*~owaii1P et@ of th@,The eariadlan Stateman, igownianvflle, Aug. 14, 198 goom, was flower girl wear-, Setting W as nilor United C u cinngmamshortwhitel peau de soiej' Church ~frock high1lighted by blue Su m r edn Sdsnestled i the hairtls c 'f ail the attendants an6 their I\"~ bouquetq, were of yellow. and white ca'rnations. Mr. Fred Drinkie of Oshawa' was beqt man and usheringi . .. wereMr Alvin Souc-h, R.R. 1, S' Newtonvlqe, Mr. James Souch of Bowmanville, brothers of ~ «~ ýthe bride, and Mr. Cor Van M ~Drunen. R.R. 2, Bk-thany. brn-ý ther of the groom. Master John Van Drunen. R.R. 2, ... ethariv, nephew of the groom, Mr. Charles Trtm. Bowman- ville, was niaster of ceremnon- ies at the reception held In the Odd Fellows Hall, Orono. The bride's niother received wearing a two-piere blue accessories. She was qssisted In receiving by the groom's -ý!mother who wore a two-piee ý green suit. niatchlng bat and :,,. black accessorle. Roth wore 'corsages of white carnations. M~ Efore leaving on their Sweddlng trip to Mon treal and î Quebec City, the bride donned1 for travelling a yel'low A-uine idrbess white accessories andM <csaeof white carnations. e. A Theyare resldlng at 119 Non- ý,quon Rd..,Oshawa. I ~ ~ ~'~The bride. who âttende1d1' . .... Bowrnanville and Clarke High1 Schools. was employed as an ~~ .'.... ~~~~~~the Crown Trust Co.,Toronto M.adMs arie usl cRei r hw General onso aaR sSaulRselMReiarshw Oshawa. and received bis edu-1 in the ahovp photo following their marriage in Canton caton n ollnd United Church on Saturday, July 27, 1968. The bride Many parties hnored the'-b bride prior io ber roarriAge. is the former Miss Batbira Atin Goheen, daughter of 1A community shower was Mr. and Mrs. Noray Gobeen, and the bridegroom is the .gven hy Mrs. Roy Austin,' son of Mr. and Mrs. David McReelis. MrS. Morley Robinson andPht TJL1 dI Mrs. Brenton Farrow In the!u u a ~ ei 1O U 1 Sunday School basemeni a SI.arkville. Mrs. Florenc'e Scott,ý Replis, broMbpr of the gronm t ber borne;- Mrs. Alex Bar. Mrs. Heather Viraq and Miss :and usher were Ralob Go- rie Mrs. Peter Surman and Ctecile Dupuis beld a miscel-, heen, btother of the bride.M. L. Mills at Mrs. Barrie's ; laneous sbower ai, Mrs. Scott'sr RoRer Nelson and Rlay Klcbk. home:- Miss Catherine Lang.~ born inToronto. Re.latives; Master Rarton Nelson waS don and Ms rc ag j werp present ai a showerringbearer andMatrPula'rsLagoshoean given by Ille hride's aunt, Mrs.i Nelson a nd Kevin Goheen1 Mrs. Carman Davey, Mrs. Harold Goode of Newcastle.iwere pags Fay Gorsllne and Mrs. Rog. ad o-bostess Mrs. Robert oPh rcpln edbe Harnrss at Darous. R.itherford of Orono. Brides-' Port Honpe Masonic Temple. 0 J raids Mrs. Jlames Snuch and the bride*:, mothpr rerelvedi New > 4Mrs. Wayne Pacey were bo-waîga gseîdesan fese ora micllnou oat, ensemble or ,zhantt:ung M Sbtm t shwrai the forrner's home! with hrown accessories and' Mr. and IVrs. Andrew\& Van Druncen, shown in the ahove photo, Chose in Bowmnanville. an orange Ire tulle bat,. T'er Srns ie Salurdav afternoon, Julv 27, 1,968, at 3 o'clock for their marriage in Shiloh Unite'd Icorgage was; orange roses, Church. The bride is the former, Miss Donna Jean Souch, daughîer of Mr. and Thp igrooms'. mother assisted jà1ný Mrs. Harold Souch. R.R. 1, Newlonville, and the groom is the son of Mr, and G ELS 4RF N weatn a bliip lare sheatà,hemrh d, dreqs wlt,h matrhing jacket .Mrs. John Van Drunen of Anna Paulowna, Hollind. 1: oujqut.s 0fo white gladlioliandl white ai-ressortes. Her A renwmed reetr b2tit" Photo hv Astor Studio and multi-coloured *munis de-, corsage was pink sweetheart' oidahaI- usa ofrat.ed Canton United Cburrb roses. 'KaWac, Miss ,gGloha 'idhlepir)- onteNidig rrti fspnsaý, teoez- skMs n zs, were alsron at.urdiay. .uly 27, 1968 for EstFo r and veddln tnp o: inoda h tes à M riid in T ro t -y Ms FaDz.st.lerorBrbr Ann Ontario the brIde ilds uoheao f the " a M ard in loront ~~f Toronto. The flwer gir, the wdigoBr'ac hose aw learp drss and ,mxPd51hchg o niece or the grfflm, was from, 'Mrse. Norav Goheen adIarsols On their retrn, h eP after e 9 e h »B Hamilion. Alilwere, altired Samuiel Russell Mi-Reelis. son1the cou113pewillllive naM4atu2m ahMsg~ dee4ý in format lengih gowns of or Mr. and Mrs. David Mi-Reel- IScrnven Bivdi., Port Hope. bwnagjto* psSo. aqua satipeau and headpiecps is. Rev. J,. A. Ramjit officiai~- The brIde at.ii'nded Port oÉm4tm f of aqua rosettes. Tbey car-1 ed nt, the double-ring cere.- Hope Higb Sihooli and Peler- ried rresce-nl,-shapedi horîqueis ýzmnný' Soloisi, Wendel] FIsher horougb Teachers' College and mt of ik roses and white car- was accoompanied by MIrs.;wlll be teachinz at Central nxntl% natonr ace TVlrsb at, the organ. Srhool In Port Hope. The " Mr. Robert Micha\ luk orfi The bride, gîven ln mriaégro attetndedi Clarke Tlih n1 Saskatchewan was best man'byv ber father. 'wore a floor Seol noimnofierwtbwà and ushering were Mn. Ken length gown of peau de faille 1 hePrtHpePoienenr- e. Nimnigon of Bowmanvjlle, Mr. enbanced wltb an empire bod- mn.be Leo Swnlz f laksoc. ceof Guipere lace adoî'ned P1?rior to ber trnarriage thei « cosins or the groom, and MI.. with a notinded neckline andj bride wa. present,ed wItb lt h- - Walter Sawchuk, brother of elbow-length sleeves. 'Her A- I hY the Bowmaniville te.achingi the bride. line sklrt was complernen ted1 s0,A ff and ber Grade -four clas's. by a cathedîral train caught ai, Sbowers wrre give-n by thel The î'eception of 500> gtiests the wal-.t and edged wvith brlde*s aui, Mrs. Frank Byers! h'om Toronto, Bowmanville. matchng lace. Mer profile, - Oshawa, Ham'ltn, St. Cath- lace and petalled headdress. I arines and various other outlined witb crystals, was points of Ontario, Western higbligbted wltb a four-tiered f Canada and the United States scalîoped edged bouffant, vetil .,l? ea irs elu ~ ' was h.eld a Sokol Banqut 0 f silk illusion wori nfty(e 11.w ~Hall. For the occasio4n, the over. the face. She carnied bride's mother wore a; pink cascade of rerf roses wtb trait- A Golfre! it4 guy whio ea. walk W-1186 miestotiiig 2î French silk cr'epe dress and ing ivv And stephantis. matdbh.ing jacket with a cor- - snfi of equipment, but wrhe hag his wtte brint hlm at sage of pale pink roses. She Matron o? hornour Mrs, 1 aah tr- wasassste inthereceiving Roger Nelson, sister of thbe wasas.site inth bride. and brldegmaids ;MrS. line by the groom's mother wbo wore a pastel yeîîow Bruce Madge. Miss Catherine- enseble itb orsae ofLangdon and Miss Faitb Clark coral ~chose rainbow shades of mel- on, lavender. mimosa and CIMTHES CARE HINT The eddng ecepîjion wa -epemint. They wore 1den- conducted in the manner of tical floor lengtb chiffon gowns. Bright summner cliothes m'ben soiled are eertalnly not attrae- the traditional Ukrainien cul n sheatb design and worn ive. We can niake them flower-fresh . and costa no very. > ture a'nd custom. with an over-float of match- tl, ~ ~ Th bride goingawav nîg lu delicately ruffled! Te b, a silvcr,w ie a te n c ln a d h c f Drunen, Anna Pau'lowna, Mol- JUb( W O ETEPTOSO W d i g Rev.T. .1. 11P.gronvp nmel-(;REI;'S HAIRSTYLING HAVE ENJOYED. THE plydthe wedding music andi COOL COMFORT OF THEIR COMPLETELY 'also accompanleni1 the soloisi. Mr, Frank Westberîser, who sang '1 Love VoitTru lv".Ai C ndto dSa n "The Lord's Prayer" andi "Because".A e o d ,wore a fll-'lengtdgowaloo The bride, who was given in ra ulege by ber fr THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF AT GREIG'S MTHWI(H SACRU tetraial Ukiarî be tad n par-white peau de soie ln empire WOULD LIKE YOIJ TO JO[N THEM IN THIS The arnageof issDona etaiblesin betowd o th style witb lily-pointed sleeves, Sawcbuk, dauigter of Mr. and"vugcul us ro oTebodice and sleeves were }RS Mrs.T. awcuk f Trono,'the church service. bigh]ighted bv Alencon lace lnCOL '.JW KA E ýAnd Mn. William Mibowicb The bride wore a foi'mlaI daisy design. and a self-at-AMOPEE I ofRowmnvile, O f Mr's.! length white crepe gowntacbhed chape] train flowed of B wmanille %ontr'immed witîh lace and pearl'from the waistline. ler bead-0 B. iboic ofTorrîo anibeadiig with a cape effect inýdress, a teardrop sequin tiara.: was soiemnzed on Saturdav.i tae a<'k. Trailiirg behind wasbheld her shoulder-length veil e gH k tln -fnttrin, also trim- of tulle and shp carried! a luly 13, 1968. at 12:30 o'ciock ih oqe t e oe n ht the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ï lat Mn G.Mihwibace-fotanG r ig s I'oistyi ti the Ukrainian Catholi e, aeardp arî.Abuuto e oe n ht .~hn oh 0 Ou Lad of er- headpiece of white les andstephanotis. ng s . .Bo a vll petul Hlp. eed Aveuestephanotis adorned the head' Matron of bonor Mrs. Wayne- Toronto.and right side of the face and Pacey of Toronto and brides- held an elbow.-length thrée- maids, Mrs. James Souch, sis- FRAPIT ET -PO E6323 Revrcn Zokewch astie.r tulle veil. The bdaI ter-in-law o? the bride, and the officiating priest. The bouquet consisted of lovelY Mrs. Tinnes Dykstra, sister o?- OPNt"' voices of the Uki-ainian male small white baby orchids and the groom. both of Bowman- f7LIIA N HRDYEEIG chair, Prometheus. of Toronto stephanotis interspersed withville, were attired in floor- "TnqF SATURDAY 4 PJ' prnvided the muicî. green i"Y. Ienifth gowîîs of blîîp Georget- Friends anrerlat ~or fl ic sç Vcrd 1 Jîîlijîr(if Tlo'- te with match ing trainrs whirh yoîîng i-oui gaiherted i l ir nulo \x!'agmaîiiof briiour anni-fril from ihe em-pli-f. walgt home of t.he bride ta observe the bnîdesmaids. Miss NadiaiLittle Mii Wîlma Dyks;tra.i