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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1968, p. 7

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Many Dignitaries Present for Official Opening of Great Pin. Ridge Festival Co-Directors Roy Higgins and Joan Bennett &oial Prs0 a Phone 623-3303 st. PauI's United Church Minuter : iRev. H. A. Turner# B.A., B.D. O)rganlet: Mr. R. Meteaif, éa..C.T., A.C.C.D. 10:00 am Trinlty and S5t. Paul'. Congregations join In Publie Worshlp. Nursery Service provided Mrs. Wlnnifrcd Runtilo anti WIlma, Toronto, apent the weekend with Mrs. P. E. Greenfilit, Liberty Place. Mrs. Gitidus Joncs attentiet the 9th birthday party for ber cousin, Mrs. G. W. Joncs, la Newtonville o n Saturtiay, Auguat loth. Mn. anti Mmi. Lomne Mc- Quarrie anti Laurie, anti Mis. S. G. Chartran have returneti frorn a motor trip to Booth Bay Harboun, Maine. Mr. anti Mrs. A. J. Clarke, Lamb'a Lane, were Mentiay supper guests with Mm, anti Mis. Ken Palmer anti family. IQueen St., town. Mr. anti Mrs. M. L. Roonigk spent last weok with Dr. anti Mrs. H. B. Kenner o! Strat- ford at their summer home on the shores of Lake Huron. Mr. anti Mrs. Herbert Par- nel, James, John anti Mary CAL VARY GOSPEL CHURCH K.R. 1, Tyrone, Ont. ""FUNDAMENTAL" ARCHIE CAMPBELL CALVAfrY ATSTCUC Oshawa, Ont. SUNDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1968 at hoth servies - u.. and 7 pm AU Are W.Icome q Dcastie; back row, Mrs. W. I. Thomas, Mis. and Mr. 1Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., United Counties Warden W. I. Thomas, Mrs. and Mr. Russell Rowe, M.P.P. Mayor.-,t' and Mrs. Ernest Marks of Oshawa were also present. President Erie Whyte Acts as Chairman of hesbuyMas.,ar 'rime M inister Sends Greetings guests of Mrs. Farnell's sister -____________________________ In-law, Mns. E. V. Hoar, King St. East.- Mrs. Victor Cullum, Surrey, England, andi Mr. Erie Ar-Severai Speakers Congratulate wood, Toronto, were recent guests of Mrs. Ina MacNaught- on and her brother, Mr. u Mr. Daniel Hughes left on ho Thurdayfor Newfoundland, and on Sunday flew fîom The formai opening cere- Festival. Russell Honey (M.P.) life," Mr. Carruthers stated. Gander via an Air Canada monies of the Great Pine bas spoken highly cf your He extended bis best wishes 'plane ta Prestwick, Scotland. Ridge Festival of the Arts endeavors a'nd I know that he to ail concerneti, and spoke of He Is on an extended trip te were heiti in front of the joins with me ln offering the Great Pine Ridge Festival Europe. Newcastle Community Hall beartiest congratulations teo! the Arts' value to the pro- Mrs. Russell Stainton of on Thursday evening, prier te the members of the commnit- vince as an outstand;ing at- Hampton spent Sunday with the tremendeusly successful tee andi the participants." traction te tourists i 1968 her sister-in-law, Mis. Doris permiere of I"Bily Buddt". President Whyte also reat andi in future years. Cameron, Prince Street, when They were attendeti by a a telegîam fromn the Honor- "It Is a great pleasure te they celebrateti their mutual huge crowd including Reeve able William G. Davis, On- me ta declare that the festi- b1rthdays for the 50th con- of Newcastle Douglas Cun- tario Minister of Educatien, val Is now officially open," secutive tisse. ningham, other dignitaries, as follows: 'II extend my per- Mr. Carruthers stateti. A fan- Mrs. M. Richards, Marc, efficials, andi people from the sonal best wtisbes to the or- fare cf trumpets was soundeti Scott and Michael returneti aiea as well as rnany from ganizers of andi the partici-- last Sunday from a two-week other parts cf Ontario. pants in the Great Pine Ridge vacation at Oakview Beach, Festival President E r ic Festival of tihe Arts. It is an Georgian Bay. Mr. Richards Whyte, who presideti, called exciting development for the spent the first week o! the on the' Rev. T. H. Smith who youth o! y'our area andi ny holiday with them. saiti the Pîayei. cf Invocation. department Is pleasedti teof- Miss Wendy Ayre bas re- President Whyte then intro- fer assistance. I hope that, turned from a three-week duced the bonored guests as the Festival wil be an out- visit with Mr. and Mrs. Don- follows. standing success and that it ald Foultis and family, Owen Alex' Carruthers, M.P.P., wl be the foreruinier of Sounti. Miss Debbie Boyce, Durham County, Mis. Car- many similar pregrams for Owten ud, freast. hm ruthers, Russell Rowe, M.P.P., the youth o! this province," withWend fora viit. Northumberlandi, Mis. Rowe, the Minister's telegram con- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Woodi of Unitedi Counties Warden W. cludeti. Oshawa have recently retuin- 1. Thomas, Mrs. Thomas, "As Reeve of Newcastle, I ed fîom an enjoyable six-week Newcastle Reeve Cunnlng- arn very pleased andi proud motor trip to Victoria, B.C., hani, Mis. Cunningham, Reeve te have titis opportuinity te visiting along the way with Anmie Oke representing the extendti t each o! you a very relatives formenly of -Enniskil. Mayor of Bowmanville, Mayor warm welcome Vo oui 'vil- len, now living ln Saskatche- o! O&hawa Ernest Marks, Q.C., lage," Reeve Cunnirigham bld wan and Alberta. Mrs. Marks, Robet E. Secord, the large gathering. i Mrs. F. T. Tighe returneti Director o! Youth and Re- "The enormous amount of home last Fnitiay from a three- creation Branch, Departmenit work and tisse whIch bas se week visit with ber grand- of Education, andi the Rev. energetioally been put into daughters, Misses Susan anti anti Mis. T. H. Smith. this production in particular, Patti Wright of Aurora, while their parents, Mr'. anti Mrs.. Miss Margie Bell represent- and the other plays as well, Harvey Wright were on a holi- ing the Great Pine Ridge o! will I know, offer you a Super S5peciali day trip toe West Coast. th Arts Festival students supeîb evening's entertain- Fie Chie! and Mrs. C. L. presenteti a lovely bouquet o! ment. m Summenville o! Pulaski, New reti roses te Mrs. Carruthers, "When you leave, 1 hope 'Yonk, visited Mn. and Mis. wife o! this constituency's you will carry with you pleas- Alvn Byd.TheBoys say-Member e! the Ontario Legis- ant recollections of the ne- ed ovenght with themn in ltre. Young Miss Bell is a markable talents of these February when they were dagbter o! James A. Bell, Young people as well as corn- marconeti by a snow storm on Manager of the Bewmanville fortable, friendly feelings to- Bj their way home from Fiorîia. Branch o! the Bank of Mon- ards the citizens of aur faim Mi.ant Ms. . Retullrtreal, andi Mis. Bell. village. antinuPery This telegram from the "My heariest congratula. Hans, IrnNac n wek loigt HnrbR TOrr lVtostoaloftoe ep fJamea ery much t e ot t Trudeau, Prime Minister sible for the foiesight anti holida y Leo n ake, Hlo! Canada, was reati by Pie- iniative in lnstituting such a burton. Previous ta this Miss P ht."lhuhi stemnos ute , Irene Rietmuiier attended Hill- not possible for me to be ln Reeve Cunningihamn stateti. HAIR SPRAY AND SHAMP top Twiniing Camp at Beaver- Newcastle for the epening 0! Northumberland - Durhami ton. the Festval of the Ats, taY Warden Thomas extenit I tak thisoppo t e ex- weloome te lthe Untiteedd Coun. I Mis. Sidney Bate and Mr. tend my warmest greetings te ties, and bnought greetings I PIaD and Mis. Wiifreti Bate of al e! you and my very best froni Counties Council. 'II ai. Warwickshire, Englanti, are wisbes fo the success o the so thank tlbose responuible for SETTING GEL, 8 OZ. visiting their nepbew and the Festival, the directons, cousin, Mn. Robent Bate and D)am, wbIch Is a wentieîful ergainizers, the Reeve of New-D IU Mrs. Bate. Orchartiview Blvti., feat of engineering. castle anti the Municipal E F 1 . anti aise ather town relatives lL I Inclutiing Mis. Sidney Bate's Out-ef-town guests at the Council, anti all the citizensE O F U T I brother-in-law, Mn. Rolandi Bate - Heoey wedtiing last Sat- who have playetià art FO USEinM CHL Bate. urtiay InclutietiMn. anti Mis. bringing the Festival her,'OR PST TMAHL] J. W. Pari, Orilla; Mi. R. he saiti. Wanden Thonmas ex- Mr. anti Mrs. L. Lucas anti Thoropson, Mn. anti Mis. J. E. presseti best wlsbes for every Mr. anti Mrs. M. A. MacLeoti Cary, Miss Lila Heeey, Mis. J. succesa this season anti for the have returneti fromn a three- E. Hoeey, Mi. anti Mrs. W. L. Great Pine Ridige Festival ofi e CA LA A week holiday lni Europe anti Hooey, Mis. Rose Bats, Mn. Arts in future years. * ZFO K the British Ilies. They hati anti Mrs. Gordon Durnan, The Ontario Department of! Z.FR KN IRRITATI( cammon visita In Amsterdam, Toronto; Mr. anti Mrs. L. B. Etiucatien's Director o! Youth Paris anti Londion, but chose Green, Gravenhurst; Mr. andi anti Recreation Branch Se- anti Mrs. MacLeoti going te C. A. Rogers, Barrie; Mn. anti provincial officiais are excit- Nice, whiie Mr. anti Mis. Lucas Mis. H.C. Clarke, Jane anti cd about the splendid cultura]M O D E4 took the Rhine River cruise. Donald,' Huevia, Spain; Mn. activities o! the festival and Mis. Peter Auch anti Cheryl, anti Mia. L. Alitireti, Mr. and the benefits it is offering te Belle River, spent a week with Mia. Bawry Kelly, Oshawa; the youth o! Ontario, as elK E M lierparntsMi.antiMrsLesMi. anti Mrs. D. Bate, Peter- as the opportunities it ro Eoombes. Mr. Auch joineii borough; Mis. J. Fogg, Camp- vides for enicymeait by the ULTRAmBI bhem on the weekenti anti at- beiicroft; Mr. anti Mrs. Walter general public. 1He wishedthe t hpt endeti the Ceombes Plcnic at Bryant, Newcastle; Mr. anti festival a success that wiUl be Totpa0 rhlstie Valley Park on Sun- Mis. E. Thempsaa anti Mis. eetet in therti~ years. day anti spent Menday with G. Davies, Wootille; Mis: Russel Rowe, M.P.P.1, Nor- Mr. anti Mis. P. Auch Sr. at Sidney Bats anti Mn. anti Mia. thumberlandi, stateti that he heir cottage on Lake Kso Wiifîeti Bats, Warwickshire, ant i ls wite were deliglited W IL K I S ['bey returneti home on Tues: Englanti. ________ _te be present at the openlng Super Sword Edge Blades, 5'x lay. o! tihis great event, wb.ich he Mn. Donald Swaasoa o! predîcteti will prove te be an m. Aberfoyle, Scotianti anti friend, REIIOBOTH attraction for ah aroso v m Mr!. Gordion Chambers, stu- le at. veyencourage. lents at Glasgow Univerity, Christian Reformed ment shouiti b. given t.,S L R C I emmeanclwee ani ut, Mi. hurchparticipants, he saiti as be Medicated Sunburn Lotion, 6 tormr'suncl an aun, M. Chrchoffereti bis congratulations nd Mmi. J. A. Bell, King St. Scugog Street anti best wishes. West. Mia Jeua-Mary Bell Poe6371 Greetings f mconm Ontario tnd her friend Miss Dys Pea- ilo 2-71 Prime Minster JohnRoat;XER l ;on, bath o! Surrey. Englanti, 8(liiter: andi bis gooti wisbes for eveb vere aiso recent guesta o!f e.A.Vneneg uccsere b rou<t e he ai RfieerTalet, 0 ti h c ti tg T d iv. ti T di A d a ti vi a ut I as Il fi-cm the Tawer, and the large gatuering startedti t enter the. spacious auditorium which was soon filledti 1 capacity. At the reception heltini the Centen.nial Room after the play the direttôs o! the won- denful production, Ro Hig- gins and NMis Joan Bnnett were surroundeti by people1 from the firsi nâdgbt audience who weze ail eagen ta offer thein fellcitatio'ns to them for tbis great achievement. Ev- erybody was aIse happy te compliment the cast for the superb performance.1 Mis. Douglas CunninghamJ anti Mrs. Alex Carnutheis1 presideti ovet- the tea and i coffee cups. A beautiful ar-1 rangement o! Pink and rose1 zinnias andi gypsaphila cen.1 tred the. senving table whlcb was ilghted by tall lea! green ? tapera in crystal cantilesticks. The spaclous i-cern was aise enhaai<ed wlth a large bou.. quet o! yellow chrysanthe- musa anti thene was anotuer effective arrange mi e n t ci anaptiragons anti sweetpeas in pastel iuades.t Tiié admirable Art Exdibl- tdon, "Water Colora 1988", was aiso much enjoyeti. Ibis exhibition o! prize-winning wrorks froni the Ontario Art Institute was arrangeti by ils directair, Paul Bennettt, Tor- onto. Ail the pictures In titis exhdbit were painteti by Can- atiain artists. The Great Pin. Ritige Fes- tival o! the Arts wili continuel tiuring the next thîce weeks with repeat performances o! "Bily Butit", "The Admir- able Mr. Cricbton," J. M. Barriels cleven eometiy, anti the memorabie histonlcal trama, "A Man For Ail Sea- sons". Other events tiuring the festival, ail at the Newcastle Cemmunlty Hall, Inclutie two motion picture films on Sun- day evenings, "A Place To Stand" anti "Tient Wateî Way Holiday"; The Newcas- tle Horticultural Seciety's Annual Flower Show on Mon- day, August l2tb from 3:30 p.m. le eight o'cieck; the In- tilan Pow Wow Dancers from Mandtoulin Islandi at 8:15 p.m. on Montiay, August 101h; a Variety Show on Monday ev- ening, August 26tb, anti the Art Exhibition each evening. GET CABSH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES throuch STATESMAN VLASSIFIEDS Phone 623-23031 KING St. W. - - PHONE 623-5792 The. Canadian statesmnI eowoanvtfl, Aug. 14, loge BITHANY The. annuai Decoration Day férm homie tbth* vlage% wai held at ffiis' Cefrnetery, pu hatini th* former' test. Bethany, on Sunday, wit dence of Mr. and Mt. Cor. mnany former residents at.doWo. tèriding. 1nev Harold Stobart Mr. andi Mm. Mel Cixyeu et Janetville had charge of and faxmly of - KingMtoftwert the service. A new bronze Sunda guests with Mrs. MUi. plaque mounted. on àa etsldted lristow.s; base has been placed int the Miss Julle Chalice Mil. ceftneterY Éloge to the Éité of broôk Arid Miss Tostia h&dlu, the early church, with thiB pontypool, spent the pti inscription "In commemomr.- W@ek with thir r adparmnts, tion of the pionee'rs of tis Mr. andi Mr. Charles flty., area anti the founders of nolds. P'&1l1s' Methodit Church 186d. Mranid Mrs. Wesley nom. 1899, Marrvera Church 899' lngbnNewbur<hart LuCUtI 1965.1 with W~f. and%&M. Addlo Mm. Lloyd Davidson and S3côtt. N4rs. Mervin Smith hava gont Mii. Douglas smelt bas re ôn a trip tô Vancouver, B.C. turned home from an ext^nd. M I 9 s Evelyii McKinno.n, ed visit w'ith relative la Mfontreal, Que., is vlsiting England. wvith M. and Mr. Vincent Mr. andi Mrs. Reg. Paler ackson. antd famlly et Petrborough Mr. and Mrg. Harry Pres- spent Sutnday with Mrs,.In* ton have moved from their lPalme. qJ OttL BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB wish to express their sincere thanks to the citizens of Bowmanville and rural area for their generous support of our Annual Draw and Carnival. BUD MOSES, President. JACK BROUGif, Carnival Chairman. ero PRICES EFFECTIVE TO SATURDAY, AUGUST 171 I Iý Roll-on Deodorant Lotion, Large Sugg. Iist 99C F!05 2.87 value POO for 1.98 l5 1.2599 SALI Sugg. lt 8 RGE SIZE 1.19 19 AINE LOTION 36 )NS, Reg. 49e 6 S Fenine Napklns 1 7 48's Sugg. list 1.99 l 7 lE Sugg. list99 ON Sugg. ll.t 975e 39C I E Sugg. list7 b oz.2.15 i*67 I Sugg. list 93 1.12 ALEX McGREGOR 10ug. fL 17 1.29 é il I.. PHN 623-579 oz. THE MEMBERS OF on.1 IRESCRIPTIONS I.D.A REMEDIES 1 KING St. W.

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