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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1968, p. 6

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!j i nu2Z. 8 Thé>~ ied8 tan t.SrfîiflowmanvM@h, Aug. 14, 1968 HoId Meeting Sunday Clarke Raf epayers Hear Their Delegation's Report Of Meeting with Minister A Meétnig cf tise CIasrkea Citizena Commtitie. and lfité- payera Aâsocltion waa helsi et Mr. andi Mia. Ted Mas-in'a IUm, 111. 2, Nweiie, on Buneay afternoon, Auguat 11, at 2:30. Tison were 38 per- sona préennt. Edward topirsg, Co-Chair- man, apenesi isemeeting with à brief remurna ai tise aima and objectives of tise Assô- ciaticai, The Seereîaîy, Mis. lut rebd tise minuten frorn thé .tLly 28th meeting hêlsi la Orono, andi gave a brire- fport of aIlativities and events to date, Thse Secretary1 thon îead tise Committes of Mianagement'a report af thése aaaccletion's delegations trip te, tise Minlter cf Municipal Affairs ini Torcato. .Tise Executive Comitte. teported on tise meeting wihi thse Hon. Darcy McKeogisi MInister cf Municipal .fîirs,c i Torionto, Juiy 31, 1968 t 4 p.m.t Tis repart will reacîve anyj confusion which mnay have arisen concerning tise trueà purpooe for tis associition's deputation ta tise Miniaten. Ibis associaion requssted 1 the meeting througis Mr. Da- f visi Bretton, wlth tise Minis-1 tIer, regardig vas-joug mattors c of grave concern to many ofC Clarke's citizen.. .Tise Minlates- requestesi Mr. f Carruthers, M.P.P. for Dur-S bsam, toala»m attend tis in eet- e ±ng. It was askesi tiat a b amallers reprosentative dole- c gation piesent their (51ev- s, mnces. It was decided to have t saons representatives fsrn c the Norths and saine irom tise i South. Tise representatives g rere an ollows, Messrs. G. ti What about the things y.. tako wlth Yom? Most poople Concen thons- selves with valuables tisaI maigisî bc stalen froni home wiie away vacationing. BUT! ... thse poiler danger inigist wciI b. valuables that you take along, L.e., golf clubs, jewekry, camp equip- mient, etc. Are you sure whaî your insurance would caves- wbile on Vacation? Ciii us a.wo cm sanswer.alilyour insurance quesions. STD8, JAmEs GENERAL INSURANCS 84 King s.IL E Offico 623-5681 Howmanville Regidence 623-5493 flutt T Coppk4, J. Kimnbal, c ïkV;na aned fA. 1D. Morion. Thse Mlnistes- explaines tisat thne@ thée poposesi 1692 of Clarke Townsisip was curptrtly uhder consideration andi Subs> St th ie Ontario Municipal Board Heâring, thit l w'ouid be inappia- priais for him tô eltismr dis- cube it or comment upon it. He aloo remas-kesi tisai ny questions conneete i wtish lIn sny wîy coulsi only b. ans. wered, at thée O.M.B. his-ng. ViMiua mmbens cf tise &elegation presentesi ques- tiens on the future prospects af tise Departmnt of Muni. Cl"Il Affaira establasIng a firrn plcy thiugisout On- taio tawars-d better lands use. Thé Minister replies tisat suais a prograi miglit event- ually b. introducesi, but there was noa immediate passibility of hi happening. Tise dielegation thon etatesi that It was instructesi by a grsoup af tise doctorate of tise Township of Clarke to ps-- sent a Petitlon cf Grievance, which rends as follows: "To tise MinIste-, Thse De- pertinent of Municipal Af- falirs, Province of Onta-ho, thse Petition of tise undersignesi, citizens of tise Township af Clarke, County af Dus-ham. Humbly Sheweth - Visat pie- fes-ential treatmnt, use cft Sec. 30 in excess, by tise Gov-1 errimeat af tise Municipality i have producesi conditions andc :Iîcumstaaces durring tise past several yens-s intoles-able ta 3 the electors. It bas produced1 >nly mistrust, a complotej ack of confidence ansi most1 grievous coacera for tise fu- ure well being of this Town-j ship. Wherefore, your Petitionens Humbly Pray, tisai you, Si, may be pleasesi ti: Recoin- moensi a Commission of Ini- uts-y into tise affaira of tise Corpor-ation of tise Township t, f Clarke ans itis local Boards Lereof, andi aMy matters. con- nectesi therewith immediate- r [, in accordance wiiis Section C 320, Cisapter 249 of tise Muni-d ýipa1 Act. r And, as ln duty bound, Yous- Petitionens wiIl ever pray, ri Signesi by fifty ratepayers ai if Clarke, datesi July 27th, h 968".y Tise Minister said that lie vouid refes-tise Petition ta ils legal department for their icami-nation andi will forward '0 Ls-ep]y ta Ibis Cornmittee aI t Llatos- date. liO Tise delegation indîvidually ec ianksd hum iait tise close of se meeting on behlf of tise ýssociation. Thse meeting be- a at 4 p.m. ansi adjourned 15:30 This report is by aides- af he Cornriîtee of Manage- pi nent - Clas-ke Citizea's Coin- M nittes ansi Ratepayers Asso)- nc aVion, daîed August 9, 1968. sa Thse Co-Chairman, Ms-. ButI ev ive a short neview of tise tstioninaire prsovidesi foi ail ba *rsons objecting taoVise pro- Gi osed By-Law. It was pointes iD iut tisat each prsan must Ri raluate isow sueS a By-Law a viîl affect Ibeir abllity toan ie in Clarke in tise future, lit Tise Socretasy tisen r-ead ta: se naines cf sîl cliairmea of sei e sub-cornmittees: Mn. John ' :imbaîl, Finance; Ms-. Win. de 'ensvoort, Membersisip; Pro- do ranme, Ms-. R. D. Mas-Ion; lai ommnunications, Ms-. Wm. eV .ynes; Publicity andi Public klations, Ms-. D. Vander- sa, ]Re KENDAL (Delayed by Strike> Mn. ansiMs-s. Alvin Lowes ?etesbonougli, vîsîtes Ms Was-y Luxon Weclnesday aile- moa ansi atteades tise auctiar ale on tise chus-ch iawn la tht ienlng. On Tuesday aiternoon sby iShawer was iseld on Mis as-don Langstafi's iawn b3 iane ansi les- helpeîs for Mis talpis Kennedy. Sise receivec Sgreat variety ai beautifu. id useful guifs for wisicli shE Leastily tisankesitise ladies. A asty ansi bountiful lunch was irvesi. Tise clilîdren were greatiy Éliglited ta see tise aeiopiane owa so low tisat was dust- g tise tobacca fieldis, Fnlclay 'ening. Ms-. Meivun White ai Linsi- y cailesi ta ses Ms-. ansiMs-s. es-non Peacock ansi Mssiens fs-cor.1 Ms-. Eddie Cous-aux ansi Miss as-le Couroux as-e visiting iclie's brother, Ms-. ansi Mis. [omner Couroux, nos-ti af iVis Bay. Tise Récreatianal Cammlttee iet recentiy ansi cecides tisat ie oniy way tliey coulsi gel .d ai tise bats tisat wes-e mak- 19 Issu home la tise roof ai ie grandstand was ta take ie roof off. Sa it was taken ýfta have tisei cleas-es way before tise cas-nival is fld!la the Harvey Jackson ýeorial Park, August 141h. change fs-rn the usual ýreet F-air. I Is liard ta rensember bisat te postal strike la on. Tise trai mail canriers have ta ke tiseis- trips. We geltishe nadian Statesman, tise rono News ansitise circulais usual. Tise Tor-onto pipons ibrouglit ta by cas- as usual, 'in Newtonviile. One lady as rena.rklag thal sise wond- si why se hac noa lette- Dm lies-daugister ansi an- hei was boas-sita taquine If eie were any new stamps in. Mris. Ted Coalisai, Karen, mn, Carl ansi Kenny ansi s. Jack Mes-cen andiiansily, .na, are mpendiag part of e week back at tise Cous-aux tiage at Lake Kushag. Mis. Cous-oux ansi Lyna wes-e .k Sunday. Mr. George Mencer bas hie s' spaclous garage butît andi toliai nsw shingles on hie A goosi crowciattendesitise .tion sale heisi on tise churcis ra on Wcdnesdy eveniag. nse articles weîe tises-o for lthmn toms wors expect- gandi they broughti i over DO whIch Io te go tamsd oexpse on tise parsonuge iyear. Tise articles were soisi in spite of tise rata Rt came down. Ia tise Sun- yScisool room tise ladies Dvidesi sandwiches ansi cof- eon ta. They also hasi a RoUdaIyiZI8wiIII Mr. andi *. Truman (Farbutt are- re andi Jmnelt IOs, Michael d Gary Garbutt, Put Linsi- -Vel Me Ma Edc Ho: Noi me, lis the the' avi hol Me] A Stri the rur tai Car Oro as are iror was Oic fiar othi Joh: Ms Oro tise calt E. bacl M nes houi auct lavI Mor Ing $200 thse au l dey proy i and say, Galle, Windy and Dawi Teacisout, Tamâ Mailoy froat Souths Carolii; (théetestttri ail froin Toron to). Mir. anc MrÉ. Jaîck Clîrbutt, Liai âne Kelly Wêis alo down ftrc Toronto for laut wek. Reg. gliott hîd ainS bae luck oailSday lait wek. lit used the car a"d à ahOrl circuit caused It ta catch or. tire, dotng considérable dath âge. Thée truck liter hâd à short circuit and cause! ac mucis daniigê that ho hie te get A new Oas. Mrs. George Mercen and Ma-s. W. Mercer viaitod wlth Mr. Arthsur Grant at Uxbridgî on Monday amd made plans tc So ta Saskatoon on Wednea. ay, Augugt 7. Min. Reg. Elllott and Mi, Bradshaw leIt nt week tU go to Europe on a tour. Thov expeet tô visit niaS côuatries, it would b. a wondeîfui trip to take. Min. Elliatt hîd to take noms needles smre time ago before se could tako the trip. Miss Marlon McKelvie Ls home wltis Jack for iser hall. days. Sue and Miss Stewart took aàisort trip arouad on Sunday. There Io ta be no churcli service home during tise ronth a f August. Rev. T. J. Snel. grove Is apending bis mrnth of holldays at lIts homo ln Newfoundland. OBITtJÂRY JYOHANNES PEETERS la :e -t n 0 0 t h 0 0 p e 1 t Mr. Morton explalnesi ti tpliai for future regulÊ f nihly meetlngs and th type of ps-ognanis under cor sideration. AUl future meel ings will be beld con tise sec ansi Tuesday of every, mont Andi will alternait@ betwe tise Villages of Os-ano an Newtonvflle. The nexi meel ing wil héhelsi la Orono o« Tuesday, Septexnbe 10, Ai 8 o'clock. Alter a short Intermissior Mr. Morton Introducesi th progran portion ai tise meol ing. TIn wms an Illustrate talk entillesi "Planning fa People". The speaker wa Mr-. Gene Butt. Ms-. Montai la intîoclucing tise speake itateci that Ms-. andi Mss. But had livesiand owneci land ii Clark. for tise past 15 year, AlSO that tise speaker la Dep uty Principal ansi Chaum7ai of tise Departinent af Eveninj Classes and Extension Stu sieos, tise Ontario College o Art. He la ueso a, design con. miltant, lecture-, wriîe-, anc an Art Conses-vaîlonist; he iý past piesident, tise Architec tural Conservancy ai Ontaiic (Thse Tor-onto iegian bs-anct whicli extende fs-arn Hamil. ,ton ta Durhsam caunty). Tise talk was as-rangesi ir tise fallawing sections: .,Th( Evolution of Planning fs-or- tise City'; 'Examplos af pool Planning or No Planning': 'Tise Effeci aiftise AutunabilE on Planning'; *Tise Greatesi Planes, W alit er Gr-opius, MIes van des- Rohe ansi Char- les Edouard Jeannes-et better known as "Le Corbusie-"; Examples af successful plan- ning for People; ansi a short Eplogue. Ia Coacludiag, Mr-. Buttne- n.inded tise audience af tise impact of giganlisin on most communities, and s-elernesi ta 'Thse City Oi Hhstoiy" by L.ewis Mumiord, tise aichi- ect, critic ansi write- on the present patteras for living. He poiated ouI tisaI modes-n man is facesi witis anly Iwo 'isoices now: One, ta eithes- Levote bimself ta the develop- rient of bis owa deepest bu- rxanlty tisiaugh Mbs chasen way ai life, as- two, ta sus- endos- ta tise aw almost utamaîic forces whicis le himef set ia motion and bld place ta a dehun-anizesi lIer ego ta become known as "Past-Historic Man".This can aly be nesolvesi by bis riglit to select tise best possible way f life. Tise meeting adjoural- bd at 5:00 p.xn. Business Direct ory Accountancy RAY J. DILLING Chartered Accountant 93 Church Street 623-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS 3, Chartered Accountant 3115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanviile Phone 623-3612 e WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. a Chartered Accountant 36% King St. E., Oshawa Telepisone 725-6539 BURROWS, SELBY & C 1 Chartered Accountants ýl 323 King Street West B Oshawa, Ontario, £ 725-6451 - 728-7554 S William A. D. Selby, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. Chi ropr actic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment D e nt1a DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally Closed Saturday and Sunda3' Office Phone - 623-5790 Re.. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours : Co9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily Coed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-5459 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office ln his homne 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvifle Phono 623-5604 1 Office Hours:1 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 Closed Wednesday - Saturday DR. STANLEY GERTZ 9 67 King St. E., Bownianvillei Office Houri : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. i Monday through Thursday 1 9 a.m. to 4 p.rn. Friday t Closed Saturday and Sunday1 Phone 623-7662 Insurance DONALD A. MaeGREGOIR Life, Auto, Home il King st. W., Dowmmnvills Phono 28-596 M or t ga g e s SADIE IKAM!LTON - 0O90NO Phono 983-5115 Firot Mortgago Funda ]Residences - Fari BusIneui Properties_ Opto m-er iïX A ILLET, 0, Optometrist mi 143 King St. E. - Bowmanvtfls sd Office Hours: By aprpoltmeit th Toeophons 6ô8-8252 Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Mrbc 9 &.m. to 5P.M. Wd. and St - 9-l Thuubda7 venbum ln, 4"H Homemakers to S tort Foul Pro ject 'Workirîg with WooI' Durhtam County 4-H Ifonie- waking Clubs wilI soon b. commencing their fa11 project, "Working _with Wool". Doreen Hamnili, County Horne Econo- mot Winl be conducting two Training Schoolr, for Club Leaders at thse Ontario Dept. of Agriculture and Food ln Bowmanville next week. Lead- ers and their taistRnts may attend on Auguât 20 and 2 1, or on Aulus 22 and 23. in 'orking with Wool". oach mnember Bsws a wool skirt or jumnper for herseif under the direction cf the local leaders. She will study the unique characteristics of moil fibre and fabrica no that she will understand how ta select, and work with wool, and how to care for her wôoi garments. Members' sirts and record books will be coi-1 M atd for an Adslevemsant noXvemnben. Thée aklrt wie bo an attractive andi practical addition to any glle wiater wiidrobe. Iomsemakinfi clubs art spon- soresi by thée omne Economica Branch cf tise Ontario Dspt. of Agriculture andi Food. They rnay b. orgînized witis foui or mois girls, i an y comniunity, where a local lea- er andi an ansitant leader ca be necuresi. Membena imuet have reached their 12th biîth. day by September lot andi not be over 26 ysara of âge. Anyoas Interested Iniiorgan. izing a 4-H Homemaking club for thia falrnay contact Minai floreen Hamîlli tirough thse office af tise Ontario Dopant- ment of Agriculture andi Foodi, 14 Frank Street, Bawmanville. NE WTON VILLE 1Miss Elzai Sexsmith, wisose week includesi Ms-. ansiMis. deatis accunred rsecently ta John MIlley ansi girls, Etabi- Memorial Hospital, was tise cooke; Ms-. ansi Mis. Robes-t sister ai Thomras L. Sexamitis Steele ansi Jean, af Scas-- of Roseberry Hill, now tise bomougis. oniy sumvlvlng niembes- of tisat ss evleSrî fîmly, ost f wain OiCwere amoong tisaîtening memboîn ansi supportessoa Peterborougis Fais- last Satur- tise aid Newtonviîle Pnesby- day. tesian Cisurcis. utalag nmbro Pauline DeSuit was able to Quît. a lm ar dnum er leav Osawa osptal astcallesi during Stuiday aiter- Sweek ailes- ber ses-bus acci- noon ansi evenîng ta congrat- dent, June 26, and si ifow ulate Ms-s. G. W. Jane. on lier convalesclag at lier parents' 90tis birtiscay. Hes- two home bore. Violtanî oves-,the daugistens-ln-law, Ms-s. Boa weekend with Ms-. ansi ±rs. Jones ansiMs-s. Mary Jones iL. DeSmit Inclucled Mr. ansi tndd tiste guests comîng Mrs. Rudy Wessels ansi iamly, an gig<)wiile great-gransi- Stoney Cneek. son Douglas Jones isas charge Dr. BillSisarpe af London, ai tise guest book. Pouring toi spent noverai days bore last Ini he aftennoon was lies- cous- week with is i sistes-, Miss Ida In Ms-s. Fulton Chidley ai Sisaipe, at tise Joisaston rosi- Little Bs-haia ans Iin tise even- dence. Ing Ms-s. Gisicus Jones ai Bow-' Mr-. ansiMs-s. Reisi Wood manvilie acte In ha iat capa-1 ansi boys visitesi Uppes- Canada city. Mis. Busi Jones ansiMs-s. Village last week. Carman Conaisis assisteci witis Oui smant looking new Post tise refresisments. Annong the Office appears to be almosi 100 os- Imore wli paisi thiss ready foi mail, respects, Saturday, weîe ber Ms-. ansi Mss. Lawson Nîcli- brother ansi bis wie, Mr. ansi ols, Blair ansi Laurie ai City Mis. Chas. Moase ai Lindsay; View, wers necent visitaislies- cousin, Ms-. Hais-y GrIffin, with Ms-. andi Mis. C. Farrow aif Omeinse; Mr. ansiMs-s. Don while calions througis the weeîk Gniffin ansi girls of Linsay, Includesi Mr. ansiMs-s. Nor-man andi on Sunday, Mr. ansiMs-s. Lee, DanIons Bawen, andi acGs-egor Jones, Alan ansi Janet Kirk ai Cambnay. Debbie ai Buîlington wes-e also Mr. ansiMs-s. Harry Wade suppes- guests. were weekend visitais nocently Mis. S. Lancaster attendesi witis Mr. and Ms-s. Mel Tous- opening nigit ai tise Great Ignant andi iamiiy, Sydenhsam. Pins Ridige Festival ai tise Arts Suppes- guests witl Ms-. ans Inl Newcastle Commualty Hall, Ms-s. Jim Adamis dung last Tisussday. Ms-. and Ms-s. Chas-lie Caine Tise deats of Johannes Peet. es-s, agesi 65, Newcastle, oc. cur-esi atMemontilHospital Bawmanvtlle, an Thurssiay August 1, 1968, following as- illnss of ils-e mantss. Son of tise late Wiliselmu! Peeters and Aleida Ves-hooveni ise was bora la Hollansi where lie receivesi bis education. Ir 1932 lie marries tise formez Hubertina Doors wiso sur- vives. Mr-. Peeters andsisi wife came ta Canada fs-ar Eind.- isoven, Holiansi, la May ai Ibis yoaî ta reside la Newcastle, A supervisas- witli N. V. Phiips Elects-onics; la Hollani, lie ne- tiresi six manths ago aites- 40 years service. Tise deceasesi was a momber ai tise Christian Reformeci Churcis, ansi was aiso a Kniglit la tise Os-des- af Orange-Nassau. Surviving, besides lis wife Hubertina, are a daugste-, [Vis. H. Dufihues (Louisa) ai Blackwatei, ansi a son, Jo- hannes ai Newcastle. The funes-ai ses-vice was helsi froin the Mos-is Funes-al Chiapel, Bowmanvllle, on Sai- urday, August 3rd andi was conductesi by Rev. A. Van sien Berg. Intes-ment was la 3owmanvlle Consolesy. Among tise nany beautiful floaa tokens was ane fs-rn Genes-al Motos-s. Palihearers wes-e Messrs. H. Vander Star-e, Jack Vande- Starre, J. Kloasternsan, J. R.ancIel, D. Bristow ansi W. IGA BONUS TAPES SAVIE mliM ff» SSuOIw a WIIN lRCMO rID . MIT MUI L mSon NI WIN uA A AlMBmm 151 PRa$6. MBOlnUST JAVIX UQUID IUEACN 64 @L. biL WITN ME s6. BONU TAPE HIINZ IAflIQUI SA UE o. bIL 111k FIS $6. BONU IAn WHITE GIANULATIO lSCA! 10 .b"k WIT FBl6 ONI An WAXID PAPI R 100 f. »Il W,1k EMU $2. BONUS lAit SWIFT PREMIUM WIINES i16. vit. po. 111H iI $2 s. 'ONU ui MIXED VIGIIAIIIS 2 lb. pki. *ONTARIO POMMESB 10 b.bau POP IOL 12 lo (OR lilY A CASE OF 24 FOI $1.98) r frtutdafy iSturnesi hom leon catonday afttag eekln va- Haltinga distict Mr.and Ma.Marvin Raidâ- way and I!rde, CriIa; Mis. Jlsn Coehrane nd <Gordon: Newcastle.,and Mne. C. Walkey wire reent supper guenti wlth Mr. and MMn. A. Wade. Mr. andi Mis Art flannatt and iamiiy 0f Port Crédit were wuoend vwutors with Mis. W. C. lobis. Quit* a numnber vislted Laksvlew Csmneteîy Saturday andi Slnday, bringing fioweri to decoraté the graves ci de. pas-ted lovesi anes.Sevorai were heard ta extpress regret thai thée former regular Me- monai Sunday Service wiB this y5as dînceontinuesi. Mr-.and Mns. C. H. Lins went down ta Norwood on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, S. J. Lancaster andi Mr. andi Mii. F. J. Glmrne mr among thos attending Puntay morning service la ,ot ope UnItesi Ciurcis. Thse Gilmeis weîse dinner guests, after thse service, with Mr. and Mma.Jim Gilmer and family. Barry Lino was a weekend gmet of Mr. Jim Luloif at Golden Lake. Mi. and Mia. Stanley Rawe andi famlly hold their annual p icnlc Sunday afternooa at aort Hope's Lions Centre. Mm-s.Ken Ware of Toronto was a weekend visitai with lier mother, Mis. Lena Ovens. Sunday visitasewith Mr. andi Mn.. Phil Gilmer andi family at Chemong Included Mr. andi Mis. BIîl Lane andi girls of Part Hope, Mr-. andi Mis. Lloyd Clyssiale, Mr. Wills Farrow. Mi. andi Mis. E. Waikey left on Sunday ta attend the mneet- ing of tise Ontario Assoaciation of Mayas-s andi Reeves at Windsor Mr. andi Mis. Arnold Wade and Grant were out ta Keene ta a bail garne, Suaday. Mr. andi Mis. Busi Jones, Douglas and Diane left fori Western Canada, Monday af- ternoon, after spending tise past week bers witis relatives.! OBITUARy atk on th4homie tarm etYêlvertoi. I. Wilson la OEOR~E ~alsô survlvêcl by ane sister OROAR XRRL WESONAd& (rs. Jack Clarke) oô Mi Gore phia ~ Bsthany: ont brother on, b Mr. Wôre Ihrim W»,,of Lifford, andi 10 grmn.oh114 Couedaway on Sunday more r. ther membor, of IL uly7that Linday Pitv- tanilly, aIl prtsimia i, îleé ROaPital ittr an 111188sis Mnf. AuoJn (Mabie> Faill 14 maonthi. Mr. Wilson We I; onWilson Staly Wil. the eldeat non of the lot it. a son andi Mn. *alter (WInrl. &id Wiisn And ns i lt Evans fred) MsnrY. cl' Liflord. lHe wan bain and ir ea 'l ries wore on-. ruisesi on the tain now owiiSd sucted byMr'. Hroldi Stobisart andi cccupied by hi# brother at theéKackil un"n Pari. Areiie On the Lifford Lino cura cf Linday on Tusday0 andi attended Lifford Publie j uly$t, wlUs Interment Scisool. st. Maya' Cemnetery, Llffi0. On January 1, 1008, ho mat, Paulbeirtre were three grand- ried Evaline Marjrins latik nt sono, Lloyd Wilson Of EScar- St. Mary'$ Anglican Churcis borougis, Eilly Wilson of To- at Liffard. Thé Wilon# pur- sront, Ksnnj Wilaon Cf Ux. choaed thoefutirtain non t fbridge and thrée nophos, Dr, Yelverton, owned by Ephiayn Jack Clarke of Niag raààFau. Evans whers they larmnes until Lloyd FaIlle of B allydtf ns retiremoant. Clitford Fleia f Pntpol Mr. Wilaon wîs ilwaya &et. Thée abundunce of floral tais- Ive lni ciuci andi comnunity utea efféctlvely demonstrateti lhf. at Yelveiton and Instiliesi the higis regard ln whlch tise these sinme qualitles l hiehlmds-eausd was held. Friends famlily of four sono: Davidi fromn distant pointa, Niagara (predeceasesi), Nonsan of Talla, Guelphs andi Tensioz Yelveitan, Vinas cf Toronto Falla attancles. PLUS THEIR CHOICE 0F FOOD GIFIS f~ $2 . rh.m wB le:g ai A a tayWI m IUI@Bd 17% l néte W ilsPm MWI TOU SA MM ITAPIN$130. sis& laa. MA.ofor Olel,0 in » A T o s i.7 . d q u l e f r f r $ 2 0 0 l ot «.. C u e, , A IS E D A U U D A S l st2.00 AFCet ,fm. l iWa ui h uhgay i.Str1 u t Il e " at Tour m ACh e k.Vd IW A I O S M A 7 c BREASTS M GOLU7T1.SIE 49 mLB LATER UAV MINCED BEEF GROOM and CLEAN .1.11.57, SIDE SPARE RISS GRAPES CALIWORNIA TN0WSMI. FRONC MW% eni. m. CELERY STALKS 12< CALIIORMA LAIE LEU RAI0 NECTARINES. u59 ORANGES 1 12 19' 9mf I - -.9 mT SURNSE [compac QUARTER PORK LOINS l Libby'ý witti P(à 28 ol BEANs 3 TiII99 IGA loinato 1 ï ATSUP liýl 35 à PACKRc AG 0SSAOVI MMI HAMBURO or WIENER ROI.LS 39c PISAÀ 16OZ. JAR of IUPrp3e MUSTA9c Um» - M4 m SNACKS VINEGAR '15c INSTANT MILK ABC LIQUIO BAKRY owS25 39e "'69< a L998 25C39 Bowmanvi'lle IGA Foodliner 10 WMAN VILLE ORANGE DRINK REG. PRICE - 21c QT. ].WQ for [Bargain OFFER GOOD, HOME DELIVERY ONLY! AUGUST llth to 17thJ 2 QUARTS 22 c IF UTS GLEN RAE IT'S GOOD PEoNE 03344 FROXEN FOOD -1. .1 -1 rr (Delayed by Strike) Mrs. W. Bryant spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cooper, Orono. Mrs. Sarn Grant and David, Oshawa and Mrs. R. Davey attended a farnily reunion in Kiwanis Park, Kitchener, ac- campanied by Eider M. E. Hiler of Lincoln, Nebraska, Relatives from Toronto, Niag- ara Falls, Milverton, Newton, London, Stratford, Maryland, Orangeville, Rochester N.Y. and other points attended on Sunday. Mr. Stephen Davey and friends were lunciseon guests of Mrs. R. Davey on Thurs- day. Master Glen Dean, Black- stock, Is holidaying at Mr. and Mrs. Carson Dean's. Mr. and Mis. C. Wuis and family left Saturday for a few days camping. Glad to report Mr. Ormie Hyland able ta leave Oshsawa Hospital and Is spending some time at tise home of hIss sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Spencer, Oshawa. Mrs. Walter Ferguson and farnily, Bowrnanville, are hall- daying ln the district. Mrs. T. Bailey attended a picnic ln Orono on Thursday. Mrs. J. A. Johnson, Black- stock, called on Mrs. W. Bry- ant, Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mis. D. Gatcheil, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephen- son, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fowl- or have moved ta Pontypool aiea. Mr. Humphrey Hewitt, of Toronto, is; visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Archer. Mr. Ralph and brother Douglas Eccelestone, Sudbury, spent thse weekend at thse Archer home. Miss Editis Holroyd, Toron- to, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd. Mr. Gardon G. Tompkins1 renewed old friendships ln Burketon over thse weekend.1 Strawberry pickers have had a busy time and report good cropi of bernies harvest-c Mdir. ad Mis. Orval Greer. Oshawa, spent Wednesday writh Mis. W. Bryant. A birthday party was held at thse home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tabb, tise occasion being tho birthday of Mr. Tabb, also M'rs. V. Piniauskas of Oshawa. Seventeen guests wene present from Bowmanvule, Oshawa, ['yrone, Haydon, also neigis- bors. Ho received noverai use- fui gifts Including a falding chair. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tabb visited Mr. and Mis. John Roths of Haydon at week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davey, Susan and Steven, Bowmanville, were Sunday guesti of Mia. R. Davey. Mr. and Mm.. C. Cooper, Orono, were Sunday supper gucîts of Mrs. W. Bryant. I Mis. T. Bailey la visiting "i week in thse U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. G. Manderson Rnd fainily, Mr. S. Ruddell sotcrod ta Niagara Falls dur- Ig thse weokend, 'vlowtng thse [aors Sho. Talla anid onjoy- 9d seeing colored lightlng of ýbo Falls. Mr. and i. Samn Grant and beys. Oshawa, spent Saturday vith Mi, B. Davoy. Mra. J. Smith mode a bo Ifts trip to Ltaday. ftday. la 1 BURKETON

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