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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1968, p. 2

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2 Tho Canadan Statesman. owman,%Ille, Aug. 14, 198! r n h m i n S t W t i r z - i n Three Agriculfural rn hminSt Wt i rz-inn Students Awarded I Cash Scholarships In announcîng the recipients of these awards would florin- c f the vanlous agrîcultural: ally have been made at this 'Schoiarshlps, for farmer young tiine but due Vo the mail strike, people In Durham County, A. appülcations have been way- O0. Daîrymple, Agricultural' laid but It la hoped that the Repretentatîve, stated thatInamnes of applicants will be there had been a number o!' available in the near future applications for each scholar-land that an announcement zhlp and that the selection!rmay be made regarding these committee's only regrets werejwinnero. that there wero not more ischolarshipa available. ..ýSirfce 1958 an annual $ 10000 award has been presented Ii K *sw ick rnemory o! E. A. Summers. 'A4gricultural Representative n Durham County for a num-jM o nj ber of years. This ia given o! <FROMq PAGE ONE) aà student attending a College Draw, and ho was assisted by in advanced agriculture and, his ieEdapsprien the winner thîs year is Ted fee, palnttpeideTé Skinner o! Tyrone. iof idth ocal LoettesParh The Oshawa and District'PeietoÉeoilPr RealEstae Bord j Association, Mrs. M u r r a y Real stat Boad Isagain1 Bate. drew the wirning tic. awarding a $200.00 scholarshipl kets. to a worthy student entering Thefortumate witnner of a d.tploma or degree course atlthe atPize, a 25 inch Ad- any recognlzed Canadan Agri- mirai Console Color TV, was cultural School, College or L. Bach .. ,Ksi>,Ot Veteninary College. In addi - TReR. 1, Kxeswofcthe Ont. tion a perpetual trophy * h uk iniro h rz awarod ech yar t thewin for the seller of the winining fwer tac ert e r ne ticket, a 17 inch Black and ,er. te b wine for 196ne White Portable TV. was B. Terry Malcolm o! Janetvîîîe. Bueu 'oehm n. Mr. Walter Frank of W. with whoxn tickets on this Frank Real Estate Limnited, fine draw had been ieft by eowmanville, provides a $300' Lion S. R. James. scholarship to an outstandlng The 2nd Prize, a 19 inch boy from Durham County who Admirai Portable Color TV, ls enrolled in a degree course complete with stand, was won in agriculture or wili be en- by J. A. Mk>rtosi, 192 Pemn- rofling in such a course at bhroke Avenue, Willowdale, any Canadian University. The Ont. Hugh Murphy, 68 Church winner o! this award for 1968,Street. won a 13 iinch Black la Neil Allun, Orono. and White Portable TV. the 1Addltional scholarships and1prize for lte seller on tiheS bursaries are available at thel2nd prize winning ticket. Xemptvilfte Agricultural Schoo1 Neis Osborne was Advertis-C lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 th cen Fudto ing Chairman for the success-- Scholarship awards. Selectior MONEY EARNS (( MORE .u Wlth these terrifie lnterest rates . SWING UP TO .. . ' SAVINGS 5/ % ACCOUNTS (minimum monthly bal.) 41/4% CHEQUING <Low service charge minimum 1/ yearly bal.) Gz.l.C.'s 1-2-3-4-5 VEARS G.I.C.*s FOR 5 YEARS SWING DOWN TO lower cost PERSONAL LOANS and MORTGAGES Swing Your Account Now Into CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 Kinq St. W., Bawmnanvîll. 623-2527 19 Simcoo St. N. 1 oshowa 723-5221 HOUES: Mon to.Thurs. qè 9 f0 5:30 romArhEAD Fr1. 9 te 8 OP SERVICE Sat. 9 to 4 &owmaavlie Cod Wdnandas.j NOl Bowma nvil 67 King Sti annour NEW STORE HOUR! effective Aul MONDAY, TUESDA and SATURDAY - FRIDAY 10 a.r CLOSED ALL DAI Corne in Soon For of New Fal "The Adi Saturdci On Saturday at the Legion Hall, Queen St, Frank Gladiolus show. He is shown here with the winner, Samnis, Onta tto o oos and the Grand and several other entries that received awards. Championship witki his "Miss Salem" entry in the in ul event. lTe Booth Chtair- Park, which bor-e a igu stat- -man and thoee in charge o! mng "Turnes Square". other attractions were: Hoop- In was adorned with a dock: it va ndi- oo r ed .str aers, Stevens and Wilfrid Carruth- ioweruand dcorate gais eblidren in party clothes0ad-. Rev. Sster Vicentia of West relatives for a week. whle ber husband is attend- berson Rfrehmets O.K.ed as celebrants with bright Flanders, Belgium, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whieiing a summer course ai. the Osbonne; Plush Toys, H. Gib- caps, honos, and noisemakers. Marie Clais of Oostend, Bel- of Bethany; Mrs, Chas. ParishlInstitute of Chartered Ac- .sond, Ralh Ke ll;nvt, ih Prtylte"MsBw gium, were recent visitors of of Sunderland, Mrs. Wilbert countants ai. the York Uni-, PTed, Millr nd one l oly; ly manville," Laurie Locke, who the former's niece, Mrs. Julien Moncrief of Peterborough, Mr versity, Toronto. BTdlae rards;n Cowny was also "Miss Rotary Park", DePaepe and Mr. DePaepe. Elmer Hogg. Mr. and Mirs. Ed Miss Merle Power, Miss IBanes AnM. Rads; Ames;had a regal goId crown and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar- H09g and family o! Fraser-aelPwrndM. aod Crwn n AcorI, da bouquet o! roses. She wav- o elyil eevleadMis ei oe !Ohw aere- Crow , nd ncho II Eded Vo the crowd from an open rowclough o elyiewr vleadMsCclRobinsoniPwro saahv e Leslie; 7 Over and Under, G. car. Shwaacopndby unday dinner guests o! hier were recent visitors o! r and turned home after spending Marin;Bino, len Lades, lSV e as Missomanie, sister, Mirs. Geo. Morton. Mrs. Wm. Robinson. two weeks at their sUimer Robert Kent and D. Bagineil; Christine Milford, and escort Mrs. L. Stock of Toronto Mr. and Mira. Herb Duvall home at Clarke Union. Mrie Moses, ande o iosBileBrict spent Civic Holiday weekend and children are on a trip Vol Mr. and Mirs. James L. John- Mairie MosesVilentineionsDay", Bthellst with her sister, Mrs. James L. the East Coast. 'son attended the Inkpen-At- * PresientiMoses, assisted by Johnson and Mir. Johnson'. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Werry and kinsnwdding in Aai Saints iesde!t ohersloal ios ; yprize winning float, Lord El- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Miller son Timmy, Miss Susan Can- A snglican hus-ch, Whitby, on 1wvso te loa hn;gin Piayground's presentation, have returned home from a trelI and MisPagaryFia ninAguC2d MryGRodadChi-as eatfly dcredmotor trip to the West Coast. have returned home from an he rceto hldate o-ane, a c Tr dsuckkit Ms-s. F. Munton of Chatham spending two weeks at the Carousel Inn, Oshawa. The Mai Daw TrukS.R.paper flowers with a red returned home on Monday Cantrell cottage at View Lake. bCride is the former Miss Lorna James. Ray Dîlling and James background. The floor of the alter spending ten days with Mrs. Jack Baîley of Oshawa Mxn tisno hty A.Bl.float waa covered with imita- hier aunt Mrs. Catherine Seal. is staying with her parents, and is a granddaughten o! Mr. tic> gassandedgdwth -rd Mrs. Jack Bailley of Oshawa; Mr. and Mirs. Lorne Bowins,land Ms-s. Johson. m m m.~o and white streamers. The Mue f ersr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins, - _______ "- - _____ M ou rd i QcnofHat presàded onl visited the latter's sister, Mrs. MEMOBIAT HOSPITAL a silver throne. Site wore a J. Agner at St. Catharines on F s i a lovly edandwhteon Wenesayof as wek.WEEKLY REPORT Ie t* O G r sgw d ornfd t hartMr. and Mrs. Julien De- andOM PAGE ONE)a n ed'by two Paepe*spent last week visiting Week o! u.51 nlsv (FROM PAE: ONE) pages, large replicas of play- relatives in Detroit, Michigan Admissions ----5 l y r 'visor Miss Linda McFeeters. ing cards, the 2 and 3 O! and the Simcoc-Delhi district. Births-4 maie, 1 female -_ 5 FO PAEN) The Bowmanville Legi*on hearts. Pr" c- Ms-. and Mrs. Alex Ritchie Discgs 711 <OMAG Pipe Band led the parade and 'ýMiss MemorialPakDb and >sn Fraser, spent the charges -.Ji Wsteue the spirsited music o! the bie Randail, smiled at the weekend in Montreal and ai- Major operations ----- 7 perd. ethe ussne faer pipes and drums was an add- crowd fs-om a car. In otites- tended Man and His Wos-ld. Minor operations --------- 27 bis postrayal o! an old main- ed attraction. Next the Youn'g cars wes-e "Misa Lions Cen- Ms-. and Miss. Mont. Rich- Emes-gency treatmentq -- 119 mast man, and John Cunning- Saiorettes, agile litt.le major- tre", Pam Cattran; "Miss Vin- ardson and daughter Normna ham wsmost bellevable as ettes, hîghstepped along in> cent Massey," Laurie Bishop; o! oono setthe ekd Visiting hours 3-8 p.m. daily a asomnodee l fine forls a rgveti ca.l'Miss West Beach," Minsi-Lou with his mother, Miss. Jennie although 111 and In acute pain. cogrstue in g svria- Flannagan; and "Miss On- Richardson, Chus-ch St. Nosth. Jim Baskerviile was a force- ly stsiped csue nga tas-io Street," Masion van Mr. and Mira. Geo. Jacks and LONG SAULT fui captain o! the mnaintop and black, yeilow and or- Heiningen. children o!Maskham spent and the othes- four maintop- ange, carried a banner ps-o- The Vincent Massey float Sunday with lier mother, Ms-s. Mr. and Mss Gos-don Baker men Kas-ol Shaw. Michael claiming "New Years's Eve". depîcting Christmas present- Cathesine Seal. ejydalvey we dCakeBillI rh n ad Another gis-i in an attractive ed a gay an~d joily sceriecomn- Ms-. O. W. Rolph lefi. on e10-e Slvly wekn are,1asa Mugrp ind rand- evening dres with a rose1in plete with Christmas tree and Wednesday o! last week by wood eatpints n os-tir. mn swl sKihA ber hais- walked in front o! dozens o! children. Spr-ing plane on a holiday to the West Ms.Jae A eryaEns be izn as san oned salos ibis festive float of Memorial was typified by the Lions Coast..b iessasndsios Cents-e float wit two ps-etty Ms-s. Hector Bowen retus-n- killen, visited with Min. F. G. The messboy, Bsian Mikios, trees, an Easter Egg house, cd tb her home last wcek. Smith, Sunday evening. was also jusi. night In bis part. M the Easter Bunny, and ehild- *Ms-. and Ms-s. Chas. Pas-men- Mn. John Johnson, Oshawa; The oves- ah excellence of rens-cpresenting other attrac- tlen o! Detroit, Michigan; Ms-. Mr. and Ms-s. Bill Johnson and the casi. was highiightecl by toso!flte season, and Mina. Julien DePaepe rcc- Linda, Janetvillc, were Sun- Chas-les Ewersa emankable 71C ESt. Pats-ick's Day by Ro-lently visiied ai. Ste. Anne de day gucats o! their parents, postrayal o! the difficult part ita -y Park pr sented a little Beaupre, Province o ! Quebec. M -. and M ia. Ber . Johnson. o ! M aster-at-Arsma C agga t, I F b cs bit o! Iseland with a stundy Ms-s. Fred Mottashcd o! Ms-. and Ms-s. Chas. Pen- a projection o! absolute evil lie Fab i thatched cottage, sham rocks, Simcoc. retus-ned home on warden and Wade were Satus-- tinged with sadism that was ~etWetand the girs and boys in Wednesday o! last week alter day evening guesta and Mn. mature, sts-ong and the more retWetgrecen an-d white costumes visiting ber mother, Mira. and Miss. H. DeMulle and truc because o! the naturalism nces witb tali black top bats. West Thornton Wilson and other girs, Bowmanville, wes-e Suit- of bis restraint. The -flawcd 3:Beacs's Hallowe'en float had- day a!tcs-noon visitons o! Mn. character o! the Master-at- gSt w ~hitcg e te, a oue ablnakH MPO and Mrss W. Vaneyk. As-ms' man, Squcak, an agent flbigktlahue > A P O Traf!ic was especially heavy O! Claggart's machinations, igs 9hcoffin, g h o s t à, pumpkins,. ýover the Civie Holiday week- was weli depicted by Mur-ray NY, THURSDAY I cîves, and othes- chas-actes-s in Mr. and Ms-s. Bob Canibers, end as Ko-Cas-t races wcne Twist. 10 .n. o pm.fancy dresa.iScarbos-ough, werc down to cars-icd on ai.Miospos-t, Satur- Don McKenzie nianaged to 10 .rn to6 pn.The Ontario Street Play-- isit Mr-. and Mira. Ed. Bans-y. day, Sunday and Monday. convey without any smug- n., to 9 p.m. gsound depicted a f in e Miss Ruby Dewcill Oshawa, Talk about yous- high power- nesa the essential good and V WEDNESDAY Thanksgiving Day with a and Miss. Mabel Mes-cen, Port ed cass. t was Intes-esting Vo Innocence ai. hearttIn the pas-t huge cosnucopia o!fs-ruit and Hope, visited ai.Ms-. and Ms-s. wath the little casseut onc of Billy Budd, whose, upright eetîngetables, children dressed Percy Dewell's. .1another off on the track. Many qualities provoked Claggas-t Vo Good eet s, pilgnims and Indians, annlM. and Miss. Percy' Dewell, American drivers wes-e In ai.- an unreasonable hatred w'ben IlFbisothers in ingenious costumes Dlavid and Carolyn viited ai. tendance and we as-e likeiy Vo Budd joined the ship.i s-Fbrc epsesenting immense vege- Ver n Neals, Oshawa. sec more in the future. The s-oie o! the Captain waa, ______________tables. Mn. and Mis. Ron Luke and D..A.byplnt odlae wih isncon y famly pen th Ciie oliayanother race in two week' Philip Carr-Harris, who was with Ms-s. Luke's panents, Ms- time on theis ts-ack. the personification o! the beat and Miss. Elmer Hawes o! o! the "offices- and gentleman" Fenelon Falls. Master Ricky Baker spent tradition o! the Royal Nancy Ia t A te d OMn. and Ms-s. Ken Norton the weeken'd with his grand- He met the requIrements f -ln t tt n . ý( (nee Bas-bas-a Pitura) are vis- parents, Ms-. and Ms-s. D. Hall bis demanding pas-t with iz iting Ken's parents, Ms-. andait, their cottage at Caesarea. authorîty. This Included the ~~ILU Ms-s. C. J. Norton alter their-_ _- emotional sts-uggîe resuîtîng ýAT I'INE RIDGE Ï< honeymoon In the Bahamas. ENTERS SECOND WEEK froin bis fervent belle! that Next month tbey will both be a ses-loua Infringement o! the AL 0F TH A T teacbtng at Great Whale Riv- The Great Pine Ridge Fest i aw such as the kiliing of a the school's vice-principal, second week ai. Newcastle, tional by Billy Budd, must. be fetui gBarbara will ho teaching the Last night an enthusîastîc met witb the prescrIbed pen- fauigprimas-y grades. audience was on hand for the alty, death by banging fi-o Lasi. Tuesday ovening rail- second performance of 'Billy the yardarrn. His persuasion1 es-s ai. the Prescoti. home wes-e Budd". Tonight, the players o! the court-martial was a l'il. irabId C i h O fl . John Carri:an wi11 prescrit "The Admirable msepee Illi a bl Cr cht nd ougasOshawa. Friday Cricbton" with "A Mian for! The well paced action of the' by J. M. Barri. Ms-s. Hubert. Psescott, Roger, mus-sday, chduemfr enatsm tene fua1 ete LE HALL ~~~~~Em and Anita, Maple Gs-ove. O sidya.a:5n.n"lhyteeffectve background for1 C M U I YMs-. W, Janssen who owns OBud d ila ain:1 . be anthepalpablymountIng tension a business in Scarborough held edan-o! the situation. John Mc-, a barbecue pas-ty for his em-, r ad on Saturday, Bowman- Guirk as the presiding offices- ployees Saturday ovening. ville Kinsmen Club Is rscpons- o! the cous--martial did a, wmanvîile Kînsmen Club, in their effort te Mr. and Mira. Los-ne Annis ible for filling the house for slni o.Teohrto have retus-ned !s-om an eo "The Admirable Csicton".spendid job. The othergeo ge the arts, have comnitted theniselves to sou al toweks old y I There are still a large number meers o!a the cousteog for an entire night'à performance of this Northern Ontario and Sas- o! tickets available for their tenant and James Bayer a katchewan. Returning by U. performance. For details on Salling Master, also ably on- .is orney onS.A., enroute hey vislted Ms- where Vo obtain them, check Es oned o *and Ms-s. C. Mellerup, Pori the KInsmen advertisement In acted their parts. Artus- M-. nd s-. this edition. Leslie Mikios and Ralph dei A rth r; r. nd rs.Jonge w es-e fine as young' '1 7 t hSwitzer, Crystai Lake: Mr. and MidshipmenOther membersr i y, A u gust 7 hMs . atsna T. el Cashe dscplneTodayer ý Ontarilo; Ms-. and Mr. H. .1 CeG ah o the capable Drummer, Wayne' 8:15 P.M. SMater, Lembos-g, Saskatche- For'y Couvies-; RobertV Simpson ase wan and Mr. and Ms-s. m. FrOl aline Captain o! Marines: th le f om mmber of BwmanilleHooper at Edgeley, Saskatche- VI iplne Helmsnsan, Harold Powell, and KinmenClb -orwan. the Relie! Helmsman, Bruce 1 GeorgeClutt-or 63-581Sunday alternain callers o! throuthWltr;heSrenDvi 2il Guntersc hinkol, David l RUSH SEATS $1 .6355921Artyandforsa woe la KthyPhno63-30 lsJon hnmp, B-uc 1Music for the play was comrng!&" t the Minister of Muni. ladiol s e by Jo0a n Bennett. IIêrUlgtofl I cipal Affairs for a Regional G ld o u ostumes were designed by Gon ,lCovernment StudY tor this Elizabeth Oscapella, J o are ilthe udrtnii Bennrett and Lee Anne IH,ýoar wnship OUIuI that the cost of te stiàtgl The designer of properties was to be negotiated prior the Leslie Ann Stephenson. DalntnTwsi oun- institution of the study. Ilhe production staff was as algtnTwsiC sfollows: Technical Director, cil met in the Municipal Moved by Counicillors Gibbs Robert de Mest.ral; Assistant Building on August 2nd, ail and Brown that a draft sut>- Technical Director, K a ro 1 members present, Reeve MuirlIdivision agreemnent affectitig Shaw; Stage Manager, Mar. presiding. the proposed Goldstein Sub- janie Murphy; Assistant Stage' oe y C unclos Ghs iso presented Vo this Director, Pat Murphy; A.qssst-t and Birown thet Road Ac- meeting, is accepted in prin- ant to the Directors, Ann Hod. counts for the month of July. ciple, and that a copy be for- get;Stage Crew, Richard 1968, in the amount of $4, warded to Mr. Goldstei for Bety, Michael Shaw, Doug- 340.25, as appiroved by the! approval. las Green, Gordon Clement; Road Commîttee, be paid. i Moved by Cnuricillor D)ow Lighting, Stephen Clark, Ed- D e o h war QcaelaBi Vnn Moved by Counc.illor Dow1 andl eputy R ve own ta Soud, og pllBrol a ndSa; adDpt RoeD hat the Road Superintendent is Small, Recording, Grog Brown; this Council agrees in prin-atrie tocrctadi- Sound Track Co-ordinator, ciple with the proposai of the age problem on the d'riveway Don McKenzie; Musicians, Tina City of Oshawa that a request leading to Tyrone Park. Kozub - accordian, Tony Wil- < liams - mouth organ. and the ~..,Festival Maie Choir; Cosue s ewn by Heather Hoar, Ue Anne Hoar, Kathy Lovekin, DELO I T L N E WimaLoeknElizabeth OsK' capella, Madeline WliJarns;! H ~' Homr; Dressers, Pat Vodden, Kathy Blakor, Andrea Ewert, Chartered ,.w.countants Kara Ferguson, Elizabeth Koz- ub; Properties, Leslie Ann OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIFS Stephenson, Stepihon Clark, -ATES GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., R.IA. Pat Murphy, Brian Wilson; BR .WTRCA Special Properties made by R. - ~~~Hazelden and K. Stephenson; P O E 7 8-7 2 7Historical Research, Don Mc-'P O E 7 8-7 2 Kenzie;, Special Navy Con- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE suIVants, E. Creighton and G.' OSHAWA Sulko. Mo VINGc SORRY to say.. . but at Iast we are moving f rom Bowmanvil, to larger and better equipped quarters in Oshawa .. justi short 10 minute drive 1 WE MUSIT CLEAR OU R LOI BEFORE AUGUST 31lst 19' - FRD CARS cand TRUCKS IN STOCK AND MORE ARRIVING DAILY .FALCONS . FAIRLANES . FORDS .MUSTANGS . THUNDERBIRDS . FORD TRUCKS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HUGE DISCOUNTS& ALLOWANCE5 Take Advantage of This Clearance ~~OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN 20068' le 1966 DODGE MONACO 2-DR. HARDTOP V-BS, automatic, radio, power stees-îng, power- brakes. Lic. L14102. Clearance 1966 FALCON 1965 FORD 1964 COMET 1963 FORD FUTURA GALAXIE 4-DR. STATION GALAXIE 4-DR. STATION "352"' V-8 engine, WAGONV-,atmic 6c iVAC au tomrnand owr 0 cyl., std. shift. power steering, 6 c Q~i1a,1 ster9. ndpower brakes. ra. Â39. power brakes., Lic. X18221. Lie. K82076. CleaanceLic. K98438. CleraceClearance Clearance Clearance $2095 $1677 $1395 $1195 1966 MUSTANG 1965 FORD 1964 ACADIAN 1963 FORD 2-DR. HARDTOP GALAXIE ".500" B A M N A A I 50 Automatic, radio, 4-DR. -RHADO air conditioning, V-8. autom ati,4- R4 D . HA D p wire wheels. power steering, 6 cyl., automnatjc, V-8, automatic, Lic. L98589. owhie walls radio. Lic. K65495. radio. Lic. K59093. Clearance Li. 517111H. $35Clearance Clearance Clearance $35$1690 $1395 $1295 1966 FORD 1965 METEOR 1964 FORD 1963 FORD CUSTOM 4-DR."TR. CUSTOM 4-DR. GALAXIE 4-DR. V-13. automnatic, 6 9a.c 6 cyvl., qtd. shift. V-9, automnatir, radio. Lie. K98392. rac 0, i62902. Lic. K75064. radio. Lie. K57398 Clearance t. arance Clearance Clea rance $1833 $1395 $1395 $1095 1966 FORD 1964 COMET 1964 METEOR 1963 CHEV. CLJSTOM "15001, -8 autornatîc, CIISTOM 4-DR. 2-DR. HARDTOP 6 cYl.,* automatic. power steering, V-8, automatic, 6 C'yI., automnatlc. Lie. L4636. power brakes, Power steering, Lie. K7485,5. radio. Lie. K92239. radio. Lie. K70625. Clearance Clearance Clearance Clearance $1795 $1495 $1295 $1295 1966 DODGE 1964 CHEV. 197 3M LDS. 1963 FORD POLARA 4-DR. 12j-TON P -KUP 4-DR. HARDTOP GALAXIE 4-DR. V-8, automnatte, Superic KV-6. Li. 8, 679. i radio. Lic. K64748.B. LSuer X83". V-,Lie. h86.19 Clearance Clearance Clearance Clearance $1788 $1266 $12,95 $1195 PLAN TO ATTEND NEWCASTLE FESTIVAL 0F THE ARTS MacDO NALD 4> FORD SALES 1965 T-BIRD 2-DR. HARDTOP Equipped with luxus-y air condi- tioning, power steering, power brakes, radio, plus power- wicows. Lic. K92616. Clearance 1964 FORD FAIRLANE "500" 4-DR. V-8, automatic, radio, white wails. Clearance 1963 PONTIAC 2-DR. HARDTOP 6 cyl., automatic, power stees-ing, power brakesl, radio. Lic. K88640. Clearance - 2 LOCATIONS - UNTIL AUGUST 31st OSHAWA 520 King St. W. 723-5241 623-2534 BOWMANVI LLE 219 King St. E. 1968"s m FORDS m 1968"s

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