CHESTIEL prt ytlmn hi r nanville. Rested at the Moi--as e.Tre n ePRAETPSIIN ah ye ig utoer; Ward and nurses on Firsti THE LINWOOD TRIO FODersotacrxcl International B414D PRAETPSTOScs.MlsKnacine, ris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- iFor loLcl 4 pca o oed n og Jln oditiguon; twor e-fuw t odrAPY723-0501,'Oshawa. 33-1: 623-5tede Ille. ReqesmaassWthli thanks ta Kitty and James' BERNIE the BEACHCOMBER plow, cultivator, disc, harowCase 730D The623-5252 amfety. that 1h.tes U -..Curh atraatloclc.Newman for theic kindiness.' for Limbo Dancing trailer, snow plow, snow Massey Ferguson 16ANDERSOThe udersigned auctioneeor E55o!tKeingawrSgrd Interm'ent BowmanvileCre Effie Stewart. 33-1* ha honsrae6 270atr bvtUe ractors Corrie! SMITH CO. LTD. Darlin gton P il b 1 i c School __3-flghtgswh .efrei tery, 33-I I-Dnea Ngtian, caetaco'bueTrustee Board on Saturd ay vTTTPT~T IR .BRN Iwould like in express my te Roy' Godfrey's Orchestra 5 33-I * Interest Free - No Payments !evcsl evening. August 24tih at 6:3J IIL.J±flt1 onCeh JOHNSTON -_ At Mièmorial sincere thanks to neighbors 331OENfrbuies oe unilI i st 99o'clock at Cutc ilw Hospaitalnvll, n ad 'rensth HaterRel- - - 3- OoNfo bsiesanCrndutii prl sI 169- Shothe ruis Rad N. ________Re-___ and visit anytime for home ie 2Hîhoay:tPrtl ul',din 3o. C-1O *Wednesday,, August. 14, 1968,1 bekah Lodge. and Past Noble DeNURE and hand made knit goods,' Alle 8' Auger ITP CRRIRS appm Pormate ble' 20 Obuing!Ploughing MoigJ en rsW td Tupper Johnston, Newtonville, 1Granld's Club 62. for cards, CON>! <I ED263-042.drias' nite nudrcarae ETR ARE beloved brother o! the late 1fiowers and visits. Also a PERSONALLY gîîCE oe2324.Doi'Ki eoe) ecersds,6Dul ien tOlive Johnston. Resting et sperial thank you tol Mm. andPhn 6 h.p. motor$43- pianos, 4 (carpenters' benchies,!Corn Piantln aing Tw Sthe Morris Funeral Chapel,1 Mrs.1 Raymond Chapman for MOTORCOACH g~S iiinSHmtn '~~> oul stove, 200 gal. tank, severalCobanEc Z Bowmanville, for service on termn ideues dumng26TUedCobies(Pluas Inifocm) cupbards (large and srna11) SFriday at 2 o'clock. Interment MY' confinement det n OR BLUE GRASS SODS Allis-Chalmers 66 P.T.O. ,ptîpils' desks. several vie: hone 7 4Lakeview Cemeter.y, Nëuton-! accident. Most sincerely~. I ,other Items. No reserve. veris,7821Bomnil îý ille. Mrs. Saie A. Hamilton. - AiGUST 17 anti 18 PICKED UP or DELIVERED Cockshutt 7 fI. P.T.O. 'POST OFFICE I>EPARTMENT, cash. Sale Saturdav night at or 26343 ____ I 33-i REEN Both Combines tin; 6:30 o'clock. Clif! Pethick, _ _ _24 MeLAUGHLIN. C;a r e nWce-- Niagara Falls Area Tour SOD GROWERS excellent condition Bowmanville, Ont. Auctioneer. 3- EDR O & Le t Un Bulld oi UCAE0 iEwart,--Entered Into rest Ino, We woîîld lke to express This very populai' tour willi Town Line N. - Oshawa Ue lw ,e the farnly residenre 705 Sim- oui' sincere thanks to friends1leave Saturday mounin g Tl and udrige ucie ~-Co S. .,Osaw o Fldya d eihbrsfo atso!kid-j il icldeviit t te k-'sJ.VI -Po wichs AplctonfreotTnb h wl eil by public auction teCos rururslcino ~ ~~q 7 Au ut t. 16, C , at ns, fo es a d m sa e ! o. Tis u ' a ue m 8-, Oi e -ur w n e m a ot Ofcs a d C n d h ue od efcs fi r.J w. wl ul r m y ur pasF Ih n esg el wl e L MÉ- - c e M i eT d h s a n y p t y tih i m ! m rmCn d a a d t h a e F u - 1p e7e t e,9h u.,e;l r n e S c t n t e v i l g ! o n y u o . . - o e a c v t n e s o l . p r h s "~'iîospial. hank als to y Set.i. Bcloe tSavelli. FhoGeD6LCKER689 33-I ____ 33ie prelad ef lectners eul)SanFd, Dhver, et- _________ ~ afl ýFat-bers M ala ne. Maloue, 623-3961. 3 * ~ T-mi..-- iainRau tesCasi-' 2«-Hour WATERSEVCJot W ¶fate to AelL Sllianand Gîgnac fou, - SSEM Help WTated I ied with I "excellent'. 4 "verY. Reasonable Rt,- - -- - î THRUEor foui r oemIMases, prayers and many' acts Dead or Crippled - ____Jgood", the i-est inostly good 6i23-5756- BOWMAVLELD' bt ryi uk b orne, reliable worklng roupie. iof kindiness; tn Dr. Bowerman 1 Let us suppiy your homplsA edfauigsz, possession inmediateiY. Cali and the nurses on 3C for inak - Farm Stock freezer with B E L L C -A. N Ati D -A deep full pedigrees. and pro- 1 isn&Vwe 3] ~ 2-2733. jj_-1ing rny st.ay "o pleasant. AI GRAIN-FED BEEF duction, with many Individuals 1__Wilson___& it 6- special thank you to Jessiel PICKED UP PROMPTLY lStme requires a I - shw-aliiF AF FTIGSE -OLDER couple rgQuire furn-lÏ Kit.Go lssaiofleepoeC ir 232711seln 4 ammerooeOi n Csl ~ jhê o bose n Kity Gd les al f Tlehoe ollel26-271 i V H CL S EC A IC ure rilerandotermlk- PESURESYTES ALEblckandta huh kehePiflgro Imedael raet ornd. Margwil Fur FarmI SDEM - - - 52eSueli 44anotlh oer lk,' OPRntEGSSE alitio ing uensis. te pr ertrgo! oltiannd.ervieti ith hitFpraste colar.Tele Sfor one month. Wri e v- _________ LcneN.1-C6 FRONTS .. 40e CLASS'A LI('ENSE REQUI7RED Jirn Prouse. at the faim, FTMTA WRK poeCrbecof tiser 9 14, ~o The Canadian LieceN.5--68-tf INDS . - 66e miles west o! Brooklo on Nqo.SET E 332l. Aersofl _ ---- SPECIAL - a PIG, 44e Please Apply In Person 17 Highway, then i mile nortlu1 EAVESTROI;GIN m a n ill , ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P e tsI o n C o ro n a tio n R o a d ; o r 1 m ile H o m e s a n td a m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ATL7 nydesire rent RYGENIC Supplies.-(Rubber ! iWapdadFoe norti, o! Brooklil, then 4 miles 17 Liberty St. N..,BoMavie PesCl rpe n rznEmployment Off ice stoWhtvTpthNrigHm Reer 1oa n ruo pecsloa n aed epeotpe ith "PUPS, part Labrador. Phono for your convenlence wRaad - - Tp. thLine' 3oYmvleor area. 263-2060. .a-1 senanedgenvelopevlwithe ,o. (paved)i. G-I\,ng up milk îPhone 623-511-- ~omnvlO YTOHRS anrce up». tbeprti- iprîce ist. Six samle 2646-00 3-~FnnlgTem vîal King St.,East Oshawa, buninessNo eserve. 'I'eim< or Hm a comdto o ~i rste 4YI'tUI 91. /oTh24 samples $1,00. Mail Ordes FREE tri gffd bornes six 6 Caaif ttsaP.BWXDppt. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Ce.. Ipupples. Phone Orono 93571. Phone 623-5578 900 S:0 1a, *h.Sal1:tarmo ah 331a l amilton,._ont. 1-53 j 3-il ai-tf -4:3 crnh..Sale 1Mgrs.m and hjiBlacstock 96521,oî ltisn; rgtros 33-1 tioneera. 33-3 -L 39z-î iii k DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIWD Tuesday, 4:30 p.me