Newton Photo of 'Admirable Crichton' Cast play§ mentioned ber.. Thie directors, Mins Joanl Bennett and Roy HJggmns havei wrought out of the taleni~t energy and determination of; themse Ires and theïr groupi a most impresaive company.1 Misa Bennett possesses the enviable abiity to translate an era or locale into a musi- cal theme. Her original mu-, opening scene, and enhancesi the production of "The Ad- mirable Crichton".I Full ceddt must go ta ail, ' k , linviolved in the preparation ' and presentation of this fes-, tival and a hearty --Bou",t ithe empty sealts. BLACKSTOCK '".' On Wednesdav, August 7th,~ five HomemaliClub mrnm bers and their leader attend- ed the special Junior Day activities at Peterborough !D Pair. The girls teck part in 2xnsf the quizzes and discussion groups irn the morning and inthih the alternoon their exhibit on Fruit Salads was display- -~ ed and commented on by Heater orril i th iner- Canada's Finest Naturally A County Exhibits. At the SUp-e ndBu per hour they attended a ban-Rdad leB quet provided by DeLaval AA r i Co. for ail participants in the Mveaty, mDelicious -~ Junior Dey programme. Again there was a good at- tendance at the service in St. John's Church Sunday mrorn-h o t R ing and Rev. R. C. Roge de- S h r R o livered a fine sermon on Chnistian Living and Chris- EaytCae tian Doing. Next. Sunday ser- f vices will be back to regular routine- Anglican at 11:15 a.m., Unit.ed at In arn. with i Rer. L. M. Summerville as, r s1ï guest speaker. Rev. 'P. RoI meril is to be home froîn Tasty Ideal for Barbecue vacation and speaking nt Nes-1 BLADE ST ute nofCaearea.rn pany and two leaders. also 1_9 Maple Leaf Brand Rindless Scots nd woleaders spen t heart ers hoiaynwili B MI.N L B Park. The Venturers went. on MapIe Leaf Brand , [he cast of "The Admirable Crichton" - photo- (Countess of Brocklehurst), Bill Murphy (aval 0f- a four day canoe trip: Scout.s H Yf graph taken directly afler the final curtain on opening ficer), John _McGuirk (Crichton) and extreme right : i stayed et Base camp for the in r àadu «p Fidhtay:heGeaine igeFsivlofteArts last *Jam e o IEer RvJohn Teen iosonare 1week.i-.49 Fm>i seated behind: Diana Bary (Lady Mary Lasenby), Andrea Ewert (Fisher), Elizabeth Kellogg, John CLin-!from a three weeks' holiday Pkg. Candv Storks (Lady Catherine Lasenby), Sharmýa ningharn, Brian Wilson, Cathie Heberle, Anne Eî]beek, lin England, Ireland and Scot -4 Ferguson (Lady Agatha Lasenby>, Keith Allun (Hon. Robert Simpson, Margie Bell, Lynda Eilbeck, Cindy laid.MaeLafTbeRdyM Frne% Wooley); irst ow : on Mcenzie(LordWisenr, Kaa FerMsdn .d AnnayeTiat.lorM APortTylorAPortndATOLIVELI LOAFA Erne t W oll y); firt ro : D n M Ken ie Lord Wis ner Ka a F rgus n a d M rra Tw st.Perry, and Ruby Ramsey A I A kI I #L ~ e Brocklehurst). Philip Carr-Harris (Earl of Loam), Rouse, Toronto, visited Mrs. MACARONI" and C EES Leslie Ann Stephenson (Tweeny), Frances Hoar Photoby NeilNewton I1da Taylor on Tuesday. DUTCH LOAF - BOLOC those ~~~Mr. Chas. Primmer, Stoney PIKL an PMET C The Great Pie Ridge Fesival ýthGsewho citicize the youth!Creek, visited Mrq. A. Leigh- PC L n IET Th Gea PneRigeFetialo teday,that so few of us1 ton, the Frank BaleYs% and Bittners Fine or Course-8d Hou e L ss T a ai u!people .. lt onlythel Gatri e adnemeMawl L IV E R S A whoappare o stge utare this weka McQuaide's those responsible for 'sets.' CmpT EiAKM-Lac props, music, lighting, sound, M rs. Wm. Fee, Mr. adMs ,make-up and a mliueoýi Armstrong, Oshawa, and S F o T o in I er o r n n c s :r necessary chores. Mrs. Armstrong, Wrangel' Bittners - Vac Pc h t mirable Crichton" is a diffi- MssDoRohWa ll man, Tor-î1 PO LIS H Sb I cutplay ta2 stage in the con-,onto, spent a few days with Ideal for Barbecue fined area. available in New- Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Venning. Friday and Saturday Night astle'sd Hall, as rtiequjires ctae Ms o rai dealdsets as well as ai r n r.Bb ras B E T A byAn Nwtd id not materialize the fol-iSeaon%'ner oidy1a Fresh The onl diapp intng s- owig igiL«;and the you g. issupp cmprt, ang players. pay rsFeotaeenon FFailsFals 4.Teol isponug as l nugt ad the yeng, Ths '(andh eoupsAmey, Can-) A comment on FEngish Mr. and Mrs. Bil Ferguson, G ON pect of the Friday and Satur- can ast ulaye achouse lesfs dash(and p erha smedas socety of the late lPth cen- Alan adKvnvstdbr day evenin perffiracesshouidadflotihevsdiemaber day venng erfrmacesaI1 hai fuI erh igh. a th smll ouss, or tur3', it is a blending of satiri- mother and brother Saturday1 the Grreat Pine Ridige Festival Those who purchaseci tii>.a the mlbosfrthseî cal humour andi an intelligent night and Sunday and attend-' of the Arts in Newcastle was kets but didn't attend lost productions were fine, and 111 appraisal of lîfe of the times. ed Decoration service at Non-' the small attendance. two ways -for they miseed thie somne cases the acting was~ The comie situations can, if wich. The capacity audience at performances of two fine flawless. net propenr handled, slip in- Msses Eva Brown. Hamil-' F the opening performance of plays - "TPhe Admirable Crich- if is a poar reflectfdio on' te inere slapstick or farce, ton,ad Vera Forder. Tor- FRESH FROM THE TROPF u'Billy Budd",-- on Thursday ton" ani-i "A Man for Ail we aduits, and particularly At several points in the first onto, werndnda g e£ act the players rather tan and Mn. and Mrs. FloSie - away witih the play. but it son, Yelverton, were Satu- BN was a. momentary thing andi day evening callers of the their general control cf the Wa1te~r Wrig'hts. o comie possibilities was good. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Leary, Sunay uets f M.î Sweet and Tender thf Eal o Lorn thob hs, nd rs.Wilbert Archer. makeup et im own bi; jGla toreport Mrs. B. Van~ he oul hae ben mre olly Rywykexpeets te corne home 0 and be-whiskeired) and Diana firom hospital today. H Bary as Lady Mary Lasenby.1 Fifty-five members of thei Miss Bary made excellent Van Camp clan attended the Hw a iia n transitions in both her speech family pirnic at Caesarea on - _____________ "The Little Red School House and nanner between the Eng-f Sunda.y. Those present.fol - b er stage presence was -,or- Norman McWilliams and fam-1 ~~ithy cf observation, and pen-, ily, Guelph, and Rer. and C O Laps even imitation, hy theý, r. Fred Riding, Chldeago. ____________S__PE__C_______ lother female cast members. IThe Ridings are visiting al q A Man for AIl Seasons !the relatives for a while.mci LINE SH ET EFILS AMar fo AllSeRonsý,'Mr. and Mrs. L.ornp Wan- LIND SEE REILL ~ GET 2 PENS FREE aAMaifo ilnaon , St, Catharines. were, sixeeth eniiy Eglndi ekn guests cf Mr. and 40 Sheet Package -Oly .5Buy OnexBIenth enturyvanMbuntjoy and farn-1 requiresùingenuity f0 stage' ion Sheet Package - ny .7Rg 9 (there are il different loca-ýilYM Ens eya 259 She t ack ge OllV 98Get 2 Pens 38c Value te s pee tc n a ttl c was weekend guest of M .' 509 hee Pakag 16 scenes) and a marked con- and Mrs. Frank Hoskin. VraIon he artof ts astSeveral descendants of the __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _;_in orden to build relevant caeoM.palèrs. Rob nt er J backgroundl details into a co-'lt r n r.Rbr e- WHILETHEYLAST J gves evidence at Sir Thomas day. Master Dink McMahon! IVHIE THY LST ý nres trial.) The noie is in I of Blackstock is spendlng semeý _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n t r a s t t o t h a t w h i c h M r . c f h i s h c l i d a y s w i t h t h e J i m ' jMcKnzi Grays aie i 9 McKenzie ~~~takes ini "The Ad-, minable Crichten" Cmmas prov-iLde Brocklehurst) andMsu. Kenneth Wilson (nee FR EE FILMO F FE proide further evidence of' usn Humphreys> on their abiliti recent marage. Big yea for Lenve iour holiday films nt Frederick'a Pharmary euhi h aise dc I histonicalnot. Ken- graduateci from college lenogh e aso dd histricaýwlh ascholarshlp, purchaseci andi receive FREE a Black and White or Kodacolor film research for "AI] Seasss'îsf1t1ecrad e and was seund-track ce-ondin- branci new wife. Wonder how pusg C**êCIUSSZg.ppupu~îpp-pggp-g ator for bath productions. ýhe rates them ln orderofli Charles Ewert handleci the menit? noIe cf the iii andi aging Car-; Mrani Mns. Barry Staples! dinai Wolsey convincingly.!an . ad Br e M- I even as to his pertrayal cf Mahon are two Manvers F R EE R IK '"age".couples wbo are currently Sten- S istrong evidence cf devotioniCanada. K n t n i PRESCRI TIO N PH Rjoying aisttrpathrccughy WesternM. Terry Malcolm is plan- K n 67KING ST. E. 623-.2546 BOWMANVILLE wiîtis1anomlepcnngoatndga Lead A whie tis s nomalexpr-ership Training Course i4t tation perhaps. it i5 not easilv'Guielph this week as Durham ; ýanvî veî accompldshed in either of the represent.ative. The. Canadian Stateenian, BowinanvMle, Aug, 14, 1988 CAUEOTH MAT :resh Produce Featurg PICS ~NAS PINEAPPLI iFeature Ls45c] SAVE se1 «-59C le SAVE 350 SAVE 40e Aljvrtied Do :M$5 onto and Ohw FREE PARI Valties Effertive Uni il Closing, Saturda. Ail Merchandise Is Guaranteed Tg WE RESERVE THE RIGHT T( Open Thurs. and Fri.1 )MINm DOMINION STORES LIMITED ripson Avenue (Highm GROCE MI-C Assorted - 48 FRUIT DM Kellogg'& - 16-os.' COR N F De.lsey -- 2-Roil Pk BATHROt Plllsburv flatter Cmt CAKE A Dorninlon's Own Bra Richmello - 18-os. PEANUT 1'anCamp In Tomnatc Vegeta riat Rise N Shine - -Fl Bliekax Poluah - 64-o DILL' PH 1McLaren% - 15-os.ý CORN R jPlain, Nlppy or Pime IRlehmello Dominion'sOw7n Bakery Features M2 -Rlchmefllo Apple or SAVE 1o PEACH PIES 24-os. Pie 39c eai RiclSime ced 24-os. Loaf SAVE j Cracked Wheat - 60% Whole Wheat WHITE BREAD 21C ea, Blichmello Angel SA VEI100 FOOD CAKE -~49c Frozen Fýood Features 9e- DominO - 6-os, Pkg. SAVE 14oc Onion Rings 3for85c mýq' R.upert HaUJbut 2-os. Pkg. SAVE 10eW FISH & CHIPS 69C ]Birds EYe - 6-os. Tine AWAKE 4for79ce ýes E39ce RY FEATURES -os. Tin SAVE 170 tINKS 3 for $1.00 Pkg. SAVE 4c LAKES -39c kg. SAVE Se 0M TISSUE 29c ýar -. 16-os. Pkg. SAVE De AiIXES 2for89c and SAVE 4c Jar IBUTTER 39c o Sauce - 14-os. Tin n Beans 6for$1.OOj avoured 3ýî4Oz.SAVE9 :RYSTALS 4for89c 's. JIar SAVE Bc CKLES - » 79c Jar SA VE 4c L ELISH » - 35c9r *nto - S-os. Fkq. SAVE Ilc ýLICES 3 for $1.00 'OMinion Store Items in Tor. la Daily Papers Effective at This Store. KING iy, Aug. 17,1'68, in Bowmanville 'o Give 100%10Satisfaction 0 LIMIT QUANTITIES. Nights 'tii 9 p.m.